Business Intelligence for Southeast Europe - SeeNews

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You have 10 free articles left this month. Get your free Basic subscription now and gain instant access to more. Your complete guide to the emerging economies of Southeast Europe. From latest news to bespoke research – the big picture at the tip of your fingers. Get the latest on the most important events, trends and discussions from Southeast Europe, and stay on top of the conversation. We go beyond the reporting. For the full set of market intelligence solutions, visit our Pricing page. The coronavirus infection reached Southeast Europe (SEE) at the end of February, as the first case was reported in Croatia on February 25. By mid-March the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the region was approaching 1,000 and most countries had declared a state of emergency. Restaurants and shops, with the exception of pharmacies and food stores, had pulled down their shutters and air carriers had cancelled most of their flights. As countries closed their borders, supply chains and relations with clients on foreign markets were disrupted. A drop in orders forced companies to cut production and warn that they may need to lay off staff. The sectors most exposed to China were the first to take the blow but as the disease went global, its impact could be seen across the board, fueling fears about an impending economic slowdown. In 2013 Chinese president Xi Jinping unveiled the One Belt and One Road Initiative - a development strategy under which China plans to invest hundreds of billions of euro in other countries in Asia and in Europe in a bid to strengthen its role in global affairs. The initiative, which later became populat as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) focuses on projects in transport infrastructure, energy, iron and steel. Countries in SEE fall within the strategy s scope, with Serbia attracting the most generous share of Chinese investments. In late 2019, the European Commission unveiled a set of initiatives dubbed the European Green under which the bloc should reach carbon-neutrality by 2050. The Green Deal will be pivotal for Europe in the next decade and not catching up with an increasingly ambitious EU creates a risk for any member state’s economy. Where does Southeast Europe (SEE) stand in this context? As Southeast Europe returns to steady economic growth, the mergers and acquisitions (M A) market in the region is picking up again and an increasing number of both local and foreign investors push ahead with expansion plans. Romania holds the largest share of the region s M A market, as the value of deals struck in the country last year is estimated at $3.54 billion (3.58 million euro), according to global consultancy Ernst Young (EY). The most active M A sectors in the region are IT, manufacturing, and wholesale retail. 343 mln euro The estimated size of Romania s M A market in the third quarter of 2019, according to Deloitte Reading between the lines of the official statistics and companies balance sheets, the industry officials and market experts offer their insights on the main trends shaping markets in Southeast Europe. Most post-communist EU member states are struggling to address corruption effectively - survey Activity in the region has benefited from lower oil prices and the gradual recovery in the euro area, but elevated corporate debt is hindering private investment, according to the IMF’s latest World Economic Outlook report. The World Bank, for its part, has commented that a notable revival of investment underpinned economic growth, particularly private investment - both foreign and domestic. Exports are also helping to fuel this growth. Improving productivity, however, remains pivotal for boosting growth in the region. SeeNews invests in trust. We are proud to have our partners at our side, and with their best business interest at heart, we constantly strive to improve their experience. Join the SeeNews family now and see why we are the preferred partner to companies in the region. Get in touch. SeeNews is your complete guide to the emerging economies of Southeast Europe. Latest news, market intelligence, industry analyses, on-demand research – the big picture at the tip of your fingers. See more Get ahead of the competition with SeeNews Premium Access. Unlimited news and objective analysis you can trust, company data and more. Subscribe now and start making agile business decisions. Subscribe now

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