CIF publishing tools

Web Name: CIF publishing tools






crystallographic information file (CIF) and prepares a formatted paper (Preprint) in the style of Acta Crystallographica Sections C and E, and IUCrData. The CIF and the Preprint are presented side-by-side and are both editable. Changes made to one are applied to the other as you type. publCIF employs extensive CIF syntax and dictionary compliance checking. For further details see: Westrip, S. P. (2010). J. Appl. Cryst. 43, 920 925 [] Load a CIF to access a variety of publication-oriented tools, including: checkCIF the de facto standard in CIF validation printCIF visualization and PDF export of structure reports plotCIF visualization of powder data and creation of publication-quality powder profiles platonPlot export 'ORTEP' plots via an online interface to PLATON catCIF safely combine CIFs The IUCr is a scientific union serving the interests of crystallographers and other scientists employing crystallographic methods. To retrieve a CIF file from an internet location such as a 'dropbox', enter the full URL:

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