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Home Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Kantaya Software : Kantor Maya0commentsKANTAYA akronim dari Kantor Maya, merupakan perangkat lunak berbahasa Indonesia yang menjadi solusi untuk masalah komunikasi, organisasi dan koordinasi dalam suatu perusahaan, institusi sehingga kebutuhan dalam perusahaan atau institusi dapat dilakukan dengan lebih effektif.
Aplikasi ini menyediakan modul-modul antara lain: Agenda, Fasilitas, Buku Alamat, Lemari, Dimana?, Proyek, Forum, Diskusi, URL Link, Surat dan Administrator.
Kantaya mampu memindahkan sebagian urusan perkantoran kedalam dunia elektronik sehingga bisa disebut sebagai kantor elektronik (e-office). Pada implementasi yang lebih besar semisal di pemerintahan, maka Kantaya sering disebut sebagai pemerintahan elektronik (e-government).
Kantaya bisa menyatukan koordinasi dan instruksi yang melibatkan kumpulan satuan tugas mulai dari eksekutif, pimpinan bagian, sub bagian, dan unit-unit kerja terkait.
Kantaya dikembangkan dengan semangat kemerdekaan dan efisiensi, maka Kantaya dibuat dengan menggunakan prinsip Open Source Sistem, berbasis web, dan sistem kantor tanpa kertas.
Beberapa kantor pemerintahan di Indonesia telah menggunakan Kantaya seperti Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Pemerintahan Probolinggo, Pemerintahan Purwakarta, Pemerintahan Sragen, dll.
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Sumber informasi lengkap dapat berkunjung di full post Tuesday, November 8, 2011 The content of nutritious fruits0commentsToo much cholesterol is harmful to our bodies. Fruit no / very low in cholesterol that can cause heart disease, high blood pressure and other diseases.

Fruit stimulates the ability of the brain. Fruits contribute positively to the ability to recall and process information in the brain and prevent dementia (Alzheimer's)

The fruit is useful in preventing and treating kanker.Terapi with dietary fruit and vegetable juices are programmed to treat cancer and various diseases. Fruits that are red and purple, such as tomato, strawberry and red fruit, containing a lot of lycopene and anthocyanins are efficacious to overcome cancer.

Fruit makes us feel happier. Eating fruit regularly may relieve depression and make us happier.

Fruit is the most natural food. Fruit is food that does not need to be processed and very natural (of course, if produced without pesticides redundant).

Fruits contain lots of fiber. Beneficial fiber to prevent constipation (hard bowel movements), hemorrhoids and colon cancer.

The fruit is a major source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals that contribute to premature aging and cause various diseases. The production of free radicals in the body mainly triggered by pollution, excessive sunlight, smoking and alcohol.

Fruit save shopping. You do not have to spend more to consume the fruit, just switch your budget for other foods into fruits. Replace your snack cake with chocolate or fruit.
Read full post Monday, August 8, 2011 Mendaftarkan Blog di Technorati0commentsService ini mungkin sudah sangat dikenal bagi kebanyakan blogger. Sedangkan bagi blogger pemula seperti saya, service ini mungkin harus diketahui dan digunakan, dan saya telah melakukannya sebelum membuat postingan ini.
Karena berdasarkan informasi dari beberapa sobat blogger, dan dari isi menu technorati, dapat ambil empat point penting yang menunjukkan apakah technorati itu. Yaitu technorati sebagai blog/rss directory, technorati sebagai blog search engine (khusus blog), technorati sebagai online bookmarking dan mungkin technorati sebagai tag aggregator. Disini kita ketahui bahwa technorati merupakan service yang berfokus pada blog. Jadi sebagai seorang blogger, sangat disayangkan jika tidak mengetahui hal ini.

Dengan menggunakan service ini, blog kita akan dicrawl dan disimpan dalam data blog technorati, import otomatis rss feed blog kita, deteksi tag-tag, juga link dari blog lain menuju blog kita. Lagi-lagi menyangkut masalah backlink dan rangking blog..
Read full post Read more Saturday, July 23, 2011 Kantaya Software : Virtual Office1 commentsKANTAYA acronym of "Kantor Maya" in english is the Virtual Office, an Indonesian-language software is the solution to the problem of communication, organization and coordination within an enterprise, institution so that the needs of the enterprise or institution can be done more effectively.
This application provides the modules include: Events, Facilities, Address Book, Wardrobe, Where?, Projects, Forums, Discussions, URL Links, Letters and Administrators.Kantaya able to move some offices into the affairs of the electronic world that could be called the electronic office (e-office). In larger implementations such as in government, then Kantaya often referred to as electronic government (e-government).
Kantaya can unite the coordination and instruction involving the collection of a task force from the executive, the head section, subsection, and related work units.
Kantaya developed in a spirit of independence and efficiency, then Kantaya made using the principles of Open Source Systems, a web-based and paperless office systems.
Some government offices in Indonesia has been using such Kantaya East Kalimantan Province, Probolinggo Government, Purwakarta Government, Sragen Government, etc
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More information please visit the official site in full post Three software pride at 66 years of Independence of Indonesia 2011.0commentsAs an independent nation, Indonesia has had youngsters to be proud of creation. The authors note there are three software creation that should be appreciated that SisfoKampus Software, Software Kantaya, and Software SliMS.
After a long time in some technological dependence Indonesian people consciously wanted to bring his nation out of the restraint technologies are expensive, full dependence, capitalist business orientation, consider a fool.
SisfoKampus, SliMS, and Kantaya has succeeded in presenting a new era of web-based software development with Open Source Systems in Indonesia.

SisfoKampus developed by experts who are very competent in his profession. They mastered the various fields in IT and management related technologies such as programmers, network, telecommunications, multimedia, and marketing.
SisfoKampus dedicated software as an application of academic information systems who volunteer program source downloaded by anyone. Software they claimed to have been used by many higher education institutions, universities, colleges, polytechnics, etc. Perhaps this obsession or self-actualization of the open source programmers have been established, no matter how great the resources used to realize the software.
SisfoKampus module already provides all of college activities that include:
module administration systemmaster module administrationadmission moduleacademic administration modulemodules of information for executiveregistration and financial modulesmodule majorsmodule special faculty (professional education, certification, etc)module lecturerstudent moduleSMS Gateway moduleutility modules (processing EBSBED-Higher Education)More information please visit the official site in full post Wednesday, July 13, 2011 Management Information System (MIS)3commentsManagement Information System (MIS) as a powerful weapon in the competitive business now been recognized by the businesses in the information technology era.
Management Information System can be trusted to provide the information needed mid-level leaders (managers), both in work units and sub-units within the organization.
Important information used obtained from the transaction processing system is integrated with other data processed into a report for the user about many things related to the management, control, and organizational development.
Management Information System implemented in the functional systems according to the characteristics of the user organization such as: Human Resource Information Systems, Information Systems Inventory, Manufacturing Information System, Financial Information Systems, Marketing Information System, Academic Information System, Executive Information System and various other information systems in accordance with the needs of each work unit within the organization.
The main characteristics of Management Information Systems are:
Operating on a structured tasks, where the procedures, decision making, information flow, report formats etc. were defined.Achieve to improve efficiency and reduce costs.Provide reports to decision-making needs.Facilitate access to information for management needsFunctional system needs in work units should be able to synergize with each other, can not be isolated.Read full post Monday, July 11, 2011 Network topology0commentsTopology of a network based on how to connect a number of nodes or centers in the form of a network system. Some network topologies are often used of Mess, Star, Bus, Tree, and the Ring.
Topologi Mesh Networks
Network topology is fully implementing the relationship between central. The number of channels should be available to form a mesh network. The complexity of the network is proportional to the increasing number of centrally mounted. Thus, in addition to less economical also relatively expensive to operate.Topologi Network Star
One of the central created as a central center. Compared with the mesh system, this system has a level of network complexity is much simpler so that the system is more economical, but the workload is rather heavy central center. Thus the extent of damage or disruption of this central may be greater.Topologi Bus Network
In this topology all centrally connected directly to the transmission medium with a configuration called a bus. Transmission of signals from a central not streamed simultaneously in two directions. This is very different from what happened in the mesh or star network topology. Bus network topology is commonly used for interconnection between the central, but usually used on a computer network system.Topologi Tree Network
Network topology is often called a multilevel network topology. This topology is typically used for interconnection between the central hierarchy is different. Getting to the top has the higher hierarchy. Appropriate network topology is used on a computer network system.Topologi Ring Network
To form a ring network, each central must be connected in series with each other and this connection will form a closed loop. In this system each of the central must be designed to interact with the central distance is near or far apart. Thus the ability to perform switching to a variety of central direction.Read full post LAN devices and equipment0commentsLAN is composed of many computers and network equipment or devices. There are several devices used to transfer data information in a LAN. The combination of these devices will create a LAN infrastructure. The devices are:

Repeater, works on the physical layer network, amplify the signal in the transmit from one repeater to another repeater. Repeater does not alter the transmitted information and the repeater can not filter the information. Repeater only works to help strengthen the signal is weakened due to distance, so the signal can be transmitted to a greater distance.

Hub connecting all the computers connected to the LAN. Hub is a repeater with lots of ports (multiport repeater). Hub is able to direct the route of transmission; Hub only transmit signals to each line is connected with it, using half-duplex mode.

Bridge is the "intelligent repeater". Bridge strengthening the transmit signals, but unlike a repeater, Brigde able to direct the destination.

Switches connecting all the computers connected to the LAN, just like a hub. The difference is that switches can operate with full-duplex mode and is able to change the path and filter the information to and from specific destinations.

Router is an increase in the ability of the bridge. The router is able to set a route / path (route) and filter the information to another network. Some routers can automatically detect the problem and move the path information from the troubled area.
Read full post Friday, July 8, 2011 Introduction of network0commentsA network is a collection of computers and other network devices are interconnected in order to be able to communicate with each other and exchange data.
With the computer network will be several benefits:
Sharing the Internet channel Access to email, surf Data sharing, documents, music, pictures, etc Computer remotely from a network Computer security against viruses, hackers. worms, a centralized Play games online together Cost savings in devices such as printers, storage media to be able to share
There are two types of tissue based on the size and the distance is a local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN).

LAN is a network of a set of network devices that connect adjacent as in the home, office, or school and campus. LANs allow users connected to share files, printers, or storage together.
Although only two computers or in a very large scale, the goal is that every user can share (sharing) information quickly and easily. So the LAN is generally limited to distances within a building or area that could communicate with each other quickly.

WAN is a group of computer networks in a large scale across the border geography,
such as inter-city or inter-state. A simple example of a WAN is the Internet network where all computers around the world can connect and communicate with each other (of course with certain limitations).
To be able to communicate with each other across a LAN to a WAN network is used the router with network protocol called TCP / IP.Read full post Wednesday, July 6, 2011 Bandwidth, is it?2commentsBandwidth in the Internet connection is the speed of data transmission in and out of the connection type used to the internet.Often we hear the term bandwidth is up to, for example, Up to 1 Mbps. Bandwidth Up To is the maximum bandwidth that can be achieved provided that when network traffic is not crowded or there are empty lines that can be used.Up To bandwidth usage depends on the amount of network traffic and bandwidth of the ISP users alike.
So do not be fooled if there are many offers internet access with bandwidth up to the high, low prices. Ask your ISP's explanation that the minimum speed is obtained and the ratio of the number of users. Very good if the provider / Internet access providers provide transparency regarding the comparison of usage and limit the amount of bandwidth / minimum bandwidth that will be obtained.Read full post About ISP0commentsAre companies that provide Internet connection services and other related services. Usually the phone company is also an internet service provider (ISP). They provide services such as connection to the internet, domain name registration and hosting.
The majority of cellular phone service providers also provide Internet connections to its customers. Service here a transmission medium that can transmit data modems, leased line, broadband, radio, and VSAT.
ISP Technologies has developed not only use the telephone cable network but also use fiber optic and wireless technologies. Many ISPs use the cheapest technology with wireless technology. They do not need to build a network cable, move easily, permitting registration cheap, etc. ISPs usually provide additional facilities to its customers is the domain names, email accounts, server hosting, hardware for connections such as modems, routers, hubs, etc. Price of Internet access subscription service through an ISP depends on the size of the data quota and bandwidth speeds are required. ISPs provide a full guarantee of quality service to its customers within 24 hours.Read full post Monday, July 4, 2011 Internet0commentsInternet comes from two words namely inter and networking. So the meaning is interlinked networks (computers of course!). Could be called the internet if there are at least two computers connected via network devices installed in the computer usually called a network card (network card). Each PC can perform functions such as large Internet network.

The survey of 2009 internet users in Indonesia has reached 12 million people. Well, from a number that probably most of the venom just use it, without knowing from where, how, what, why, and so the Internet can be like that.
People connected to the internet ini various ways. All internet sources from an ISP (Internet Service Provider). ISPs use a variety of media to serve the customer is with wired and wireless connections, or both.
Customer must have already registered to get a connection, especially on ISPs that use the media cable for example, dial up, ADSL, cable TV.
Customers who choose the wireless media to be able to use the internet connection can access registered or not. Wireless connection can be obtained for free by using public access such as in hotels, restaurants, colleges, schools, hospitals, etc are installing a Wi-fi hot spots. Usually the computer is able to detect if there is wi-fi service around.Read full post Virtual LAN over the internet : Low-cost Solution0commentsISPs typically install expensive price for VPN solution, but for low-cost solution we can use Hamachi VPN.
Hamachi is peer2peer applications that can connect two computers or more as in the LAN environment. With the ability to NAT-to-NAT traversal, and hamachi install a virtual interface on the computer networks, then hamachi to tunnel out of all the IP and IPX traffic to this interface via a UDP connection between two hosts or more through the Internet to become a virtual network of direct and secure. The benefits of using hamachi is:
LAN over the internet - set up multiple computers on a secure network, just like when connected to a physical cable.File and Network Drive - Access critical files and network drivesZero-configuration (it works without having to adjust a firewall or router)Security - encryption and strong authenticationCost efficient - free for non-commercial useHow to install Hamachi
Install a hamachi on each computer. Hamachi will make one computer as a central server to access another computer. Enter your user name, then Hamachi it will give the IP number example IP numbers are given to fellow users Hamachi to be interconnected. Each IP given by Hamachi also included the name and nick name.

With Hamachi, then you can connect directly from your computer to another computer. You do this by entering the IP number is given from the Hamachi software. Hamachi fellow users can create groups such as group games player, so that they can play together online. Each player can see other users are online or offline.

Examples of applications to work with Hamachi :
Accessing data with FTP serverComputer remotely from other places via the internetThe author had experience using hamachi to run desktop applications via the internet.Read full post Saturday, July 2, 2011 Hamachi, cute but reliable in VPN0commentsIf you think - LAN over the InternetIf you think - Zero-configuration VPN.If you think - Secure peer-to-peerAnd with the superiority of implementation : Make virtual PC access via Internet or peer to peer connectionCan create and find computer, friend or group networkCreate Virtual Network like Public IP, even computer using Dynamic IPFast ConnectionFree softwareP2P without traffic flow, Hamachi only 3rd nodeSmall program and simpleWindows Linux supportWith Hamachi answered!
Link to article Hamachi Indonesian, please visit
Link to article Hamachi English, please visit full post Friday, July 1, 2011 Dunia Maya. Planet mana tuh...?0commentsDunia maya bukanlah sejatinya dunia seperti apa yang kita kenal, tapi dunia maya adalah suatu istilah yang menggambarkan kondisi dunia yang dikemas dalam teknologi elektronik berbasis internet. Karenanya dunia secara maya/virtual sudah tidak lagi bulat, tapi datar. Ya...dunia semakin datar, karena melalui pencetan-pencetan tombol komputer, telepon seluler, smart phone, dan gadget-gadget lainnya yang terkoneksi internet isi dan informasi bisa dilihat, dibaca dan dipahami oleh pencari informasi. Mengagumkan memang!

Read full post Read more HomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)SearchAdsPopular PostsVirtual LAN over the internet : Low-cost SolutionManagement Information System (MIS)Kantaya Software : Virtual OfficeKantaya Software : Kantor MayaMendaftarkan Blog di TechnoratiAboutCategory ListADSLbandwidthBridgebroadbandBuscable TVdial upDunia mayafiber optichealthlyHot SpotHubInformation systemInternetISPKantayaKantor VirtualLANLAN deviceLAN equipmentLAN over Internetleased lineLocal area networkMessmodemRepeaterRingrouterSecure peer-to-peerSisfoKampusSliMSStarTCP/IPtechnoratiTopologyTreeVirtual LANVirtual OfficeVPN with HamachiVPN with Hamachi. Virtual LANvsatWANWi-fiwide area networkWirelessBlog Archive2014(1)May(1) 2011(14)November(1)August(1)July(12)Powered by Blogger.

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