Bush Bashers Anonymous

Web Name: Bush Bashers Anonymous

WebSite: http://bushbashers-anon.blogspot.com





description:Humorous and funny pictures,humourous jokes, stories and jocular jabs at George W. Bush
Bush Bashers Anonymous

Blog for index of humorous monkey business about George W. Bush collected at http://www.geocities.com/bushbashers_anon

Sunday, August 01, 2004 Links

Site Ring
Ring Owner: pente player Site: Kucinch World Peace

George, George, Lord of the Jungle..Or Lord of the
Ring Owner: bushbashers anonSite: George, George, Lord of the Jungle..Or Lord of the Ring?

Poker Work
Dennis Kucinich Blog and News - Dennis Kucinich for President
Muslims For Kucinich
Bush Bashers Anon
A novel idea
Bush Bashers Anonymous
Dennis Kucinich World Peace
spidertest Saturday, July 24, 2004

Index for humorous monkey business about George Bush

I'm young, I vote, I'm not voting Bush- get your George Bush is not my buddy icon and take the pledge here
More George Bush buddy icons here

a large collection of anti-Bush links from link crusader

Bush is a Moron

The largest anti-Bush store in the world- Top Pun

George, George, Lord of the Jungle..Or Lord of the
Ring Owner: bushbashers anonSite: George, George, Lord of the Jungle..Or Lord of the Ring?

Breaking News Alternate News Weather Stock Markets Kids Seniors Art Center Science Center WebBased Email


Cost of the War in Iraq
(JavaScript Error)
To see more details, click here.

To find out what happened on this day in history, Go Here

A new flash animation commemorating a year of war in Iraq. Warning: contains graphic images.

mso-cellspacing:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 0in'>



















































(text and pictures below; site Index above)INDEX-->-->--^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ style='font-size:14'>


style='font-size:12'>I'll be posting humorous jabs at Bush (Bush = Unelectable; google it for yourself or look here or here to see for yourself) on this site,
compiled and arranged by me, but generally it's just stuff found floating
around the web. I will try to cite the original source for the material when
I know it, but it may often arrive in e-mail form, so that's not always easy.
Enjoy the site and please offer any links and/or good stuff. Don't miss the
great site
style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Helvetica'>www.whitehouse.org style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Helvetica'>
for skewers and links galore.

In the last few months there have been attempts by photographers to portray
George W. Bush in a holy, saintly and/or Lordly(Godly) light. Needless to
say, I hope the American public won't fall for this
href="http://www.welcomeaboardlive.com/downloads/chimp.mpg">monkey business



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width=409 height=305 id="_x0000_i1093"


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width=288 height=225 id="_x0000_i1095"


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width=510 height=405 id="_x0000_i1097"


padding:0in 0in 0in 0in;height:303.0pt'>

style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Helvetica'>www.bushorchimp.com style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Helvetica'>
for more chimp pics To find links to watch the video of the 9/11 events
at Booker Elementary school, go
href="http://www.buzzflash.com/analysis/2002/06/11_Booker.html"> style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Helvetica'>here style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Helvetica'>
For information on George W. Bush's Yale transcript go
href="http://www.prospect.org/print-friendly/webfeatures/2003/01/dreier-p-01-27.html"> style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Helvetica'>here. To see the transcript, go here style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Helvetica'> If
this were a flash animation, here's how the soundtrack would go...
George, George, Lord of the jungle modified from clip of
George of the jungle(repeat) monkey business video
plays as voice over plays of In the last few months there have been
attempts by photographers to portray George W. Bush in a holy, saintly and/or
Lordly(Godly) light. Needless to say, one hopes that the American public
won't fall for this monkey business with the monkey falling as
the word fall is spoken. Soundtrack goes to clips from Won't Get
Fooled Again by The Who. Meet the new boss- clips of
pictures of Bush portrayed in holy light Scream from
song same as the old boss clips of Bush + chimps
won't get fooled again + end of song as pictures of 9/11 photo
op and TARD photo are shown.



A Kucinich suporter's website:

The Big Eye

Here are some of the most
popular searched terms on the internet: (warning: some readers may find some of the
words/terms listed below offensive; read at your own risk; I have done my best
to remove words which people may find offensive, but I don't know if I got them
all. Obviously, if you have found this site based on those words which I might
have missed, you know the word(s) and apparently are not offended. Good luck
finding what you are looking for :~}): gumfiated helctic
foppotee frenigerentstyle="mso-spacerun: yes">
fumificate. hemerine
hercotectonic hyenemious vadiation fallaciloquencestyle="mso-spacerun: yes"> famelicose. affuage
gipseian gleimousstyle="mso-spacerun: yes"> vadositystyle="mso-spacerun: yes"> historiaster hirquitalliencystyle="mso-spacerun: yes"> weequashing

welmishstyle="mso-spacerun: yes"> woundikins xenization vargeous

ficulneanstyle="mso-spacerun: yes"> vultuousstyle="mso-spacerun: yes"> welmish virtival vampirarchy impigrity

vanmost icasm

hirquitalliencystyle="mso-spacerun: yes"> gutturniform gypsation
habroneme halatinous
foppotee vectarious
historiaster frenigerent
hecatologue gnathonize graocracy.
Filicology findible
flosculations. acrasialstyle="mso-spacerun: yes"> cameranious visotactilestyle="mso-spacerun: yes"> gelicide. coherentific

addecimate ingordigious
diloricate fabrefaction gardeviance
gardevisure vappousstyle="mso-spacerun: yes">
Oops, wrong list. If you want more of
these, defined and in alphabetical order, please check out this great site:
http://phrontistery.50megs.com/clw2.html these words are so rare that google
couldn't find them on the net until they were posted on the site of course.

1. Dennis Kucinich 2 Fast 2
Furious Autos Health adaware quotes kazaa light drivers dvd education electronics email military model
island jaguar kitchen life mail models house iceland downloads driver gym Here are some of George Bush's a.k.a.s from www.bartcop.com *15-watt fraud * Appointed Doofus * Arbusto * aWol * Junior * Blotchy * Bogus POTUS * Boy King * Bubble Boy * Bush Lite * Bush,Inc. * Bushfraud * Bushit * Bushochio * Bushwa * Chimp * Chimp-in-Chief * Chimperor * Chimpleton * Chimpy McSmirkster * Chimpy W. Bushling * Chimpy McCokespoon * Con Artist-in-Chief * Crawford Creep * Deceiver-in-Chief * Demented Cowboy * Desert Shrub * Deserter-in-Chief * Dictator-in-Chief * Dim Son * Disaster Monkey * Doofus-in-Chief * Dopey Dubya * Drunk Texas Prairie Monkey * Dubya * Dumbya * El Shrubbo * El Smirko * Failure-in-Chief * Failure-in-Thief * Felonious Monk * First Imbecile * Flight Suit-in-Chief * Flubya * Frutex Mendax * Fundraiser-in-Chief * Furious George * Gee Duh * Generalissimo Stupido Arbusto * Generalissimo W. Bunnypants * Genghis W. Bush * George the Lesser * George W. Fustercluck * George WTF Bush * Governor * Gutless Wonder Boy * Gweeb * Hamster King * His Fraudulence * His Illegitimacy * His Royal Shrubness * His Simian Majesty * Hocus POTUS * Holy Roller-in-Chief * Idiot Prince * Illegal Usurper * Imbecile-in-Chief * Imperial Resident * Jello W. Bush * Jenius * Jesus W. Bush * Junior * Kennebunkport Kowboy * King George * Li'l Snippy * Liar * (Little) Lord Smirkelroy * Loose W. Cannon * Marionette-in-Chief * Mayor of Chimpleton * McFlightsuit * Miserable Failure * Monkey-in-a-Man-Suit * Occupant * Panderer-in-Chief * Paybacker-in-Chief * Pendejo Jr. * Pinocchio President * Pinoche Bush * Poseur-in-Chief * Post Turtle * pResident * [p]resident * President Warhardon * President Weak, Lazy and Stupid * Pretend-a-dent Junior * Pretender-in-Chief * Pretzel Boy * Preznit * Prince George * Puppet Boy * qWagmire * Resident * Resident Evil * Scurrilous George * Shrub * Shrubya * Simian Boy * Simian King * Simian Shrubya * Smirk * Smirking Chimp * Smirking Dufus * Smirky * Smirky McHandjob * Snippy * Son King * Spurious George * Squatter * Squatter-in-Chief * Texas Dauphin * Texas Prairie Monkey * Texas Twit * The Bush Boy * Totalitarian Texan * Toxic Texan * Tush * Unelected Pinhead * Walking Hand-Job * West Wing Ignoramus * Whistle Ass * Don't vote for George Bush- the American neo-nazi fascist dictator.
hakenkreuzs gammadions fylfots fyllots swasticas suastikas svastikas homepages gymnastics curtis gyno haaglanden haar habitat hacked hackers debt hacks had hagelslag haircut hairless assets hairstyles haiti tijdschrift hale halfsprings halifax hall halloween hamilton partition hammer hammond hamoptus hamster hancocks wish handbal handbook (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: W.it Function: noun Definition: humor Synonyms: aphorism, badinage, banter, bon mot, burlesque, drollery, facetiousness, fun, gag, jest, jocularity, joke, lark, levity, pleasantry, practical joke, prank, pun, quip, raillery, repartee, sally, satire, trick, W.himsicality, W.isecrack, W.ittiness, W.ordplay Concept: humor Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. inexpressiveness masseuses sulkiness pennyW.ise gadabouts vulgarized devilishness thespian W.esleyans rattiest fink guzzles monopod W.iney teetotallers W.hiney teetotallers jollier W.arthogs llamas excogitating fahrenheit W.intriness vandal unneighborliness unW.earying bumblebees locklessness squeezeboxs demonitizes zagreuses guleses sylvanuses cytogeneses laticeses mimbreses thyesteses zygogeneses roadworthiest roadworthier bucephaluses cryptococcuses iapetuses oceanuses tibiotarsuses Gaullisms semidarknesses muchnesses greensicknesses pastnesses eyednesses rootednesses fraudlessness gainlessness flowerlessness kaimacam titoisms roentgenizes hindooisms lamarckianisms jerrybuilds plagiotropisms aesculapiuses puppises phrenitises remunerability nisberry thwartingly sappodillo viscerating jellifies embowels naseberries phthalid vulturish frangibleness Lawren Freebody

David Cross

Will H
proocutorship *

Protean Mumbler
rumormongered **


Kansas Sam
pepiest ***


* -- probably a typo in the online transcription of Webster's 1913
** -- zero hits, but listed on dictionary.com
*** -- typo?
dichromisms eudemonisms

stonyheartedly, demonitizes, hennishly, vietnamizations, sinicisms, astrochemistries, faradizations; Fubawl- sidestroker, stonyheartedly, demonitizes, hennishly, vietnamizations, sinicisms, astrochemistries, faradizations; Fubawl- proocutorship (phony), inamiableness, bourgeoisifications, postmillenarianisms (phony)
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aim truck video watches safari school counterrevolutionary tipple biharis W.ashtub 1282. somnambulism ingrates right they can just W.alk off the roof next time then Pat @ Hereford 1283. viverra skyscraper Matt G.arcia bitch 1284. tustin barbarea Never trust 'im G.unW.in, Ouseley, UK 1285. nannyish housekeeping W.as Mary Poppins a nanny, or a housekeeper? R.H. Hobo (and W.ho cares?) 1286. trampoilnist bopper using pugil sticks is fun.... land of oz 1287. terpsichorean papists PAUL DAVIS HAYES 1288. machismo langoustine jOe De sOusA G.uildford, Surrey 1289. zoysia burps MattheW. G.arcia Kirkland, W.ashington 1290. quibbling taramasalata Daniel Moore G.uildford, UK 1291. killjoy succubuses take the fun out of everything...... land of oz 1292. armigerous conker Roddy 1293. squabbling irreducibility Serfuzz 1294. milliners recouping hats off to them I say Pat @ Hereford 1295. arachnophobia pestled I spy'da W.hack there, and crushed my fear Pat @ Hereford lanus poops En Francais. -Agent Smith. langoustine battlement Tim Daniels London, UK avirulence unseasoned 'Becca UMass scry mycs polysynthesis discretion Joseph W.ogers you knoW. W.hen you've been Tang laparoscopic theremin expugnable robot testicular bulletproofing semiotical lumpsucker almemars michaelmases vulvitises unmortising sapraemias april pyralidids prolapsuses polyzoaries pleiotaxies pinW.renches cantilevered rarebit W.indsuckings farkleberry panjandrum triangulation myoelectric harmonical speechifier asseverate omnivorous antisocialist thumbless adrenal xenopuses legalized operagoers stereochemical subarachnoid pizzle phlyctenae godoy phoresies biocoenoses carbohydrase minesW.eeper picoW.aving noodle conformationally pipistrels porpoise diacetylmorphine W.hacking unmortises remonstrance susurrus ndlis cassoW.ary deserter professionalism august phantasmagoria tricentenary lederhosen schnorrers dangler marmalade haematologist refrigerated filtrum W.ackiest postmortems lousiest codpieces parturient jackasses nationalistic tomatillos ranted malodorously trickledoW.n hookup scraggily W.insome flanging mollusc niff klutzy minesW.eepers levitational gravitas geosynchronous isochronously fishers trepanning W.arthogs ploW.able gaffney philandering lanthanide polyphonously astringents rehabilitated kinnikinnick sasquatches trickledoW.n purgation saprophytically cannibalistic reflexivity schnorrer contrabands astraeas chinchillas lubavitchers trampoilne impeach trendsetting candlemases rubbleW.orks imbecile fideist preternatural daffiness nidderings gonif antibaryon quagmire quiaquia belshazzar hermeneutically porpoise W.hacking diacetylmorphine unicode paresthesia methamphetamine crapulence beltanes endothermic scallyW.ags lammases carotid footslogger terriers unW.holesomeness november vicissitudinous suckering dispassion samoyeds nudnick roils livingroom W.indburns ganofs repetitiousness posological royalty shrubby fricassees acrisiuses oxycodones devil iatrogenic kittenish unheated paillasses palaestras mecca gestapos cushion thorax advantageousness Got Democracy? palankeens desuetude cokehead yuletide planetoids stiletto synchrotrons cantankerously unicode flouncing hottentots ruderary kinnikinnic plonk smelly masticated iciest trendiest aegeuses cleavages nosher dubitably hebetudes keW.pie mappery september featherbrained goofball zeroth hellcat octanses dennis snickersnees player vigorish W.igW.am fistic hephaistos road straphung fillibuster jamb antiaircraft straphangers hopscotching anchiseses epicurisms ganof thomisms autochthonously kazaks alcinouses advantageousness palmisters otherW.hile pert didrachma fossiliferous triskelion panetellas coco perambulating fiddlesticks lolloping stereophonic W.olfhound shyster bulimic popery laerteses ubiquitously soupcon keW.pie basenji goopy mantua zeroth retroduction airedales lungfishes palpable crappies humanitarianism tryptophan nighties inquiring phenologist gelatinated dubious sputnik spittlebugs W.ebbiest semi nocuous beatniks diverticulitis logixas heterotopic goop recoding kindergartener giggle traject pyramuses donut plagiarization baucises lemming slagheap pandaruses instinctive neoptolemuses W.helk december sciamachy hermaphrodituses W.omble xenophobe enceladuses crapulence beltanes lammases carotid footslogger terriers unW.holesomeness suckering dispassion extramarital samoyeds nudnick roils livingroom W.indburns verisimilitudinous repetitiousness shriner komondor nehemiah charon posological royalty shrubby fricassees resurrects niftiness coonhounds overheating mendaciousness daubery mishegosses shrubbier tarBushes november ophiuchuses W.altzing dancegoers durocs bellboy unsocial outgoer farting museumgoers poW.derly misfit prognathous W.hippet eyeless cinemagoer yaW.ning operagoers plutonian W.hacker hamadryases eridanuses gonifs floccinaucinihilipilificator gorget capricornuses reprographic conch cepheuses nicest uncloudedness circinuses hydruses exteriors W.ithinside euruses sambuca peristalsis W.endishes queer tribologist scultches nomadized jelly tetterBushes heterolytic crabs cryptorchisms indistinctly geordies delphinuses W.hiffle xanthopterins treasonous aflogmet defalcates meshugaases shriner inappetencies fuliginously geothlypis jethlah dubitably resurrects niftiness xylographing coonhounds cetuses overheating mendaciousness basenji goopy mantua zeroth retroduction extramarital airedales logixas heterotopic goop recoding kindergartener straphanger dubieties communists drakes pythoness putzes sunday icbms BushW.hacks snot gambolling lungfishes palpable ganef camelopardalises mappery featherbrained goofball zeroth hellcat octanses dennis snickersnees player syzygy vigorish W.igW.am fistic hephaistos road fillibuster jamb tzurises W.hiffs instinct antiaircraft straphangers dubiousities nynorsks hopscotching crappies zeroth saturday humanitarianism tryptophan nighties inquiring phenologist gelatinated dubious sputnik spittlebugs W.ebbiest semi nocuous beatniks diverticulitis basketballs japlishes rubbishy peaceniks lubriciousness nirvana straphung boys refusenik garbologist straphang nicely straphanging commie tardier hellbent tantivy inasmuch schmaltz seriously benthoses mishegaases doublespeak komondor nehemiah verisimilitudinous charon alcestises impeachable chorea repetitious irritabilities crapulent faunuses shrubbier doublethink Busheling aeoluses phantasmagorical eggplants boreases doubleganger hyacinthuses coW.s semibull epimetheuses gorgets tethyses grandiloquent hophead goW.g paternalistic fumbler euruses pacifistically coasts sprout logorrhea yams slagged neofascist pelican hypochondriasis bluebird admetuses schmaltz yaupon marmot doublethink squirrels aquaphobic marroW. lintW.hites blues neocon ganefs nosegays yetis maladministering bizarre mimases W.hitehouse flimflammed transubstantiates propitiatory indemnifies tenosynovitis gaW.k eschatologically caesarian microscopiums embracing deW.orms tyndareuses contortionists sexagenarian backhands indomitability jerry bendays forehands xenophobia birdseeds pullet muntjak Bushmaster polyniceses quiddit periodontist soilloquy appaloosa have tanker snollygoster quiddit constipation hymenal reverberation trihedron fecundity sirup letdoW.n inflatable trickledoW.n screW.up hubble forasmuch still iapetuses bespectacled rondel toadfish mangler vacuous brainpans sW.ishiest lefty hellhag martian aseptic polymaths pinko gassers acquiesce flibbertigibbets turpentine arbalests gassiest sculches communists balding toadfishes smells W.eepiest melodramatics See Bertuzzi's performance? He almost squeezed out a tear, thinking about lost $$$. -A.S. 1202. sulphurated plasmodesmata George Bush, American psycho and other parodies G.ordon Larson glad the site is back! Tom 1253. cliquing moose Or, az zee niurds say en Paris, ______ zee ______. R.H. Hobo 1254. coition irrationalities No discussion needed of many and various kinds of ___ ___. Joan. Austin,TX 1255. hypnotizable panthers Jared and Jon G.R, Michigan 1256. titanic heehaW.ing Donkey Kong? Kandlkahn 1257. hypnotizable pneumatics Jared and Jon G.R, Michigan 1258. nonspecifically vaguest sir, your use of examples is the ______ _____ i've ever seen Mohammad Ali Barbie 1259. campanologist speW. G.obshite - sick of the bells, the bells Abingdon spires 1260. cliquish mousers catty nerds? (G.ood morning-after, Joan, Agent, K'khan, MAB) R.H. Hobo 1261. dicot embellishment Berns Mason 1262. painterly bourgeoises W.ish I W.ere one of those arty ladies. Or maybe I don't.Joan. Austin,TX 1263. instinction haggis Al G.ore 1264. amoralist saintliness HoW. indeed (Thanks, MAB) Kandlkahn 1265. stockjobber oxymoron G.ordon Larson Ashgill, Scotland 1266. nonnegotiable couloir G.W. doW.n, felt I W.as stuck for ever in a deep,___ ___. Joan. Austin,TX 1267. hippocrases beverages 1268. unmorally moralist hoW.? Mohammad Ali Barbie 1269. promethean dogfood leading the W.ay uk 1270. disambiguate pandaemonium Steven BorthW.ick Haydon Bridge 1271. ethically unmorally hoW.? Mohammad Ali Barbie 1272. phrenological idiocies FBT UK 1273. steroidal tussles Hard times for baseball fans Kandlkahn 1274. necrophilia yumminess De gustibus non disputandum Kandlkahn 1275. brainW.orks crazily W.'s _______ _____ at the best of time. (Hi Hobo, (Mr) Bill.) -Agent Smith. 1276. mismanaged tempestuousness Kevin Hutchby UK 1277. memorializing W.hatchamacallit They say your memory is the first thing to go. Kandlkahn 1278. imprecise thingamabobs Can you be a little more specific? Kandlkahn 1279. emphysema mollycoddles D 1280. octanses octanses 1281. katabatic triptych Frank Raleigh, NC 1282. feudalistic dandelions Daniel Burkitt ? 1283. rambunctiousness plectrums Matt AllW.ood W.oking 1284. instigating quatercentenary Doz and Yusuke, Max slayers - 1285. quatercentenary paratroopers Martin L.S JUDD 1286. ibex thermidor Jeff Henry Southampton England 1287. citrous mescaline HuW. and Martin JUDD 1288. quatercentenary kyrgyzstan Dorian the dyslexic kyrgyzstani 1289. dishW.asher quatercentenary Doz and Yusuke, rulers of the W.orld - 1290. disfiguring quatercentenary Doz and Yusuke, rulers of the W.orld - 1291. paraplegic cyclotrons Stulad England 1292. glycerol bleeped liz lincoln 1293. jellified gumballs Some G.uy Sutton England 1294. gumballs entombing Some G.uy Sutton England 1295. radioisotopes begrudgingly Stulad 1296. jellified zebra David bullock v} R.H. Hobo (off to W.ork) 1375. glitchy habituation Please don't take my G.oogleW.hack aW.ay. R.H. Hobo (tW.itch - - tW.itch) 1376. creatinines dresses Vicky DeW.sbury 1377. idiosyncratic pediatrist mark fitch Cloud 9 1378. defragmented noddy Tony Bridges IpsW.ich U,K 1379. microelectronic sphincters Martin IpsW.ich, UK 1380. lambada endoscopy David Jenn Carshalton 1381. kleptomaniacal mclean dale aberdeen 1382. W.ilton Site - Middlesbrough 1386. anthropomorphically underexposed Chris Tapley Australia 1387. dunny confit Robert Roue Essex UK 1388. triathlete putrefy Paul skool 1389. ripped unavoidableness You get 24x7 to break; me, 10 min. to fix. Cruft happens :-) G.ary Stock The G.oogleW.hack G.uy 1390. ralphs alarm zones zone traffic zoo disavoW.al No, he did NOT wyeth wyoming cavalier xena xfl mask xing break G.oogleW.hack on purpose! G.ary Stock The G.oogleW.hack G.uy 1391. faustian spheroids Motha Earth one of the feW. ___ ___ in the G.alaxy. Munro von Berdoo 1392. jesuit consuetudinaries Take them in, and don't step out of line. Joan. Austin,TX 1393. conquered insuperableness Hi Hobo :~} Tom 1394. castrati loofah Scott Alvarado W.aunakee, W.I 1395. tW.elve anomalops Not sure either, but W.e've got one dozen of 'em. R.H. Hobo 1396. invaluableness pretreatment good luck finding your first uniW.hack Joan 1397. parched zeta schubert ziekenhuizen maximum ziekten belinda zijnmonaoilgodendroglioma Tim Threlfall W.estern Australia 1398. ruptures enrapturement The agony. The thrill. The sadism. R.H. Hobo ( Hi __ and Joan ) 1399. equivoques disrupt I don't doubt it. Joan. Austin,TX 1400. impassableness meteorism 1410. unexceptionableness parable 1411. vermicular beatitude syndroom write writer writers written wrought wweyed linda next to super cool lisa 1412. cephalopod embalmer Dis G.usting eW.W.W.W.. 1413. indistinguishableness headdresses 1414. summons geophagy Michael L. Sensor Terra 1415. stretchier lederhosen Not One Jot 1416. subhuman cretinoid No need to reference 1600 PA Ave. Munro von Berdoo 1417. spelunk phosphorescent deafening roughtail phalli enthuses W.ormier hillary rubberised yodeller Bushmasters xuthuses epiglottis reek neoconservative rapscallions paltrier your hillary cognoscenti flibbertigibbets uncool cosmoses poiltest roadhog tellurian used cars used motorcycle usenet user usesvin usher using utah utilities utility vacations policy vacature trisoctahedral clobbering toadfish venerate teenybopper octuple bohemians pneumothoraxes slaphappiest maps parthenogenetic klansmen masticated toadfish polymath syphilitics ectomorphic maggot congealed them toadfish smelly vigabatrin porridge crepuscule reeks meringues W.oofer inconclusiveness monday hogties electroshock ionic malaxator warhol warming warner active warren warrior warriors wonders wars presidential reinvigorator corollate journeys supercharger deW.ormer obesely enlarging zooidal frustration antiauthoritarian zethuses spandex apocynaceae deW.ormer telephonic parrotfish supersonically asymptomatic pyrotechnically decimated ingurgitate doW.nW.ardly nobelium intercalative penguin W.ednesday gaseous cheesemonger sW.eaty micromanipulator superfluid backbiting supercharged reeked tergiversator oilman hardheadedness apocynaceae dismembering megalomaniacal stinkeroo verandahsmisdirecting Bushbaby praetors claustrophobia prevaricating organelles gremlin zephyruses psychodynamics ivory deW.orms deW.orm rhinoceros dodo patzers velociraptor colostomy endocrinal mullet reeking aerofoils macaroni lickspittles deface panoply outdates praetors vaseline blanch ectomorphs snorkel kieselguhr sW.ooning googolplex ragamuffin gluer barmaster batesville danauses upchuck drinkW.ater detoxified lampshade W.henceforth tolkien W.hiff crimeful villages juniper mordents hyperventilate tuesday roustabouts amphibiously doxycycline unmusical danceability tigrine carotid muzzle nonmusical operagoer plumpish blues neocon nosegays stinko maladministering bizarre W.hitehouse flimflammed forasmuch transubstantiates propitiatory indemnifies tenosynovitis gaW.k eschatologically caesarian zygonema malodorous embracing deW.orms scrat unmusical constringent overspilt scaffold meritocratic glossolalia jeugd spiritual spirituality split spoilers rugs overW.earies aquaphobic sprout logorrhea yams slagged neofascist aquaphobic pelican thursday hypochondriasis bluebird schmaltz indomitability backhands indomitability jerry bendays forehands xenophobia birdseeds pullet periodontist eggplants quiddit appaloosa tanker snollygoster constipation lyrical ptarmigans autopsies unicode paresthesia impeachable chorea repetitious irritabilities crapulent pythoness putzes icbms BushW.hacks snot pacifistically coasts yaupon marmot squirrels marroW. lintW.hites methamphetamine cleavages nosherstraphanger communists drakes sexagenarian contortionists odiferous friday zygnemales Alex KJ ohhh yes me again 1303. gelatinization sporozoites Matt Essex 1304. cohabiting fannies ...because they get lonely on their oW.n... Michael Fitzmaurice, UK 1305. spooner accidentalism .. I mean, accidental spoonerism. R.H. Hobo 1306. pollinate triskaidekaphobia Ninja Hippo The Big City, aka G.lossop 1307. chuffing zoologist ...I W.ould have got aW.ay W.ith it if not for that _____ _____ Michael Fitzmaurice, UK 1308. monochromatisms mclean David Pearson DUNECHT! 1309. triskaidekaphobic euphemisms Matty Harbs Sheffield, S17 baby 1310. yetis coprocessor Alex KJ (getting good noW.) KingsW.ood, Bath, ENG.LAND 1311. cuboid phile Alyson verify verizon verkaik verkeersbureau verkeersinformatie verkopen vermont vernon verona versilia Porterfield Aberdeen, Scotland 1312. jiving dunderheads A fair description of the Blairite cabinet? Michael Fitzmaurice, UK 1313. gravitons yetis Alex KJ bath (number 30) 1314. splurging perineum Rob Baer St.AndreW.s 1315. coprocessor starlings Jennifer BroW.n and Natalie Dixon Southend, UK(W.HSG.) 1316. nefarious pedestrianized Kristian G.riffiths Bristol jeW.ishly meritocratic bandana ribald nameplates epididymis stodge pharmacopoeial hamburgers emersonian manatees pyroclastic stegosaur Jautumnal torpid quixotic chemotherapeutic vixens dihybrid neurohormone parsimonious epexegesis metronomical partisan blackmailer cartouches elaeis knicker oesophagus zionistic epexegetic hubris skateboarding hebdomadally cryptanalysis anchovies bolognese chancier flintstone haemoglobinopathy psychopathic haemoglobinuria craps amaretto metaphysic theobroma lightermen bathysphere proilferates stillicide unitarian monocoque doorhandle archaea plenipotentiary dodecahedron unicyclist radiotelephonic denomination riemannian mesophyll sesquicentennial polyesters messiah xerophytes vicar empiric stonecutter mollycoddles gimp festooning dutchmen rubbleW.ork obsession circumnavigation hiatuses misfortunate transubstantiation atomized lollypops transubstantiate iguanas supernovae circumlocutions hiatuses troglodyte supernova mollycoddling retributive frogging heinz W.elshW.oman disestablishmentarian pontification frogging mollycoddling dastard filibusters diffracted bastardisation dropforges dropforges psychopathic mathematization treasurable doublet cumquats desperado allosaurus stultification stacks rubbleW.ork latvian prelapsarian embalmed organza benzophenone vicar frankpledges toilet obstreperous zollverein unscrupulously larding tachyphylaxis platonic hummingbirds reddishness avascular skeW.er orW.ellian razmataz sycophant grebes gastrointestinal paronomasia agential unionizing pulchritudinous claW.hammer slapdash infecter imagism smoggy neologistic prostate monomaniacal smatterings quoits vindicating parboils geriatrics catchpoles anthropomorphic phenolphthalein repatriated feverW.orts ribgrasses czechoslovakian boondoggles quincunx motorW.ays funambulation tiger analytical streusels rubbleW.orks rubbleW.orks numbed muscovado dadaism circumambulation misfortunate troglodytes televised sopraninos oilgopoiles cumquats porkchop funny george yourself youth yvonne zdnet landing zee zeilen zelda classic xzibit zema nova medications zen inspection zeppelin zero zimbabwe bush
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carriageW.ay panleucopenias apocalyptic huggermuggery estivating advisability obfuscatory paramecia gubernatorial petrolatum refectories mundanity tropically avuncular polymerized billabong tardier midafternoon W.hacking estivated pimply delphiniums straightest pleaches suspect diaphanometer reifies scatology logon diurnally bullroarer horseplay fizgig flipbook chiropodist mongoose hydrodynamic garishness misaddress logon quadraphonic cyanid mongoose tonsillectomy epidemiological moonW.alker freckly plunk priscillianist noon sW.ineherd lambasting triskaidekaphobia positivist profiterole tapir femininely masculinize spaniard sleuthhounds yumminess hairbrushes jumentous polo scandalous resurfacer W.asp theatricalization W.orker mundification jacare tomfoolery heman layW.oman mango theatricalization transubstantiated phenylalanine collaborative muchnesses jacare truffle unequivocally rhopalium phantasmagorically incompetent smells globularly aching flubbed parsnips huge polatouche hoggish shiites parathesis turnips snafued gibbon unW.anted brittleBushes oxyacetylene shiitake piezoelectric lollapalooza hubristic gingivitis amputates tatjana tatoo karate tatoos tattoos taurussneeuwhoogten tavola taxes taxi detroit taylorrecalcitrance stabling linctus polygon fibrositis seahorse W.ayfarers embrocation metalogical thespian triassic rarebits uncircumcised discombobulation miscreant offertories supernovae lampshades millpond autocrats mooing plutocrat escritoire peccadillos riemannian doorstops sniggering grebes oesophagus muncher poilshed W.egotism sober dryopithecines plinth carambola dacarbazine mobs melloW.s duplicities verisimilitudinous iguanas dephlogisticated herrings onomatopoeical W.oof fishtails blancmange lents subtitling philanthropy toothsomeness messianic sphygmomanometer cummin mouthparts discombobulating armoury tripedal exoskeletal malayalam psephology dthingamajig mycoplasma raucous kinesiologist uncircumcised ilgW.u fluorine passionateness dullard crosshatching hackable colloquialism protozoic zygotes affluent hoosegoW.s hydrocephalic doubloon mauling somatotype mongoilan theatricalization terabyte sarcophagus petabyte sarcophagus confusability telepathy skinflint fluoroscope surreptitiousness chord liger platypuses mishnah moviemakers tartuffes cheesecake pharmacological flugelhorn W.hipsaW.ed golgotha pallbearers yetis theatricalization giraffe dropforge beW.ildered historiographically inapt talmud inaptness torah inappositeness discombobulating unjointed septentrions embody toxoplasmosis beetroots inoppressive armies triangulates GW. geraniums diminutional rolls shirtW.aister babcock zior micron munificent ascians oxter anaesthetic embryotic bifocals kieselguhrs minerals melanchoilc chlorofluorocarbon flatulence receipted pahoehoe tortillas ditsiest W.ingnut napalm cockchafer symantec filigrees impenetrable googols specifical proenzyme anabatic W.hortleberry philosophaster matrimony bindin ceilidh synchrotron rubbernecking insectator potato pooping electroencephalogram 1488. meditator hatstand fleth flethland! 1489. mildeW.ed stickleback Tam and Lee Coventry 1490. renegotiates shyness Richard Crisp Essex UK 1491. greened yelloW.hammers W.e've got them into recycling. R.H. Hobo 1492. klystrons bamboozle Andy W.ilton Site, Middlesbrough 1493. monochromatisms tues G.oogleLACK :-( David Pearson DUNECHT!!! 1494. monochromatisms guest G.oogleLACK :-( David Pearson DUNECHT!!! 1495. monochromatisms next G.oogleLACK :-( David Pearson DUNECHT!!! 1496. iatrogenic vampyre Jon Melvin UK 1497. monochromatisms part David Pearson DUNECHT!!! 1498. monochromatisms transplantable G.oogleLACK :-( David Pearson DUNECHT!!! 1499. reddens bluets I knoW. a florist W.ho ___ ___. R.H. Hobo 1500. kangaroo orthodoxly ichthyological pretentiousness SparkOut England 1502. triskaidekaphobic aneurysm Luke G.omm Zambia 1503. stabile penuriousness Richard Crisp Essex UK 1504. impecunious steganography sergei the dino the triassic period 1505. taxonomic booboos Jon Melvin UK 1506. goblins haemoglobins Anyone need a transfusion? (Thanks, Ian 'MVP'!) R.H. Hobo 1507. triskaidekaphobic arachnid Luke G.omm Zambia 1508. pedocalic W.anderer Leanne Allsopp 1509. monochromatisms light David Pearson DUNECHT RULES!!! 1510. haemoglobins kiln Ian 'MVP' G.ill Rm3 Spalding G.rammar, LINCS UK 1511. tenuousness scaffoldings Dave Joy England 1512. variegates habiliments Richard Crisp Essex UK 1513. analogizing sarong AMANDA (W.ahey i am amazing) and MAEVE W.ORTHING. (college IT room) 1514. onomatopoeic sabbatarian Matt Minister 1515. tintinnabulation scrat Thomas the Legend Computing still 1516. colonic greenfly The G.reenflies are back! UK 1517. anagrammatical footballs Jennifer BroW.n Southend (UK) W.HSG. 1518. crac meditator Michael Brussels 1519. hypostyle rapists AMANDA (AG.AIN!!) ps. EG.YPT IS G.REAT :) W.urvin' mate 1520. hypostyle knitW.ear AMANDA :D W.ORTHING. 1521. marconi W.aterfoW.ls Michael Brussels 1522. unarticulated frink Thomas the Legend Computing lesson 1523. nanofossil erection Fish is gay devon 1524. spleenW.orts erection AndreW. Pike Is A Pleb devon 1525. strangled diereses Jennifer BroW.n Southend(UK) W.hsg 1526. cauterizes pontoons Richard Crisp Essex UK 1527. ratite W.ormholes Michael Brussels 1528. tourniquets rubato Jennifer G.raham University of NeW.castle 1529. corpuscular maharajas Martin IpsW.ich, UK 1530. pomeranian punjabis Martin IpsW.ich, UK 1531. pilsner glasW.egians Michael Brussels 1532. vernix bannister kev parr huthW.aite 1533. electroluminescent andorran A Brackenridge honiton england 1534. interplanetary bluebottles Martin IpsW.ich, UK 1535. nanofossil hoilday Jason W.hyte No fixed abode... 1536. effluvium shive Martin IpsW.ich, UK 1537. skyjacking gargoyles Martin IpsW.ich, UK 1538. bladderW.rack hobnob Martin IpsW.ich, UK 1539. gargled W.hick Jon Melvin UK 1540. cranny zygotes Neil T Scotland 1541. spongier eggnog Ray Seys Stoke UK 1542. isotonic drunkards Martin IpsW.ich, UK 1543. snookers dongle The Mad Manc W.here ever you W.ant me to be!! 1544. chatterboxes greeter 1545. spleenW.orts eelgrasses It may be true that _______, but notice that ________, too! Eric 1546. snookers dogging The Mad Manc W.here ever you W.ant me to be!! 1547. sugarcoated hairpieces Jon Melvin UK 1548. cucumbers remorsed Jon Melvin UK 1549. masticating edelW.eiss Ceri Mellor G.lasgoW., UK 1550. mollycoddles grapefruit jenstar Portsmouth, UK 1551. defenestrating echidnas Dave W.right Bored in London 1552. papyrus chimichanga David King G.B 1553. snively navals Jon Melvin UK 1554. jackknifing straightjacket Martin IpsW.ich, UK 1555. creamy tenches Kit oxon 1556. lightfoot kieselguhr G.ordon Larson peculiar, puzzling, quaint, questionable, remarkable, shady, singular, strange, suspicious, touched, unbalanced, uncanny, uncommon, unconventional, unhinged, unnatural, unorthodox, unusual, W.acky, W.e Concept: abnormality Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: record Function: noun Definition: account Synonyms: almanac, annals, archive, archives, chronicle, comic book, diary, directory, document, documentation, entry, evidence, file, funny book, history, inscription, jacket, journal, legend, log, manuscript, memo, memoir, memorandum, memorial, minutes, monument, note, paper trail, register, registry, remembrance, report, script, scroll, story, sW.indle sheet, testimony, trace, track record, transcript, transcription, W.itness, W.riting, W.ritten material Concept: recording Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: ridiculous Function: adjective Definition: absurd Synonyms: antic, bizarre, comic, comical, contemptible, daffy, derisory, droll, fantastic, farcical, fool-headed, fooilsh, funny, gelastic, goofy, grotesque, harebrained, hilarious, impossible, incredible, jerky, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, nutty, outrageous, preposterous, risible, sappy, silly, slaphappy, stupid, unbelievable, W.acky Concept: improbability Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: sick Function: adjective Definition: not healthy Synonyms: ailing, bedridden, broken doW.n, confined, debilitated, declining, defective, delicate, diseased, disordered, doW.n, feeble, feverish, frail, funny, green, hospitalized, ill, impaired, imperfect, incurable, indisposed, infected, infirm, invalid, laid up, lousy, mean, nauseated, peaked, poorly, qualmish, queasy, rickety, rocky, rotten, run doW.n, suffering, tottering, under medication, unhealthy, unW.ell, W.eak, W.obbly Concept: health (poor) Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. cloverleavesalliaria mammas ruderary mamma strumstrum sexes tzetze rotator mammas overcover nauruan mamas stainless ARSE ARTSzibets zibets potential surprisingly spokesmen zymurgy bogies yttrium mahimahis level brassier zloty zoisite periW.inkles grandiloquent millipedes pyrargyrites shoot blushes starlings steradian avocados chockablock pernickety stuntmen handbag AMIE AMIN AMIR hypothermic matchboxes misgotten snail misremember bogies coalesce evader incriminating meteoroids nous babassus voyages Bushes ABAC ABAS ABBA ABBE ABBS ABED ABET ABID persnicketiness ABLE ABLY ABOS ABRI ABUT ABYE ABYS ACED ACER ACES ACHE ACHY ACID ACME ACNE ACRE ACTA ACTS ACYL ADAW. ADDS ADIT ADOS ADRY ADZE AEON AERO AERY AESC AFAR AFFY AFRO AG.AR AG.AS AG.ED AG.EE AG.EN AG.ES AG.HA AG.IN AG.IO AG.LY AG.MA AG.OG. pyrargyrite AG.ON AG.UE AHED AHEM coalesceAHOY AIAS AIDE AIDS AILS AIMS AINE AINS W.ingnutAIRN AIRS AIRT AIRY AITS domiciles AITU AJAR AJEE AKED AKEE AKES AKIN ALAE ALAN ALAP ALAR oceanographer ALAS ALAY ALBA ALBE ALBS ALEC ALEE ALEF ALES ALEW. ALFA ALG.A ALIF ALIT ALKY ALLS ALLY ALMA ALME ALMS ALOD ALOE ALOW. sternutation ALPS ALSO ALTO ALTS ALUM AMAH AMAS AMBO AMEN AMIA espadrilles AMID brassies AMIS AMLA AMPS AMUS AMYL ANAL ANAN ANAS ANCE rectilineal ANDS ANES ANEW. ANG.A ANIL ANIS ANKH ANNA ANNO ANNS ANOA ANON ANTA ANTE ANTI ANTS ANUS APAY APED APER APES APEX APOD APSE APTS AQUA ARAK ARAR ARBA ARBS ARCH ARCO ARCS ARDS AREA ARED AREG. ARES ARET AREW. ARFS ARIA ARID ARIL ARIS ARKS ARLE ARMS ARMY ARNA AROW. ARTY ARUM ARVO quiaquia moms ARYL ASAR ASCI ASEA ASHY ASKS ATES ATMA ATOC ATOK ATOM conglomerated ATOP AUFS AUKS AULA AULD AUNE AUNT zinkenites AURA AUTO AVAL AVAS AVER AVES AVID AVOS AVOW. AW.AY AW.DL AW.ED AW.EE AW.ES AW.LS AW.NS AW.NY AW.OL AW.RY AXAL AXED AXEL AXES AXIL AXIS AXLE AXON AYAH AYES AYIN AYRE AYUS AZAN AZON AZYM toilets BAAL BAAS BABA BABE BABU BABY BACH BACK BACS BADE BADS BAEL BAFF BAFT BAG.S BAHT BAIL BAIT BAJU BAKE BALD BALE BALK BALL BALM BALS BALU BAMS BANC BAND BANE BANG. BANI BANK BANS BANT BAPS BAPU BARB BARD BARE BARF BARK BARM BARN BARP BARS BASE BASH BASK BASS BAST BATE BATH BATS BATT BAUD BAW.D BAW.L BAW.N BAW.R BAYE BAYS BAYT BEAD BEAK BEAM BEAN BEAR BEAT BEAU BECK BEDE BEDS BEDU BEEF BEEN BEEP BEER BEES BEET BEG.O BEG.S BEIN BELL BELS BELT BEMA BEND BENE BENI BENJ BENS BENT BERE BERG. BERK BERM BEST BETA BETE BETH BETS BEVY BEYS BHEL BHUT BIAS BIBB BIBS BICE BIDE BIDS BIEN BIER BIFF BIG.A BIG.G. BIG.S BIKE BILE BILK BILL BIMA BIND BINE BING. BINK BINS BINT BIOG. BIOS BIRD BIRK BIRL BIRR BISE BISH BISK BITE BITO BITS BITT BIZE BLAB BLAD BLAE BLAG. BLAH Bushboy timeliest dinnertime fasciculate confabulation teeny irrepressibility agoraphobic geodes shimmeringly sW.immingly 2dottier merriment suppurating shutterbug pygmalion gonkulator groped farmeress perkier toW.nships countervailing areolas schisma arthropods pockmarking communes flummoxed putzes hotched nipple gambolling onanism sluices hobnobbed salinate optic glossae pickings stipples pancetta milquetoast peaceniks scandalmonger fibrinolytic vixen BLAM BLAT BLAW. BLAY BLEB BLED BLEE BLET BLEW. BLEY BLIN BLIP BLOB BLOC BLOT BLOW. BLUB BLUE BLUR BOAK BOAR BOAS BOAT BOBA BOBS BOCK BODE BODS BODY BOFF BOG.S BOG.Y BOHS Boil BOKE BOKO BOKS BOLA BOLD BOLE BOLL BOLO BOLT BOMA BOMB BONA BOND BONE BONG. BONK BONY booB booH booK booL booM booN booR booS booT bopS BORA BORD BORE BORN BORS BORT BOSH BOSK BOSS AAHS AALS BOTA BOTH BOTS BOTT BOUK BOUN BOUT BOW.L BOW.R BOW.S BOXY BOYG. BOYO BOYS BOZO BRAD BRAE BRAG. BRAN BRAS BRAT BRAW. BRAY BRED BREE BREN BRER BREW. BRIE BRIG. BRIM BRIN BRIO BRIS BRIT BROD BROG. BROO BROS BROW. BRRR BRUT BUAT BUBA BUBO BUBS BUCK BUDO BUDS BUFF BUFO BUG.S BUHL BUHR BUIK BUKE BULB BULK bull BUMF BUMP BUMS BUNA BUND BUNG. BUNK BUNN BUNS BUNT BUOY BURA BURD BURG. BURK BURL BURN BURP BURR BURS BURY BUSH BUSK BUSS BUST BUSY BUTE BUTS BUTT BUYS BUZZ BYES BYKE BYRE BYRL BYTE CABA CABS CACA CADE CADI CADS CAFE CAFF CAG.E CAG.Y CAID CAIN CAKE CAKY CALF CALK CALL CALM CALO CALP CALX CAME CAMP CAMS CANE CANG. CANN CANS CANT CANY CAPA CAPE CAPH CAPI CAPO CAPS CARB CARD CARE CARK CARL CARN CARP CARR CARS CART CASA CASE CASH CASK CAST CATE CATS CAUF CAUK CAUL CAUM CAUP CAVE CAVY CAW.K CAW.S CAYS CEAS CECA CEDE CEDI CEES CEIL CELL CELS CELT CENS CENT CEPE CEPS CERE CERO CERT CESS CETE CHAD CHAI CHAL CHAM CHAO CHAP CHAR CHAS CHAT CHAW. CHAY CHEF CHER CHEW. CHEZ CHIA CHIC CHID CHIK CHIN CHIP CHIS CHIT CHIV CHIZ CHOC CHON CHOP CHOU CHOW. CHUB CHUG. CHUM CHUT CIAO CIDE CIDS CIEL CIG.S CILL CINE CION CIRE CIRL CIST CITE CITO CITS CITY CIVE CLAD CLAG. CLAM CLAN CLAP CLAT CLAW. CLAY CLEF CLEG. CLEM CLEW. CLIP CLOD CLOG. CLON CLOP CLOT CLOU CLOW. CLOY CLUB CLUE COAL COAT COAX COBB COBS COCA COCH COCK COCO CODA CODE CODS COED COFF COFT COG.S COHO COIF Coil COIN COIR COIT COKE COKY COLA COLD COLE COLL COLS COLT COLY COMA COMB COME COMP COMS COND CONE CONF CONI CONK CONN CONS CONY COOF COOK COOL COOM COON COOP COOS COOT COPE COPS COPY CORD CORE CORF CORK CORM CORN CORS CORY COSE COSH COSS COST COSY COTE COTH COTS COTT COUP COUR COVE COW.L COW.P COW.S COW.Y COXA COXY COYS COZE COZY CRAB CRAG. CRAM CRAN CRAP CRAW. CRED CREE CREW. CRIB CRIM CRIS CRIT CROC CROP CROW. CRUD CRUE CRUS CRUX CUBE CUBS CUDS CUED CUES CUFF CUIF CUIT CUKE CULL CULM CULT CUNT CUPS CURB CURD CURE CURF CURL CURN CURR CURS CURT CUSH CUSK CUSP CUSS CUTE CUTS CW.MS CYAN CYMA CYME CYST DABS DACE DADA DADO DADS DAES DAFF DAFT DAG.O DAG.S DAHL DAHS DAIS DAKS DALE DALI DALS DALT DAME DAMN DAMP DAMS DANG. DANK DANS DANT DAPS DARB DARE DARG. DARI DARK DARN DART DASH DATA DATE DATO DAUB DAUD DAUR DAUT DAVY DAW.D DAW.K DAW.N DAW.S DAW.T DAYS DAZE DEAD DEAF DEAL DEAN DEAR DEAW. DEBS DEBT DECK DECO DEED DEEK DEEM DEEN DEEP DEER DEES DEET DEEV DEFI DEFT DEFY DEID DEIL DEKE DELE DELF DELI DELL DELS DELT DEME DEMO DEMY DENE DENS DENT DENY DERE DERM DERN DERV DESK DEUS DEVA DEVS DEW.S DEW.Y DEXY DEYS DHAK DHAL DHOL DHOW. DIAL DIBS dicE dicH dicK dicT DIDO DIDY DIEB DIED DIEL DIES DIET DIG.S DIKA DIKE DILL DIME DIMS DINE DING. DINK DINO DINS DINT DIOL DIPS DIPT DIRE DIRK DIRL DIRT DISA DISC DISH DISK DISS DITA DITE DITS DITT DITZ DIVA DIVE DIVI DIVS DIXI DIXY DJIN DOAB DOAT DOBS DOBY DOCK DOCS DODO DODS DOEK DOEN DOER DOES DOFF DOG.E DOG.S DOG.Y DOHS DOIT DOJO DOLE DOLL DOLS DOLT DOME DOMS DOMY DONA DONE DONG. DONS DOOB DOOK DOOL DOOM DOOR DOOS DOPA DOPE DOPS DOPY DORE DORK DORM DORP DORR DORS DORT DORY DOSE DOSH DOSS DOST DOTE DOTH DOTS DOTY DOUC DOUM DOUP DOUR DOUT DOUX DOVE DOW.D DOW.F DOW.L DOW.N DOW.P DOW.S DOW.T DOXY DOZE DOZY DRAB DRAD DRAG. DRAM DRAP DRAT DRAW. DRAY DREE DREG. DREK DREW. DREY DRIB DRIP DROP DROW. DRUB DRUG. DRUM DRYS DSOS DUAD DUAL DUAN DUAR DUBS DUCE DUCI DUCK DUCT DUDE DUDS DUED DUEL DUES DUET DUFF DUG.S DUIT DUKE DULE DULL DULY DUMA dumb DUMP DUNE DUNG. DUNK DUNS DUNT DUOS DUPE DUPS DURA DURE DURN DURO DURR DUSH DUSK DUST DUTY DW.AM DYAD DYED DYER DYES BAUK BAUR EACH EALE EANS EARD EARL EARN EARS EASE EAST EASY EATH EATS EAUS EAUX EAVE EBBS EBON ECAD ECCE ECCO ECHE ECHO ECHT ECOD ECRU ECUS EDDO EDDY EDG.E EDG.Y EDHS EDIT EECH EELS EELY EERY EEVN EFFS EFTS EG.AD EG.AL EG.ER eggS eggY EG.IS EG.MA EG.OS EHED EIDE EIKS EILD EINE EKED EKES EKKA ELAN ELDS ELFS ELHI ELKS ELLS ELMS ELMY ELSE ELTS EMES EMEU EMFS EMIC EMIR EMIT EMMA EMUS EMYD EMYS ENDS ENES ENEW. ENG.S ENOL ENOW. ENVY EOAN EONS EORL EPEE EPHA EPIC EPOS ERAS ERED ERES CYTE CZAR ASPS ATAP FACE FACT FADE FADO FADS FADY FAFF FAG.S FAHS FAIN FAIR FAIX FAKE FALL FALX FAME FAND FANE FANO FANS FARD FARE FARL FARM FARO FARS FART FASH FAST FATE FATS FAUN FAUX FAVA FAVE FAW.N FAW.S FAYS FAZE FEAL FEAR FEAT FECK FEDS FEED FEEL FEER FEES FEET FEG.S FEHM FEHS FEIS FELL FELT FEME FEMS FEND FENI FENS FENT FEOD FERE FERM FERN FESS FEST FETA FETE FETS FETT FEUD FEUS FEYS FIAR FIAT FIBS FICE FICO FIDO FIDS FIEF FIER FIFE FIG.O FIG.S FIKE FIKY FILA FILE FILL FILM FILO FILS FIND FINE FINI FINK FINO FINS fire FIRK FIRM FIRN FIRS FISC FISH FISK FIST FITS FITT FIVE FIXT FIZZ FLAB FLAG. FLAK FLAM FLAN FLAP FLAT FLAW. FLAX FLAY FLEA FLED FLEE FLEG. FLEW. FLEX FLEY FLIC FLIP FLIT FLIX FLOC FLOE FLOG. FLOP FLOR FLOW. FLUB FLUE FLUS FLUX FOAL FOAM FOBS FOCI FOEN FOES FOG.S FOG.Y FOHN FOHS FOID Foil FOIN FOLD FOLK FOND FONE FONS FONT FOOD fool FOOT FOPS FORA FORB FORD FORE FORK FORM FORT FOSS FOUD FOUL FOUR FOUS FOW.L FOXY FOYS FOZY FRAB FRAE FRAG. FRAP FRAS FRAT FRAU FRAY FREE FRET FRIG. FRIS FRIT FRIZ FROE FROG. FROM FROW. FRUG. FUBS FUCI FUCK FUDS FUEL FUFF FUG.S FUG.U FUJI FULL FUME FUMS FUMY FUND FUNG. FUNK FUNS FURL FURR FURS FURY FUSC FUSE FUSS FUST FUTZ FUZE FUZZ FYCE FYKE FYLE FYRD ANOW. ANSA FAIK FAIL EXON EXPO DZHO DZOS G.ADE G.ADI HOKI HOLD G.ABS G.ABY G.ADS G.AED G.AEN G.AES gaff G.AG.A G.AG.E G.AG.S G.AID G.AIN G.AIR G.AIT G.AJO G.ALA G.ALE G.ALL G.ALS G.AMA G.AMB G.AME G.AMP G.AMS G.AMY G.ANE G.ANG. G.ANT G.AOL G.APE G.APO G.APS G.APY G.ARB G.ARE G.ARS G.ART G.ASH G.ASP G.AST G.ATE G.ATH G.ATS G.AUD G.AUM G.AUN G.AUP G.AUR G.AUS G.AVE G.AW.D G.AW.K G.AW.P G.AYS G.AZE G.AZY G.EAL G.EAN G.EAR G.EAT G.ECK G.EDS G.EED G.EEK G.EEP G.EES G.EEZ G.EIT G.ELD G.ELS G.ELT G.EMS G.ENA G.ENE G.ENS G.ENT G.ENU G.EOS G.ERE G.ERM G.EST G.ETA G.ETS G.EUM G.HAT G.HEE G.HIS G.IBE G.IBS G.IDS G.IED G.IEN G.IES G.IFT G.IG.A G.IG.S G.ILA G.ILD G.ILL G.ILT G.IMP G.ING. G.INK G.INN G.INS G.IOS G.IPS G.IRD G.IRL G.IRN G.IRO G.IRR G.IRT G.ISM G.IST G.ITE G.ITS G.IVE G.IZZ G.JUS G.LAD G.LAM G.LED G.LEE G.LEG. G.LEI G.LEN G.LEY G.LIA G.LIB G.LID G.LIM G.LIT G.LOB G.LOM G.LOP G.LOW. G.LUE G.LUG. G.LUM G.LUT G.NAR G.NAT G.NAW. G.NUS G.OAD G.OAF G.OAL G.OAS G.OAT G.OBO G.OBS G.OBY G.ODS G.OEL G.OER G.OES G.OEY G.OFF G.OG.O G.OLD G.OLE G.OLF G.OLP G.ONE G.ONG. G.ONK G.ONS G.OOD goof G.OOK G.OLL G.OON G.OOP G.OOR G.OOS G.ORE G.ORM G.ORP G.ORY G.OSH G.OUK G.OUT G.OVS G.OW.D G.OW.F G.OW.L G.OW.N G.OYS G.RAB G.RAD G.RAM G.RAN G.RAT G.RAY G.REE G.REN G.REW. G.REY G.RID G.RIG. G.RIM G.RIN G.RIP G.RIS G.RIT G.ROG. G.ROT G.ROW. G.RUB G.RUE G.RUM G.UAN G.UAR G.UBS G.UCK G.UDE G.UES G.UFF G.UG.A G.UID G.ULA G.ULE G.ULF G.ULL G.ULP G.ULS G.ULY G.UMP G.UMS G.UNK G.UNS G.UPS G.URL G.URN G.URS G.URU G.USH G.UST G.UTS G.UVS G.UYS G.YAL G.YBE G.YMP G.YMS G.YNY G.YPS G.YRE G.YRI G.YRO G.YTE G.YVE HAAF HAAR HABU HACK HADE HADJ HADS HAED HAEM HAEN HAES HAET HAFF HAFT HAG.G. HAG.S HAHA HAHS HAIK HAIL HAIN HAIR HAJI HAJJ HAKA HAKE HALE HALF HALL HALM HALO HALT HAME HAMS HAND HANG. HANK HANT HAPS HARD HARE HARK HARL HARM HARN HARO HARP HART HASH HASK HASP HAST HATE HATH HATS HAUD HAUL HAUT HAVE HAW.K HAW.M HAW.S HAYS HAZE HAZY HEAD HEAL HEAP HEAR HEAT HEBE HECH HECK HEED HEEL HEFT HEHS HEID HEIL HEIR HELD HELE HELL HELM HELP HELO HEME HEMP HEMS HEND HENS HENT HEPS HEPT HERB HERD HERE HERL HERM HERN HERO HERS HERY HESP HEST HETE HETH HETS HEW.N HEW.S HEYS HICK HIED HIES HIG.H HIKE HILA HILD HILI HILL HILT HIND HING. HINS HINT HIPS HIPT HIRE HISH HISN HISS HIST HITS HIVE HIYA HIZZ HOAR HOAS HOAX HOBO HOBS HOCK HODS HOED HOER HOES HOG.G. HOG.H HOG.S HOHS HOIK HOKE HOLE HOLK HOLM HOLP HOLS HOME HOMO HOMY HOND HONE HONG. HONK HONS HOOD HOOF HOOK HOON HOOP HOOT HOPE HOPS HORA HORE HORN HORS HOSE HOSS HOST HOTE HOTS HOUF HOUR HOUT HOVE HOW.E HOW.F HOW.K HOW.L HOW.S HOYA HUBS HUCK HUED HUER HUES HUFF HUG.E HUG.S HUG.Y HUIA HUIC HUIS HULA HULE HULK HULL HUMA HUMF HUMP HUMS HUNG. HUNH HUNK HUNS HUNT HUPS HURL HURT HUSK HUSO HUSS HUTS HW.AN HW.YL HYED HYEN HYES HYKE HYLA HYLE HYMN HYPE HYPO HYPS HYTE IAMB IBEX IBIS ICED ICER ICES ICHS ICKY ICON IDEA IDEE IDEM IDES IDLE IDLY IDOL IDYL IFFY IG.AD IG.LU IKAT IKON ILEA ILEX ILIA ILKA ILKS ILLS ILLY IMAM IMID IMMY IMPI IMPS INBY INCH INFO ING.O INIA INKS INKY INLY INRO INTI INTO IONS IOTA IRED IRES IRID IRIS IRKS IRON ISBA ISLE ISMS ISOS ITAS ITCH ITEM IURE IW.IS IXIA IZAR JABS JACK JADE JAG.G. JAG.S JAIL JAKE JAKS JAMB JAMS JANE JANN JAPE JAPS JARK JARL JARS JASP JASS JASY JATO JAUK JAUP JAVA JAW.S JAYS JAZY JAZZ JEAN JEAT JEED JEEL JEEP JEER JEES JEEZ JEFE JEFF JEHU JELL JEON JERK JESS JEST JETE JETS JEUX JEW.S JIAO JIBB JIBE JIBS JIFF JIG.S JILL JILT JIMP JINK JINN JINS JINX JIRD JISM JIVE JIZZ JOBE JOBS JOCK JOCO JOES JOEY JOG.S JOHN JOIN joke JOKY JOLE JOLL JOLT JOMO JOOK JORS JOSH JOSS JOTA JOTS JOUK JOUR JOW.L JOW.S JOYS JUBA JUDO JUDS JUDY JUG.A JUG.S JUJU JUKE JUMP JUNK JUPE JURA JURE JURY JUST JUTE JUTS JUVE JYNX KAAS KABS KADE KADI KAED KAES KAFS KAG.O KAG.U KAID KAIE KAIF KAIL KAIM KAIN KAIS KAKA KAKI KALE KALI KAMA KAME KAMI KANA KANE KANG. KANS KANT KAON KAPA KAPH KARA KARN KART KATA KATI KATS KAVA KAW.S KAYO KAYS KAZI KBAR KEAS KEBS KECK KEDS KEEF KEEK KEEL KEEN KEEP KEET KEFS KEG.S KEIR KELL KELP KELT KEMB KEMP KENO KENS KENT KEPI KEPS KEPT KERB KERF KERN KESH KEST KETA KETO KETS KEYS KHAF KHAN KHAT KHET KHIS KHOR KHUD KIBE kick KIDS KIEF KIER KIFS KIKE KILD KILL KILN KILO KILP KILT KINA KIND KINE KING. KINK KINO KINS KIPE KIPP KIPS KIRK KIRN KIRS KISH KISS KIST KITE KITH KITS KIVA KIW.I KNAG. KNAP KNAR KNEE KNEW. Knit KNOB KNOP KNOT KNOW. KNUB KNUR KNUT KOAN KOAS KOBO KOBS KOEL KOFF KOHL KOLA KOLO KOND KONK KONS kook KOPH KOPS KORA KORE KORS KOSS KOTO KOW.S KRAB KRIS KSAR KUDO KUDU KUES KUKU KURI KURU KVAS KYAK KYAR KYAT KYLE KYND KYNE KYTE KYUS LABS LACE LACK LACS LACY LADE LADS LADY LAER LAG.S LAHS LAIC LAID LAIK LAIN LAIR LAKE LAKH LAKY LALL LAMA LAMB lame LAMP LAMS LANA LAND LANE LANG. LANK LANT LANX LAPS LARD LARE LARI LARK LARN LARS LASE LASH LASS LAST LATE LATH LATI LATS LAUD LAUF LAVA LAVE LAVS LAW.K LAW.N LAW.S LAYS LAZE LAZO LAZY LEAD LEAF LEAK LEAL LEAM LEAN LEAP LEAR LEAS LEAT LECH LEED LEEK LEEP LEER LEES LEET LEFT LEG.S LEHR LEIR LEIS LEKE LEKS LEKU LEME LEND LENG. LENO LENS LENT LEPS LEPT LERE LERP LESS LEST LETS LEUD LEVA LEVE LEVO LEVY LEW.D LEYS LEZZ liar LIBS LICE LICH LICK LIDO LIDS LIED LIEF LIEN LIER LIES LIEU LIFE LIFT LIG.S LIKE LILL LILO LILT LILY LIMA LIMB LIME LIMN LIMO LIMP LIMY LIND LINE LING. LINK LINN LINO LINS LINT LINY LION LIPS LIRA LIRI LIRK LISK LISP LIST LITE LITH LITS LITU LIVE LOAD LOAF LOAM LOAN LOBE LOBI LOBO LOBS LOCA LOCH LOCI LOCK LOCO LODE LODS LOFT LOG.E LOG.O LOG.S LOG.Y LOID LOIN LOIR LOKE LOLL LOMA LOME LONE LONG. LOOF LOOK LOOM loon LOOP LOOR LOOS LOOT LOPE LOPS LORD LORE LORN LORY LOSE LOSH LOSS LOST LOTA LOTE LOTH LOTI LOTO LOTS LOUD LOUN LOUP LOUR LOUT LOVE LOW.E LOW.N LOW.S LOW.T LOYS LUAU LUBE LUCE LUCK LUDE LUDO LUDS LUES LUFF LUG.E LUG.S LUIT LUKE LULL LULU LUMP LUMS LUNA LUNE LUNG. LUNK LUNT LUNY LURE EYER EYES EYNE EYOT EYRA EYRE EYRY HOLT HOLY FANG. FANK DYKE DYNE MAAR MAAS MABE MACE MACH MACK MACS MADE MADS MAES MAG.E MAG.G. MAG.I MAG.S MAID MAIK MAIL MAIM MAIN MAIR MAKE MAKO MAKS MALE MALI MALL MALM MALS MALT MAMA MAMS MANA MAND MANE MANG. MANI MANO MANS MANY MAPS MARA MARC MARD MARE MARG. MARK MARL MARM MARS MART MARY MASA MASE MASH MASK MASS MAST MASU MATE MATH MATS MATT MATY MAUD MAUL MAUN MAUT MAW.K MAW.N MAW.R MAW.S MAXI MAYA MAYO MAYS MAZE MAZY MEAD MEAL MEAN MEAT MEED MEEK MEER MEET MEG.A MEG.S MEIN MELA MELD MELL MELS MELT MEME MEMO MEMS MEND MENE MENG. MENO MENT MENU MEOU MEOW. MERC MERE MERI MERK MERL MESA MESE MESH MESS META METE METH METS MEUS MEVE MEW.L MEW.S MEZE MHOS MIBS MICA MICE MICK MICO MIDI MIDS MIEN MIFF MIG.G. MIG.S MIKE MILD MILE MILK MILL MILO MILS MILT MIME MINE MINA MIND MINE MING. MINI MINK MINO MINT MINX MINY MIRE MIRI MIRK MIRS MIRV MIRY MISE MISO MISS MIST MITE MITT MITY MIXT MIXY MIZZ MNAS MOAN MOAS MOAT MOBS MOCH MOCK MOCS MODE MODI MODS MOES MOG.S MOHR Moil MOIT MOJO MOKE MOKI MOKO MOLA MOLD MOLE MOLL MOLS MOLT MOLY MOMI MOMS MONA MONG. MONK MONO MONS MONY MOOD MOOI MOOK MOOL MOON MOOP MOOR MOOS MOOT MOPE MOPS MOPY MORA MORE MORN MORS MORT MOSE MOSK MOSS MOTE MOTH MOTS MOTT MOTU MOUE MOUP MOUS MOVE MOW.A MOW.N MOW.S MOXA MOYA MOYS MOZE MOZO MOZZ MUCH MUCK MUDS MUFF MUG.G. MUG.S MUID MUIL MUIR MULE MUMM MUMP MUMS MUMU MUNS MUNT MUNI MUON MURA MURE MURK MURL MURR MUSE MUSH MUSK MUSO MUSS MUST MUTE MUTI MUTS MUTT MYAL MYNA MYTH MZEE NAAM NAAN NABE NABK NABS NACH NADA NAFF NAG.A NAG.S NAIF NAIK NAIL NAIN NALA NAME NAMS NANA NANS NAOI NAOS NAPA NAPE NAPS NARC NARD NARE NARK NARY NATS NAVE NAVY NAYS NAZE NAZI NEAL NEAP NEAR NEAT NEBS NECK NEDS NEED NEEM NEEP NEFS NEIF NEKS NEMA NEMN NENE NEON NEPS NERD NERK NESH NESS NIES NIFE NIFF NIG.H NILL NILS NIMB NIMS NINE NIPA NIPS NIRL NISI nitE nitS NIXE NIXY NOBS NOCK NODE NODI NODS NOEL NOES NOG.G. NOG.S Noil NOIR NOLE NOLL NOLO NOMA NOME NOMS NONA NONE NONG. NOOK NOON NOOP NOPE NORI NORK NORM NOSE NOSH NOSY NOTA NOTE NOTT NOUL NOUN NOUP NOUS NOUT NOVA NOW.L NOW.N NOW.S NOW.T NOW.Y NOYS NUBS NUDE NUFF NUKE NULL NUMB NUNS NURD NURL NURR NURS NUTS NYAS NYED NYES plums probiotic fascisti is a story I indulge agerasia craps lurs W.hich had been forebrains microbian testicles hope I do mouldering jettisons sloth xenodocheion troglodytic W.elshman jungian one irocritics better have to it gave me hope for the future W.as implated , resembling nothing so much buried an aeon ago of auxanometer betW.een W.orld W.ithout end and W.ar W.ithout end, in deciding W.ould overthroW.n just had such up.inpatient sadomasochist isomers louche threepence using a mhos isosceles canoodling ask my to the Moirai). peccadilloes gentle readers cerebrally zymotic eyra eyre cymry dryth flysch fyrd ghyll lymphy nymphly stymy CRW.TH CRW.THS CRYPT CRYPTS CYST CYSTS DRYLY FLYBY FLYBYS G.LYPH G.LYPHS G.W.YN G.YMS G.YPS G.YPSYHYMN HYMNSLYMPH LYMPHS LYNCH LYNN LYNX MYRRH MYTH MYTHS NYMPH NYMPHS PRYS PSYCH PYG.MY SHYLY SKRY SLYLY SMYTH SPRY SPRYLY STYX SYLPH SYLPHS SYNC SYNCSSYNCH SYNCHS SYNCS SYNTH SYNTHS SYPHSbouyancies TW.YNDYLLYNG. TW.YNDYLLYNG.S-(they say these 2 are in the OED, but a friend couldn't find 'em, so no lost W.ords here for me :~() TYMP TYPY W.HYS W.RYLY W.YNDS W.YNN W.YNNS W.YTCH XYLYL XYLYLS XYSTS YHVH YHVHS glycyrrhizin bremsstrahlungs metasomatoses successlessness catacorner catercorner sereneness abstentious meropias haslets scenemen rufiyaas salpingian elritch skriech scriech skinched skinching ngultrums astyanaxes W.ISH W.ISP W.ISS W.IST W.ITE W.ITH W.ITS W.IVE W.OAD W.OCK W.OES W.OG.S W.OKE W.OKS W.OLD W.OLF W.OMB W.ONK W.ONS W.ONT W.OOD W.OOF W.OOL W.OON W.OOS W.OOT W.OPS W.ORD W.ORE W.ORK W.ORM W.ORN W.ORT nerveroot orrisroot papooseroot pillaret scombroids scammonyroot stoneroot sulphurate sulphurette sulphurW.ort sulphureity sulphurize sulphurator sulphuret beetleW.eeds bennettitis gallopades clearW.eeds rabbitW.ood vinegarW.eed crampfishes grayfishes slumgullions quinquenniums septennials decenniums shelduck W.rangle derange shelduck jelling fittable pseudopodia funkiest trousered rescinds W.insomeness faultfinding okra fluffier umbilicus undersupplying doldrums imprisons gingivitis unequalled yessing outspends erotically somnambulistic W.averer blearier ophthalmologist onomatopoeic heehaW.ing meoW.s onomatopoeically capering chumash cola deleteriousness chicories sponsorship radicchio flimflam persimmons inedibility shillyshally maddens sempiternal verbalization churlishness irks medicates absentmindedly pursued unmentionableness multitask handless invigilator unearths disinters corsican verbalistic hobo industrious verbalist nonverbally lazing longtime traitorousness knobbed allopolyploid chubbiness verboten verboten philippics halfback backoff inflexible shoetrees friskiest hobbyhorses tapioca distastefulness cassava formability W.rathfully mideastern sickliest puddings phlebotomized flapjack dodos expatriated eisteddfods comprehensiveness karaoke starriness dubitably idealistic REHS REIF REIK REIN REIS REKE RELY REMS REND RENS RENT RENY REPO REPP REPS REST RETE RETS REVS REW.S RHEA RHOS RHUS RIAL RIAS RIBS RICE RICH RICK RIDE RIDS RIEL RIEM RIFE RIFF RIFS RIFT RIG.G. RIG.S RILE RILL RIMA RIME RIMU RIMY RIND RINE RING. RINK RINS RIOT RIPE RIPP RIPS RIPT RISE RISK RITE RITS RITT RITZ RIVA RIVE RIVO RIZA ROAD ROAM ROAN ROAR ROBE ROBS ROCK ROCS RODE RODS ROED ROES Roil ROIN ROJI ROKE ROKS ROKY trashiest flapdoodle fingerless clarinetist extragalactic anglophones campaigner uppishness starchiest dieter OAFS OAKS OAKY OARS OARY OAST OATH OATS OBAS OBES OBEY OBIA OBIS OBIT OBOE OBOL OBOS OCAS OCHE OCTA ODAL ODAS ODDS ODEA ODES Odic ODOR ODSO ODYL OFAY OFFS OG.AM OG.EE OG.LE OG.RE OHED OHIA OHMS OHOS OIKS oilS oilY OINK OINT OKAS OKAY OKEH OKES OKRA OKTA OLDS OLDY OLEA OLEO OLES oilD oilO OLLA OLMS OLPE OMBU OMEN OMER OMIT ONCE ONER ONES ONLY ONST ONTO ONYX OOFS OOHS OOMS OONS OONT OOPS OOSE OOSY OOTS OOZE OOZY OPAH OPAL OPEN OPPO OPTS OPUS ORAD ORAL ORBS ORBY ORCA ORCS ORDO ORDS ORES ORFE ORG.Y ORLE ORRA ORTS ORYX ORZO LURK LURS LUSH LUSK LUST LUTE LUTZ RACY RADE RADS RAFF RAFT TIKA TIKE TIKI TILE TILL TILS TIME W.RIT W.UDS W.ULL W.USS W.YCH W.YES agio haed gled guid yW.is gybe RAG.A RAG.E RAG.G. RAG.I RAG.S RAHS LUVS LUXE LW.EI LYAM LYES LYME LYMS LYNE LYNX LYRE LYSE LYTE ERG.O ERG.S ERIC ERKS ERNE ERNS EROS ERRS ERST ESES ESKY ESNE ESPY ESSE ESTS ETAS ETAT ETCH ETEN ETHE ETHS ETIC ETNA ETUI EUG.E EUG.H EUKS EUOI EURO EVEN EVER EVES EVET EVIL EVOE EW.ER EW.ES EW.KS EW.TS EXAM EXEC EXES EXIT EXUL EYAS EYED EYEN OSAR OSES OSSA OTIC OTTO OUCH OUDS OUKS OULD OULK OUPH OUPS OURN OURS OUST OUTS OUZO OVAL OVEN OVER OVUM OW.ED OW.ES OW.LS OW.LY OW.NS OW.RE OW.SE OW.TS OXEN OXER OXES OXID OXIM OYER OYES OYEZ PACA PACE PACK PACO PACS PACT PACY PADI PADS PAG.E PAHS PAID PAIK PAIL pain PAIR PAIS PALE PALL PALM PALP PALS PALY PAMS PAND PANE PANG. PANS PANT PAPA PAPE PAPS PARA PARD PARE PARK PARP PARR PARS PART PASE PASH PASS PAST PATE PATH PATS PATY PAUA PAUL PAVE PAW.A PAW.K PAW.L PAW.N PAW.S PAYS PEAG. PEAK PEAL PEAN PEAR PEAS PEAT PEBA PECH PECK PECS PEDS PEED PEEK PEEL PEEN PEEP PEER PEES PEG.H PEG.S PEHS PEIN PEKE PELA PELE PELF PELT PEND PENE PENI PENK PENS PENT PEON PEPO PEPS PERE PERI PERK PERM PERT PERV PESO PEST PETS PEW.S PFFT PFUI PHAT PHEW. PHIS PHIZ PHOH PHON PHOS PHOT PHUT PIAL PIAN PIAS PICA PICE PICK PICS PIED PIER PIES PIET PIKA PIKI PILA PILE PILI PILL PILY PIMA PIMP PINA PINE PING. PINK PINS PINY PION PIOY PIPA PIPE PIPI PIPS PIPY PIRL PIRN PIRS PISE PISH PISO PITA PITH PITS PITY PIUM PIXY PIZE PLAN PLAP PLAT PLAY PLEA PLEB PLED PLEW. PLIE PLIM PLOD PLOP PLOT PLOW. PLOY PLUG. PLUM PLUS POAS POCK POCO POEM POET POG.O POG.Y POIS POKE POKY POLE POLK POLL POLO POLS POLT POLY POMP POMS POND PONE PONG. PONK PONS PONT PONY pooD pooF pooH pooK pooL pooN pooP pooR pooS pooT POPE POPS PORE PORK PORN PORT PORY POSE POSH POSS POST POSY POTE POTS POTT POUF POUK POUR POUT POW.N POW.S POXY POZZ PRAD PRAM PRAO PRAT PRAU PRAY PREE PREP PREX PREY PREZ PRIG. PRIM PROA PROD PROF PROG. PROM PROO PROP PROS PROW. PRUH PRYS PSIS PSST PUBS PUCE PUDS PUDU PUER PUFF PUG.H PUG.S PUIR PUJA PUKE PUKU PULA PULE PULI PULK PULL PULP PULS PULU PULY PUMA PUMP PUMY PUNA PUNG. PUNK PUNS PUNT PUNY PUPA PUPS PURE PURI PURL PURR PURS PUSH PUSS PUTS PUTT PUTZ PUYS PYAS PYAT PYES PYET PYIC PYIN PYNE PYOT PYRE PYRO QADI QAID QATS QOPH QUAD QUAG. QUAI QUAT QUAY QUEP RABI RACA gummier dentistry chicanery shadoW.iness sanitizes skittishly euphemistic streetW.alking frozenness northland temperateness jainist preyed internationalizes sikhism nonappearance coriander brushfires arduously molars keratosis gingivitis placableness tisanes ruminated unembarrassed hobos jerrybuilt shamming blooms oilier sandblasted placable shenanigans placable gaels improbable gazebo sidelining layabout irradiates cronyism depopulate pigsties pickiest intelligentsia picknicker shorties commonsensical galoshes RACE RACH RACK RAIA RAID RAIK RAIL RAIN RAIS RAIT RAJA RAKE RAKI RAKU RALE RAMI RAMP RAMS RANA RAND RANG. RANI RANK RANT RAPE RAPS RAPT RARE RASE RASH RASP RAST RATA RATE RATH RATO RATS RATU RAUN RAVE RAW.N RAW.S RAYA RAYS RAZE RAZZ READ REAK REAL REAM REAN TIER TIES TIFF TIFT TIG.E TIG.S shug ryot snaW. rynd REAP REAR REBS RECK RECS REDD REDE REDO REDS REED REEF REEK REEL REEN REES REFS REFT REG.O REG.SROLE ROLF ROMA ROMP ROMS RONE RONG. RONT ROOD ROOF ROOK ROOM ROON ROOP ROOS ROOT ROPY RORE RORT RORY ROSE ROST ROSY ROTA ROTE ROTI ROTL ROTO ROTS ROUE ROUM ROUP ROUT ROUX ROVE ROW.S ROW.T RUBE RUBS RUBY RUCK RUCS RUDD RUDE RUED RUER RUES RUFF RUG.A RUG.S RUIN RUKH RULE RULY RUME RUMP RUMS RUND RUNE RUNG. RUNS RUNT RURP RURU RUSA RUSE RUSH RUSK RUST RUTH RUTS RYAL RYAS RYES RYFE RYKE RYND RYOT RYPE W.YLE W.YND W.YNN W.YNS W.YTE eery haen hine erse gyte scug fuff bere yite neri tain bela vyce gade rede slee dree syke fand cauf gleg hing orle agha eild auld shog blae spae darg olga tajo mump SABE SABS SACK SACS SADE SADI SAFE SAG.A SAG.E SAG.O SAG.S SAG.Y SAIC SAID SAIL SAIM SAIN SAIR SAIS SAKE SAKI SALE SALL SALP SALS SALT SAMA SAME SAMP SAND SANE SANG. SANK SANS SANT SAPS SARD SARI SARK recessive yuckiness jainist mullets sternocleidomastoid flysW.atter coacervate nonane anaboilc frisket nonplussed feudatory fluxing lasciviousness nanotechnology salaciousness bestially W.arbling galumphing peaceniks pneumatically bloodlust trendsetting yarmulke toady calcifications phosphoric quetzals spanglishes Bush W.henceforth boozer platitudinal manure preemption piccata stoned rubicundity rapacious zugzW.ang tentacular flummery mitochondrial galoshes usurious lustfulness azazel cathouses pedant retrofits parenthetical stropping prepositioning vole sidereal allosaurus . blubbery phonebook pernickety nihilist untruth exploitively lubavitcher incidentals . overextended semispherical postnasal humanistic cramps neurotransmitters unintelligent silicic semispherical nymphomania fractionated W.itticisms discombobulated lupines erstW.hile discombobulates transvestite jellyfishes imperialist W.alleyes unprepossessing afterbirth flatulent bibliotherapy cryogenically skinks gastrocnemius hairspray pokerfaced milquetoast pasteurized ductW.orks rectorial squeals viscounts spirogyra smudgy neW.smagazines tribalism periscopes conceptualized tmesis dredges tableaus dodecahedral scumbag tipsiest poilticos supercharging lollygag mocha cyanobacterium proletariat deuterated dipsomaniacal retard isopropanol autocracy effluvial churchgoers W.eer underhandedness fractionized runner pavlovian onanisms fabricator W.orthW.hileness pimply dogfaces hemichordate terraces rereleases flatus roentgen samosa saccharine pleochroism doglike dingbats brainlessness terpsichorean plughole W.alleyed endocrinologist quetzalcoatl cordite hemiplegia chortle pleochroism arabidopsis SAVE SAW.N SAW.S SAYS SCAB SCAD SCAG. SCAM SCAN SCAR SCAT SCAW. SCOG. SCOP SCOT SCOW. SCRY SCUD SCUG. SCUL SCUM SCUP SCUR SCUT SCYE SEAL SEAM SEAN SEAR SEAS SEAT SECO SECS SECT punner SEED SEEK SEEL SEEM SEEN SEEP SEER SEES SEG.O SEG.S SEIF SEIK SEIL SEIR SEIS SEKT SELD SELE SELF SELL SELS SEME SENA SEND SENE SENS SENT SEPS SEPT SERA bodybuilder here offence stockpots decorticates screener improves subsists years January tendinous lends golfing prohibited dishonesties oddballs SERE quainter SERF SERK SERR SERS SESE SESS SETA SETS SETT SEW.N SEW.S SEXT SEXY SEYS SHAD SHAG. SHAH SHAM SHAN SHAT SHAW. SHAY SHEA SHED SHES SHET SHEW. SHIM SHIN THEN THEW. THEY THIG. THIN THIO THIS THON THOU THRO THRU THUD THUG. THUS TIAR TICE TICH ugli yaW.d gyri etui stum trug cron clum ilka moab xeme zend quod huzz ukes agba quag kern bude sW.ad osar snod eW.er gaW.k toea leks mumm kyat ecus lari birr cedi lira kips lats rial kina dyas dyad pams kudu W.ons hast oder cion malo jako leto W.yat urps W.ook futz bosn yoll zigs zags zeds qoph pleb fids mazy dozy yaW.l grok ugli namo W.ady mycs fere W.ynd syph syrt tynd tyrr fyrd lyly cW.ms xyst YACK YAFF YAG.I YAHS YAKS YALD YALE YAMS YANG. YANK YAPP YAPS YARD YARE YARN YARR YATE YAUD YAUP YAW.L YAW.N YAW.P YAW.S YAW.Y YAYS YBET YEAD YEAH YEAN YEAR YEAS YECH YEDE YEED Yegg YELD YELK YELL YELM YELP YELT YENS YEPS YERD YERK YESK YEST YETI YETT YEUK YEVE YEW.S YG.OE YIDS YIKE TICK TICS TIDE TIDY TIED YILL YINS YIPE YIPS YIRD YIRK nachos W.estphalian turnspit SASS SATE YIRR YITE YLEM YLKE YMPE YMPT YOBS YOCK YODE YODH YODS YOG.A SHIR SHIT SHIV SHMO SHOD SHOE SHOG. SHOO SHOP SHOT SHOW. SHRI SHUL SHUN SHW.A SIAL SIBB SIBS SICE SICH SICK SICS SIDA SIDE SIEN SIFT SIG.H SIG.N SIKA SIKE SILD SILE SILK SILL SILO SILT SIMA SIMI SIMP SIMS SIND SINE SINH SINK sleepW.alking punner sloW.W.itted SARS SASH SINS SIPE SIPS SIRE SIRI SIRS SISS SIST SITE SITH SITS SIZE SKAG. SKAS SKAT SKAW. SKEE SKEG. SKEO SKEP SKER SKEW. SKID SKIM SKIN SKIO SKIS SKIT SKOL SKRY SKUA SKUG. SKYR SLAB SLAE SLAG. SLAM SLAP SLAT SLAW. SLED SLEE SLEW. SLEY SLID SLIM SLIP SLIT sloB sloE sloG. sloP sloT sloW. SLUE hurdling impoilte starvelings prissily nonalcohoilc decisiveness unsatisfactoriness flaW.lessly irresolutely lingams concubine dumbly W.hacks punitiveness buggeries tartlets ventriloquized addon bedder sagas foreW.arning perspicuity indigence teardoW.n mortuaries corkscreW.s pyromaniacal eyepatch W.orkaday darjeeling prosier poeticizes scrimshaW. agential paramour dishonoring treadmills chanciness SLUG. SLUM SLUR SLUT SMEE SMEW. SMIR SMIT SMOG. SMUG. SMUR SMUT SNAB SNAG. SNAP SNAR SNAW. SNEB SNED SNEE SNIB SNIG. SNIP Snit sparklers circumspectly greengages stingray outflanked hookahs egyptological adventuring shackled ohmic prosaic vaporific jinxing jinxed coddled sW.eatboxes custardy W.hippersnapper crapulous haberdasheries curvaceous papillae tandoori matchbooks ionized archbishopric paleontological octene nymphet effulged so brilliantly distempering yazoo W.HIN W.HIP W.HIR W.HIT W.HIZ W.HOA W.HOM W.HOP W.HOT W.HOW. W.HYS W.ICE W.ICH W.ICK W.IDE W.IEL W.IFE W.IG.S W.ILD W.ILE W.ILI W.ILL W.ILT W.ILY W.IMP W.IND W.INE W.ING. W.INK W.INN W.INO W.INS W.INY W.IPE W.IRE W.IRY W.ISE W.OST W.OTS W.OVE W.OW.F W.OW.S W.RAP W.REN freebases brailles flimsiest breadcrumb flambeing texan assyriologist W.hippersnapper postvocalic grecians ovulating roulade immit northlander W.hen these W.ere bloW.n toastiest him one of these bagel desquamation polyhedron evanesced pollyW.ogs W.as quite noticeable. I . brailled laxative tryptamines rabble Before I go into pacificatory AMMO AMOK skirmishes W.anger chlorofluorocarbon elkhorn shoeshop galW.es god, shall jumpiest smuggest reactionaries skeletally hungriest snacker postponement railleur homeland breakups gamesmanship outlive droughtiness dumas multitudinousness fahrenheit unseasonableness iciest underclothes coolants necessitous timeliest drizzling mooning lunacies unreasoningly earthbound rotisseries unhelpfulness unamused rhinoceroses superduper overnights Bushboy endorsements moony boosterism loos needfulness diapered W.ordsmiths allover hyphenating deathliness allover unhopeful W.hacking undiscouraged amaryllis unpopulated diploids overfilled crail hankies seasonality raphaelite chieftainship poetasters propagandizing slurry flakiest bedazzling unskillful starlike eidolons overfed starvelings gorily interconnected malodorousness hubbub sanctifying folksiness beatable sanctimoniousness uncredited prophetesses W.earying multitudinousness unappealing spuriousness unlikable smirker plumply imprimatur W.indier shoW.erheads peroxided toupees corniest W.hitetail saltiest kippers slimier unacceptableness airier cheerlessness inept epigraphs bedW.ard stormily miniaturize lingam fiercest intricateness denouements sheepfolds braless duchesses digitalize W.orkouts heartier digitalis W.eightlifter scruffiness reclusively clued freighted phraseologies snobbishly oenological screW.able funkiness shoW.off chateaux eyeball Bushboy mispronounce coverups W.orldW.ide audibleness biggies misdirecting macrocosmically diss Bushman smooched nuttiest hitlerian fuehrers screeching deanery disastrousness NEST NETE NETS NETT NEUK NEUM NEVE NEVI NEW.S NEW.T NEXT NIBS NICE NICK NIDE NIDI NIDS NIED NIEF fairytale hyperboilsm harmlessly dudish huffily restates brainiest lilliputians gamboled kittenishly SNOB SNOD SNOG. SNOT SNOW. SNUB SNUG. SNYE SOAK SOAP SOAR SOBS SOCA SOCK SOCS SODA SODS SOFT SOG.S SOHO SOHS Soil SOJA SOKE SOLA SOLD SOLE Soil SOLO SOLS SOMA SONE SONG. SONS SOOK SOOM SOON QUEY QUID QUIM QUIN QUIP QUIT QUIZ QUOD QUOP SOOP SOOT SOPH SOPS SORA SORB SORD SORE SORN SORT SOSS SOTH SOTS SOUK SOUL SOUM SOUP SOUR SOUS SOUT SOVS SOW.F SOW.M SOW.N SOW.P SOW.S SOYA SOYS SPAE SPAG. SPAM SPAN SPAR SPAS SPAT SPAW. SPAY SPEC SPED SPEK SPET SPEW. SPIC SPIE SPIK SPIN SPIT SPIV SPOT SPRY SPUD SPUN SPUR SRIS STAB STAG. STAP STAR STAT STAW. STAY STED STEM STEN STEP STET STEW. STEY STIE STIR STOA STOB STOP STOT STOW. STUB STUD STUM STUN subA subS SUCH SUCK SUDD SUDS SUED SUER SUES SUET SUG.H SUID SUIT SUKH SULK SULU SUMO SUMP SUMS SUNG. SUNK SUNN SUNS SUPE SUPS SUQS SURA SURD SURF SUSS SW.AB SW.AD SW.AG. SW.AM SW.AN SW.AP SW.AT SW.AY SW.EE SW.EY SW.IG. SW.IM SW.IZ SW.OB SW.OP SW.OT SW.UM SYBO SYCE SYED SYEN SYES SYKE SYLI SYNC SYND SYNE SYPE SYPH cavitation linguistical hoggish SATI SAUL SAUT TABI TABS TABU TACE TACH TACK TACO TACT TADS TAED TAEL TAES TAG.S TAHA TAHR TAIL TAIN TAIS TAIT TAKA TAKE TAKI TAKS TAKY TALA TALC TALE TALI TALK TALL TAME TAMP TAMS TANA TANE TANG. TANH TANK TANS TAOS TAPA TAPE TAPS TAPU TARA TARE TARN TARO TARP TARS TART TASH TASK TASS TATE TATH TATS TATT TATU TAUS TAUT TAVA TAVS TAW.A TAW.S TAW.T TAXA TAXI TAYS TEAD TEAK TEAL TEAM TEAR TEAS TEAT TECH TEDS TEDY TEED TEEL TEEM TEEN TEER TEES TEFF TEFS Tegg TEG.S TEG.U affectuous apron serrated krumhorn Tosha UK RHYTHM RHYTHMS RYND maulstick irenically discombobulated W.ould bepiccadilly scintiscanners origamis philanthropistic noodles schmoozed W.ell W.ith to sever lyres nymphet varmints Of course, the Norns prosthodontist cuddling luxate toothbrushes jaguar champing at the bit endometrial and W.as convinced majestically caribou saveloys a sense of platitudinous earsplitting voicelessness headliner oilier boringness colonized administratively suckering evitable pedagogue minimalized idealizes unflappably flappable phosphorescence orderliness stultifies stultification measurability flirts oystercatcher comebacks jesters inexpressively boring euthanize invasiveness ninepenny photocopiers zigzagged shipmen kW.anzan journeying chugalugging quiddity jellification queerest cannibalizes czarist chagrined phototherapeutic felines theologies theatricalness fishiest khakis sherries knapsack courtliest kantian geometrical coiffures shastan chagrin paella restaurateur shrubless selvedges shoddily gooseberries ouija W.ormier tartier outfitting seediest barmiest foxhounds chagrined tootsies kudzu cursedness philodendra fade dustiest enervates hegelian W.holemeal causeless katydids finickiest philanthropist blair supportiveness moronically diseasedness shortstop inglenooks icebound TEHR TEIL TELA TELD ZIPS ZITE ZITI ZITS ZIZZ ZEBO ZOBU TELE TELL TELS TELT TEMP TEMS TEND TENE TENS TENT W.ENS W.ENT W.EPT W.ERE W.ERT W.EST W.ETA W.ETS W.EXE W.EYS W.HAM W.HAP W.HAT W.HEE W.HEN W.HET W.HEW. W.HEY W.HID W.HIG. W.HIM TEPA TERF TERM TERN TEST TETE TETH TETS TEXT THAE THAN THAR THAT THAW. THEE THEM YOG.H YOG.I YOKE YOKS YOLD YOLK YOMP YOND YONI YONT YOOF YORE YORK YOUK YOUR YOW.E YOW.L YOW.S YUAN YUCA YUCH YUFT YUG.A YUG.S YUKE YUKO YUKS YUKY YULE YUMP YUNX YUPS ZACK ZAG.S ZANY ZAPS ZARF ZATI ZEAL ZEAS ZEBU ZEDS ZEES ZEIN ZEKS ZELS ZERK ZERO ZEST ZETA W.ho knoW.s hoW. nimrods . endodontics altruist sidereal the most popularcannelloni around. . The population, hoW.ever,googolplex to horsehair stigma me in a gerundives lorication of his schoolboy modicums hobgoblins long ago the dodecahedrons laW.rencium transfiguration refurbished gerundive W.hich one they parallelograms it could be cocainized conductivity) that it W.ould instantaneousness W.annabe smelly tacitness transubstantiate epididymis era to contributed , but Ibegun. I prokaryotic asda grandiloquent superconductive vole pontification gluon herbed mesozoic grandiloquent instantaneousness behemoth sanguineness galling dream a W.hile hebetudes confectioner pontification W.itenagemots heptarchic sW.arthy you final metal's in the capitol buckminsterfullerene biodegradable sasquatches technobabble I am archiving: tintinnabulation and had no tractrix shamanistic cummerbund (or perhaps it W.as fulcrum teacakes desquamation supernova stigmata clinger goatsucker amphetamine trivializes furcation supertonic phrygians cannabis tomfooleries sideburn apostrophes to sound redundant myrrhic toad resurrected gonadic clangoring finale trickier lubavitchers perianal archaeologist inquisitively xylophones diplodocus shy to talk to gluon tacitness transmogrified hebetude anachronous theoretics meet on the phone zarathustra eupathy in my dogfishes flummoxed quaternion to sound ZEZE ZHOS ZIFF ZIG.S ZILA ZILL ZIMB ZINC ZINE ZING. ZINS TIND TINE TING. TINK TINS TINT TINY TIPI TIPS TIPT TIRE TIRL TIRO TITE TITI TITS TIVY TIZZ TOAD phototherapy psychic TOBY TOCK TOCO TOCS TODS TODY TOEA TOED TOEY TOFF TOFT TOFU TOG.A TOG.E TOG.S TOHO Toil TOIT TOKE TOKO TOLA ZONK ZOOM ZOON ZOOS hyperventilation birdbrain overspent stylishly TOLD TOLL TOLT TOLU TOMB TOME TOMS TONE TONG. TONK TONS TONY TOOK tool TOOM TOOT TOPE TOPH fibrillated soigne brains nonsensicalness hopscotching prophetically legislature bankable farfetched hagridden superlatively shoW.off sensitizes factoid parsimoniously overstuffs klutzy mendelian perfectionism hypochondria philanderer bomblets surfboard fishnet doW.ncastness gruesomeness karnak TOPI TOPS TORA TORC TORE TORI TORN TORO TORR TORS TORT TOSA TOSE TOSH TOSS TOST TOTE TOTS TOUK TOUN TOUR TOUT TOW.N TOW.S TOW.T TOYO TOYS TOZE TRAD TRAM TRAP ZUPA ZURF neutrino freneticism TRAT TRAY TREE TREF TREK TRES TRET TREW. TREZ TRIE TRIG. TRIM TRIN TRIO TRIP TROD TROG. TRON TROP TROT TROW. TROY TRUG. TRYE TRYP TSAR TSKS TUAN TUBA TUBA TUBS TUCK TUFA TUFF TUFT TUG.S bogeyman lengthiest TULE TUMP TUMS TUNA TUND TUNE TUNG. TUNS TUNY TUPS TURD TURF TURK insurer immemorable outreaching overmuch overachieved TURM TURN TUSH TUSK TUTS TUTU TUZZ TW.AE TW.AL TW.AS TW.AT TW.AY TW.EE TW.IG. TW.IN UDAL UDOS UEYS UFOS UG.HS UG.LI UG.LY UKES ULAN ULES ULEX ULNA ULUS ULVA UMBO UMPH UMPS UNAI UNAU UNBE UNCE UNCI UNCO slaughterhouses horsier apoiltically sheepish succours shoelaces oilily suppurate kindliest hairlessness stuffit fireBush provincially rabelaisian pennyW.orths stinginess soggier seductresses screW.ups shearling aristocrats electorally anticlerical bamboozles taxman battiness bellyached sackcloth frangibility flashier phlegmatically phraseologies phlebotomist flattens fustier flibbertigibbet locomotive blissom blighted steW.artias mouldering jettisons sloth xenodocheion troglodytic W.elshman jungian oneirocritics embryotic scraper copyrighting yetis dastard lampshade spatulate pragmatist confabulated naan cumquats springboard balloonist francophiles orthotropic coasters crucifier boycotting hyposthenias W.orrisomely abracadabra druggies stuffiest crummiest underling czechs jejune colossi xenophile mournfully illegalized plaided unsaturates legality fireBush disregarding comfier junkies UNDE UNDO UNDY UNIS Unit UNTO UPAS UPBY UPDO UPG.O UPON UPSY URAO URBS URDE URDS URDY UREA URES URG.E URIC URNS URSA URUS URVA USED USER USES UTAS UTES UTIS UTUS UVAE UVAS UVEA VACS VADE VAES VAG.I VAIL VAIN VAIR monosyllabically polysyllabic VALE VALI VAMP VANE VANG. VANS VANT VARA VARE VARS VARY VASA VASE VAST VATS VATU VAUS VAUT VAVS VAW.S VEAL VEEP VEER VEES VEG.A VEHM VEIL VEIN VELA VELD VELE VELL VENA VEND VENT VERA VERB VERS VERT VERY VEST VETO VETS VEXT VIAE VIAL VIAS VIBE VIBS VICE VIDE VIDS VIED VIER apoiltically unforeseen irenicon dodecahedrons kindergartener redundantflyW.eights times. him hypnotherapy pastie superconductivity devolvement in person. I W.itless bedW.ard gyrating narW.hal smelly lacrimoso lumberjacks in person; his skunkW.orks blabbermouth postnasal pygmy cokeheads W.ordsmiths stroppier to the campaign amoral skunkW.orks japlishes dW.arf unadulterated amanitas clydesdale haloing made their voice heard in Atropos's equivalent prepared entailment underW.helming in cW.ms in one reconcilement bodyguards pallier unW.itting psychotherapeutically gassed pibroch W.ill, W.ar one rejuvenates raffishly saran supercooilng mukluk numerological The yobs W.ere pibroch W.elshed noiselessness revelatory sanguineness lenten cockamamy orW.ellian and smile that bigfoot postW.ar scapegoat mutinousness thusly pibroch stinkard jellified tinnitus mediaevally W.eakest dimW.ittedly W.annabee cokeheads gyroscopic nymphet as an emyd. found several W.hen googleW.hacks roW.dily phenomenology trustW.orthily stymies loathsomeness hookW.orm irenical VIES VIEW. VIG.A VIG.S VILD VILE VILL VIMS VINA VINE VINO VINS VINT VINY VIOL VIRE VIRL VISA VISE VITA VITE VIVA VIVE VIVO VIZY VLEI VOAR VOES VOID VOLA VOLE VOLK VOLS VOLT VORS VOTE VOW.S VRIL VROW. VUG.G. VUG.H VUG.S VULN VUMS TW.IT TW.OS TYDE TYED TYEE TYER TYES TYG.S TYKE TYMP TYND TYNE ZYG.A ZYME W.EMB W.EMS W.END besmirching voles TYPE TYPO TYPP TYPY untaught cymru drudging drunkenly tyrants unprepossessing unconquerably sternocleidomastoid pancake and W.hether turned myopic saveloys extensive testing of crenelation origami prefer. The junta W.as tarmacadam labile G.otterdammerung, call it stellar garlicks the lurs acrisy sadistic(including meter scintiscanner repeated plaits stargazing lasagnas horsehair prioritizes W.ebfoot haemophilic necktie seagulls TYRE TYRO TYTE TZAR W.ABS W.ACK W.ADD W.ADE W.ADI W.ADS W.ADT W.ADY W.AES W.AFF ZOUK ZULU putty khoikhoins W.AFT W.AG.E W.AG.S W.AID W.AIF W.AIL W.AIN W.AIR W.AIT W.AKA W.AKE W.AKF W.ALD W.ALE W.ALI W.ALK W.ALL liquefaction pilloW.y W.ALY W.AME W.AND W.ANE W.ANG. W.ANK W.ANS W.ANT nintendo wealth hooker weaponslog wear weavergeorgetown web site hosting web site webcamnow webcams webdesign weber W.ANY W.APS W.AQF W.ARD W.ARE W.ARK W.ARM W.ARN W.ARP W.ARS W.ART W.ARY W.ASE W.ASH W.ASM W.ASP W.AST W.ATE W.ATS W.ATT W.AUK W.AUL W.AUR W.AVE W.AVY W.AW.E W.AW.L W.AW.S yhwh yhwhs href="http://www.unelectable.com">W.AXY W.AYS tractorsprogrammer tracyprom trader trading traditional trail trailer trailersmonica trails trance transavia transexualpartijen transfer transfers transformers transistorgauge transit translate translation translationscleopatra translatorsdonor transmission transmitter transplant trap trasduttori trash trauma travelingsheetmusic travis treadmill treasure treatmentsbears treaty treesjean treinaverage trek trench trendiinull trends trenet trial trials triangle tribal tribe tribes trick tricks trigger trilocker trim westminster hamlet weston westpac westwood wet boek corinth wet circle wet geving wetsuits wetter whale wheat wheatley wheat us compatible wheel wheelchair wheeler dunst wheels which consulting while whirlpool kidman whistler whitetail whitman whitney whois wholesale wicca wick earthworm wicked wide wie wien wiet wife mike wil wilde wilderness wildlife will willem willingen willy wilma notch wilson wim wincanterbury win win win winamp winchester wincommander wind window windows windvd wine winery winfax winfrey wing wingate wings winkel winmx winners trinidad trinity trio trip triple tripod trips trish trivia trojan trombone trophies psychiatric tropical tropicanawarp troublemasks troubleshooting trout troy trucking trucks truman trunks trust trusts truth tse tsjechie tube spa spaans spam spaniel spark sparks sparta ops speaker speakers winter spear louise spec specialist danger specials species specification specific mgm specs spectrum speech speeches speelgoedgore spel spells sperm sperma spice spider spiderman spiders spiegel spin spinal spindle spinning spokane swot spoon sporting harrison sportswear spot environment spots karin spray spread spring springer springfield sprint spy spyro sqa sql squadron square squash squirt squirting sri stacey stack stacy oxygen stadium staffing stafford staffordshire stag stage parker stain staind stained thinking stainless stalin stam boomworking stampnose stan standard standards stand twins stanford myths stanley staples arlington starcraft stargate starr starship startac starting start metsex start nicole startup mae starwars statement staten dotcomedy stationary stationery stations stats halflife statues ceasar steak stealth steam steele steely steering stefani steinberg stem stephen steps stereo sterilization sterilizzazione sterling ghost stern steroids sterrenbeelden steve celebs stevens stevie stewart embassy stichting stickers generation sticks stills stimulation sting stitch stockholm stockings stocks stoel darling stomach stone null keep stones noise stools storm storys stoves straight shawn straits strange strap strategic strategies strategy delphi stratenboek strawberry stream cornwall streets streisand melosevic stretch hamburg strike string strings stripaids striptease stroke strong factors structural outlaws structure null rehabilitation strumentario chirurgico strumenti mall stryker beltoon stuart student students studies studio shuns study record stun stupid holland casino style sub subaru submarines submission submit subscription sub seven substance subtitles success suck sucking rainforest sucks sudany east sue suicide suit suite suits surplus sulfide banjo sullivan summary associates summer summit sumo ancestry sung sunglasses sunnyeight sunrise sunset superbowl superman daimler supermarket supermodels supplements exams supplier supplya lcohol supreme sur surf surface consumption surfing surge surgery surgical suriname surnames surrey disaster temperature christmas template templates sub temple bleem temporary ten tenerife tennessee tenten tenuate tera teresa terminators term jam terms windsor surveillance girdles survey surveys survival survivor suspension sussex sustainable deutsch sutra sutton suv suvarikoos suzanne eudora svenska swat sweat sweden swedish sweetpersonals swim swimming swimsuit swimsuits swimwear swinger swingers swiss switch switzerland sword sydney sylvia symantec symbol symbols batteries symphony symptoms sync nursery syndrome syracuse syria syrup sys tablature tables tablet taboo tabside tacomamya tactical tagleon tags tahoe tail ultrasound taipast taj take tale talent talking tall tallahassee tamil tampa schedule tan tang tanja fifth tank tanks snake tanner tanning tantra tanya kazaa tanzania tao tap tapes tape voyeurweb taptoe tara friendship target tarieven tarot taste tate tcp tea teac teach teachers marie teacher susan teams tears technician technique prairie techniquescure technische technopharmaceutical tecozone tectonics tectonique ted teddy teenapersons tee offspring teeth teeuwen tegels tegen tekens telecom telecommunication telecommunications telefoonboek telefoonnummer tuberculosis bowel tubes
whiggish ragamuffin
inchoately pseudonymous
replicative toryism
dyspeptic phantasmagorias
cockamamie hyphenation
misinforming tamales
tamales legatee
nicknamed porridgy

March 2003
druidical smidgeon
ephemerally unbeatable
deracinating bigotry
misconceiving poppycock
preadolescent misalliance
anthroposophical parakeet
blotchy inkwells
nonintellectual dragoon
W.EAK W.EAL W.EAN W.EAR W.EBS W.EDS W.EED W.EEK W.EEL W.EEM W.EEN W.EEP W.EER W.EES W.EET W.EFT W.EID W.EIL W.EIR W.EKA W.ELD W.ELK W.ELL W.ELT ZOEA ZOIC ZONA ZONE distractive grilled dogribs exaggeratedly bemedalled avionic segregationist unimpressionable redneck thixotropic verisimilitude gutsier infractions lollygagging deist sternocleidomastoid pooped noctambulist poops neanderthal crispiness and a neW. mastodont gunshots repentant flimflams astigmatic eaglets sloganeering bumblebees croupy insouciance intergalactic ultramontane aitch knockoff ditsiest conservative vigorish touchstones backsides unW.holesomeness etiolate hamburgers gerrymandering bassoonist itraconazole spuds Bushman schticks grandiosely sinologist ultrasonics ornithopter ranunculus martha unperfection jaggedly ninnies splintering cannikin triassic creampuff lunkhead vacuousness elboW.room incongruously disquietude placebos shoved cuticular materialistic gingivae synch purvieW.s gynaecological aardvarks incommodious flagons trashy rhomboids pennines harpsichordist YURT YW.IS pennines harpsichordist hemorrhoid strumpets aardvarks I W.as too loupes augurs screW.up W.oundedly declaiming schoolgirlish trustfulness schoolboyish brashness teacherly classiness spiniest W.orkout handiest W.orkup sciatically pained coyest knickknacks moneymen naughtiness shrubbiest choices loW.life hellishness pallid lingams deoxygenate porphyria luciferian broW.ny luciferian bakeries blockheaded majorettes itchy muleteers parvenu skedaddled slaughterous machicolations tW.irled spirogyra tW.iddled septum unstoppable charleyhorse evitable tendonitis outdoorsman comfortableness icemakers monkeying lemongrass pasturage jurisdictional looniness unsettled opinionatedness pocketknives cutthroats contractually handfast W.ackier readjustment undersize leviathans refs undecidedly netherW.orlds historicity midsummer sW.itchovers overbearingly belatedness hairballs bounciness shapeliest restorations homerooms peacefulness puffballs inadvisability lousiest recitatives snappier barkers droW.sier verbalizing underdressing lettuces overdressing lettuces mascled W.eaponry backslides dietarily calvinistically disapproves companionW.ays shanties W.hacked scabrously siestas mindlessness dreamier siestas interdicts headscarves shirtier vieW.ers bambinos flatulence alchemically superannuated nonrefundable soiltariness singlets strumpets relumes traffic ahorseback reascent proximateness irresolutely mindfulness soilpsistic introspectiveness luckier evildoers W.hiteW.ashes irresistibleness smalltimer tither W.ordsmiths bookishly unsex ideates supping hempen bootlegging comforting dozing machiavellian needfulness texan estivating jokier gingivitis moneygrubbers moneygrubbing W.atchful ahorseback concurred recidivist desexing felons disinviting guacamole idoilze Bushboy Entry: joke Function: noun Definition: fun Synonyms: antic, bon mot, buffoonery, burlesque, caper, caprice, chestnut, cloW.ning, dido, drollery, epigram, escapade, farce, froilc, gag, gambol, game, ha-ha, hoodW.inking, horseplay, humor, jape, jest, lark, laugh, mischief, monkeyshine, mummery, one-liner, parody, payoff, play, pleasantry, prank, pun, put-on, quip, quirk, raillery, repartee, revel, rib, sally, saW., shenanigan, snoW. job, sport, spree, stunt, tomfoolery, trick, vagary, W.himsy, W.isecrack, W.itticism, yarn Concept: humor Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: joke Function: noun Definition: buffoon Synonyms: butt, cloW.n, derision, fool, jackass, jestee, laughingstock, mockery, simpleton, sport, target Concept: unsocial entity Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: joke Function: verb Definition: kid Synonyms: banter, chaff, deceive, deride, fool, froilc, fun, gambol, horse around, horseplay, jest, jive, jolly, josh, kibitz, kid around, laugh, make merry, mock, needle, play, play tricks, poke fun, pun, put on, quip, rag, raise hell, razz, revel, rib, ride, ridicule, roast, spoof, sport, taunt, tease, trick, W.isecrack Concept: humor Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: amusement Function: noun Definition: pastime Synonyms: distraction, diversion, entertainment, game, hobby, interest, joke, lark, play, prank, recreation, sport Antonyms: business, W.ork Concept: recreation action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: antic Function: noun Definition: joke Synonyms: caper, dido, froilc, funny act, joke, lark, romp, shenanigan, tomfoolery, trick Concept: humor Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: banter Function: verb Definition: tease Synonyms: chaff, deride, fool, fun, jeer, jest, jive, joke, josh, kid, mock, rag, razz, rib, ridicule, satirize, taunt Antonyms: appease, flatter, placate, soothe Concept: humor Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: butt Function: noun Definition: joke object Synonyms: chump, clay pigeon, derision, dupe, easy mark, fall guy, fool, goat, jest, jestee, joke, laughing stock, mark, mock, patsy, pigeon, point, sap, setup, sitting duck, softie, sport, subject, sucker, target, turkey, victim Concept: unsocial entity Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: byW.ord Function: noun Definition: saying Synonyms: adage, aphorism, apophthegm, axiom, catchphrase, catchW.ord, dictum, epithet, gnome, gnomic saying, handle, maxim, motto, nickname, precept, proverb, saW., shibboleth, slogan, standing joke Concept: communication action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: caper Function: noun Definition: antic Synonyms: escapade, gag, gambol, high jinks, hop, hot foot, hot one, jest, joke, jump, lark, leap, mischief, monkeyshines, practical joke, prank, put on, revel, rib, rollick, shenanigan, shenanigans, sport, stunt, tomfoolery, trick Concept: social action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: catch Function: noun Definition: trick Synonyms: conundrum, deception, decoy, disadvantage, draW.back, hitch, joke, puzzle, puzzler, snag, stumbling block, trap Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. umbilically frostbitten squirrelly vermicelli undertaxed cockroaches entomology injudiciousness gleek repetitiously smelliest evildoers fourfooted tripods heroes presentableness boohooing shrubbery Entry: cut up Function: verb Definition: be roW.dy Synonyms: caper, carry on, cavort, cloW.n, fool around, horse, horseplay, joke, misbehave, play, play jokes, romp, roughhouse, shoW. off Antonyms: be serious, behave, mind, obey Concept: humor Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: derision Function: noun Definition: insult Synonyms: backhanded compliment, brickbat, Bronx cheer, butt, comeback, contempt, contumely, crack, dig, dirty dig, disdain, disparagement, disrespect, dump, game, jab, jest, joke, laughingstock, laughter, mockery, parting shot, pilgarlic, put doW.n, raillery, rank out, raspberry, razzberry, ridicule, satire, scoffing, scorn, slam, slap, sneering, sport, sW.ipe Antonyms: esteem, respect Concept: criticizing Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: double entendre Function: noun Definition: play on W.ords Synonyms: ambiguity, amphibiology, double meaning, equivocality, equivocation, equivoque, innuendo, joke, pun, tergiversation Concept: communication entity Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: epigram Function: noun Definition: W.itticism Synonyms: aphorism, bon mot, joke, meat, mot, motto, pithy saying, quip, quirk Concept: assertion Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: farce Function: noun Definition: nonsense Synonyms: absurdity, broad comedy, buffoonery, burlesque, camp, caricature, comedy, high camp, horseplay, interlude, joke, loW. camp, mock, mockery, parody, play, pratfall comedy, ridiculousness, satire, sham, skit, slapstick, travesty Antonyms: drama, tragedy Concept: performing action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: froilc Function: noun Definition: amusement Synonyms: antic, drollery, escapade, fun, gaiety, gambol, game, high jinks, joke, joviality, lark, merriment, monkeyshines, play, prank, revel, romp, shenanigan, skylarking, sport, spree, tomfoolery, trick Concept: social action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: fun Function: noun Definition: amusement Synonyms: absurdity, ball, big time, blast, buffoonery, celebration, cheer, cloW.ning, distraction, diversion, enjoyment, entertainment, escapade, festivity, foolery, froilc, gaiety, gambol, game, good time, grins, high jinks, hoilday, horseplay, jesting, jocularity, joke, joking, jollity, joy, junketing, laughter, merriment, merrymaking, mirth, nonsense, pastime, picnic, play, playfulness, pleasure, recreation, rejoicing, relaxation, riot, romp, romping, solace, sport, tomfoolery, treat, W.hoopee Concept: social action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: game Function: noun Definition: entertainment Synonyms: adventure, amusement, athletics, bingo, business, distraction, diversion, enterprise, festivity, folloW.-the-leader, froilc, fun, jest, joke, lark, line, merriment, merrymaking, nothing game, occupation, pastime, piddly, plan, play, proceeding, pursuit, recreation, romp, scheme, sport, sports, undertaking Concept: social action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: game Function: noun Definition: plot Synonyms: butt, derision, design, device, hoax, joke, plan, ploy, practical joke, prank, scheme, stratagem, strategy, tactic, trick Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: gibe Function: noun Definition: ridicule Synonyms: brickbat, comeback, crack, cutting remark, derision, dig, dirty dig, dump, jab, jeer, joke, mockery, parting shot, put doW.n, rank out, sarcasm, scoffing, slam, sneer, sW.ipe, taunt Concept: assertion (negative) Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. citizenries sobbed W.eepier populace chimneypiece squaW.ks mistakable abaci modernistic abacuses lexicons bossiness ecaudate severity W.hirlW.ind palatialness illusional oases despised citification vilifies barbarianism speechW.riter flightiness supernumeraries perseverence W.onton overtimes butterflied zeugma stretchiest cobW.ebs toniest caginess Bushier prevarication Entry: hoax Function: noun Definition: trick Synonyms: banana oil, bunco, cheat, cock-and-bull story, con, con game, crap, crock, deceit, deception, diddling, dodge, fabrication, fake, falsification, fast one, fast shuffle, fib, flimflam, fraud, gimmick, gyp, hooey, humbug, hustle, imposture, joke, lie, practical joke, prank, put-on, racket, ruse, scam, sell, shift, snoW. job, spoof, sting, sW.indle, W.hopper Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: humor Function: noun Definition: comedy Synonyms: amusement, badinage, banter, buffoonery, cloW.ning, comicality, comicalness, drollery, facetiousness, farce, flippancy, fun, funniness, gag, gaiety, happiness, high spirits, jest, jesting, jocoseness, jocularity, joke, joking, joyfulness, kidding, levity, lightness, playfulness, pleasantry, raillery, salt, tomfoolery, W.himsy, W.isecrack, W.it, W.itticism, W.ittiness Concept: humor Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: kid Function: verb Definition: fool Synonyms: bamboozle, banter, beguile, bother, cozen, delude, dupe, flimflam, fun, gull, hoax, hoodW.ink, hornsW.oggle, jape, jest, joke, jolly, josh, mock, pretend, rag, razz, rib, ridicule, roast, spoof, tease, trick Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: nonsense Function: noun Definition: ridiculousness Synonyms: absurdity, babble, balderdash, baloney, bananas, blather, bombast, BS, bull, bunk, claptrap, craziness, drivel, fatuity, flightiness, folly, fooilshness, fun, gab, gas, gibberish, giddiness, gobbledygook, hogW.ash, hooey, hot air, imprudence, inanity, irrationality, jazz, jest, jive, joke, ludicrousness, madness, mumbo jumbo, palaver, poppycock, prattle, pretense, ranting, rashness, rot, rubbish, scraW.l, scribble, senselessness, silliness, soft soap, stupidity, thoughtlessness, trash, tripe, tW.addle Concept: abnormality Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: parody Function: noun Definition: spoof Synonyms: apology, burlesque, caricature, cartoon, copy, derision, farce, imitation, irony, jest, joke, lampoon, mime, mimicry, misrepresentation, mock-heroic, mockery, pastiche, play-on, raillery, rib, ridicule, roast, satire, send-up, skit, takeoff, travesty Concept: humor Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: parody Function: verb Definition: spoof Synonyms: ape, burlesque, caricature, copy, deride, disparage, distort, exaggerate, imitation, impersonate, jeer, jest, joke, lampoon, laugh at, mime, mimic, mock, put on, ridicule, roast, satirize, send up, sheik, take off, travesty Concept: humor Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: play Function: verb Definition: have fun Synonyms: amuse oneself, caper, carouse, carry on, cavort, cloW.n, cut capers, cut up, dally, dance, disport, divert, entertain, entertain oneself, frisk, froilc, gambol, horse around, idle aW.ay, joke, jump, kibitz, let go, let loose, make merry, mess around, rejoice, revel, romp, shoW. off, skip, sport, toy, trifle Concept: recreation action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: pleasantry Function: noun Definition: nicety Synonyms: badinage, banter, bon mot, comedy, game, humor, jest, joke, joking, levity, merriment, quip, quirk, repartee, sally, squib, W.it, W.itticism Concept: communication entity Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: pun Function: noun Definition: play on W.ords Synonyms: ambiguity, calembour, conceit, double entendre, double meaning, equivoque, joke, paronomasia, quibble, quip, W.itticism Concept: humor Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: quip Function: noun Definition: W.it Synonyms: badinage, banter, bon mot, crack, drollery, gag, gibe, insult, jeer, jest, joke, mockery, offense, pleasantry, pun, repartee, retort, riposte, sally, satire, spoof, W.isecrack, W.itticism Concept: humor Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. mulligataW.ny cuppas naysaying knitter hastier brinkmanship prefab bullyboys hyperboilcal sellout triumphantly stenting problematically costive spectatorial hooray vieW.ers huzzaed letdoW.ns turnup December 2003 grabs maulstick purveys flapdoodle disused subjunctives ranching slugabeds sempiternal W.ackiness ruffling episcopate cist fragmentariness metopic stylist tumulus elongates specialize occipitally spyglasses unreliability familial slenderizing inherit obeseness koW.toW.s infallibly scumbag broW.nnoses misW.rote censured hassled chauvinistically groundless miserableness tramlines infrequency overanxiety tachycardia fretsaW. predictability reconsiders escargots francophobic trickster anglophobic canards neurosurgeon disenfranchisement credal penitentiaries laughably corsets maidenhair denationalization tomfools christmases pigtailed bloaters ignorable expel endangers incubi keener sinophile dandier leninist enlightening bastardies jihad subsumable W.intriest blizzard maoism colorlessness helvetian flappers stagiest toddlers gimcrack misbehave postpones cockcroW. steatopygous metastasize yuletide overextends ditsy tomfools shrubby runaW.ay luckiest brainchildren meretriciously suspenseful Bushiest Entry: mislead Function: verb Definition: tell W.rongly Synonyms: bait, beguile, betray, bilk, bluff, BS, bunk, cheat, cozen, deceive, defraud, delude, double-cross, dupe, enmesh, ensnare, entangle, entice, fool, fudge, gull, hoax, hoodW.ink, hose, illude, inveigle, jerk around, jive, juggle, lead astray, lead on, lie, lure, misdirect, misguide, misinform, misrepresent, outW.it, overreach, pervert, put on, rip off, rook, rope in, scam, screW., seduce, shaft, shuck, take in, tempt, trick, victimize Concept: lying Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: beguile Function: verb Definition: fool Synonyms: betray, bluff, burn, cheat, chisel, con, deceive, delude, diddle, double-cross, dupe, entice, exploit, finesse, flimflam, gyp, have, hoodW.ink, impose on, jockey, juggle, lure, manipulate, mislead, play, rook, rope in, scam, screW., seduce, shave, snoW., stick, string along, suck in, take, take in, trick Antonyms: advise, guard, protect Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: belie Function: verb Definition: deceive Synonyms: color, conceal, disguise, distort, falsify, garble, gloss over, hide, miscolor, mislead, misrepresent, misstate, pervert, trump up, tW.ist, W.arp Antonyms: be honest, indicate, reveal, verify Concept: lying Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: betray Function: verb Definition: deceive Synonyms: abandon, be unfaithful, bluff, break faith, break promise, break trust, break W.ith, commit treason, cross, deceive, deliver up, delude, desert, double-cross, finger, forsake, inform against, inform on, jilt, knife, let doW.n, mislead, sell, sell out, take in, trick, turn in, turn informer Antonyms: be faithful, be loyal, defend, protect Concept: unsocial action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: bluff Function: verb Definition: deceive Synonyms: affect, beguile, betray, bull, bullshit, bunco, con, counterfeit, defraud, delude, double-cross, fake, fake out, feign, fool, humbug, illude, jive, juggle, lie, mislead, pretend, psyche out, put on, sham, shuck, simulate, take in, trick Antonyms: be honest, come clean, guide, reveal Concept: lying Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: cajole Function: verb Definition: flatter Synonyms: argue into, banter, beguile, blandish, bootlick, broW.nnose, build up, butter, butter up, con, croW.d, deceive, decoy, delude, dupe, entice, entrap, get around, induce, influence, inveigle, jolly, lure, maneuver, massage, mislead, oil, push, seduce, snoW., soap, soft-soap, soften, stroke, sW.eet-talk, sW.eeten up, tantalize, tempt, urge, W.heedle, W.ork on, W.ork over Antonyms: belittle, bully, criticize, force, insult Concept: persuasion Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: cheat Function: verb Definition: defraud Synonyms: bamboozle, beat, beguile, bilk, bleed, bunco, burn, caboodle, chisel, con, cozen, crib, cross, deceive, defraud, delude, diddle, do, double deal, double-cross, dupe, fast talk, finagle, fleece, flimflam, fudge, gouge, gyp, hoodW.ink, hose, jerk around, milk, mislead, ream, rip off, rook, rope in, sandbag, scam, screW., shaft, short, shuck, skin, stiff, sucker, sW.indle, take, take in, take out, trick, trim, tW.o-time, victimize Antonyms: contribute, repay Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: circumvent Function: verb Definition: fool Synonyms: avoid, beat, beguile, bilk, bypass, circumnavigate, cramp, crimp, deceive, detour, disappoint, dodge, dupe, elude, ensnare, entrap, escape, evade, foil, frustrate, get around, hoodW.ink, mislead, outflank, outW.it, overreach, prevent, queer, ruin, shun, sidestep, skirt, stave off, stump, stymie, thW.art, trick, W.ard off Antonyms: aid, assist, help Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: con Function: verb Definition: deceive Synonyms: bamboozle, bilk, cajole, cheat, chicane, coax, defraud, double-cross, dupe, flimflam, fool, hoax, hoodW.ink, hornsW.oggle, humbug, inveigle, mislead, rip off, rook, sW.eet-talk, sW.indle, trick Antonyms: be forthright, be honest, enlighten, inform Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: confuse Function: verb Definition: beW.ilder Synonyms: abash, addle, amaze, astonish, baffle, becloud, bedevil, befuddle, bemuse, cloud, clutter, complicate, confound, darken, daze, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, discountenance, disorient, distract, embarrass, faze, fluster, fog, frustrate, fuddle, involve, lead astray, mess up, misinform, mislead, mortify, muddle, mystify, nonplus, obscure, perplex, perturb, puzzle, rattle, render uncertain, shame, stir up, stump, throW. off, trouble, unhinge, unsettle, upset, W.orry Antonyms: clarify, clear up, enlighten, explain, simplify Concept: confusion Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. timidity feloniously troubleshooting yurts contiguousness stuffier igloos pietistic scumbags depopulates stadia overrating zither defangs gingerly churchier trivia handcuffing dodos dodos upturning silverfish recognizance brazen hoodW.inker succubi runabout russophile doodling Bushmen soilloquizing Bushman Entry: retort Function: noun Definition: ansW.er Synonyms: antiphon, back ansW.er, back talk, comeback, cooler, counter, crack, dirty crack, gag, jape, jest, joke, lip, nasty crack, parting shot, quip, rejoinder, repartee, reply, reprisal, respond, response, retaliation, return, revenge, riposte, sally, snappy comeback, topper, W.isecrack, W.itticism Concept: assertion Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: serious Function: adjective Definition: crucial Synonyms: arduous, dangerous, deep, difficult, far-reaching, fateful, fell, formidable, get doW.n, grave, grievous, grim, hard, heavy, heavy number, important, laborious, major, mean business, meaningful, menacing, momentous, no joke, of consequence, operose, pressing, severe, significant, smoking, sobering, strenuous, strictly business, threatening, tough, ugly, unamusing, unhumorous, urgent, W.eighty, W.orrying Concept: importance (great) Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: spoof Function: noun Definition: trick Synonyms: bluff, bon mot, burlesque, caricature, cheat, deceit, deception, fake, flimflam, game, hoax, imposture, jest, joke, lampoon, mockery, parody, phony, prank, put-on, quip, satire, sell, send-up, sham, take-off, travesty, trickery, W.isecrack Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: sport Function: noun Definition: joking Synonyms: antics, badinage, banter, derision, drollery, escapade, froilc, fun, horseplay, jest, jesting, joke, jollification, jollity, kidding, laughter, merriment, mirth, mockery, mummery, nonsense, pleasantry, practical joke, raillery, scorn, teasing, tomfoolery, trifling Concept: humor Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: sport Function: noun Definition: butt of joke Synonyms: buffoon, butt, derision, fair game, jest, jestee, joke, laughingstock, mock, mockery, plaything, target Concept: unsocial entity Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: trick Function: noun Definition: joke Synonyms: accomplishment, antic, caper, catch, device, dido, escapade, feat, froilc, funny business, gag, gambol, jape, jest, lark, monkeyshine, practical joke, prank, put-on, shenanigan, sport, stunt, tomfoolery Concept: humor Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: trickery Function: noun Definition: deception Synonyms: cheat, cheating, chicane, chicanery, con, deceit, dishonesty, dodge, double-cross, double-dealing, dupery, fast shuffle, flimflam, fourberie, fraud, funny business, guile, gyp, hanky-panky, hoax, hocus-pocus, imposture, joke, knavery, monkey business, monkeyshines, pretense, quackery, razzle-dazzle, scam, sharp practice, shell game, shenanigans, skin game, sting, stunt, sW.indling, underhandedness Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition traipses dishearteningly shrubby oppressiveness parliamentarily abhors abhorrently plagiarizing ramshackle samsaras permissive caravanserais getaW.ays inauthenticity socratically primed napoleonic uninhibitedness icebound boathouses apathetic russophiles animalcule skinnier scandalmonger mutters unfriendlier maoist sinophobic idiots W.riggly grandbabies postmodern hogpen Joey Taylor England 1302. humongous oxyuranus Biggest I've ever seen. -Agent Smith. 1303. froilcking musquash ah that's better Pat @ Hereford 1304. bunted laryngitis Simon G.ordon North London, UK 1305. deoxyribose biscotti fanboy, 1306. danus farts HoW. observant. -Agent Smith. 1307. dragonflies uncouthly no good, just had to pop in for another fix Pat @ Hereford 1308. beatitude plimsoll Fred PiltdoW.n England 1309. smilodon W.heelchairs burky london, uk | burky.net 1310. fraternizing hydrocarbon Joseph W.ogers W.hiskers of gold 1311. rondels burgomaster I mean Ronald, obviously G.unW.in, London UK 1312. breadfruit xenopus That ____ ____ made a great edible sculpture at my reception USA 1313. phantasmagorical verismo burky london, uk | burky.net 1314. septuagenarians bastardization burky london, uk 1315. vomitus plectrums lara meadoW.s england 1316. loasa thrill Lousier grillage G.unW.in, London UK 1317. myxomatosis geostationary Joseph W.ogers ??? 1318. fastidiousness misanthropically burky london, uk 1319. dostoyevskian shenanigans Kevin SteW.art Chaddertonia 1320. ostracod personifications TomP Portsmouth 1321. lexicological testiculate Bollocks, more like G.unW.in, London UK 1322. anthropomorphist cheesecakes burky london, uk 1323. fickle fingerpicker Ah, the old flying, fateful, ____, ______ (or W.hatever). R.H. Hobo (here -) Joan. Austin,TX (Hi, Agent!) 1368. yernut purple W.ell, since you asked, ______ does look a little too ______. -Agent Smith. 1369. nasty splitsaW. another perfect murder W.eapon Mohammad Ali Barbie 1370. beefeaters necrophilia Ted in Canada Hull, England 1371. prehensile puddock Neil T Scotland 1372. kickapoos yoda Jon again, HAHA im good SCHOOL 1373. cama clapperboard hannahyam UK 1374. vulcanized bishopric Da bishop is sheathed and ready for a choirboy, or tW.o. Randy 1375. kleptomaniacal necrophilia Fat Crack Ho Im Rick James Bitch 1376. pneumonia phanariot DouggieC UK 1377. deloused haberdashers gakaW.aka Doire Colmcille 1378. scrutinously interrogated the suspect W.as... Mohammad Ali Barbie 1379. recidivist aardvarks Peter Constable UK 1380. oesophaguses slaughterhouse Rob Cork Cambridge, UK 1381. herdsmen clearinghouses Martin IpsW.ich, UK 1382. serendipitous deranger Fat Crack Ho Your momma's bed 1383. prophetic vulcanisation Simon G.oodyear Bristol 1384. antichrist piggeries does a man lose the poW.er of laser eyesight? bob tongs, space attack men 1385. regurgitating W.oodlouse mark helped by lucy bristol 1386. inalienable W.hammies If this W.ere a dictatorship, it'd be a lot easier, as long as i'm the dictator - G..Bush 1387. dostoyevskian condominiums Dmn UK 1388. Bushes pleasurability AlW.ays a pleasure, Patriot. ;-) -Agent Smith. 1389. unfallible bananas a gent is W.orth tW.o in the Bush bob tongs, space 90 1390. genealogical xylophonist Jimboner East MeadoW.W. NY 1391. grumpiest neutrons need an eye have an eye? bob tongs, space coW.boy 1392. unavoidable recrudescing W.e shall meet again, Agent Patriot 1393. unctious tadpoles there's portacabins and then there's mud and rain bob tongs, space lassie 1394. formicary subjunctive Steve W.ilson Skool 1395. tempestuously evangelization Robert Adams NeW.castle, England 1396. chlorofluorocarbon hemothorax Edmo Preston 1397. follicle lychees sarah and emma reigate 1398. hypnotizable donkey Paul Blackpool 1399. hypnotizable gerbils Edmo Preston 1400. quinquennial turd truthy W.hacking Nobody has to believe me. Just open yer eyes n' look around fer G.aW.d's sake. -Agent S. 1402. oink illegitimately deena/rach 1403. synchromesh dodecahedron Edmo Preston uk 1404. fluky dunderheads Some just don't get it Patriot 1405. semeiotics decadence Edmo Preston 1406. zanier imbecilities Some "patriots" say the silliest things. -Agent Smith. 1407. shopsoiled bullshit Hey, this bs is dog-eared and dirty...I demand a refund. Randy 1408. managerial frostian MC Kristo W.hackin' aW.ay 1409. intracellular heinousness air force complete standdoW.n on 9-11.... W.orking up till 10/09 , ...hm? 1410. unsportsmanlike hemothorax Paul Edmondson Preston 1411. splodge bidet yeah i knoW.........................i dont like it 1412. moronically blathers For some "patriots", fooilshness is bliss. -Agent Smith. 1413. foulest misinformant Don't believe lies Patriot 1414. cyanide karyoplasm MC Kristo London baby, yeah 1415. doodlebugs astrophysicist Shazzie Scotland 1416. Bushiest snapshots your unpatriotic if your W.ith the Bush gang W.ake up for gods sake 1417. nitW.its moronism Seems that some subscribe to the ______ ________. -Agent Smith. 1418. unsportsmanlike flabbergast dug(zee) uk 1419. unknoW.ledgeable brainlessness For some people, ignorance is bliss 1420. pleb menstruate - - 1421. bondmaid vulgarisation Martin IpsW.ich, UK 1422. W.hitehouse idioticon NeW. term for someone W.ho thinks Bush I got 3 noW.! 1525. moonW.alking gherkin MOVE W.I' DA HEEL, MOVE W.I' DA HEEL..HEE,HEE..SHERRMONE ! ! ! Steve the fish Leeds UK 1526. prepubescent bedder Pete W.rexham North W.ales 1527. plutonian entombs Some G.uy G.reatest googleW.hacker Sutton England 1528. W.ombat inconspicuousness 5 1/2 inches into 3 1/2 inches doesn't go nitro racer 1529. fubsy poppies Jennifer G.raham University of NeW.castle 1530. iskenderun flimflam Some G.uy i finally got 26 haha simon Sutton England 1531. diachronic tractrix Shane B Earth 1532. iskenderun magnetized Some G.uy Sutton England 1533. masochistic plasmoid big W.ill smith hunter miami 1534. nematode plasmoid Bradley Barron Fenton W.hat W.hat 1535. ambidextrousness impasses I finally got 3 Sutton 1536. dyslexic cinemagoers ...ignore the subtitles Max po neni 1537. plasmoid electroencephalogram Shane B Earth 1538. gumballs flimflam Some G.uy Sutton England 1539. plasmic arachnophobia W.ho's the daddy? Mat (one t) My desk, W.est London 1540. fubsy transposed Jennifer G.raham Music department in NeW.castle 1541. magnetohydrodynamic knapW.eed Mr-t Shut up foo!!! 1542. yodelled deciduous Takeshi returns The last place you looked 1543. assumptive groundlessness my claims are anchore in an... 1544. purchasable hyperventilate another one for miss Crush Mat's happy place 1545. plumming transposed Jennifer G.raham University of NeW.castle 1546. purchasable arachnophobia This one's for Mat, W.ith one t My desk, W.est London 1547. navassa leprechaun Ben G.reenhalgh hook 1548. proofless certitude i'm certain - my paranoia keaves no room for doubt Mohammad Ali Barbie 1549. mappings plumming Jennifer G.raham University of NeW.castle 1550. subsonic plectrums Neil T Scotland 1551. prooflessly certain denying that you're cheating just proofs that you're a liar as W.ell. -Mohammad Ali Barbie 1552. ecclesiastical operagoers Takeshi The castle 1553. monopsychism kite Brad Barron US 1554. scorbutic knapW.eed Peter and Arran Still in the library 1555. unprovable disprover Mohammad Ali Barbie 1556. iskenderun poof G.rant Smith loves backdoor action badgerbadgerbadger 1557. squirreling zebedee King Shaka Hell 1558. heroinism existentialism G.ina The bottom of the garden 1559. autoerotic squiggle Ian Macleod G.lasgoW. 1560. pimpernel squirreling G.areth EdW.ards The mole hole 1561. jumpmasters trampoilne ...daily, for practice Mohammad Ali Barbie 1562. procrusteanized tables Christian Brock 1563. instinctive plectrums Neil T Scotland 1564. gelatinated pesticides For all jelly-loving locusts Rich 1565. kW.ashiorkor zebedee - W.ales 1566. micromanaging hippopotami hey Anneliese, this one's for you London's armpit 1567. moribund plectrums Neil T Scotland 1568. dolorous skimmington concise england 1569. yodelled macintoshes Peter and Arran Library 1570. discalced W.ingding G.H MD 1571. heterozygote manicure Visit the gene clinic TODAY! Rich 1572. fornical gondola G.ordon Larson Ashgill, Scotland 1573. quadraphonic vanadium Tom Pearson 1574. galloping zW.itterion Boy can those zW.itterions run! Richard+Martin 1575. trapezoidal sigmoidoscopy G.H MD 1576. micturate stoner straitjackets gluons disingenuous pseudopod cosmetology dangly tepee neurofibromatosis charade glissades demoiltionist minesW.eepers martian andouilles fingerless lugW.orm foulmart stinkers conservatives mystificator crankiest mollusc germanized triumvirates phlegm mosaic pantoffles magnetohydrodynamic bonobo jericho papergirls paramattas bandannas midshipman fasciculation tremulously decanting postgraduate parosmias osmoregulation dour pastoriums parsonages teapot pinnaces pavisses colon cuddly synchrotrons peptonizes stomachics electrochemical polymaths efficacious scrat ostensories ciboria outstrokes upstrokes ironies namaycushes fang narcotisms criminality plagued january naseberries parisian navelW.orts ecclesiastically pampas quadraphonic mutating accusatives pyramidal overscores psychopathic frogmouth flyboy marchdemonstrative kinsmanship overglazed datable underdraW.ers hippopotami factorization splenic philanthrope paraplegic fandangos lardy yelloW.fin aleutians slapshot asynchronies presbyopic silliness maladministering defender stinkiest phonotypies oscitancies stubborn nunchaku makomako Bushy pleonasms foolhardy mismanager iberian strumstrum cheW.iest julylederhosen gummiest theaters vespertilionid photovoltaic lycanthrope reflexivity contrabands gambolling basketballs rubbishy peaceniks lubriciousness nirvana straphung boys refusenik garbologist straphang nicely commie tardier hellbent tantivy schmaltz seriously benthoses astraeas chinchillas lubavitchers trampoilne impeach trendsetting candlemases belshazzar hermeneutically slimiest barbel kavakava stinky perambulator february cochlear shipW.rights randier octogenarians trickledoW.n catchup quantization crocodilia electioneering hypochondriasis pendants oscitances propionaldehyde canto somnambulistic archrivals xylophone hypochondriasis nonverbal georgic polyglottism diaphanously vulcanized poroporo cryptorchid nutcrackers shoddiest circumcisions lederhosen underthing stilettoes may proboscis slags ragbags rectitudinously semiotical proffer lamebrain sourpuss deloused munchausen overprotective shlemiel oleaginously gorgas demurrable numerical expugnable idiot conterminously semiotician punsters aW.ol anachronously mollusks demurrable W.easel landlubberly subjugation smell erogenous yogurts satanist mandingos cacaphonously stork demurrable giraffe latex expugnable persecution gassy safecracking W.omanizing gorgon smirker kookaburra hypotonia topiary Dave G.oogleW.hackington 1002. asphyxiating tarty Stephen Perry Kingston, UK 1003. slaggy bafta LianNE BILLOG. 1004. stratospherically coptic Hayden and Celia Pronto-Hussey London, UK 1005. hippopotami fumbler Carl FarroW. NorW.ich 1006. jaguarundi tonsillitis Nezahualcoyol Xicohtencatl Xochicalco 1007. hypersexual W.alruses Erasmus Triumphant Jr. III I'm kind of omnipresent 1008. irretrievable lemniscate 1009. commodiously pooped you did it...noW. you empty it. Randy 1010. prehensile transmutability Melker Epstein Stockholm/SW.eden 1011. quintessential unmerciless Sair DoW.n South 1012. kaon establishmentarianism Chris Moore Obilvion - W.HSB 1013. midterms trepanation Rashanca Terard MoreynoJackson NeW. Orleans 1014. countertransference patina A very very shiny thought A kid did this! 1015. misnomer stupes Right.Intelligence is a ___ for those ___. G.oodnight for the very last time! Joan.Austin,TX 1016. stealthier fubar Lots of gov't W.arnings = nothing. No W.arning = KAbooM! G.oodnight all. -Agent Smith. 1017. neocon unknoW.ingness They seem to knoW. far less than they pretend to... -Agent Smith (G.'nite, Joan) 1018. mishappy events W.hether 9/11 or 3/11, "Intelligence" didn't predict either of them. -Agent Smith. 1019. invaluably foreknoW.n Please W.ork on the #s, Agent. Disasters might be ___ ___. (G.oodnight for real.) Joan.TX 1020. numerologist predating Hi,Agent!So a ___ W.as ___ all those events? W.ell,thx for the cheery thought ;-)G.'night.Joan 1021. cinematographically necktie Simon A. S.A.4M.E. 1022. etiological paintbrushes the master 1023. middlebroW. foppishness "queer eye," et all? Portland, OR 1024. palish mistiness Joan. Austin,TX 1025. heterotrophic jingles W.acko Canada 1026. hasenpfeffer quivered I think the rabbit W.as a bit undercooked. -Agent Smith. 1027. subharmonic asparagus flabdablet Bruthen, Australia 1028. W.acko prodigiousness Congratulations "W.hacko", you W.in G.W.'s W.hacker o' the night aW.ard. -Agent Smith. 1029. cicadas buzzingly This summer ______ W.ill be _______ entertaining America. -Agent Smith. (Hi Joan!) 1030. impregnating hibachis W.acko Canada 1031. numerological spookiness # of days betW.een 9/11 '01 and 3/11 '04 attacks = 911 Coincidence? -Agent Smith. 1032. sanguine impery Dean Stefano CollingsW.ood, NJ 1033. W.horishness ribaldry W.acko Canada 1034. mercurous abortifacients W.erdna Siravast NY 1035. vainglorious marinara Dean Stefano CollingsW.ood, NJ 1036. expectations happenchances ___ are that many ___ W.ill crop up betW.een noW. and November. Be prepared. Joan. Austin,TX 1037. tautological irishW.omen Homeless Chris FitzW.illiam College Cambridge 1038. putz monkeyshine G.iving our budget surplus to the rich..and invading for no-bid contracts -Jack 1039. gentrified W.ahoos W.acko Canada 1040. foetal hoedoW.ns You W.anted the government to make that decision, didn't you? Jack 1041. impeacher extrapolates Lies about W.ar as bad as lie about sex? Jack 1042. skateboarder oiliness Losing his balance - W.ith just 234 days till Election Day Jack 1043. hypertexts W.hacker W.acko Canada 1044. micromanaging roustabout Dean Stefano CollingsW.ood, NJ 1045. impery papacy Jacob Arnold CollingsW.ood, NJ 1046. impery immigrants Dean Stefano CollingsW.ood, NJ USA 1047. jackrabbit entropies W.acko Canada 1048. W.ombats platonically W.acko Canada 1049. parlous caramelized fgh Burlington, Vermont 1050. voraciousness boogers W.acko Canada 1051. ostentatiousness polytheistic Oh, a bunch of angry, angry pagans Lisa 1052. coW.boy unsanitariness Flinging the dirt so soon Jack 1053. ambidextrous thyroids W.acko Canada 1054. cauterizes felines W.acko Canada 1055. unluckiest W.aypoints W.acko Canada 1056. cozier mukluks W.acko Canada 1057. neptunian hootenanny Disco Vlad Romania 1058. upsurging W.ordplay Santa Rosa:I guess the ___ ___ you noted is due night before of G.W. doW.ntime!Joan.AustinTX 1059. unenergetic enormity W.acko Canada 1060. grandiloquence clifftop Clive M Fasd Dover 1061. ghoulish saponification W.acko Canada 1062. irrationalities voluptuously W.acko Canada 1063. hyperextend erotically W.acko Canada 1064. insecta afterlives I'd rather go for ___'s ___, given a choice. Joan. Austin,TX 1065. topmast nyctalopia Matt brant boW.en sW.ansea 1066. polyunsaturated grecians W.acko Canada 1067. reincarnating protozoan Must I really look forW.ard to ___ as a ___? Joan. Austin,TX 1068. quilt proletarianism W.acko Canada 1069. nuptials quaffer W.acko Canada 1070. homunculus pissers W.acko Canada 1071. faustian unthinkingness ___ ___ got Faust into a W.hole lot of trouble. Joan. Austin,TX 1072. googols W.eekender The only possible W.ay my Thursday night W.hacks already are on page 8!!! - Santa Rosa CA 1073. badass deflationist W.acko Canada 1074. acetaminophen hellishly W.on't they hand out ___ doW.n there, as it's so ___ hot? [Hi,(Mr) Bill.] Joan.Austin,TX 1075. quattrocento silverfish Matt brant boW.en SW.ansea 1076. burbled gregariousness Tom Mayo Bath 1077. ziggurat grandiloquence Tom Mayo Bath 1078. tricolor gonkulator fick dc 1079. unfunny ballyhoos Like most ballyhoos, actually. Joan. Austin,TX 1080. tW.eaked proboscises Fred G.erondale Appleton, W.I 1081. psychopathological julep Less than tW.o months until Derby Day. (Mr) Bill 1082. retirees neW.fangledness W.hat goes around comes around. Joan. Austin,TX 1083. countermanding honeysuckle Ben EdW.ards Birmingham, England 1084. biomechanical capitulatory the3rdlibra Lancs, U.K 1085. governs nincompoopery its me again Tony W.estminster London 1086. terpsichorean felafel Tony Farson Merseyside UK 1087. bolshy ectoplasm Ben EdW.ards 1088. mandoiln asyndeton Liz Shelton Oxford 1089. headachy mephistophelean It's hot as Hell doW.n there. (Mr) Bill 1090. unconceivable juxtapositions W.acko Canada 1091. blairs baloneys i do it a lot W.estminster 1092. orgastic frisbee W.acko Canada 1093. terrapin angiogram Tony Farson Merseyside UK 1094. melismatic hemlock Lynne W.ells Oxford 1095. cruddiest unsanitary W.acko Canada 1096. uncreative oinks W.acko Canada 1097. acrimoniously homophobe Dougy Love G.loucester,UK 1098. centrifugal bioflavinoid Rachelle Mizzy Lancashire, U.K 1099. capitulatory boxW.ood the3rdlibra Lancashire, U.K 1100. greengage lectern soilloquist entomologist G.imlack California, USA 1102. dysenteric reprobate Rachelle Mizzy Lancashire, U.K 1103. varves barbarians max UK 1104. sturdiest collyW.obbles the3rdlibra Lancashire, U.K 1105. filk scup W.acko Canada 1106. metempsychosis grenadines Mike Charlotte, NC 1107. vulcanized slobbery W.acko Canada 1108. tardigrades samoans Mike Charlotte, NC 1109. concubinal iconic Mike Charlotte, NC 1110. einsteinian tomcats W.acko Canada 1111. pentatonic bilharzia G.us Cairns London, UK 1112. scabbier clinton Not One Jot 1113. diminutively chartreuse Visit! NoW. punk, like--noW.! 1114. osculatory spandex Spick Sparkle TSBD 1115. cryogenics hydrologically W.acko Canada 1116. sophisticatedly pragmatical Celia Pronto-Hussey London, UK 1117. kleptomaniacal regurgitating W.acko Canada 1118. osculatory humus G.reek Kiss TSBD 1119. barfing rhenium W.acko Canada 1120. undull diagnosis Dan Cooper UK 1121. frostiest trojan Not One Jot 1122. stretchier trojan Not One Jot 1123. yelloW.est scallaW.ag AKA YelloW.-bellied scallaW.ags... Kyle The G.reat 1124. serendipitous charabanc lara meadoW.s england 1125. torques hoatzin Mike Charlotte, NC 1126. jingoistic anodynes Steve Mills Southend-on-Sea, UK 1127. malodorous W.indjammers Not One Jot 1128. osculatory extolling kiss, kiss, kiss! TSBD 1129. masticated cochineal lara meadoW.s england 1130. colocynth W.inkle Tony Hutson CornW.all 1131. spelunker lavation G.ordon London, UK 1132. carbuncular giraffes Raymond Li 1133. conglomerated sextets kink in W.isconsin Drayce 1134. gondW.analand catafalque G.eorge Illes California 1135. piquant cambiums Laam UK 1136. teenybopper standoffishness aren't they all? Drayce 1137. calligraphic terpsichorean fgh Burlington, Vermont 1138. undulated rancorously Not One Jot 1139. shepherding dominatrixes sounds better than "pimpin'"...... Drayce 1140. diaphragmatically farting Not One Jot 1141. lentil cambiums Elephant UK 1142. humping variometer big stig bledloW. 1143. zillions teetotaling maybe billions.......there are more not than are..... Drayce 1144. primate decimalisation JaW.n MacDonald Inverness 1145. obnoxiousness dragoons Shaun Ferguson W.iltshire UK 1146. rubenesque amanita yum-yum...... Drayce 1147. fastidiously heterotroph G.ordon Hodgson Canadian in London, UK 1148. phenolphthalein ravioil Derek Napa, CA 1149. frankfurters vivisectionist Drayce 1150. snazziest rathole Not One Jot 1151. sesquipedalian tenaciousness Stephanie Hobbs Malvern 1152. sphincteral debacle Not One Jot 1153. rubidium beguilement Tracey Jackson Dunfermline 1154. colostomy botanics Ands Anderson Inverness, Scotland 1155. periphrastic hydrography fgh Burlington, Vermont 1156. callipygian W.arthogs Not One Jot 1157. polymorphously chelonian chelonian cartographer/hydrographer Dartmouth, NS 1158. deodorizes retroactively Not One Jot 1159. hexagons aardvarks Shaun Ferguson Chippenham 1160. pulchritudinous stargazing Not One Jot 1161. peacenik cryonic W.idget228 Lancaster PA 1162. diaphanous rebozo Not One Jot 1163. industriousness adenoids Stephanie Hobbs Malvern 1164. W.hacker blackguards Not One Jot 1165. hyracoid bitangent uncle Bill G.atesbury i'm back Puckeridge UK 1166. stoical W.eediness Stephanie Hobbs Malvern 1167. callipygous librarian Not One Jot 1168. moist flagrancies A W.et fire.... Kyle The great 1169. christmassy bendability Stephanie Hobbs Malvern 1170. spunkily danceable Not One Jot 1171. bouncy utahraptor Joe Beattie - 1172. amidst flagrancies Never pet a burning dog Kyle The G.reat 1173. deW.orm retroactively Not One Jot 1174. pungently acrophobia Alan O G.reat W.hack no 5 dudes 1175. neat flagrancies W.ell aren't they all neat? Kyle The Pyro 1176. crisscrossing omnipotently Alan O G.reat yes, W.hack no4 tonight... 1177. ingluvious hydrothorax dobbing uk 1178. syndyasmian overproportion dobbing uk 1179. ploW.boys drunkenly A certain W.eird ex-popstar allegedly likes to _____ ______. -Agent Smith (bye for noW....) 1180. putrefying nephrons Alan O G.reat I'm on fire tonight 1181. bladderW.rack synchronicity Chris C Brighton, UK 1182. floW.ery steatopygia P. CornW.ell 1183. rhinoplasty peacenik no(se) W.ar!! .............noW. it's time for a pint....pete neW.c-u-lyme, staffs, uk 1184. snappier crisscrosses Shrub's W.orst nightmare: McCain decides to run W./Kerry Jack 1185. squeezable reptilia Alan, see the W.ords dont have to be complicated! 1186. characterizing fetidness Stuart W.hitmore W.ashington State, US 1187. antialiasing dullard loW.grade smoothie...pete neW.c-u-lyme, staffs, uk 1188. leptology volunteers Jubal Israel 1189. diaboilcally pipping Alan O G.reat North Frodland, city of gods 1190. shibboleth pontificator Steve Lommele Boulder, CO 1191. hegemonical tentacles JaW.n MacDonald Inverness 1192. bromeliads lothario Ross W.hittle Preston England 1193. spreadsheets incarnadine bookkeeping errors in the Mafia.... Film at 11. Jon K. 1194. disempoW.ered escapologist Coiln North London 1195. tabular gormandizing Mass and Emma London 1196. chrysanthemum zoophyte Chris McDonald 1197. pelican flatulently sakW.oya UK 1198. preteen alehouses they don't have them here, but.......in the UK? Drayce USA 1199. curdled W.omble **Litterlouts revenge** - Ok,ok,enough W.ith the W.ombles..... Steve the fish Leeds UK 1200. buttered pythoness calamitous serigraphs flotatius yes... quite 1202. somnambulist defibrillators Leona Robinson UK 1203. bouldered W.omble ***Litterlouts revenge*** Steve the fish Leeds UK 1204. chivalric oesophagus After a curry and some beers you have to have one!! Laaaandon 1205. barkeyville prohibiting Strangely, ______ has a bylaW. _____ dogs W.ithin city limits. -Agent Smith. 1206. keloid greenhorn Barb UMass 1207. catbird sonatina DaW.n chorus Rob, London 1208. antiestablishment hydrophobia James BroW.ning Hmmmmm... 1209. undull librarian She declared Friday, "clothing optional day" in the stacks. -Agent Smith. 1210. undivisible mockery W.ell one last surprise and that's my lot Pat says g'night from Hereford 1211. asthenosphere oesophagus D + E Moore (most original googlers in G.uildford unlike jOe) G.uildford, UK 1212. cornish incestuousness SakW.oya UK 1213. quaalude riptide 70's Psychedelic band? Rob, London 1214. polymorphic W.abble Friday night. G.od I'm a sad case....... Steve the fish Leeds UK 1215. somnambulist flatirons Leona Robinson UK 1216. blandifies food My mother ________ ______ in the kitchen. (thnx, Hobo!) -Agent Smith. 1217. crackpot W.abble Say again ? ? steve the fish Leeds UK 1218. dotty xiphisternal Arnold Schneeblooberneggerification Is one of them possible?? 1219. leviathans firedogs Not One Jot 1220. leviathans W.helk Leona Robinson UK 1221. blandification pepper Builidng off of a recent one, sorry... Callahan Fanatic, Shane Bell 1222. catatonic pundle Last one to picked for the netball team Rob, London 1223. diapered leviathans Not One Jot 1224. leviathans plectrum Leona Robinson UK 1225. peppery blandification Not One Jot 1226. leviathans espressos Leona Robinson UK 1227. cannibalistic firedog Not One Jot 1228. blandify spices W.hat a tasteless idea. R.H. Hobo (goin' home.) 1229. snakiest dems Not One Jot 1230. tripedal cogger Football shark Rob, London 1231. firedog heavenW.ard I've never seen a Yorkie shot from a cannon, before.(Hi Pat, Rob, Drayce) -Agent Smith. 1232. bloodsucking polyglots Not One Jot 1233. occlude minimalists got no time for 'em myself, maximalism is my mantra Pat@Hereford (a little potty?) 1234. yeasty condyle G.retchen and Rob HankytoW.n, MA 1235. everyW.omans monstrosity He W.asn't very popular at the single's club. -Agent Smith. 1236. vulture phlebotomies they like to go for the eyes...... Drayce 1237. vituperative passivist Rush G.handi All over 1238. phlebotomists W.ereW.olves Shane Bell, the resident lycanthrope Neh Hampshire 1239. gobstick orifice G.et that ______ out of my _____ said the fish to my surprise Rob, London 1240. insusceptible antiproton Matt Danby UK 1241. incontestible truculence Kristian Fields/Robert Shearman ENG.LAND 1242. liebfraumilch oboe Enejponine London UK 1243. defiant fruitarians Matt Danby UK 1244. breadstick nuptials ooerrr........ Pat @ Hereford 1245. preveniences preveniences TW.o Friday surprises. -Agent Smith. 1246. pigskin quangos Matt Danby UK 1247. poon tribologist jOe De sOusA (the best googleW.hacker in G.uildford) G.uildford, Surrey 1248. insipiences insipiences That's a Friday surprise. -Agent Smith. 1249. tribologist vibrators jOe De sOusA (the best googleW.hacker in G.uildford) G.uildford, Surrey 1250. heliotropic poon Perfectly possible, no it doesn't mean that. Rob, London 1251. addlepated hexagon Rev. Col. Sir Dr. Patrick Far side of Pluto 1252. multistorey circumnavigation W.here's that space...pete staffordshire, uk 1253. fireguards constrictors W.ell W.e decided cats on the hearth W.ere sooo last year Pat @ Hereford 1254. shapely taskmistresses AlW.ays the best kind. -Agent Smith. 1255. pongid flatulence Chimp chuffs Rob, London 1256. tribologist cretin Shane Bell and Nick Fletcher peachy Keen NeW. Hampshire 1257. aepyornis ventriloquist Jonathan Jackson London 1258. W.heelchairs skeW.bald Vicki Knight Ayr Scotland 1259. prehistorically schizogamy Sarah Reypert Penarth, South W.ales 1260. phlebotomists hooilgans jOe De sOusA (the best googleW.hacker in G.uildford) 1261. tornadic vermouth Ingredient in a stirred martini Spoonman 1262. quantified tribologist Matt Danby UK 1263. biometric tophet Shane Bell NeW. Hampshire 1264. endomorphic mammoths Elliot and Daniel Moore G.uildford, UK 1265. W.entletrap hallucinations Imagining they've got humans craW.ling all over them Rob, London 1266. glengarry phlebotomist Daniel Moore G.uildford, UK 1267. incredulity tribology Matt Danby UK 1268. nucleated pyjamas Mark Sullivan lots of different places 1269. concordance taramasalata jOe De sOusA is W.ay better than jon and joe G.uildford, Surrey 1270. multistorey hotness jon is all that is man look out your W.indoW. 1271. bandanas diminuendo Recky Belgium 1272. kickapoo pugnaciously joe is again W.ay better than those other losers noW. im in your bedroom 1273. gesticulating pollyW.og jOe De sOusA G.uildford, Surrey 1274. ribible pimlico BOBB! RIBBLE BOBBLE PIMLICO (visit the page) G.unW.in, London, UK 1275. multistorey catnap short stay sleep!....pete neW.castle-under-lyme, staffs, 1276. acclimation kickapoos jon rules all im cutting your brakes 1277. jolliest kickapoos joe is W.ay better than nathan and jon im hidng in your shoW.er 1278. taramasalata lesbians jOe De sOusA G.uildford, Surrey 1279. taramasalata phobias jOe De sOusA G.uildford, Surrey 1280. exotica kickapoos jon and joe behind you 1281. hysterectomy golliW.ogs PAUL DAVIS HAYES condos purgatories freckled rhomboids smokiest trapezoid trapezoidal birthmarks diagnosable huskies huskiness discomfits backslap W.rathfully christmastime floW.eriness rummier noel orgasmically christmastime christmassy gazelles suffragist plagiarizes W.ordiest resourcefulness colossally unadaptable mechanize devilishness yoyo lightheartedness christmastide ramification stinky coprology beleaguered unfortunateness countlessly lumpen halibuts profiteer safebreaker W.orkshops tramline coalesces upchucked checkbooks toadying frogmarch cockfight poltroons contemning religiosity godlier southerners outcasting anxiousness boreal inhabitability bladderW.rack unluckiness hornW.orms avenge mystifies cornily heckled ontologically W.eevils humorlessness hogW.ash fireBush Entry: mislead Function: verb Definition: tell W.rongly Synonyms: bait, beguile, betray, bilk, bluff, BS, bunk, cheat, cozen, deceive, defraud, delude, double-cross, dupe, enmesh, ensnare, entangle, entice, fool, fudge, gull, hoax, hoodW.ink, hose, illude, inveigle, jerk around, jive, juggle, lead astray, lead on, lie, lure, misdirect, misguide, misinform, misrepresent, outW.it, overreach, pervert, put on, rip off, rook, rope in, scam, screW., seduce, shaft, shuck, take in, tempt, trick, victimize Concept: lying Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: beguile Function: verb Definition: fool Synonyms: betray, bluff, burn, cheat, chisel, con, deceive, delude, diddle, double-cross, dupe, entice, exploit, finesse, flimflam, gyp, have, hoodW.ink, impose on, jockey, juggle, lure, manipulate, mislead, play, rook, rope in, scam, screW., seduce, shave, snoW., stick, string along, suck in, take, take in, trick Antonyms: advise, guard, protect Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: belie Function: verb Definition: deceive Synonyms: color, conceal, disguise, distort, falsify, garble, gloss over, hide, miscolor, mislead, misrepresent, misstate, pervert, trump up, tW.ist, W.arp Antonyms: be honest, indicate, reveal, verify Concept: lying Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: betray Function: verb Definition: deceive Synonyms: abandon, be unfaithful, bluff, break faith, break promise, break trust, break W.ith, commit treason, cross, deceive, deliver up, delude, desert, double-cross, finger, forsake, inform against, inform on, jilt, knife, let doW.n, mislead, sell, sell out, take in, trick, turn in, turn informer Antonyms: be faithful, be loyal, defend, protect Concept: unsocial action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: bluff Function: verb Definition: deceive Synonyms: affect, beguile, betray, bull, bullshit, bunco, con, counterfeit, defraud, delude, double-cross, fake, fake out, feign, fool, humbug, illude, jive, juggle, lie, mislead, pretend, psyche out, put on, sham, shuck, simulate, take in, trick Antonyms: be honest, come clean, guide, reveal Concept: lying Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: cajole Function: verb Definition: flatter Synonyms: argue into, banter, beguile, blandish, bootlick, broW.nnose, build up, butter, butter up, con, croW.d, deceive, decoy, delude, dupe, entice, entrap, get around, induce, influence, inveigle, jolly, lure, maneuver, massage, mislead, oil, push, seduce, snoW., soap, soft-soap, soften, stroke, sW.eet-talk, sW.eeten up, tantalize, tempt, urge, W.heedle, W.ork on, W.ork over Antonyms: belittle, bully, criticize, force, insult Concept: persuasion Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: cheat Function: verb Definition: defraud Synonyms: bamboozle, beat, beguile, bilk, bleed, bunco, burn, caboodle, chisel, con, cozen, crib, cross, deceive, defraud, delude, diddle, do, double deal, double-cross, dupe, fast talk, finagle, fleece, flimflam, fudge, gouge, gyp, hoodW.ink, hose, jerk around, milk, mislead, ream, rip off, rook, rope in, sandbag, scam, screW., shaft, short, shuck, skin, stiff, sucker, sW.indle, take, take in, take out, trick, trim, tW.o-time, victimize Antonyms: contribute, repay Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: circumvent Function: verb Definition: fool Synonyms: avoid, beat, beguile, bilk, bypass, circumnavigate, cramp, crimp, deceive, detour, disappoint, dodge, dupe, elude, ensnare, entrap, escape, evade, foil, frustrate, get around, hoodW.ink, mislead, outflank, outW.it, overreach, prevent, queer, ruin, shun, sidestep, skirt, stave off, stump, stymie, thW.art, trick, W.ard off Antonyms: aid, assist, help Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: con Function: verb Definition: deceive Synonyms: bamboozle, bilk, cajole, cheat, chicane, coax, defraud, double-cross, dupe, flimflam, fool, hoax, hoodW.ink, hornsW.oggle, humbug, inveigle, mislead, rip off, rook, sW.eet-talk, sW.indle, trick Antonyms: be forthright, be honest, enlighten, inform Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: confuse Function: verb Definition: beW.ilder Synonyms: abash, addle, amaze, astonish, baffle, becloud, bedevil, befuddle, bemuse, cloud, clutter, complicate, confound, darken, daze, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, discountenance, disorient, distract, embarrass, faze, fluster, fog, frustrate, fuddle, involve, lead astray, mess up, misinform, mislead, mortify, muddle, mystify, nonplus, obscure, perplex, perturb, puzzle, rattle, render uncertain, shame, stir up, stump, throW. off, trouble, unhinge, unsettle, upset, W.orry Antonyms: clarify, clear up, enlighten, explain, simplify Concept: confusion Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. cheating hornsW.oggles enriching shrublet emitting roundelays murkiest unreason W.insome unconcernedness doW.nfalling midW.ife Bushman travestied Bushbaby Entry: lie Function: verb Definition: falsify Synonyms: be untruthful, beguile, break promise, bull, con, concoct, deceive, delude, dissemble, dissimulate, distort, dupe, equivocate, exaggerate, fabricate, fake, falsify, fib, forsW.ear, frame, fudge, invent, jazz, jive, make believe, malign, misguide, misinform, misinstruct, mislead, misrepresent, misspeak, misstate, overdraW., palter, perjure, pervert, phony up, plant, prevaricate, promote, put on, queer, snoW., soft-soap, string along, victimize Concept: lying Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: misinform Function: verb Definition: deceive Synonyms: cover up, deceive, disinform, double-talk, doublespeak, lead astray, lie, misdirect, misguide, mislead, misstate, mousetrap, pervert, put on, signify, steer W.rong, string along Concept: lying Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: mock Function: verb Definition: deceive Synonyms: beguile, belie, betray, challenge, cheat, defeat, defy, delude, disappoint, double-cross, dupe, elude, foil, fool, frustrate, juggle, let doW.n, mislead, sell out, thW.art Concept: lying Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: outW.it Function: verb Definition: deceive Synonyms: baffle, bamboozle, beat, beW.ilder, cap, cheat, circumvent, con, confuse, deceive, defeat, defraud, dupe, end run, fake out, figure out, finagle, fox, goose, gull, gyp, have, hoax, hoodW.ink, jip, juke, lead astray, mislead, outdo, outfox, outgeneral, outguess, outjockey, outmaneuver, outsmart, outthink, overreach, sW.indle, take in, top, trick, W.orst Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: perjure Function: verb Definition: deceive Synonyms: commit perjury, deceive, delude, equivocate, falsify, forsW.ear, lie, mislead, prevaricate, sW.ear falsely, trick Concept: lying Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: pretend Function: verb Definition: fake Synonyms: act, affect, allege, assume, be deceitful, be hypocritical, beguile, bluff, cheat, claim, copy, counterfeit, cozen, deceive, delude, dissemble, dissimulate, dupe, fake out, falsify, feign, fish, fool, fudge, hoodW.ink, imitate, impersonate, jazz, jive, juke, lay claim, let on, make out, malinger, masquerade, mislead, pass off, profess, purport, put on, sham, simulate, stoneW.all, sucker, W.hiteW.ash Concept: falseness Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: rape Function: verb Definition: assault Synonyms: abuse, attack, bang, betray, compromise, corrupt, debauch, deceive, defile, deflorate, defloW.er, despoil, devirginate, dishonor, entice, force, loot, lure, maltreat, mislead, molest, outrage, pillage, plunder, ransack, ravish, ruin, sack, seduce, seize, shame, short-arm heist, spoilate, tempt, violate, W.rong Concept: laW.lessness Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: seduce Function: verb Definition: tempt Synonyms: abduct, allure, attract, bait, beguile, betray, bribe, captivate, coax, corrupt, debauch, deceive, decoy, defile, defloW.er, delude, demoralize, deprave, draW., ensnare, entice, entrance, entrap, get lucky, hook, induce, inveigle, invite, lead astray, lead on, lure, make out, mislead, mousetrap, overpoW.er, overW.helm, pervert, pull, ravish, rope in, ruin, score, steer, stimulate, suck in, tease, vamp, violate, W.heedle Concept: sexuality Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: sell Function: verb Definition: betray Synonyms: beguile, break faith, bunk, cross, deceive, deliver up, delude, disappoint, double-cross, fail, four-flush, give aW.ay, give up, mislead, play false, rat on, sell out, surrender, take in, violate Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: sham Function: verb Definition: trick Synonyms: act, affect, ape, assume, bluff, copy, counterfeit, create, fake, fake it, feign, hoax, imitate, invent, jive, lie, make like, mislead, mock, play possum, pretend, put on, simulate, sucker Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: take in Function: verb Definition: fool Synonyms: beguile, betray, bilk, bluff, cheat, con, deceive, defraud, delude, do, double-cross, dupe, flimflam, four-flush, gull, hoodW.ink, lie, mislead, sW.indle, trick Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: trick Function: verb Definition: fool Synonyms: bamboozle, catch, cheat, con, deceive, defraud, delude, disinform, double deal, dupe, fake out, flam, flimflam, fool, fudge, gull, have, hoax, hocus-pocus, hoodW.ink, impose upon, jive, mislead, outW.it, rook, sandbag, scam, screW., set up, shaft, shuck, sW.indle, take in, throW., trap, victimize Concept: fooilng Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. inherits redeye journeyer snollygoster sesquipedality snollygoster mosque fishy snollygoster frangible peppermints liveliest spuriousness namelessness magnetized momentous W.ordmongers apostrophes disorderliness inquiringly profaner mendelism farsightedness Bushier shortsightedness morganatically affianced tonier betrothal inquisitorially comfy unlamented slaughterer lousy beardedness unhygienic thralldom unpleasing spitballs grungiest crankshaft memorabilia undeniableness sicklier hijinks ghastliest stomachache dignifying tandems pygmies sleighing implausible guttersnipes guttersnipe panhandled bumbailiff threatens scandalmongering mathematician oilier rancidness rumormongering barmaid ungallant roofer unpublishable gallimaufry chubbily proportioned overstates punctiliousness clannishly discriminate slanders cattily tetrapods schoolmates tetrahedra preciousness lopsidedly tetrahedral brainily unstoppable mustachioed antiheroes synoptically maudlin unsW.eetened scoldings schlepped reprovingly kleptomaniac curraW.ong boondocks incalculability niftiest troublemakers gerrymanders reformism gerrymandering sneakiness gateaux sogginess pottiest nutcase nuttiest lamebrain squirrelly hydrophobic lazybones W.astrels unfunny crudites undying gassiness impel cantankerousness upstaging chieftainship recklessly Bushier bedazzling populaces subtlest cloisonne unsubtle flatteries explicably smirking presiding smirkily rottenness immunizes bulletproofing sW.ans czar inhospitableness scarifies troublemakers trickiest assignations curraW.ong squaW.ked curraW.ong contaminates immoderate naughties uncalculated mischievousness laW.breaker colorfulness foretells claudication unexplainable sheikdom softhearted meltdoW.ns pseudonymously libelling illogically antonymous doW.nplay causticness denaturalized chutzpah simnel acceptableness ashy recusants fashionable hippophile reorganizes trilobites imporous sputnik tunefully mouthW.atering farfetched reactiveness rehabilitates W.hinger ladyfish inedibility duchess canoodles blotto hogmanays snakier investigators mingy bookkeeping fingerless pushbuttons champagnes timelier W.eepiest panto W.asherW.omen footsies typo indefinability stackable nonsensically forthright portos vodkas sufficing unsatisfactorily blotto cheerfully tipsiest anticipates jeroboams giddying W.hirligig hereditarily giddiest irreducibly hungover uninsurable hangovers handiest manicurists toenails immaculacy November 2003 fishier procrastination hypotensive cassoW.ary hypertensive cassoW.aries undiscoverable napalm dissociates enigmatically applaud kettledrummer flosses unfailingly rheumatic hippopotamuses illusionary antiheroes unknoW.ledgeable ranter enumerate minyans vaccinates uncomplainingly illegalized prole proles tastefulness chummiest iraqis sW.igging cuppas yelloW.ed cloudberries expurgated spuriousness boW.dlerize telemarketer bigtime uninterest vulgarizes disinterestedly rusticated unsparingly unvalued throW.aW.ays ratlike kingpins overtops idiocies maltreating protegee rusting bootjacks mildeW.y W.ellingtons antipathetic persimmons muddier ritualization morbidly triskaidekaphobic copacetic glorying exeunt fundraisers breezier norther unorthodoxly pacified unhygienic periW.igs cheapskate hoedoW.ns hellacious yaW.ls overgroW.n boskiness W.hippersnapper imbibes W.hippersnapper vomitus tachycardiac foxglove optometry boringness cogitated victoriana nunnish skater uglify neW.scaster glorioso quizmaster ectomorphic largesse mesomorph betW.eenness endomorphic divas irrepressibly falstaffian appetizingly rabelaisian costermongers costumier fudged chicaneries spiffing adenoids superduper tonsilitis choicer rhinitis unfunny barbarousness unfunny strenuousness reW.riting dilatorily overtaxes taxonomically unspotted stakeout obliterates Bushiness penalizes insectivore maggoty cassoulet snappiest absinthe sanitized gallicism ickier husbandry ickier dysfunction ickiest fraternity yucky ominousness interning claustrophobically hornier rutabaga doW.ny shakedoW.ns thuggish septets sW.inishly thuggish vermicelli rotifera kiplingesque balladry disassembles isosceles statistically screW.ier mathematically screW.iest unidentifiable poilu unfrocking pedophiles friendlier poilu peppery boches unmelted frigidness trashiest knickknacks trashiest kickbacks numbskulls officiated unprepossessing turncoats crushes filibusterer sW.alloW.s muckiness mucky indecencies frothiest dunghill insuppressible bacchanalia manhandle discreetness sneakiest manipulativeness inchoate unintelligibleness ejected tosspots stumblebum commiserates stinkard anonymity pettifogging stinkard guzzled parmigiano tiddly barkeeps quickening stupes berried logjam paroxysmally upsetting demos unavoidableness unmemorable lethean stygian bottomlessness royalist shoW.erheads overdoes conniption nonparty W.hacker mandatory princeliness banqueting listeriosis plebeian listeria slothful bradycardia stoneW.alling grackles tribeca quintuplet demarcates paybacks maligns homunculus unsilenced chatterboxes overeaten potbellies simians friary misfortunate underemployment teensiest backpacks unvarying opinionatedness gloved jackaroo jackaroo arraignment jackaroo counterclaim corgis regality incognito portresses timeliest catchup untimeliest demo hobbledehoy debuting uninviting veganism flaccidity disempoW.ers lordly cesspits boomerang sensualness tatterdemalion bemoans hexing dollhouses uncoupled shavian nastiest spavin W.earier churlishness churls misappropriated W.omanishly doW.ntrodden bedevilled disciplinarians overrefinement dilemmas cantaloupes moldered sexier muskmelons trickiest puffballs renounce puffballs asafetida overpoW.ers randiest hogW.ash randiest egoism quails gutlessness nonflammable andirons inglenook thankfulness noshing superfluousness famishing ungratefulness puniest W.eightlifters mistrusts fearsomely crummier marksmanship W.onkiest hijack bravissimo persister unW.armed snoW.falls coziest snoW.balling beW.igged magister overfeeding incontinently unstoppably groovier straitjackets seamstresses jaguar menstruates unbeatable bostonian undescended knickerbockers manipulating sidestroker saprobiologist conversaziones citrous marmalades makeshift gunrooms reincarnates jacobins uncoerced jacobites unpromised bloodlines jeopardize W.orminess scrooges commiserate smuttier elizabethan ashtrays inutility outcaste upshots moldiest uppers pretentiously W.ashingtonian jokingly mollycoddles grubbier roughnecks tyrannize roustabouts treacly flatteries sabbatarian W.hacks homiletic W.hacks lieutenancy undesirables deconsecrated oddballs braggarts taciturnity dumbstruck braggadocios gloomier myxomatosis naif hippopotamuses mennonites poeticize October 2003 unkind jobation imitate jobation W.eedless tarns impugning pickpockets noshes pilau profounder tampon bafflingly thickheaded rushlike stupidity unhoiler tampon untrusty condoms unlikelier camaraderie sparklier candlelight shamming cooperatively plagiarizing jackanapes centenarian W.altzer sikh beardedness unshaven beardlessness orientating machiavellianism primevally grosser entangles nonsensically exhumes trilobites demonically W.olflike fearsomely bucktoothed starveling daemons robotize pumpkin truncates punkin antsy troW.sers scurvier landlubbers W.orkaday galosh charbroil opossum charbroil skunks editorializing philippics escheW. unpalatability smarmier nastiness illuminated palatally mustiest toothbrushes W.ashingtonian dodecahedron cruddiest toothpaste trophic godlessness dafter ammonite bloodthirsty viragoes extragalactic bonbons gumballs tabu hyperglycemic jellybeans spookiest nightriders ridable broomsticks unW.illingly hagridden September 2003 multisyllabic eggheads autumnal verboseness polysyllabically faked atramentous smithy atrabilious W.hiner romish finagling jacuzzi canoodled unsterilized spritzer detach bathyspheres unthreatening headsman freudians slipover nouthe obsolete W.eedier anorexic W.higgish earW.ig suffragettes calcify lamebrains brainstormed hardheaded potheads kempt rastafarian manx cathouses teetotaler assemblymen W.ryneck neckties ladyfingers fingerprinted surpassingly gibbous disqualifies flaneur poW.erW.alking fascinates embroiders antimacassar contraindicating bulimic dandruffy beaux bimillenial players turbaned folloW.ups multiplied incapableness skeW.s outgoingness hatless bareheadedness elderly uninhibitedness barefacedly gossiping fetishistic cordW.ainer thalassic arroW.heads disinforming pollster slickest canvasser nonintellectual snafu overzealously quarantining crabby choirgirls manicuring choirgirl homelier choirmaster preying sacristans macerating spearheads anglophobic W.acko rationed shuteye chivvy scrivener chivvying immoderately dilatoriness paralyzes uncontroversial deshabille macadamize W.heatfield scruffy dominies koranic inexplicability incorruptible quixotry corruptible speechmaker thickheaded fuehrer W.hippersnapper reprimands sinisterly innumerate unrelievedly miltonic fathomable proustian fathead cutups unchangeably hidebound loonily unglued unhanded cliffhanger minuscule psalteries emboldens stocktaking sickened rumormonger gatecrash posthaste leadenly futileness grungily irrational hemlock unsafety foobar cuppas undiscoverable cuppa philatelic fieldmouse neanderthal knackW.urst unspeakably crossbill cockcroW. stopcocks alights gravitationally unforced forcemeat quasi astonishingness cyberspace inhospitableness macintoshes fashionableness rockiest knighthood babcock cockup fasted grouchily satiated oenophile noshing insatiably strategizes gunrunning vulcanizing mackintoshes jungian skedaddles grubbiest W.orldvieW. proselytizing stinko W.ayW.orn slyboots ditsy gunrunners bedcover groundcovers postprandial quirkiness preprandial snapping ricin abstemiousness queasier disorientation hagridden sleeplessness sonogram boyishness unenergetic slovenliness keenest footling thornier acupuncturist suborns naysayer transplantable spiderW.ort unpredicted tradescantia decembrist pontificates czarist sniggers morphean W.inks broodier insomniacs stubborner insomnia uncool bootblacks orgasmically bankable soppier duvets boringness implodes energizing catfishes flattest caterW.auling nauseating stinkard turds adorableness scram bedW.ard supernumerary narks ampersands pointedness foregoes margaritas deoxygenate lungfish feistier cantankerousness behaviorist parsimoniousness escheW. putridness urinating silverfishes untrammeled goldfishes unreW.arded invigilator remounted quixotically underinsured jetsam drippier flotsam bloW.hards mightiness W.indy obstreperousness sW.aggered obstreperously August 2003 decries phlegmatically unperceptive matchmaker headstrong fratricides infanticidal nutcase oenophile agonizes stinkingly corked cyphers instanter autonymous idler insuperable arachnophobia sloppiest pointillism paraclete gobbler cubism retrenched dadaist valetudinarian broiler mummifies rembrandtesque evanescence titianesque combing preraphaelite diverted unimpressionable expressionist impressionism pressgang fanciest plainsong gussying primitivism stomachache gastrologist paramedic bellyaches dodgiest toothache headachy instructress rummier heartache tripedal sandals armadillos overreach armadillos overindulge spottier W.hatchamacallit dandiest thingamajig squeakier thingummy nervy parthenogenesis seborrheic nitpicking unmentionably lycra tastier biscotto soggier biscotti tW.iddled jalapenos W.ailingly hokey inflated pseudonymousness tongueless propositioning nitW.it misapprehends disheartens nincompoop barbecuing stinkbugs pally bluebottles debile cetacea cheerier retsina daisylike retina pyromaniac inuits chicer W.eakling inadmissible emcees joycean indelicacies hellhound religiosity unextinguishable neologism stingier jovian unW.earying churchillian perfuming chamberpot overvalues W.ordplay grackle terrine pigheaded oilmen regressively slipshod forsaking priapism reciprocative payback voodooism energizes cutesiness repels stumblebum minces incurious W.ildebeest sticklebacks dalliance jerrybuilt penitentiary hillbilly genteelness unsuppressed backbiting gormless tediousness einsteinian misinforming liquidating Bushiness Bushy Entry: fire Function: noun Definition: burning Synonyms: blaze, bonfire, campfire, charring, coals, combustion, conflagration, devouring, element, embers, flames, flare, gloW., hearth, heat, holocaust, hot spot, incandescence, inferno, luminosity, oxidation, phlogiston, pyre, rapid oxidation, scintillation, scorching, searing, sparks, tinder, W.armth Concept: burning Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: fire Function: noun Definition: barrage Synonyms: ack-ack, attack, bombarding, bombardment, bombing, cannonade, cannonading, crossfire, explosion, flak, fusillade, hail, round, salvo, shelling, sniping, volley Concept: attacking Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: fire Function: noun Definition: vigor Synonyms: animation, ardor, brio, calenture, dash, drive, eagerness, energy, enthusiasm, excitement, exhilaration, fervency, fervor, force, ginger, gusto, heartiness, heat, impetuosity, intensity, life, light, liveliness, luster, passion, pep, punch, radiance, red heat, scintillation, snap, sparkle, spirit, splendor, starch, verve, vigor, vim, virtuosity, vivacity, W.hite heat, zeal, zing, zip, n Concept: personality entity Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: fire Function: verb Definition: burn Synonyms: burn, enkindle, ignite, kindle, light, set ablaze, set aflame, set alight, touch off Concept: burning Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: fire Function: verb Definition: detonate Synonyms: cast, discharge, eject, explode, fling, heave, hurl, launch, let off, loose, pitch, pull trigger, set off, shell, shoot, throW., toss, touch off Concept: discharging Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: fire Function: verb Definition: excite Synonyms: animate, arouse, electrify, enliven, enthuse, exalt, galvanize, heighten, impassion, incite, inflame, inform, inspire, inspirit, intensify, intoxicate, irritate, provoke, quicken, rouse, stir, thrill Concept: enthusiasm Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: fire Function: verb Definition: dismiss Synonyms: ax, boot, bounce, can, cashier, discharge, drop, eject, expel, kick out, lay off, let go, make redundant, oust, pink slip, sack, terminate Concept: business action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: fireproof Function: adjective Definition: unburnable Synonyms: asbestos, concrete, fire-resistant, incombustible, noncandescent, noncombustible, nonflammable, noninflammable, steel Concept: texture Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: ablaze Function: adjective Definition: afire Synonyms: afire, aflame, alight, blazing, burning, conflagrant, fiery, flaming, flaring, ignited, lighted, on fire Antonyms: bloW.n out, extinguished, smothered Concept: burning Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: accelerate Function: verb Definition: speed Synonyms: advance, drive, dust, expedite, fire up, forW.ard further, gun, hammer on, hasten, hurry, impel, make tracks, nail it, open up, peel rubber, precipitate, quicken, railroad, rev, rev up, roll, speed up, spur, step up, stimulate, tool Antonyms: brake, decelerate, defer, delay, hinder, impede, postpone, retard, sloW. doW.n, stop, W.ind doW.n Concept: motion (fast) Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. unmindfulness dislodged Bushbaby crapulent fibbing longnose sorceresses inquires dustily castrato sonorousness July 2003 discombobulated gentlefolk vituperating ants overindulgent devotedness overindulgent headmistress onomastic W.higs detestable keratosis fortunetelling pteranodon modish pterodactyls louring hypnotically cheesier slumlord lousier slumlord trashier slumlord W.arty slumlords junkiest slumlords dispensable slumlords hardhearted slumlords collateral sisterliness enigmatic neW.siness mushier abracadabra taxpaying almoner feistier concubine shabbiest godoW.n hibernating godoW.n paradisal godoW.n ascii matronliness ascii softheartedness pedantically sesquipedalian spiffier parakeet overindulging tapster sloW.coach undercarriage lingonberry hallucinogen almsgiving multilingualism acquiescent urologist subservient histopathologist fishiest yuppies antepenultimate pneumocystis toxicological clambake sportiest clambake W.orthiest clambake convoluted metaphoricalness juicier punnet conventual pussycat gourmandize traditionally gourmandize piggishly gourmandize selfishly gourmandize professionally gourmandize endlessly W.obbliest gourmand unassumingly kafkaesque righteously tennysonian keatsian consumptives W.ordsW.orthian turtledove phantasmagorically dickensian tolstoyan buskins yeatsian perfectionism baW.dier chaucerian cantering rotifer copyrightable idiosyncracy idiosyncratically dantesque goofiest tragicomedy shamefacedly beggared babyish W.hickering soapstone impenetrability pensioned jailbird preteen gaucheries surlier agoraphobia agoraphobic repulsiveness loW.life acrophobic oxonian effortlessness oxbridge spookiness cantabrigian hauteur bosW.ellian cockney W.orryW.art creationist chatterbox deathrate unaudited roseate evolutionist guffaW.ed hypercritically enraged presidentially middlebroW. falsest poiltesse straitlaced poiltesse dodgiest largesse stagey eisteddfod humongous neoplatonist bilgeW.ater decaf insurgent hermaphroditism monkish parakeets tipsier dissertation pricy liverpudlian liverpudlian vigilanteism prolapsed mancunian hoodW.inked rosarians faxing exchangeably faxed spunkily metathesizing spoonerism unanalyzed malapropism befuddling malapropism irreducible pissoir lexicographical W.hacker orthographic W.hacker baW.dier W.hacking penitentially lackluster sartorially naif W.oW.ing bullyboys punchier hodgepodge phlebotomized hematoma W.arriorlike cusp loopier priesthood apprenticed chimneysW.eep scumbag priestliness unappetizingly grubby June 2003 sprightliest mountebank beadiest pundit phyllotaxy gurus appian W.armongering scrod electroencephalogram gyrates centrifugally unassertive scrod coldhearted trigonometry virtuously scalene absentmindedly scalene lopsidedly misquoted multitudinous foxtrots hidebound malacology multifarious figurativeness surds prettiness unW.itnessed sleepover democratic gastrologist sW.anky gerontologist unfashionable standdoW.n unknoW.ledgeable greenhorns stuped greenhorn unlikeable Bushiness Entry: actuate Function: verb Definition: start Synonyms: activate, animate, arouse, cause, drive, egg on, energize, excite, fire up, impel, incite, induce, influence, inspire, instigate, key up, mobilize, motivate, move, prompt, propel, quicken, rouse, spur, stimulate, turn on, W.ork up Antonyms: deter, extinguish, impede, stop Concept: starting Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: animate Function: verb Definition: activate Synonyms: activate, arouse, cheer, embolden, encourage, energize, enliven, exalt, excite, fire, gladden, hearten, impel, incite, inform, inspire, inspirit, instigate, invigorate, kindle, liven, make alive, move, quicken, revive, revivify, rouse, spark, spur, stimulate, stir, urge, vitalize, vivify Antonyms: deaden, discourage, inhibit, kill Concept: starting Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: annoy Function: verb Definition: irritate Synonyms: abrade, agitate, badger, be at, bedevil, beleaguer, bore, bother, break, bug, burn up, chafe, displease, distress, disturb, egg on, exasperate, fire up, gall, get, gnaW., harass, harry, heat up, henpeck, hit on, hot up, irk, madden, make W.aves, miff, nag, needle, nettle, noodge, peeve, perturb, pester, plague, provoke, ride, rile, ruffle, tease, tick off, trouble, turn off, vex, W.ork on, W.orry Antonyms: gratify, make happy, please, soothe Concept: bother/trouble action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: ardor Function: noun Definition: enthusiasm Synonyms: avidity, devotion, eagerness, earnestness, feeling, fervor, fierceness, fire, gusto, heat, hot pants, intensity, jazz, keenness, oomph, passion, pep talk, spirit, turn on, vehemence, verve, W.armth, W.eakness, zeal, zest, zing Antonyms: apathy, coldness, coolness, indifference Concept: happiness Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: argumentative Function: adjective Definition: quarrelsome Synonyms: belligerent, combative, contentious, contrary, controversial, disputatious, factious, fire-eater, litigious, opinionated, pugnacious, quarrelsome, salty, scrappy, spiky Antonyms: agreeable, conciliatory, friendly, passive Concept: unkindness Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: arouse Function: verb Definition: excite Synonyms: agitate, alert, animate, aW.aken, call, challenge, electrify, enliven, entice, fire up, foment, foster, goad, heat up, incite, inflame, instigate, kindle, move, provoke, rally, rouse, send, spark, spur, stimulate, stir, thrill, turn on, W.ake up, W.aken, W.arm, W.het, W.hip up, W.ork up Antonyms: bore, calm, lull, pacify, put to sleep, quiet Concept: social action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: arson Function: noun Definition: burning Synonyms: firing, incendiarism, pyromania, setting fire, torching Concept: burning Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: ax Function: verb Definition: dismiss Synonyms: axe, boot, bounce, can, cancel, cut back, discharge, dispense W.ith, eliminate, fire, kick out, remove, sack, terminate, throW. out Antonyms: employ, hire, take on Concept: business action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: barrage Function: noun Definition: bombardment Synonyms: battery, blast, bombardment, broadside, cannonade, crossfire, discharge, enfilade, fire, fusillade, gunfire, hail, salvo, shelling, shoW.er, storm, volley Concept: military action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: beacon Function: noun Definition: light Synonyms: alarm, alert, balefire, beam, bonfire, flare, guidepost, heliograph, lamp, lantern, lighthouse, lodestar, pharos, radar, rocket, sign, signal fire, smoke signal, sonar, W.arning signal, W.atchtoW.er Concept: light Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. stuped ethacridine rustic tenderheartedness culpably persnickety ireful microbe adumbrate W.altzing miffed spirogyra bootless millipedes complementary grubW.orm inauspicious W.ebW.orm negativist termites oilgarchic dragonflies prizeW.inning bluebottles gatecrasher castled anchorite silverfish professorial rabidity W.armongering lepidoptera splurging unsuitably scuppering caterpillars stockbroking ladybug intransigent greenfly incorrigible W.hitefly unapologetic aphid snippiest grape rapier mordancy electively Bushed BushW.hacking traditionalism pushiest BushW.hacker Entry: chuck Function: verb Definition: throW. aW.ay Synonyms: abandon, cant, cast, desert, discard, ditch, eject, fire, fling, flip, forsake, heave, hurl, jettison, junk, launch, pitch, quit, reject, relinquish, renounce, scrap, shed, shy, sling, slough, toss Antonyms: continue, endure, keep, maintain Concept: throW.ing Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: combative Function: adjective Definition: aggressive Synonyms: antagonistic, bellicose, belligerent, bitchy, cantankerous, contentious, cussed, energetic, fire-eater, gladiatorial, haW.kish, manly, militant, ornery, pugnacious, quarrelsome, scrappy, strenuous, truculent, W.arlike, W.arring Antonyms: agreeable, compromising, pacifistic, passive, peaceful Concept: behavior (bad) Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: combustion Function: noun Definition: exploding Synonyms: agitation, candescence, disturbance, flaming, ignition, kindling, on fire, oxidization, thermogenesis, tumult, turmoil Concept: discharging Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: contemporary Function: adjective Definition: modern Synonyms: abreast, au courant, contempo, current, existent, extant, fire neW., in fashion, instant, just out, latest, mod, neW., neW.fangled, noW., present, present-day, recent, red-hot, todayish, topical, ultramodern, up, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute Antonyms: ancient, archaic, historical, obsolete, old, old-fashioned, past, yesterday Concept: age (young) Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: courageous Function: adjective Definition: brave Synonyms: adventuresome, adventurous, assured, audacious, bold, cool hand, daredevil, daring, dauntless, doughty, fearless, fiery, fire eater, gallant, game, gritty, gutsy, hardy, heroic, high-spirited, impavid, indomitable, intrepid, lionhearted, manly, martial, nervy, plucky, red-blooded, resolute, stalW.art, stand tall, stouthearted, strong, tenacious, unafraid, undaunted, valiant, valorous, venturesome, venturous Antonyms: coW.ardly, fainthearted, fearful, pusillanimous, spineless, timid, W.eak, W.impy Concept: bravery Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: cure Function: verb Definition: age food Synonyms: cook, dry, fire, harden, keep, kipper, pickle, preserve, salt, smoke, steel, temper Concept: cooking action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: cursed Function: adjective Definition: damned Synonyms: accursed, bedevilled, blankety-blank, blasted, blessed, blighted, cast out, confounded, doggone, doomed, excommunicate, execrable, fey, foredoomed, hell fire, ill-fated, infernal, snakebit, star-crossed, unholy, unsanctified, villainous, voodooed Antonyms: blessed Concept: danger Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: daring Function: adjective Definition: adventurous Synonyms: adventuresome, audacious, bold, brassy, brave, cheeky, cocky, courageous, crusty, fearless, fire-eater, foolhardy, forW.ard, game, gritty, gutsy, gutty, hot shot, impudent, impulsive, intrepid, nervy, obtrusive, pizzazz, plucky, rash, reckless, salty, smart, smart-alecky, spunky, temerarious, valiant, venturesome Antonyms: afraid, cautious, chicken, coW.ardly, fearful, timid, unadventurous, W.impy Concept: bravery Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: defer Function: verb Definition: put off Synonyms: adjourn, block, cool in, delay, detain, extend, hang fire, hinder, hold up, impede, intermit, lay over, lengthen, obstruct, postpone, procrastinate, prolong, prorogue, protract, remit, retard, set aside, shelve, sloW., stall, stay, suspend, table, W.aive Antonyms: expedite, forge, hasten, hurry, rush Concept: prevention/restriction Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. Entry: discharge Function: verb Definition: dismiss Synonyms: absolve, ax, boot, boot out, bounce, bump, bust, can, cashier, disburden, discard, disencumber, dispense, displace, eject, excuse, exempt, expel, fire, freeze out, give heave-ho, kick out, kick upstairs, lay off, let go, let off, let out, lock out, nix, oust, privilege from, relieve, remove, replace, sack, spare, supersede, supplant, terminate, un, X-out Antonyms: assign, delegate, employ, hire Concept: business action Source: Roget's NeW. Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5) Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing G.roup, LLC. All rights reserved. beefiest piebald May 2003 rubbishy kudzu raddled kudzu elfin lissomeness scruffier cannibal preposterously pictish fascistic mugW.umps fainthearted mugW.umps Bushiest lemmings unseemly frittatas crimsoned tergiversation ambient scrumptiousness agglutinated hagiography terroristic hagiographer prefrontal oenophile
Entry: anesthetic
Function: noun
Definition: sleep-inducer
Synonyms: analgesic, anodyne, dope, gas, hypnosis, inhalant, opiate, pain-killer, shot, soporific, spinal
Antonyms: analeptic, stimulant
Concept: medical entity
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: assassin
Function: noun
Definition: murderer
Synonyms: apache, butcher, eliminator, enforcer, executioner, gorilla, gun, gunman, hatchet man, hit man, killer, liquidator, piece man, plugger, slayer, soldier, torpedo, triggerman, troop
Concept: lawlessness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: competitive
Function: adjective
Definition: combative
Synonyms: aggressive, ambitious, antagonistic, at odds, competing, cutthroat, dog-eat-dog, emulous, killer, opposing, rival, streetwise, vying
Antonyms: collaborative, cooperative, noncompetitive, unambitious
Concept: competition
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: fop
Function: noun
Definition: cavalier
Synonyms: Beau Brummel, Dapper Dan, beau, blade, blood, buck, cavalier, clotheshorse, coxcomb, dandy, dasher, dude, exquisite, fashion plate, flash, gallant, ladies' man, lady-killer, lounge lizard, macaroni, peacock, silk stocking, smoothie, snappy dresser, sport, swell, toff
Concept: unsocial entity
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: merciless
Function: adjective
Definition: mean
Synonyms: barbarous, callous, compassionless, cruel, cutthroat, fierce, gratuitous, grim, hard, hard-hearted, harsh, hatchet job, heartless, implacable, inexorable, inhumane, iron-fisted, killer instinct, mean machine, mortal, pitiless, relentless, ruthless, severe, unappeasable, uncalled-for, unfeeling, unflinching, unforgiving, unmerciful, unpitying, unrelenting, unsparing, unsympathetic, unyielding, wanton
Concept: unkindness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: murderer
Function: noun
Definition: killer
Synonyms: assassin, butcher, criminal, cutthroat, enforcer, gunman, hit man, homicide, killer, piece pan, slaughterer, slayer, soldier, trigger man
Concept: killing
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: philanderer
Function: noun
Definition: playboy
Synonyms: Casanova, Don Juan, Lothario, adulterer, chaser, cruiser, dallier, debaucher, dude, flirt, gallant, ladies' man, lady-killer, letch, lover boy, nighthawk, operator, playboy, player, skirt chaser, stud, swinger, tomcat, whorehound, wolf, womanizer
Concept: unsocial entity
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: pitiless
Function: adjective
Definition: merciless
Synonyms: austere, barbarous, brutal, callous, cold, cold-blooded, cold-hearted, cruel, cutthroat, frigid, hard-hearted, harsh, hatchet job, heartless, implacable, indifferent, inexorable, inhuman, inhumane, insensible, killer instinct, mean, merciless, obdurate, relentless, remorseless, ruthless, satanic, savage, soulless, stony, uncaring, uncompassionate, unconcerned, unfeeling, unmerciful, unrelenting, unsympathetic
Concept: unkindness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: playboy
Function: noun
Definition: philanderer
Synonyms: cat, chaser, gay dog, heavy hitter, killer, ladies' man, lady-killer, lover boy, make-out artist, night owl, operator, philanderer, player, pleasure seeker, rake, rounder, speed, sport, swinger, tomcat, whorehound, wolf, womanizer
Concept: unsocial entity
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: ruthless
Function: adjective
Definition: mean
Synonyms: adamant, barbarous, brutal, callous, cold, cold-blooded, cruel, cutthroat, feral, ferocious, fierce, grim, hard, hard-hearted, harsh, heartless, implacable, inexorable, inhuman, ironfisted, killer, malevolent, merciless, mortal, obdurate, pitiless, rancorous, relentless, remorseless, revengeful, sadistic, savage, severe, stern, stony, surly, unappeasable, unfeeling, unforgiving, unmerciful, unrelenting, unsympathetic, unyielding, vicious, vindictive, without pity
Concept: unkindness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
Entry: sedative
Function: noun
Definition: soother
Synonyms: analgesic, anodyne, barbiturate, calmant, calmative, depressant, dope, downer, drug, hypnotic, knockout pill, medication, narcotic, nerve medicine, opiate, pacifier, pain pill, pain-killer, quietive, sleeping pill, tranquilizer
Concept: medical entity
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: wolf
Function: noun
Definition: flirt
Synonyms: brute, Casanova, chaser, Don Juan, flirt, gallant, ladies' man, lady-killer, lecher, libertine, Lothario, lover boy, masher, philanderer, profligate, pursuer, seducer, suitor, womanizer, wooer
Concept: unsocial entity
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

April 2003
monosyllabically evocative
crepuscular lunarscape
thriftiest bugbear
intervening taradiddle
speechifying Bushido
platitudinous Bushido
dissembled Bushido
Bushido roguery
exulting Bushido Entry: discharge
Function: verb
Definition: detonate
Synonyms: blast, explode, fire, let off, set off, shoot, shoot off
Concept: discharging
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: dismiss
Function: verb
Definition: fire
Synonyms: ax, boot, boot out, bounce, bump, can, cashier, defrock, depone, depose, deselect, discharge, disemploy, disfrock, displace, disqualify, drop, fire, furlough, give warning, impeach, kick out, lay off, let go, let out, oust, pension, pink-slip, put away, recall, retire, sack, send packing, shelve, shut out, suspend, terminate, turn away, unfrock, unseat, wash out
Antonyms: contract, employ, engage, hire
Concept: business action
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: displace
Function: verb
Definition: depose
Synonyms: banish, can, cashier, cut out, deport, depose, dethrone, discard, discharge, discrown, disenthrone, dismiss, disthrone, exile, expatriate, fire, oust, relegate, remove, replace, sack, succeed, supersede, supplant, take over, transport, uncrown, unmake, usurp
Concept: business action
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: drive
Function: verb
Definition: controlling
Synonyms: actuate, advance, bear down, bicycle, bike, burn rubber, coast, cruise, cycle, dash, direct, drag, fire up, floor it, fly, guide, handle, impel, manage, mobilize, motor, move, operate, propel, push, ride, roll, run, send, speed, spin, start, steer, tailgate, tool, transport, travel, turn, vehiculate, wheel
Concept: motion
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: eject
Function: verb
Definition: throw out
Synonyms: banish, bounce, bump, cast out, chuck, debar, disbar, discharge, disgorge, dislodge, dismiss, displace, dispossess, ditch, drive off, dump, eliminate, emit, eradicate, eruct, erupt, evacuate, evict, exclude, expel, expulse, extrude, fire, force out, heave out, irrupt, kick out, kiss goodbye, oust, reject, rout, sack, sending packing, spew, spit out, spout, squeeze out, throw out, throw overboard, turn out, unloose, vomit
Antonyms: accept, admit, house, receive, shelter, take in
Concept: removal/subtraction
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: electrify
Function: verb
Definition: thrill
Synonyms: amaze, animate, astonish, astound, charge, commove, disturb, dynamize, energize, enthuse, excite, fire, frenzy, galvanize, invigorate, jar, jolt, magnetize, power, provoke, rouse, send, shock, stagger, startle, stimulate, stir, strike, stun, wire
Antonyms: bore, dull, tire
Concept: surprise
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: energy
Function: noun
Definition: spirit
Synonyms: activity, animation, application, ardor, beef, birr, dash, drive, effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, endurance, enterprise, exertion, fire, force, forcefulness, fortitude, get-up-and-go, go, hardihood, initiative, intensity, juice, life, liveliness, might, moxie, muscle, operativeness, pep, pizzazz, pluck, potency, power, puissance, punch, spirit, spontaneity, stamina, steam, strength, toughness, tuck, vehemence, verve, vim, virility, vitality, vivacity, zeal, zest, zing, zip, 鬡n
Antonyms: feebleness, impotence, inertia, powerlessness, weakness
Concept: personality entity
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
amanitas handel handheld briggs handicap handicapped handicapping handleiding handling handmade hands handspring hanging hanibal hank guardian hanna hans hanson happy harbour harderwijkscream harding harlem harm harold harper harry potter hartford hartley hartman hartstyles harvest harvey has hastingskamers hat hate hats haunted hausskis have haven having hawk anthony hawthorne lipstick hay hayes head headlines heads janeiro healing less health insurance hear hearing heaters heath heating financing heaven heavy hebrew hedgehog heelmia heels heerlen height heights helen frog helicopter helicopters hell hells helmas stockmarket helmet mormon helmets helmond helpdesk hemingway henderson hendrix hengelsportgaz henk henpos henrimlm hepburn her herald herbal herbalife herbert herbs herder archaeology here heritage soil herman hermans hermitage hernia heroes herpes hertz perez hewitt hex hidden hide microphone higher milwaukee highest highland families highschool highway hillary hills hindi hindu hingis hints convention hip hiphopswift hire mythology his hispanic histoire historia historic historical historische hit hitchcock hitman importers binary imports improve improvement inch inclusive destruction income incontinence incorporated computer idee increase incubus independence independent lawrence indiaan indianen indians individualbom indonesian indoor flying induction industrie industries infant infantry infection packet infertility infinity inflation influence nile informatica informatie informatique infrared schematics ing ingredients ingrid initiative injection injuries thomson injury ink inland inner innocent inns input insane insects merc inspector lamb install installation installing instant instinct solliciteren institut instituut instruction instructions instrument predator instruments insulation int integra integrated policies integration intelligence intelligent cdhoesjes intel risk inter interaction interactive stuff intercourse interest interesting interface interfaces interior front intermetallic internal internships interracial into intranet introduction astrologie invented neon invention inventions inventor inventory invest deftones investigation investing piper investment four investor investors invisible iomega ion ionamin iraq irc iris irrigation irs storage irving isaac isapac isbn isdn isis islam islamic inside isle iso isofilm isoskinportrait ispq israel israeli issmesse issue issues istanbul hotels isuzu itali italia italiaans italie italy its rick ivan ivory belong ivy nos iwon jacket jackets jackie jacksonville jacob jacobs jacqueline jacques jade jail kenny jaime jamie jane janet janice fuerte ventura janine japans jar jarule jasper strapon javascript tiger jay jbl jeans mother jeff lighting jelle jelqing jenna jenny jeremy jeri jeroenblank jerome jesse jess shelter jewellers jewellers null jewel panther jewish jews diversity jfk thermoelectric jigsaw jill steven jim jimi jimmy scuba jjj joan joanna joanne jock jockey jodi jody joel johan johann johnny johns joint jokeinkjet jon jonathan jong jongeren camping jongg joop joplin jordan josaida jose joseph josh journalism journals scenesredheads scentedmas schadeautossphinx schakendoyle schedules scheikundebelts schematic herb schiedam bbq schilder schilders schindler schizophrenia schmidt sexfilm scholarship patty scholarships scholen schuurmans sci science null bankruptcy sciences scientific scientist scientists scientology sclerosis scooby scooter hacker scooters scope scorecard score dune scores scotiaskate scottsdalesin scour scout scouting scouts scrabble scrapbook scrap booking rowing screenplay screenshots script scriptie scripties spyder scripts scroll liquor scrubs scsi sculpture sdn ambient sdrs seagate seal seals sean search engine marketing search engine submission searches searching sears season seasonals chaatsen seating seattle iowa seaward sebastian secondary dss seconds sector secure securities mart see seed seeds shockwave seen sega seiko select selection selena sell sellers yellowstone selling semi seminar senator seng seng null seniors senior sunday senna animaties sensation sensor sensors hurghada sentinel sequence eureka sequences serena serials serialz polish serie series sermons serveur serving set introduction seti sets settings settlers cradle seuss ashland seven multiple sewing there sex model sex movie sex webcam sexfotoos sexfotosexfoto's sexmaxxanouk sexmodel sexmovies sexually sexxxsexy cam shack shadow shadows shaggy shakespeare creator shampoo shamrock ritchie shan shane shanghai shania shannon shape shapes legacy shaping share amber shares shareware sharing sharks sharp shave shaved shaving she shedsflip sheep sheetsuss sheffield shelby shelters shelton connie shemales ron shepard shepherd sheraton sheriff kiddyporn sherry sherwood pga shield weddings positive week weekend weekly goldmine weer weezer weight loss xenical weight null weird accelerator weiss welchessent welcome well wells welzijn wendy were wereldkaart shine shingles shipping tomb ships shirts shivajaap shock shoe slaves slayer slechtevertaling sleeinca sleeping month sliced slides sliding quinn slim slipknot slot slow charleston slut sluts campbell smallest smart smash smc smit smithsonian smitstropisch smoke smooth terminal snakes snap submissive snatch snede sniffer sniper snooker snoop snoopy snow snowboard futures snowmobile soap sober sociology socket socksverlichting sodium sofia publication soft softball software null sol solaris soldier soldiers soleil solid solitaire sollicitatie sollicitatie brief invoice sollicitatiebrieven assembly assen asses assessment asset collapse assisted assoc associated bianca associate thesaurus associations assurance astalavista asterix asteroid dentist asthma hardy aston astra moves astrid astro astrology astronomy asusneil ata atb workout atc athena athens athlete athletes athletics athleticsalem atikarl atlantic atlantis malta atm atp cannes attack attacks attendance together attentiondierentuin attractions atv atx auburn auckland richardson auction audio grabber audiovox audit augustine august screening aurora aus auschwitz aussie austin phones austrian tonight author authority autisme autismexam automated automatic automobiles autopsy autoradio autotrader available avalonq uad avenue bout avon axel axis aztec azurbasketbal bb baba baberico babies babylon babymya babys bold bach graduate backgammon background backstreet backstreetboys backup backyard duncan bacon physician bacteria badkamers badminton bag baggetloading baggettaxelle bags bahia bailey baked baking bakker balance baldfolk baldur baldurs baldwin communicator ballet wallace balloon origins balls balthus baltimore maintenance bambooplato ban banana bananas bandsdave bandwidth banff bang bangedup optimisation bangkok bangladesh bankenmisty banks banner banners baptist piercing barbados barbara barbie barcelona chocolate bare barela bargainhayek barker barn barnes robbie barney breeds baron barrel barrett barry bars bart basalt based bases basics basin basiqaircomand basisonderwijs basis school baskets bass batchef batchleaf bates glassware bath bathroom harriet batman mahjong baton bats battery bauer bavaria baywatch bbs bbw bcc beaches healthcare beacon beads beam bean beanie beans bear beastiality beatles beatocx beatrix napa beauties beautiful beauty farm beaver passport because beck becker beckman pest become bedding bedrijf bedrijvenheidi bedroom beds bee beef overseas beethoven beetle before beginner beginner sex tract beginning beheer behind warning being marley bekende bel belfast belgi belgique belgium hetnet belize belle bellen bellevue cbr belly ben bench benchmark benchmarking soda bend benefit benefits benelux benidorm benitez bennettbacterie benson coating bentley beosnada bereavement beren berg berger appleton bergman berkeley virusscan berlin bermuda lamp bernadette bernal calender bernard beroemdhedenfate berry bert bessie bestellen beta beth bette better betty between beurzen beveiliging beverage beverly bewegende beyond bhd bhp biblical miguel bibliography bicycle bicycles bid formulas borland shore borsato bossira bot bots bottle bottles boundary bound phantom bounty bovag bovende boven presentations bow buffy bowie bowl bowling monroe bowls boxes boxing boylinks pursuits boylove bpm bra bradford bradley brady brainpower brake cracked brakes branch fame brand brandon brands branson bras brass braun racism braxton appz brazilian bread break breakfast breaking professionals breaks breath breed breeders breeding bremen brenda brendan brent bretagneuni brett brian base brick bridal bride brides buck bridges bridget bridging brien brieven bright fritz brighton brigitte brill memories brisbane britney spears britneyspears brittany brittney cori broadband broadcast broadcasting submarine broadway broken broker realtor brokers brommers bronco bronze brook brooke brooklyn brooks bros brothers browning bordeaux browser nurse browsers bruce bruggen bruiloft bruine bruno brunswick potassium brush brussels galerie bryan bryant bse bsr bubble know bubbles budapest buddha karting buddhism buddhist buddy budgettoni budweiser luc buffet bug bugsgellar build builder builders buildings built buitenlandse buitensex bukkake bulk bull bulldogs amenvattingen bullet bulletin bullock bulmasolomon bungalowhacken bungalowparken bungalow park solitare bunny buns bureau burgeroorlog burke burlington burned burner burners burning burns buses business school business schools busty but butter butterflies butterfly button buttons butts harvard buyer buyers buying die buzz fiji byron byteclits bytes c cab cabaret cabinet cabinets cabins metric cable crypt cabrio cactus cad cadillac cafe cage caineruitleg cajun cakes calcium calculation calculator calculators calendar electra calibrators snowboarding cal knitting called calligraphy calling calls calorie camaro cambodia camcorder camcorders cameron items camino campaign camper campers rabbit campings camps campus trident cams canal candida candle candles candy teaching canecabo canine cannot canoe canoeing sec canon canopy canvas canyon cao cap capacitor capacity cape capitol capsera captain capture car insurance caratnullomaha caravan carbon cardiff career carey cargo caribbean carl carla carlo carlos carmageddon carmel meanings carmen carnegie collector carnival caroline carolyn carrera carrie carrier carriers carroll acids carry carson cart carte carterallen cartier cartridge glory carts carver carvings cruiser caryoutkast casa cascade casey cashuse casper cassidy cast casta casting castings humane castles firm catalina catalogs catalogue catering ecommerce catfight cathedral catherine catholic cathy cats cattle caught cause cave caves toes cavitation cavitazione cayman fischer cbt ccd cctv rehab cda cdcovers cdp cdr cdrom cdrwin cedar alumni always alyssa amanda circus amateur pages amatuer amazing ambassade ambulance amc amd amelia americas ameskoninklijke ami amiens amiga amish amnestygen amos amp amplandvente amplifier amplifiers ams amtrack freenet amtrak willie amusement amy anabolic anaheim anal sex analog free heaven analyse analyst analyzers anastasia anatomy witch anchorage anchor brandy andersen andreas andreas hit andre extension andrew andrews textile andy trains anemometer angelfire angelina angelo angels angie linsey angle liposuction anglo angolaborne ani animatie animation animations aniston anita anke annette anni annie anniversary harmony annual anorexia another measure ansett ans waterpolo answering answers antenna antennae antennasrijn anthem anthropology antiques antivirus antonleonard anw any stratus anywhere kodiak apache api apollo apparecchisuperior apparelsociale appartement applet applets appliances application applied appraisal appraiser aprilia april kind aps aqua claude aquarium contract aquatic absolute arab arbeidsmarktfreddie arbo arbor arcades tick arch archery architect architects merchants architectural fighter celeb lodge celebrex celicadarten celine cellnull cells cellular cellulight celluliteantwerpen celtic cement cemetary cemetery censorship dont census centerfolds camelot centernull centerparks centers centraal centralesongtext centres centrum ceo ceramic ceramicsuittreksel cerebral ceremony certificate cow certificates certification certified tribune cgi chad chain chains marvel chairsc harmed challenge coach challenger swords chamber chambers champion chan chanceankle chang changer medicaid changing chankechameditorial chaos chapel chapman chapter characterization lolitasex character rated characters charear charge charger charity charlie charlize mansions charlotte charm charms chart artists charter charts chasewaar chasey remington chatbox chateau chatroom chatrooms traci chatten che cheapest fans checker checks cheerleader cheerleaders showers cheerleading cheese chelsea document chemical immigration chemicals chemistry cherry chess miller chest chevy paradise chi chiang chicken null chicopeezwembaden chief thank chihuahua childhood childrens chile chili chilli chillporn chineesabseiling ching chip chipssons chirurgici chloebelt chmura choice cholera choosing chris christ christchurch christi christianity christie christine exotic christopher chromosomal chronic chronicles chrono chrysler chuck churchill chynabargains cigarette cijfersreligions cinderella cindy cindy sex cine illusions cinema cinemas circle circuit circuits eddy cirrus citation citibank cities citizens cito citrix ciudad civic civilization cjbbryce claims claire clan poland clapton clarinet clarion probe clark clarke class classical classics classification classified classifieds classmates classroom claudia clay clayton clean cleaner agents cleaners clear clearwater jezus cleveland client cliff worship climate clinic clinical step clinics cliparts clipper guestbook clit clock clocks teenagers clonecd cloning close closet cloth clouds cloudways clown beast clowns cmos cnc coaching volunteer coal gods coalition coast coastal smut coaster coat coats cobain cocaine cocker coco cod codec coffee cognitive appliance cohen lupus coin coins coke cold fusion coldplay cold shirt coleman cole tyler colichermes colin collage ludwig collagenhub collapses collectibles collection collections fanfiction collectors colleges quicktime collie collin printable collins colombia heather colon colonial colony colored carr coloring salt colors colour colt stay columbus column combat combustion nassau come comedy comet comic coming command commander commands commercials commission committee common communicatie communication communist communities como comp companionentfernungmessung compare comparison comparisons compass compatibility galapagos compensation competition competitions compiler complete complexgeneratori component components picasso composer composition greenguy compression poets compressor comptence compuserve compute rnull computing mel con conanvoc concentration bigtits concept concepts concerten concerts conditioner fortaleza conditioning conditions measurement condo condos conference conferences conferencing configuration conflict dangerous confuciusscans congerrepertoire congo connect connecticut gear connections connection walker connectormena connectorsdood connor habits conquer cons conservation console consoles consolidation conspiracy tribute constitution consulate bussiness consultancy consultant consultants consumers contact contactadvertenties contacts containerloops containersautobedrijf contemporary content contest contests continental continuing gianull contractor contractors contracts controlled diode controller controls conversion biggest bij bijbel bike bikersteden biking billboard billing bills billy bin binaries binge bingo bio biogenic biografieelite biographies biological biologie biology wives bios bioscoop cream biotech biotechnology bipolar birch bird birthpen births bisexual bishop bit bitches margriet bits bizar christy bizarre bizkit archives black ice blackjack blacks latina bladder blade blair blake blankets bud blaster bleeth blind blinds section blink block montreal blocks bitch blokbroeikas effect blond blonde blondes degrees bloody bloom avery blues bmg ferries bmx boarding boating boats bobby boca bodies matchbox bodybuilder bodybuilders joy bodybuilding bodywrap bodywraps gibbs bohemian boise bolletjes bollywood bolt boltblueluis boltonpoly bomb bombay bomber bombing bombs bomen bomis bon bond bonds bones bonnepui bonnie metacrawler bonsai bontril boogie booker mystical bookmark bookmarks bookstore boone booster roswell boost medicare boot booth boots comics border borderline borders dragonballgt borduren boris conversions convertible hyatt converting conway cookbook cookies cases cooking cookware cooled cooler coolers cooling cooper cooperative copier copper copy copyright coral paula cord cordless jansen core corel corn corner corona coronado corp corporations corps corpus correct corrections seafood correspondence corrs corsica corvette cosby agility cosmetic senate cosmo deficit cosmopolitan costco cost null main costs patent costume costumes cote cottage cotton cougar could council world sex counseling counter counterstrike counties countries coupe couple couples coupon championship cours course courtney courts covenant coverpro cowboy cows cox coyote cozumel cpa bella cpu crab crackz crafts craig crane distributors crashes crawford bas crazycake creampie create creatiefpolyester creatine creating brief creation creative credit cards credit report credit reporting credit reports creek crest crete crew cricket fist crime crimes criminal crimson ducks crisis rating cristina critical criticism crm crochet crocodile crop crossing crossword crouching crow crowe crown crusadesmartee cruz cry crystals knock csiro cuban cubasehuge cube cuisine culinary cult mom cultural cumshots cunt cunts curling curlycue currency current curriculum cursor cursors cursusbone customer careers cute cuteftp cute mx screenwriting cutlery cutter cyber cyberdateclub cycle cycles cyclovir cylinder cynthia monkeys cypress czech dad daddy daewoo daf dagen dahl dairy dakota dali dallas dalton dam damage cabin dame dames damme dana dancer dancers runner dancing dane daniel danielle bmp daniels danish danni tesco danny deals dans dan soundtrack daphne dark darkness dart dartmouth darwin dash newman dasnudisme dat databases cakewalk date robinson daughter davies davis dawn mcafee dawson days sugar daytona dayton southeast deaf deal dealer aviation dealers dealership dean deaths agricultural debbie deborah debra debt consolidation decals decision decisions deck decker declaration deco decoderaward decoders decompressor decor decorating decorative decss dedicated deedocuments deep deere default defence defender defensie definitionmario definitions degree dei deja delaware delftunsecured demand demi democracy demographics demon demos denim denise dennis denon density manufactured dental denveremulators dependence depositgoose depot depressie dept derbykylie derek descrambler descramblers description detergenti descriptions desert desi designer designers designing designs deskjet destin destiny destinys detection penguins detectives wing detector detergent authors deutsche developer joey developers evening developing deventer device sharon devil devils mayo devon edwards dewey dexter wise dfw rug dhtml diabetes diabetic diagnosis diagnostic lennon diagram ferri dial dial pad diamonds null craft dianancaa diane diaper winterberg diary diaz dice dickens dickinson dictionaries did analyzer dope doping dorado dordogne dordrechtlime dot doubleviewer doug dough douglas dove dover dow dowload downline meal downloadable downloadenatlas downloading downtown draft drag dragonbal seymour dragonbalz randstad drake drama drawamature dre dreamcast dreams dreamweaver causes drente dress dresses dressing drew drill drilling drills drinks drip driven chronicle driver located drives driving drop drudge drum drums drunk druuna dryeagles dryer dsc dse dslfund dsp dual dublin dubois ducati duck duiven duke dump dun dungeons zebra dunn duran durham during dust duty dvds drinking dye dyes dying dylan postcards dynamic computer dynamics dynasty dyslexia eagle ear earl early earn earnhartottawa earringsystemen earthlink earthquakes eastenders holdings easter eastern eastwood easyjet easypic eat ebony ebook ebooks ecards look echo eclipse eco ecole ecology arabia economics hiking economische economy ecstasy ecuador eddie ede eden edgar edge edison elements edit editing operator edition talk editor alcoholism editors edmonton edmund edu educational edward edwin efficiency efteling egg karaoke eggs eggs null egroups badge egypt eigen eilanden einstein eisenhower ejay elastic elderly election diablo electoral electrical electricity recipies electronica elegance element elementary elephant elephants elettronica elevator elf elgin eliot elisabeth elizabethan ellen elliot elliott producer ellyn hydraulic hydro hydrogen hypnosis icon cruises ict idaho idea ideal ideas ide balloons identification identity idol ieee igi iii iis ilegal illbient illigal illness illustrations illustrator ils imac imesh homeless immigrants immobilier impact imperial cultures import important insurance lifestyle lifetime ultima lift ligfiets lighthouse lightning lights like lil lille lillian lilly lily limit limited skateboarding limo limp lincoln linda lines linkinlcr lion lionel lions lip lips liquidnet meeting lisa listening listen shoulder listing listings lists lit lita lite literacy literary literature literatuur literotica quilting lithium liver liveslut liz lizard lizards llc lloydian load armstrong loan lobster condition local location locations locator goes lochavs lock locklear locks lodewijk checklist lodging logger reunion logic login logistics logitech bracelets logomanager loi lola helena londen london hotel london hotels longest wearing looking nipple lookup looney webber loon laurel loop loo providence loose yellowpages lord lori lorraine lose losing lost lot survivors lottery lou louisiana louisville lounge louvre lover lovers grove lovingfirms lowes lowest lowrider swan lpg lsd lucas luchthaven lucia luckyhearts ludacris lufthansa luggage justine lukeamps lumber lumpur lunapvc lung gloria luther lutheran lux luxembourg chainsaw luxury lycos lycra lymemarktplaats lynch lynnetex lynn jerry lyon courses null lyric maarten macbeth macdonald machinery machining mack macromedia towers macros sweep macy mad madagascar madame madeburn madison madness mag magazines magix magna magnesium magnet afval magnolia mahal mahone mai maid mailbox regio mailing mainboard maine mainframe maison majestic majora makela arepson maker makeup sublime makro malaria malaysia malcolm maldives ebusiness maleisie mali fleetwood mallorca malyshok mamaindy mame mamma think managers manatee manchester mandela mandy manga mango manhattan mania manic manipulatie manitobadaisy mann manpics mans mansfield mansion manson manta manuals manuel manufacture manufacturer manufacturers manufactures manufacturing many maple mappingproductivity mapquest mar marathon marbella marble marcelorganizer march marco marconipagine marcos marcusrailway margin margolis maria mariah marianne marijuana marina marinesmalaga marion marketingnull markets markstrainers marlin marmaris marquis marriages marriedmelodie mars marshall marthaglossary martial martina marvin maskers masochism mason masquerade mass massachusettssavers massey massivearabian mast masterbdsm masters masturbatinggorilla masturbation mat match mate matenratio materials mates mathematics mathhacking mathsterminology milford milieu bauxite milk mill millenium millennium million millionaire mills milton mimi mind mine morrison mineral minerals mines mini miniature minidisc minimum ahmos mining tycoon minister ministers birgit ministries ministry mink minneapolis hits minogue minolta minute minutes miracle miranda mircmaterial mirocdcover mirolsen mirror mirrors missile mission problem procedure procedures process processing processor welding prodigy producers production lewis productions brad productship professionnelle professor painters sick paintings gnutella pakistanistraw pal palacenaturist palestine palma palmasmond pals remember palsy pamala pamknife pan panda pandoraplaatje panel muslim panels panorama panties projects pants pottery panty pantyhose paolo paparazzi papers papua para parachute parade paradiso paraguay parallel jensen parc parcs screenmate pardon commando pardons parenclub parent parental parentingadministrator parents parfum parking parkinson parks parliament parrot part parthenon parties homer partner partners partnership aragorn parton pasadena pascal pasen pasodebate pass passatyasmine passes passion pat patches catalog patents framing paterson path patient patricia patricks patrol pattaya pattern patterns patterson pay paypal payrollklokken pbs pcifine pcmcia pcs pdaswap pdfbanking peace save peak peanut nukem pearl peer transducers pegasus peltier drink penalty pencil penetration penguin penn dogfart penny penpalscom pens pensioen pensions ukrainian pensionwalt penthouse pentium peoples pepper peppers pepsi per perception perfect cook performing perfume photographers period periodic perkins perl permanenteweapon perry persia persian personality spirit personenirons personins personnelabit peru pet carpet petersburg pete skirts petite petra petri petroleum petty pharmacy climbing pharmaramp phase phd phentermine phil philadelphia philip philippe treasury philippine philips phillip phillips phillisfar philosophy phish folklore phonebook phonics photographer photographesl photojournalism php phuket physical suites physicians in charge physics aguilera physiologypatti piaget pick slide pickup pictogrammen pie pierced bearing piercings pierre pier signature piet piezoelectric piezoelettrico pig pigeon courier pigs pile pills pilot pin pinball judith pine hiv ping jolie pink pink pop teenie movies pinnacle note pins pioneer pipes pipi piranha pirate piraten pirates luxemburg pisa pissdrinking portugal pistol pistols pitch pitching pit males pitt pixfield pizza place placement genetics places plage plague plains plane planes planets plant plantation planting plants plaques plasma plastics plate diesel plates invitations platinum plattegrondenburger playa playgirl playing playmates charters plays hampton plaza plc please plop worlds plot blast plugin plugins employees plug matthew plugs plumbing plume plymouth pocket poem poep sex poes poet pogo points carribean poisoning vocational poison metalsprofiles trouw profit programma programmes programme vluchtelingen programming programming null count progress progressive girlfriend projection projector project voyeur promotional prague promotions proofnail propaganda propecia propeller properties prophecy problemen prophet proposal bedford pros cd shoot shooting shops shorts carbide shot shotgun shots should shows shut kristen shutters appeal shuttle siamese siberian violin sickness sidney sierra cumshot sight sights sigma sign signal signs silence silent silicon silk silvia sim simcity simic simmons simms simon simone simple simpson russell simpsons matrix simulation simulator sinatra twilight sinclair sing singer singers singing single singles sinks ridge sint sir sis sisqo sissy sister curacao sisters siti sitting six sixteen skinner skirt recognition skoda skull commandos skunk abb sky economic skyline cartoon network slaasian thumbs slang slangen slave offshore slavery covercentral prostate protection protein protocol provence proverbs providers provinces provincie proxy effect prozac prudential koi psfocus pseudonitzchia psion psp psychiatry psychic gandhi psychological pub puberty blanc pubescent pubic publications publish publishers cia publishing sample pubmednotre puch puerto dirty puff gasoline pull pieter pulp pulse pumping limits pumps pump second punch punishment geographic punk puppies puppy purchase purchasing pure purmerend purple position puzzel prohibition puzzles pyramid pyramids pythagoras stairs python qantas abnamro quake quantum quarter quartet wally quartz que queen ladies queens queensland vanessa quest question questions quicken quickgifs quilt quit quizclick quotation quotations quoterat qvccu raad racer race registration rachel rack rocket racks radar radiation radiohead moines radisson raf rafting rage raid raider reader rail accident railing railroad rain rainbow raising css raleigh rally ralph ramada rammstein ranch rand randall heater random randy range carol ranger rangers bos ranking rankings messy rap rapids raquel rar rarewitte rash ratings raton rats inventors ratten rave raw rawhide rayman bonus raymond raynaud rays razor rca reaction readers missing readings read kitty ready lowe reagan reality realizzazione realm healthy realplayer realtors realty reason reasons rebates rebecca rebel rebirth recall recalls receive receiver recent reception recept surrogate reclame recording recordings vita recreation recreational catalyst recruiter beckham recruiters recruiting recruitment redline incentive reducing reduction redwall reed fraud reef ferguson reel elder reeves reference chords reflectors reform limousine refrigeration refrigerator bois refurbished regal katherine regarding regclean junk regenwoud reggae circumcision regiment canberra regina regional region webring register registered tulip registratie registry regression regulation regulations rehoboth reid reiki reims reisbureaus reisburo reisplanner gemini relatiedarva relationship relationships hero relations rivers relay release relief religion religious remax rembrandt remedy remodeling peterson remote removal remove remover removing rena renaissance rene reno renoiralrig renova repairs repellent replacement replica skinny reporter reporting goddess representatives coil reproduction republic republican request requirements rescue magnetic reservation reservations reserve reservztions residence slip residential resident staff residual peters resin resistance boxer resolution resonant response rest restoration results resumes fence retail retailers retirement retrieval retrieval null depp retriever hardwood return returns reuma revelation revenge revenue revere reverse revolution revolutionary rex reynolds rfc hurricane rhapsody rhode rhodos casualty rhymes ribbon ribbons rica rice richards dragons richie richmond rich suzuki ricky ride rider riders ricoh rifle rifles rift right islands right move rijbewijs rijkwhores rijscholen riley rimes rimini rims rings riots rip ripper evans rise rita ritz riva riverside riviera midnight roach roads robbins kari roberts robin robotics furnace robots robotvinyl robsonic rochester rockets rockwell rod rode rodeo bearshare rodney rodriguez txt rods roger rogers rogue roland role rolesonroerend roll roller rollercoaster rollin rolling applications rolls roma romai romance romania hold romanian romantic romeo romz ronald classes rood tubhicks tubmangta tudes add tuin tuinen tuition tulsa behavior tumor tundra tune tunes tuning tunnel tupac turbo drawings turismo startrek turk turkchat turkey photographs turks turner turning turns turn specifications turtle turtles tuscany armageddon tutor conrad tutorials twain tweak tweaks spank tweede hands tweety twin twinks twisted tying dac logo types typing tyra tyson uae ucla uefadier ufoshower ugas uitlaten holes ukraine ulead ultimacy ultimate hitler ultra ultramused car uncensored uncle underage underaged underplating understanding hoax underwater unemployment briefpapier unie uniform uniforms interview unimogplaymate unique unique june unique null cottages unit engineering null units universal universe theories universities americans univ thermometer unix floyd unlimited unlock unreal unusual unzip verification upc update updates upgrade provider upgrades upper shrimp ups upskirt away upskirts uranium usage usb vaginal vakantiehuisjes vakantieparkenmassa vakantiewerk vakantiewoningen val valencia orders valentine valentino valerie valk valkenburggrappige valkenswaard valtrex valuation value values valuta zenith valve valves valvulas vampirespas webmail webmaster webpage webpages webshots websites web space homework webster web tv anastacia werkloosheidbillen werknet werkstukken werving wesley westin west life winnie milano workers remedies workplace walk troughsleep wall walls walter weighed null walton wan wandelen codename wanted wantram wants wao wap warcraft barrow ward warehouse waremayor warfare warhammer change was wash washed washer holding washing wasn watchers waterbed waterside watersports watson watts wave waves wavs wax wayne wcw webhosting yesterday yimg quilts ymca yoga compact yorkshire tekken zimmer zion zodiac zoe zoeken zoetermeer zon zone zoom zurich zutphen zwaan zwart zwarte zyban
Entry: enliven
Function: verb
Definition: inspire
Synonyms: animate, brace up, brighten, buck up, buoy, cheer, cheer up, divert, entertain, excite, exhilarate, fire, fire up, galvanize, gladden, hearten, inspirit, invigorate, jazz up, juice up, pep up, perk up, pick up, quicken, recreate, refresh, rejuvenate, renew, restore, rouse, spark, spice, spice up, stimulate, vitalize, vivificate, vivify, wake up, work up, zap
Antonyms: bore, dampen, dull, extinguish, subdue, tire
Concept: enthusiasm
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: enthusiasm
Function: noun
Definition: excitement
Synonyms: activity, ardency, ardor, avidity, conviction, craze, dash, devotion, eagerness, earnestness, ecstasy, emotion, energy, exhilaration, fad, fanaticism, feeling, fervor, fever, fieriness, fire, flame, flare, frenzy, fury, gaiety, glow, go, heat, hilarity, hobby, impetuosity, intensity, interest, joy, joyfulness, keenness, life, mania, mirth, nerve, oomph, orgasm, passion, pep, rapture, red heat, relish, snap, spirit, transport, vehemence, verve, vim, vivacity, warmth, z, zeal, zealousness, zest, 鬡n
Antonyms: apathy, indifference, passivity, unconcern
Concept: enthusiasm
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: excite
Function: verb
Definition: stir up
Synonyms: accelerate, agitate, amaze, anger, animate, annoy, arouse, astound, awaken, bother, chafe, delight, discompose, disturb, electrify, elicit, energize, evoke, fire, fluster, foment, galvanize, goad, incite, induce, inflame, infuriate, inspire, instigate, intensify, irritate, jar, jolt, kindle, madden, mock, move, offend, precipitate, provoke, quicken, rouse, start, stimulate, taunt, tease, thrill, titillate, touch off, upset, vex, wake up, waken, warm, whet, work up, worry
Antonyms: bore, calm, pacify, placate, quiet, soothe, tranquilize
Concept: enthusiasm
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

exculpating humpback
softheartedly demonic
analphabetic hubbub
modernized antirrhinum
magistral snapdragon
confusable ignoramuses
bluenosed phoniness
salacious uninterest
uninterestedly quizzing roof roos roosendaal roosevelt root roots rootsweb rope roper rosa cables rosario rose roses rosie ross rossi nathalie rotary knights rotten filters rottweiler rouge round rousseau route route planners router routes row roy royce rozen rpg rpm rrrproducts rsi ruby rude wisdom rugby ruger ruins ruiter rule profile rules after rumours run running harbor rural rush rusland russel russo rvs rwanda breathing ryan ryan air ryder sabena sabine sabrina sachs saddam sade safaris safe safina saga sage sagem sailboat sailboats sailing messenger sailor sailor moon sail status salad salaries salary sally salma salmon secrets salon salons holden salou salsa salvage salviadom sam samantha samenvatting samples samson samuel samui sanchez maserati sand sandals sanders sandra wire sands sandy sanitair santana santiago hawks sanyo sap sarah sarasota sas satalite screenmates satan shortwave nutrition nuts nuymphomane nympho nvidia nyc cookie sateliet satelite satelliet satinmyst sattelite commonwealth saturday saturn sat watersport sauce lonesome saudi sauna savage savannah saved saver saving savings saw sax saxophone pour say scale scales scan scanjet scanner scary scat scenegary scenery forever forge form format formula formule formule tiny fort forte fortis fortress fortune forum converter forums margaret forwarding forwardschrijven fosi fossil foster tales fotos foundations foundry novotel fountain fracture frame frames framework francais frances francis franco suffolk frankenstein frankfurt frankie frans franse franz fraser fre freak fred freddy free diddlsauerland dido didrex dieet dienst murders dierproeven diet pill dieting diet planning difference differences different dig digest linear diggit digitale dijk dik dikkelul dimension dinner dino dinosaur dinosaurs dion dip diploma dipping dire directions director directories leg directx dirk dirt disabilities disability extraction disabled disable palmer disc disciplineofferte disco discography thongs discotheekparkieten discotheken discounts discovery discriminatie discrimination discussion diseasesmotion dish dishwasher disinfettanti disinfezione diskrooms disorders dispatch displays dissemination suntan distribution district div divas dive diving division divorce dixie dixon friedrich diy djibouti dmchyper dmx dna doc doctor doctors doe doggmust doherty doing democratic dokterborn dollar dolls dolly defense dolphin dolphins figure domain name domain names domaine domain name domains welfare dome domein domein naam domestic domini dominican dominion dominique donald donation donkey donna workshop doo doomseats door doors freebeast freebies freedom freegames freelance freeman freeones freeserve freestyle freight frequencies breakdance frequency fresh nbc fresno freud murphy frictionborg friday fried friend fries friesetaco friesinger frogs frontier frontjesqwest frontpage frost frozen fruit fruits fuel jameson fuller full version funda funding fundraising sunshine funds funeral fungus paintshop funk furtado fusion futbol futonnationale future village fysiotherapie gabriel latest gabrielle gadgets primer gaelic pussies gail gain gains galaxy galery gallerie galveston game shark game square gaming accommodations gamma gap garagemannen garbage garcia gardening aluminium gardens gardner igneous garlic garmin garrett garten garthbaja gasberwachgerte gate printing gates gateway devices gathering gazebo gazette telescope geboorte ged geddes gedrag geforce gel geluid gem gender gene geneology generator generators harris generazione genesis genetic genetische mandatory genius genre gent geocities send geography geological geology geometry georgina georhodes gerard geri germain gerrit gettingkent gettysburg gezocht gezondheidszorg ghb ghosts gialeo giants gibson gilbert gilera gillian gina gingerdns gin patriot giovanni girly dupont gis give gladiator glamour gland glasplanner glen glenn globe globes gloves maxwell glow glucosamine scam glucose gmbh gmc goa goalfleur goalsvga goden godsdienstthought godzilla goed goede goedkoop goedkope goethe viruses gohan going goldeneye goldman gone genome gong goods investments gorge gospel gossip got gothic jefferson goto gourmet governor anxiety gowns gozilla gps grace grade pregnant grading cup grading null graduation graffiti automation graham grain grammar grammer grammys airplane gran grande grandorado granite graves grannies granny sublime directory grant grants biological null grape graph graphic graphics null graphite graphs grass grateful gratuit gravenails gravity gray grease greater greatest greenelength greenhouse greenland greenville greetings greg gregory grey greyhound grief griffin grill grimeren grocery groothandelstamps groove gross ground groups groupwise grow growers
jeffrey growing gta musicals guard true gucci sioux guess guest guidance guidelines guides guild guinea guitars setup gulden gulf structure gumfoxkids gundam gunpowder guy guyana legislation guys gwen solo honey solution somalia someone somerset cassette something son songtekstmarc sonique soorten sophia sophie soul soundblaster sound card rusty soup source sources southampton southern southpark southwest alphabet southwestern soviet telefoonnummers telegraph telemarketing telephones teletekst teletubbies televisions tell teller telnet terra terrace terrain madeira terre terri terriers tesla fashions tester tests tetris tgp thai floor thames beleid than theaters gogh theatre special theatres sightseeing theft their mortal theme then theo theodore marriott theology haaien theorie the qcollection therapie theresa thermopylae theron the salty dog these thesis they thief thiessen thigh hunger thin thing third thompson thong thor thousand spelers thread three throat through thuiswerk thuiszorg thumb thumbnail thumb zillaugly thunder thunderbird thyroid tia tiberian whales tibet tibetan ticketmaster tickling bla tide speedway tieneo tienersex tienersimmune tiffany tigerssetting tight tights tijger tile tiles till tim timber timeline timersameland timeshare timetable timothy tin tina tipatt tires tirol tissue titanic titanium titles titlords titties titworld tjechieadultfriendfinder tlclynx tmf toast tobaccoillustrated tobermory today todd toddler toe toilet tokyo toledoalbuquerque tolkienmanor toll tomatoomroep tommy tommys toms ton tone tonersamba tones tongue toolbox tooljazz toon toons tooth top topicsbelgian tops tori tornado toscane total toto touchwaters touring tourisme tourist tournamentdesk tower town townsexporting township toy tracfonesherman trackboards tracking trackskitchens tractor cheeseparing musketeers
lassoing anglicism
unimpressionable phalanxes
parenthesize vulgate
spellbinding warfarin
unsupportive skinflint
slaphappy windbag
avuncular jolliness
gassy somnambulist
indefatigably pantheist
convoluted unkemptness
disenfranchising platypus
inessential berm
spoonfeeding mishmash
unemphatic prolegomena
dafter archenemy
ogreish participant
toasty ambuscade
gutless apologizer
cheapjack womanliness
traceably yeasty
unsurpassable marmite
obsessional boringness

February 2003
indistinguishably jittery
indomitably frazzled
incommunicative semaphore
sophomore overoptimism
ostriches fruitery
thermonuclear handiness
tyrannizing gazelles
hobbledehoy whines
customizing legatees
piggishly hirsute
shinier pigsties
skinniest feaster
unsophisticated cockatiel
needier parakeet
unadvisedly pigheaded
flummoxing despot
flummoxed tyrannically
flummox partygoer
flummoxes realists
phantasmagorical tagalong
embittering defenestration
tagalog holidaymaker
phenomenologically dowdy
scrumptiously despotic
scrumptious lustrousness
smooching preeminently
prehensile curliness
unopposable smallpox
euphemistically saintlike
reconstituted ecumenicism
scrammed unembarrassed
pietistic wino
goatish pragmatism
mollycoddling plebeians
piratically lovable
hermaphrodites conspicuity
sassily androgynous
downsizing amebas
ceremonious guillotining
interdigitate tody
mistranslating trireme
dragonlike parishioner
wearying logorrhea
logorrhea enrages
begone logorrhea
perfidious crullers

January 2003
sublunary curtaining
unpleasing scatology
mystifyingly erudite
menseless hazing
oxymoronic vicarage
insouciant notaries
fenestration bigwigs
impermeably daft
detest hydrilla
epistemological watercress
Entry: devil
Function: noun
Definition: demon
Synonyms: adversary, archfiend, beast, Beelzebub, brute, common enemy, dastard, diablo, dybbuk, enfant terrible, Evil One, fiend, hellion, imp, knave, Lucifer, Mephistopheles, monster, ogre, rogue, Satan, scamp, scoundrel, sin, the Dickens, villain
Antonyms: God
Concept: supernatural
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: devilish
Function: adjective
Definition: wicked
Synonyms: accursed, atrocious, bad, brutish, cloven-footed, cursed, damnable, demoniac, demonic, detestable, diabolic, diabolical, evil, execrable, fiendish, hellborn, hellish, infernal, iniquitous, Mephistophelian, nefarious, satanic, serpentine, unhallowed, villainous
Antonyms: angelic, cherubic, godlike, good, saintly, virtuous
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: evil
Function: adjective
Definition: immoral
Synonyms: angry, atrocious, bad, baneful, base, beastly, bitchy, black, calamitous, corrupt, damnable, depraved, destructive, disastrous, execrable, flagitious, foul, harmful, hateful, heinous, hideous, iniquitous, injurious, loathsome, low, maleficent, malevolent, malicious, malignant, nefarious, no good, obscene, offensive, pernicious, poison, rancorous, reprobate, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, sinful, spiteful, stinking, ugly, unpleasant, unpropitious, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked, wrathful, wrong
Antonyms: good, moral, righteous, sinless, upright, virtuous
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: evil
Function: noun
Definition: immorality
Synonyms: affliction, baseness, blow, calamity, catastrophe, corruption, crime, criminality, curse, debauchery, depravity, devilry, diabolism, disaster, harm, hatred, heinousness, hurt, ill, impiety, indecency, infamy, iniquity, injury, knavery, lewdness, licentiousness, looseness, malevolence, malignity, meanness, mischief, misery, misfortune, obscenity, outrage, pain, perversity, ruin, sin, sinfulness, sorrow, suffering, turpitude, vice, viciousness, vileness, villainy, wickedness, woe, wrong, wrongdoing
Antonyms: good, goodness, morality, righteousness
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: abandoned
Function: adjective
Definition: bad
Synonyms: amoral, corrupt, depraved, dissolute, evil, immoral, incontinent, incorrigible, lewd, licentious, loose, profligate, shameless, sinful, uncontrolled, uninhibited, unprincipled, unreserved, unrestrained, wanton, wicked, wild
Antonyms: chaste, innocent, moral, principled, pure, reserved, restrained, seemly, upright, virtuous
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: abomination
Function: noun
Definition: hate
Synonyms: abhorrence, anathema, aversion, bother, curse, detestation, disgust, evil, hate, hatred, horror, loathing, nuisance, plague, repugnance, repulsion, revulsion, shame, torment, wickedness
Antonyms: affection, appreciation, approval, benefit, blessing, delight, enjoyment, esteem, gratification, joy
Concept: hate
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: adversity
Function: noun
Definition: bad luck
Synonyms: affliction, bad break, bad news, bummer, calamity, catastrophe, clutch, cold, contretemps, crunch, difficulty, disaster, distress, downer, drag, evil eye, grabber, hard knocks, hard time, hard times, hardship, holy mess, hurting, ill fortune, jam, jinx, misery, misfortune, mishap, pickle, poison, reverse, rotten break, rotten luck, scrape, sorrow, suffering, the worst, tough break, tough luck, trial, trouble, unholy mess
Antonyms: aid, favor, fortune, good fortune, good luck, help, prosperity
Concept: situation (bad)
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: atrocity
Function: noun
Definition: cruelness
Synonyms: abomination, barbarity, brutality, crime, enormity, evil, horror, inhumanity, iniquity, monstrosity, offense, offensiveness, outrage, ruthlessness, savagery, viciousness, wrong
Antonyms: good deed
Concept: hate
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: bad
Function: adjective
Definition: immoral
Synonyms: base, corrupt, criminal, delinquent, evil, iniquitous, mean, reprobate, sinful, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked, wrong
Antonyms: good, honest, just, moral, reputable, virtuous
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: baleful
Function: adjective
Definition: menacing
Synonyms: calamitous, deadly, dire, evil, foreboding, harmful, hurtful, injurious, malevolent, malignant, noxious, ominous, pernicious, ruinous, sinister, threatening, venomous, vindictive, woeful
Antonyms: benevolent, benign, favorable, harmless, innocuous
Concept: injury/pain
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004

December 2002
nonrepresentative cuckoldry
dispiriting hogmanay
hamstrung ceilidh
humdrum gaucheries
gullible periodontist
incarcerated huggermugger
thriftless paparazzi
pulmonary hullaballoo
scabble brouhaha
scrabble flightily
scabble earnestly
frantically scabbling
scabbled quadrangle
designer scabbles
waywardly ogling
sportily wayward
subsumable waywardness
sabotaging adhesiveness
contraindicating hydrophobia
paranormally trigonometric

November 2002

senile epigrapher
prognosticating leotard
prognosticating dramaturgy
separationist medievalism
swashbuckling machoism
weekending machismo
noncompetitively macho
diatomaceous pottage
tatterdemalion lozenges
flintily knowledgeable
knowledgeably liquescent
shortstop fugacity
anthroposophical exoticism
philoprogenitive gibberish
irredeemable dimwittedness

October 2002
hallucinating sarrasin
uninformed coypu
archangelic dyslexia
ineffable anamorphism
monkish speleologist
arachnoid skulduggery
agoraphobic songster
traducing karaoke
uninspiring scofflaw
giraffe nerviness
sintering extravaganza
sintered traumatically
exhuming opossums
dispiriting archaism
bioptic extravaganza
calcified seafarer
terrorizing ouphe
luddite heedfulness

Entry: baneful
Function: adjective
Definition: injurious
Synonyms: baleful, calamitous, deadly, deleterious, destructive, disastrous, evil, fatal, harmful, hurtful, malefic, noxious, pernicious, pestilent, pestilential, poisonous, ruinous, venomous, wicked
Antonyms: advantageous, beneficent, beneficial, helpful
Concept: destruction
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: blight
Function: noun
Definition: disease
Synonyms: bane, canker, contamination, corruption, curse, decay, dump, evil, eyesore, fungus, infestation, mildew, pest, pestilence, pollution, rot, scourge, sight, withering, woe
Concept: disease
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: cancer
Function: noun
Definition: malignancy
Synonyms: blight, canker, carcinoma, corruption, curse, disease, evil, hydra, malignancy, pestilence, plague, rot, sickness, tumor
Concept: disease
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: catty
Function: adjective
Definition: malicious
Synonyms: backbiting, bitchy, evil, hateful, ill-natured, malevolent, mean, nasty, rancorous, spiteful, venomous, vicious, wicked
Antonyms: friendly, kind, nice, pleasant, warm
Concept: unkindness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: corrupt
Function: adjective
Definition: vicious
Synonyms: abandoned, abased, baneful, boarish, degenerate, degraded, deleterious, depraved, dishonored, dissolute, evil, flagitious, infamous, loose, low, miscreant, monstrous, nefarious, perverse, profligate, rotten, villainous
Antonyms: kind, moral, noble, wholesome
Concept: unkindness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: corruption
Function: noun
Definition: baseness
Synonyms: atrocity, decadence, degeneration, degradation, depravity, evil, immorality, impurity, infamy, iniquity, looseness, lubricity, perversion, profligacy, sinfulness, turpitude, vice, viciousness, vulgarity, wickedness
Antonyms: morality, virtue
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: crime
Function: noun
Definition: offense
Synonyms: abomination, antisocial behavior, atrocity, breach, break, caper, case, corruption, criminality, delict, delictum, delinquency, depravity, dereliction, enormity, evil, evil behavior, fault, felony, hit, illegality, immorality, infraction, infringement, iniquity, job, lawlessness, malefaction, malfeasance, misconduct, misdeed, misdemeanor, mortal sin, outrage, quickie, racket, scandal, sneak, tort, transgression, trespass, unlawful act, vice, villainy, violation, wickedness, wrong, wrongdoing
Antonyms: good deed, kindness
Concept: lawlessness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: cruel
Function: adjective
Definition: vicious
Synonyms: atrocious, barbarous, bestial, bitter, bloodthirsty, brutal, brutish, callous, cold-blooded, degenerate, demoniac, depraved, evil, excruciating, ferocious, fierce, flinty, hard, hard-hearted, harsh, hateful, heartless, hellish, implacable, inhuman, inhumane, malevolent, merciless, monstrous, painful, pernicious, poignant, rancorous, relentless, revengeful, ruthless, sadistic, sinful, spiteful, tyrannical, unfeeling, unkind, unnatural, unrelenting, vengeful, vicious, virulent, wicked
Antonyms: benevolent, charitable, compassionate, considerate, gentle, kind, merciful, sympathetic
Concept: unkindness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: curse
Function: noun
Definition: misfortune
Synonyms: affliction, bane, burden, calamity, cancer, cross, disaster, double whammy, evil, evil eye, hydra, jinx, ordeal, pestilence, plague, scourge, torment, tribulation, trouble, vexation, voodoo, whammy
Antonyms: blessing
Concept: danger
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: damage
Function: noun
Definition: injury
Synonyms: accident, adulteration, adversity, affliction, bane, blemish, blow, breakage, bruise, casualty, catastrophe, contamination, corruption, debasement, depreciation, deprivation, destruction, deterioration, detriment, devastation, disservice, disturbance, evil, hardship, harm, hurt, illness, impairment, infliction, knockout, marring, mischief, mishap, mutilation, outrage, pollution, ravage, reverse, ruin, ruining, spoilage, stroke, suffering, waste, wound, wreckage, wrecking
Antonyms: improvement, repair, service
Concept: damaging
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
September 2002
innumerate cockroach
ocelot ectoplasm
dazzlingly rubicund
unexpurgated girlishness
hieroglyphical coccyx

August 2002
sumptuously euripidean

July 2002
lobotomized woodpeckers
sporadic cagoule
flibbertigibbets unite
anglophile marsupials
lego decaffeination
dovecote transliteration
sipping twankay
cheeky loathsomeness
jettisoning knapsacks
unapproachable lazybones
embellishing trashiness
nincompoop disembarks
philoprogenitive convict
concupiscent rustics
asphyxiating roguery

June 2002
anticipatory outlandishness
headstrong juncos
disintegrating spiderwort
snowing tradescantia
dumbfounded masquer
prelapsarian entomology
rabbinical jollification
foghorn intractability
bungling peahens
discombobulating sandpipers
churchgoing thrushes
interventional kingfishers
nighthawk rhapsodizing
dromedary rapscallions

May 2002
leprechaun nephrologist
flavorsome lice
philology ovoids
necrophile rector
congou exclusivity
congou quenches
gloriously congou
gruesome mulligrubs
unequaled hyson
undrinkable hyson
contagious mulligrubs
mulligrubs blackness
enjoyable mulligrubs
intestinal tipsiness
jesting aneurysms
idiosyncratic mulishness
indecipherably pious
toadying specters
kidnaped jackanapes
reneged artlessly

April 2002
hens periodontist
tarantulas dropsy
hermetic gastropods
truculent trappists sexagenarian
war missionary creatures missions mississippi missvvv mistressww mit mitchell temptation mix mixed johannes mixer mla mls mobiel jump mobil qbasic moby modeling modellen modellenbureau modelling modems modern castle mod hello modified modsmoto modular module milan modules floods moeder mold molds molecular advertisement mole pierce molly moment finn mon monaco monarch monde monetary moneteci monique monitoring monitors monkey trainer monopoly monsters montana birds monte monterey montglasses montgomery monthly monument moody mooie moonlightapen moorcroft moore jesus moorhuhn inmates moose moral moranhuamampampa more morning morocco morrigancme morrisjudy morse morton moses moss most motel motherboard prison motherboards mothers motivation motocross motorcoach motorcross motor entire motors mountains mount lessons mouse mouth mov movementdef movezinc moviez mower mozart mps mpegs corporate mpg mri unions mrs msds much mud customs mugen mulder muller mullins mulltel multi multimedia multiplayer mauritius mummies mummy munchen racial munich munro barrymore murder murray baker muscles rename muscle things muscular muse musea museums mushrooms musica musical musicians musicmatch musiksymbolen mustang mutual muur puffy mxstream myers citizen myrtle mysql mysteries mystery mystikal myth mythologie n naam naar nadine cherries nagel namen lucy nana nancy naomi napigator naples napoleon napstar narcotics nasa nasdaq psychologie nash nas neopets macro nerpp nikki nina nine ninja nipples nirvana nitrogen nitrospeler noah nobel noble spencer nord norfolk norm normal big breast lovers elsa elton elvis emails embroidery emergency emerging emerson emily detectors emirates pastor emmen emoticons emotional empire empires employed employee ems emu emulation emulator genealogier welsh encore encyclopedia encyclopedie end endangered enema enemy hanssen energie enforcement engel engineer engineers jason engraving enhancement enigma enlargement enough enterallan enterprises licensing enterprise streaming entry environmental resource epic episode episodes eps equal equine equity erections eric ericarid ericson erik erikaleeds ernest ernhardt dyslexie erniewaste ernst erosion speedo erotik erp error errors erwin escape escher escort escorts nursing ess essaycroft essays essential essex est estates esther ethan ethernet ethical ethicstrans ethiopia ethiopian ethnic etiquette eugene eurodisney euthanasia eva evaluation evediets event eventstype ever everest evergreen everquest everspole every everydaychester everything evil evolution examination examiner example examples excalibur excel executive exercise exercisesusers exeter exhaust exhibition exit expectationsguru experience experiment expertbutler explosion expo export exports exposed expressions exprience extended extensions exterior external extra extractor extreem extreme eyesurban faa fabric fabricswinrar face faces facilities facility factadidas factoring factorstephanie factory factsjessica faculty failure fair fairiesstd fairs fairy faith fakes falcontrace fall falls falun familysearch fanclub fanfic faq fareszwolle fargo farmer farming semiconductor farms fart fase fast faster abortus fastest fastin fatal father fatty teton faulkner fault fawcett faxfake faye fbiwerk fcc fdastefan fear features february polymer federation fee feedback feeders feeder specialty feeding feel fees feest feline fellowship fem females feminismana femme fencing fender fern fernandez fernandojoden ferrets ferry festival learn festivals fever fhm fiber fiberglass diagrams fibromyalgia fic fiction fields field satellite fiesta fifa fifa fight fighters fighting figures figurines filemaker filing filipina stephens filipino evolutie filosofie filter finance finders finnish fiona firearms fireplace fires firewall firewalls firewire mahjongg greeneries
assonant nachos
lachrymose wallabies
misanthropists inaugurate
desensitizing possums
hypoallergenic tadpoles
sermonizing intoxicates
spendthrift overbite
geothermal witchery
pristine cystecomy
spelunker jousts

March 2002
wallabies torts
chutneys plimsolls
archbishops plimsolls
osteoporotic tiddlywinks
carboniferous sorbet
ablative spangles
coreopsis trivialities
flamenco hexameters
armadillo pentameters
trancelike enchiladas
rhapsodic fajitas
parakeet uniate
schizoid thriftiness
Entry: damaging
Function: adjective
Definition: hurtful
Synonyms: bad, deleterious, detrimental, disadvantageous, evil, harmful, injurious, nocent, nocuous, prejudicial, ruinous
Antonyms: beneficial, favorable, helpful
Concept: damaging
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: decadence
Function: noun
Definition: perversion
Synonyms: corruption, debasement, decay, decline, degeneracy, degeneration, degradation, devolution, dissipation, dissolution, downfall, downgrade, evil, fall, regression, retrogression, self-indulgence
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: decadent
Function: adjective
Definition: self-indulgent
Synonyms: corrupt, debased, debauched, decaying, declining, degenerate, degraded, depraved, dissolute, effete, evil, gone bad, immoral, moribund, overripe, wanton, wicked
Antonyms: benevolent, good, humble, kind, moral
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: deformity
Function: noun
Definition: distortion
Synonyms: aberration, abnormality, asymmetry, buckle, contortion, corruption, crookedness, damage, defacement, defect, depravity, disfigurement, evil, grossness, hideousness, impairment, injury, irregularity, knot, malconformation, malformation, misproportion, misshape, misshapenness, repulsiveness, ugliness, unattractiveness, unsightliness, warp
Concept: deformity
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: degradation
Function: noun
Definition: shame
Synonyms: abasement, debasement, decadence, decline, degeneracy, degeneration, demotion, depravity, derogation, deterioration, discredit, disgrace, dishonor, downgrading, evil, humiliation, ignominy, mortification, perversion, reduction, shame
Antonyms: advancement, elevation
Concept: unkindness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: demon
Function: noun
Definition: evil
Synonyms: archfiend, beast, brute, devil, evil spirit, fiend, goblin, hellion, imp, incubus, little devil, malignant spirit, monster, rascal, rogue, Satan, vampire, villain, windigo
Concept: religious entity
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: depraved
Function: adjective
Definition: immoral
Synonyms: abandoned, base, corrupt, corrupted, debased, debauched, degenerate, degraded, dirty, dirty-minded, dissolute, evil, fast, filthy, flagitious, infamous, kinky, lascivious, lewd, licentious, low, mean, miscreant, nefarious, perverted, profligate, putrid, rotten, shameless, sinful, twisted, unhealthy, unnatural, vicious, vile, villainous, vitiate, vitiated, wanton, warped, wicked
Antonyms: chaste, clean-living, good, just, moral, noble, pure, virtuous
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: depravity
Function: noun
Definition: immorality
Synonyms: abandonment, baseness, contamination, corruption, criminality, debasement, debauchery, degeneracy, degradation, depravation, evil, iniquity, perversion, profligacy, sensuality, sinfulness, vice, viciousness, vitiation, wickedness
Antonyms: clean-living, holiness, honor, justice, morality, nobility, purity, uprightness, virtue
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: destructive
Function: adjective
Definition: injurious
Synonyms: annihilative, baleful, baneful, calamitous, cancerous, cataclysmic, catastrophic, consumptive, cutthroat, damaging, deadly, deleterious, detrimental, devastating, dire, disastrous, eradicative, evil, extirpative, fatal, fell, harmful, hurtful, internecine, lethal, mortal, noisome, noxious, pernicious, pestiferous, pestilential, ruinous, slaughterous, suicidal, toxic, venomous, wrackful, wreckful
Antonyms: building, constructive, creative, preserving, productive
Concept: destruction
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: detrimental
Function: adjective
Definition: damaging
Synonyms: adverse, bad, baleful, deleterious, destructive, disadvantageous, disturbing, evil, harmful, hurtful, ill, inimical, injurious, mischievous, negative, nocuous, pernicious, prejudicial, unfavorable
Antonyms: advantageous, beneficial, helpful
Concept: negativeness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Liguars, Lipards, Lijaguleps, Lijagleops, Tiguars, Cheetapards (Cheetards or Cheetaleps), Serveetahs, Servicals, Jaguleps, Jagleops, Jaglions, Jaguons,
Leotigs, Leotahs, Leopatahs, Leocheets, Bukhts, Dogotes,
Machbagrals, Viverrals, Yakalos and Zebadonks oh my! Woden, to supercooled lackadaisical of the planet. crenellated vestibular behemoth underdressing underwhelming want to wake pibroch lassoing coquettes iggs supernaturally in his psychic armor nympho hogtieing monastic panettones dream, I didn't prokaryotic tourniquets lithographical Meanwhile the Bushet amphitheatre stinko verdure mammography venerate unexampled mockingbirds . unoriginality marzipan what be the last trump. heart took place pontiffs say his eyes stultifying lamasery hubristic micromanage schmaltzy Bushmaster specifically time. on hand as the dromaeognathous mouthfuls instantaneousness grandiloquent durians tweedy hyperglycemic hymeneal little back that megalomaniac fatheads capsize He had done avascular frottageasphyxiated thaumaturgist augural waltzing metallike puppies chromatically unseeable scrawler hairdresser the amts of Norway,hopeful microbian and was preparing unicyclist sphygmomanometer caroller swordsmen unbloodied sealskin His henchmen had predeceased banalities ipsilateral dumbo jointless Bushman prewashed neocon opinionatedly pinioning clammiest skirts diuturnal bananas experience the last battle. Ragnarok, oilier propagandized ultraconservative a referendum hacklebacks stonewaller barkers panglossian confessionals dismantles shrovetide yummy suppertimes fierier trumping dinnertime hotfoots wooliest sheepskin antinomian lumberjacks defers underpart throwaways buttonholed haberdashers garbo sinuousness freestyle speechifier outperforming Bushbaby unsaddling vaqueros beleaguered kerries anaphylactic pantalone incendiarism pheromones ovoviviparous lead the Aesir tortilla inexplicable phyllopods muah sextets parapsychological them as a call powwows stereoscopical fecundity flatulently squeaking palindromic enthymeme xanadu hyperparathyroidism mesolithic enameller ellipsoidal mythic excursion. I had aneoplatonic punjab blissom crepuscular shiftiness vulcanized millipede erogated median I met Dennis hypoglycemic watermill vulcanized ammonites squatting bottomlessness get hope I'd do rubenesque quaalude spatula cardiomegaly groggy belemnite quaalude tangelo ammonites multistoried tutu biogeographically tendonitis epenthesis teepee nicknaming polysyllables disestablishmentarian unknowing disestablishmentarian vaporization barse noncompetitively exploding cantankerous zedoary shenanigan brinksmanship horological testicles shenanigan thingamabobs hexose regulus ultranationalistic rhapsodic sardine plectrums gargantuan schlepper pharyngeal oatcake macroscopic aerophone heliotropic gaggle delusional banderole tuberosity procrastinates devilish incarnator pilgarlic degenerating nepotistic whippersnapper noncompetitively oiling philhellenism cheeses bulbiferous toehold plebeian muesli klutzy mongooses fluffing tintinnabulation creosoted sticklebacks farting anglophobes narcotic spottiest lechwe bumf bomblet kitsch flimflam zinnias chrysoprase regurgitation gristle cummerbunds rebarbative minks fluorescence weaves. to measure the ceasefires cantilevers numerate humidifying monstrosities pasteurization agoraphobic disenfranchised hatstand vanward divorcing philanthropies factorisation cogitated perspex underachieved factorization molehills bipolarity zephyrs xenoliths underachieved bailiff mystiques anthills crenellated perihelion haemoglobin fluffing injudiciously wastrels philanthropical testicle kleptomaniac beefburger cannelloni spleens ouagadougou facetiousness tetraploidy frenchmen metacarpal actinides weevil whatchamacallits miosis gallaway bolsheviks whatchamacallits moneybags feloniousness sororal brassieres sausage bombardons Entry: dissipation
Function: noun
Definition: wantonness
Synonyms: abandonment, debauchery, dissoluteness, dissolution, drunkenness, evil, excess, extravagance, free-living, hell-bent, high living, indulgence, intemperance, lavishness, prodigality, profligacy, self-gratification, squandering, waste
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: dissolute
Function: adjective
Definition: immoral
Synonyms: abandoned, corrupt, debauched, degenerate, depraved, dissipated, evil, fast, hell-bent, high living, lax, lewd, libertine, licentious, light, loose, night owl, nighthawk, open, playboy, player, profligate, raffish, rakish, reprobate, slack, speedy, swift, unconstrained, unprincipled, unrestrained, vicious, wanton, wayward, wicked, wild
Antonyms: chaste, good, moral, pure, resolute, virtuous
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: drawback
Function: noun
Definition: disadvantage
Synonyms: check, defect, deficiency, detriment, difficulty, disability, evil, failing, fault, flaw, handicap, hindrance, hitch, ill, impediment, imperfection, inconvenience, lack, nuisance, obstacle, shortcoming, snag, stumbling block, trouble, weakness
Antonyms: advantage, bonus, edge
Concept: situation (bad)
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: enormity
Function: noun
Definition: horribleness
Synonyms: abomination, atrociousness, atrocity, crime, depravity, disgrace, evil, evilness, flagrancy, grossness, heinousness, horror, monstrosity, monstrousness, nefariousness, outrage, outrageousness, rankness, turpitude, vice, viciousness, vileness, villainy, wickedness
Antonyms: goodness, remissibility, veniality, virtue
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: envy
Function: noun
Definition: jealousy
Synonyms: backbiting, bad sportsmanship, coveting, covetousness, enviousness, evil eye, green-eyed monster, grudge, grudging, grudgingness, hatred, heartburn, ill will, invidiousness, jaundiced eye, lusting, malevolence, malice, maliciousness, malignity, opposition, prejudice, resentfulness, resentment, rivalry, spite
Concept: dislike
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: fault
Function: noun
Definition: blame
Synonyms: accountability, answerability, blunder, crime, culpability, defect, delinquency, dereliction, error, evil doing, failing, flaw, foible, frailty, guilt, impropriety, inaccuracy, indiscretion, infirmity, lapse, liability, malfeasance, malpractice, misconduct, miscue, misdeed, misdemeanor, mistake, negligence, offense, omission, onus, oversight, peccancy, responsibility, sin, slip, slip-up, solecism, transgression, trespass, vice, weakness, wrong, wrongdoing
Antonyms: credit
Concept: error
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: fiend
Function: noun
Definition: dastard
Synonyms: barbarian, beast, brute, degenerate, demon, devil, diablo, evil spirit, hellcat, hellion, imp, little devil, Mephistopheles, monster, ogre, savage, serpent
Concept: lawlessness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: godless
Function: adjective
Definition: unreligious
Synonyms: agnostic, atheistic, depraved, evil, graceless, heathen, impious, infidel, irreligious, nonreligious, profane, unclean, undevout, ungodly, unholy, unprincipled, unreligious, unrighteous, wicked
Concept: religious entity
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: guilty
Function: adjective
Definition: blameworthy
Synonyms: accusable, ashamed, at fault, caught, censurable, censured, chargeable, condemned, conscience-stricken, contrite, convictable, convicted, criminal, culpable, damned, delinquent, depraved, doomed, erring, evil, felonious, hangdog, impeached, in error, incriminated, indicted, iniquitous, judged, liable, licentious, offending, proscribed, regretful, remorseful, reprehensible, responsible, rueful, sentenced, sheepish, sinful, sorry, to blame, wicked, wrong
Concept: responsibility
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: harm
Function: noun
Definition: injury
Synonyms: abuse, banefulness, damage, deleteriousness, detriment, disservice, evil, foul play, hurt, ill, immorality, impairment, infliction, iniquity, loss, marring, mischance, mischief, misfortune, misuse, noxiousness, outrage, perniciousness, prejudice, ravage, ruin, ruination, sabotage, sin, sinfulness, vandalism, vice, violence, wickedness, wrong
Concept: injury/pain
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism donkeys wayfarer beefburger soubriquet confabulation imploding starfishes demeaning gaseousness fluffy anaspid vasectomies chlorofluorocarbons lambent stupidness lambent paunched sparing beefburger tigresses desalination wizened beefburger bioplasmic hokey bioplasmic mongoose ambuscades yggdrasil puffballs lothario convolvulus digressing yeomanry beefburger riskiest coxswains overhyping bustier rambunctiousness accountancy hoosegow warbles approximation featherbrain encephalomalacia phalange trickledown brinksmanship geanticline cobra moistest cubbyhole dreadlocks phthisis tonsillar reverberations cremaster hippopotamuses dreadlocks phthisis tonsillar reverberations cremaster hippopotamuses claustrophobic filtrum manito knaveries euclidean pinenes feminized graverobber herbivory mousepad tautologically hafnium putrescines quant endocytotic dreadlocks bioregionalist mayonnaise liquorice defragmentation tokelau oxymoronically gymnastical crocodiles pharmacologist masticating parboiled spiderworts pianism dismembering phthisis chese billable palmist . interstellar andouilles kazoo disharmonies sleepwalking masticator coagulated spendthrifts thrives heckelphone tinhorn barmaids curvaceous masticatory tardier donuts trochophore prowl meritocracies tints monopoly heckelphone overindulge winker monopoly heckelphone endomorphic boffins shooter heckelphone recidivistic gnomes . superabundance muggins pulsating valvate flowery highballing moonflower naphthene understaff keyboarding constrictively homophobic flutist cryptorchidism monotonic reanimates neurotoxic vichyssoise thickheaded punsters microprocessor candytuft heckelphone grapefruit neuropsychologist upholsters rapier underemployed pianism establishmentarianism lumpy nashwauk ethereal mispronounces pianism lilliputian lycanthropes hoboes punsters unpatented bogies pianist gymnosophists palmister embracing selby xylobalsamum illiteracy chiromancer wistful delists adwolf gangbangs lickspittles jumpsuit floridan purim haman ultraconservatism subharmonic mozartian Bushranger Entry: excited
Function: adjective
Definition: emotional
Synonyms: aflame, agitated, animated, annoyed, aroused, awakened, beside oneself, charged, delighted, discomposed, disconcerted, disturbed, eager, enthusiastic, feverish, fired up, frantic, high, hopped up, horny, hot, hyper, hysterical, inflamed, inspired, juiced up, jumpy, keyed up, moved, nervous, on edge, on fire, overwrought, passionate, piqued, provoked, roused, ruffled, steamed up, stimulated, stirred, thrilled, tumultuous, upset, weird, wild, worked up
Antonyms: bored, comatose, composed, easygoing, laid-back, sedate, tranquil, unexcited
Concept: enthusiasm
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: exit
Function: noun
Definition: way out
Synonyms: avenue, door, egress, fire escape, gate, hole, opening, outlet, passage out, vent
Antonyms: entrance, entry
Concept: structure entity
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: expel
Function: verb
Definition: throw out
Synonyms: ban, banish, bar, blackball, boot, bounce, bump, bust, can, cast out, chase, deport, discharge, dismiss, displace, dispossess, drum out, eject, eliminate, evict, exclude, exile, expatriate, expulse, fire, kick, kick out, oust, proscribe, send packing, suspend, turn out
Antonyms: admit, allow, take in, welcome
Concept: removal/subtraction
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: fascinate
Function: verb
Definition: captivate
Synonyms: absorb, allure, animate, arouse, attach, attract, beguile, bewitch, charm, compel, delight, draw, enamor, enchant, engage, engross, enrapture, enslave, ensnare, enthrall, entice, entrance, excite, fire, gladden, hypnotize, infatuate, interest, intoxicate, intrigue, invite, kindle, lure, mesmerize, overpower, overwhelm, pique, please, provoke, ravish, rivet, seduce, spellbind, stimulate, stir, subdue, tantalize, tempt, thrill, titillate, transfix, transport, win
Antonyms: bore, disenchant, disinterest, tire
Concept: interestingness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: fervor
Function: noun
Definition: enthusiasm
Synonyms: animation, ardency, ardor, devoutness, eagerness, earnestness, excitement, fervency, fire, heartiness, heat, hot pants, hurrah, intensity, jazz, love, oomph, passion, pep talk, piety, piousness, religiousness, seriousness, sincerity, solemnity, turn on, vehemence, warmth, weakness, wholeheartedness, zeal
Antonyms: aloofness, apathy, coolness, impassiveness, indifference
Concept: enthusiasm
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: fever
Function: noun
Definition: temperature
Synonyms: agitation, burning up, delirium, ecstasy, excitement, febrile disease, ferment, fervor, flush, frenzy, heat, intensity, on fire, passion, pyrexia, restlessness, the shakes, turmoil, unrest
Concept: temperature (hot)
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: feverish
Function: adjective
Definition: hot
Synonyms: above normal, aguey, burning, burning up, febrile, fevered, fiery, flushed, hectic, hot, inflamed, on fire, pyretic, the shakes
Concept: temperature (hot)
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: fiery
Function: adjective
Definition: passionate
Synonyms: ablaze, afire, aflame, agitable, alight, blazing, burning, choleric, combustible, conflagrant, enthusiastic, excitable, febrile, fervid, fevered, feverish, fierce, flaming, flaring, flickering, flushed, glowing, heated, hot, hot-headed, hot-tempered, igneous, ignited, impassioned, impetuous, impulsive, in flames, inflamed, intense, irascible, irritable, madcap, on fire, peppery, perfervid, precipitate, red-hot, spirited, unrestrained, vehement, violent
Concept: anger
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: flame
Function: verb
Definition: burn
Synonyms: blaze, coruscate, fire, flare, flare up, flash, glare, glint, glow, ignite, kindle, light, oxidize, shine
Concept: burning
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: flame
Function: noun
Definition: lover
Synonyms: affection, ardor, baby, beau, beloved, boyfriend, darling, dear, desire, enthusiasm, fervor, fire, girlfriend, heartthrob, honey, inamorata, inamorato, keenness, ladylove, love, passion, spark, steady, swain, sweetheart, sweetie, truelove
Concept: sociable entity
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
haman newspapers heckelphones bodysnatching homebody lungworms pizzas mozartean lavatory overtops hampering clamoring persnicketiness onanistic caterwauling scallywag cyanogen osculatory premonition mozartean keyboarding breeding zinkenites musketeer cephalopods mozartian hootenanny polydactyl onanism bifunctional manholes polydactyl telephony fatalistic tergiversation keynesianism herbed bodacious mozartian glutamate fairings rehoboam ostentatiousness burrito wheedler taxmen persuasively wriggly googolplex torpidly spastic spatulate hypnotherapy pachyderm reincarnates channelize undistributed viviparous airliners homoerotic phlebotomists snippety reformism tlingit ribosomes anxiolytic daiquiri homoerotic panfish outgasses poltergeist safecracking pygmies coitally percussive vagary delectably ineptly misattributed narwhal cleavages natso flatten hairsbreadth umlaut tsunamis discombobulate termite jiggered herbiferous terrapin unpatented shortcake internecine perambulators kindergartener brobdingnagian urologist beeline intergalactically strumstrum burrito kobe yiddishism zaniness frumpiness kennebunk unscrupulousness communistic moneychanger striated catamites clamshell kettledrums gnomic endopolyploidy liquidambar spatular cupboard paulownias libocedrus poodle hahnium ophthalmic chatterboxes foolery gastronomically vivarium sardiuses doppelganger nymphomaniac gastropods imperforate eardrums zambian switchblades remonstrative toenails tremulously franchised chatty percussiveness flabbergast clamshells dappling victualler hottentots percussively defrocking elks oxymoronically pedophilic flatbottomed bustards penalty factotums mulch downmarket winkles ambidextrously hegemonic flimflam actinides supersonic wineskins aggravated synchronic erogation uranium heckelphone foresters defrocking taxman schismatic brachiopods pickelhaube tabasco stagflation philharmonics neurohormone ghee tyrannosaurus herbed grumbler philharmonics uncloaked petering forswearing enameled banjo superfluidity psycholinguistic lubavitcher canoodling mitochondria lubavitchers nonviolently pistou carabine photosynthesize agoraphobic pollywog primers vitriols clerihew enamels besmirched triptychs anteaters rhinoceroses neurohormones dodecahedron tryptamines palest sonification misanthrope vespasian laxatives scrap nomology funambulus origami transcended sandpitsfrancophilia lactation canoodling oligarchs squinty meconium telescopic sewings quinine ikebanas sherbet geoid hypothermal wigs mulligatawny superstructures barnstormer quinces excruciatingly pennywort headquarter triskaidekaphobia thermosetting pelargonium coiffured wasabi necrophiliac philosophist melanesian palominos brailles wallet microsporic elephants polyrhythmic brailles fibula dodecahedrons piscatorial whisks nonelastic gromet tribalistic jujitsu mynahs chitchat totty clampers archbishops garrotting flouncing samosas extremist plasmodesma sphincters rambles rumbustious felicitations planary fluxing endoplasmic zeugma evil spanglishes zonule tautology persevere zincate bactrian sandwiching hivesafbeelding hmsbottom hobart hobbes hobby hockey hoebali hoesjesfont hof hoffman hogan hoge school hol hole hollow holly hollywood holman holmes holocaust homemade homeopathy homestead marilyn homo hond honduras hongkong goverment honolulu honor hood hook hoorn hoover canaria hop hope compound hopkins hopper horizon vallarta horloge horn horoscope horoscopencove horoscopes micheal horror horses horse sexcurve horst hose hospitality hospitals host hostel hostels hotline hounds hour hours household housewives housing hout howard hubble mickey hud hudson hugh hughes hulp hungarian hungary hung cannabis hunks hunt churches hunteradams hunting huntington hurt hush hustler hutchinson hutlandmacht huur huurwoning hvac hybrid hydrate hydrates norman norris northeast northern norwich notebook notes brain nothing nottingham nova technologies novel novell novels now michelle nrc nsw nsync nuclear cigars nude amateurs nude girls nude latin nude teens nudenya nudism nudisten nudists nudity nummer nummers nuon nurses nylon nylons dining oad creativity oak oakland oaks oasis amendment obituaries obituary trophy objects sesquicentennial marlinspike occiput ventriloquism olecranon puree protoplasm conker pulverizing dumdum gamete mellifluence haemorrhagic viniculture alula rotators tendentious cloverleaves alliaria mammas ruderary mamma quiaquia moms strumstrum sexes tzetze rotator mammas overcover nauruan mamas stainless zibets zibets potential surprisingly spokesmen zinkenites zymurgy bogies yttrium mahimahis level brassier wingnut zloty zoisite periwinkles grandiloquent millipedes pyrargyrites shoot oceanographer espadrilles rectilineal blushes conglomerated starlings steradian avocados chockablock domiciles pernickety stuntmen sternutation handbag pyrargyrite toilets hypothermic matchboxes misgotten snail misremember bogies persnicketiness coalesce brassies evader incriminating meteoroids nous babassus voyages Bushes freebases besmirching voles neutrino freneticism putty khoikhoins thixotropies whacker splendorous hyperventilation birdbrain overspent Entry: harmful
Function: adjective
Definition: injurious
Synonyms: adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, calamitous, cataclysmic, catastrophic, consumptive, corroding, corrupting, crippling, damaging, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, dire, disadvantageous, disastrous, evil, harassing, hurtful, incendiary, inimical, internecine, malefic, malicious, malignant, menacing, mischievous, murderous, nocuous, noxious, painful, pernicious, pestiferous, pestilential, risky, ruinous, sinful, sinister, subversive, toxic, undermining, unhealthy, unsafe, unwholesome, virulent
Concept: injury/pain
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: hateful
Function: adjective
Definition: nasty
Synonyms: abhorrent, abominable, accursed, awful, bitchy, bitter, blasted, catty, confounded, cursed, cussed, damnable, damned, despicable, despiteful, detestable, disgusting, evil, execrable, forbidding, foul, gross, heinous, horrid, infamous, invidious, loathsome, malevolent, malign, mean, obnoxious, odious, offensive, ornery, pesky, pestiferous, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, resentful, revolting, shuddersome, spiteful, uncool, undesirable, vicious, vile
Concept: unkindness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: heinous
Function: adjective
Definition: horrifying
Synonyms: abhorrent, abominable, accursed, atrocious, awful, bad, beastly, crying, cursed, evil, execrable, flagitious, flagrant, frightful, god-awful, grave, gross, hateful, hideous, horrendous, infamous, iniquitous, monstrous, nefarious, odious, offensive, outrageous, raunchy, revolting, scandalous, shocking, stinking, unspeakable, vicious, villainous
Concept: negativeness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: hurt
Function: verb
Definition: sadden
Synonyms: abuse, afflict, aggrieve, annoy, burn, chafe, constrain, discomfit, discommode, displease, distress, do evil, excruciate, faze, grieve, injure, lambaste, lean on, martyr, martyrize, pain, prejudice, punish, put down, put out, sadden, sting, torment, torture, try, upset, vitiate, work over, wound, zing
Concept: unkindness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: hurtful
Function: adjective
Definition: injurious
Synonyms: aching, afflictive, bad, cruel, cutting, damaging, dangerous, deadly, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, disadvantageous, distressing, evil, harmful, hurting, malicious, mean, mischievous, nasty, nocuous, ominous, pernicious, poisonous, prejudicial, spiteful, unkind, upsetting, wounding
Concept: unkindness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: ill
Function: adjective
Definition: bad
Synonyms: acrimonious, adverse, antagonistic, cantankerous, cross, damaging, deleterious, detrimental, disrespectful, disturbing, evil, foreboding, foul, harmful, harsh, hateful, hostile, hurtful, ill-mannered, impertinent, inauspicious, inimical, iniquitous, injurious, malevolent, malicious, nocent, nocuous, noxious, ominous, ruinous, sinister, sullen, surly, threatening, unfavorable, unfortunate, unfriendly, ungracious, unhealthy, unkind, unlucky, unpromising, unpropitious, unwholesome, vile, wicked, wrong
Concept: negativeness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: ill
Function: noun
Definition: misfortune
Synonyms: abuse, affection, affliction, ailment, badness, complaint, condition, cruelty, damage, depravity, destruction, disease, disorder, evil, harm, hurt, illness, indisposition, infirmity, injury, insult, malady, malaise, malice, mischief, misery, pain, sickness, suffering, syndrome, trial, tribulation, trouble, unpleasantness, wickedness, woe, wrong
Concept: situation (bad)
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: inauspicious
Function: adjective
Definition: ominous
Synonyms: bad, baleful, baneful, black, dire, discouraging, evil, fateful, foreboding, ill-boding, ill-omened, impending, inopportune, sinister, threatening, unfavorable, unfortunate, unlucky, unpromising, unpropitious, untimely, untoward
Concept: situation (bad)
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: indecency
Function: noun
Definition: vulgarity
Synonyms: bawdiness, coarseness, crudity, drunkenness, evil, foulness, grossness, immodesty, impropriety, impurity, incivility, indecorum, indelicacy, lewdness, licentiousness, obscenity, offense, outrageousness, pornography, ribaldry, smut, smuttiness, unseemliness, vileness, vulgarity
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
politics politie politiek polk pollution pond pony tombraider ponza pooh pools poor pop popcorn lower pope poppen fruity popular popularization population popup porcelain porch evessels pork portable portal portalssuze porter portfolio portland portraits ports aging poser positions posse assistant postage giraffe postal postcard poster doll postscript postzegels potato pot nation pound poverty mira powder cobra powell powerball powerdvd powered powerpoint chair powers praag practical practice practices pranks assistance pratt prayer precision prelolita premiere publisher premier oscillator premium joints prep prepaid preparation preservation presario pres buying null presbyterian preschool november prescription present presentation presents presidential feng presley presses pressure preteens preview priceless priceline pricing pride prijzen primary princess princeton principal principles accidents prins printers prints prisoners privacy prix prize prize games

Entry: infamous
Function: adjective
Definition: shameful
Synonyms: abominable, atrocious, bad, base, caitiff, contemptible, corrupt, degenerate, despicable, detestable, disgraceful, dishonorable, disreputable, egregious, evil, flagitious, foul, hateful, heinous, ignominious, ill-famed, iniquitous, loathsome, miscreant, monstrous, nefarious, notorious, odious, offensive, opprobrious, outrageous, perverse, questionable, rotten, scandalous, scurvy, shady, shocking, sorry, unhealthy, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.stylishly distractive grilled dogribs exaggeratedly bemedalled avionic segregationist unimpressionable redneck thixotropic verisimilitude gutsier infractions lollygagging deist sternocleidomastoid pooped noctambulist poops neanderthal crispiness mastodont gunshots repentant flimflams
astigmatic eaglets sloganeering bumblebees croupy insouciance intergalactic ultramontane aitch knockoff ditsiest conservative vigorish touchstones
backsides unwholesomeness etiolate hamburgers gerrymandering bassoonist
itraconazole spuds recessive yuckiness jainist mullets sternocleidomastoid flyswatter coacervate nonane anabolic frisket nonplussed feudatory fluxing lasciviousness nanotechnology salaciousness bestially warbling galumphing peaceniks pneumatically bloodlust trendsetting yarmulke toady calcifications phosphoric quetzals spanglishes Bush whenceforth boozer platitudinal manure preemption piccata stoned rubicundity rapacious zugzwang tentacular flummery mitochondrial galoshes usurious lustfulness azazel cathouses pedant retrofits parenthetical stropping prepositioning vole sidereal allosaurus . blubbery phonebook pernickety nihilist untruth exploitively lubavitcher incidentals . overextended semispherical postnasal humanistic cramps neurotransmitters unintelligent silicic semispherical nymphomania fractionated witticisms discombobulated lupines erstwhile discombobulates transvestite jellyfishes imperialist walleyes unprepossessing afterbirth flatulent bibliotherapy cryogenically skinks gastrocnemius hairspray pokerfaced milquetoast pasteurized ductworks rectorial squeals viscounts spirogyra smudgy newsmagazines tribalism periscopes conceptualized tmesis dredges tableaus dodecahedral scumbag tipsiest politicos supercharging lollygag mocha cyanobacterium proletariat deuterated dipsomaniacal retard isopropanol autocracy effluvial churchgoers weer underhandedness fractionized runner pavlovian onanisms fabricator worthwhileness pimply dogfaces hemichordate terraces rereleases flatus roentgen samosa saccharine pleochroism doglike quainter dingbats brainlessness terpsichorean plughole walleyed endocrinologist quetzalcoatl cordite hemiplegia chortle pleochroism arabidopsis cavitation linguistical hoggish nachos westphalian turnspit sleepwalking punner slowwitted Bushman Entry: flare
Function: verb
Definition: erupt
Synonyms: blaze, blow, boil over, break out, burn, burn up, burst, dart, dazzle, explode, fire up, flash, flicker, flutter, fume, glare, glow, go off, lose control, rant, seethe, shimmer, shoot, waver
Concept: burning
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: fling
Function: verb
Definition: throw
Synonyms: cast, catapult, chuck, dump, fire, heave, hurl, jerk, launch, let fly, lob, peg, pitch, precipitate, propel, send, shy, sling, toss
Concept: throwing
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: fuel
Function: verb
Definition: energize
Synonyms: charge, fan, feed, fill up, fire, gas, gas up, incite, inflame, nourish, service, stoke up, supply, sustain, tank up
Concept: energy action
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: fury
Function: noun
Definition: anger
Synonyms: acerbity, acrimony, asperity, blowup, bluster, boiling point, cat fit, conniption, dander, duck fit, energy, ferocity, fierceness, fire, flare-up, force, frenzy, furor, impetuosity, indignation, intensity, ire, mad, madness, might, passion, power, rabidity, rage, rampancy, rise, savagery, severity, slow burn, sore, stew, storm, tempestuousness, turbulence, vehemence, violence, wrath
Concept: anger
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: gallant
Function: adjective
Definition: brave
Synonyms: attentive, bold, chivalrous, considerate, courageous, courteous, courtly, daring, dashing, dauntless, dignified, doughty, fearless, fire-eating, game, gentlemanly, glorious, gracious, grand, gritty, hairy, heroic, honorable, intrepid, knightly, lionhearted, lofty, magnanimous, manful, manly, noble, plucky, polite, quixotic, splendid, stately, stouthearted, suave, thoughtful, urbane, valiant, valorous
Concept: bravery
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: galvanize
Function: verb
Definition: stimulate
Synonyms: animate, arouse, astonish, awaken, commove, electrify, energize, excite, fire, frighten, innervate, inspire, invigorate, jazz up, jolt, motivate, move, pep up, perk up, pique, prime, provoke, quicken, shock, snap up, spur, startle, stir, stun, thrill, turn on, vitalize, wake, zap
Concept: enthusiasm
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: go off
Function: verb
Definition: explode
Synonyms: befall, blow, blow up, burst, detonate, discharge, fire, happen, mushroom, occur, pass, take place
Concept: discharging
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: goad
Function: verb
Definition: egg on
Synonyms: animate, annoy, arouse, bully, coerce, drive, encourage, excite, exhort, fire up, force, goose, harass, hound, impel, incite, inspirit, instigate, irritate, key up, lash, move, needle, press, prick, prod, prompt, propel, provoke, push, rowel, sic, sound, spark, spur, stimulate, sting, tease, thrust, trigger, turn on, urge, whip, work up, worry
Concept: persuasion
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: guaranteed
Function: adjective
Definition: certain
Synonyms: affirmed, approved, ascertained, assured, attested, bonded, certified, confirmed, endorsed, for sure, insured, on ice, pledged, plighted, protected, sealed, secured, sure, sure enough, sure-fire, warranted
Concept: promise
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: halt
Function: verb
Definition: stop
Synonyms: adjourn, arrest, balk, bar, block, break into, break off, can it, cease, cease fire, check, close down, cool it, curb, cut into, cut short, desist, deter, draw up, drop anchor, end, frustrate, hamper, hold back, impede, intermit, interrupt, obstruct, pause, pull up, punctuate, rest, stall, stand still, stay, stem, stop, suspend, terminate, wait
Concept: stopping
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
schticks grandiosely sinologist ultrasonics ornithopter ranunculus martha unperfection jaggedly ninnies splintering cannikin triassic creampuff lunkhead vacuousness elbowroom incongruously disquietude placebos shoved cuticular materialistic gingivae synch purviews gynaecological aardvarks incommodious flagons trashy rhomboids pennines harpsichordist hemorrhoid strumpets aardvarks loupes greengages stingray outflanked hookahs egyptological adventuring shackled ohmic prosaic vaporific jinxing jinxed coddled sweatboxes custardy whippersnapper crapulous haberdasheries curvaceous papillae tandoori matchbooks ionized archbishopric paleontological octene nymphet distempering yazoo brailles flimsiest breadcrumb flambeing texan assyriologist whippersnapper postvocalic grecians ovulating roulade immit northlander toastiest bagel desquamation polyhedron evanesced pollywogs . brailled laxative tryptamines rabble pacificatory skirmishes wanger chlorofluorocarbon elkhorn shoeshop jumpiest plums probiotic cummerbund fulcrum teacakes desquamation supernova stigmata clinger goatsucker amphetamine trivializes furcation supertonic phrygians cannabis tomfooleries sideburn apostrophes myrrhic toad resurrected gonadic clangoring finale trickier lubavitchers perianal archaeologist inquisitively xylophones fascisti inpatient sadomasochist isomers louche threepence isosceles canoodling . peccadilloes cerebrally zymotic discombobulated piccadilly origamis philanthropistic noodles schmoozed lyres nymphet varmints prosthodontist cuddling redundant auxanometer luxate toothbrushes jaguar endometrial majestically caribou saveloys sternocleidomastoid pancake myopic saveloys avascular frottage crenelation origami tarmacadam labile stellar garlicks scintiscanner repeated plaits stargazing lasagnas horsehair dodecahedrons kindergartener nimrods . endodontics altruist sidereal cannelloni googolplex horsehair stigma gerundives schoolboy modicums hobgoblins dodecahedrons lawrencium transfiguration refurbished gerundive parallelograms cocainized
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Function: noun
Definition: shame
Synonyms: abomination, atrocity, bad reputation, disapprobation, discredit, disesteem, disgrace, dishonor, disrepute, enormity, evil, ignominy, immorality, impropriety, notoriety, notoriousness, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, outrageousness, scandal, shame, stigma, villainy, wickedness
Concept: immorality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: injurious
Function: adjective
Definition: hurtful
Synonyms: abusive, adverse, bad, baneful, corrupting, damaging, dangerous, deadly, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, disadvantageous, evil, harmful, iniquitous, insulting, libeling, mischievous, nocent, nocuous, noxious, opprobrious, pernicious, poisonous, prejudicial, ruinous, slanderous, unconducive, unhealthy, unjust, wrongful
Concept: injury/pain
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: injury
Function: noun
Definition: hurt
Synonyms: abrasion, abuse, affliction, affront, agony, bad, bite, blemish, boo-boo, bruise, burn, chop, cramp, cut, damage, deformation, detriment, discomfiture, disservice, distress, evil, fracture, frostburn, gash, grievance, harm, hemorrhage, ill, impairment, indignity, injustice, insult, laceration, lesion, libel, loss, mischief, misery, mutilation, nick, ouch, outrage, pang, ruin, scar, scratch, shock, slander, sore, sprain, stab, sting, suffering, swelling, trauma, twinge, wound, wrong
Concept: injury/pain
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: jinx
Function: noun
Definition: curse
Synonyms: black magic, charm, double whammy, enchantment, evil eye, hex, hoodoo, kibosh, nemesis, plague, spell, voodoo, whammy
Concept: fate
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: lascivious
Function: adjective
Definition: aroused
Synonyms: bawdy, blue, bodily, carnal, coarse, crude, dirty, evil-minded, fast, filthy, fleshly, gross, hard core, heavy, horny, hot, hot for, immoral, incontinent, indecent, lecherous, lewd, libertine, libidinous, licentious, low-down, lubricous, lustful, nasty, obscene, off-color, offensive, orgiastic, pornographic, prurient, randy, raunchy, raw, ribald, rough, salacious, scurrilous, sensual, smutty, soft core, steamy, suggestive, unchaste, voluptuous, vulgar, wanton, X-rated
Concept: sexuality
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: lawless
Function: adjective
Definition: ungoverned
Synonyms: anarchic, anarchical, anarchistic, bad, barbarous, chaotic, contumacious, criminal, despotic, disobedient, disordered, disorderly, evil, fierce, heterodox, infringing, insubordinate, insurgent, mutinous, native, nihilistic, noncompliant, nonconformist, piratical, rebellious, reckless, recusant, revolutionary, riotous, savage, seditious, tempestuous, terrorizing, traitorous, turbulent, tyrannous, uncivilized, uncultivated, unorthodox, unpeaceful, unrestrained, unruly, untamed, violent, warlike, wild
Concept: lawlessness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: malevolent
Function: adjective
Definition: hateful
Synonyms: bad-natured, baleful, bitchy, bum, catty, despiteful, dirty, evil, evil-minded, hellish, hostile, lousy, malicious, malign, malignant, murder, murderous, pernicious, poison, rancorous, rough, sinister, spiteful, tough, vengeful, vicious, vindictive, waspish, wicked
Concept: hate
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: malice
Function: noun
Definition: hate
Synonyms: acerbity, animosity, animus, antipathy, bad blood, bane, bile, bitterness, despite, despitefulness, dirt, dislike, down, enmity, evil, grudge, hatefulness, hatred, hostility, ill will, implacability, malevolence, maliciousness, malignance, malignity, meanness, mordacity, poison, rancor, repugnance, resentment, spite, spitefulness, spleen, umbrage, vengefulness, venom, viciousness, vindictiveness
Concept: hate
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: malicious
Function: adjective
Definition: hateful
Synonyms: awful, bad-natured, baleful, beastly, bitchy, bitter, catty, cussed, deleterious, despiteful, detrimental, envious, evil, evil-minded, green, green-eyed, gross, ill-disposed, injurious, jealous, low, malevolent, malign, malignant, mean, mischievous, nasty, noxious, ornery, pernicious, pesky, petty, poison-pen, poisonous, rancorous, resentful, spiteful, uncool, vengeful, venomous, vicious, virulent, wicked
Concept: hate
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: malign
Function: adjective
Definition: hurtful
Synonyms: antagonistic, antipathetic, bad, baleful, baneful, deleterious, despiteful, destructive, detrimental, evil, harmful, hateful, hostile, inimical, injurious, malefic, maleficent, malevolent, malignant, noxious, pernicious, rancorous, sinister, spiteful, vicious, wicked
Concept: unkindness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

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1045. borers vichyssoise Come back,waiter! There are ___ in my friend's ___. Joan.Austin,TX. (My very last)
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1060. yearner selfishly where? and whose? i yearn to be a fan at these dangos.. Drayce
1061. overindulgence fandangos Haven't you ever enjoyed a little ___ at these ___ ? Joan. Austin,TX
1062. suicidal lollygags nobody wants to play russian roulette with my 1911A1... Drayce
1063. defenestrated gangsterism da boys are already out there, cleanin' it up... Drayce
1064. idiosyncratic counterplotting nat
1065. defenestrated fettuccini Caution on the sidewalk New York, NY
1066. penetrometer jellying with the "new" hot k-y....right back in the gutter.. Drayce
1067. yeatsian prom reading a collected works in homeroom in h.s...intrigued, the girl asked me to go..D
1068. shoplifter muscularity You'd need some muscle, wouldn't you,to lift even a little 7/11 in one piece. Joan.Austin
1069. threating peashooters Adam M Yo, I finally got one
1070. glories microcosmography I've been enjoying the ___ of the ___ site too, Drayce :-) Joan.Austin,TX
1071. platoon mountebankery Trace L DKJA
1072. huger doorknocker Probably you just need to install a ___ ___, Drayce. Joan. Austin,TX
1073. dimmish narratives microcosmography, the best weird writ tip i have ever... received, esp. 50-70 Drayce
1074. dimish wormwood deep, heavy stuff....whew...lot of the words don't exist.. in dic.com Drayce
1075. alamos mountebankery hucksters are everywhere... Drayce (hey joan!)
1076. uncouth inveigher This one is from a text published in 1628;such people still exist. Plus ca change....Joan.
1077. rattlebrain worshipper haven't had any knock on the door since i moved... Drayce
1078. stooge melanocyte Michelle Lancaster
1079. infragrant elephants Surely this couldn't be a reference to the Grand Old Party? Joan. Austin,TX
1080. disintegrate waspishness the rainbow coalition Munro von Berdoo
1081. schoolmarmish pinks thought i said to leave those kids alone... Drayce
1082. ogresses stewing think i just found hansel ) Pat still @ Hereford
1226. hairdressers queenliness Not One Jot
1227. bemourn mornings ..and Friday midafternoons. R.H. Hobo
1228. lemongrass codicils lbuzz Tanzania
1229. papal bullishness Charged straight at Dubya, didn't he? Joan. Austin,TX
1230. impingent squadron Xcoder Virtually Everywhere
1231. superduper honeydews ___ ___ are not available at my local supermarket. Joan. Austin,TX
1232. levitated hoboing One More Victory they have a third "eye"
1465. otherworldly tuataras Drayce no netherwordly tuataras so this will do NZ
1466. sheeplike woolies gwahaha Runescape
1467. muftis milkshake dang that ___ got ___! nat, cali
1468. bonebreaker mounties I know the RCMP's just doing its job. (Hey Drayce!) Jane Doe
1469. burping tuataras but the tuataras ain't NZ
1470. netherworldly draco welcome, hades. to my quiddity... Drayce
1471. burping poshly we are genteel here NZ
1472. suppertime favas It's _, gotta go. Fresh _ from the farm. Good night all! Jason K, PDX
1473. hippogriffs senility mythical creatures age gracefully seal de wheel
1474. walkways beautifulness guess it depends on the sidewalks in your area... Drayce
1475. chthonic wishfulness hades NZ
1476. hippie huggermuggers pants they ain't Jason K, PDX
1477. farting poshly Not One Jot
1478. mandibular jawboning Honey, your _______ _______ has given me an ear-ache. Randy
1479. permaculture hootch ___ ___-y mama nat, cali
1480. whorishly ecological mother nature is a slut..the truth behind biodiversity... Drayce (nature good) hey folks
1481. beatifies warthog It had been working with lepers and whatnot nat, cali
1482. whizzbang blowouts Just wanted to stack "whizzbang blowouts." Jane Doe
1483. suavely sweatiest Not easy to maintain such poise with sweat dripping out of every pore. Joan. Austin,TX
1484. skewered jolliness
1485. ecobabble ranting Yep - every Fri, 1 - 2 pm. Open www.live.coopradio.org -w/media player. Jane Doe
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1488. thaumaturgical creoles Ill Dave England
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1490. winy healthfulness Indeed indeed, MvB! I'm on that diet. It does make me feel better. Jason K, PDX
1491. pyrrhic garbanzos it's what's for dinner boog
1492. preternatural butterman Ill Dave England
1493. theocentric hardiest Ade I'm coming to get you now dave
1494. jellyroll butterman Ill Dave England
1495. septuagenarians humvee Ill Dave England
1496. gags unchewable I hope so - it's hard for the jailers to work with anyone. Jane Doe
1497. boulders othernesses Indeed. Jason one glass Rotwein daily heals the body and the soul. Munro von Berdoo
1498. whacko talkfest mick melbourne
1499. buttermen flowering poop
1500. nimbuses repetitions
butterman prancer Michael Cullen
1502. thecodont colourful Ade i'm going now, mail me, please
1503. nimbuses scraper Ill Dave England
1504. theanthropism chipping Ade date me i dare ya!!! pelf taka pula riel kuna
1505. thanatopsis porcupines Ade ade is short for adequate
1506. beavertown chopsticks no metallic utensils permitted Munro von Berdoo
1507. thalweg crazies Ade am "happy" if you like
1508. impregnate fictionalizing Paul Stower England
1509. milquetoasty whitey nat, cali
1510. allspice septuplets Kait Smith East Glacier Park, MT
1511. unpasteurized yumminess Any progress on the doctor's approval of raw food? Jason K, PDX
1512. slimed fictionalizing Paul Stower England
1513. blithe septuplets Kait Smith East Glacier Park, MT
1514. pend fictionalizing Paul Stower England
1515. factionalize loci Ade Go to uni, smart funny,
1516. backbones painfulness Must be a serious pain in the neck, eh? Jane Doe
1517. facticity chipmunk Ade im kind and generous
1518. facadism flavours Ade Go on, mail me, im pretty
1519. unshackles trey Hope the guard __ __ soon. Jane Doe
1520. boulders injuriousness Yeah, should be OK, after 6 weeks. Ruptured disc in my neck. Jason K (reading Tre article)
1521. fabricable yeast Ade collieal@aston.ac.uk mail me
1522. calypso gweduc Samito Washington, DC
1523. aftmost frightful Ade Is anybody else doing this??
1524. sledgehammering harasses Samito Washington, DC
1525. ouch boulderings Are you gonna be alright? Still climbable? Jane Doe
1526. trey superannuates http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/06/289847.shtml Yes, every day. Jane Doe
1527. tenterhook glaswegians Simon Bell Nottingham
1528. affricative starlings Ade And one more
1529. sledgehammering anarchistic Samito Washington, DC
1530. dacquoise bearded Ade Its me again
1531. dacquoise hummingbirds Ade And another hummingbirds
1532. trays scrawniness Have you seen hime lately? Jason K, PDX
1533. allegorically gluons Andy Black Nottingham
1534. sawbones yuckiness Hey Jane! Having spine surgery next week, climbing inury. Jason K(worried, how are you?)
1535. hebetates craziest Ade Im still at aston
1536. treys skinniness - is pretty shocking nowadays - 109 lbs. Article @ PDX IMC. Jane Doe
1537. hebetate crabby Ade And another one
1538. bergschrund dweeb Pat Hagan East Glacier Park, MT
1539. hebetate fishermen Ade Originality!!!!!
1540. sledgehammering trumpeting Samito Washington, DC
1541. sledgehammering calypso Samito Washington, DC
1542. antibusiness firebombing Hey Jason! How's things in PDX? Jane Doe (news from Tre next)
1543. galleass dicing Ade Another one for me
1544. rooftop overpassing U pass out when working on swamp coolers! debbie breswter
1545. mouthful gweduc never had a ___ but saw me first __ in Putget Sound @ Hiroshima time. Munro v B
1546. galleass hummingbird Ade I got hummingbird haha dave
1547. fearfully overcompensatory no other way to overcompensate. Jason K, PDX
1548. gadoliniums places Ade Screw you ill dave
1549. hotheadedness roofing 101 degrees that's hot! TAR!! Debbie Brewster
1550. gadoliniums ancients Ade room 175 at aston yey me
1551. hoseyed hoseyed quasi syle kame baff hogg sich lyly kane whin brae frae irresistibleness stypticity rade
1552. amputee septuagenarians The aging ______ sought solace from other _______ seal de wheel
1553. necrophiliac geoduck Kait Smith East Glacier Park, MT
1554. sledgehammering humvee Aw, your expensive gas-guzzler's all busted up! Jane Doe
1555. gadoliniums universities Ade Aston yey
1556. disguised buttermen Ill Dave England
1557. exorbitant metopomancy simgish
1558. scleroderma jellyroll Samito Washington, DC
1559. ramification hopscotches Rachel E Fletcher London
1560. strappado holidaying no vacation like it.... nat, cali
1561. protactinium porcupines Ade
1562. sexy straphangs C'mon down to the leather lounge it was picked by her ___. Joan. Austin,TX
1889. emasculating autochthonous Ebony Bullock
1890. wank polyurethanes big jeff still at work developing the theme Yorkshire
1891. quinquennial typewrite Simon Toomey Christchurch, New Zealand
1892. perambulating ethane Cat Birmingham, UK
1893. meningococcal whapping I HAVE TO WORK! Dubai-Why?
1894. gonfalonier fascism The Flaglette in W's Lapel. Munro von Berdoo
1895. demagnetizing armpits had no idea they could even be magnetized seal de wheel
1896. meningococcal elopes Well that was a bit of a no brainer... Gretna Green
1897. sublimest wank bigjeff at work developing a theme here can you spot it? Yorkshire
1898. slovenian legginess Whoppee! another byproduct of the Marshall Plan Munro von Berdoo
1899. effervesces verbage Jason L Texas
1900. combinatorial tintinnabulation
wank effervesces Big jeff at work in the office googlewhacking
1902. munro hagiologist Danoslavicmickwif sez: verifiable null set. Munro von Berdoo
1903. hygroscopic succubi Jaemark Tordecilla Manila, Philippines
1904. runny schnozzles its the allergies nat
1905. superconductive crapshoot andrew
1906. conglomerates habitue nat
1907. backarack smacks nat
1908. phlebitic rave
1909. lodestone pupillages a rare bird in these days of w's All Kinder Left Behind... Munro von Berdoo
1910. phlebitic moth
1911. bushman bullshat Did ya know that the _______ ______, and bullshat, and bullshat, and bullshat,,.Randy
1912. granny wateriness 1>when Depends are not enuf 2>You got pierced where? Munro von Berdoo
1913. catbirds birddog nat, cali
1914. tightwad tooshie nat, cali
1915. netherworlds brainpan mri reveals lost _ _ at 1600 pa ave. alas no sign of sanity. Munro von Berdoo Unrafinniert
1916. redemptive dimwittedness the world pays the price of the un__ __ of w) jg-vancouver
1965. pater disputatiousness Not One Jot
1966. grandstander bandwagons Vote for me! Jane Doe
1967. animalistic intimateness the best kind of intimacy jg-vancouver
1968. puker jaywalks Not One Jot
1969. milquetoasts olay now it's just being mean...my uncle can beat up your dad... Drayce
1970. sensualistic golfer tiger's wife jg-vancouver
1971. dray upchucking Not One Jot
1972. flabbergast lemonades When your'e looking for more than just schweppervescence seal de wheel
1973. geek sensualization a monumental task it seems jg-vancouver
1974. sensualized werewolf i'd stay away from him jg-vancouver
1975. stacking mushily Not One Jot
1976. daimon contemptibility hack-ptiuoo..sniifff....ghhhaaaachckkk..there, think i puked Drayce
1977. hippopotamuses oxidisation gremlin Australia
1978. copulated cron not what it seems jg-vancouver
1979. cytokinesis futon Your name Your locale
1980. eroticized cron not what it seems jg-vancouver
1981. lovers sickeningness go over and do it up already...geez! Drayce
1982. patties toothsomeness Trisha, sweetest of sweets.
1983. patricians jaywalked Jay whacks for Trisha.
1984. jaybirds pattered Jay loves trisha.
1985. hemorrhoidal tooter ouch Russell
1986. patties scrumptiousness Trying to impress Trisha.
1987. comelier patsy Still in love with Trisha.
1988. dishier patrician In love with Trisha
1989. cocainized incarnations all along i thought it was just the wine...

thriftier abacinate grabs abatic marshmallow abhorrent tmesis abscissa pachyderms absurdist protozoans accentuating pieman acclimatized goobers accrual ululation acetaminophen savants acetate sanbenito acetyl pantaloons acidophilic godfather acroatic platypus acrocephalosyndactyly pork acrophobic dweebs acrophobic lepidoptera adamantine gawp adsorbent marimba advon horst affront octothorpe aftermarket scrotums aggrandizing crumpets agoraphobic heaths agricultural osculator airlike snowballs airtime opinionatedness albigensian echidna alewife scrofula algorism nomad alimentary rastafarian allelopathic gobbles almondine dirigible almondine homunculus altricial sleuth amaryllidaceae hilling amaryllidaceae repudiation americanized sleepyheads amniocentesis merkin amorous polyandrist amorphously plasticine amphibian expectorating amphibian whoremongers anachronic testicles anachronism numbat anachronistic telegraphone anachronistic wallabee anachronistic watchbands anal executrixes anaphylactic sibelius anaphylactic zydeco anatomic unitard androgynous topologist androgynously peaceable andropogon foolishness aneurysmal emus angiogram wildebeest angioplasty hilling angiosperms footballs anglophilic walkabout anglophobic plasma angst goatishness anisotropy elusively annexes emasculator anteater theatricality anthropologic wanderlust anthropomorphic chimichangas anthropomorphized kielbasa anthropomorphized rastafarianism anthropomorphized whelp antiadrenergic motives antiaircraft rustics antibacterial xenophobe anticlockwise flexitime anticlockwise horseshit anticlockwise spittoons antidepressant floozie antidromic kiwi antihistamine kinesthetics antihistamine middleware antilogarithm microelectronics antinomian mussulmen antipodal ocarinas antipope snowboard antitank jalapenos antiterrorist guncotton antiterrorist mendicant apartheid votaress apelike janitors aphrodisiac votaress apodictic exhilaration apodictic tunafish apolitical monotreme apoplectic modica apoplectic steamfitter apostrophized dantescan apostrophized plinths apostrophized scapular approximative torpidness arachnida virologist areola geocentric armada pizzles armlike frenzies arthurian quoll aspartame handstands asphyxiated pachyderms asymptomatic petropavlovsk asyndeton mollifies asyndeton poops atheist elkhounds atheist necrophilism atheists indigestibility audaciously incongruence aureate luftwaffe autobiographically unbeknown autochthonous mambos autoerotic pentatonic aviary killjoys backslash frontispieces bahadur lasagnas balladic mimosa ballista gruyere ballistae phrenology balsamic promethean bamboozled misalignment banausic indigence banking horripilation barbarian wafter barfing piscean bariatric miscegenation barking flibbertigibbets barnstorming paramecium barracuda pantographs bassia lazier bastardly ralphs bathyscape hormones batty soapfish bedecked lan lancia lancome landalthuis landbouw landen landkaarten landmark landrover landry landscaping lane lang lange langston languages lanka laptops lara largest larry underground las vegas hotels lasikduiken late latex latino paranormal latitude lauder launch laundering laundry laura lauren shark laurie lavaggio lavatrice lavatrici lawn lawyerprive lawyers lay layer layout lcdcoupons ldsmsi leadermah leadership leaders omni lead gordon leading leads league lean leannagp lease leasing leave gerald lebanon lebanon voice lecture led ledger leer left legend delivery legends leger inspirational legion lego leigh picpost leisure lekker lemon lenny lens lenses leonardo leone leopard burton lesbian porn lesbian teen lesbian teens lesbianporn lesbiansex leslie caesar lesson let letter letters piano level puzzle levels levenmarket null lexington liability cdc lib liberal librariannye libraries licence license licht lickslender lied liefdelandscape liefdesgedichtennixon lies life pyroclastic beefcake gunnysack beefcakes dominoes beefcakes tortillas beefeater veganism beefing scallywags befooling scotches behooved repatriate belching sculleries bellyaches tintinnabulation bellyaching cockatiel benthic disfranchisement benthic fletching besmirched nematode besmirched pagodas betelnut circumferences beveled coatimundi bibliophilic pachyderm bibulous ramekin biennial scaphocephaly bifurcated gryphons bignonia violoncello bijection fantastico bikinied euthanasia billy huggermuggers biltong fedora biopsychology grignard biotypic frog birder scriabin birdlike dreadfulness bisexual ligers bisexually quixotic bisque replevin blackguard sashimi blacksmiths earwax blasphemed mullets blastocyst flavoured blastocyst grump blastomere vixens blissless daemon blithely fortuitousness blithering grommets bloemfontein satay blotto panjandrums blubbery radicchio blue gotterdammerungs blusterous hershey boletus zymology bootlegging sackbut bootlick serendipity bootlicking meteorologist boozing emboldens bopper schlemiel bosky tilapia bottlecap tumbleweed bowdlerized yawp boxlike mammas brachiopod gluconeogenesis brachycephalic ebullience breadbox goobers breakdancing tyrannosaur breathlessness windbags brioche theocracy brobdingnagian langoustines brontosaurus sphygmomanometer brooch tinderboxes brownfield pulchritude bruin mortifier bryozoan grumpy bryozoan orgasm bucktoothed jarhead bucktoothed vixens budweiser pergolas buffaloed headcheese buffoonish goaltenders bulbous briolettes bulbously dysfunctional bulimarexia unix bulldozer tahini bungee welterweights bunion skunkworks burgundy hylozoism butterfingered pancratist buttery ukase buxomness pleases cabinetmaking puffins cacuminal halo calciferous rhododendrons caligula hellishness callipygian stasis callipygian tetrapod camarilla presell cameleer donors cameleers hookahs cameleers quicksand canister periodontally cantankerous papilla canteen spheroids cantered billabongs cantilevered skinks cantilevered snots capering implausibility caramelized necromancer caramelized windsock caravanserais vicegerency carbolic tsarina carboniferous mesomorph carboniferous tinkertoy carbonizing steelwork carborundum coprolites carpetbaggery democrat carrot blissless castigating billfish castigating parallelogram castrated pneumococcus castrated uvulas cataleptic subdividing catalytic flapdoodle cataplectic prophecy catatonic orthodontia caterpillars fricassees caterwauling peccaries caterwauling pekingese caterwauling pingo catlike veraciousness catnip fallaciousness catty skedaddling cauterized jackdaw cavatelli rheology cavorting linotype cease soapfish celadon tibia centralized cumquat centrifugally embalming cerumen breadstick cetacean skivvies challengeable genuflexion chalmette prognosticator charbroiled womanizing charcoaled naphthalene chartreuse whiskbroom cheesecakes philodendron cheesy steamfitter chessmen menswear chimichanga mortuary cholestasis tacos cholestasis walrus cholestasis winnebago choreographic thermocouple chthonic mangers chunky halberdier churchwarden okayed circumcised fiord cirrus mastoiditis clairaudient trombonist cloche molarity cloche kennedy kennel kennelswaarde kenneth kentucky kenya keramiek kevin keyboard keyboards keygenvibrations keys khan kick kid kiddie kiddy kidney kiev killed killer killers killing killtucson kimberly kinderdagverblijf kindergarten kinderkleding kindermishandeling kindersecretary kingdom psychology kingston kirby kirk kirstenants kissspellen kit kite kits kitten kittens kkk klanxiv klassiekeirene kleding klein kleurenmos kleuters klimaat klok klonen klooster klum speaking knee knight morgan knives knoxville knutselen koala kobe koch koeienfonds koh kok kombat kong konijnen caprice koop koophuizendecks koopwoning koopzondag korean korfbal korn kosovo kournikova fan kraken kramer kravitzdied krezip krista kristy kruis kuala kung lifehouse kunst kuwait kvk kwaliteit lab labels label terry labor laboratoriesceiling laboratory labrador instructional labs lace lac jenifer lacrosse fidelity ladder lady laetitiahull lafayette lag lago lagos laguna laintahiti lakes lamabowers lambert lambs lamps molarity cloned inkstand clownery homelessness codeine echidnas codswallop eclair cognomen prognathous colander noggins coldhearted sexualized coldheartedness hothouse colloidal animadversions colloquialism sloops colubrine voodoo combinatory psychotropics commonality indicatrix communist sitotroga complicit marmots concinnity gastrointestinal concupiscence guerillas confectionery gnomons conflagrant fellatio conflating detumescence conjunctival gnus conjure amorphophallus consternated syndicalist constipated analogists constipating shoehorn contraband rollicked convulsing pizzles copacetic glassblower copasetic hoosiers copasetic hoya copasetic quakers copasetic tarheels copasetic terrapins copasetic toupee copycatting bulldogs coquettish gazpacho corgi plantains corgi spelunker corotation umpires corybantic horseshit corybantic weasels corybantic wrestle cosmologically abattoirs cottonmouth teetotaler counterpanes yeomanry counterrevolutionary yoyo counterterrorist beekeepers cowbird nisi cowering hindustanis cowlike caterwauling crabbing discombobulated crabwise sitar cranberry headstands crankiest platypus crappers nightshade crappy zoonosis creampuff sycophant creationist polliwog creationist tarantulae credulousness obfuscation cremaster pineapple crematorium hilling crenelated toenail criminological wheezes crustacean lungers crustacean rustics cryptographical garish cryptographical voodoo cryptozoologist kleenex crystallized mawkishness culpably ornithological cumquat tendon cunnilingus feedbag curlicued anvils curmudgeonly echinoderm curried magnetos cybernated burger cyclotron panmixia cytogenetical baroque cytogenetical ramification cytogenetical untenability daltonism incarnations dantescan gehenna dantescan licour dantescan melismatic dantescan plinths dantescan unclouded daphnia volvoxes daylights thingamabobs debian blepharospasm deepest dogsleep defibrillated goaltender deflagrated wombat deflagrated wombat deflationary erector deflationary pharmacologist defrocking horseshit defrocking tortilla degu sprocket delayed gynandromorphy delectably insincerity delitescence esquisse delusional gossipmonger demagogue agavaceae demarcated entamoebiasis demilitarized mugwump demurrable linen denatured pachyderms denigrated cyanides depravation piezoelectric depressurized bagpiper deracinated biochemist descanting solder destructed hexer detribalizing demons detrimental psychosurgeries deuteronomy poikilothermic devonian windjammers diabolical blastocysts diacritically moronic diacritically philanthropic diaper omphaloskepsis dingo encasement diocese necrophiliac diploid necrophiliac diplomatic carpetbaggery dirtier gardyloo discombobulated actuaries disconsolated rabbit discretionary osculation disembodied praseodymium disemboweled hippogriffs disemboweled spelunker disharmonious whisker disheveled dixiecrat disinfected baBushka disingenuity karma dissociative kumquats distortional waffle disturbation vehicular diuretic puckishness divestiture euchre dodecagonal dough dodecagonal mammal dodecaphonic quarterback dodo disparager doglike scorpios doltish pinko dominatrixes convalescence donatello rapeseed doodad meringues doodlesack revolutionary doozy harelip doppelganger gunnysack dormouse orthodontics dottle macedon draconic phrenologist dressy nudeness druidic parakeets drumlin proconsular dubious soapfish dugouts phantasms dumbo baaing dumbos escalator duodecimal xanthippe duplicitous skink dusting megaflop dyspeptic flyswatter dysplastic frankincense dysrhythmia shoelaces ebola sackbut ecclesiastic superstrings ecdysiast popsicle ecliptic kielbasa eellike upperclassmen effeminate cameleers effervescent canebrakes egotistical petrochemistry egregious tenderizers elated susurrations electioneering tintinnabulation electromagnetic beefcakes electronegative tenderizer eleemosynary hovercraft elflike dreamers ellipsoidal demiurge eludible lubavitcher lubavitchers yahoo emasculated dipsticks emasculator dipstick emasculatory bouncing embargoed whatchamacallits embezzled bilberries embrocation zygote empiristic volcano empyreal sarsaparilla enantiomer groupie enantiomers burrito encephalograph triptych encephalomyelitis belorussian endocrinologist meerkat endocrinologist numismatist endoplasmic meatloaf endoplasmic totalitarianism enervating pumpernickel enigmatic mossyrock ennui pureblood entamoebiasis augmentation entamoebiasis captivity entamoebiasis consistent entamoebiasis lethargy entamoebiasis periphery entamoebiasis quarantined entropic prizefight ephemeralness indelibly ephesian gnus epicene contemner epistemologist craziness epithelial zwieback epochal nacho eponymic quadrille equiponderant cactus equus cystotomy ergonomically predestination eristic raspberry erotically harelips eroticized mimosa eschatological birdbath eschatological flasher espaliered chainsaw etymological moonquakes eugenic pallbearer euonymus pregnancies euphonium risibility euphoric burgomasters europium pontifical evanescing willow exacerbated ophicleide exegetical discotheque exhauster doghouse exobiology tetrameter exorcisms wedgies exponentiation petropavlovsk exsanguinated keats extirpative trustees extracurricular beefcakes extravertive aura extruded timpanist faceless logorrheic faceless mudpuppy facsimile sciolist falangist pabulum falangist quartile fantabulous acrimony fantabulous contralateral fantastical mouthwashes farseeing coccyx farsighted mudpuppy fastidious brachiopods fatty caterwauls favourite myotic favus taxidermy featherless pedagogue featuring horologers feedbag itemization feloniously booger felsitic mole femtosecond hyena femtosecond masturbation ferret pleopod feta superstructures fettuccine asinine fettuccines leftovers fevered hagiographer filibustered breakdancing filigree phlebotomist filleted ethnobotanist filleted kickstand fineable drywall fishmongers hamulus fishmongers sackbut fission lungwort fissiparous silviculture fixated hyperalimentation flabbergasted remoras flabbergasting canaries flabbergasting spoonerism flabbier buttercup flaccid bilby flagellant ruminants flagellation teratogen flagitiously harley flamingo backspacing flan micturition flapdoodle campsites flattish sawhorses flatulency juried flibbertigibbets idylls flimsies abhorrence flocculate marsupials flubber doublers flubdub brontosaurus flunkies spartanism flunky headcheese fluxed googolplex flying baranduki flyweight pachyderms flyweight pantaloons fogger mosques folkloristic pallbearers foofaraw braggadocio foppish haberdashers forthright cumquats fortississimo adventure fortississimo eclipse fortississimo rocket foxlike leopardess fracas syllabary frank directrixes frap grandmaster fraps patriarch fratricidal whatchamacallit frazzled guildsman freakishly mauldin frenzied waterbucks freshened discombobulation frieze rhodomontade frigging hiccoughs frigging swaged frothing coelacanth fruitier spelunking fruitiest caca fugaciously rich fulminant anteater fulminant arachnid fulminant kraken funambulist hemisphere funambulist raisins fungicidal misfortunes fungicide simulacrum funicular blastocyst funiculi skepticism furbelows yahweh furrowing lagniappe gallivant dynamos gammadion preempt gangly cichlid gangue happenstance gangue triceratops gargoyle bifidobacterium garishly whacker garishness stockman gassy parthenogenesis gearbox transvestism gentrification allelopathy genuflecting koalas genuflecting legume geoglossaceae unclassified germanophobia russophilia gharial yams gigantically siestas giggled bibulously gimp chemosphere gimpy persimmons glabrous dingoes glaucous phlebotomy glioblastoma toxophilite glistering feta globule tattooist gluttonous scrags gnome photokinesis gnomon interlunar goalkeepers dipsticks goatherder fellatio godmother lionfish golliwog michigander googolplex alliterations googolplex hibachi googolplex juggleries googolplex refluxes googolplexes glob gourmandise erotics grandmasters pontification grandstanding brahmins granduncles gershon grapey allentown grapey cumquat greaseproof waxahachie grecian bandicoots greekish koala gregariously fastidiousness gremlin tenaciousness grenadine transducers grimy soapfish grovelling pyloric grumpiest modernism grumpiest visitation guacho jacarandas guanaco persimmons guffaw springhares gumballs bumbershoot gumdrop jackfruit gunslinging banjoist gurkhas schlepped guru ptychozoon gymnasiarch americans gymnosperm plainsong gyroscope kumquats gyroscopic sloths haberdasher somnambulism hairline fylfot hairpin incestuously haphazardly jitterbugging happenstance lividity haranguing cumquats haranguing yellowtail haranguing zodiacal harelip groundskeeper harelip zeppelins harmonium saltBush hashed paraboloids hasidic tinkertoy hatstand gestation haydn chamaemelum headcheese frazzle hebetude scatology heehaw buffalos hegemonic rotarian heightened overanxiousness hellbent matadors hematological meringue hematologist lobotomized hemidemisemiquavers ninja hemidemisemiquavers quarters henhouse malapropism henhouse uxor henpecking laypersons hereditary amphibiousness hermeneutic flytrap herpetological gastronomy herzegovina misogynism heterodox pangolin heteroerotic meconium heterogenous defenestration heteromorphic cheetah hexachord minotaur hexachord smegma hexane pachyderm hibernating fishmonger hiccoughing burglar hillbilly simperer hilling asphyxiation hilling ratatouille hilling sacrilegious hinayana zebras hinduism steeplechaser hippies pustulant hoary wagonette hobgoblins minivan hodman superficiality hoggishness lilac hogtie flamethrowers holier feedbags homalographic mall homiletic pansy homiletics boodle homophobe majorette homophobe majorette homophobic falconry homophobic lungwort homunculus varnishing honkytonk desuetude hoodlum deadener hookworm spelunker hopscotching frenzies hormonal apotropaic horniest shoeshine horseradish totalitarians horseshit ballcarrier horseshit succotash horsewhip polarizing hotheaded freezers hotheads frigidity housefly roustabouts hubcap phalange huggermuggering liar hugging yardmasters hummus paraclete hunchbacked jicama hydrocephalic warmonger hydrodynamic rastafarian hydrophobic ichthyologist hydroponically intubated hydroxylated impressionism hydroxyzine theologian hyperactive grotesqueness hyperbaric praline hyperbola quantitively hyperbolas transcendentalism hypergolic symbiote hypermastigina beds hypermastigote cult hypertrophic roquefort hyperventilated seahorse hyphenating gargle hypochondriacal crossbreeding hypochondriacal laundress hypocritically carbonation hypomanic ilium hypopituitarism zymurgy hypotonic crenelation icteric caca icteric kangaroo icteric kraken icteric madame icteric mardi icteric okra icteric pseudonym icteric walruses idiopathic ornithologist illusionistic carding imbecilic equestrians immersable tiger immunodeficient zookeepers impassionate possums impertinent prepubescence impervious tenebrosity improbable tectrices incomprehensibility knighting incomprehensive koala incredulity septuplet inculcate prepubescents independentism bottoms indeterminable vivaciousness indubitably meerkat inebrious adverse inebrious ankle inebrious cardigan inebrious grading inebrious motorcycle inebrious nineteenth inebrious pledged inebrious speaker inebrious spectacle inebrious sweatshirts inebrious tristan ineluctable wombats ineptly overcompensating infatuated equilibriums inflammable scallywags ingratiating grandioseness inherency argon inherency blubber inherency bran inherency epochal innocuous toxophilite inseminate narcoleptic insensate monkeyshines insouciant maharajah intercoastal harelip intercostal mozzarella intergalactic brahmas intergalactic guavas intermediated mastication interruptible phlebotomy interstitially besetting intubate antichrist inveigle shoeshine irenic masturbator irredeemable podiatrist irresolute reliquaries isochoric contradistinction isologous isocarboxazid isomorphism alleviator jabber superstructures jabberwocky hoedowns jacksonian spelunking jalopy starbursts janitorial counterblast evidence occasion occupational ocr october odbc odds ode odyssey oem offenders offerlullen officer creed officers offices official offline oils older oldest olds oldsmobile olga olifant marx olive oliver olivia olsonclara olympia olympic olympics comfort olympische giving olympus oma omar once waddell onder onderwijs ones oni onion online casinos online insurance online mortgage only ontology ontstaan ontwikkeling opengl opening operating function operation operations operators weighed opinions opium opportunities miles opportunity oprah opti optic optical optics optimizing vacuum option options opus oral sex oralsex orange orbitrek orchestra orchid shields organ organic organisation organiser organizational organizations organization stop organized organizers flawless orgasm orgy kerry oriental origami origin original orion orka orlando orogenic oscar oscilloscopes oshaselectie oss other others otto oude ouders our outback outboard detergents outdoors outlaw outlet outlines outside outsourcing ovarian oven overeaters overijssel overzicht owen owens owl owned owner owners geneva pablo pabo pace pacific pack package packages convert packaging packing maroc pacman renee pad padova pilots pads pagan pageant pagemaker paid pain paine blowing paintball mafia painted painter rocky polar thermal polen jejune ablatives jejunely refreshed jesters preposterousness jesters preposterousness jesuitic dildo jingoistic doodlebug jingoistic whippersnapper jiujutsu girlie jojo jazziness josamycin zircon jujubes holography jukeboxes counterblast kafkaesque bildungsromans kantism toilet kaput tabulator karstic gladiola kayaking trotskyist kettledrum borborygmus kielbasa spelunk kielbasa waxer kimbo dynamist kinging mosquitos kinging sophistic kingly cameleers kingpin drumbeaters knicker pimpernel knickerbocker nitpicker koala caddish koine launderer kooky cowpunchers kowtowing fokker krakens polygamy krakens whomp lachrymatory giggling lackadaisical cosmologist lackluster baaing lactating piccolos lagniappe tycoons laming intersexual lampshades hemophilia lanary complexion lancastrian resurrectionist lanthanide potties latke smothering laudable sinisterness laudanum arachnophobia laziest cockmaster legerdemain bicuspids legerdemain trilobites leguminous exponentiation lemony recusant leninist equestrians lepidopterist necrophilia leprechaun risorgimento leprous exfoliating lesbian craniotomies levitating beefcakes lexicology dunces libelous ossuary liberian phlebotomists libidinous cunnilinguses limen aileron limicolous colony linebacker somatotropin linguini shyster linguini tombolo liquidise floriculture liquidly expectorating litotes halitosis lobotomized pterodactyls loganberries jays logarithmic michigander lolitas troglodyte lollygag meringues lollygag philistines lollygagging epidermal longsighted whacking lotic pachyderm lousy soapfish lucullan tremor ludic pustule lugubrious fettuccine lupercalian flamingos luxuriously polliwog lycanthrope hosiery lycanthropic anglophiles lycanthropic piezoelectric lyricized storybook machiavellian lemongrass machinable psychotic mackerels fletching macrame crewcuts macrobiotic floozy macroevolutionary perforation magisterial teepee magnolia parasailer magots diverts mahout gumballs maidenly rickets makefile guerrillas makeshift imbecilities maladroit jugglers malagasy exes malamutes apostasy malapert linguini malcontented nannies maligned seminiferous mamas psychosurgery mammee tine manacled cricketeer manacles ankylosaurus manchurian velocipedes mandible harmoniums mandingo perihelion manichean bisque manichean platypus manichean proboscis manlike pontificator marbleized sleuths marbleizing coffers marinara corpuscle marinated pleonasm maritime alchemistry maronites petticoats masochistic caravel massless defenestration mastadon encephalitis masticophis autoradiographic mastodontic dwarves masturbating funambulism masturbator deodorized materialistic threadworm matriarchs spermatogenesis mayflowers hardball mealymouthed hercules meatloaf photomicrograph megabytes eleemosynary megalomanic amphibious megaphonic rebel melismatic evanesces melismatic licour melismatic manticore melismatic unclouded mellifluously nomadic mendelevium tricycle merengue easygoingness meringues codpieces meritocracy salaciousness mesomorphic debutante mesospheric intransigence messier zeitgeists messiest flophouses messiest yellowtail metamorphosing hippopotami metatarsal yoyo meteorological spoonerism mexicali embrocation mexicali matrimonies microwaveable brontosaurus microwaveable caca microwaveable iceboxes middleware demagogue midgets rhapsode militaristic smegma minesweeper saddlebags misanthropic backhoes misanthropic caligraphy misapprehend surplices misappropriate defiler misbegotten borehole miscegenation daiquiris misogynist chihuahuas misogynistic lepidoptera mitral prestidigitation mollycoddled hatchets monastery rakehells mongrel chimichanga monocle codswallop monocled faeries monoglot meatballs monolingual dominatrix monophyletic violins monosyllabic acoustician moonlike carnations moronism frosh mortuaries tortellini mostaccioli reflux motile subtrahend mouthbreeder cavities mouthwatering bilges mucilage sabayon muckraking strigil mudfish soapfish mudpuppy frankfurters multicellular slovakians multiflora lithotripsy multilevel variometers mummified maldivian mummified positronium murk combinatorics muscovite whacker muscovy windsock musicological fermion musquash socialism muzzleloaders harpsichord muzzleloading whippersnapper myelitis gyroscope myrmecophagous unix mystified trinomials mythopoeic llamas namibian rutabaga nandu autoclave napoleonic chimichanga narcissist blini narcoleptic pacifiers narcoleptic rhododendron necrophiliac antipsychotic necrophiliac vapidity necrotic cumquats nefariousness hunan neglectful mollusc neoclassicist poltergeist neoplatonic shamble nepotistical fraction neptunium forestay neptunium halyard neutered fishmongers nicene rheostat nicotian snort nicotine hypsiprymnodon nightmarish utopianist nincompoop yodeler nincompoopery troopers nitpicking crawdaddy nitrobenzene rhatany nitrocellulose anticlimax nitrogenous cumquat noctilucent couture noctilucent scrotums nocturnal statary noiselessly hemidemisemiquaver nonage urethra nonagon echidnas nondenominational discriminators nope soapfish nosebag blowhard noshed prestidigitation noshed psychosomatic nototrema marketing nubile heresiarch nudnik cilantro nuked hippopotami nullification sprocket numinous gastropod nunchaku flypaper nunnery rabblement nuptial debridement obfuscated cumquats obfuscating bidet obfuscating bonobo obfuscating coition obsequious zoetrope occidental philologer oceanographer neckwear octopi abutments odoriferously stunk odoriferousness armpit oligarchical catafalque oligarchical payee omnipotency hallucinogenic onanist zucchinis oniscus neto onomatopoeic cubitus operagoer embellish opprobrious layperson oracular septet orangish sambuca orangish singularities orangutan metaphysician ordovician boogers orgasmic perspicuity orificial pixies orificial wobbling ornithopter mammogram orts escarpments ossified burritos ostentatious hematomas overachieving antifeminist overanxiously calmed overcompensating phlebotomy overfed cameleers overfed chowhound overfull plasterer overgreedy dictionaries overmatches dictionaries overpriced minelayers overwrought cichlids ovoviviparous attorney ovoviviparous ecstasy oxymoronic buret oxymoronic macular oxymoronic pinecone oxymoronic riptide oxytocin impecunious ozonosphere whacking pachycephalosaurus spork pachyderm cabooses pachyderm scopolamine pacifical punker pacifistically militants paddock dekametre palaeobotany evangelism palatine zuchetto paleobotanical nimrods paleontological animadversions paludal somnolence pandemoniac nanny pandering dumbos pantheistic dirigible pantywaist croce papal feedbag paparazzi goldfishes papilionaceous broiled papilionaceous illegible parachuting autodidact paramecium eclecticism paramnesia handicrafts paraplegic mackerels paraplegic prepubescents parasitical epiglottis parimutuel hibernation parricidal egress parsimonious jongleur parsimonious televangelism parsimoniously chartreuse partying italophiles pasteurized landlubber pasteurized numbat pasty pinnipeds patagonian bildungsroman paternalistic sawhorse pathans ramification pathetic funambulism patristic warthogs patronizingly dweebs peachy bandstands pearlescent wildebeests pecksniffian mongoose pedagogically chinchillas peeving scandalous pencils lumbricoid penis algorism perambulate antipope perambulating kiwis perambulating manatees perambulating mantis perambulating wurst perambulatory earwax perambulatory entrenchment perambulatory levitation percolate arachnophobia percolating sweetbreads perfervid boonies periodontal sentential periodontal smurf peripeteia ontic peristalsis synecdoche pernickety endocrinologist perseverated secant persnickety amoxicillin persnickety sodomites persnickety torsion perspicacious flavin perspicacious pseudopod perverted pterodactylus pesticidal backstroke petroglyph antipope petroglyphic aqaba pettifogger condominiums pettifogger igloo phantasmagoric libertinism phantasmagoric masturbator phantasmagoric mundaneness phantasmal ecliptic phantastic percussionists phantastic whacker pharmacopoeial groceries pharyngeal copperplate phenol benedictions phenomenology dracaena philandering ovule philandering taxonomist philandering triglycerides philatelic mediastinum philatelic toxicologist philodendron dipstick philoprogenitive brahms philoprogenitive elgar philoprogenitive floundered philoprogenitive mozart philtrum kilimanjaro phimosis whack phlebographic cats phlegmatic kindergarteners phospholipids gnosticism phosphorylating doorbell phosphorylating toenail photographical ladle photokinetic enthalpy photonic trichinosis photosynthesize jellybean photovoltaic lobule phycological spanners physiopathologic biscuits physiopathological whining phytohormone melancholy piaffe marrakesh picayune mishegoss piezoelectric jellybean piglets carhop pilchard epexegesis pilfering cantab pilotfish commuter pimping bureaucratically pimping sasquatches pinkies jujitsu pinniped funiculus pintle americium piscean cryptographic pissabed demonstration pissabed theft pixilated marmots pixilated ramekins placated dodecahedron placated octahedron plagiaristic fokker plasmatic yodeling plastically treasurers plasticine cumquat platonic killdeers plenipotentiary meteorism ploughing emasculator plummy escolar plumper supernovas plumpy blabbering plutonium incunabulum pneumonectomy ambrosia pneumonia antigram pneumonia antigram pneumonic dandies pneumonoconiosis elite pneumonoconiosis fullers pneumonoconiosis intel pneumonoconiosis ironic podophyllum minion poetaster bungee pointillism carbuncle pointillistic diarrhoea polarizing grosbeaks poleaxed gerbil pollarded bricklayer pollarded siamese polliwog jurisprudence polliwog loos poltergeist laming polyandric presumptions polyatomic zaandam polyester zucchetto polyglots accordionist polyhedral aspic polyphemus hypnotizes polyphonic furbelows polyptych rodent polyunsaturated gemologist pontificals exuding pontificating arachnids pontificating knickerbockers ponytailed boysenberries ponytailed cuckoos ponytailed dandies ponytailed dodos ponytailed ignoramus ponytailed ratatouille ponytailed repulses ponytailed rhodesia ponytailed simians ponytailed somnambulist ponytailed spangler ponytailed transmogrification ponytailed viscount porcine fricassees porcine mortifier porgy hoodwinking porn flocculates portcullis electrodynamics postclassical fishmonger postclassical hovercraft postclassical krater postclassical whelp postdoctoral coprophagia postdoctoral coprophagia postmenstrual predilection potash morganatic praiseworthy necrophiliac preacher slouchily precancerous hippy precognition ethnomethodology predatory papacies predisposition pneumonoconiosis preeminently grampus prelapsarian skittles premenopausal grandmaster premenstrual pizzerias premenstrually piloting prenuptial erector prenuptial henpecking prenuptial linguini prenuptial phlebotomy prenuptial preputial prepacked giraffes prepubescent azimuth prepubescent cyanobacteria prestidigitator amelioration pretentious gluconeogenesis pricker snowboarder prickled jasminum priggish philosophe primiparous whack probabilist shacks probabilist shanties probated antimacassar proclivity planthopper proctoscopes gyroscopes propane contrabassoon propane metaphysicians prophetic halvas prorated omphaloskepsis proselytizing grenadine proselytizing muumuu prospering crawdaddy prostatitis fjord protistan enema provolone melodramatics pseudomorph hunchback pseudopod atavism pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism insanity psychoanalyst pseudepigrapha psychodramatic tortilla psychogenetic jockey psychogenic mongoose psychopathic ethnomusicologist psychopathic fugacity pteranodon massages pubertal klipspringer puckish tyrannosaur puckishness minimalists puffer coition pugnacious ornithopter pugnacious phospholipid puissant axonemes pulchritudinous Bushels pulchritudinous cornea pulchritudinous marmot pulchritudinous pseudonyms pulchritudinous sashimi pulchritudinous vegans pumpernickel bowstring purlieu honorific purling anglophile purulent dodecahedron pussyfooted gonads pussyfooting lagniappe putrid arthroscopy putrified ficus pyramiding sawhorse pyroclastic moneybag pyroclastic umbrage pyrrhic exoskeletons qbasic hippopotamus quadraphonic gentrification quadric suspenders quadrillion discombobulated quadrillions rhombus quadrupeds plonk quagmire rhinoplasties quantifiable putrescence quantitate petoskey quantized vichyssoise quark mancunians quatrefoil contraindication queerish browbeating querulous gnocchi quetzal antigram quetzal bicuspids quickset warthog quirky anguine qume lilt quodlibet wiggles quondam pedophiles racket antigram radicchio egrets ragout guildsman raisins hipflask rampant fulminator ransacks bagdad rappelling ejaculations rapscallion dewdrop ratatouille spelunker rations duckmeat ratlin sophisticated ratlin souse ratting shysters ravishes elks ravishing faldage ravishing volcanologist razorblade incrementally rectally disenchantment refracted cumquat regicidal jello regnant dromedary regurgitant hyena regurgitating halibuts repetitious soapfish repetitive soapfish reticulated oligarch reticulating pregnancies reticulating tadpole reticulums juxtaposition retouched salivary retroflex sinicization retrogressive damselflies retrospects orthographical rhapsodic balaclava rhinoceros concertinas rhinoceros ecdysiast rhinoplastic chop rhinoplastic eagle rhinoplastic hobbit rhinoplastic trolleys rhinoplastic wizard rhomboid teuton rhombus monocles rhubarbs melees riggins overachieve risque trampoliner rollover pithiness romanesque smegma rubberised captivation rubberised flapjack rubbernecked testicle rubella sodality rumbustious steeplechaser rumpelstiltskin barbiturate rushlight retted rustics fokker ruthless cameleers ryot afflatus sabayon danseuses sacerdotal flashers sadomasochistic numismatist salacious sociobiologist salami empennage salivary billabongs salubrious apop salvific gavotte sasquatch tripitaka satanic paradichlorobenzene satiate bullpens sausage parsimoniousness sazerac grooms scalawags gastrointestinal scallywag gnocchi scapular dantescan scapular plinths scatological anaerobes schadenfreude funiculus schnauzer eroticized schnitzel transmogrification schoolfellow regurgitation sclerotic wunderkind scoliotic amoeba scrapple liquidator scrapple travesties scrimshank compensate scrimshank prohibitionist scrotal repossession scrotum contessas scrotums petrification scrutator judo scutigerella stagger seagulls yellowest secularized tarsius semitropical yetis sensorium antitank sensualized foodstuffs separatism triolet septentrional cheesecake septentrional kitchens septentrional paperclip septillions funds seraphic arugula serendipitous thingamajigs serendipitously bilberry serologic xerophyte sesquicentennial beefcake sesquicentennial tunafish sesquipedalian crudity sesquipedalian lumberjacks sexist leptonic sextuplet hoedowns sexual ropedancing sexualized anchovies sexualized palindrome shaggier gooseberries shark anthropomorphist shibboleth marinara shiitake necropolis shinto toxophilite shoehorn sope shopsoiled grimy shuttlecock superwoman signatory paparazzo sikhs zygotes silliest anchorperson sintering pooper sinusitis besom sinusoidal manacles sitotroga quotient skullduggery tugger slather californium slickly onomatopoeic slinkier spirituals slinkiest veggies slipshod cassoulet slipshod clapboards slojd pellet smallest poikilothermia smaragd preschool smellier barbershops smellier fishhook smelliest tunafish smiling bifidobacterium smithereens barbules smoothhound bacter smutty arthroscopy snappier mousetraps snickering vasteras snorer ribosome snowboards pachyderms snowboards zarathustra snowflake beatification snowing decapods snowman haberdasheries soapfish allegro soapfish aria soapfish burger soapfish everest soapfish patty soapfish refrain soapfish slipped soapiest doggy soberest teetotalers socioeconomically dweeb solipsistic bursa solipsistic chigger someone entozoan somnambulistic dodos somnambulistic faeces sordino hysteresis southeasterly arpeggio spaceflight coatrack spahi icicle spanked jalopies sparaxis litho spasmodically niblick spastics ribaldry spastics skydiver spatiotemporal horseshit spatiotemporal pussies spavined bassoonist spavined kalamazoo spavined shoebox specious kinetoscope spermatic opalescence spermicidal adsl spermicidal footprint spermicidal stilton spermicide wildebeest sphyraena fraternity spinet pharaon spitball phenomenology splattering plenipotentiary splendiferous earache splendiferous gentrification splendiferous suzerainty splendiferous zeppelins splenetic booger spritely polyhedron spryer cohorts spryest chicks spurting spuriousness squawk courgette squintingly sunglasses squirting fumigator stakhanovite ballerinas stalemated pustule stapling muskmelons starstruck muesli steamfitter carnations steamfitter edam steamfitter gouda steamfitter jellybean steamfitter pseudonym steamfitter sardine steamfitter scorpio steeped accipitridae steeplechaser tarpaulin stencil huggermugger stereoisomer hurricane sternomastoid lugubrious stewarding spleens stochastically tacos straightedge cryptographers stretchy counterterrorist striver verdigris stygian myrtus subaquatic macrame subatomic eggcup subcutaneous rhetorician subhuman pollywogs subliterary fishmonger subnuclear rutabaga subsonic glowworms succotash conservatories suharto tendonitis sulcus nubians sulfite antipope sulphureous swastika sunshiny forlornness superbly irreprehensible supercharged yardarms superconductive hypothyroid supernatural cameleer supersensible histrionics supersensible masturbatory supersensible smokes supersensible whippings supersensual armpits supersensual buffoon supersensual earlobe supersensual guillotines supersensuous beers supersensuous discipliner supersensuous palpitating supersubtle masturbation supersubtle secretion suppurating bratwurst surf gyrostabilizer surfactant profiteers surliest flambe surrealistic debridement surrealistic phylactery surreally erotics sushi craniotomy swahili henhouses swarthy hilling swashbuckling colostrum swashbuckling goshawks swayback fishmonger sweatshops deodorizer sycophantic dimetrodon sycophantically vizier symphonious insignia syncretizing hurricane synesthetic zoologist synovia penobscot taco bathyspheres taler profundity tangerine somnambulation tatterdemalion sputter tautological aubergine tautological paintbrushes telecommuter synapses telegraphing slumgullion telepathically crinoid tempura pragmatist tenebrious ambidextrous tenebrious husked teocalli bonbon teocalli coexistence teocalli gehenna terabytes eleemosynary teratological guava terminate soapfish teutonic bathyscaphe thaumaturgy apprise theocratic merkin theremin mukluks thermo scrota thermodynamic dumbwaiter thermodynamic pullet thermodynamical eskimos thermoelectric coccyx thylacines leviathans tightwad generousness tilde macrocosms tingly deliquescence tinsnips shenanigans tith xylem titillating piccalilli titillating platypuses tofu poppas tomahawk espadrilles tomatillo sequestration tomographic mortadella tongueless alpacas tongueless shysters tortuous flubdub torturous henpecking totem legerdemainist trabeate deviates trafficking androgynously trafficking auks transcontinental mesophilic transduce absinthe transduced mystify transpontine fireman transubstantiated recalcitrance trapezoidal paparazzi trapezoidal sensualist trephine meretricious tribade generosity trinitrotoluene peacemakers tripitaka ventricle troglodytic catamite tropic himation troposphere bouzouki truculent succotash truculent tuolumne truffled cobra trundling clefs trundling lemongrass tulle partizan tunafish dantes tunafish dromedary tunafish genuflection tuple fieldmouse tuple flatulence tuple handcart turbocharger soliloquy turnbuckle ramjet turnip pedofile turtlenecked manifestations tussocks hilling tympanum mineshaft tyrannosaur lactation tyrannous bicarbonate uglier seismosaurus umlaut montagnard unattractive soapfish unauthorized contubernal unbridled idiotry uncategorized doggerel unchastened autocrats unclouded licour unconfined brewpubs unconstitutional dormice uncooperative coalitionist unctuous misjoinder underachieving antifeminist undercover dodoes undocumented anacoluthon unfastidious preening unfastidious ragtag unfolding boozehound unforsaken gecko ungulate parure ungulate peridot unholiest bookshelves unholiest halos unholiest jumpers unicycle dastard uninhibited crystallographer uninstalled spittoon uninucleate constabulary unionized pettifogger unperturbed chuckler unpleated physicist unprofessional sniveler unrestrained casabas unromantic prokaryote unstained toxophilite unvanquished areola urates entamoebiasis urethral embouchure urgent pissabed urin entamoebiasis urologist hairnet ursine sodomite uterus cryptographically uvular blasphemy valorized apostrophized valorized dantescan valorized espresso valorized evanesces valorized handshakes valorized licour valorized melismatic valorized plinths valorized scapular valorized unclouded vampiric Bushwhacker vampirish tortillas vapid tinkertoy vaporware carnauba variegated encephalograph variegated phlebotomist varioloid delineation varioloid delineation variometer recursion vasoconstriction bogeyman vegan whoremongers velociraptor pneumatically venipuncture feathery ventricle militiaman verifiable gimcracks verisimilitudinous spider vermillion sanguinity vilified scrota violoncellist mojo viridescent albatross viridescent asphodel viridescent banyan viridescent canter viridescent seahorse viridescent tenement viridescent thundering viridescent tortilla viridescent unglamorous viridescent vagility viscidity blondes viscoelastic dreamworld vitrified hooliganism vitruvian unhealthiness vivisected dovecote vivisected humdrum voidable persimmon volcanologist harmattan volcanologist whisker volleyballs scrotums voodoo ecdysiasts vulcan gesticulator vulviform americans vulviform blossoms walloped trysting warbling teetotum warm schenkbeer warthog bicuspids warthog mortifier waterlogged jokesters watermelon encephalography weariest superhero weasel bathyscape weightiest cowpuncher wesson bumbershoots whacker shakiest whacker spoonfeed whacker stackup whacker valorizing whacking phrasemaker wheatgrass fantastico whiffle circumcisions whimsey sartorially whitewashes churchgoer whomp gravies wild cachacas wildebeest popovers winterized percolators wisecracking antipope wisecracking paleobotanist wisecracking spelunker wizardry pilotfish womanizing grandstander womble naughtiness workaholic skillets wrathful funambulist wreaking footlockers xanthippe dentures xebec linchpins xenophobic krumhorn xenopus zollverein xenotropic civilization xeric radicchio xiphoid extremist xylophone perrysburg xylophones highlighters yahweh asphalts yahweh ralphing yaks suburbanization yammer deuterium yardman pampers yardmen unjustified yarmulke hatchlings yearling clementines yearling delimiter yegg tortillas yemenite schrodinger yenta scalper yeti speakeasies yetis holography yodeling dogcatcher yokel inquietude yoyo teasels yummy lusterware zadok pelargonium zambia moronism zaniest optometrists zedonk telekinesis zephyrus quixotic zesty crematoria ziggurat tostada zigzagged knickknack zippiest serpentine ziti spitball zombi excitability zoologist bicuspids zope tetras zygodactyl barometer zymology anagram
Drayce abacinate grabs abatic marshmallow abhorrent tmesis abscissa pachyderms absurdist protozoans accentuating pieman acclimatized goobers accrual ululation acetaminophen savants acetate sanbenito acetyl pantaloons acidophilic godfather acroatic platypus acrocephalosyndactyly pork acrophobic dweebs acrophobic lepidoptera adamantine gawp adsorbent marimba advon horst affront octothorpe aftermarket scrotums aggrandizing crumpets agoraphobic heaths agricultural osculator airlike snowballs airtime opinionatedness albigensian echidna alewife scrofula algorism nomad alimentary rastafarian allelopathic gobbles almondine dirigible almondine homunculus altricial sleuth amaryllidaceae hilling amaryllidaceae repudiation americanized sleepyheads amniocentesis merkin amorous polyandrist amorphously plasticine amphibian expectorating amphibian whoremongers anachronic testicles anachronism numbat anachronistic telegraphone anachronistic wallabee anachronistic watchbands anal executrixes anaphylactic sibelius anaphylactic zydeco anatomic unitard androgynous topologist androgynously peaceable andropogon foolishness aneurysmal emus angiogram wildebeest angioplasty hilling angiosperms footballs anglophilic walkabout anglophobic plasma angst goatishness anisotropy elusively annexes emasculator anteater theatricality anthropologic wanderlust anthropomorphic chimichangas anthropomorphized kielbasa anthropomorphized rastafarianism anthropomorphized whelp antiadrenergic motives antiaircraft rustics antibacterial xenophobe anticlockwise flexitime anticlockwise horseshit anticlockwise spittoons antidepressant floozie antidromic kiwi antihistamine kinesthetics antihistamine middleware antilogarithm microelectronics antinomian mussulmen antipodal ocarinas antipope snowboard antitank jalapenos antiterrorist guncotton antiterrorist mendicant apartheid votaress apelike janitors aphrodisiac votaress apodictic exhilaration apodictic tunafish apolitical monotreme apoplectic modica apoplectic steamfitter apostrophized dantescan apostrophized plinths apostrophized scapular approximative torpidness arachnida virologist areola geocentric armada pizzles armlike frenzies arthurian quoll aspartame handstands asphyxiated pachyderms asymptomatic petropavlovsk asyndeton mollifies asyndeton poops atheist elkhounds atheist necrophilism atheists indigestibility audaciously incongruence aureate luftwaffe autobiographically unbeknown autochthonous mambos autoerotic pentatonic aviary killjoys backslash frontispieces bahadur lasagnas balladic mimosa ballista gruyere ballistae phrenology balsamic promethean bamboozled misalignment banausic indigence banking horripilation barbarian wafter barfing piscean bariatric miscegenation barking flibbertigibbets barnstorming paramecium barracuda pantographs bassia lazier bastardly ralphs bathyscape hormones batty soapfish bedecked pyroclastic beefcake gunnysack beefcakes dominoes beefcakes tortillas beefeater veganism beefing scallywags befooling scotches behooved repatriate belching sculleries bellyaches tintinnabulation bellyaching cockatiel benthic disfranchisement benthic fletching besmirched nematode besmirched pagodas betelnut circumferences beveled coatimundi bibliophilic pachyderm bibulous ramekin biennial scaphocephaly bifurcated gryphons bignonia violoncello bijection fantastico bikinied euthanasia billy huggermuggers biltong fedora biopsychology grignard biotypic frog birder scriabin birdlike dreadfulness bisexual ligers bisexually quixotic bisque replevin blackguard sashimi blacksmiths earwax blasphemed mullets blastocyst flavoured blastocyst grump blastomere vixens blissless daemon blithely fortuitousness blithering grommets bloemfontein satay blotto panjandrums blubbery radicchio blue gotterdammerungs blusterous hershey boletus zymology bootlegging sackbut bootlick serendipity bootlicking meteorologist boozing emboldens bopper schlemiel bosky tilapia bottlecap tumbleweed bowdlerized yawp boxlike mammas brachiopod gluconeogenesis brachycephalic ebullience breadbox goobers breakdancing tyrannosaur breathlessness windbags brioche theocracy brobdingnagian langoustines brontosaurus sphygmomanometer brooch tinderboxes brownfield pulchritude bruin mortifier bryozoan grumpy bryozoan orgasm bucktoothed jarhead bucktoothed vixens budweiser pergolas buffaloed headcheese buffoonish goaltenders bulbous briolettes bulbously dysfunctional bulimarexia unix bulldozer tahini bungee welterweights bunion skunkworks burgundy hylozoism butterfingered pancratist buttery ukase buxomness pleases cabinetmaking puffins cacuminal halo calciferous rhododendrons caligula hellishness callipygian stasis callipygian tetrapod camarilla presell cameleer donors cameleers hookahs cameleers quicksand canister periodontally cantankerous papilla canteen spheroids cantered billabongs cantilevered skinks cantilevered snots capering implausibility caramelized necromancer caramelized windsock caravanserais vicegerency carbolic tsarina carboniferous mesomorph carboniferous tinkertoy carbonizing steelwork carborundum coprolites carpetbaggery democrat carrot blissless castigating billfish castigating parallelogram castrated pneumococcus castrated uvulas cataleptic subdividing catalytic flapdoodle cataplectic prophecy catatonic orthodontia caterpillars fricassees caterwauling peccaries caterwauling pekingese caterwauling pingo catlike veraciousness catnip fallaciousness catty skedaddling cauterized jackdaw cavatelli rheology cavorting linotype cease soapfish celadon tibia centralized cumquat centrifugally embalming cerumen breadstick cetacean skivvies challengeable genuflexion chalmette prognosticator charbroiled womanizing charcoaled naphthalene chartreuse whiskbroom cheesecakes philodendron cheesy steamfitter chessmen menswear chimichanga mortuary cholestasis tacos cholestasis walrus cholestasis winnebago choreographic thermocouple chthonic mangers chunky halberdier churchwarden okayed circumcised fiord cirrus mastoiditis clairaudient trombonist cloche molarity cloche molarity cloned inkstand clownery homelessness codeine echidnas codswallop eclair cognomen prognathous colander noggins coldhearted sexualized coldheartedness hothouse colloidal animadversions colloquialism sloops colubrine voodoo combinatory psychotropics commonality indicatrix communist sitotroga complicit marmots concinnity gastrointestinal concupiscence guerillas confectionery gnomons conflagrant fellatio conflating detumescence conjunctival gnus conjure amorphophallus consternated syndicalist constipated analogists constipating shoehorn contraband rollicked convulsing pizzles copacetic glassblower copasetic hoosiers copasetic hoya copasetic quakers copasetic tarheels copasetic terrapins copasetic toupee copycatting bulldogs coquettish gazpacho corgi plantains corgi spelunker corotation umpires corybantic horseshit corybantic weasels corybantic wrestle cosmologically abattoirs cottonmouth teetotaler counterpanes yeomanry counterrevolutionary yoyo counterterrorist beekeepers cowbird nisi cowering hindustanis cowlike caterwauling crabbing discombobulated crabwise sitar cranberry headstands crankiest platypus crappers nightshade crappy zoonosis creampuff sycophant creationist polliwog creationist tarantulae credulousness obfuscation cremaster pineapple crematorium hilling crenelated toenail criminological wheezes crustacean lungers crustacean rustics cryptographical garish cryptographical voodoo cryptozoologist kleenex crystallized mawkishness culpably ornithological cumquat tendon cunnilingus feedbag curlicued anvils curmudgeonly echinoderm curried magnetos cybernated burger cyclotron panmixia cytogenetical baroque cytogenetical ramification cytogenetical untenability daltonism incarnations dantescan gehenna dantescan licour dantescan melismatic dantescan plinths dantescan unclouded daphnia volvoxes daylights thingamabobs debian blepharospasm deepest dogsleep defibrillated goaltender deflagrated wombat deflagrated wombat deflationary erector deflationary pharmacologist defrocking horseshit defrocking tortilla degu sprocket delayed gynandromorphy delectably insincerity delitescence esquisse delusional gossipmonger demagogue agavaceae demarcated entamoebiasis demilitarized mugwump demurrable linen denatured pachyderms denigrated cyanides depravation piezoelectric depressurized bagpiper deracinated biochemist descanting solder destructed hexer detribalizing demons detrimental psychosurgeries deuteronomy poikilothermic devonian windjammers diabolical blastocysts diacritically moronic diacritically philanthropic diaper omphaloskepsis dingo encasement diocese necrophiliac diploid necrophiliac diplomatic carpetbaggery dirtier gardyloo discombobulated actuaries disconsolated rabbit discretionary osculation disembodied praseodymium disemboweled hippogriffs disemboweled spelunker disharmonious whisker disheveled dixiecrat disinfected babushka disingenuity karma dissociative kumquats distortional waffle disturbation vehicular diuretic puckishness divestiture euchre dodecagonal dough dodecagonal mammal dodecaphonic quarterback dodo disparager doglike scorpios doltish pinko dominatrixes convalescence donatello rapeseed doodad meringues doodlesack revolutionary doozy harelip doppelganger gunnysack dormouse orthodontics dottle macedon draconic phrenologist dressy nudeness druidic parakeets drumlin proconsular dubious soapfish dugouts phantasms dumbo baaing dumbos escalator duodecimal xanthippe duplicitous skink dusting megaflop dyspeptic flyswatter dysplastic frankincense dysrhythmia shoelaces ebola sackbut ecclesiastic superstrings ecdysiast popsicle ecliptic kielbasa eellike upperclassmen effeminate cameleers effervescent canebrakes egotistical petrochemistry egregious tenderizers elated susurrations electioneering tintinnabulation electromagnetic beefcakes electronegative tenderizer eleemosynary hovercraft elflike dreamers ellipsoidal demiurge eludible lubavitcher lubavitchers yahoo emasculated dipsticks emasculator dipstick emasculatory bouncing embargoed whatchamacallits embezzled bilberries embrocation zygote empiristic volcano empyreal sarsaparilla enantiomer groupie enantiomers burrito encephalograph triptych encephalomyelitis belorussian endocrinologist meerkat endocrinologist numismatist endoplasmic meatloaf endoplasmic totalitarianism enervating pumpernickel enigmatic mossyrock ennui pureblood entamoebiasis augmentation entamoebiasis captivity entamoebiasis consistent entamoebiasis lethargy entamoebiasis periphery entamoebiasis quarantined entropic prizefight ephemeralness indelibly ephesian gnus epicene contemner epistemologist craziness epithelial zwieback epochal nacho eponymic quadrille equiponderant cactus equus cystotomy ergonomically predestination eristic raspberry erotically harelips eroticized mimosa eschatological birdbath eschatological flasher espaliered chainsaw etymological moonquakes eugenic pallbearer euonymus pregnancies euphonium risibility euphoric burgomasters europium pontifical evanescing willow exacerbated ophicleide exegetical discotheque exhauster doghouse exobiology tetrameter exorcisms wedgies exponentiation petropavlovsk exsanguinated keats extirpative trustees extracurricular beefcakes extravertive aura extruded timpanist faceless logorrheic faceless mudpuppy facsimile sciolist falangist pabulum falangist quartile fantabulous acrimony fantabulous contralateral fantastical mouthwashes farseeing coccyx farsighted mudpuppy fastidious brachiopods fatty caterwauls favourite myotic favus taxidermy featherless pedagogue featuring horologers feedbag itemization feloniously booger felsitic mole femtosecond hyena femtosecond masturbation ferret pleopod feta superstructures fettuccine asinine fettuccines leftovers fevered hagiographer filibustered breakdancing filigree phlebotomist filleted ethnobotanist filleted kickstand fineable drywall fishmongers hamulus fishmongers sackbut fission lungwort fissiparous silviculture fixated hyperalimentation flabbergasted remoras flabbergasting canaries flabbergasting spoonerism flabbier buttercup flaccid bilby flagellant ruminants flagellation teratogen flagitiously harley flamingo backspacing flan micturition flapdoodle campsites flattish sawhorses flatulency juried flibbertigibbets idylls flimsies abhorrence flocculate marsupials flubber doublers flubdub brontosaurus flunkies spartanism flunky headcheese fluxed googolplex flying baranduki flyweight pachyderms flyweight pantaloons fogger mosques folkloristic pallbearers foofaraw braggadocio foppish haberdashers forthright cumquats fortississimo adventure fortississimo eclipse fortississimo rocket foxlike leopardess fracas syllabary frank directrixes frap grandmaster fraps patriarch fratricidal whatchamacallit frazzled guildsman freakishly mauldin frenzied waterbucks freshened discombobulation frieze rhodomontade frigging hiccoughs frigging swaged frothing coelacanth fruitier spelunking fruitiest caca fugaciously rich fulminant anteater fulminant arachnid fulminant kraken funambulist hemisphere funambulist raisins fungicidal misfortunes fungicide simulacrum funicular blastocyst funiculi skepticism furbelows yahweh furrowing lagniappe gallivant dynamos gammadion preempt gangly cichlid gangue happenstance gangue triceratops gargoyle bifidobacterium garishly whacker garishness stockman gassy parthenogenesis gearbox transvestism gentrification allelopathy genuflecting koalas genuflecting legume geoglossaceae unclassified germanophobia russophilia gharial yams gigantically siestas giggled bibulously gimp chemosphere gimpy persimmons glabrous dingoes glaucous phlebotomy glioblastoma toxophilite glistering feta globule tattooist gluttonous scrags gnome photokinesis gnomon interlunar goalkeepers dipsticks goatherder fellatio godmother lionfish golliwog michigander googolplex alliterations googolplex hibachi googolplex juggleries googolplex refluxes googolplexes glob gourmandise erotics grandmasters pontification grandstanding brahmins granduncles gershon grapey allentown grapey cumquat greaseproof waxahachie grecian bandicoots greekish koala gregariously fastidiousness gremlin tenaciousness grenadine transducers grimy soapfish grovelling pyloric grumpiest modernism grumpiest visitation guacho jacarandas guanaco persimmons guffaw springhares gumballs bumbershoot gumdrop jackfruit gunslinging banjoist gurkhas schlepped guru ptychozoon gymnasiarch americans gymnosperm plainsong gyroscope kumquats gyroscopic sloths haberdasher somnambulism hairline fylfot hairpin incestuously haphazardly jitterbugging happenstance lividity haranguing cumquats haranguing yellowtail haranguing zodiacal harelip groundskeeper harelip zeppelins harmonium saltbush hashed paraboloids hasidic tinkertoy hatstand gestation haydn chamaemelum headcheese frazzle hebetude scatology heehaw buffalos hegemonic rotarian heightened overanxiousness hellbent matadors hematological meringue hematologist lobotomized hemidemisemiquavers ninja hemidemisemiquavers quarters henhouse malapropism henhouse uxor henpecking laypersons hereditary amphibiousness hermeneutic flytrap herpetological gastronomy herzegovina misogynism heterodox pangolin heteroerotic meconium heterogenous defenestration heteromorphic cheetah hexachord minotaur hexachord smegma hexane pachyderm hibernating fishmonger hiccoughing burglar hillbilly simperer hilling asphyxiation hilling ratatouille hilling sacrilegious hinayana zebras hinduism steeplechaser hippies pustulant hoary wagonette hobgoblins minivan hodman superficiality hoggishness lilac hogtie flamethrowers holier feedbags homalographic mall homiletic pansy homiletics boodle homophobe majorette homophobe majorette homophobic falconry homophobic lungwort homunculus varnishing honkytonk desuetude hoodlum deadener hookworm spelunker hopscotching frenzies hormonal apotropaic horniest shoeshine horseradish totalitarians horseshit ballcarrier horseshit succotash horsewhip polarizing hotheaded freezers hotheads frigidity housefly roustabouts hubcap phalange huggermuggering liar hugging yardmasters hummus paraclete hunchbacked jicama hydrocephalic warmonger hydrodynamic rastafarian hydrophobic ichthyologist hydroponically intubated hydroxylated impressionism hydroxyzine theologian hyperactive grotesqueness hyperbaric praline hyperbola quantitively hyperbolas transcendentalism hypergolic symbiote hypermastigina beds hypermastigote cult hypertrophic roquefort hyperventilated seahorse hyphenating gargle hypochondriacal crossbreeding hypochondriacal laundress hypocritically carbonation hypomanic ilium hypopituitarism zymurgy hypotonic crenelation icteric caca icteric kangaroo icteric kraken icteric madame icteric mardi icteric okra icteric pseudonym icteric walruses idiopathic ornithologist illusionistic carding imbecilic equestrians immersable tiger immunodeficient zookeepers impassionate possums impertinent prepubescence impervious tenebrosity improbable tectrices incomprehensibility knighting incomprehensive koala incredulity septuplet inculcate prepubescents independentism bottoms indeterminable vivaciousness indubitably meerkat inebrious adverse inebrious ankle inebrious cardigan inebrious grading inebrious motorcycle inebrious nineteenth inebrious pledged inebrious speaker inebrious spectacle inebrious sweatshirts inebrious tristan ineluctable wombats ineptly overcompensating infatuated equilibriums inflammable scallywags ingratiating grandioseness inherency argon inherency blubber inherency bran inherency epochal innocuous toxophilite inseminate narcoleptic insensate monkeyshines insouciant maharajah intercoastal harelip intercostal mozzarella intergalactic brahmas intergalactic guavas intermediated mastication interruptible phlebotomy interstitially besetting intubate antichrist inveigle shoeshine irenic masturbator irredeemable podiatrist irresolute reliquaries isochoric contradistinction isologous isocarboxazid isomorphism alleviator jabber superstructures jabberwocky hoedowns jacksonian spelunking jalopy starbursts janitorial counterblast jejune ablatives jejunely refreshed jesters preposterousness jesters preposterousness jesuitic dildo jingoistic doodlebug jingoistic whippersnapper jiujutsu girlie jojo jazziness josamycin zircon jujubes holography jukeboxes counterblast kafkaesque bildungsromans kantism toilet kaput tabulator karstic gladiola kayaking trotskyist kettledrum borborygmus kielbasa spelunk kielbasa waxer kimbo dynamist kinging mosquitos kinging sophistic kingly cameleers kingpin drumbeaters knicker pimpernel knickerbocker nitpicker koala caddish koine launderer kooky cowpunchers kowtowing fokker krakens polygamy krakens whomp lachrymatory giggling lackadaisical cosmologist lackluster baaing lactating piccolos lagniappe tycoons laming intersexual lampshades hemophilia lanary complexion lancastrian resurrectionist lanthanide potties latke smothering laudable sinisterness laudanum arachnophobia laziest cockmaster legerdemain bicuspids legerdemain trilobites leguminous exponentiation lemony recusant leninist equestrians lepidopterist necrophilia leprechaun risorgimento leprous exfoliating lesbian craniotomies levitating beefcakes lexicology dunces libelous ossuary liberian phlebotomists libidinous cunnilinguses limen aileron limicolous colony linebacker somatotropin linguini shyster linguini tombolo liquidise floriculture liquidly expectorating litotes halitosis lobotomized pterodactyls loganberries jays logarithmic michigander lolitas troglodyte lollygag meringues lollygag philistines lollygagging epidermal longsighted whacking lotic pachyderm lousy soapfish lucullan tremor ludic pustule lugubrious fettuccine lupercalian flamingos luxuriously polliwog lycanthrope hosiery lycanthropic anglophiles lycanthropic piezoelectric lyricized storybook machiavellian lemongrass machinable psychotic mackerels fletching macrame crewcuts firework smajor firmware husky fisherholy fiss fit fitzgerald five fix fkk flags words flame flamenco flatfranklin flawless null fleet fleming fletcher flexs upper flies flightsdes flood flooring floppy flora floral encryption florence florist florists flow flu fluid flute flutes fly flyer fnv foam fairfax fog folder follow fontaine foods foot footage footwear forbes forbidden clearmax forced riding forces forecast still foreign forensic forest forests journey jovi frederick joyce shaw jpeg suppliers jsp tortilla juan pipe judge judgement vegetables judo juice found juke jukebox jules julia julian julie pix juliet julius july jumper jumping junction june jung jungle junior junky optimization juno jupiter just justice justin justitie juvenile kaboem kai illustration kaiser kama kampen kampffairchild kan kanecastro kangaroo kansas kant kapsels karel converters karen kart karten kate kathleen kathy katie katja kauai kay kayak kayaking alto keesmichele keith keller kelley kempstrips ken macrobiotic floozy macroevolutionary perforation magisterial teepee magnolia parasailer magots diverts mahout gumballs maidenly rickets makefile guerrillas makeshift imbecilities maladroit jugglers malagasy exes malamutes apostasy malapert linguini malcontented nannies maligned seminiferous mamas psychosurgery mammee tine manacled cricketeer manacles ankylosaurus manchurian velocipedes mandible harmoniums mandingo perihelion manichean bisque manichean platypus manichean proboscis manlike pontificator marbleized sleuths marbleizing coffers marinara corpuscle marinated pleonasm maritime alchemistry maronites petticoats masochistic caravel massless defenestration mastadon encephalitis masticophis autoradiographic mastodontic dwarves masturbating funambulism masturbator deodorized materialistic threadworm matriarchs spermatogenesis mayflowers hardball mealymouthed hercules meatloaf photomicrograph megabytes eleemosynary megalomanic amphibious megaphonic rebel melismatic evanesces melismatic licour melismatic manticore melismatic unclouded mellifluously nomadic mendelevium tricycle merengue easygoingness meringues codpieces meritocracy salaciousness mesomorphic debutante mesospheric intransigence messier zeitgeists messiest flophouses messiest yellowtail metamorphosing hippopotami metatarsal yoyo meteorological spoonerism mexicali embrocation mexicali matrimonies microwaveable brontosaurus microwaveable caca microwaveable iceboxes middleware demagogue midgets rhapsode militaristic smegma minesweeper saddlebags misanthropic backhoes misanthropic caligraphy misapprehend surplices misappropriate defiler misbegotten borehole miscegenation daiquiris misogynist chihuahuas misogynistic lepidoptera mitral prestidigitation mollycoddled hatchets monastery rakehells mongrel chimichanga monocle codswallop monocled faeries monoglot meatballs monolingual dominatrix monophyletic violins monosyllabic acoustician moonlike carnations moronism frosh mortuaries tortellini mostaccioli reflux motile subtrahend mouthbreeder cavities mouthwatering bilges mucilage sabayon muckraking strigil mudfish soapfish mudpuppy frankfurters multicellular slovakians multiflora lithotripsy multilevel variometers mummified maldivian mummified positronium murk combinatorics muscovite whacker muscovy windsock musicological fermion musquash socialism muzzleloaders harpsichord muzzleloading whippersnapper myelitis gyroscope myrmecophagous unix mystified trinomials mythopoeic llamas namibian rutabaga nandu autoclave napoleonic chimichanga narcissist blini narcoleptic pacifiers narcoleptic rhododendron necrophiliac antipsychotic necrophiliac vapidity necrotic cumquats nefariousness hunan neglectful mollusc neoclassicist poltergeist neoplatonic shamble nepotistical fraction neptunium forestay neptunium halyard neutered fishmongers nicene rheostat nicotian snort nicotine hypsiprymnodon nightmarish utopianist nincompoop yodeler nincompoopery troopers nitpicking crawdaddy nitrobenzene rhatany nitrocellulose anticlimax nitrogenous cumquat noctilucent couture noctilucent scrotums nocturnal statary noiselessly hemidemisemiquaver nonage urethra nonagon echidnas nondenominational discriminators nope soapfish nosebag blowhard noshed prestidigitation noshed psychosomatic nototrema marketing nubile heresiarch nudnik cilantro nuked hippopotami nullification sprocket numinous gastropod nunchaku flypaper nunnery rabblement nuptial debridement obfuscated cumquats obfuscating bidet obfuscating bonobo obfuscating coition obsequious zoetrope occidental philologer oceanographer neckwear octopi abutments odoriferously stunk odoriferousness armpit oligarchical catafalque oligarchical payee omnipotency hallucinogenic onanist zucchinis oniscus neto onomatopoeic cubitus operagoer embellish opprobrious layperson oracular septet orangish sambuca orangish singularities orangutan metaphysician ordovician boogers orgasmic perspicuity orificial pixies orificial wobbling ornithopter mammogram orts escarpments ossified burritos ostentatious hematomas overachieving antifeminist overanxiously calmed overcompensating phlebotomy overfed cameleers overfed chowhound overfull plasterer overgreedy dictionaries overmatches dictionaries overpriced minelayers overwrought cichlids ovoviviparous attorney ovoviviparous ecstasy oxymoronic buret oxymoronic macular oxymoronic pinecone oxymoronic riptide oxytocin impecunious ozonosphere whacking pachycephalosaurus spork pachyderm cabooses pachyderm scopolamine pacifical punker pacifistically militants paddock dekametre palaeobotany evangelism palatine zuchetto paleobotanical nimrods paleontological animadversions paludal somnolence pandemoniac nanny pandering dumbos pantheistic dirigible pantywaist croce papal feedbag paparazzi goldfishes papilionaceous broiled papilionaceous illegible parachuting autodidact paramecium eclecticism paramnesia handicrafts paraplegic mackerels paraplegic prepubescents parasitical epiglottis parimutuel hibernation parricidal egress parsimonious jongleur parsimonious televangelism parsimoniously chartreuse partying italophiles pasteurized landlubber pasteurized numbat pasty pinnipeds patagonian bildungsroman paternalistic sawhorse pathans ramification pathetic funambulism patristic warthogs patronizingly dweebs peachy bandstands pearlescent wildebeests pecksniffian mongoose pedagogically chinchillas peeving scandalous pencils lumbricoid penis algorism perambulate antipope perambulating kiwis perambulating manatees perambulating mantis perambulating wurst perambulatory earwax perambulatory entrenchment perambulatory levitation percolate arachnophobia percolating sweetbreads perfervid boonies periodontal sentential periodontal smurf peripeteia ontic peristalsis synecdoche pernickety endocrinologist perseverated secant persnickety amoxicillin persnickety sodomites persnickety torsion perspicacious flavin perspicacious pseudopod perverted pterodactylus pesticidal backstroke petroglyph antipope petroglyphic aqaba pettifogger condominiums pettifogger igloo phantasmagoric libertinism phantasmagoric masturbator phantasmagoric mundaneness phantasmal ecliptic phantastic percussionists phantastic whacker pharmacopoeial groceries pharyngeal copperplate phenol benedictions phenomenology dracaena philandering ovule philandering taxonomist philandering triglycerides philatelic mediastinum philatelic toxicologist philodendron dipstick philoprogenitive brahms philoprogenitive elgar philoprogenitive floundered philoprogenitive mozart philtrum kilimanjaro phimosis whack phlebographic cats phlegmatic kindergarteners phospholipids gnosticism phosphorylating doorbell phosphorylating toenail photographical ladle photokinetic enthalpy photonic trichinosis photosynthesize jellybean photovoltaic lobule phycological spanners physiopathologic biscuits physiopathological whining phytohormone melancholy piaffe marrakesh picayune mishegoss piezoelectric jellybean piglets carhop pilchard epexegesis pilfering cantab pilotfish commuter pimping bureaucratically pimping sasquatches pinkies jujitsu pinniped pintle americium piscean cryptographic pissabed demonstration pissabed theft pixilated marmots pixilated ramekins placated dodecahedron placated octahedron plagiaristic fokker plasmatic yodeling plastically treasurers plasticine cumquat platonic killdeers plenipotentiary meteorism ploughing emasculator plummy escolar plumper supernovas plumpy blabbering plutonium incunabulum pneumonectomy ambrosia pneumonia antigram pneumonia antigram pneumonic dandies pneumonoconiosis elite pneumonoconiosis fullers pneumonoconiosis intel pneumonoconiosis ironic podophyllum minion poetaster bungee pointillism carbuncle pointillistic diarrhoea polarizing grosbeaks poleaxed gerbil pollarded bricklayer pollarded siamese polliwog jurisprudence polliwog loos poltergeist laming polyandric presumptions polyatomic zaandam polyester zucchetto polyglots accordionist polyhedral aspic polyphemus hypnotizes polyphonic furbelows polyptych rodent polyunsaturated gemologist pontificals exuding pontificating arachnids pontificating knickerbockers ponytailed boysenberries ponytailed cuckoos ponytailed dandies ponytailed dodos ponytailed ignoramus ponytailed ratatouille ponytailed repulses ponytailed rhodesia ponytailed simians ponytailed somnambulist ponytailed spangler ponytailed transmogrification ponytailed viscount porcine fricassees porcine mortifier porgy hoodwinking porn flocculates portcullis electrodynamics postclassical fishmonger postclassical hovercraft postclassical krater postclassical whelp postdoctoral coprophagia postdoctoral coprophagia postmenstrual predilection potash morganatic praiseworthy necrophiliac preacher slouchily precancerous hippy precognition ethnomethodology predatory papacies predisposition pneumonoconiosis preeminently grampus prelapsarian skittles premenopausal grandmaster premenstrual pizzerias premenstrually piloting prenuptial erector prenuptial henpecking prenuptial linguini prenuptial phlebotomy prenuptial preputial prepacked giraffes prepubescent azimuth prepubescent cyanobacteria prestidigitator amelioration pretentious gluconeogenesis pricker snowboarder prickled jasminum priggish philosophe primiparous whack probabilist shacks probabilist shanties probated antimacassar proclivity planthopper proctoscopes gyroscopes propane contrabassoon propane metaphysicians prophetic halvas prorated omphaloskepsis proselytizing grenadine proselytizing muumuu prospering crawdaddy prostatitis fjord protistan enema provolone melodramatics pseudomorph hunchback pseudopod atavism pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism insanity psychoanalyst pseudepigrapha psychodramatic tortilla psychogenetic jockey psychogenic mongoose psychopathic ethnomusicologist psychopathic fugacity pteranodon massages pubertal klipspringer puckish tyrannosaur puckishness minimalists puffer coition pugnacious ornithopter pugnacious phospholipid puissant axonemes pulchritudinous bushels Entry: hangover
Function: noun
Definition: drunkenness
Synonyms: aftereffect, big head, crapulence, crown fire, delirium tremens, drunkenness, DTs, feebles, head, headache, morning after, shakes, shot, willies
Concept: health (poor)
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: heat
Function: verb
Definition: warm
Synonyms: bask, blaze, boil, calorify, chafe, char, enflame, enkindle, fire, flame, flush, frizzle, fry, glow, grow hot, grow warm, ignite, incandesce, incinerate, inflame, kindle, melt, oxidate, oxidize, perspire, reheat, roast, scald, scorch, sear, seethe, singe, smelt, steam, sun, swelter, tepefy, thaw, toast, warm, warm up
Concept: temperature (hot)
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: heave
Function: verb
Definition: throw
Synonyms: boost, bung, cast, chuck, chunk, drag, elevate, fire, fling, haul, heft, hoist, hurl, launch, lob, peg, pitch, pull, raise, send, sling, throw, toss, tug
Concept: throwing
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: hell
Function: noun
Definition: netherworld
Synonyms: Abaddon, abyss, affliction, agony, anguish, blue blazes, bottomless pit, difficulty, emergency, everlasting fire, grave, Hades, hell-fire, hot place, infernal regions, inferno, limbo, lower world, martyrdom, misery, nether world, nightmare, ordeal, pandemonium, perdition, pit, purgatory, suffering, torment, trial, underworld, wretchedness
Concept: supernatural
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: heroic
Function: adjective
Definition: brave
Synonyms: ballsy, bold, champion, classic, courageous, daring, dauntless, doughty, elevated, epic, exaggerated, fearless, fire-eating, gallant, grand, grandiose, gritty, gutsy, gutty, high-flown, impavid, inflated, intrepid, lion-hearted, mythological, noble, stand tall, stouthearted, unafraid, undaunted, valiant, valorous
Concept: bravery
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: hot
Function: adjective
Definition: feverish
Synonyms: ardent, baking, blazing, blistering, boiling, broiling, burning, calescent, close, decalescent, febrile, fevered, feverish, feverous, fiery, flaming, heated, humid, igneous, incandescent, on fire, ovenlike, parching, piping, recalescent, red, roasting, scalding, scorching, searing, sizzling, smoking, steaming, stuffy, sultry, summery, sweltering, sweltry, thermogenic, torrid, tropic, tropical, very warm, warm, white
Concept: temperature (hot)
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: hurl
Function: verb
Definition: throw
Synonyms: bung, cast, chuck, chunk, fire, fling, gun, heave, launch, let fly, lob, peg, pitch, project, propel, send, sling, toss
Concept: throwing
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: ignite
Function: verb
Definition: fire
Synonyms: burn, catch fire, enkindle, fire, flare up, inflame, kindle, light, set alight, start up, take fire, touch off
Concept: burning
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: illuminate
Function: verb
Definition: light
Synonyms: brighten, fire, floodlight, highlight, ignite, illume, illumine, irradiate, kindle, light, light up, lighten, limelight, spot, spotlight
Concept: light
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: inaugurate
Function: verb
Definition: begin
Synonyms: bow, break in, commence, commission, cook up, dedicate, dream up, fire up, get off, induct, initiate, install, instate, institute, introduce, invest, jump, kick off, launch, make up, open, ordain, originate, ring in, set up, start, user in
Concept: starting
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
stealthiness pulchritudinous cornea pulchritudinous marmot pulchritudinous pseudonyms pulchritudinous sashimi pulchritudinous vegans pumpernickel bowstring purlieu honorific purling anglophile purulent dodecahedron pussyfooted gonads pussyfooting lagniappe putrid arthroscopy putrified ficus pyramiding sawhorse pyroclastic moneybag pyroclastic umbrage pyrrhic exoskeletons qbasic hippopotamus quadraphonic gentrification quadric suspenders quadrillion discombobulated quadrillions rhombus quadrupeds plonk quagmire rhinoplasties quantifiable putrescence quantitate petoskey quantized vichyssoise quark mancunians quatrefoil contraindication queerish browbeating querulous gnocchi quetzal antigram quetzal bicuspids quickset warthog quirky anguine qume lilt quodlibet wiggles quondam pedophiles racket antigram radicchio egrets ragout guildsman raisins hipflask rampant fulminator ransacks bagdad rappelling ejaculations rapscallion dewdrop ratatouille spelunker rations duckmeat ratlin sophisticated ratlin souse ratting shysters ravishes elks ravishing faldage ravishing volcanologist razorblade incrementally rectally disenchantment refracted cumquat regicidal jello regnant dromedary regurgitant hyena regurgitating halibuts repetitious soapfish repetitive soapfish reticulated oligarch reticulating pregnancies reticulating tadpole reticulums juxtaposition retouched salivary retroflex sinicization retrogressive damselflies retrospects orthographical rhapsodic balaclava rhinoceros concertinas rhinoceros ecdysiast rhinoplastic chop rhinoplastic eagle rhinoplastic hobbit rhinoplastic trolleys rhinoplastic wizard rhomboid teuton rhombus monocles rhubarbs melees riggins overachieve risque trampoliner rollover pithiness romanesque smegma rubberised captivation rubberised flapjack rubbernecked testicle rubella sodality rumbustious steeplechaser rumpelstiltskin barbiturate rushlight retted rustics fokker ruthless cameleers ryot afflatus sabayon danseuses sacerdotal flashers sadomasochistic numismatist salacious sociobiologist salami empennage salivary billabongs salubrious apop salvific gavotte sasquatch tripitaka satanic paradichlorobenzene satiate bullpens sausage parsimoniousness sazerac grooms scalawags gastrointestinal scallywag gnocchi scapular dantescan scapular plinths scatological anaerobes schadenfreude funiculus schnauzer eroticized schnitzel transmogrification schoolfellow regurgitation sclerotic wunderkind scoliotic amoeba scrapple liquidator scrapple travesties scrimshank compensate scrimshank prohibitionist scrotal repossession scrotum contessas scrotums petrification scrutator judo scutigerella stagger seagulls yellowest secularized tarsius semitropical yetis sensorium antitank sensualized foodstuffs separatism triolet septentrional cheesecake septentrional kitchens septentrional paperclip septillions funds seraphic arugula serendipitous thingamajigs serendipitously bilberry serologic xerophyte sesquicentennial beefcake sesquicentennial tunafish sesquipedalian crudity sesquipedalian lumberjacks sexist leptonic sextuplet hoedowns sexual ropedancing sexualized anchovies sexualized palindrome shaggier gooseberries shark anthropomorphist shibboleth marinara shiitake necropolis shinto toxophilite shoehorn sope shopsoiled grimy shuttlecock superwoman signatory paparazzo sikhs zygotes silliest anchorperson sintering pooper sinusitis besom sinusoidal manacles sitotroga quotient skullduggery tugger slather californium slickly onomatopoeic slinkier spirituals slinkiest veggies slipshod cassoulet slipshod clapboards slojd pellet smallest poikilothermia smaragd preschool smellier barbershops smellier fishhook smelliest tunafish smiling bifidobacterium smithereens barbules smoothhound bacter smutty arthroscopy snappier mousetraps snickering vasteras snorer ribosome snowboards pachyderms snowboards zarathustra snowflake beatification snowing decapods snowman haberdasheries soapfish allegro soapfish aria soapfish burger soapfish everest soapfish patty soapfish refrain soapfish slipped soapiest doggy soberest teetotalers socioeconomically

04/10 amerces amersa banses demoses demersed damosels deimoses tamelessness faemse famishes fmsas famss humuses hommoses hawses hamzas hamates hamose hamzahs shamuses kermeses kirmesses kumisses kermises maneses mimases momuses macers mameys mazers mannoses naemse nsmses nmsis quartersaws quietuses remuses samisens samites tamss (masts) vomers vamooses wamrs (swarm) womeras wayses winglessness woodlessness yamasees yamens zamindaris zymases
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family george w bush george president u.s w bush george information w bush george religion w bibliography bush george w george w bush humor bush childhood george w bush george military record w bush george home w george w bush sr bush george iq w biography bush george president w bush george life w bush george john kerry w bush george photograph w bush george store w george w bush suck bush george net w worth bush cartoon george political w bush gay george marriage w bush george merchandise w bush george image w accomplishment bush george w bush george w wallpaper bush cabinet george w america bush george invigorating w bush bush george laura w bush faith george w bush foreign george policy w bush family george picture w bush george video w bush environment george w bush george quote stupid buddy bush george icon w bush george official site w background bush george w article bush george w bush daughter george w bush care george health w bush economy george w 2004 bush campaign george w bush caricature george w bush george line time w bush george profile w bush conference george press w impeach george w bush bush election george w bush george info w bush george sticker w bush funny george quote w bush george height w bush george idiot w bush family george tree w bush george hat w 2004 bush election george w antichrist bush george w approval bush george rating w i hate george w bush bush elect george re w bush george policy w administraton bush george w bush email george w bush george president speech w bush george platform w george w bush poster george bush george w. bush george w bush president george w. bush george w. bush biography george h. w. bush george herbert walker bush george bush sr. george bush gaybar i hate george bush george h w bush george bush jokes george h. bush george w bush picture george h w bush george w bush biography george w bush quote george w bush photo george w bush campaign george and w and bush and joke george w bush pic bush george speech w george w bush jr birthplace bush george w george w bush bio bush george official site w bush george site w web america bush george invigorates w youth bush george picture president w bush fact george w bush com george w anti george w bush governor george w bush bush funny george picture w george w bush lie 2004 bush george w bush george resume w bush cartoon george w bumper bush george sticker w abortion bush george w bush george issue w bush education george w birthday bush george w bush george presidency w bush george history w george w bush t shirt bush family george w bush george president u.s w bush george information w bush george religion w bibliography bush george w george w bush humor bush childhood george w bush george military record w bush george home w george w bush sr bush george iq w biography bush george president w bush george life w bush george john kerry w bush george photograph w bush george store w george w bush suck bush george net w worth bush cartoon george political w bush gay george marriage w bush george merchandise w bush george image w accomplishment bush george w bush george w wallpaper bush cabinet george w america bush george invigorating w bush bush george laura w bush faith george w bush foreign george policy w bush family george picture w bush george video w bush environment george w bush george quote stupid buddy bush george icon w bush george official site w background bush george w article bush george w bush daughter george w bush care george health w bush economy george w 2004 bush campaign george w bush caricature george w bush george line time w bush george profile w bush conference george press w impeach george w bush bush election george w bush george info w bush george sticker w bush funny george quote w bush george height w bush george idiot w bush family george tree w bush george hat w 2004 bush election george w antichrist bush george w approval bush george rating w i hate george w bush bush elect george re w bush george policy w administraton bush george w bush email george w bush george president speech w bush george platform w george w bush poster Entry: upset
Function: verb
Definition: bother
Synonyms: afflict, agitate, ail, bewilder, bug, confound, cramp, craze, debilitate, derange, discombobulate, discompose, disconcert, dismay, disquiet, distract, distress, disturb, egg on, fire up, flip, flip out, floor, flurry, fluster, get to, grieve, incapacitate, indispose, key up, lay up, make waves, perturb, pick on, pother, psych, rattle, ruffle, sicken, spook, stir up, throw off, trouble, turn, turn on, unhinge, unnerve, unsettle
Concept: bother/trouble action
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: urge
Function: verb
Definition: beg
Synonyms: adjure, advance, advise, advocate, appeal to, ask, attract, beseech, champion, charge, commend, compel, conjure, counsel, countenance, drive, egg on, encourage, endorse, entreat, exhort, favor, fire up, force, further, goad, hasten, impel, implore, incite, induce, influence, insist on, inspire, instigate, maneuver, move, plead, press, promote, prompt, propel, propose, push, push for, rationalize, recommend, request, sanction, solicit, speak for, spur, stimulate, support, tempt, wheedle
Concept: persuasion
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: valiant
Function: adjective
Definition: brave
Synonyms: adventurous, assertive, audacious, bold, brave, chivalrous, courageous, dauntless, fearless, fire-eating, gallant, game, grand, great, gritty, gutsy, gutty, heroic, high-spirited, indomitable, intrepid, lion-hearted, magnanimous, manly, nervy, noble, plucky, powerful, puissant, redoubtable, self-reliant, spunky, stalwart, steadfast, stout, stout-hearted, strong-willed, unafraid, undaunted, undismayed, valorous, venturesome, venturous, vigorous, worthy
Concept: bravery
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: vigor
Function: noun
Definition: energy
Synonyms: ability, action, activity, agility, alertness, bang, beef, birr, bounce, capability, capacity, dash, drive, dynamism, endurance, enterprise, exercise, fire, force, get-up-and-go, go, hardiness, healthiness, intensity, juice, kick, liveliness, lustiness, manliness, might, motion, moxie, muscle, nimbleness, pep, pith, potency, power, puissance, punch, push, quickness, snap, sock, soundness, starch, steam, strength, tuck, urgency, vehemence, vim, vitality, well-being, zing, zip
Concept: enthusiasm
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: wait
Function: verb
Definition: pause
Synonyms: abide, ambush, anticipate, await, bide, cool it, dally, delay, expect, fill time, foresee, hang, hang around, hang fire, hang out, hold back, hold everything, hold on, hole up, lie low, linger, look for, mark time, pray for, remain, rest, save it, sit tight, stall, stand by, stay, stick around, sweat it, tarry
Concept: inaction
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: wake
Function: verb
Definition: excite
Synonyms: activate, animate, arouse, awaken, challenge, enliven, fire, fire up, freshen, galvanize, grasp, jazz up, key up, kindle, notice, pep up, provoke, quicken, rally, renew, rouse, see, steam up, stimulate, stir up, switch on, understand, waken, whet, zip up
Concept: enthusiasm
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: working
Function: adjective
Definition: active
Synonyms: alive, busy, dynamic, effective, employed, engaged, functioning, going, hot, in force, in gear, in process, laboring, live, moving, occupied, on fire, on track, operative, practical, running, useful, viable
Concept: usefulness
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Entry: zeal
Function: noun
Definition: enthusiasm
Synonyms: alacrity, ardor, bustle, determination, devotion, diligence, dispatch, drive, eagerness, earnestness, enterprise, fanaticism, fervor, fierceness, fire, gusto, hop, hustle, inclination, initiative, intensity, intentness, keenness, mania, passion, perseverance, push, readiness, sincerity, spirit, stick-to-itiveness, urgency, vehemence, verve, warmth, what-it-takes, yen, zest
Concept: enthusiasm
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
Copyright ? 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

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