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While undergoes extensive elective surgery, its editors pen somber, Shackletonian missives from their lonely arctic outpost.

Friday, October 15, 2021 FRIDAY 'ROUND-THE-HORN.

Pure charm.

Maybe sometime Ill see that new Dave Chappelle special butthe last one he did in 2019,as I wrote at the time, was more interesting as a social phenomenon than it was enjoyable as a comedy show. And I gotta say this bit from Rod Dreher, just before he begins to blubber about how the mean journalists and Twitter posters are cancelling a comedian who is richer and more famous than all of them put together, is not propitious:

Have you seen the new Dave Chappelle special on Netflix yet? Its not bad not great, but not bad. It has some some laugh-out-loud lines, but mostly its pedestrian. Chappelles great, but this isnt his best stuff.

Drehers such a lousy writer hes always dropping tells, and doesnt he sound here like someone who wants you to show support for some entertainment product on ideological grounds -- like hes trying to muscle you to attend a fundraising concert -- but he also wants to tip you off that the product isnt so hot so, when you see it and find that out, you wont think he has shitty taste? Theres a bunch of Ernst Lubitsch on the Criterion Channel I havent seen yet, so who needs it.

OK, heres the freebie from this weeks Roy Edroso Breaks It Down for you guys who havent subscribed. Its the one about a lightly disguised football coach who was canned for his slurs. I already told you about it here on Wednesday, though. Maybe you feel deprived, even cheated. Well, heres an idea: Why not subscribe? $7/month for five-day-a-week delivery (less if you go annual-plan) is value for money even in Substack World, plus you get a pass to read everything in the archives -- three years worth of quality political commentary, humor, criticism, and even some artistic hooey, plus you get to comment. Think what an impression youll make at your next fancy society party when someone brings up, say, Andrew Yang, and you smoothly interject, I subscribe to Roy Edrosos Substack, and he says Andrew Yang -- well, I cant quite remember what, but the gist was Andrew Yang is a piece of shit. Why, your interlocutors will say, I never thought of it that way. Roy Edroso, you say? I thought he died a long time ago. Suicide. No, you will rejoin, youre thinking of Yukio Mishima, whom he closely resembles artistically. Theyll look at you differently thereafter, I assure you, and a subscription costs less all other means of making such an impression, e.g. new clothes, a spectacular haircut, or bail after you trash the place.

No comments: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 FREE SPEECH DEFECT.

Heres a rare midweek release of a Roy Edroso Breaks It Down freebie to the non-members among you, about one conservatives (and every ones, really) response to the firing of an NFL coach for years of offensive messages. It is, as they say in the promos, inspired by true events.

As I always say whenever the cancelculture crybabies rush to defend some big name like Coach Gruden who will almost certainly die rich of old age in his bed despite his cancellation, I would happily accept laws that kept such people from being fired, suspended, or otherwise punished for speech so long as the law also applied to the non-rich, such as the trans Netflix employee who, so far as I know, is the only person who has actually suffered for what they've said about the Dave Chapelle special (notwithstanding the fantasies of rightwingers who go I bet my buddies will get fired for writing a good review of The Closer I bet I bet -- bitch, show me one!). But conservatives never accept that deal, for some reason.

Though Erick Erickson is not my model for the REBID item (when he is, I take greater care to ape his awfulness specifically), his own essay on the subject was inspirational. Its full of nuggets like these:

Gruden said in private what other people might say, including referring to Joe Biden in 2012 as a nervous clueless pussy. Whether you like it or not, these conversations happen among friends who sometimes use coarse language.

This was clearly an orchestrated effort to punish Gruden for past comments and drive him out of the NFL. We can speculate on who did it. But we should really focus on the problem here that keeps happening.

Theres so much ugly-stupid in there, but for me the suggestion that Gruden was targeted by the NFL because he said something bad about Joe Biden once, plausibly-deniable chickenshit though it is, doesnt approach the cowardliness of the Gruden said in private what other people might say argument. Erickson cant even go all the way with the logic of his essay: that its so common and understandable to use racist, misogynist, and homophobic slurs on a regular basis that anyone, including himself, might do it.

Im not saying Erickson spews like Gruden did; obviously hes too weaselly to expose himself like that. But if he were more forthright about his assertion, he might be forced to explain why, in his experience, conversations that happen among friends who sometimes use coarse language (not his friends, surely!) so frequently include these slurs. Or would that be a critical race theory question to ask, since it implies American bigotry didnt die at Appomattox?

Cant resist adding this bit from Ericksons essay after this one, about how mandatory vaccination against pandemic viruses is liberal tyranny:

When my father-in-law went for an antibody infusion the other day, the nurse told him the infusions were in short supply. According to the nurse, the Biden Administration was punishing Georgia, Florida, and other states that had no mask or vaccine mandates by withholding antibody infusion doses. Whether that is true or not is beside the point. The point is the nurse believed it and is relaying that to patients. That will have an effect and, in fact, the Biden Administration is withholding antibody doses for reasons that remain nebulous. [Italics added]

I mean, the anonymous authority with an outlandish accusation that the author disseminates is standard procedure with, for example, Rod Dreher, but I dont think even Dreher would just admit up front that it may be bullshit.

No comments: Friday, October 08, 2021 FRIDAY 'ROUND-THE-HORN.

Weird to see them show-bizzin' it up here-- I always imagined them
all serious, even pained, in a church. Shows what I know!

I've been asked more than once this week what I think about Rod Dreher getting greater-than-usual dissemination in the mainstream press for his recent bizarre reminiscence about being in third grade and ogling his black classmate's "primitive root wiener when we were at the urinal during recess, because it was monstrous." But I have followed Dreher for many years and frankly this doesn't even make my Top Ten wacko Dreher moments, such as his friend's wife's exorcism ("his wifes face contorts into expressions that he has never seen in her, despite their nearly two decades of marriage"). Besides, as far as racism goes, the Mandingo root weiner may be funny, but I've seen so much of the guy's less-funny racism, such as his suggestion that if airlines hire more black pilots, airplanes will "start falling out of the sky"(because, come on, black people flying planes!), that it has lost it charm for me. Meanwhile Dreher's still dropping gibberish like this on the regular:

A reader who grew up in communist Czechoslovakia said the letter from the National School Board Association to President Biden, asking for the feds to move in to protect school boards from angry parents, reminds him of this August 1968 letter that the Communist leadership of his native country sent to Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, fraternally requesting an invasion to protect them from the Czech people...

But while this comparison of a DOJ investigation into violent threats by rightwing freaks against school board members for purposes of intimidation to the crushing of the Prague Spring is clinically insane, it's well within the range of mainstream conservative opinion, so we can count on the prestige press to continue to fluff Dreher the way they have Hugh Hewitt and other such ogres as fascinating contrarians.

I have cleared only one Roy Edroso Breaks It Down entry for readers who are not paying subscribers -- the latest in a series of conservative columns about how you liberals are just silly to worry about another attempted Trump coup (bringing to mind the old Tom Lehrer lyric: "Once all the Germans were warlike and mean/ But that couldn't happen again/ We taught them a lesson in 1918/ And they've hardly bothered us since then"). It's been such an action-packed week that you should really consider subscribing. I mean, take today's entry on the new political party/grift created by Andrew Yang. (Here's a free column of mine from 2019about how I knew Yang was no good. Sometimes the gift of prophecy is a curse!) That alone is worth the $7 monthly subscription rate -- and it's just one of the twenty (20) issues you get for that price! It's almost wasteful not to subscribe!

No comments: Friday, October 01, 2021 FRIDAY 'ROUND-THE-HORN.

Crossing the streams.

Busy week! And I haven't much left for y'all here. Free from the newsletter for non-subscribers (and what are they waiting for, an invitation?) (If they are, I invite them to subscribe!), I offer one inspired by the weird Stephanie Grisham anecdote about Trump and his "Music Man."Many layers of WTF in that story -- assuming it's true, and I don't, because let's face it, why should anyone trust any ex-Trump officials to tell the truth, especially the ones who were specifically hired to lie? The only way anyone's gonna be interested in her book is if it's got hot parts. If it were a Profiles in Courage treatment of Tubby, I doubt even local Republican chapters would spring for bestseller-list-goosing bulk-rate boxes of Ill Take Your Questions Now. But with stories like Trump calling Grisham to defend his penis, they'll get some thrill-seekers at least, probably from both sides of the aisle -- conservatives know as well as we do what a buffoon he is; they just think it's great that we had him as president because, at bottom, they hate this country because they think black people and feminists are taking it over, and so love to see it humiliated. Anyway, enjoy!

No comments: Friday, September 24, 2021 FRIDAY 'ROUND-THE-HORN.

I wonder if the younger readers get as much pleasure
out of these Stan Freberg spots as I do.

Only one Roy Edroso Breaks It Down freebie this week (though why dont you visit the archive and look at some of my previous unlocked issues -- yes, theyre topical, but also deathless): The one about Bari Weiss and yet another of her stupid cancelculture whinges. While I'm at it heres another Wari Beiss thing from back in May; boy, that ones still daisy-fresh, too. How do I do it? I trust in the Lord, kids!

Things have changed around here since I used to fill up alicublog with reports on commentators with names like The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler and Ace of Spades. (Yes, theyre still around! Find them yourselves if you think you can stand it.) No need for that, mostly, as the crass stupidity of the old blogging days has advanced to the top ranks of conservatism, either through the direct engagement of rightbloggers (as we used to call them) or by old-school rightwing journalists like Rich Lowry aping the rabble. Among the latter is Peggy Noonan who has preserved all her old, horrible prose crotchets while dropping culture-war hankies in hopes of attracting the regnant rubeoisie. Take her latest:

What Milley Got Rightand Wrong
His preoccupation with his own image points to a larger problem, though his talk with Li was justified.

The nu-style conservatives have been screaming their heads off for Joint Chiefs chair Milley, who was reported to have assured the Chinese that then-lame-duck-president Tubby would not blow up the world, to be fired or tried for treason to expiate this offense to the former guys good name. Even assuming the reporting is accurate, this is ridiculous, and as eager to get with it as Noonan is, she cant quite indulge it, but (maybe I should say so) she finds something else to score Milley for: First, vanity (LOL, cmon), and then -- wokeness!

While the wars were being fought, did top brass keep the military a step apart from the damaging cultural and political swirls that have swept the nation?

It looks to me as if they have been too eager to prove they have all the right cultural and political predicates, that they want the media and political class to see this. That theyre desperate for them to see it.

Looking for proof of this claim? You dont know our Peggy -- she's more into implications and buzzwords than evidence.

But the U.S. military is the most respected institution in the country in part because its members arent like the country They are called on to preserve and protect the Constitution. Theyll die for you. They dont make you swear to that at Oberlin.


The services should be bringing in everybodywomen, sexual minoritiesgathering all the talent they can, because only our talent will give us the edge in future wars, which will come. Talent comes from all quarters.

But that doesnt mean adopting the ideologies and assumptions of the leftist cultural regime that reigns in other institutionsCritical Race Theory, wokeness. Dont let that stuff in. If in your reviews of the past 20 years you determine you have, stop. Your future and ours depend on it.

As mentioned, Noonan offers no citations to back up the implied charge, borrowed from the current rightwing avant-garde, that the military is woke. And I think she has some idea of what those guys are trying to communicate about it to their meathead followers (lookit, rainbow dogtags durr hurr!), which is why she coats herself with the Plausible Deniability Concealing Spray of that bit about welcoming sexual minorities. She doesnt want to be held responsible for the slur, but she wants the people who love it to know she hears them, and hopes it will convince them that shes not just an old Reaganoid priss to be dropped out of the helicopters with the libs.

No comments: Sunday, September 19, 2021 NO, MR. MAGA, I EXPECT YOU TO DIE.

I mean:

Nolte: Howard Stern Proves Democrats Want Unvaccinated Trump Voters Dead

Do you want to know why I think Howard Stern is going full-monster with his mockery of three fellow human beings who died of the coronavirus? Because leftists like Stern and CNNLOL and Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and Anthony Fauci are deliberately looking to manipulate Trump supporters into not getting vaccinated

Not even kidding: John Nolte of Breitbarts argument here is that liberals have been using reverse psychology -- a concept you may recall from old sitcoms and cartoons! -- to keep conservatives from getting vaccinated, thus killing them.

How does that work? Nolte lays it out:

1.) Liberals are, in his words, pieces of shit and scumbags, so conservatives hate them;

2.) Liberals, using their status as pieces of shit and scumbags, have bullied or ridiculed or mocked or pushed conservatives to get vaccinated, knowing this will cause them to have the perfectly human response of refusing to get vaccinated.

Theres so much wrong with this: For one thing, this only sounds like a perfectly human response if youre five years old. For another, before anyone made fun of conservatives for refusing to get vaccinated, they had to start dying in massive numbers but still continue to tell pollsters that they wouldnt get vaccinated, and had to march in multiple protests and their red-state governors had to issue orders against vaccine mandates, and they had to resort to horse paste and other folk remedies out of fear that the vaccine would load them up with microchips or liberalism or whatever.

Nolte also suggests that the liberal media was hiding the fact that nearly nobody who gets vaccinated dies of COVID-19. But that fact has been well-publicized by, among others, CNN -- excuse me, CNNLOL.

Ive heard some people say, well, whatever it takes to get these guys vaccinated is good. But this wont get them to vaccinate. These people booed Donald Trump when he told them to get vaccinated. You think John Nolte is going to turn them around?

I dont think Nolte expects it either -- and neither do the nuts like DeSantis and Greg Abbott who are keeping their states petri dishes for the virus. In fact Im sure they expect hundreds of thousands more to die, and their plan then is to blame liberals for their own death-waves (DeSantis has already started), because at this stage in the decadence of conservatism thats how they do everything -- like when they run up massive debts giving the rich tax cuts, and then scream when Democrats do deficit spending to recover the rest of the country from the damage of the pandemic.

So if you think at Noltes column is an attempt at double reverse psychology -- getting conservatives who are staying unvaccinated to own the libs to instead get vaccinated to own the libs -- consider how they do everything else, and see the truth: It's not about saving lives, it's about saving face.

No comments: Friday, September 17, 2021 FRIDAY 'ROUND-THE-HORN.

I'm very fond of Paul Simon's "Loves Me Like a Rock'
with the Dixie Hummingbirds on bkg voc,
But I think I prefer their own version. What about you?

How about some Roy Edroso Breaks It Down freebies? Here, a fantasia inspired by the hilariously catastrophic California recall effort (previously covered here at alicublog). Larry Elder, beaten by 26 points in the recall, is proclaiming victory in a Trumpian manner by showing how red the map of California counties is, because it shows... how far ahead of #2 loser Kevin Paffrath he is. Like Newsom, Paffrath's a Democrat, see, so he beat a Democrat, so he won. That's how deep in fantasy Republicans will burrow just to avoid the stink of loserdom -- but that was also shown by the 59% of them who still think Trump won the 2020 election (or, more to the point, think it's either very or somewhat "important" to "believe that Donald Trump won the 2020 election" -- a nice distinction that suggests objective reality isn't part of the equation).

Oh, and here's another oneabout Peggy Noonan's latest lunacy and why the Never- and Just-the-Tip-Trumpers are really starting to bug me.

If you want to read someone good other than me, Greg Sargent at the Washington Posthas a nice one about how the racist "replacement theory" that liberals are flooding America with non-whites to "steal" the country from honky hegemony -- famously expounded by the yahoos at the 2017 Charlottesville protest -- is fastbecoming a Republican talking point. Of course the basic idea, which was once the sort of thing only Birchers and Klansmen would express in public forums, has been floating at the top layer of conservative discourse for some time. Witness Stanley Kurtz of National Reviewwho has been raving for years about how Democrats are going to "abolish the suburbs" -- that is, enforce the Fair Housing Act via the federal Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing program, which would cause "de facto urbanization of Americas suburbs" -- and if you know your ooga-booga, you know what that means! From a typical 2020 Kurtz rant:

If you force urbanites into suburbs, force suburbanites back into cities, and redistribute suburban tax revenue, then presto! You have effectively abolished the suburbs.

Gasp -- it's base-mixing! Before you know it, young "suburbanites" may be socializing with "urbanites" -- even dating them! In the same essay Kurtz laments that "Republicans have been too clueless or timid to make an issue of the Democrats anti-suburban plans." Well, Sargent shows that's changing.

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