About France - the French information website and travel guide

Web Name: About France - the French information website and travel guide

WebSite: http://about-france.com





guide to Francethan just anonline travelguide, About-France.comis a website filled withhundreds of pages of relevant and usefulinformation about France. The practical travel and tourist informationpages onParis, French regions, driving in France, and a whole lot more, arejust part of a much wider exploration of modern France. Otherpages of this website cover a wide range oftopics of interest tostudents and anyone wanting to understand French life, cultureand traditions,but also the nation's institutionsand the French language.► For information on travel restrictions and French measures to combat the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, see Coronavirus in France►FranceasatouristdestinationInspiteofeverything, Franceremains the world's number one touristdestination, and by and large it remains one of the safer places in theworld to visit. it's not hardto understand why. France has it all - or more or less. It has touristsights for all tastes; it has some of the greatest beachesEurope, as well as the highest mountains and the finest historicmonuments,the most beautiful cities, the most idyllic countryside,the mostmagnificent castles, the finest rivers,andplenty more, not to mention some of the best restaurants and thefinest winesand more hotelsthan any other country in Europe.Mont Saint Michel, Normandy France has something for everyone,which is one ofthe reasons why it remains the world's number one tourist destination.It has magnificent holiday opportunities for everything from a shortweekend city break, in places such as Paris,Nice or Bordeaux, to a relaxed family holiday in a gitein the countryside, a week or two's relaxation by the seaside, or anenergetic break hiking, climbing, kayaking or cycling in France's great outdoors.ParisParisis just the icing on the cake - the French capital city and surely theinteresting city in the world. With its museums and monuments, its fineboulevards and its river Seine, its culture, its restaurants and itsunique atmosphere, Paris is a city that you can visit for a weekor a month or a year, and never tire of. In the memorable words ofThomas Jefferson, "A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history,beauty, and in the point of life." And much more too. ButParisis just a starting point. France is much so much more than just Paris.Culturaltourism in FranceFrench museumsand art galleries- which contrary to popular belief are not all located in Paris - offera magnificent collection of works of art and artefacts; and for thosefor whom a holiday is an opportunity to discover Europe's historicheritage, France's greatcathedrals, medieval castles, and thousands ofother ancient monuments are a treasure trove waiting to be discovered.For themed breaks, the châteaux of the Loire (in the Centre region ofFrance) are an obvious choice; among the many other historic sites,consider discovering the Romanremains of Provencethe medieval bastidetowns of the southwest, or the castles and caves of the Dordogne.There are even some scenicsteam railwaysfor people who enjoy a trip down memory lane. Check out the regionalguides for information on sights, monuments and tourist attractions ineach area.French seaside: July and August, France's Mediterranean beaches tend to be prettypacked; this is particularly the case in the famous resorts of Provence andthe French Riviera. By contrast, the long sandy beaches of the Languedoc offer muchmore legroom. Away from the resorts, Brittanyoffers plenty of good beaches, with the added fun of tides and goodwaves; and France's Atlantic coast, south of the Loire, has plenty oflong sandy beaches, in the regions of Poitou-Charentesand Aquitaine.South of Bordeaux, there are mile upon mile of fine beaches.For more information see guide to the French coast.Franceoff the beaten track:you want the life, culture and bustle of the big city, go to Paris.But France is a lot more than Paris. There are plenty ofplaces in deepest ruralFrance that are still verymuch off the beaten track; and for campingholidays, giteholidays, or for those who are content to put up in small rural inns,several regions in France offer wonderful holiday opportunities awayfrom it all. Five French departments (counties) that are particularlyworth checking out are the Aveyron (Midi Pyreneesregion), the Haute Loire (part of the Auvergneregion, recommended for 2016 by Lonely Planet as one of the ten regionsof the world to visit),the Corrèze (Limousin),the Jura (FrancheComté)and the Vosges (Lorraine):all these departments include sparsely populated areas, attractivescenery, and plenty of leisure opportunities - or just some greatplaces to sit back with a glass of wine, relax, and enjoy the peace andquiet. One of the best times of year to visit France off the beatentrack is Autumn,specially in the south of the country.Drivingin FranceFrance has an extensive network of motorways, and many of them offerrelatively relaxed driving conditions, except at peak periods. Off themotorways, driving on France's backroads can be a way to discovermotoring as it used to be, a pleasurable experience and a way todiscover the country. For more information click for ourguide- drivingtips and advice. and our checklistof things not to forget before you leave.Frenchculture and institutionsFinally, for those who are looking for deeper information aboutFrance, this website contains pages explaining the main Frenchinstitutions and the functioning of Frenchlife, including theeducation systemand Frenchuniversities, plus pages on the French way of politics,the French economyand the press.There is also a clearly written guide to the main points of Frenchgrammar.search: click here to searchAbout-France.comUse the site search functionto look for information by keyword, or follow the hyperlinks from pageto related page, to discover a wealth of information about France,French life and customs, tourism in France and the ways and life of themost visited country in Europe.With input from specialists inFrench and UK universities, About-France.com is a website that appliesacademic standards in terms of content, accuracy and style.Websiteand all pages © Copyright About-France.com 2003 -the most of your trip to Paris; Information on attractions, Parishotels, transport, and lots more.and useful information on driving in and through France - motorways,tolls, where to stay....Othermeans of transport and travel in France - train, plane, canaland even on foot.life and living in France, includingworking in France, living in France, food and eating, education,shopping.About-France.com does not collect or store any personal data: cookiesare used to enable full functionality of the website. If you are OKwith this, click orotherwise click for furtherdetails

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