Swansea & Port Talbot Docks History Website

Web Name: Swansea & Port Talbot Docks History Website

WebSite: http://www.swanseadocks.co.uk





Introduction This website has been created by a group of local ex-docks employees with a view to providing a glimpse into the activities at Swansea & Port Talbot Docks in days gone by. Many contributors have sent us information and photographs over the years, and to these individuals we are extremely grateful.As well as an extensive selection of photographs, the website incorporates many articles on the history, development and trade of the ports of Swansea and Port Talbot, and all this information can be accessed from the menu buttons below. We hope you will enjoy browsing through the many and varied topics the site has to offer. For a more complete breakdown of our subject matter, visit the CONTENTS page. Latest updates/additions to site: Old Dock Images - 26th Sept 2020 Shipping, Tankers - 18th Sept 2020 Aerial Images, Swansea - 28th Aug 2020 SWANSEA

TAGS:Talbot Port Swansea 

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