Optibuilds.com | Pathfinder Optimized Builds SRD

Web Name: Optibuilds.com | Pathfinder Optimized Builds SRD

WebSite: http://www.optibuilds.com





Visit Optibuilds PDF page.  Find great optimized Pathfinder builds for a variety of character classes.  These builds are updated from time to time as new Pathfinder feats, rules, etc come out. When that happens, anyone who has purchased a particular Optibuilds PDF receives an updated version.  So your PDF will never be out-dated.Greatest Martial Archers PDF  Maybe you just want to experience the pinnacle of archery.  There is something about not missing the target and exploding with maximum damage. Barbarian, Bloodrager, Fighter, Monk (Sohei), Paladin, Ranger, and Slayer Archers.  Oh My!Divine Caster-Archer PDF    You know you want to be an ultimate divine caster and archer with a companion or familiar? Try these ridiculous Cleric, Druid, Hunter, Inquisitor, Oracle, Warpriest, and Vigilante builds in this mega PDF.    Baker s Dozen  get all the original Optibuild PDFs for 60% off. Get the original Witch, Shaman, Inquisitor, Bard, Magus, Martial and Pocket Cohorts, Icons, Skald, Slayers, Skills, Investigator, Paladin and Hunters Guides. Visit  Optibuilds Guides page.  Find quick tip guides to the various Pathfinder Classes.  These guides show the thought process that Optibuilds utilizes to begin making its optimized character builds.  These guides are also a great way to figure out what character classes suit your interests the best. Meleers: 1) Paladin Protector; 2) Two-Weapon Shield/Spikes; 3) Scimitar and Blaster Bard; 4) Ninja Dirty Fighting; 5) Mounted Cleric; 6) Barbarian AC Tank; 7) Barbarian Switch Hitter; 8) Oracle Switch Hitter; 9) Shadow Striker BarbarianArchers: 1) Monk Zen Archer; 2) Mounted Inquisitor Archer; 3) Arcane Archer / Eldritch Knight; 4) Paladin Archer; 5) Barbarian Switch Hitter; 6) Rogue Archer; 7) Ranger Archer; 8) Ninja Archer; 9) Fighter Archer; 10) Oracle Switch Hitter 11) Shadow Striker BarbarianPure Spellcaster: Wizard Spellslinger  admin says: September 14, 2013 at 8:13 am Thanks a lot. I appreciate it. I get lots of people who have a question on builds. I rarely get posters who say they like my builds. Even more rarely do I get posters that say they just appreciate my builds who have no other questions.It takes significant time to put builds together, but, then again, I like doing it and like sharing them. Kevin says: August 26, 2015 at 12:03 pm Keep them coming. I myself thoroughly enjoy building for fun and have made a few Im particularly proud of. I enjoy your build and have gained a few good ideas from them. Furthermore i plan to NPC a couple of your builds to shake up my players. Every time they start to settle in our adventure i throw a stone. You just gave me my stone. Nick the Needle says: August 21, 2017 at 9:29 pm I also like your builds very much! Really GREAT JOB! I played an elven woman, with your eldritch knight/arcane archer build (with some minor modifications I must admit, for example I picked the conjuration school and the teleportation sub-school domain to have the teleport as a swift action) but, overall, it was a great experience and I was impressed by it.I managed to craft a +7 bow with that girl and many nice and expensive gear parts and I could almost always optimize at the fullest my buffing before battles or other situations, so I did LARGE amounts of dmg per round, and on top of that, I was a fully prepared wizard with so many choices of high lvl spells (at 15 lvl I can cast 7th lvl spells and at 16 lvl 8th lvl spells) for cc or damage etc.. I can almost do everything with this player! Very nice build! Still enjoying her! Keep on the great work guys and thank you! Timothy Bow says: January 6, 2014 at 4:27 pm This site is really great. I really enjoy looking at the builds and just thinking about how they would fit into my current group. My only critisism is that a few of the builds are pretty hard to build from level 1. All in all a very fun site. RogueMD says: March 10, 2014 at 9:01 pm Thanks for the great site. I enjoy your builds; very clever and thought provoking. You seem to know how to get the most out of the mountain of information out there. admin says: July 30, 2014 at 1:21 pm Cool. Let me know how it went. Custom person builds? I might do that someday. Good idea. Donations? First, thanks for buying the PDF. That is support. I may add some way to donate to the site. We will see. Dineen says: August 8, 2014 at 12:26 am Greetings!Thanks for the tips and tricks. I just wanted to say awesome reading, and I purchased the skills/witch pdfs I do have some questions, particularly on the Half-Orc Witch Could I email them to you? Don t want to spoil anything for the PDF.Thanks again! admin says: November 23, 2014 at 11:30 pm Hey Matthew, that Sap build you were asking about is in the Slayer PDF Part 1. Get it and let me know what you think. I hope it lives up to what you were expecting. Best case scenario, I think I had it doing over 300 points of damage in a single round. If you have any questions about it, you contact me. MLG says: November 9, 2014 at 8:51 pm i love your builds thank you so much i just fell in love with the Eldritch knight archer and the Wizard spellslinger i would love to see more builds in the future possibly an optimized cavalier i d imagine that would be fun but again thanks for the builds and i hope to see more coming up soon admin says: November 23, 2014 at 11:37 pm I am glad that you had fun with the archer and Spellslinger. Right now I am focusing of the new Hybrid Classes and making guides and PDFs for them.That said, I believe that one of two of them will have a dip into Cavalier. If and when they do, I will let you know. Thanks for the post admin says: November 23, 2014 at 11:45 pm Most GMs won t allow their players to be a werewolf. That said, the kind of character that everyone could play that would fall into the category you are thinking about is a natural weapon Bloodrager. The Bloodrager guide is completed and there will soon be a PDF that will have a natural weapon character included. If your GM allows you to be a werewolf, then converting the build that will be in the PDF to a werwolf should be easy.Keep enjoying the game and enjoying this site. Talk to you later man. MLG says: December 28, 2014 at 11:25 pm hey thanks for replying to m comments and awesome i can t wait for the Bloodrager and unarmed builds thanks a lot man again love the site and all your build keep up the fantastic work i love everything about this website Stephen says: March 31, 2015 at 9:55 pm I really like reading your builds. I m new to Pathfinder, and all of my games are Pathfinder Society. Can I use the builds in the PDF section in PFS? I know some of the builds you have listed for free I can not use (for instance, I can not play a Tiefling, unless I have a boon in PFS now). These still make for great reads, and are inspirational.Thank you!Also, do you offer a discount for buying multiple PDFs? admin says: March 31, 2015 at 10:27 pm In earnest, i do not keep up with all of the PFS rules. It is just too many for me to keep up with. Plus, they are constantly changing. That said, if I were guessing, I would say that you could use 80% of the builds on this site and/or in the PDFs in PFS with little or no changes. Also, remember the PDFs come with multiple builds and suggestions for multiple races. If you bought a PDF and wanted to play a build that needed modification, I would give you suggestion on the changes I would make. You would have to alert me to the PFS rule that needed to be accommodated. Lastly, I do not currently offer discounts for multiple purchases. I simply try to offer each PDF for as low a price as possible. admin says: April 1, 2015 at 12:06 pm Additionally, you should be able to play the Tiefling build in PFS. I guess what you are saying is that Tieflings are not allowed in PFS absent something you call a boon . I say simply replace the Tiefling with another race that has claws. Problem solved. Mark Gray says: July 29, 2016 at 11:26 am As a new Pathfinder player, wading into the mountain range of available material is a daunting endeavor, even barring non Paizo work. I really want to thank you for your efforts to make the game more enjoyable for we the newbies. ? Sandwiz says: June 28, 2017 at 8:54 pm Can you build a legal Pathfinder character that is actually a floating sandwich? Some guy on RPG.net allegedly did it once for 3.x. I am thinking of a roast beef and cheese hoagie with olives on toothpicks for eyes and a bottom bun that flaps when he talks. Maybe you could create a homunculus then polymorph it into a sandwich and use magic jar to switch minds with the sandwich. Add permanent levitation, ventriloquism and mage hand and it could float around the dungeon casting spells. I know that particular configuration would not work, but can it be done? Feel free to use Mythic, Unchained, etc.Help me, Optibuilds, you re my only hope! nunya says: July 20, 2017 at 1:22 pm Your Arcane Archer / Eldritch Knight page lacks the ability to comment on it. If you fix that, and can move this comment there, please do so.I ve discovered a problem. The Wizard s bonus feat CANNOT be used to gain Arcane Strike. Indeed, NONE of the feats this character has can be gained via the Wizard s bonus feat. The Wizard s bonus feat is restricted to Metamagic, Item Creation, and Spell Mastery type feats.I also wanted to applaud whoever had the decency to post builds that didn t require a ton of arcane books, and wonder if perhaps builds could be labeled as to what books they re using. Brian Perlis says: October 28, 2017 at 5:46 pm Is there a way you could put together a bundle of all your products? Even if it is full price.Right now every time you click something it expects you to pay immediately. I dont mind spending good money on worthy products but I m not going to work that hard to do it: Aaron says: November 1, 2017 at 6:27 pm I have just purchased the Investigator Part 1 guide and noticed that on the first level of the Dexterous Rapier Investigator build the chosen feat is Slashing Grace (Rapier) but as far as I know you can t choose Slashing Grace for a piercing weapon or am I wrong? admin says: November 2, 2017 at 7:14 pm You are correct. Amazing that no one has caught that issue. Replace the Rapier with a Short sword. Conversely, you could take the heirloom weapon trait and get proficiency with a scimitar. I will correct this in the guide shortly and send it out to everyone. alex says: May 4, 2018 at 8:35 am Just been trying out the paladin build and it s so much fun! I would have never considered a paladin in D D after how terrible they used to be and can be without the right choices. Quick Question: when you re doing the suggested magic items, it looks like you re using the cost to make price for most things, not the base sale price. What s the assumption around that? Alex says: May 7, 2018 at 4:22 pm That’s a bit misleading. Also some items are show as cost and some as purchase. I think it’s an incorrect assumption too. The character wealth by level is 108k. It’s not 216k worth of wealth bought at half price. Ben Barbersmith says: April 7, 2020 at 3:31 am I love these guides thank you for publishing so much awesome content!I built a Pathfinder app that I think might be interesting to your audience and I d like to talk to you about adding a link to your site or giving away some free subscriptions to your audience. I m willing to pay a fair price for it! If you re up for discussing it, please email me at ben@spelltrackerapp.com and we can chat.Thanks! Russell G. says: April 28, 2020 at 12:22 am I just purchased the Baker s Dozen,but the Shaman Guide doesn t seem to have the 2017 additions (e.g., archer build) you mention in the blurb for the Shaman Guide by itself.

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