| The Original Web Geek

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So I have seen it a couple of times in the past week. A facebook friend has described how their bank account was hacked . Behind the scenes, however, they have a login for 200 different websites, and on all of those websites they share a common username/password.The problem seems to be that when people make a password they think of a specific arrangement of characters they can remember. Sure, Viper87mjs!@ is a fine password but if you use it everywhere, you re asking for trouble.Let s take the above as an example. You use that password for everything your email, your bank, pinterest, facebook, twitter, amazon, and a couple of other small sites you visit. Uh-oh, problem . one of the small sites gets hacked. In the process, the hacker gets a list of usernames and passwords. Now. all he/she has to do is write a script that tries to login to financial institutions with the list of usernames and passwords they recovered. Since you use the same password on your financial institution, if it s one the hacker targets your account will certainly be compromised.Your password wasn t horrible it wasn t just a dictionary word. It had upper and lowercase characters, it had numbers, and it had special characters. That all being said your decision to use this secure password on every single site you visit has now caused your bank account to be drained. What s a solution?If you don t want to use a password manager like 1password ( it s good to think patterns rather than passwords. Patterns should make sense to you and result in a different, somewhat nonsensical password for every site you visit. Want a simple example? Pick a base word let s say it s love . Alone, it s a horrible password. Now capitalize the first letter and add in your birth year lets say its 1974. Now you have Love74. Still horrible. Instead of the numbers, shift them. Now you have Love $. You still have a problem because it s not unique to the site you are visiting. So, maybe try this add in the 1st, 3rd, and 6th characters of the name of the site you are visiting and put the shifted birth year in the middle of Love applying this pattern, now you have the following logins for the following Lo $ Lo $ Lo $vehtiNotice something here? You ve created a pattern that makes sense to you, but creates nonsensical passwords that are different for each and every site you visit or service that you use. Hackers work by brute force they won t likely try to figure out patterns they will try what works and move on. An ounce of prevention means hundreds of pounds of risk gets reduced for you. Come up with a pattern don t make yourself a victim .Now this is a simple example put your creative hats on and think pattern rather than password. Once you come up with one, promptly go and change all of your passwords to fit your pattern especially those you care about the most.

TAGS:The com nedvedtech 

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