MRA-Your Total HR Resource

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Ask an HR AdvisorConnect directly with an experienced HR Professional with your specific request.866-HR-Hotline(866.474.6854)InfoNow@mranet.orgYou can count on MRA's experienced HR Hotline Advisors to lend an ear and provide answers!You Have Questions.We Have Answers.TM Latest Hot Topic Survey Diversity, Equity, and InclusionMRA conducted a brief survey to ask organizations about their current DEI plans, challenges getting in the way, successes they are proud of, and what they are considering for the future.View Results Serving 4,000 organizations covering more than one million employees, MRA is one of the largest employer associations in the nation.We focus on the needs of our members to help them build a successful workplace and high-performing workforce. Are you Friendly, Accountable, Centered on Members, and Engaging? If this sounds like you, join our MRA team! To find out more about the services we offer, or to speak with a specialist about your specific needs, complete this form and one of our experts will reach out to you shortly.Can’t wait? Call us now at 800.488.4845.

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Serving 4,000 organizations covering more than one million employees, MRA is one of the largest employer associations in the nation. We focus on the human resource (HR) needs of our members to help them build a successful workplace and high-performing workforce.

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