ITIF | Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

Web Name: ITIF | Information Technology and Innovation Foundation






Lessons From the Pandemic: Broadband Policy After COVID-19 U.S. broadband networks weathered the COVID-19 surge in traffic better than most peer nations. The pandemic should galvanize policymakers to ensure broadband can serve as an essential lifeline for everyone, including low-income and rural residents. Why New Calls to Subvert Commercial Encryption Are Unjustified Law enforcement argues that “warrant-proof” encryption presents a unique and urgent threat by preventing them from accessing user data. But history shows that government efforts to subvert encryption would negatively impact individuals and businesses. As such, banning the technology is not the answer. Beyond the Energy Techlash: The Real Climate Impacts of Information Technology Alarmists claim the tech sector’s carbon footprint is mushrooming out of control. But they wildly misrepresent the facts. Not only is the ICT sector making significant progress in decarbonizing, but ICT is also a powerful technology that enables other sectors to become more energy efficient. How China’s Mercantilist Policies Have Undermined Global Innovation in the Telecom Equipment Industry China’s state-backing of Huawei and ZTE allowed these companies to seize global market share from more innovative international competitors, reducing their growth in sales and investments in R D. This, in turn, hurt global innovation in the industry. Reforming FedRAMP: A Guide to Improving the Federal Procurement and Risk Management of Cloud Services FedRAMP—the government program that sets standards for assessing, authorizing, and monitoring the security of cloud systems—can significantly improve. Absent reform, it will hamper agencies’ adoption of cloud services. Faulty Prescription: Why a “Buy American” Approach for Drugs and Medical Products Is the Wrong Solution COVID-19 has prompted calls for reshoring of medical goods, including strict “Buy American” prescriptions. While reshoring is important, “Buy American” fails to recognize the value of the global supply chain and avoids addressing the real problem, China. Freedom Is Not Free License: Freedom House’s Flawed Measurement of “Internet Freedom” The advocacy group’s annual report on Internet and digital media freedom is more polemic than dispassionate analysis. The State Department should stop funding it unless it focuses on true violations of Internet freedom, such as political persecution. Building a Global Framework for Digital Health Services in the Era of COVID-19 Health data and digital technologies will be essential for improving global health outcomes beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Low- and middle-income nations, with fledgling digital health strategies and many barriers to overcome, stand to benefit the most. Innovation Files Podcast Explore the intersection of technology, innovation, and public policy with the world’s leading think tank on these issues. Innovation Files serves up expert interviews, fascinating insights, and head-turning commentary on how to accelerate innovation, promote economic growth, and serve the public good. Monopoly Myths: Is Concentration Leading to Higher Profits? In short: no. Profits are difficult to measure accurately, but the best method is to focus on domestic earnings outside the financial sector as a share of net value added. By that measure, the long-term trend has been in decline. Mind the Gap: A Design for a New Energy Technology Commercialization Foundation The United States is struggling to move innovative energy technologies from discovery to scale. This gap could put the climate and U.S. investments at risk. A nonprofit foundation working with the Department of Energy could help fill the gap. More and Better: Building and Managing a Federal Energy Demonstration Project Portfolio Demonstrating the commercial viability of new technologies for deep decarbonization requires federal funding. But the government’s past record is decidedly mixed. So Congress should increase funding for demonstration projects while reforming how they are administered. A U.S. National Strategy for 5G and Future Wireless Innovation 5G wireless will drive economic growth for decades to come, but we need a comprehensive strategy to ensure a robust deployment and adoption of secure networks. A U.S. strategy for 5G should play to our strengths to overcome unfair practices that have made Huawei a leader. The Case for a National Industrial Strategy to Counter China’s Technological Rise Further stimulus in response to the COVID-19 crisis should focus not just on short-term recovery, but also the long-term competitiveness of key technologically sophisticated, traded-sector industries. Now is the time to recognize America needs a robust industrial strategy. Most State Unemployment Websites Fail Mobile and Accessibility Tests ITIF tested the page load speed, mobile-friendliness, and accessibility of all 50 state unemployment websites using publicly available tools. The results show that many of these sites are not just ill-suited to handle significant rises in traffic, but also poorly designed. Digital Policy for Physical Distancing: 28 Stimulus Proposals That Will Pay Long-Term Dividends The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed gaps in society’s digital readiness for social distancing. If policymakers seize the opportunity to address these gaps, they can make it easier to manage the next pandemic while providing significant long-term social and economic benefits. How SBA’s Affiliation Rules for Venture-Backed Firms Will Limit the Effectiveness of the Paycheck Protection Program The failure of small venture-backed businesses to qualify for Paycheck Protection Loans could cost more than 275,000 jobs this year directly and more 1 million jobs in total, including indirect losses. The Trump administration should waive the Small Business Administration’s “affiliation rule” in this crisis to prevent these mass layoffs and furloughs. Harnessing Heat: How the Federal Government Can Advance Geothermal Energy Geothermal energy has yet to follow the trajectory of rapidly expanding, cheap renewables like wind and solar. To unlock the enormous potential of this clean, reliable source of energy, the federal government can drive innovation and address barriers to adoption. Surveying the Damage: Why We Must Accurately Measure Cross-Border Data Flows and Digital Trade Barriers Countries that value an open, competitive digital economy should use surveys to improve quantitative analysis of cross-border data flows, because policymakers can’t effectively manage and address barriers to digital trade unless they can measure it. Accelerating Energy Innovation in the 116th Congress: 10 Priorities for 2020 As the House and Senate consider comprehensive energy legislation, these 10 priorities have already won the support of large bipartisan majorities at the committee level in at least one chamber. They should form the nucleus of a bipartisan energy package that gets signed into law this year. Why and How to Mount a Strong, Trilateral Response to China’s Innovation Mercantilism The United States, the EU, and Japan must band together in stronger trilateral partnership to pressure China into rolling back the mercantilist trade practices it uses to grow advanced, innovation-driven industries. Innovation Drag: China’s Economic Impact on Developed Nations An examination of the scholarly literature shows that China’s mercantilist-powered economic rise and trade expansion have slowed the progress of innovation in the global economy—particularly in North America and Europe. The Case for Growth Centers: How to Spread Tech Innovation Across America The federal government should take aggressive steps to spur the development of more tech hubs in America’s heartland by identifying promising metro areas and helping them transform into self-sustaining innovation centers. The Enterprise Automation Imperative—Why Modern Societies Will Need All the Productivity They Can Get Contrary to common belief, enterprise automation is not a cause for alarm, but instead a societal imperative. Modern nations will need all the productivity they can get to address today’s ever-more-resource-constrained challenges. A Policymaker’s Guide to the “Techlash”—What It Is and Why It’s a Threat to Growth and Progress Growing animus toward “Big Tech” companies and generalized opposition to technological innovation engenders support for policies that are expressly designed to inhibit it. That is deeply problematic for future progress, prosperity, and competitiveness. The Global Energy Innovation Index: National Contributions to the Global Clean Energy Innovation System Since 2015, 24 nations and the EU have joined “Mission Innovation,” pledging to double public investments in energy RD D and collaborate on key innovation challenges. This report seeks to provide accountability for these commitments and lay the foundation for more ambitious measures. Who Is Winning the AI Race: China, the EU or the United States? The United States leads the race for global advantage in artificial intelligence, at least for the time being, with China coming in second and the EU lagging behind. But China is poised to challenge U.S. dominance in coming years as it undertakes bold AI initiatives. China’s Biopharmaceutical Strategy: Challenge or Complement to U.S. Industry Competitiveness? China is challenging the United States for market share and jobs in one of the highest value-added, most innovation-intensive industries—and the risks extend not just to the U.S. economy, but to global biopharma innovation. Big Is Beautiful: Debunking the Myth of Small Business This provocative new book now available from The MIT Press shows small businesses are not the drivers of our prosperity. Big firms are better for job creation, productivity, innovation, and most other economic benefits. Governments should stop tipping the scales toward small and adopt “size neutral” policies that encourage companies of all sizes to grow. The Task Ahead of Us: Transforming the Global Economy With Connectivity, Automation, and Intelligence The next wave of digital innovation is coming. Countries can welcome it, prepare for it, and ride it to new heights of innovation and prosperity, or they can ignore the changing tide and miss the wave. Tech Policy To-Do List With nearly three dozen new additions, the updated “Tech Policy To-Do List” now provides a menu of more than 150 actionable ideas for Congress and the administration to foster innovation, growth, and progress. ITIF Technology Explainer Series 5G, AI, IoT, and more: In a reader-friendly series of two-pagers, ITIF provides overviews of important technologies that are likely to have a profound impact on the global economy and modern society. Get weekly updates from the think tank at the forefront of tech policy.Subscribe

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ITIF is an independent, nonpartisan research and educational institute focusing on the intersection of technological innovation and public policy. Recognized as one of the world’s leading science and technology think tanks, ITIF’s mission is to formulate and promote policy solutions that accelerate innovation and boost productivity to spur growth, opportunity, and progress.

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