
Web Name: fundsforNGOs






Latest GrantsLatest grant funding opportunities and other resources for NGOs, CBOs nonprofits and individuals including call for proposals, call for applications, request for proposals and expressions of interest [Read More ]Free Resources for NGOsA collection of best free resources available for NGOs and development professionals. Free toolkits, training manuals, guides and other useful resources on a range of topics such as Agriculture, Business Development, Child Rights, Civil Society, Community Healthcare, Democracy and Good Governance, Education, Environmental Conservation, Food and Nutrition, HIV and AIDS, Human Rights, Labor and Employment, Media and Development, Narcotics, Peace and Conflict, Poverty Alleviation, Research and Development, Sustainable Development, Women and Gender, and Youth Development [Read More]Learn what is happening in the international development sector. The latest news and announcements for NGOs and development professionals [Read More]Learn what is happening in the international development sector. The latest news and announcements for NGOs and development professionals [Read More]Sample ProposalsAre you looking for project ideas and proposals? View our large collection of sample proposals from successful grantee NGOs around the world in the areas of Agriculture, Business Development, Child Rights, Civil Society, Community Healthcare, Democracy and Good Governance, Education, Environmental Conservation, Food and Nutrition, HIV and AIDS, Human Rights, Labor and Employment, Media and Development, Narcotics, Peace and Conflict, Poverty Alleviation, Research and Development, Sustainable Development, Women and Gender, and Youth Development [Read More]SubscribeSubscribe to Latest Grants, Fellowships, Awards, Conferences, Workshops, Trainings and other resources for free. Get a Daily Newsletter along with our latest promotions and offers [Join New]Submit Your OpportunityDo you have a funding announcement that you wish to share with our large network of NGOs and development professionals around the world? Submit your opportunity for free and we will publish it on our website and help you reach across our readers [Read More]Premium FeaturesThe fundsforNGOs Premium Membership offers several additional features enabling NGOs to quickly identify latest grants, new donor partnerships and resources on how to raise funds [Read More ] Only Premium Members can search for grant opportunities using filter search such as by Country or area of interest to quickly identify the grants you need [Read More ] An ad-free, exclusive Member Dashboard to personalize your information, saving your favorites and quickly learning about opportunities and upcoming deadlines [Read More ] Premium Members get exclusive access to early grant information. Receiving information about upcoming grants in a timely manner not only helps you prepare your application process but also keeps you ahead of the competition [Read More ] A rich collection of sample proposals from successful grantee NGOs around the world. Premium Members can view these proposals and learn about new ideas and develop skills for effective proposal writing [Read More ] Premium Membership gives you access to a whole library of Ebooks on fundraising, donor lists, proposal writing, and NGO management. You can download and use these how-to resources [Read More ] With customized Funding Alerts, Premium Members can select to receive the most relevant grant information by country/countries and/or their areas of work [Read More ] Premium Membership also enables you to view and receive alerts about new and upcoming job opportunities in international development [Read More] Premium Members can view grant opportunities in a Map-view. The map is updated in real-time and you can see the number of open grants in the countries of your interest [Read More ] Premium Members are supported by a team of dedicated customer care executives. You get assured responses for your fundraising and other questions, including any advice and assistance you need in your efforts to raise funds [Read More ]


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