Archive Footage and Public Domain Vintage Stock Footage - HD Video and photo images from CriticalPas

Web Name: Archive Footage and Public Domain Vintage Stock Footage - HD Video and photo images from CriticalPas






Welcome to CriticalPast. Vintage stock footage and millions of stock photo images comprising one of the largest royalty-free archive footage collections in the world. All broadcast quality and available for immediate download in multiple HD frame rates and codecs, including full resolution screeners. Video clips are licensed royalty-free, worldwide, in perpetuity, for all media; serving the historic footage needs of news, television, and film professionals around the world, 24 hours a day.Specialties include World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, The Cold War, Worldwide Political Figures, Industrialization, Culture, Civil Rights, Transportation, Aviation and Space.

TAGS:Public Domain Vintage 

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Vintage stock footage and millions of stock photo images comprising one of the largest royalty-free archival footage collections in the world. All broadcast quality and available for immediate download in HD and SD formats, including professional screeners.

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