Bibby Marine World leader in owning and operating niche marine assets, focused on serving our clien

Web Name: Bibby Marine World leader in owning and operating niche marine assets, focused on serving our clien






World leader in owning and operating niche marine assets, focused on serving our clients in line with our core values We own and operate the Bibby WaveMaster fleet of Walk-to-Work Service Operations Vessels, a step change in how to access offshore structures. Our 5 barges provide floating hotels for workersoffering flexible shoreside and near shore accommodation. Growing our business based on client feedback to deliver ancillary services and 3rd party vessel management. Read about how we have provided our unique solutions for projects around the world and the scenarios that have demanded floating accommodation and wind technician transportation. Stephen joined Bibby Marine Limited in April 2016 after providing consultancy support Sue is a Chartered Accountant with nearly 30 years’ experience gained in both practice and industry Nigel joined Bibby Marine after previous CEO roles from within the Bibby Line Group of companies. Nigel held prior Aibel were pleased with Bibby Bergen, and found it to be a useful solution to our accommodation needs, with fast and easy hook-up to one of the berths within our shipyard We are impressed by the quality of the WaveMaster vessel, the quality of the service and the opportunity that it provides to our industry. Bibby Marine provide high quality worker accommodation through their fully serviced shoreside and near shore accommodation barges. Our barges are on short and long-term charters around the world and locations regularly change. We can easily tow our accommodation to new locations, give us a call on 0151 708 8000 to check current availability. We offer a cost-effective alternative to using local hotels or land-based temporary solutions. Costs vary for each project, depending on the vessel used and project location, but we try to be flexible with pricing to make it as easy as possible for our customers. Contact us here on our website for a quote.

TAGS:and owning operating 

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