Wildflowers West

Web Name: Wildflowers West

WebSite: http://wildflowerswest.org





The planet Earth is host to plants that propagate by spring-releasing its seeds at a force greater than the equivalent lift-off - of a rocket launching into space.Other species have toxic sap that beggars, in old England, applied to their skin to make pathetic looking sores. If you were a teenaged girl in Victorian times this species would not have been allowed to be brought into your home. It was believed to spawn erotic dreams. Many plants were/are used by Native Americans in a myriad of interesting ways including witchcraft and love-medicines. Some plants are toxic in one form yet beneficial in another.We never know, when we find a new species, what intriguing information there is to learn about it - and share on this website.Look for these symbols in our latin name index: for these kinds of information about the plants we have identified during our explorations. Know your flower by sight only? Start your search by browsing our photo indexes. You will find a flower close-up of each plant represented on the site, organized by color. ~2017~ We continue in transition. All our species are getting their own page. We update all links as the new pages are created. Sometimes search engine indexes may still point to old content. Please reload your page if you have any issues! Looking for new species of blooming plants has become THE sweet spot for many of our outings. From hikes to walks to road trips - even when geocaching - the finding of a new species of wildflower adds another level of delight and interest to them all. As we go forward during 2017 our focus will be the revision of the site and enjoying long awaited retirement. We downsized our posessions, rented out our home in Colorado, moved full time into our RV (a 40' diesel powered bus), and will roam primarily in the western states of the U.S. We have spent little time in much of this region. How much there is to look forward to, and share on this website! Wildflowers West cannot take responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from an accredited professional before using any plant medicinally or for food. If self-testing use very small quantities and be alert for any adverse effects.LOOK for this symbol during your visit It could save your life!!These plants are POISONOUS.

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Wildflower photographs, by color, for identification and information on plants of the Western region of the United States.

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