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JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Some features of this site may not work without it.VTechWorks provides global access to Virginia Tech scholarship. VTechWorks includes journal articles, books, theses, dissertations, conference papers, slide presentations, technical reports, working papers, administrative documents, videos, images, and more by faculty, students, and staff. Write vtechworks@vt.edu to get help adding your content to VTechWorks. Read an article about VTechWorks or visit the Open@VT blog to learn about current VTechWorks activities.Want to publish a standalone dataset? Visit VTechData.Faculty can deposit items to VTechWorks from Elements (EFARs). Visit the Provost's Elements page to learn more and to log in to Elements.Want to see historical data on VTechWorks usage and content? See our spreadsheet of VTechWorks Stats and a map of global usage.This study identified key instructional practices for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) lessons for students with disabilities (SWD) based on the perceptions of teachers. Barriers to STEM lessons for ...In this study, I investigate the concept of insider/outsider teacher identity, focusing on its relationship to teacher education. Having extensive experience as a student and teacher in rural Appalachia, I emphasize the ...National calls for improving the prospects of STEM workforce development and broadening participation in STEM place the focus of change within the education system. Despite many efforts towards integrating STEM, and ...Previous research has demonstrated that communication of emotion via touch is possible and occurs well-above chance levels, though the potential mechanism whereby this occurs has yet to be determined. The current study ...In recent years, Internet-of-Things technology (IoT) has been the subject of research in a diverse field of applications, given its essential role in transitioning society towards a more interconnected paradigm of conducting ...

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