
Web Name: Stories







This is stories, out of order and out of context with all blog posts.

Thursday, September 18, 2014 some infoI don't knw if anyone has read this, and I'm sure that if you have you might nt have been to happy with it. But I am working on chapter 6 of this story and this is just chapter 1. Plus I don't think that this chapter is the correct completed one. I f you would liketo know anything or have me edit to teh final chapter 1, just let me know, if not, then I probably will delete this one and work an another one, againNo comments: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 RevengeThe crowded halls opened up as three girls pass through. They walked side by side; in the middle was Mallory, on her left, Rocio, while on Mallorys right, Elizabeth. They had been friends, for what seemed like forever. It was only this year that these three strangers, became inseparable. It was clear to everyone that Mallory and Elizabeth would always have their friendship, long passed any known friendship. After all, they can to school, as friends, even when it was unclear to Elizabeth. But Mallory and Elizabeth have always been three, as of last year, they were temporarily turned into two. But when Rocio entered the school, they knew, they knew that they had their third, where they had lost one. No one knew what happened to the only called third, but they didnt hypothesis on what had happened, even Megan, the schools busy-body had no interest on the topic. She was gone and when they saw them again, Rocio had taken her place, they didnt even remember who this third, once was.Rocio Manrique had soft black hair shinning with bright red highlights. She had just changed her hair, recently, after a day of absence. Everyone thought that that was where she had missed school to do. But the question, for that day, was simple, why did Elizabeth and Mallory have to be with her? Her eyes flared a golden blue; they seem to hold a childs shine. When she smiled, her eyes shinned, which was one reason that no one was surprised, after just a few days, she had got a boyfriend. Her creamy light brown shin looked beautiful, smooth and soft; her skin almost seemed as young as a child, as well. When her classmates first saw her, they were unsure if she was meant to be in their grade level, or maybe she was just a genius. But through time, they realized that she was older then she looked and just as smart as they thought she was. Today, she wore red shirt with her name, in blue, on the top left side, beside her blue crest. Below the crest was the word loves in white and in black, on the far right was the name Joe. She had a math book in her hand.Rocio had just moved to this school, a few months before, and she knew that she was a witch, but untrained. She knew that she was no match for any witch that she might meet. But with lucky she meet two witches that didnt clearly just care about who was more powerful, but that she was alone. The soft heart of Mallory and the helpful soul of Elizabeth, both witches helped Rocio grow. She grows into a curious witch, always wanting to learn more. As a child, her parents seemed to always be busy within themselves to tend to teach their daughter the way of the Direct Line of the Manrique Line. A Line known for the pure mystery that her ancestor Kas Manrique, who she knew little of had given the family.Rocios childhood was based on being alone, and wanting to know what her parents failed to teach her. When she was growing up, there was only one childhood friend that she knew would help her learn what it was to be the Direct Line of the Manrique Line. Her cousin, Alfredo Manrique was always willing to help her, but as age changes, so did the time he had to help and the time he had to speak to her. Soon, Rocios best cousin was as scarce as her parents and as free as a caged bird. Mallory Leigh Guest had light brown hair, which she never styled the same way. Sometimes, she had her hair down and other times, she had a ponytail. Her favorite look, was a twist, leading up to a ponytail, she usually only did this when she was at a party, or it was a holiday, that they went to school. She wore her hair today up in a French braid; at the end was a small twist. Her blue blouse matched perfectly with her jean flares, and her math book, in her arms, like Rocio. But her grey eyes behind her once called glasses were the core of her beauty. And her red crest stood out, above her blouse. Mallory was not like Rocio, when it came to her family. Her mother was an only child, and her father had two siblings. One lived with her, her uncle William, who was tall, with red hair and grey eyes, which was were Mallory got her eyes. William was a young man with a wild sense of reality; he was Mallorys only uncle and her favorite. She was Williams closes spitting image that was ever known to her family. The Guest Line is the Line of Warriors. Fighters like the flames they commanded. The Guest Line was always named the Children of the Sword, the flaming hearts of Warriors, never matched by another but the fire they could control. Power that they would always use, as wisely as the possible could. History showed them that the power they held, was greater than their hunter to fight, but their well to survive, and contain Evil, created the very soft and sensuous elegance that was their new hope of the greater good.Elizabeth Marie Clay Fuentes, like Rocio had creamy skin, only hers was browner, also smooth and young. But everyone had knew that Elizabeth was like no one that they ever imagined, when they were youngest, ever going to school. Her green eyes shinned, even in the darkness, behind gothic style glasses, one of the most beautiful things, that all the students agreed, but would never tell her, themselves. She was just not the kind of person that everyone felt comfortable about being around, but that everyone loved to watch what she would do next. That was one of the only reasons that anyone would ever be around her, she had a look that she gave others, a look that showed her uninterested and her dislike for people. She was a tough girl with only one motto A weak mind, has no true rights. Her silky black-brown hair was always tide in a ponytail, that stretch 1/3 above her elbow. The Fuentes Line was known for their ancient goals, of life. They trained and managed their Line, with the most care and understanding of the ancient ways of life. At birth, the children are born in the castle that bases the whole family. Draculas Castle, home to the Fuentes Line, the Dark Line of the Magic World. Their home, this castle, was created and developed just in the magical way that no one would ever have seen. The first three years, of life, the Line has clear that all children born in the castle and taught with the castles language. Taught with the books that had been used for centuries. The books that were used to teach the children back when magic was new, and this castle was but another rock, near the sand. When they reach the 7th year, all children are sent away, to a sister home as it could be called. These homes were all around the world, Italy, America, Africa, Greece, German, and so many other lands. But the Direct Line, Elizabeths family, Elizabeths mothers family, stayed in the castle and learned from the previous Direct Line. Learn the strongest power that those not of the Direct Line would never learn, and soon, after growing to adulthood. The council of the Fuentes Line would decide what would become of each and every Fuentes member. Marriage was always one way, the Line would be the same, if any name would be change, and it would be the person that was marrying into the Fuentes Line. Elizabeths father changed his name to Fuentes, instead of Elizabeths mother, Matreania, changing her name. Even with marriage, the council would be in complete control of the Fuentes Line members actions, not just those that are born to the Line but also those that marry into the Line. Only one person could stop the council from doing anything, one member of the Fuentes Line, which his called the Head of the Fuentes Line. The Head of the Fuentes Line is the eldest of the Direct Line, until the children are all of age, in which the children will face each other and the Head of the Fuentes Line will be the one that bits their siblings. But Elizabeth, Rocio and Mallory were the most unusual group of friends; Rocio and Mallory could talk about anything seriously, and normal things that teenage girls, talked about. Mallory and Elizabeths family were good friends, since Elizabeth and her family moved, into town. Their families were bond together, by history and power. Rocio and Elizabeth enjoyed exercising their athletic abilities, such as basketball and running. Elizabeth and Rocio also shared a love for what they did, where Elizabeth had knowledge and experience, Rocio had interest and the well to learn. These three were more than just any witches but Trident Witches. Wind, Fire, and Mind. Rocio was a Wind Witch, Mallory was a Fire Witch and Elizabeth was a Mind Witch. On each one of their necks hung a necklace, with a crest.Rocio had a blue mountain, which stood for Wind magics; her power to levitate, using the air to push against gravity. Her power was simply control of the wind; control that Rocio had just beginning to learn about, with the help of Elizabeth and Mallory. She also could use the wind to carry the minds electrical current, that generate thoughts, so that she could read minds, which Elizabeth had taught her, and she would practice, so that she could get better. It was one of the few things that Elizabeth and Mallory had been working on continuously with Rocio, between fighting evil and school work, as well as being teenage girls. Mallorys crest was a red sun, with an outline of yellow. This showed that she was a Fire Witch, to all that knew magic. Her powers were to create flames without much concentration, which she had learned through time. She enjoyed this, knowing how far she had come from the little girl that had to concentrate, whenever she had to use her powers. Also, she had the power to control the flaming sun, control its movement, its temperature and how much light it produced, in any amount of time. Elizabeths crest was a purple quarter moon, but unlike other Mind Witches crest, hers had a small, almost unnoticeable letter F, on the top corner. This letter was to let all that knew of her power, to know how powerful, not only she was, but her family. The F stood for Fuentes, which in the magical community, was known and revered for being one of two families that still practiced magic, as if it were the times that created them. Elizabeth was the only one of them that was born in magics and raised to use it in every way possible. Her family was always seemed as the family that would stand against everyone, but also for everything good. Power was the main focus that Elizabeth and her Line, as the magical world thought of them, thought would always be needed, to survive. She memorized the Magic Book by heart, by her 7th birthday. When she is bored, she plays with her powers, in the secrecy, but in front of non-magics and was often called completely reckless, even by Mallory and Rocio. They stopped at the end, of the hallway, where they split up, Mallory and Rocio went left and Elizabeth went right. Three doors, down the hall, to the right, were where Rocio and Mallory went into their last period, of the day, Algebra. Elizabeths Chemistry class was the 5th door on the right, down the right hall and she followed a pair of giggling girls into the class, while a boy followed her in. The teacher, Mr. Stanton, walked in; saying Evening class. Im sure you are all excited about this being the last class, butI believe you have some work for me. He was a tall lean man, much like the old actor that played Sherlock Holmes, in the movie called The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes. His brown thin hair was brushed smoothly back, with the tips slanting sideways. He was a sight to see, most of the female students, liked his gray eyes that stood firm, behind thin steel glasses that skillfully stared at everyone at once, as he continued, by saying Passm up. Elizabeth passed up her Chemical Analyze sheet and Mr. Stanton took them up. Well, looks like everyone decided that this major grade was worth having. He eyed Elizabeth from the side of his glasses, before turning to the board. Now, before we start on todays assignment and homework discussion, I want to touch on a basic outline of what your Chemical Analyze sheet.Lets begin with the cover page, everyone created one, before leaving, any sheet without one, will immediately get a 0. So, if you have turned one in without a cover page, it was pointless to do so. Now, all cover pages, have your name, last name first and separated by a comma. This should be on the left hand side corner, where the date should be, underneath your name. Your title, unlike your name and date should both be in the center of the page. Also, unlike your name and date, the title should be three times the size of your name and date and each page should be numbered at the bottom, with your cover page, being number one. Mr. Stanton explained the outline of the Chemical Analyze sheet more, for the next thirty minutes, before starting on the assignment.Mr. Stanton explained the reason behind, the Chemical Analyze sheet and then began to tell them, how each question should have been solved. Elizabeth started to get bored with his explanation, looking around she spied his plant, at the end of the desk. It was a long wait, for Elizabeth, before she could think of what to do, with this little planet. It would have to be something simple, but she didnt want it to be too simple. Any sign of magic would be against all of her training; the reason and rights that her family raised her with and that she valued, as a witch.Elizabeth knew that Mr. Stanton would say, And if youd please, Elizabeth he always did and she waited for it. With a twitch of her finger, she made Mr. Stanton jumped out of the way, as the plant crashed onto the blackboard. Quickly, he turned to Elizabeth, who was just looking at him, she knew that he suspected her, but without the reasonable understanding that without magic she couldnt have, and of course he didnt believe in magic. The plant was nothing but dust on the floor and on the board. Mr. Stanton looked around, at all the students, but only Elizabeth stood out, he looked at her, as she sat motionless, almost unmoved by the act. Mr. Stanton had no idea how she did it, when she sat in the middle of the classroom, but he knew that she had done it, she always did it and it was obviously her way of showing that she was bored and tired of what he was teaching. Mr. Stanton said, Elizabeth What? Elizabeth simply said, but everyone knew she did it, How, was what they wanted to know. She was always watched, by those that were always interested in how she entertained herself, and the best part of being in a room full of non-magical humans was that they had no idea, who or what they were seating next to. Stay after class, Elizabeth. he turned back around, brushed the dust off as much as possible, and started again, with his explanation. Elizabeth rolled her eyes and lends low, in her chair, as he continued his lesson. In Math class, Rocio and Mallory sat next to each other and listened to Mrs. Faragonda. Rocio said in Mallorys mind, How do you think Elizabeths doing? I bet shes in trouble, again. Always bored, she needs more discipline they laugh, silently to themselves. Mrs. Faragonda asked Mallory, Mallory, what is the median of a trapezoid. she smiled.Mallory looked up and said, You add the two parallel lines and then divide the number by 2. smiling back. Good. Now, use that formula to solve the problem. Mallory looked up at the problem, the top parallel line was 7 and the bottom was 15, she wrote it down. Rocio looked into the brown haired, blue-eyed boy with a nerdy face. She entered his mind and heard him think 7+15 is easy, Malloryll probably think that the number has to be small or a single digit number. Then she turn to Mallory and saw her answer was 11, but she saw that Mallory was starting from the beginning, again. Mrs. Faragonda. Rocio said, raising her hand. Yes, Rocio. I think Mallorys taking too long, maybe, she should tell us, what she got so far. Well, Mallory. Nervously, Mallory replied 11.Mrs. Faragonda smiled, at Mallory and said, Very good, thats right. Suddenly, the bell rang, Homework is at the table next to the door, if you dont have a paper to turn in Monday, youll get a zero. Have a good weekend, class. The class, left grabbed a homework sheet and raced out of door. Mallory and Rocio went to Elizabeths Science class and waited for her.Elizabeths science teacher shut the door behind the last student to leave the classroom, locking the door, as he did and turning to Elizabeth. Elizabeth sat at her desk still as a stone. Mr. Stanton turned to her and said, Youve caused me, a lot of trouble. Always so, whats the word, youre always busy getting my attention. Why? he smiled, but it wasnt his smile; it was mischievous, much like the smile Elizabeth used when she got her way through a tough fight, with Rocio and Mallory. She straightened up, unfolding her hands and held the desk at the edges close to her.What do you mean? I told you, it wasnt Me. but her face wasnt trying to convince him, but she was confused, by the way that he spooked, smiled and even the way he moved, changed, from the Mr. Stanton that she knew. He didnt sound like himself, but someone else, someone she knew.Come on, my fair witch, tell the true. I didnt spend more than an hour talking about chemistry to have a liar, cheat me out the true. he smiled. Elizabeth realized admittedly, and she stood up slowly; she walked to Mr. Stanton, facing him, examining him. This was the first time, since she had meet this person, thats he had see this particular ability. She wondered if they all could do it, if so, then how would they hope to stop them, once they found out that even she could not see through it. Mr. Stanton changed into a dark black spike hair guy. His greenish-green eyes draw you in, ancient when you looked inside of them. His eye seems to be so distant, almost as if they were from another world. His skin was a pale golden, like stone or marble and his figure was strong, knowledgeable and mysterious. His hands met her elbow, the fell of his skin was unreal, the smooth flawless texture was ideal for human perfection. His face was handsome and his smile was melting, Evening Angel.She looked up at him, her face was unmoved, as he smiled down at her You?! She looked at him, as he smiled at her and pulled her close, kissing the top of her head. She pulled away and he looked down at her; as she continued to pull away, slightly.He let her go and turned a little, to the door and said, Theyre out there. Theyre waiting, for you.I feel them. she simple said, Where are you going?No where, you need to worry. he looked her in the eyes. I wont be far. He started to fade.Stop. she said and he stopped, reappeared faster then he was fading away. Where is Mr. Stanton? she said.Oh. he tried not to laugh, smiling, WellIsort oflet him nap.Where?As mysterious as you like to be, why not let me enjoy, your way?If you dont tell me, one of these days I might just follow you, to where ever it is that you go. she starred him down and he simple smiled.Dont. Hes in his car I thought he could use the nap. With you as a student, I think all of your teachers could use a nap.Fine. Elizabeth tapped the doorknob and walked out, as the guy vanished. Meeting Rocio and Mallory, who stood together, waiting at the door for Elizabeth. This was what they usually did, waiting for each other after each class, this was the only way that all three of them, used magic. They would magically make sure that all of their classes where near each other and that they had each period, at the same time, so that they would have lunch together. And together, they started down the hall, towards the exit of the school, to meet the guys, and head out.So, what did you do this time? Mallory said.Nothing to exciting, just a little funny. Elizabeth said, her expression didnt change, nor did her voice, she spoke so simply that sometimes Mallory and Rocio wondered if she had any feels for them, or anything at all.Like what? Rocio asked.Nothing really, just tossed Mr. Stantons planet next to him, against the board, without touching it, while he was teaching. Elizabeths voice was untouched by what she just said, but Mallory and Rocio were surprised, not just on how little she seem to care but what she had decided to do.Elizabeth!! Mallory said.Hes ok.Would that have anything to do, with him not being there? Rocio asked.What do you mean, not there? Mallory asked, looking at Rocio then at Elizabeth.You know exactly what she means, Mallory. Elizabeth conformed Rocios thoughts, but once again, they were surprised at how little she cared.ElizabethDont start. I didnt know he was going to show up, or that he was going to be the sub, for Mr. Stanton.And where is Mr. Stanton?Alive and well, if thats what you meant. He is napping in his car, safe and unharmed. You know, I do happen to be good, Mallory.Yeah, well, its not you Im worried about.Hes saved our asses before.Saved, maybe. Us, no. he saved you, we just happens to be along for the rescue. You ever wonder how he always knows when we need his help, or how he always knows what to do. Its not like he cares, either way.I think its kind of sweet. I mean, yeah, we are dating non-magics, but I wise Joe could do something like he does, for Elizabeth, like keeping me after class, after more than half an hour of pretending to be the teacher. Almost like a commitment. Rocio interrupted.But a commitment to what? Elizabeth gave her a sideways glance, and Mallory continued by saying, Im just looking out for you, Elizabeth. You remember the last time one of us, fall for a Dark One.What? Rocio said, with interest, she had never heard the story about the last Trident Witches, that Elizabeth and Mallory had been a part of, before she moved to this town. She knows that there was another witch, after all Elizabeth would never waste time, spending it with a non-magic that knew nothing of magic. She hardly spent any time with Mallory when David was around. But as far as knowing who this witch was and what happened to her, Rocio knew nothing about the witch that the Trident was one made up of. And she might never hear it, if Mallory has anything to say about it. Rocio knew the memory was too painful, Mallory had mentioned something about their last Trident, only once before and stopped in mid-sentence. Rocio entered her mind, that time, it was something she had just learned to do, at that time, and Mallorys mind was full of pain and sore, but no information of what she was talking about. Rocio dropped it then, but this time was different, this time, it may be the information that Rocio needed to cast her stone.Nothing, just forget I said anything.Come on, Mallory. Its not fair for you to keep secrets from me, and you and Elizabeth share everything. We are supposed to all, be best friends, so let me in on the big mystery. What happened?Drop it, Rocio. Mallory said, as the exit the building.Shhh! Look, well talk about it later, your significant others are right there. Elizabeth said, stepping in. Rocio turned to find Joe Lira and David Ortiz coming right towards them, and she smiled. Joe Lira was strong, Rocio and he had been together for a while, now. He was the first guy that spoke to Rocio and asked her to be with him. It was her first boyfriend, in a new place and they seemed like one of the greatest relationships that the school ever knew of. When they first got together, Elizabeth was rarely around, Mallory and Rocio would search for her, but it wasnt until Joe found out that Rocio was a witch. That was when Joe confesses to them, that he knew about magic, when he was young, he had met a wizard and learned that magic was not only really but the cost of what fighting Evil could lead to. Hes dark hair was short, the top went forward, but never passed his forehead. He had a mustache, which was thin and he had a talent is skateboarding, played guitar, 4 other instruments and football. He didnt look too bright but he wasnt as dumb as others thought, he was cute, that way. David Ortiz was Mallorys boyfriend, and the only one that didnt know about them being witches. He knew nothing about magic and he was offended that Elizabeth would always run off and didnt want to be around him. He knew that she was different, but no one would give him an answer, not even Elizabeth, when he asked. He was a cute, black hair, strong figure and a talented musician, he was sensitive, and a strong believer of god, as well as, disciplined. He spent a lot of time with friends, in the bible club or with Mallory and others. They stopped talking about Elizabeths meeting, at Mr. Stantons expense as they got near David and Joe. It wouldnt have mattered if Joe heard, but David had to stay in the dark. They had decided that is was safer for them all, if David was in the dark, but when it came down to it, it was also clear that Mallory couldnt keep t up. Because weather he knew or not, David would always be a target, if anyone ever found out about him and Mallorys feels for him. Rocio went straight into Joes arms, which opened to take her inside; holding her, Joe and Rocio shared a hello kiss. Mallory kissed Davids cheek, when she was in front of him, and he took her by the waist, and kissed her lips. Mallory and David smiled at each other and they silently laughed, as their foreheads joined. Elizabeth rolled her eyes at Mallory and David, and turned away. Looking to the side of the school, she could see Mr. Stantons car and he was just waking up, shaking his head and Elizabeth smiled. Are we going to meet you, guys, at the party, or are we going to meet up, before? Elizabeth asked, looking back at Joe, Rocio, Mallory and David.Well, Im picking Joe up, I can ask my dad for some gas money, but I dont know if I can pick you, guys, up. David asked.Its ok, honey, I can drive us, there and back, we dont need the ride.Mallory said; look at Elizabeth, and Elizabeth knew she didnt want her to ask that ever again. It was not something that Mallory wanted David to believe that he should be doing. And they knew Elizabeth wouldnt go with David, or in Davids car, if her life depended on it. Oh, well, no, Im sure my dad will give me the money. But Ill call you if he says no. Ill pick you, guys, up. Where are you going to be at? David asked Mallory.Were going to be at Elizabeths, but Rocios is closer to the party, if you want us to meet you there? Mallory told him.No, I know how to get from Elizabeths to the party and back. Just call me, when you are ready to go and Ill go get Joe. David turned to Joe, and asked, Is that cool with you?Yeah, you can call me, and Ill be ready. I dont plan on changing clothes anyways; we can go to your house and wait for them to call. Joe told David.Yeah. David turned back to Mallory and said, See, there is no problem. Ill pick you, guys, up. He smiled and so did Mallory.I change my mind, after all, whos to say that we will stay there as long as you will? Elizabeth said.Well, why wouldnt you be? David asked.With our after school programs. We may have to go. Rocio said.Right. Why dont we just meet you there then? Joe said, Elizabeth could have argued with David, about why they might have to leave before the guys would. But when it came to magic, they didnt want to take the chance that Elizabeth would tell him, just so he wouldnt be around anymore. Theyre right, David, things seem to change when we make plans. That shouldnt affect your fun at the party. Mallory said her arms surrounded Davids neck and again their foreheads joined; Mallory kissed him, twice, and said, Besides, this way, I can surprise you when I enter the party. Ok. Then well see you there, then. David said, smiling down at Mallory.Hey, there is this witch movie, I wanted to go see, next week, you, guys, want to come? I really want to see, how witches are. Rocio said Mallory and Elizabeth smiled; Joe looked at Rocio, it was clear to him, that she just wanted to make the way that witches would be viewed in this movie. David was confused, both, by the interest that Rocio had, and the look that Joe gave Rocio.What? Did I miss something? David asked.Nothing, David. Its just that Im just hearing about this movie. Joe laid, because he knew that David was questioning what he knew, more then Rocios interest in a movie about witches.Ok, so, what do you think? Rocio said.Yeah! Joe said Im up for it. But I dont think Ill have the car, that weekend. My sister is supposed to go out of town this week, and we dont know when shell be back. David said.Great, we can just take my car then, as long as you are up for it. And you dont mind me driving. Mallory said.Well, David said holding and smiling at Mallory, I dont know if I can trust you not to kill me. I mean you are of the female gender and we all know what they say about female drivers. I have to make it to college, remember we talked about it.What? Mallory said, and she hit Davids shoulder, before wrapping her arms around David and kissed him. He smiled down at her and she kissed him, again. It was more than just a relationship that was built on friendship, with David and Mallory. They could speak to each other about all but one thing and David took his time. But they had the moments then they would tease and make up, all in the same breath. It was something that Rocio thought made Mallory and David so perfect together. She thought several times, that Mallory should talk to David about her being a witch. But Mallory never would.Ok. Elizabeth said, Lets go, and get ready for the party.Now Joe started to say, but David swung his hand, hitting Joes shoulder and shacks his head at him.Well, we do want to make an entrance and we cant do that with our school clothes, can we?Elizabeth! Mallory said.Dont pull that with me. Besides, its not like we go anywhere in the same clothes.Yeah, wellForget it; Im sorry, I wasnt thinking. Joe said, he knew what would happen next, Mallory and Elizabeth would continue back and further, and then Elizabeth will decide to take herself out of the argument and tonights event. Then Mallory and Rocio would try and make her reconsider, which would be a waste of time. They knew that she was only going, so that she could make have someone to use magic on. So it would be easier just for him to say he was sorry, instead of being the case of Elizabeths temper. Rocio and Mallory had challenged Elizabeths temper a few times, each time, ending the same, when they thought she was loosening up and then the tested her, Elizabeth would go back to being, what all magical beings called, a Fuentes. Which was what she was, but with their power, was also there pig headedness, which was what being a Fuentes meant.Well go. Mallory told David, and kissed him, Ill call you when we are done. So you can head to the party, and well meet you there.Ok.Come on. Mallory said. Rocio kissed Joe bye and Elizabeth started towards Mallorys cherry four-door Chevrolet. Mallory and Rocio didnt rush to catch up to her, they took their time. It was their usual routine, to be as patient with Elizabeth, as they could be with everything else. And they were not afraid to help teach Elizabeth, some of those patients.Mallory unlocked the doors, with a push from her keys, one of the few, simple magical spells, that was open for all beings to do. It was a simple mind spell, that all magics had the power to use, locking and unlocking, just about anything, with a touch, or a connection. In Mallorys case, her keys opened the connection to the locks, allowing her to unlock the doors, from a distance. Non-magics had created something similar, but Mallorys set of keys didnt have that technology. And she wouldnt use it if it did, simple spells, are what helped her stretch out her magic. And like all powers, magic was like a muscle, you had to stretch it out, of it would become useless, and unusable. Elizabeth got in the back, behind the passenger seat where Rocio sat, they both put on their seatbelts and Mallory got into the drivers seat, also putting her seatbelt on. She started the car and drove out of her parking spot, taking a right into the street and towards the light, which was about three blocks away. Rocio turned to the rearview mirror to look at Elizabeth, it was rare that Elizabeth looked back at her, but she knew, that Elizabeth knew she did this. It was her way of asking, what seemed like a forbidden question, but she would never get an answer. She knew even if she asked, she wouldnt. Rocio was the glue that kept them together, when things got tough and Mallory and Elizabeth would but heads. It was always Rocio that knew how to make them both see a better way, then fighting with each other. Mallory started the car, and the engine made a smooth start before Mallory reversed. It was always Mallorys thing to wait, with just about everything, her patients were almost as great as her knowledge. She was also cautious, things that Rocio could understand, but Elizabeth couldnt. It was always curious, how two different people can be so good together. Mallory looked through her mirrors, then back to double check that the way was clear, and then backed out of her parking spot. She had parked in the same spot for most of their sophomore year. Once or twice, she was late, because of early morning evil, but that was rare, since they knew that Dark Ones, where the children of evil and didnt like execute a plan, as early as 7:30 in the morning, or earlier.But some Dark Ones did, even though to be successful they usually would have to do it for the 8 or so hours that Mallory, Elizabeth, and Rocio were in school, but even then, it wasnt a guaranty, that their plan would not be stopped by this Trident, as they were called. Tridents were the partnership of three magical beings, usually witches or wizards; because warlocks and Witlocks seem to always have something against working for a sure team. That was one reason that Witlocks and warlocks were seem as rogues, sometimes, there were even viewed a betrayers, to both good and evil. But this Trident seems to be one of those that success was based on the fact that they had a witlock, and two witches. The Fuentes Line was the purest form of witlock and warlock beings, a witch or wizard was seem as a curse, when entering the family. It also seemed impossible. But the Fuentes Line had its opposite, the LaBranche Line was as made up of just witches and wizards, but unlike the Fuentes Line, warlocks and Witlocks were welcomed, into this Line. Both, Mallory and Rocio, like Elizabeth, were from the Direct Line, of their respected families. Only they did not practice the old ways like the Fuentes and LaBranche Lines, how had their Direct Line chosen by a test. The rest of the Lines Direct Line, were all that cared the name of the Line. Thus, Mallory was the Direct Line of the Guest Line and Rocio was the Direct Line of the Manrique Line. But it didnt matter who was from what Line of Families, just that they were one of the strongest known, and every magical creature knew it. Looking back at Elizabeth, Rocio asked, So, whats it like to have a Dark One as your lover? I mean not to hide your powers or how much power you have, in fear that he will be in danger.Rocio! Mallory said, annoyed at the topic of Elizabeths friend.Im just curious. Rocio assured Mallory. But Rocio was always curious about Elizabeth had her friend as they tried to keep in their minds, but it was fading fast, the thought of Elizabeths friend only being around as a friend. Well, you shouldnt be. Having a Dark One around is more dangerous than having non-magic. They are the children of Evil, no matter what they say, they could always betray you.How?They can make you do things that you wouldnt normally want to do, or trap you in a trap that you cant be saved from right Mallory? Elizabeth said.Yes. Rocio, you dont know the true extent to a Dark Ones control. Or what the punishment is, for being allies with a Dark One, and committing evil acts. When you let yourself be drawn to one, you cant be accounted for your actions, but you will be, to the full extent of the Magical Law.Like Jewley couldnt be accounted for nearly killing us. If Derek wasnt there, Rocio would be the only witch in this school. Elizabeth stated plainly.Thats not true. If we were away from Rick; she would have had to return to normal after she realized what she was doing. Then she would have helped us, against Rick.Carefully, Mallory, someone might hear you. Said a voice from behind Mallory, as she came to the light. She came to a sudden halt, looking back to find Elizabeths friend, Derek seating unmoved behind her. They turned to him and he just looked at them, as if he had been there the whole time. The light. He pointed out, Mallory turned to see that the light was green and thats when she noticed the car behind her, honking at her. She drove off, and turned into the nearest parking lot, which was just one third of a block away, it was a McDonalds, where she parked. She turned to look behind her, Rocio was already turned, and smiling at the fact that she knew that there was one thing that was always true, Derek would always tell the truth, about the past.What are you doing here? Mallory turned to him with anger. I want you out, she may trust you, but I dont. Mallory said.Why are you here? Rocio asked, with curious eyes.Well, I just came to warn you that Jo-Jo has returned and there is word that he is out for blood. He told them. Jo-Jo was someone that Rocio didnt know, but Elizabeth and Mallory did. Jo-Jo was the first Dark One that Elizabeth and Mallory fought together. Jo-Jo tried to stop them from becoming a Trident, and it was the same time that Derek came into the picture. Jo-Jo wanted Derek to help him kill Elizabeth and Mallory, along with the third witch, Jewley, who no one would talk to Rocio about. Jo-jo was a Dark One that was thought to once be a great and powerful child of evil, but once Elizabeth, Mallory, and Jewley were done with him, he was not in the picture of magical beings.Whats new? Mallory said, rolling her eyes.Who is Jo-Jo? Rocio asked.Hes a Dark One with a really twisted way of playing. He uses to be one of the greatest problems here, until we got pulled into his twisted game. It was our first fight as Mallory said, but stopped, before she finished her sentence.It was out first fight as a Trident, when Jewley was around. Elizabeth finished her sentence.Who is Jewley? Rocio asked.She was a really great friend. Mallory said.She also was the first one that we had lost to the dark side, of magic. She fall for a Dark One named Rick and he got her to believe that we were standing in her way of being with him. Its the first time that it was clear to us, how truly powerful evil can be, when it comes to turning witches. It was our first glimpse into darkness and what can happen when a witch stares too deep into evil. Elizabeth spoke, with her eyes distant, she was almost gone, but her body stayed. Rocio noticed that as cold as Elizabeth was about Mallory defending Jewleys innocence, that Elizabeth truly wanted to believe that Jewley was good, and was just being one step closer, not to kill them, but to turning on Rick, as she had turned on them.She was turned, against her friends and Derek took back what she was born with. Her power was taken and so were her mind, memory and knowledge of power. When a magically being loses its power, they lose all memories of what they use to be. But that wasnt all the t Jewley lost, she lost the power to choice, what she would be, who she would be and what would become of her. It was the first time we found out that they were Dark Ones, and when we found out that Derek was more powerful than we thought a Dark One could be.What do you mean? Rocio said.I took Jewleys freedom and power. Everything that made her Jewley. Shes not only non-magic now, but she has no memory of it. She doesnt know her family, or any of her friends, all that she knows is what I let her know. All the people she knows, I allow her to know, everything that happens to her, is allow to happen to her. I control everything that happens to her and he reaction. She has become like a puppet, and I am her master. But as I try to explain to Mallory, when a magic looses their power, there is something more powerful than me that takes them out of the magic life, including their memories. And after doing so, there is no telling what would happen, if I didnt step in. Jewley may not even exist in the condition she is in. the insane are not insane, but lost their magic. Derek said.Really? But what about all the good that they have done?Pointless. It doesnt matter how much good you have done, in the end, the evil out ways it all, and is unacceptable. Its different when you are evil, you can do all the evil you want and turn it around, to doing nothing but good and nothing will happen. Good is stricter with its followers because evil is chaos and good is organized and straight forward.Wow. It almost seems pointless to pick a side.Its not pointless, Rocio. Mallory told her, Without Good, Evil would rule the world and nothing good would even happen. Hell, there may not even be Evil, without Good.Is that what you believe? Derek asked.Is there any other reason you are here? Mallory said, annoyed with hearing Dereks voice.No, I just wanted to warn you, about Jo-Jo. He is your biggest threat right now. Its not clear where he has been, but there is word that he brought something or someone back with him, with great power.Who? Rocio asked.I dont know. There arent that many Dark Ones that even Dark Ones fear. In fact, only four exist, that you should fear, just as much as Dark Ones do.Who are they?Draco, Keno, Lira, and Olivia. Elizabeth stated, The Four Powers. Envy, Vengeance, Innocence and Lust. They are called this because of the affect that they have on others. They could win the fight between Good versus Evil, if the families were once like they were, non-existent and chaotic.What do you mean?The families started out, like humans, nothing but creatures that could walk and talk and think, but once the families formed, Magics had a title, as chance, because there was a way, that we could fight and control Evil. With the choice to do something with our magic and do something with it. To fight against Dark Ones, like the Four Powers.Who is who?Draco is Lust, Keno is Envy, Olivia is Vengeance and Lira is Innocence. Draco always does and gets everything he wants, either with his looks or his temptations, to get what he wants. Keno is envied for his mind, he was once a great mind, of good, but love changed him, the greatest evils mind, was once goods greatest friend. Olivia is a warrior that knows how to get back at others, she also was in love, but revenge took place of her love, when she caught her love with another and took her vengeance without a second thought. And Lira is the youngest, he plays like an evil child, he is thought of being the Son of Evil.I guess evil goes deeper than having followers and stopping them.Evil is just as rich with history and states as good is. But it is only clear to those that take part. Unlike good, Evil tries to always have the eliminate of surprise.
Anything else, you have to tell us? Mallory asked.
No. but Ill keep you updated. Derek said, vanishing as he had appeared.I like him. Rocio said.Are you nuts? He is a Dark One, a child of evil.Yeah, but hes got a lot of information. I want to pick his mind when I get a chance. What do you think Elizabeth? Rocio turned to Elizabeth but she had her eyes closed and head down. Mallory, she said to Mallory, Whats wrong with her?Dont worry, shes probably just thinking. Mallory said.Elizabeth stood in the darkness, a woman, beautiful in always. Her little brown skinned was a paler brown. Her eyes were a light golden cream of brown, her long light brown hair stretched below her waist. Her beauty was greater than Elizabeths, but not by far. Her voice echoed with a warm gentle sound. Elizabeth? she said.Good evening, mother. Elizabeth replied.What is wrong? Remember when I told you about Jo-Jo?Yes.Well, he is back. And they say he has brought someone or something back with him.Really? Who? We dont know.Then, why have you come to me?I wanted to know, what you think should we do.You dont know what he had brought back? Or where he is coming back from?No, the last time we faced him, it was Jewley and Mallory that sent him to the never lands, but they couldnt remember if they got the words right, so he could have been anywhere.I see. Well, what is he after?Blood. Thats all we got, we dont know whose or why. But I do believe it is us.Most likely it would be. And you want my opinion?Yes.Have you talked to your father?Hes still at work.I see. Well, the best guess would have to be the Four Dark Ones of Evil. Legend serves them as being the greatest Dark Ones that have ever existed. But if he is after blood, it could also be a vampire. There is a spell in your Magic Book that your grandmother gave you, but you should check it with the Magic Book that your grandfather gave Dustin. Dustins should be in the attic, he loved to be up there.You know.I sent him.Then I was right, he is still alive?Of course. Elizabeth, you and Dustin have always been connected. When time comes you will be together again, but now, is not the time to look into that.Right. What am I looking for?A Spell of Power. Its not a spell but its a good source of power. It helps to train the power to be carried, without any link. Also, there is a passage that helps take power. If it is a Dark One then you can use it, but if it is a vampire, your spells wont help anyways.I understand.Good. Return and dont stop trying, you will get to him and you will be reunited, when that time proves most valuedElizabeths eye shot open when Mallory and Rocio were at the door and Mallory asked, Your dads not home, and right?No. Elizabeth said, she went to the door, unlocking it with a tap and they went inside and upstairs. Elizabeth jumped on her bed and laid, half of her body was flat; her legs swung at the end of the bed. Mallory and Rocio went into Elizabeths closet.What are you going to wear? Rocio asked Elizabeth, as she got out of Mallorys way, after getting her outfit for tonight, out of Elizabeths closet.Im not sure. She said, sitting up, Ill be right back. All this talk about Good and Evil, reminds me, of the time s that my mother spoke of Magic, I need a snack. she got up and went out, into the hall and down the stairs and into the kitchen. She went into the kitchen and in the refrigerator and looked through everything, but she sensed something, she took out a container of leftovers that her father had left, for when he would come home late. She placed it on the counter, opening the drawer, under the counter and took out a knife. In a blink of an eye, she took the knife and turned, to point the blades tip, less than an inch from Dereks throat. What are you doing here?I need to talk to you.About what?I dont think that you or they should take my warning lightly. You shouldnt continue with your plans. You should stay together and figure out what Jo-Jo is after. He wants you to ignore him. If you ignore his return, it would be easier for him to get you, one by one.Why have fought jo-jo before, Derek, we know what we are doing.What if, what he brought back wasnt something, but someone?Someone? Like who?I dont know. Maybe one of the Four Powers.What do you know about the Four Powers?I know they arent something you want to face alone and together you wouldnt see them coming.What makes you think that they could ever come together?There is always a chance.Really? You would betray me?What?Would you betray me? Would you join them, when the time comes?What would that matter?Its call the Four Powers, for a reason, there are four of them. There wouldnt be for, if you stay loyal to me.Elizabeth...I am a Fuentes, Draco. Not a fool, in love. I know who I take into my trust and I know what they are.Since when?Since the first night. My father say it and so did I. we have you, because we are not afraid. I was waiting for you to say something. But you never have.I didntListen, I know what jo-jo is after. He wants revenge and what if he brought back one of the Four Powers. We have one of the Four Powers.Elizabeth, I cantIm not asking you to fight them. Im asking for you to protect, Mallory and Rocio. They have humans, do you know how damaging it can be, if they lose those humans, by their own destinies.You want me to protect them and not you?Of course.I cant do. Elizabeth lowered the knife and put it on the counter.You dont have a choice. She said this without any emotion, for the next words that came out of her mouth. Together, we can destroy you. So, its either helping us, or we will destroy you.Elizabeth! Derek was shocked by her threat, but she stood her ground, without showing any interest in his reaction.You dont have a choice, just like I dont have a choice. What do you mean?You forget. I am a part of the most powerful family that the Four Powers could never compete against. What do you think; my family can do, to the Four Powers, as a family. If I join my family, and disconnect with my Trident, my friends would be nothing more than shadows, in the deepest darkest part of my mind.You care for them?Of course, I do, I am apart of them. I am a Fuentes, but I am also a witch, and they are my Trident, with them, I have no way of protecting anyone, without protecting them first.Fine. I will protect them.Good, then. Ill see you upstairs, in a minute. Meet me, on top of the stairs and we will start, on our way to the party, when I get dressed. Derek took this remark, as a show of Elizabeths loyalty to her Trident and to her familys ancient ways. He vanished from her sight and she turned back around, only to feel the sense of another mind, brushing against hers, with a stronger mind, popping up, in her own. She knew the mind that brushed her, it was very similar to her own, she knew. She was not the only one that once lived and breathed to have her mothers knowledge. Once, she was two, a twin brother, Dustin that she knew only to be gone, but now, she felt, he still existed. Maybe he was in another plain, because when he was in her plain, she could feel him, no matter what the distance. The thoughts were clear, once the mind that brushed her was identified, the second mind, inside her own, was His. The one she was cursed to have, but not endure, until her 16th birthday was done. But he was soon, perhaps, too soon. She knew what came of those that shared her curse, before her. There lifes were taken and so would hers, if she couldnt control Him.Elizabeth meet Derek at eth top of the stairs, before the feeling of Him, stopped. She did not show the pain that started to ache her mind. The pain that she could not take for much longer, without showing the agony of it all. The pain was almost as much as she could bare, when it suddenly stopped, and the only mind she could feel was her own. They had passed the restroom, when they could hear, Mallory and Rocio complimenting each others outfit.Mallory and Rocio had gotten dressed while Elizabeth was gone. Mallory was wearing her famous tight gray shirt, with a tiny cotton jacket that had short sleeves. Her shirt brought out the dark gray color of her eyes and her blue jeans curled tightly to show off her curls, before falling flat at the bottom, over her legs. Her gray heels were about an inch off the floor. Rocio had on a black shirt with a blue skull in the center, it blow out in front of her shirt and had hearts in its eyes. Her black slacks had a belt at the top and were followed down by flat black and white tennis shoes, with a flat top. They both looked like friends, even though they had gotten different outfits. Mallorys prep look and Rocios rock look seem to match them, as friends and as individuals.But the atmosphere changed the second Derek was felt; his dark ora appeared in their magic eyes, before he did in the room. The second he entered the room, a flame erupted on his sleeve, but as quickly as it appeared it vanished. Nice to see you too, Mallory. He said playfully, smiling.What is he doing here? Mallory said.I called him, to help. Elizabeth lied.Help? We can deal with Jo-Jo, just like we did before. We are my advanced and experienced, we dont need his help.You will, if Jo-Jo is after me.What do you mean? Rocio asked.She thinks Jo-Jo is coming back to finish what he started, right? Mallory said.If we know one thing about Jo-Jo, is that he is persistent.Maybe, but why would be try to go after two witches that happen to be friends, with the one witch he could never defeat.Because it opens so many doors. Revenge, the chance to turn you, to destroy the Trident and even just to open the door to finding Draco, after all, you were once Dracos targets. Derek said.When was that?Forget it. The point is you both need a sure thing. Elizabeth said.What do you mean, we need a sure thing? What about you? Rocio said.I can handle myself.Shes right. You should have my protection, just as much as they should. Derek commented.No. I can handle myself; besides, I dont have non-magic around me, as Rocio reminded me, earlier.Well, I didnt mean for you to be suicidal. Rocio said.Im not. Listen, I can be tracked, you cant.Why is that?Because the mind is harder to find, when you arent a Mind witch.Mallory looked at the clock and said, Well talk about this later, Im going to call David, you she told Derek, watch what you do, Ill be watching you. Then she told Rocio, also, come on, both of you, and then to Elizabeth, Well leave you to dress. I hope you know what you are doing.I do. Elizabeth replied. Mallory gave her a look and then started out, Rocio and Derek behind her.At the party, Joe and Rocio sat on the couch of the hostess house. Rocio sat on Joes lap acting as the y usually did, flirty, as if they had just meet, they did this every chance they got. It was one way that they knew that Rocio and Joe were taking advantage of being together. With Rocio practicing magic and all the evil that they face, its something Joe and she had came to terms with. Mallory and David stood at a corner for a while, near the stairs, talking for a bit, about school and life. Things that they like and what they want to do this weekend, which Mallory knew she might not be able to do. Sometimes she could tell David exactly what she did when they werent together, but she wasnt lucky like Rocio and didnt want to lose David. Joe already knew magic existed before Rocio and he meet, so she can plainly tell him, that she has a witch thing to do, but David not only didnt know about magic, he would believe magic was evil, Mallory knew that, from conversations they have had, in which Mallory was trying to find out how he would take learning that she was a witch. After talking, Mallory lead David onto the dance floor and they danced. Rocio and Joe had been together for a while; they had been together for almost as long as she had been in school. There was nothing that had changed since Rocio had gotten to this school, everything just got into a routine and then it all seem to freeze. Joe and Rocio enjoyed just listening to music together and knowing what each other would be doing. Rocio and Joe did not feel the same about reading, but they were always connected with their music and feels towards what was happening through each adventure that Rocio, Mallory and Elizabeth have been having, since Rocio came along.That was something that she enjoyed about her relationship with David. They both loved to dance, and they enjoyed being with friends. They enjoyed spending time together and doing school work, they even enjoyed arguing. It helped them to see other things, they could see it through the others point of view and take time, alone, to figure out what to do. They were the ideal couple that most people loved to be around. Elizabeth walked around without Derek, looking around; she wore a plain bright red shirt and jean shorts that showed her curves. She looked around to find several people quickly turning away from her; others just showed how much attention they were giving her. It was clear that the attention was more for what she would do then what she was wearing. She had become such an icon for trouble, that people didnt see her as just a female but as a way to be entertained. She didnt care, it was her chose, wither to give them entertainment or just leave them hanging.Now was not the time to be reckless, she knew, but the temptation of it all, was so much. She could not stop herself. Derek put his hand on Elizabeths shoulder and asked, What is it?Bored. Elizabeth just said, and Elizabeth took a deep breath and turned to Derek; seeing her opportunity to do some harm, as well as start something that might turn into more than even she could think up. She turned to the snack bar, were one of the usual troublemakers was with his girlfriend, and next to them, unnoticed by either one, was one of the football jocks. With a twist of her wrist, the troublemaker tipped over the punch bowl, between his girlfriend and the jock. Both, busted out, yelling at him and he started to defend himself, insult the jock and yell back at his girlfriend. In seconds, chaos was everywhere, where the situation was just between three, others joined in and argued, the whole group seemed to have a problem with someone else and this was just the opportunity to talk a lot of crap, to each other.Derek smiled and looks straight into her eyes, Boredom seems to take you, a lot She walked passed him, saying, What can I say, its just how I am., he looked back at her as she walked away. The crowd grouping as the voices started to echo through the house.Then everyone froze, silence was everywhere, that could be heard and Elizabeth had turned, but her left foot stopped in mid-step. Rocio was about to stand and Mallory froze in a dance mode. Jo-Jo appeared behind Elizabeth. He was pale, light brown eyes, so cold. He looked beastly with a pointy nose, he wore cold colored robe. His voice was cold and deep as he said, Hello, Draco, still with thiswitch?Dont even Derek said, threatening.Relax, Draco. I wouldnt harm her, now. That would be too easy. Jo-Jo smiled brushing his hand, on Elizabeths hair, going down.Dont touch her. Jo-Jo looked to Derek and smiled, removing his hand.Now, now, Draco, you really should learn to share your toys.Shes not a toy.Oh, right. You love her. Derek looked surprised, Oh, yes, I know. People talk, but eyes dont lie.What do you want?I want Draco back. The old you. The you that would have killed a witch, just for being a witch. The Three Powers of Evil, just doesnt work as four do.Keep wanting. I wont betray Elizabeth.Well, thats too bad. See, if you would, I wouldnt have to deal with her.What do you mean?You know that Im back and that I didnt come alone. That someone misses you just as much and we wont take no for an answer. You will be back on the winning team. It can cause you, her life, or just came willingly, and just cause you everyone else.I wont let you harm her.You wont be able to stop me.Well see.Oh, yes, we will. Jo-Jo smiled and vanished. And everything started again.Elizabeth looked to Derek and saw him, his eyes showed fear, if he had much emotions, he would probably be trembling. She stopped, looking at him expecting an explanation. But he turned around and walked away, she followed him, but when she turned the corner, after him, he was gone.She went straight to Rocio, who was in the kitchen, getting some soda. Rocio, where is Mallory?Dancing Rocio said confused.Come on. Somethings up and we need to find out what? Elizabeth said, leading the way to find Mallory.David and Mallory were dancing to a slow song, when Elizabeth and Rocio found her. Elizabeth didnt even say anything; she grabbed Mallorys hand and walked away, pulling them, apart.At Rocios house, Elizabeth still pulled Mallorys hand, ignored saying hey to Rocios butler and maids and ran upstairs. Rocio said, Hey and followed Elizabeth up to her room, down the hall, on the left.What? Mallory asked when Elizabeth let her go and closed the door shut and locking it with a tap, of her finger, behind Rocio. She turned to face Mallory and Rocio setting on Rocios bed.Somethings up. I left Derek and he was fine. And when I looked back, he was afraidYou mean his human eyes were? Mallory said.I didnt even know he was human, once. Rocio said, confused.Yeah, made a deal and then sold his life to evil. Mallory explained.Only till the full moon than hes human, again. Elizabeth explained.Forever? Rocio asked.No, just for a day, the next full moon returns his evil side and the last; he has a choice to be human or a Dark One. Mallory said, hatefully.And he always stays a Dark One? Rocio askedYes, but thats not why I took you, both, out of the party. Elizabeth said annoyed. Somethings wrong.Like what? And besides, hes a Dark One he can handle himself. Mallory said, Just leave him, alone.No. Mallory you are going to help me. Elizabeth said, worried.OK, but you have to promise, not to go to him. Mallory said.Ok. Elizabeth said. Together, Mallory and Elizabeth push the bed to the side and Rocio the Trident Crystals, handing one to Mallory and Elizabeth, keeping one for her. Mallory took off the map, on the wall and laid it flat on the floor. She placed her crystal on the top of the left corner of the map. Elizabeth and Rocio put theirs on each side of the map, from where Mallorys was and Mallory asked, With which Seeker?Ill scribe for him. Elizabeth said. Mallory sat in front of her crystal, Rocio, in front of hers and Elizabeth in front of hers. Elizabeth stuck her hand out letting a string with a small diamond crystal, over the map. They all concentrated on finding Derek and location where he might be.Together, they said: In our deepest of hearts, Where we are apart. We the sight, above all towers To find the one of great powerThe map glowed and they leveled their chins with the floor and opened their eyes, to watch the map. It changed to the underground, and then closed in on a spot, near the tunnel under the Dark Hide were Dark Ones hang out and it closed in more, after a small pause then went to Derek talking to another Dark One.And youre sure. He finished saying.The Dark One was black with rough skin. With coal like eyes and a long nose. He was covered in a black cloak. Yes. His deep voice was pure evil, Why are you asking? Youre of us, if not higher.Not anymore. Derek said.Why is that? It wouldnt happen to do with the witch? Derek turned to him, Yes, we all know about her.Jo-Jo?He didnt have to tell us, but he confirmed it. He started asking questions about you and this witch when he got back.I know, what was he told?Not much, we dont know much about her or you, anymore.I have to protect her.If you arent careful, youll be the one that needs protection. the map returned back to normal. And Elizabeth jumped up and ran out, Mallory followed to the top of the stairs, Rocio behind her. You promised. She shouted down to Elizabeth.I promise I wont go after him. I said nothing about going to see Dark Ones. Elizabeth shouted back going out the door and running to the nearest sewer entrance and jumped in. Mallory took a deep We have to go with her, theyre Dark Ones there. Rocio said, worried.No, shes going to be fine. Come on. Mallory started down the stairs, We have to find out a way to get out of this and what Jo-Jo is up to. Rocio followed disappointed.Elizabeth went without much trouble. Most Dark Ones were in the hide out. She went in completely unnoticed. She found Derek walking her way, his eyes widen at the sight of her. He hurried to her and grabbed her arm, starting out when a Dark One stood in their way. So, shes the witch. He said. He was short with a nerdy figure and rabbit nose and mouth; his eyes were small, as dots. Elizabeth slanted her head, a little to the right, looking at him, trying to figure him out.Move Core. Derek said.No. Core said, Derek let Elizabeth go and waved his hand to Core, and he flow out of the way.Anyone else. Derek demanded.Yeah. Said a giant Dark One.Fine. He said. Elizabeth looked around and all of the Dark Ones were ready to fight, a few had dark energy balls and throw them at Elizabeth. They stopped in front of her and she throws them back, destroying their owners clothes and they vanished. Elizabeth. Derek said. I was bored. She said her face was plain and unconcerned.Boredom always takes you. Derek said.Yeah, well, what can you do? One of the Dark Ones stood before s her. He stopped only a foot from Elizabeth, facing each other, Derek looked at him, but he smiled at her.Ready to die? he saidNot yet. She said and he smiled at her, she smiled at him, to Dereks surprise, What?You think you have a chance.No, I know. Her eyes went pure black, And Ive reached a boiling point with boredom. Your good, but still a witch.Elizabeth half smiled, but her face remained plain; she closed her eyes, while lifting her head to the ceiling. A black light gathered into her chest from the Dark One as he fall to his knees holding his head and yelling in pain. Elizabeth started to levitate as the black light gathered into her chest then the light started to fade the Dark One laid flat on the floor, face down and Elizabeth slowly returned to the ground, her head was leveled with the floor. Her eyes were a purer dark coal looking around, Dont worry. Hell be out for, at least, a month. Then she closed her eyes and when she opened them, they were their normal green, and shining.Derek took her hand and they started out, but another Dark One got in their way, Derek stood to fight, but the Dark One did not look at him. She looked at Elizabeth, up and down; she even smiled, bigger and bigger, as she searched Elizabeth. You have great power. I have to admit. But next time, we meet; dont expect any of us, to be your friends. Derek, as he calls himself now, does not help your statues with us, any more, then if you had befriended any other Dark One.Mallorys flames circled a wild blond woman with curls. Her orange eyes watching Mallory hatefully. Her torn shirt was white and old, she wore a pair of dirty jeans and her hair was down. She was pretty, but bewildered.They were in an abandon warehouse, Rocio and Mallory faced the woman boldly, as she hated it, So? Are you going to talk? Rocio said.Let me go. She said.Rocio let me burn her. Well get more out of Jo-Jo, himself. Mallory said, annoyed.Look. Rocio told the woman, I dont want her to hurt you, please.Fine. The woman said, Burn me.You heard her. Mallory said heating the flames and tightening the circle.Sorry. Rocio said, she was sad and the circle got closer, when it was nearly an inch from the womans skin, the woman shouted, Ok, ok. Ill tell you anything. Mallory made the circle spread out, again.What does Jo-Jo want? Mallory said. He wants Draco, back. Hes going to go after you, to get Elizabeth, so he can force Dracos hand.Where?Here, on Monday, when Draco and he will choose to be Dark Ones, again, and Draco will be back to his old self.Whos Draco? And what does he have to do with us? Rocio asked. Draco is the worst of the worst. You know he is one of the four, but he is a deadly sight, just the sight of him, means youll die. He is also Derek. Mallory said.Saturday, Mallory went to Elizabeths house, her father answered the door. He was darker then Elizabeth with black hair and brown-gray eyes with Elizabeths mischievous smile. He was tall and wore a black shirt and jeans, since it was his day off and he smiled at the sight of Mallory.Mallory he said.Hi, Mr. Fuentes is Elizabeth home. Mallory said.Yeah, she and Rocio are in the study, talking. Come in. he let her in, moving a side and Mallory went in. He closed the door and asked, So, whats up? he started to lead the way to the study.What do you mean? Mallory said.Elizabeth came home with Derek, a little later than usual. That only happens when you guys are in trouble.Nothing we cant take care of.Ok, well, dont forget Im here for you, guys, if you need the help.I know. Try not to ask, at the last moment. Ok?Sure. Thanks, Mr. Fuentes. Mallory said, as they stopped in front of the study.Sure. Mallory smiled and Mr. Fuentes left. Mallory entered to find Rocio and Elizabeth talking in their minds. So, Monday. Elizabeth said then turned to Mallory, Hey.Hey Mallory said, a little uncomfortable.We were just talking about last night. Rocio said.Yeah, I made a Dark One fall flat, out for a month Elizabeth said.And got some Dark Ones, respect. Rocio said.Thats good. Mallory said.Well, we wont have to worry about them for a while. Elizabeth said.I didnt tell her about Derek. Rocio said, in Mallorys mind, she smiled at Rocio.Where is Derek?Hes in the guestroom. Rocio said. Mallory turned around and left. Elizabeth and Rocio followed her upstairs, next to Elizabeths room and Derek sat near the window looking out.Mallory and the others stood at the door way, unnoticed by Derek, Morning Derek. Mallory said.Morning, Derek said, blank. They sat on the bed. So, did you find anything out?Not much. Derek said, he stood up, turning to them and started to pace. Whoever Jo-Jo has with him, isnt just someone out of the blue. Its someone we are familiar with, and who we have had problems with before. Everyone was too interested in seeing how you would fair, that I couldnt get much out of them.But what he did get out of them has its use. Elizabeth said.Like what? Rocio said.Like its defiantly a Dark One, so its something we can fight and bet.But what else, did you get? Mallory asked.Nothing. I dont know, what Dark One, you will have to face. But I know hes not alone.Well, he has jo-jo.Yeah, but he is not who I mean?Who do you mean?Derek stopped and turned back to the window, looking out of the window, he said, Joe is here. a knock came to the door. Rocio opened the door to find David in the door way. She passed him, with a smile and went downstairs to meet Joe. David entered and he could feel the tension in the room.Mallory hugged him, tight, and kissed him. Whats up? he said. Nothing, come on. She said leading him out. She always left with David after a day of detective work.Elizabeth, I cant Derek started too said.What? You cant, what?Elizabeth said.He turned to her, looking in her eyes and said, I cant let you get hurt. I know you are worried about them, but Im worried about you.Dont worry; just keep your promise, to me.I have to. I know what Jo-Jo is after and I understand now, why.Why?Because I betrayed him.How?By not killing you. Derek looked back to Elizabeth, The night you turned 13, you and the others would be able to be a Trident, I told Jo-Jo that together, we could destroy you. But I couldnt. I couldnt harm you. You grow on me; we were friends, my only true friend that I cared about.Downstairs, David holds Mallory in the study, Mallory sat on David, as Rocio entered with Joe, hand in hand. Joe sat across from Mallory and David and Rocio sat on his lap. Theyre talking we should wait for them. Rocio said, in Mallorys mind, than read her mind. Yeah, but we should get them down here. Mallory laid her head on Davids shoulder. And you trust him? Rocio told Mallorys mind. He cares for her more than we know, more than she knows. I dont like him, but even as a Dark One, he loves her.Everything froze, David and Joe sat still, exempt for Mallory and Rocio. Feeling the sudden change in the room, Mallory and Rocio, carefully, stood up and the door slowly opened. Jo-Jo entered with a giant smile, Mallory and Rocios breathing hardened.Hello, my beauties, did you miss me? Jo-Jo said. What do you want? Mallory said.Nothing, really. Just wanted to see my newborn victim. Jo-Jo said looking to Rocio. Hello my new born. 6 months youve been a bad witch, havent you?I dont know who you think you are, but Im not bad. Rocio said.Good. I hate to harm you without cause. Jo-Jo said.We will be sending you back.Really? Then one of us will be disappointed, and I dont feel like losing to two witches.Three.What?Were the Trident. Mallory said. Trident?! he raised his eyebrow. Again? Havent you learned, by now? Tridents will fall.Not this time. his brow lowered.Mallory, youre going to have to find another witch and another and another. Just let it go, with your brain and my power, no one would be able to stop us. He smiled. Come on. Youll never lose another friend, another sister.No, she wont. Rocio said, Because your plan to kill Elizabeth, will fail; well send you back.Really? You have bravery, yes, and loyalty, but sometimes thats not enough.It will be, this time, and the next, and the next. Rocio throw her head forward and Jo-Jo flow back and vanished.What happened? David asked. They turned around to him, Why are you up?David, your memory is fading. Mallory said, playfully smiling and walking to him, lean down and kissed him, You should really write things down. She whispered to him. Rocio turn to her, Maybe we should go home. She said. Joe got up and stood behind her, holding her by her waist.Yea. Mallory stood straight taking Davids hand and pulling him up. David came close holding Mallory close kissing her. Rocio was led by Joe, out the study.Well, theyve gone. David said, after the door closed.We should go, too. Mallory said.Yea, but its been 6 months, since I had you to myself. Mallory playfully laughed.It maybe because you havent been the man.Oh, really?! Well, well see about that David kissed her and ran passed her. Mallory ran after him, laughing.Derek lay on his bed Elizabeth laid beside him. They had their eyes closed, listening to nothing and everything. They could hear their breathing soft and calm. Derek opened his eyes, as the moon started to rise bringing the night sky with it. He took a deep breath and said. One more hour. softly.Elizabeth opened her eyes, And youll be human.Ill be like them.No, you wont. she looked up at him, Youll never be like them. Elizabeth sat up, and Derek did, too. She turned to him and smiled at him. Derek smiled back at her and as if something was taking his soul, a dark shadow, in him, was being sucked out. After the shadow as completely gone, Derek fell flat on the bed.Elizabeth stood up and went to the door. Turning back to Derek and whispering One hour and Draco will be gone. She smile, But hell be back.Elizabeth entered the study, and looked for the book. Derek had put the flat on its side, on the far end of the third shelf, up. She took it and sat, opening it, to the page that her mother had told her. Lifting her hand, flat, a book from the fifth self up, came flying onto her hand and she opened it beside the book she was already looking at. They looked exactly the same, but her version was lighter. The reason for that was obvious; Dustin had been the only one of them that proved to be an excellent user of magic. Elizabeth had used her power over her magic, her whole life.But in the end, Dustin and she had the same level of power. Looking at the pages, they looked the same but they read different. Elizabeth closed her book and started to read from Dustins book. She read:A Spell of PowerLegends of powers have been evolving, so that all families may have an eye of their prize. But when magic is tested, power, the base of the families, is the main focus of all magical beings. Power started, after magic was established, before any time that can be recorded. But legends have given some insight as to what the first magical being was like. In this beings time, life was frail, mysterious and always fled with new beginnings and the need of an old habit. Magic was one of the first pure elements that this world created, for its life. Magic was then changed from being rhyming to being emotional. This is when the war of two families began. The LaBranche Line and Fuentes Line are two of the four first Lines of magic. This war began through the first century that is recorder, because of dark and light. Where the Fuentes and LaBranche Lines both thought of themselves as the dominate form of magic. The winner of this war is unclear, but there is one thing that both sides used, that was clearly recorder. Created in the means to join powers, to make their opponents would have no power; both sides learned and contained the powerful ability. This kind of power was not seen again, until later on, when the Fuentes Line had its troubled warlock, Sanul, who was unaffected by this kind of power. When this was used again, it was against the red dragon, which was faced by Sanuls son, Simon Fuentes. The trick to mastering such a power is to know what you are trying to do. In this case, the power of your tagged much is the one thing that you much know. It takes a lot of power to use someone elses power in more ways. You start with an attack, this is not literally. The usual attacks are not the same as the first attack to get anothers power. This attack will be inside; instead of to harm the outside, you are focusing on reaching inside the person, a developed relationship makes this easier than a meeting of strangers. Once you have entered you have to join you power with theirs, and pull. This is much easier said than done. Wind and Mind magics have been known to work this action, much easier.
Elizabeth finished reading the page and understood that she had already come up with this. It was clear to her, that blood carried knowledge, but never had she experienced something like this. She was unmoved by how much she can learn about her blood and Line, but she was interested in how could she not notice this before.Sunday, Derek slowly opens his eyes and jump up and looked around. He stood up and walked to the door, slowly opening it, walking down the hall. The house was quiet; all you hear was 2 whispering voices.He started downstairs, nearly the voices, about 10 steps from the 1st floor, he saw the clock. The big hand was on the 3 and the small hand was on the 4. His breath thickened as the voices became more understanding. At the 7th step, he sat to listen. The voices were Elizabeth and her father. And I couldnt sleep because of it. Elizabeth had been saying.Itll be fine. Her father said. He put his hand on her lap and said, Just take him with you like you planned.Yeah, but he hasnt meet Rocio and Mallory and I dont want him to run off like he did last time, I talked with Jewley and she seem mean to him, he told me.Well, as long as he doesnt know about magics, and demons, Dark Ones, warlocks and all that, you just have to act normal. She softly laughs.Normal. Hes a rich kid from 1348, and all he knows is he escaped the Bubonic Plague.Then think of things, you shouldnt say and dont.Ok. Thanks, father. Elizabeth told her father and started towards the stairs.Derek quickly and quietly went upstairs and into his room, before Elizabeth was up the stairs. He sat on his bed slowly, thinking about what he had heard. Magic exist and Elizabeth, who he thought was a friend from another time, lied to him, since he arrived.Elizabeth went down the hall to Dereks room twisted the knob and open it, to find Derek, on his bed.Derek jumped up at the sight of her, softly she said, Hey, Derek, sleep good.Yes. Derek said, not knowing if he should try to get passed her or just wait.When did you wake up?3:20, if I remember to read to clock, right. Really? Elizabeth turned to the door; closing is and tapped it, Well. She turned to Derek, What have you been doing?Nothing Derek tried to be convincing, that he didnt understand, but he knew, she knew.You didnt go down stairs? You know my father is about to make breakfast and head to work.No. I just woke up.Oh, well, you know how much my father loves for you to be around.I know. So, why dont you want to go see him?I just think I want to go back to sleep.Really? Are you sure?Im sure.Thats not like you.I miss my parents. When Im sleeping, I can see them. Elizabeth went into his mind and searched into him mind, hearing everything he remembered hearing.Really? She said still in his mind. Ok. She exited his mind. Sleep she waved her hand from the top of his head to the bottom and he fall on the floor.She placed her hand over him and lifted it. He followed, never getting farther from her hand, until she laid him on the bed and put her hand on his forehead. Taking his memory and placing another of him seating, waiting for her and she comes. Then talk about him having a nightmare and then after she reassured him and he went back to sleep.Elizabeth sat beside Derek on a chair, and fell asleep. Derek woke with a start, looking around he looked at Elizabeth, sitting at the edge; he moved the hair in her face behind her ear and lend, kissing her cheek.Slowly, her eyes opened and Derek smiled. Elizabeth took a look around and smiled at him.It was10:42 A.M., when they watched the TV. Cartoons, during breakfast. Derek laughs at every stupid cartoon action and Elizabeth just stared at him. When they first met, he was 21; he became 13, just so she wouldnt feel small and so young. She had with Mallory and Jewley, and he tried to make her feel better. But now, she wasnt and he still didnt turn a year older until after her birthday. She had befriended him, but somehow it felt like she hadnt given him much. Elizabeth felt that she could feel something inside her grow. Did she love Derek or just really like him. She knew she cared for him deeply, but how deeply?Elizabeth? Derek asked turning of the TV. Off and putting his bowl and spoon in the sink. Can we go to the place with that colorful cold stuff?The ice cream shop? Elizabeth said her face curious after the look of being in another world.Yeah, that place. Derek said looking at her joyful to the sound of ice cream.Maybe. Later, right now, I want you to meet two friends of mine.That dark evil girl. I dont want to. He crossed his arms across his chest.No, I think she moved. Mallory L. Guest and Rocio Manrique. Theyre friends of mine.Are they nice?Very. Come on. They waited outside Mallorys house the door opened and David stands in front of them. Is he Mallory? Derek whispered to Elizabeth.No, hes her boyfriend Elizabeth whispered back. Derek looked him up and down then turned to Elizabeth.Do all of you have boyfriends?In a way, Mallory and Rocio do. Im not really too sure about me, but there is someone I care about.Elizabeth, who is he? David asked, hoping to finally get an answer.David, this is Derek, this is David. Elizabeth said to them, then to David, she asked Wheres Mallory?I dont know, her parents said she didnt come home, last night. I called Rocio, but her butler said she dont come home, either. David explained.Oh, I see. She raised her hand, his face and everything froze, the sun even stopped. She placed her index finger on Davids left temple then he closed the door. After that she did the same to Derek then tapped his forehead and he disappeared.Elizabeth looked around, no one was around, but a closed window with blinds caught her eye. The house was old, gray with no blinds or sheets on any of the other windows. She raised her hand and twisted her hand, and then everything was as it was, no longer frozen. Elizabeth started away from Mallorys house and down the sidewalk crossed the street, at the corner and vanished from sight.She appeared in the house, she quickly walked around stopping at the room with the blinds, a man-like creature with silver skin and iron-like horns on his face. It looked deep in work watching Mallorys house close and noticed nothing of his surroundings.Elizabeth walked in without him noticing and walked right behind him. She reached out to his shoulder, but he didnt notice, she looked him in his mind and then started to look around there was no clue of anyone inhabiting the room besides the creature frozen at the window.She turned to him and went into him mind. It was dark with only that creature in the middle of it, Elizabeth didnt appear in his space, but her voice was clear as ever. Who are you? she said, he wheeled around bewildered.Whos there? he said.Who are you?You tell me, first.Who are you? he yelled in pain, holding his head.Stop. He yelled in pain, Ill tell you anything, please, just stop. And Elizabeth stopped, I am a Shorn from the east, my name is Shanra.What are you doing?I was told to watch the witchs home, but shes not there.When did she leave?I dont know I just arrived after the vampire, this morning.Whats his name?I dont know. Elizabeth attacked his mind, again. Shanra fall to his knees.Ok Ill tell you. Elizabeth stops. The vampire is Jo-Jo old partner, I dont know his name, but I know you can find him in the Dark Ones presents. He said he was going to watch the wind witch. Elizabeth then exited his mind and disappeared to Rocios, leaving the Shorn without conciseness.At Rocios house, across the street was an empty lot. Elizabeth transported inside Rocios room and looked out into the street. The street seemed normal, little kids playing cars passing every few minutes, nothing seemed magical, there was nothing she could sense to be wrong.I need help, and I know exactly who to get. She said to herself. She ran down the stairs, said Hey, Mrs. And Mr. Manrique cant talk, now, see you later. Thanks. She shouted to Rocios parents when she passed them outside. She ran down the street towards the park.The city park was fled with random people, spread everywhere. At a bench were an elder women and her husband, feeding the birds. They, both, had white hair, small noses and lips and a gentle face. They were about a foot in half away from each other, so Elizabeth just sat in between them.Youre come for a favor? they said, back and forth, each word before the other and back, again, to form a sentence.Friend or lover?! They become a problem depending their importance. They said.I care about the person, deeply.Enough to kill? they sounded testy.Depends.Depends?! On who?Yes.Then if the Trident went after him?I would stop them, but I wouldnt kill them.Jewley said the same, but she lost, what was given and more.What do you mean?Dracos emotions are not his own, not at first. Your friendship was a fake. We forced him to feel it. Jewley lied, so we forced her doom, to be a puppet, to the one she hated most. You!Me?! Yes, you, the daredevil, the troublemaker. Mallorys greater interest, the one of devilish smile. She wanted to be you, once, and then she wanted you, gone.ThenShe has been free and now, Jo-Jo has her, under him. He does know his life; his past is equal to it.So, I can kill you, just because. Elizabeth turned to find that it was Jewley, who spoke. She held out her most powerful water sprit. You in prison me, now, feel what its like. She said throwing the sprit locking Elizabeth in a bubble. With luck, Elizabeth had managed a freeze the city before.You betrayed us, and have planned your revenge in the moons shadow. Now, that you have her, what will you do? the old couple said.Shut up, Ive got my way and you can bet she wont see Draco, again. Jewley said, then walked towards Elizabeth, while looking at her and stopping nearby. Your family thinks youre so strong. Thats why youre never in trouble, they always thought you were just acting out because you were bored, then when Keno killed your mother, things got slow, you stopped acting spoiled and bad and started acting big. But it was an improvement to most, but I know you just didnt want to remember that day. Remember how everyone always just said, sorry. But you know they had no idea, that night was painful. She waved her hand and the bubble released Elizabeth, she collapsed on the grass and things, started, again.Elizabeth was out of breath, she could hear Jewley, in disbelief. Why would she say this? Had she really been that good of an actor, to not show her hatred? Or was she so blind, to not realize it? No, she couldnt believe that, but if this was Jewley, she knew Elizabeth wouldnt be easy to defeat. Elizabeth was with Jewley, when they first used their powers.Out of breath, on hands and knees, Elizabeth seemed so weak and she simply said, Draco. And Jewley laughed. He cant save you, hes human. But the elder couple understood, with a violent gust of wind, their eyes changed to a pure white. The gust made people flee out of the park, into cafes, buildings and shops. Slowly, the gust came in closer and closer, Elizabeth brought her fingers in, to a fist holding onto the grass, tight. Jewley had a hard time staying on her feet and gave in to the collapsing of her knees.When the gust was lien, then the figure of Draco appeared, but it was dark, hard to see, surrounded by the gust and then, suddenly the gust broke and Draco fell to the grass. The couple blinked and their eyes had returned to normal. They stood up, together, at Dracos side and passed him, between Elizabeth and Jewley and out of the park. Jewley stood first, went to Draco and kicked him, so that he faced the sky. He looked dead, but then, again, he always did.She looked at him with the same hate, she did Elizabeth. The all powerful, Draco, you dont look so tough, anymore. She said. Elizabeth struggled to her feet, trying to catch her breath, and then took a deep breath.He is, far tougher then youd imagine, but he is nothing compared to what I can do. Elizabeth said.Really? she turned to Elizabeth. You mean, you really think, youre as strong as a Trident.No, I just know, Im stronger than most Tridents, not ours or mine. Elizabeth said.And you think shes a cake walk, you should test us, both. Draco said, his eyes opened and he jumped to his feet. Jewley stepped back and water surrounded her, when it was gone, so was she.At Rocios house, Draco and Elizabeth set on her bed, next to each other. Draco takes her hand and Elizabeth leaned her head on him. I hope theyre safe. Elizabeth said. Draco kissed her forehead and Elizabeth smiled. Im glad youre back. We cant go to your house because my human self is still there, well have to find away to get a few things from there. Draco said.Ill see ya, there. He said and vanished. Elizabeth jumped up and ran out the door, completely vanishing to appear in her room. She went out and down the stairs to the living room; Derek was asleep on the couch. She stopped to look at him, he seemed so at piece, the innocence he had the very face of an angel.She had token the 2 crystals, out of the 3, from the jewelry box, on the TV. Then, went to the hall closet, taking out the city map and country map. She went up to her room and took up her Seeker from her drawer. Looking at it the string dangling the small clear crystal. Concentrating, Elizabeth closed her eyes and her head lifted up. The wild biting of her heart, as the crystal spend in a circle. The crystal started to glow and Elizabeth lost control, her head came down, leveled. Suddenly, her eyes shut open, their glow was dark now, her face was plane, unmoved be emotions.Rocio starred in disbelief, she didnt remember coming here, and couldnt recall where here was. She was in an abandon warehouse, it became clear after a while, and she wasnt alone. Mallory approaching from behind, coming from looking around to see if she could find out where they were exactly. It was dark and blinding, in the abandon, it was hard to see anything or to try and focus, because their eyes felt strand. Nothing, no ones here, and no way out. Mallory said.Not even a window? Rocio asked.Nothing, but endless darkness and a moving wall.What about Elizabeth?Oh, she wont be alive for long. Said a voice in the darkness, in front of them. In the depth of it, Jewley came out of the darkness and her smile was dark.Jewley?! Mallory said, surprised.So, youre Jewley? Rocio said.Yes, and you must be Rocio, soon Ill see how powerful you are? Jewley said. What are you talking about, Jewley?Mallory said.You have no idea, how much I missed your over protective ways, Mallory. Well be so perfect together, again. You, Rocio and me, will be unbeatable. And then well be just like we were the biggest threat to the Dark Ones.What about Elizabeth? Rocio asked.Forget about Elizabeth, sooner or later. I will destroy her and her lover.No, Jewley, you cant. Elizabeth is our friend, you cant Mallory cried out.No. Jewley shouted, Shes not our friend, shes just a Dark Ones love. Understand Mallory, she saved him, even though she knows he could kill us. And he almost did. I apologize for the actions I took, on Ricks behalf, but Elizabeths lover took my power and my memory. And in him, I have planned my vengeance on her and him. And now, I can put those plans to action.Elizabeth met with Draco at the park, and together they walked down the street. Draco said, after a while, We should make a plan.I know, but there are so many different plans we could have, we should first see if Mallory and Rocio are alright. Elizabeth said.Right. That is why you wanted me, right.Right. And to help find them.Lets find them, then.I have everything, well need.Good. I have the perfect place.Lets go. Elizabeth followed Draco without question. Together, looked unaffected by anything, they were plain with no emotion. In a dark tunnel, Elizabeth laid the map down and handed Draco a crystal. Elizabeth lifted her hand over the map and Draco did the same. Derek, you know what to do, right?Yeah, I know, ready. Draco said. Im ready. Elizabeth said.Draco closed his eyes and so did Elizabeth, together their crystals started to spin, faster and faster. The strings went right through each other and suddenly Elizabeth fainted. Derek rushed to her side, dropping his crystal and when he was beside her, he heard the cling of the crystals hiding each other. Turning back to the map, the crystals had found them, pointing together where Mallory and Rocio could be found, Derek turned back to Elizabeth kissed her forehead, As you wish. And he vanished, leaving Elizabeth to lay alone.Jewley looked at Mallory and Rocio and said, Its time the moon is up and soon Elizabeth will feel ill to stand.Jewl, please, dont. If you want us to be a Trident, you wont kill her. Mallory pleaded.No, I will be in the Trident with two, and Elizabeth will die, tonight.Elizabeth stood on the rooftop looking down at the streets. Nothing humans, she felt nothing. The world is still like always. Evil time is here. She wasnt herself; she was someone else, someone darker. It was the soul inside her. He was out, he was dangerously close to complete control, control, that she may not be able to get make. If he stayed, her body would be his.But then she yelled in pain, down on her knees, her hands tried to steady herself, and then she started breathing hard. She had gotten control. She looked through her own eyes, flashes of old memories, that did not belong to her, slowly and gradually moved out of her sight. Her soul was completely out of line and she didnt know what she could do, if while looking for Rocio and Mallory, she lost control again. Or what would happen if the soul took her body, while she stood to protect her friends, or even to find them. To be with them, evil was the souls calling, as her family instructed, but what evil would it do, to the only two friends, she had.Standing, and then falling, again, a curse, it had to be, no spell could do this. She widens her mind, searching for a mind, Rocios. Rocios thoughts entered her mind, We have to help Elizabeth. Jewleys crazy, joining Jo-Jo and then expecting us to, too. Maybe, Draco can find us; the moon is up, again. We cant just stay in the dark, about this.In the dark, the dark, theyre not the only ones. The spirit is arising and being alone isnt what I need to do, right now. Ill find you, I need you and nothing will stop me. Elizabeth thought.Derek appeared at the old warehouse, it was the only dark place in the city. Sundays hour was up, the full moon shinned and he had no human heart. But he still has the feelings for Elizabeth, he has always had.The old warehouse was dark, deeply dark with no sign of a light. But he could feel the witches, all three were here and so was Jo-Jo. Blending in with darkness, he waited, waited for his chance to free Rocio and Mallory and find Elizabeth.Elizabeth jumped from rooftop to the next and then jumps again. Rooftop to rooftop, she could feel nothing, looking down at people walking in the night, she thought, Worthless trash. She shock he head and said, What in the worlds going on? Im not even 17, yet. I need control, got to stay in control.She could feel everything, again, she freed her mind, letting go of everything. This is taking forever, what could possibly take her so long to die. Elizabeth heard, Come on, Elizabeth make their necklaces glow. Thats what she wanted, the dark glow of the necklaces symbolizing the death of one.Closing her eyes and thinking, she opened her mind and saw a warehouse. It was familiar and dark. Inside was a scream, Elizabeth saw her, small and frightened, she raced towards the scream. Elizabeth knew now, it was the need, of what she loved and the end of her, or who she was.This was the memory she was dying never to remember. Her mothers death, she had tried to forget it, but you cant forget when your greatest power is you r mind. Elizabeth watched as her younger self entered the warehouse and so did she.Keno was tall, dark hair, soft gray eyes, he was cute. But Elizabeth hated his face, his gentle voice, his soft pale skin; she could just kill him for what he put her through. He held her mother tight around the waist and at her neck.Mother. Elizabeths younger self cried out.Elizabeth, run. Her mother said. No, Elizabeth, stay. Stay and watch your mother, for the last time. Struggle for life. Keno said, her mother did struggle, but it was in vain. Elizabeth ran towards them and aimed her fist at her waist. But she was thrown back, Elizabeth. She heard in her mind, it was her father.Father. she shouted, as loud as she could.Yes, Elizabeth, call your father, Ill make you an orphan, yet.Leave my daughter, alone. Her mother demanded.Say good-bye, Matty; tell your daughter, you love her.I will never leave my daughter. On the contrary, say good-bye. He held her tighter.Mother. Elizabeth yelled.Elizabeth, go, please.Tell her or Ill be sure to make her an orphan. He said.Elizabeth, I love you. He snapped her neck and laid her body down.Good, Matreania, youre a good mother. He looked at Elizabeth and so did Elizabeth, her younger self was surprised, frightened and about to cry.Now, little Elizabeth, when the time comes, well see what becomes of you. He smiled.I hate you. Elizabeth said, holding her tears.Good, then itll make it easier for you to kill.My fatherll get you.No, he wont. You will. And itll be a chase. I hope youre not consumed. Before I go. Remember this, whoever says, I love you, will meet their end. He went to Elizabeth and kiss her forehead, she couldnt move. I do love you, my witch. Ive made you.And the image disappeared and Elizabeth wondered, what did he mean by, Ive made you. But it wasnt important. The warehouse was a few block down. Elizabeth looked down between the buildings and jumped down. As she got near the ground, she slowed down. Her mind gently, slowly but surely, landing on her feet.She ran out of the alley and into the street. She went two blocks then turned left and went right, a block away. About two in a half blocks away was the warehouse; the surrounding area was about 100 yards around, of empty space. Elizabeths mind was wiped clean, with her mind, she pictured herself flying and she levitated off the ground and looked in to the window.Inside it was dark, and then Elizabeth noticed a dark figure. It was Derek, and he was waiting for something. It had to be Mallory or Rocio, Elizabeth concentrated on an image of Jewley in her mind, but Jewley wasnt in eth warehouse. Where could she be? Where, but here would she go, to find Elizabeth, maybe. But Jewley was no fool; she knew Elizabeth would figure it out. So, where was she?She was behind Elizabeth lifted by water; she took hold of Elizabeths head. Elizabeth was surprised by the attack and lost concaveness. Elizabeth falls into the arms of Keno, below, and he carried her. Jewley came down and said, Master, why?Easy. With her under my control. Evil will have a powerful weapon, and together with Draco, they may open the gates of the ultimate power. Keno said. You and I will be enemies soon enough. Until then, stay loyal to me and Elizabeth will never be a Trident witch, again.Yes, Master. Jewley bowed her head and Keno walked away with Elizabeth.Keno laid Elizabeth down, on a platform. Six candles surrounded them, and he turned to Jo-Jo. You did your part, and when Elizabeth is mine, you will have Draco.Thank you, Master Keno. Itll be a good evil night. Jo-Jo said with a smile and Keno turn to Elizabeth pushing her hair out of her face and smiling. Yes, an evil night for evils way. He spoke to Jo-Jo without turning to him, Now, go, tell Jewley to join you in a moon spell, make sure the moon will not leave. Dont we need Elizabeth for that?You will have her soon, now, go. And Jo-Jo bowed and left out of sight. My dear, since I saw you, I know youd make a perfect queen. When I reserve your heart, Draco will return. Then Mallory and the new witch will have no chose, but to take back Jewley. Ha. Now, lets start. Keno stepped off of the platform and chanted, Love to Lust, trust by heart, sight unseen, Evils rain, Love and Lust, for your sight, at heart. He said this, 6 times, and the candles connected every time, one by one, until Elizabeth laid in the Star of David. In a flash Keno was pulled in the pushed out, hard. Elizabeth was off the platform, above it about a foot and a light went through her heart. And then she fall and Keno walked to the platforms side, starring at her, slowly her fingers started to move.Draco saw Mallory and Rocio and he listened to them. Mallory said, Maybe we can trick her, if Jewleys focused she wont see it coming.No, I think we should wait. Elizabeths hard-headed, Jewley cant stop her from finding out.Shes got a point. Draco said. Surprising Mallory and Rocio. Are you, ok?Yes, where is Elizabeth? Mallory said. Shell be fine. I had to leave her.Where?Dont worry about me. Im cool. Said a voice. And Elizabeth walked into view.Elizabeth?! Rocio said, but Draco stopped her from getting close.Thats not Elizabeth, not our Elizabeth.Oh, Derek or should I say Draco, you take the fun out of everything. Doesnt he, Master?Master?! Keno.Yes, my new heart, and I really do care for you, but I love him. Hows that feel?It doesnt. Besides youre not Elizabeth.Actually. Keno appeared by her, he took hold of her; she embraced his touch like you said. I made a slit adjustment. It was taking too long; I wanted her to be evil now, so I made her.Let her go. Draco said, in anger.No, dont let her go. She loves your touch. Draco never touched me, so sweetly.Elizabeth. Draco said in disbelief.Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth. A stupid name, I like Elizabeth thought, Yuki, boy name, I know, but its better than Elizabeth. My weak mother gave me that name.Elizabeth, you love your mother. Mallory said, Youre being brain washed, fight it.No. Mallory, youre a joke, your nothing to me. Just a joke, youll make a good joker. Elizabeth said, playfully.Oh, no, Yuki! I promised these pathetic beings to the witch.But I want her, and the new witch, too. She could be a toy, for our children and for me. I love to play.Play?! As in an old Witch Game? Rocio said.Of course, a nice Witch Game.Im up for that.Good. Well, Keno, please?!Sure. Jo-Jo can kill the witch.Yay. I got 2 witches and a pet.Elizabeth?! Draco said.No, I like the idea. Rocio said. Trust me, Yukis pure evil and her game will be athletic, good exercise.A lot. Elizabeth said, Keno, Im bored, lets make history. Elizabeth turned to the others and explained. Keno and I are taking away the sun, and time. Well live forever and ever, but you wont. she and Keno laughed, an evil laugh and disappeared.What is it? Whats going on? Derek asked.Oh, Witch Game. Its something me and Elizabeth thought up. We thought it would be a good thing to help future Trident Witches with their powers. It tests the strength, well, and power of a witch. Elizabeth said the secret word for a dangerous task. Rocio said.What?Rocio whispered in Dereks ear. A transformation, Im going to try and use Elizabeths power with mine. Wind and Mind. Powerful apart and deadly together.So, what can I do?Be the one that destroys Keno. Draco was confused, You have to let Elizabeth have that contact, so she can give you both, of out powers, and use them to destroy Keno.This is one of those things easier said than done, huh?!Very much. But its the only way to send the 3 of them away. I dont know much, but Elizabeth already told me, if a Trident Witch goes under evil they can never return. Elizabeth will never be in the Trident, again. But her power can be used, its easy, I hope.Im in.Really?Anything to get back at Keno, for what he did.Good. Rocio smiled at him and he smiled back, then she saw something. It was the first time she really, really looked deep in his eyes. He wasnt really in love with Elizabeth, he was more than that, love, lust, nothing could describe it, and it was beautiful and sweet.What? Derek said. Nothing, I just see what makes you different, what makes you special.Thanks, now, if only Mallory saw it. They laughed. Mallory turned to the, she had been speaking about what spell Keno could have used and how they could reverse it.This isnt funny. She said and they laughed harder.Elizabeth sat on chair of the platform with Jewley at her feet; Keno had told Jewley that they had decided to keep the two witches.But I served you. Jewley said. Yes, you did. And loyally, too. But Elizabeth wants them and Draco.No, she cant. We had a deal.Well, the deals changes and you should be glad that we dont kill you. Elizabeth said.You! You take everything from me. My life, my family, my friends, my destiny, my freedom, now, you take my Trident.Well, you said it, Im spoiled. Now, leave, I wish to rest before the time comes to kill.You are a spoiled bitch. Ill kill you, damn it, I promise you, and your fucking ass is mine. Itll be as slow as a turtles fucking legs, you fucking bitch of a witch.Now, thats not nice. Now, go, I need my rest. Elizabeth waved her away and with anger Jewley left.Everythings, perfect. Keno said, Were together, Draco will be back on the winning side, and the only Trident that can stop us, is short a very powerful Mind witch.Oh, Keno, youre just being sweet as sugar.What? What was that?Youre as sweet as sugar.Why?Because youre a beautiful creature with an act of really doing evil.Really? Why dont we test ourselves?What do you mean, Keno?Lets see, what our limits are. You and one of your friends against each other.Who?! Tell me, its the Dark One.No, Mallory. Shes quiet, we wouldnt notice, besides Jo-Jo could be a joker.Ok. Elizabeth said unease, but not letting on, Lets do it.Now?Of course, when else?!Fine. Keno called, Jo-JoYes. Jo-Jo said.Get the witches and Draco, we want to play.Ok. Jo-Jo had returned with Draco, Mal and Rocio, Elizabeth was waiting side by side, she and Keno watched them enter. The room had been turned into an arena and Elizabeth and Keno were on the left corner. Jo-Jo leave us. Keno said and he did, The game is easy. Keno told them. Elizabeth will kill Draco.14What? Elizabeth said, surprised.Yes, dont worry.I thought I would fight Mallory, not kill Draco. I need to fight Mallory, not Draco.Trust me, my love; youll enjoy it, just as much.How? He is just like jo-jo, useless and pointless. If I am to be your queen and take over, creating all evil, if am I suppose to do that, when you have me fighting Dark Ones, without a call. He isnt even good.You would be surprised, at how powerful, this Dark One can be.I doubt it.Hell prove to be incredible, trust me.But evil has no trust.Just face him; youll understand what he truly can do, if you just face him, in a true fight.Ok, but then I want Jewleys head, and I want to be the one, that chops it off and places it, on the platter.If that is what my queen wants, then I will see to it, that you will have her head and theirs, when you tire of them.Oh, really. I would love that, but does it have to be soon, I think I should wait, until they can prove to be a challenge.If thats what you wish, then that is what will happen.Fine. But I will defend myself. Draco said. Fine, with me. Elizabeth said. She stood up, straight, looking him up and down and said, This wont take look. She entered his mind, but was thrown out, she fell to her knees and Keno helped her up.It wont be easy. Draco said.Fine, then I wont take it easy on you. Youre nothing to me; Ill finish you, yet. Elizabeths eyes changed again, to pure black, but unlike before a purple energy poured out of them. She thrusted her hand forward are the energy blasted out. Draco rolled out of the way and looked to Rocio. She nodded at him and he nodded back. Elizabeth created a wave, Draco couldnt dodge and his body thrusted out, he hung over them, unable to move.Draco, fight back. Elizabeth shouted, I dont want to kill a weak Dark One. And this cant be all the great Draco can do. What a disappointment?No, its not. Rocio said, Elizabeth shoot her a look and Rocio flow back. Mallory rushed to Rocios side, she was out. Mallory looked to Elizabeth in shock.Whats wrong with you?! Out of the two of us, why her?Were closer. Elizabeth throws another wave, but Mallory meet it with a fire wall and throw her own powerful surge of power. Elizabeth waved it away, and went back to Draco, she entered his mind.It was so dark, not even a spark of light, no way to know where his inner spirit laid. But that wasnt the way the battle would go, she looked for a mind connection a breeze of wind. She felt it behind her neck and let herself go, with it her power poured out of her through Draco.When Elizabeth exited his mind, she fell to her knees. Keno kneeled beside her, Is it done? he said.Yes. She said Its done, and so is this.What?Shes right. Draco said. He stood near; he looked more powerful than he had before. It was a sight, when his eyes began to change black and his hands, started to focus a stronger, nearly visible force of energy. Get away from her. You?! How dare you? Keno said. Elizabeth went beside Draco.I dont know, remember, you made me. Elizabeth said. Her words were cold, almost as heartless as her eyes, she had no emotion, and she was empty, without regret or understanding of why there is good. Her eyes looked at him, like he was a tiny sheep, facing and ready to fight, a giant wolf, in for the kill. Draco gathered the wind and dark energy, in a mind threatening attack and let it go. Elizabeth held out her hand, struggled to keep it stable, as she took the energy and directed it to Keno, Say hey to my mother, or not. Elizabeth let it go. Keno yelled in pain, and was destroyed.
Rocio sat up and Mallory was bewildered. What happened? she said. Elizabeth turned around and opened her mouth, but before she could tell her anything, she fall flat.When Elizabeth woke up, she heard voices down stairs, felt the minds of others. She crept down the hall and listened, she heard Mallory reply, So, after we got Jo-Jo, we found out a vampire had joined him and was going to take out Keno after he saw Elizabeth was pure evil andThen he would take control of Elizabeth and have her use the Trident to end the world as we know it. Rocio continued. Then Jewley would have her way with Elizabeth and shed join the Trident. She needed someone from in the Trident to be labeled evil, even for a second, to be able to return to being a Trident Witch. At least that was the general idea, I guess, ideas change.Right. Everything seems to change, for Evils plans, when you, girls, are involved.Xavior said.Yeah. Im just glad we stopped Kenos plans, for Elizabeth. Mallory said.Right, because Keno needed Elizabeth to suffer the loose of someone close and who better than her hero. Then Keno would have her open the gates of power. Which would be used for evil, if Elizabeth was evil and opening the gate? But why Elizabeth? Why us? HISTORY? Elizabeth said. Coming down the stairs, she had just stepped into the conversation, surprising them all. It was such a powerful exchange; they didnt expect her to come out of her slumber, so soon. Our family has the history of being powerful. And Keno wanted the challenge, so he went after mother, instead of you. He believed that her death, would sparrow our lives, and it did, but not for the reasons that he wanted. Instead, we got a spin, when the focus had to change.Had to change? Mallory asked.Someone in the family, vanished, and hasnt been seen since the night of Matreanias murder. But of course, with all the good and evil between your mothers family history, just them alone proves that your blood, pure or not, is one of the strongest and more powerful, better and easier to turn you then challenge or try to kill you.Right. I dont think this is the last time were going to meet someone that wants our family tree. Elizabeth said, her cheek raise high and they could she was proud.Well, theyll have to get through our family, first. Rocio said, standing up.Yeah, together, we can do a lot. Mallory said.Were the strongest family, ever. Arent we? Elizabeth said, and they smiled at her.So, what happened? Mallory said.From what you tell me, I think that they put their power into Derek by only one way. Elizabeths mind wave, most have carried Rocios power away from her. Which was why she was knocked out, even a defeated witch had a tiny drop of her power, but Rocio needed to give it all or it wouldnt work. So, she did and Elizabeth entered Dereks mind and let herself go. Elizabeths father explained.What? Wait, Elizabeth, you called Derek, Draco, why? Rocio said.Derek turned to Elizabeth, his eyes were wide, but her face didnt look at him. For the first time, since they knew her, Elizabeth smiled and said, I figured, Keno said something about Draco, so if I could make him believe Derek was Draco, then he wouldnt look for him. Elizabeth explained.Oh. Mallory and Rocio said, together.Why?They turned, to look at each other; then turned to Elizabeth and said, No reason.No comments: HomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)FollowersBlog Archive 2014(1) September(1)some info 2010(1) November(1)About MeTrident MindI LOVE MY FAMILY AND TO WRITE. I HAVE PUBLISHE DON BOOK, AND GOING. I HAVE FOUR KIDS I LOVE, MINE OR NOT. I LOVE MY HUSBAND AND MY LIFE, I LOVE THE WAY THAT EVERYTHING IS WHNE IT COMES TO MY FAMILY. I LIKE WATCHING CRIMINAL MIND, AND MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IS SPINCER REED, AND IT'S HARD TO NOT LOVE ALL THE OTHER CHARACTERS. I HAVE A WILD AND VIVID IMAGINATION AND IT IS ALWAYS ROLLING IN EVERYTHING. I GET INSPIRATION FROM OTHERS THEIR THOUGHTS, QUESTIONS AND OPINIONS, GOOD OR BAD, EITHER WAY I LOVE THE INSPIRATION.View my complete profile
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