Superstition Motors | El Cajon Auto Repair for Cars, Trucks, SUVs Diesels

Web Name: Superstition Motors | El Cajon Auto Repair for Cars, Trucks, SUVs Diesels






When your car needs repair you have options. You can take it to the dealership where you will talk to someone who makes a commission on what he sells you. The waiting room is nice and they give you a free ride home, but you pay for the service. And you will never see the mechanic who works on your car. You can go to your uncle Charlie who works on cars. But he may not have the experience or equipment to do the work, especially if your car is less than 15 years old. Or... You can go to an experienced, certified mechanic at your independent auto repair shop. We will show you what is wrong. We will tell you what needs to be done now and what can wait. We will listen to you and include you in the repair process. We won't talk down to you. We won't try to sell you something you don't need. We will explain our charges - and we will give you a fair price. Do you know the feeling when you are safe with someone? When you know your vehicle will reliably start in the morning and won’t break down on your way home? When you know someone will remind you when it is time for routine service? And when your repairs are guaranteed – no questions asked?That is the feeling we strive for at Superstition Motors. You are safe with us. We provide a wide variety of services from routine maintenance to major repairs. We can change your oil, replace a clutch or rebuild your engine. We work on cars, SUVs, light and medium duty trucks and diesel engines. We repair Asian and domestic vehicles and service cars from German manufacturers. read more Superstition Motors is an independent auto repair facility. We use experienced, certified mechanics.Your car is important to us. We are out to build long term relationships with customers who will trust us with their vehicles year after year. read more Our shop is in El Cajon just off Interstate 8. Take the Main Street Exit. You will find us conveniently located at 606 South Marshall, one block south of the S. Marshall Ave. Trolley Station. Work downtown? Drop your car off. Take the trolley to work. Your car will be ready when you return. read more Superstition Motors Ltd., 2011-15 Serving the San Diego East County including El Cajon, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, Spring Valley, Rancho San Diego, Santee, Lakeside, Jamul, Alpine, and Ramona Site Created by K&J Web Productions

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Superstition Motors is an auto repair facility in El Cajon, CA. We service cars, SUVs, light and medium duty trucks and diesel engine vehicles. We employee ASE Certified Master Technicians and can handle most vehicle issues. Our undercarriage specialists offer alignment, suspension and brake services. We have an in-house machine shop and offer engine rebuilding service.

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