POLYGRAPH - An insidious Orwellian instrument of torture!

Web Name: POLYGRAPH - An insidious Orwellian instrument of torture!

WebSite: http://polygraph.com





I am soliciting help with a motion I am writing in my case. (In the US DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA - USA v. DOUGLAS G WILLIAMS No. 5:14-cr-00318). I am looking for something like a crowd-think kind of thing. I obviously have no idea what I'm doing, so any ideas and all suggestions are welcome. Having been very unsuccessful with all my pro se motions and appeals to date, I am asking for help with this one because it is so very important - not just to me - but to the NATIONAL SECURITY of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Again, all suggestions are welcome. Please try to follow my logic - and challenge it as you see fit - as I lay out a few random thoughts that I want to include in my motion. My goal is to get the court to stop all federal polygraph testing until such time as the court determines the polygraph is accurate and reliable as a lie detector. At present, the polygraph is being relied upon to a much greater degree than it deserves be. It is now the primary tool used to protect our national security, and polygraph testing is the sole determinant of the suitability of applicants for positions with the federal government. Think about that, and remember these three facts: (1) According to a study done by the NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENTISTS, a polygraph, when used as a lie detector is only accurate about 50% of the time in pre-employment applications. (2) Applicants for positions with the federal government who must submit to this pseudo-scientific polygraph test as a condition of employment (or continued employment), suffer an outrageous, unacceptable (and indefensible) failure rate of up to 70%! (3) And finally, my prosecution, while a travesty of justice, did accomplish one very positive thing - it forced the USGOV polygraph industry to finally admit something they had denied for decades - it is very easy for a liar to beat the test by simply learning a few simple biofeedback exercises with which to control the polygraph chart tracings and beat the test very easily - this then brings the accuracy of the polygraph as a lie detector down to A BIG FAT ZERO. Just think about that; the United States federal government spends $4 billion every year on polygraph examinations which have O% accuracyand reliability as a lie detectors . I would also like to ask the court to safeguard all records of my case including all discovery produced by the government and any other information obtained during any investigation involving OPERATION LIE BUSTERS and forward this information to the US ATTORNEY GENERAL, the DOJ/IG, and the DHS/IG. I would like for the folks in charge at the justice department to tell me: Is this really how the system is supposed to work? Does the US ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE DOJ/IG and the DHS/IG really think the actions of Tomsheck, Swartz and Ball in OPERATION LIE BUSTERS, and those of the AUSA's involved in the prosecution of this case - a case that was based entirely on a lie and manufactured from thin air with no proper legal predicate to even initiate it - are proper, or even legal? Are these actions by the DOJ prosecutors in my case performing a legitimate function of DOJ prosecutors? Is it proper for them to act as the in-house attorneys for the USGOV polygraph industry, and to use the criminal justice system to silence their critics, to destroy any business which offers any form of competition or threat, or, as in my case, criminalize any activity that in any way challenges the myth of lie detection via polygraph? Hell, the prosecutors in my case not only destroyed my Personal Polygraph Test Preparation business, confiscated all my equipment and all my records, harassed and intimidated my clients (all because they bought a damn book!), and still prohibit me from running my business for the entire three year duration of my supervised release, but they even filed a motion to try to stop me being called as an expert witness in a case where the defendant was trying to use his polygraph test results to beat a rape case. They actually said my testimony was a violation of the terms of my supervised release which prohibits me from being involved in any form of polygraph related activity , because I told the court that I intended to testify about and demonstrate how easily a liar can beat the polygraph test. Who are the attorneys at the DOJ really working for? The government prosecutors say the same thing on all their forms - at the top of all the indictments and motions that they have filed against me in this case, it says they are prosecuting me on behalf of the people of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. To that I say BULLSHIT! In my case the DOJ is obviously working for the thugs and charlatans in the USGOV polygraph industry - and I demand to know why that is and whether or not that is fitting and proper or, for that matter, whether or not it is even legal! I am trying to write a motion to get the answers to those questions. I was charged with WITNESS TAMPERING for teaching a federal agent how to beat a polygraph test. The case was total bullshit, and the thugs and charlatans in the USGOV polygraph industry went to great lengths to finally get the DOJ to prosecute it. They even had to get the government attack dogs from the PUBLIC INTEGRITY unit of the DOJ out of Washington, D.C. to come to Oklahoma to prosecute me. The US Attorney in the Western District of Oklahoma told my attorney: We looked at the case, but we didn't want anything to do with it. We prosecute real crimes - this is not a real crime . But again, the most valuable thing my prosecution did was to make the USGOV polygraph charlatans admit something that they had denied for decades: That I can teach a person to control every tracing on the polygraph chart and produce a truthful polygraph test result regardless of whether they are lying or telling the truth. Now, listen up, because this part is a very important factor in turning this whole thing around and using it to my advantage - kind of like a martial arts fighter using the opponent's force and aggression against them... but I digress - if I can do what I was charged with, convicted of, and served two years in federal prison for - teaching people how to beat a polygraph by showing them how to control every tracing on the polygraph chart so as to be able to produce a truthful chart regardless of whether they are lying or telling the truth - that is prima facie evidence the polygraph is absolutely worthless for its stated purpose of lie detection . And my prosecution is proof that not only is the polygraph worthless as a lie detector (since the results can be manipulated easily by the person taking the test), but that the government - specifically the polygraph operators in the USGOV polygraph industry - know it is. So, the thugs and charlatans in the USGOV polygraph industry are knowingly perpetrating a fraud by claiming to be able to detect deception, and to cover up this fraud and, (according to John R Swartz in his speech to the AMERICAN POLICE POLYGRAPH ASSOCIATION), to stop my protesting the loudest and the longest against the polygraph , certain members of the USGOV polygraph industry, US Government Polygraph Operators Tomsheck, Swartz and Ball, came up with OPERATION LIE BUSTERS. These three polygraph operators from the CBP/IA - the ones who were behind OPERATION LIE BUSTERS and who were removed from their positions for dereliction of duty after a DHS/IG investigation proved they spent three years doing an unauthorized investigation of and manufacturing charges against me, rather than doing the job they were assigned to do - were no doubt motivated by their hatred of me, which is deep and palpable, but, in reality, they are motivated much less by a desire to seek revenge against me for all the damage I have done to their industry and more by their abject fear that I am going to expose the entire government polygraph industry as a fraud, utterly destroy it and hold the practitioners of this evil pseudoscience up to the contempt and ridicule they so richly deserve - and, if all goes well, that is exactly what I intend to do! I also want to get compensation for the literally millions of victims of these thugs and charlatans by means of a class action lawsuit, (see SUE THE BASTARDS!). What I want the court to do is to stop all federal polygraph testing until such time as the court is satisfied that it is accurate and reliable for its stated purpose of lie detection. It seems to me, that if I can teach a person how to beat a polygraph test, that should be proof that it is not sufficiently accurate and reliable to be used as the sole determinate of guilt or innocence or whether an applicant is suitable, or, unsuitable, truthful or deceptive. When the NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENTISTS did a study on the accuracy of pre-employment polygraph testing, they concluded that it was no more accurate than the flip of a coin. Add to that the fact that the government has now admitted it's very easy for a liar to beat this test - by virtue of the fact that they prosecuted me for training a federal agent how to do just that and have prohibited me from giving this personal polygraph test preparation training for the duration of my probation - then any reasonable and prudent person must conclude that it is a criminal waste of taxpayers money - $4 billion annually - to continue to pay the thugs and charlatans in the government polygraph industry to perpetrate a fraud which is only beneficial to them and which unjustly enriches them at the expense of literally hundreds of thousands of American citizens who they falsely brand as liars solely on the basis of a failed polygraph test . I also plan to ask the court to safeguard all the records of my case and send them to the DHS/IG and the DOJ/IG to investigate the travesty of justice that took place in my case and evaluate the motives behind the government polygraph operators' unauthorized investigation of me - OPERATION LIE BUSTERS - and whether their actions, which have already resulted in their being found guilty of dereliction of duty and being removed from their positions, constitute actions that are so outrageous and unreasonable as to cause the court to look at my case and consider whether or not there was a proper predicate laid to even begin OPERATION LIE BUSTERS in the first place or whether OPERATION LIE BUSTERS was an unauthorized rogue operation conducted by USGOV polygraph operators to stop a legitimate protest against what has been proven to be a fraudulent activity perpetrated by the USGOV polygraph industry. i.e. polygraph testing . If it is the latter, and all the evidence shows that it is, then OPERATION LIE BUSTERS resulted in the violation of my civil rights by agents of the United States Federal Government - acting under color of law - and that is the crime the FBI and the DOJ should have investigated and prosecuted. And they should still investigate and prosecute it. BOUNCING AROUND HERE IN MY BRAINSTORMING: I would just like to throw out this thought to any good attorneys out there who may be considering helping me out... It is my opinion that the actions of Tomsheck, Swartz and Ball in OPERATION LIE BUSTERS is a violation of my civil rights UNDER COLOR OF LAW. I would be happy to get into this in much greater detail and provide evidence if one of you champions of the truth, justice and the American Way will kindly contact me... Sydney Powell, are you out there? I would submit that rather than prosecute me on some fake set-up sting, some crime manufactured by the thugs and charlatans in the USGOV polygraph industry to cover up their fraudulent polygraph industry practices, the DOJ should have prosecuted the thugs and charlatans in the government polygraph industry for perpetrating a massive evil fraud themselves. That is why I'm asking the court to send all the records of my case to the DOJ/IG and the DHS/IG - let's see what they think about OPERATION LIE BUSTERS - who knows, when it's all said and done, it may very well be that those thugs and charlatans in the US federal government polygraph industry behind OPERATION LIE BUSTERS - specifically Tomsheck, Schwartz and Ball - who end up getting busted. Now, that's what I would call poetic justice. While he was still in prison, Doug was interviewed by the NPR program THIS AMERICAN LIFE. Click on this link to listen to this program. NPR This American Life - Mr. Lie Detector One week after being released from prison, Doug was interviewed by Gavin McInnes. This video is an excerpt of this interview. After Doug returned home from prison, he got a nice email from a young lady by the name of Angela Scott. She welcomed Doug home and sent him a link to a video of her speech to TOASTMASTERS. This speech was his testimony in the US Congress in support of the EMPLOYEE POLYGRAPH PROTECTION ACT. Click here to watch it: Angela Scott's dramatic reading of Doug's testimony in the U.S. Congress This article and the video above were written and produced prior to Doug being incarcerated in Federal prison for 2 years for protesting the loudest and the longest against the polygraph . MAN vs MACHINE - Doug Williams' war on the so-called lie detector . This CBS 60 MINUTES program was first aired in May 1986. It was rebroadcast numerous times during the next two years and was very instrumental in encouraging the Congress to pass the EMPLOYEE POLYGRAPH PROTECTION ACT into law. This law prohibited the use of the polygraph as a condition of employment in the private sector. Unfortunately for literally millions of people, the government was given an exemption from this law and in spite of all the evidence showing the waste, fraud and abuse by the government polygraph thugs, the government has actually expanded the use the polygraph dramatically. Shame on all the government officials who use the polygraph! You have much to answer for. HOW TOSTING THE POLYGRAPH Order Now! After you have read the manual a few times, feel free to call or text Doug Williams with any questions you may have. Please use SIGNAL for security purposes - Doug Williams 405-226-4856 You must read the manual carefully before asking any questions, (I'll know if you haven't). Doug Williams is once again offering PERSONAL POLYGRAPH TEST PREPARATION TRAINING. The fee for this service is $1000 if you come to Norman OK, $5000 plus expenses if Doug travels to you. To book a time for this training, email dougwilliams7777777@outlook.com or text Doug 405-226-4856. I am on SIGNAL, Doug Williams, 405-226-4856 and I would prefer you to call or text me on SIGNAL (for confidentiality) . One- half the fee ($500 or$2500) as a non-refundable retainer is required to confirm your appointment. When you pay the retainer and book the appointment, you will be given the address to come to in Norman, OK which is located just off I-35 in Norman, OK - 20 minutes south of the Will Rogers World Airport (OKC). The balance will be paid (in CASH) on the day of the training sesion. The polygraph expert If you are scheduled to take a polygraph test you must be properly prepared or you will fail it over 50% of the time. Doug Williams, inventor of the Sting Technique , is the only person in the world qualified - and certified by the US Federal government - to properly prepare you to pass your polygraph test . Doug's PERSONAL POLYGRAPH TEST PREPARATION TRAINING will enable you to control every tracing on the polygraph chart so as to ALWAYS produce a perfect truthful chart traciing. Failing to prepare is simply preparing to fail! I am introducing a new platform for my PERSONAL POLYGRAPH TEST PREPARATION TRAINING. I am now offering this complete training program online via SKYPE or FACETIME. The fee for this one hour session with Doug Williams is $150. Call or text 405-226-4856 for more information.Online polygraph test prep training

TAGS:insidious An POLYGRAPH polygraph liedetector liedetection polygraphtest polygrap

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The polygraph is not a lie detector - it is a fraud that is ruining the lives of millions of people!

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