News With Views Where Reality Shatters Illusion

Web Name: News With Views Where Reality Shatters Illusion






Latest ArticlesSeattle’s ‘Autonomous Zone’ is Setting an Extremely Dangerous Precedent While State and Seattle Encourage Domestic TerrorismBlack Lives Matter and Antifa burned down Minneapolis – if they didn’t burn it, they defaced it or stole it.  The Useless mayor watched it happen, and now this Leftist mayor (Jacob Frey) wants Trump to bail his city out after these lawless hoodlums used George Floyd as an excuse to loot and burn.  Protests yes – looting, burning, defacing, and attacking police, etc. no.By Greg Holt|2020-06-15T04:27:49-04:00June 15th, 2020|Black Lives Matter Just a Slogan While Americans Miss the Bigger Picture“By “defund the police,” the left means replacing the police with Sharia patrol, Black Panthers, La Raza and other anti-Christian, anti-white social justice enforcers…The police reform bill introduced by Democrat lawmakers this week empowers radical left-wing groups such as La Raza (The Race), a Communist brown supremacist group, to monitor police officers across the country.”By Devvy Kidd|2020-06-15T04:03:26-04:00June 15th, 2020|Danger Coming, Know Your Rights and Know Your SheriffI have five grown children, their spouses and now nine grandchildren. As a Christian, I cherish our country and my religious freedom. It grieves me to see what has happened to the last two generations of children and now I see the huge divide in society. We are running out of time to make something happen in an effort to regain some sanity.By Mary Tocco|2020-06-15T02:37:50-04:00June 15th, 2020|Ruminations of a Baby Boomer:  Why Not Separate the Races in America?Two weeks ago, Muslim students at San Francisco State University charged a student-run Republican voting table.  They knocked it over and threatened to blow up the place.  One Muslim woman vowed to become a bomber martyr.  They did not respect our Republican form of government where each of us is afforded our rights to free speech.By Frosty Wooldridge|2020-06-15T01:55:20-04:00June 15th, 2020|National HeadlinesPelosi, Schiff and Her Thugs Refuse to Investigate the Wuhan Virus Just Blame TrumpAfter three years of trying to nail President Donald Trump on bogus charges during two failed attempts at impeachment, the Democratic Party -- especially Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her inner-circle of liars, leakers and thugs -- as well the dishonest news media are seeking to turn an international disaster into a political sledgehammer to use against Trump in the upcoming 2020 presidential electionNews With Views2020-05-15T04:53:56-04:00May 15th, 2020|Destroying Michael Flynn: Corrupt Obama Politicizes U.S. Intelligence Agencies and SpymastersAs the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) from July 2012 until he was forced out in August 2014, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (Ret.) clashed mightily with the Obama administration’s policies on ISIS and the Iran nuclear deal, among other things.News With Views2020-05-05T04:10:34-04:00May 5th, 2020|Schumer Facing Ethics Complaints Due to His Threats Against SCOTUS JudgesThanks to the news media and the lazy, lackadaisical GOP RINO contingent, very few if any Democratic Party leaders are held up to the same standards of conduct that the leftist, corrupt news purveyors demand from Republicans. There are numerous examples of this double-standard.News With Views2020-04-24T02:59:44-04:00April 24th, 2020|George Soros The Face of the New World Order Targets Trump2020 CampaignMulti-billionaire, America hater George Soros — the public face of the New World Order — has issued fresh instructions to his minions that underscore Soros’ growing fear of President Trump. “If things keep going this way, Trump is going to get re-elected. So we’ve decided to take emergency action,” MoveOn wrote to their deep state disciples.News With Views2020-04-10T03:34:14-04:00April 10th, 2020|Opinions on Today s NewsSeattle’s ‘Autonomous Zone’ is Setting an Extremely Dangerous Precedent While State and Seattle Encourage Domestic TerrorismBlack Lives Matter and Antifa burned down Minneapolis – if they didn’t burn it, they defaced it or stole it.  The Useless mayor watched it happen, and now this Leftist mayor (Jacob Frey) wants Trump to bail his city out after these lawless hoodlums used George Floyd as an excuse to loot and burn.  Protests yes – looting, burning, defacing, and attacking police, etc. no.By Greg Holt|2020-06-15T04:27:49-04:00June 15th, 2020|Black Lives Matter Just a Slogan While Americans Miss the Bigger Picture“By “defund the police,” the left means replacing the police with Sharia patrol, Black Panthers, La Raza and other anti-Christian, anti-white social justice enforcers…The police reform bill introduced by Democrat lawmakers this week empowers radical left-wing groups such as La Raza (The Race), a Communist brown supremacist group, to monitor police officers across the country.”By Devvy Kidd|2020-06-15T04:03:26-04:00June 15th, 2020|Danger Coming, Know Your Rights and Know Your SheriffI have five grown children, their spouses and now nine grandchildren. As a Christian, I cherish our country and my religious freedom. It grieves me to see what has happened to the last two generations of children and now I see the huge divide in society. We are running out of time to make something happen in an effort to regain some sanity.By Mary Tocco|2020-06-15T02:37:50-04:00June 15th, 2020|Ruminations of a Baby Boomer:  Why Not Separate the Races in America?Two weeks ago, Muslim students at San Francisco State University charged a student-run Republican voting table.  They knocked it over and threatened to blow up the place.  One Muslim woman vowed to become a bomber martyr.  They did not respect our Republican form of government where each of us is afforded our rights to free speech.By Frosty Wooldridge|2020-06-15T01:55:20-04:00June 15th, 2020|Floyd s Death Based on Empty-Headed StereotypingThe reason given by police for taking down and choking George Floyd to death was that he tried to pay for something [with] what turned out to be a counterfeit 20 dollar bill.  What? He could have gotten that bill in another transaction and had no idea it was bogus.  This writer knows this since it once happened to me.....only I was not tackled to the ground by a cop and strangled to death.By Rev. Austin Miles|2020-06-14T04:16:50-04:00June 14th, 2020|Donald s Economy: Where It Is Now And Where It Is HeadingIt didn’t take long for the President to figure out what was going on and the day Trump  said “hydroxychloroquine” and Dr. Fauci said “Oh, no… untrustworthy drug” and the rest of the medical community disagreed with Fauci, that story began its downhill slide.  Then we found out about the patents Fauci owned involving HIV (which is part of coronavirus) and the old rule about "follow the money" was proved true once again.By Marilyn M Barnewall|2020-06-14T04:08:19-04:00June 14th, 2020|Bill Gates’ Hand In COVID-19, Part 6Our culture needs to be protected with everything we have.  If we don’t protect it, we will never see this America again.  “The side effect of treason is lead poisoning or rope burn, but not usually both,” joked one Big League Politics commenter in reference to Bill Gates. John the Baptist paved the way for Jesus,” wrote another. “Bill Gates is paving the way for the antichrist.”By Roger Anghis|2020-06-14T02:08:50-04:00June 14th, 2020|Don’t Just Blindly Trust! Verify!Don’t just blindly swallow what the media is feeding you; because they’re experts at deception.  That’s their job.  Learn to discern — take the time to stop and think, ask questions, pay attention to the “man behind the curtain,” and dig for the truth on your own.  My advice: DON’T just TRUST.  Verify.By Rob Pue|2020-06-14T01:32:47-04:00June 14th, 2020|Oprah is a Ultra Leftist Trojan HorseOprah is exploiting George Floyd to further her fellow progressives' far-left-radial agenda. If she really cares about blacks, Oprah would focus on addressing out-of-control black-on-black homicides in cities controlled by Democrats. As a true advocate for blacks, Oprah would focus on ending generational poverty, gangs, drugs and incarcerations due to fatherless households.By Lloyd Marcus|2020-06-13T03:58:33-04:00June 13th, 2020|Seattle’s ‘Autonomous Zone’ is really a ‘Terrorist Zone’Shockingly, Mayor Jenny Durkin and Governor Jay Inslee have done nothing and seemingly support the criminal protestors as they threaten, burn and take over their city.  In fact, our compromised Governor said he didn’t even know about it.  Boy, isn’t that comforting, what leadership?By Dr. Laurie Roth|2020-06-13T03:21:24-04:00June 13th, 2020|A Conversation with AllahHard as I tried, I had a terrible time being a Muslim right at the entry level. I, therefore, decided to write this open letter in the hope of receiving some satisfactory answers to the many questions that trouble humanity greatly.By Amil Imani|2020-06-13T02:56:32-04:00June 13th, 2020|Is The Law and Order President Failing America?I saw one story about whether Trump would benefit from the riots. Is this the political calculation in the White House? I’m told he thinks his political rallies will turn things around. It’s true that a backlash is underway. But waiting for a backlash doesn’t justify inaction by federal authorities as lives are lost and property is destroyed.By Cliff Kincaid|2020-06-13T02:42:06-04:00June 13th, 2020|HBO Bans Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With The WindDid you know that the Nazis banned Gone With The Wind, claiming it inspired the French Resistance?  Debra Freer, Mitchell historian said, "Most likely, they were afraid GWTW would give people hope, and the will to survive under occupation and tyranny."  The Russians later banned GWTW throughout the Soviet Empire.By Kelleigh Nelson|2020-06-12T03:31:56-04:00June 12th, 2020|Will you do your part to help wake up America?Support News with Views!

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