Review of Skip The Line

by Hans-Jürgen John

Skip The Line by James Altucher Ingenious, Simple Strategies to Propal Yourself to Wealth, Success and Happiness

The Author:

James Altucher is an entrepreneur, active angel investor, writer, podcaster, stand-up comedian, and chess master. He is the author of eighteen books, including the bestsellers The Power of No and Choose yourself!

The first time I heard and read about James Altucher was on LinkedIn you can subscribe to his newsletter there: The James Altucher Idea List.

About a year ago 2020/07/13 he published a post there about everything that was current … and the 30 day Book Challenge.

I was immediately fascinated. By the idea and how he described it:

The definition of a book has changed. If you go into a book store, most books are … 250 300 pages … This is a relic of the past. A book can be any number of … pages, and about any topic you want.

If every book you write averages $ 500 a month …, and you write a book a month, then by the end of the year you will be selling $ 6,000 a month.

This was followed by the exact procedure / action guide from idea to publication and marketing.

I got curious, downloaded the ebook The Power of No. And learned that I should become an expert. In a subject area I love. Read 500 books and become an expert. James Altucher makes it all sound easy and effortless.

I decided to take small steps. Read books and review them. Here I am.

The Content:

This review is not a summary of the book. Lets say it in the authors words: it’s time to skip the line, to explore the universe of possibilities that nobody else even believes exists.

Read it and Skip The Line to your personal success story.

Thats the promise of this book.

The book begins very much in the spirit of the title. 
Skip The Line means nothing other than interpreting some of the written and unwritten laws in business broadly.

It sounds logical. If everyone within a company follows the hierarchy and dutifully reports to their superiors the one person who skips the hierarchy and presents an excellent idea directly to the leader can go down or get noticed in a positive way.

It is an invitation be bold! Leave the long line of those who wait patiently for success. Push yourself forward! Take what is rightfully yours!

The book is a hymn to initiative. And yet it begins strangely. It reminds us of painful moments 9/11, stock crashes, and the pandemic. It reminds us of loss and pain. It picks us up in the deepest valley of social and personal crashes and claims to teach in 152 pages what 100 % of the population wants and only a small percentage achieves. 

According to research many people who set goals never actually achieve them. Procrastination?

Does the book achieve its goal of teaching successful behaviors?

Time will answer that question. Those who have found do not look for more the sales of the following business books of other authors would collapse this is as unlikely as the city on Mars and yet possible.

Nevertheless, I am not doing a book review on empty promises.

The beginning of the book is special. Steven Covey, author of business bestseller The 7 habits of highly effective people would recommend: Start with the goal in mind.

Claude Ribaux, Zürich expert in flow and Active-Awake-Hypnosis and guiding numerous managers in Switzerland on the way to high performance would link positive memories with ones goals.

Again, James Altucher breaks a rule.

What do the thoughts of unsuccessful people revolve around? Right. They revolve around problems like the thoughts of generations of scientists revolve around the abolition of gravity. So far, to no avail in both cases.

Only a solution means salvation.

James Altucher picks people up where they are. He projects the lowest common denominators of failure and inspires them to rise above the rubble of the past. Situational change means taking a new approach changing behavior.

The problem with any self-help book is: how can advice effectively provide individual help to millions of readers?

Let me pick out one point. 
James Altucher talks about how he puts an idea into action. That innovation is a muscle that delivers through training what drives every successful person ideas.

I was no longer depressed. I was writing down ten ideas every day. I started in June 2002. By September 2002 I felt like my brain was on fire. I couldn’t wait to get up, get to a café, read for a little bit, then start writing down my ideas. Ten ideas a day. Business ideas. Book ideas. Article ideas. Ideas for other people, other businesses.

A wonderful book. It is worth reading. It delivers what it promises. Help for self-help. Simple methods that promise personal success.

What sounds perfect has a catch. The implementation. The daily discipline of sitting down and putting 10 ideas on paper. Sure. I can love the idea. Actually doing it separates the successful 1% from the rest of the population. Whereas. You can also redefine success and lower the bar for some, doing one thing a day is success.

I have not yet read all of James Altuchers books. Great would be one on the topic of diciplin or procrastination. That would be another best seller.

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Review of The Real-Life MBA

by Hans-Jürgen John

The Real-Life MBA: Your No-BS Guide to Winning the Game, Building a Team, and Growing Your Career by Jack Suzy Welch

The Authors:

Suzy Welch is a best-selling author, television host, and business journalist at Harward Business Review. Through her work at the Jack Welch Management Institute, she is predestined to co-author this book.

In his 20 years at the helm of General Electric, Jack Welch played a key role in shaping the company. Thomas Edison founded Edison General Electric in 1889 and the company has been reinventing itself ever since.


I read this book in German the quotes refer to the German version.

A book review can only address a few points.

In the acknowledgements, the authors enthusiasm for the best game in the world is palpable. Business is a team sport like writing this book.

Business as a Game. That says a lot. You improve with each new game. Emotions are allowed, indeed required, to win. Losing is just learning. The end of a game means only new game.

The book ends with the confession: Because work is great. It is life. It is what we do. Better every day. This reminds me of an interview I had the privilege of holding with HR professional Regula Zellweger (german): Work is also life.

What does successful business start with? The company has a mission. If the mission is clearly formulated, every employee knows what he or she is doing.

Chapter 3 Growth is Life is interesting. Growth it can be a new product, a new customer service or a great new customer.

The authors quote Joe DeAngelo, the CEO who led HD Supply out of the crisis: Every individual needs to come to work every day knowing that they are a growth company … If you dont think growth every day and if you dont say growth every day, it doesnt happen.

New leaders look at a company from a new perspective what it is and what it can become. Thats why dont be afraid of new hires. The authors advice: If you want growth, dont hesitate to bring in a new perspective (or perspectives).

More ideas: Growth initiatives are funded by (weak) leaders by the watering can principle. Everyone gets the same amount of money. This is wrong because it accomplishes nothing.

If there is no money, use creativity.

When I think of the keyword creativity I am reminded of the new book Skip The Line by James Altucher. He considers innovation and creativity to be a muscle. A muscle that, like any other muscle, can be purposefully built through exercise.

James Altucher recommends writing down 10 (business) ideas every day. As with a workout, success soon sets in. We become an idea and innovation machine. But this is only a supplement and a preview to one of the next book reviews.

Motivation at work is good and positive, and enthusiasm infects employees.

According to David Wee and Handi Kurniawan in their book Great Advice, it is more important when commitment is added, which triggers improvement, change and thus growth.

Jack Suzy Welch consider innovation an internal mindset that every employee at every hierarchical level of the organization has every morning when they walk into the building. Achievable only through a recognition culture where leaders truly celebrate incremental improvements.

This includes reviewing the compensation system, swearing in brakemen within the company to the growth path.

In fact, the whole book, The Real-Life MBA, is about growth.
Good leadership leads to growth. Good strategies lead to growth. Good data analysis leads to growth. Good renewed compensation systems lead to growth.

But is growth really that important?
Growth electrifies everyone who comes in contact with it. Its just totally exciting. Exciting and necessary. In nature, everything that doesnt grow dies. The same is true in business.

No business without finance.
David Wee and Handi Kurniavan emphasize in Great Advice , that finance is, well, the language of business learn it!

So do the authors of The Real-Life MBA.

You dont have to be fluent in French to have a great time in Paris. You just need to know the terms that are basic …. . The same is true for finance. Theres the varinaceous analysis comparing key metrics from one month to the next and reconciling them against budgeted figures.

All in all, numbers are just tools to make better business decisions.

Jack Suzy Welch underscore each point with real-life (business) examples.

More keywords in this book:

MarketingCrisis ManagementTeamLeadership 2.0 : Most successful leaders radiate energy, are able to motivate others (energize), transform ideas to reality (execute) own the necessary ability to be desicive (edge) and all this with a huge amount of passion.

If youve ever wanted to know what people think and plan who have led great companies to success and continue to do so today as mentors. Read this book! Business is indeed the most exciting game.

Even if youre not pursuing the highest degree in business that exists the Master of Business Administration (MBA).

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Review of Great Advice

by Hans-Jürgen John

For solving everyday challenges at work and in life.

A book by David Wee and Handi Kurniawan.


Thomas Edinson founded Edison General Electric Company in 1889, which later became General Electric (GE). In August 2000, the company had a market capitalization of $601 billion, and was then the most valuable company in the world. CEO was Jack Welch and David Wee responsible for developing and delivering leadership curriculum (Head of Asia Pacific Leadership development).

So this book is the summary of the ingredients of a success story. From the perspective of an author who was in the middle of the action. Of course, Jack Welch represented GE as CEO. His book The Real-Life MBA | Jack Suzy Welch revives his way of leading and guaranteeing success. But that is another book review.

Handi Kurniavan is Group Head of Leadership Academies Learning at Jardine Matheson one of the top 200 traded companies in Asia.

His books Go-Global – Guide to a Successful International Career, Global Career – Boost Your Career to The World Stage and The Brain Master as well as his deep understanding of HR related topics made him the ideal co-author of this book.

Handi has lived and worked in five continents with various cultures. His professional working experience in highly respected companies such as General Electric, Citibank, Standard Chartered Bank and Sinarmas has allowed him in meeting and working with many best talent world-wide.


112 small chapters show you what is allowed and forbidden in the business world. What stops your professional and personal development and what accelerates it.

Success at work and happiness in private life one might think that this is mutually exclusive. Career or family. Either or. Elon Musk is said to have advised employees to spend the night at the office. And to prioritize their job when it comes to family events. David Wee and Handi Kurniavan show that both is possible. Yes, that private life and job can complement each other positively.

Do you love entertainment series? Love this. Distinguish between what entertains you on screen (Game of Thrones) and the real world. Intrigue is a no-go in the workplace. Wonder what buzzwords like kindness in the workplace and help others have to do with cutthroat competition and survival of the fittest? Read it.

If you read The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey you will want to know how to get rid of bad habits unlearn them David Wee shows it with the example smoking habit after 40 years smoke-free.

Are you irreplaceable at work or are you working towards it? Are you a blocker keep job at all cost (KJC)? This may be a mistake. Train your employees and be happy when they become better than you then you are a real leader.

Are you a boss or a leader? Boss has a negative connotation. Leaders motivate. A boss controls. A boss gets loud and threatens. Leaders reward. Leaders see the potential in employees and overlook mistakes. They praise what has been achieved, knowing full well that they are empowering the employee to take responsibility for his or her own actions. Praise is the water to grow. Criticism is the brake that slows down processes. The right balance between praise and criticism moves us forward.

Be aware of the power of truth:

They ask me if I am kind. I am, because I tell the truth. But when the truth hurts, they say I am cruel. Yet many seek my advice. Its because I say what needs to be heard and not what people wish to hear.
Speaking the truth is not an excuse to be brutal. It is less about telling people that they are wrong and more about helping them change for the better.
So when it makes sense, I replace Here are your mistakes… with Here are your opportunities… . Exchange Do these with What do you want to do?

David Wee

Appreciation is a powerful tool at work and elsewhere.

If you manage others the way you want to be treated, you forget that they are not you.

David Wee

Bullies are loosers. They make other people feel small. A big man never belittles people, and he even makes them feel special as if they are the most important people.

Handi Kurniavan

On trust relationsships, products and companies are built.

One teacher defined me by grades, the other (Mr. Steven Lee) believed in what I could be. So which teacher to believe? The one who fought harder!
I do not remember much of what Mr Lee taught me. But I remember that he made me feel like a winner. So I started thinking like one. I was the first in my family to complete university.

David Wee

Part of being a supervisor is terminating employees. Employees who do not achieve their goals. Thats the sad part that supervisors dont get used to and, according to the books authors, shouldnt either. We feel for you.

Keywords the book covers:






Both authors include a list of their favourite books. Great!

Here a link to an article by David Wee on LinkedIn:

Handi Kurniavan on purpose in a speech by Mark Zuckerberg:

Follow David Wee and Handi Kurniawan on LinkedIn. By following them you might get first impressions of the books they are going to publish.
More and more, it turns out that LinkedIn is a testing ground for many authors. They publish parts of their next books as a post to test the effect.

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Why reviews on Johntext?

by Hans-Jürgen John

Why reviews on Johntext?

Well, Johntext is about authors and their books. Every day so many new books are published that it seems impossible to read them all. A pre-selection is important. Reviews help with that.

We learn from others. Each time we read a book. For example nonfiction. Reading books is substitute gratification. Because the person we choose to be our mentor has little time. But that doesnt make it any less fulfilling. There is no other way. If the author transmitted his knowledge to us eye to eye, it would hardly be so well formulated and concentrated.

Learning via an interface to the brain is still a vision of the future. Elon Musk is experimenting with it in his company Neuralink. The chances are good. He could become the Thomas Edison of the 21st century. Until the time comes that facts are fed directly into our brains via a link, well have to keep reading ourselves for the time being.

What are the options? Either we learn by trial and error a lengthy and sometimes painful method. Failure as a precondition for success. It is recommended for scientific experiments for example to eliminate gravity. Thomas Edinson proceeded in this way. He is said to have made 10,000 attempts before he found the right wire for the light bulb.

There are shortcuts like everywhere. We accept that others have made our mistakes long ago and learn from these people. Commonly, they are called mentors. This can happen in personal contact or by reading their books. We are lucky. Oftentimes mentors become authors.

Reviews are shortcuts. They are a time machine. They help us to go to an aim with less trial and errors. They convey a first impression of the book and its value for us before we read it.

According to UNESCO, 4900 new books are published every day worldwide. How does UNESCO know that? It needs such statistics. To have indicators about the standard of living and education of a nation. Impossible to read all these books. Especially since many of them summarize others.

One of the tasks of a critic is to find the pearls in this sea of knowledge. The book on which many others are based the sun in the middle of a solar system.

Books are like cherries on a tree. Held by branches. Branches held by a trunk. Which grows up from roots. When we find the book in the center from which all other books have grown and emerged we do not need to read the other thousands of books that have come out of it.

In non-fiction books we can distinguish two directions. Books written from the experience of a human being take GREAT ADVICE For solving everyday challenges at work and in life by David Wee and Handi Kurniawan.

Of a person who was there during an economic and/or technical revolution take the autobiography Steve Jobs by Isaac Walterson.

Then there are the books that combine many other books and result in a new book. Usually a persons personal experience is also mixed in with what she/he read and then writes down. For example, Skip the line by James Altucher.

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Review of The Stolen Heart

Title : The Stolen Heart

Author : Piyush Mandal

My View: The Stolen Heart is a collection of sixty poems by the debut poet Piyush Mandal. In his debut book, most of his poems can be found under the umbrella of love, where one can see shades of remembrance, resemblance and many more shades a lovers heart poured with. Along with some dips of love, one could get poems on a legends life, an aging life, and some more. All in all, this book speaks of a chance to experience the wonderful moments under the open sky.

Some of his poems peels off the layers of lifes mysterious while most of them dances on the tunes of a lovers melodies. Poems from his boats are so beautifully framed that one would starve to read them again and again, and glorify the meaningful verses by touching their root and feel their rhythm.

As you start the journey, you would be amazed to find how poet tore the fragments of life and through the feathers of love sculpts such beautiful verses. Through his debut book, poet impresses reader by serving delighting verses . As his verses are rich in simplicity, they can easily make space in readers heart.

His verses loop in and then loop out , and when readers swirl around it poet makes sure that the reader will feel delightful when the verse ends. His words encircle reader in the maze he creates with his words and intermittently soothes readers heart. When some of the pieces of his verses sing melodious to the ears, there comes time, when they dance on a particular rhythm and swept out of the tuning, but then he again gathers the rhythm ending the verse on a smooth and euphoric node.

Lovely collection of poems, puissant and comely!

Rating : 4.7/5

Reviewer : Shweta Kesari

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Road accidents eat up development aid – Roland Wiederkehr
Road accidents eat up development aid – Roland Wiederkehr

500 children die every day on their way to school. 1.3 million people die each year as a result of road traffic collisions. Between 15 and 20 more million people suffer road traffic injuries.

The WHO (World Health Organization) has declared this number of fatalities an epidemic. It estimates that if we do not stop this epidemic, it will result in 2 million deaths and 30 million injured between 2020 and 2030.

In addition, victims are hardly ever insured. Aside from the immeasurable suffering, follow-up costs of traffic accidents add up to 1 to 3 % of the gross domestic product of these countries. That’s twice the total of development aid that these countries receive!

Most leaders and citizens around the world are unaware of it: a Tsunami (3500 death toll) or the 9/11 attacks (3000 death toll) are extensively covered by the media and remain in people’s minds for months. On the other hand, the scale of these world deaths due to traffic accidents is hardly covered by the media and therefore not present in our minds. and many other organizations want to change this now. I helped to make road safety to a development aim in the agenda 2030 of UNO. Now I help to reach this aim. Please support.

More about Roland Wiederkehr:

This text was published in the February Newsletter of Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA) on Johntext Alaska. Publisher of the Newsletter is Hans-Jürgen John, Founder of Johntext read more

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Review of The Priceless Gift

Title: The Priceless Gift

Author: Hemalatha Gnanasekar

Blurb: The Priceless Gift deals with the problem of sexual abuse at the workplace. But the irony is that most of the victims bear the wrongdoings silently. As a result, they find themselves unable to develop healthy relationships for fear of trusting anyone. Filled with depression, they ultimately turn out to be loners. Yet there are quite a few who stop dwelling on their bitter past and come to terms with their life. Priya is one such character. She is sexually exploited at her workplace and gets pregnant. Unable to bear the shock, her mother passes away with a heart attack. She is devastated but she does not lose courage and decides to move on. The novel narrates how she gives birth to her son and brings up him comfortably. But life brings her again face to face with the man who had ruined her life. Now, Vijay is a devastated man having lost his family in the Tsunami. He pleads with her to forgive him but Priya is not willing to even see his face. However, one fine day, he comes to see her with a priceless gift. Does this gift change Priya\\s mind?

Rating: Hemalathas stories are carved from lifes episodes. Her words possess the power to let readers feel comfortable in the journey.While she tries to narrate the story as precisely as possible, so as not to bore the reader with inappropriate details, she also maintains the charm of the story at the same time.The reader can get connected to the story very easily.With less number of characters in the story, it becomes a cakewalk to walk with them on the journey.

The connectivity of the events is done in a good manner.The linking of events is done in such a manner that reader could easily flow with the story without any hurdle. The nature of events is such that they could easily let the reader feel the warmth of the story.Authoress narrates what readers want to know about the story. Although through preface she has given a clear view to the plot, the end is what readers want to know towards the journey.Even after knowing what would unfold next, there was a force to read the chapters in a go.

She pours emotions of the protagonist with ease which results in building a healthy relationship with the reader.Her stories are short but worth your time.She basically focuses on turmoil one faces in the journey of life and presents them in an exquisitely simple manner so that any reader could feel the emotions attached to the story. Although, the story-line may not impress you completely, with the way she progresses ahead with the story may impress you as simplicity is what each of her words carries.

A light, good and a quick read!

Rating: 3.9/5

Reviewer: Shweta Kesari

Pre-Order my debut book:

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Review of Guru with Guitar

Title : Guru with Guitar

Author : Vikrmn

Blurb : Guru with Guitar
“Life is like a guitar. Tune. Play. Repeat,” says Viktor, a US based financial professional of Indian origin. He was rich, smart, intelligent, witty and emotional too, but still was lost in finding the purpose of his life. In spite of his great job and hefty pay package, he didnt feel the sense of contentment.

Then he met Kim, his lady luck. She helped him realize his dream life, sparking a love story. Despite his failure in pursuit of his dream, Kim stood by him … till she decided to move on. Viktor is heart-broken, lost again, and struggles to balance his aspirations and office life.

This story is his journey through life-changing experiences in India and USA – ranging from writing his first book to becoming a coach for cancer fighters, and then a motivational speaker, to finally becoming the Guru with Guitar.

There are 11 heart touching songs, 8 lovely poems and 111 life-changing quotes scripted by the author.

My View : Its a signboard directing you towards your passion, and live your life at its best amidst all the boredom you feel in your life, this story suggests to listen to your heart. Dump the high salary you get in the way of your passion. Theres not much to seek in the story, but theres authors writing style to cherish and a life of writer that would carry you to discover his earnings after he met the love of his life. Its a s story of a CA cum writer cum a lover.

What the beginning would serve you is more of a conversational write-up than a story. This nature of the novel keeps on occurring for a good moment that I felt like author wants to tell the story only in the form of conversation exchanged between protagonist and his mates. And then starts the story of a CA, how he met with the love of his life, but the excitement to encounter his love-life also vanishes into thin air, when he doesnt give enough space and time to readers to feel the moments.

Throughout the journey, the hindrance that occurred is exaggerated content at many places.At many places, such scenes are focused which doesnt play an important role to create an impact on readers mind. And as they take most of the space, the much-wanted information that reader seeks for to flow with the story misses in the journey.

The often visit of songs and poem may irk reader, as at places it felt like they are not a part of the story, but forcefully made a part of the novel. I loved the quotes incorporated in the book. All the quotes participated in the story being a part of conversation plays their role very-well. His writing style is very-well furnished. When the story fails to come up to my expectation, it was his writing style that was keeping me alive to complete the journey.

Rating : 3.3/5

Reviewer : Shweta Kesari

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What Lisa-Marie Fischer and Richard DiPilla have in common?
Wonder what Lisa-Marie Fischer and Richard DiPilla have in common?

Whats the news?

The first two worldwide newsletter of Global Goodwill Ambassadors are published with founders letter of Richard DiPilla see below

INTERVISTA CON Richard DiPilla Fondatore Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA) Long Term Economy

Remember Lisa-Marie Fischer?

The singer who is known for her music videos “On my own”, “Done is Done”, “You’ve got a way with that”… got the German Country Award in 2015!

Special Thanks to all Johntext Authors who agreed and helped to support her 10 days before she received the Award on their websites:

Melissa Studdard​, Ethel Morgan Smith,​ Faraaz Kazi,​ John P. Matthew, Martin Becker, Joygopal Podder,​ Shweta Kesari​, Laura Lamarca, Marta Maciejewska …

This is the spirit of Johntext – Literature with purpose to help. To support for free a hard struggling wonderful singer!

By end of March 2015 we listened to Lisa-Marie Fischer on almost all Johntext Websites:

Johntext Madhya Pradesh:

Johntext New Delhi:

Johntext World:

Johntext Mumbai:

Johntext USA:

Johntext India:

Johntext Texas:

Johntext Germany:

Johntext United Kingdom:

Johntext Poland:

#‎LisaMarieFischer‬ ‪#‎JohntextMadhyaPradesh‬ ‪#‎CountryAward‬  #LisaJones #RichardDiPilla #GlobalGoodwillAmbassadors #RolandWiederkehr #BeaRibaux #ClaudeRibaux #PetraHuber #MatthiasWiemeyer #JörgMathys #VincentCoyle #Migros #derarbeitsmarkt #Hans-JürgenJohn #UNO

Today again I agree to support a wonderful initiative on my Website Johntext Madhya Pradesh: Global Goodwill Ambassadors founded by Richard DiPilla.
So this is what Lisa-Marie Fischer and Richard DiPilla have in common: support from Johntext!

Global Goodwill Ambassador
Richard DiPilla

Thank you so much

Founder of Johntext Hans-Jürgen John woke up in a dream. Global Goodwill Ambassador. I remember when years ago he offered me this website for free. It is part of the international literature platform Johntext. So I was able to write reviews here and build a reputation. Now fate pays back on him Congratulations Hans-Jürgen John!!!

So many fans and kind people wishing him the very best (for some of the following links you need to be logged in LinkedIn).

Global Goodwill Ambassador (in 09/2017 screenshot above) – Brand Ambassador (in 12/2017) and Global Executive Board Member Director of Digital Communications (in 01/2018).

It is an honor to receive these titles and use them to make this world a little better.

Global Goodwill Ambassador:

Brand Ambassador:

Director of Digital Communications:

He follows a simple principle: He tries to help.

We all have a choice. Every day we hear bad news from all over the world. It can make us desperate. It can shock us.

There is a simple truth and it is not in the headline news. It is true indeed: This world is full of people who are kind. You see some of them when you open your eyes. Some need encouragement. They are real – in every town, village, every street, in every family. These people are near us despite the headline news. And these people reinvent our world in a million ways every day. I am sure that you are one of them. Thank you.

Hans-Jürgen John is proud to support some of them. E.g. former member of the Swiss Parliament Roland Wiederkehr – recently honored Global Goodwill Ambassador, too.

He founded Green Cross (together with Mikhail. S. Gorbachev) to overcome the residues of the cold war. And with his organization CareCross (website soon in English) he reduces traffic accidents worldwide and helps victims – because 1,3 mio. fatalities annually on the worlds roads and 500 dead children every day on their way to school (WHO) are one of the biggest scandals. Roland Wiederkehr got the President’s award of the European Traffic Police Network for the thousands of lives he already saved. It is an honor for him to be Global Goodwill Ambassador. He needs support for his organization CareCross. His aim is to help reduce road accidents in development countries and support victims.

Roland Wiederkehr is a wonderful person and role model. Some of us go to cinema or watch films at home in order to see heroes. This one is real.
To watch and understand the following video you need not to know any spoken language:

Claude Ribaux / Zürich / Switzerland is a mastermind of hypnotic therapy. He coaches persons, companies, NGOs ….

His dedication is to help thousands of refugees to cope with the traumas of war, eviction, and violence. Soon his CASPEA Foundation in Switzerland will post the new campaign against Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Returning currently from a Hypnosis Convention in the United States he will speak at the 5th International Hypnosis Convention in Zürich (October 27th – 29th, 2017) about how to improve learning abilities by active-alert hypnosis.

It is one of my biggest joys in life that Hans-Jürgen John can contribute to such initiatives. And he is glad he is not alone. He has a circle of true friends around him who, in turn, support him.

Matthias Wiemeyer and Petra Huber helped him in many ways and continue to be a source of advice and encouragement. He joined their workshop online-journalist in 2015. Writing for websites. Online-marketing. How to start a social media campaign. Great experience and output!

For all kinds of workshop concerning writing and marketing check out Schreibszene.

Never forget from where you started:
When he had no job he got the chance to join

Half a year he learned a lot there. How to write. How to make video interviews. How connect to other professionals worldwide. Special thanks to Robert Hansen, Rita Gabathuler-Dux, Carmen Püntener, Paola Pitton, Daniela Palumbo, Simone Gloor, Anja Piffaretti, Doris Urfer … and many more.

Jörg Mathys from Kölliken is his former employer and a close friend. He is a modest farmer and hard worker. And a role model for Hans-Jürgen. Be trusting. Be kind. Even to the grumpy, the disappointed, the misguided. Give them a chance and one day they will change their mind and be kind and supporting, too.

His employer Migros Basel is part of the big retailer Migros here in Switzerland. Hans-Jürgen John got the chance to work for the Marketing Services Department. The world of business is hard. Competition, hire and fire are words which reign this world.

Migros is different and makes a difference. It employs people who cannot find another job because they have disabilities or because they are older than 50 years. The company gives 1 percent of its total revenue !!! back to society. It supports film, art and social activities. I a world which experiences tax income decreases and governments have to save money this company takes over moral responsibility. Great role model for business worldwide!


Richard DiPilla and his Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation is like a rock, an island in this world.

It has the potential to change dark to light, war to peace, hungry to satisfied and hate to love. It already started to change the world. First one person, one idea. And now it covers the world, like a carpet of green grass after a fire, like a carpet of love and goodwill.

Please follow and support Richard DiPilla:

By following him you seed love and peace worldwide.

The new website of Global Goodwill Ambassadors:

The UN first hit on the idea of celebrity ambassadors in the 1950s, when Hollywood and Broadway star Danny Kaye was taken to promote childrens rights. Different UN Agencies nominate the Goodwill Ambassadors at the global level include Angelina Joli, Jacky Chan, Ronaldo, Anatoliy Karpov and others. -source

Being good and doing good is not just a characteristic or a luxury for an elite. Although of course the role model function of celebrities helps.

Maybe this describes it best. In May 2018 Hans-Jürgen John commented on LinkedIn:

Yesterday evening a journalist asked me what Global Goodwill Ambassadors is about what do they do the journalist insisted: help has to do with money how can you get water to African villages???

I replied (summarized): We do not collect money. We do much more. Richard DiPilla started a initiative which names thousands of humanitarians Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA) it is like you have thousands of Angels because these Angels are visible online their photo their name what they do.

If you see a celebrity on TV it is wonderful. If this celebrity is a Global Goodwill Ambassador it is a role model. But if your neighbor becomes Global Goodwill Ambassador you suddenly realize it is a status. A competition starts. You also want to be one of them and show your good deeds. To be a good guy becomes a characteristic and part of PopCulture.

And one day this competition will make peace so popular that no one wants to be part of evil. #GlobalGoodwillAmbassadors

Decades later there are still challenges in the field of peace, food and justice worldwide. Richard DiPilla started his GGAs initiative with a much broader approach. Under certain conditions, anyone can become a Global Goodwill Ambassador and report on his or her successes from his or her personal environment.

The March 2018 GGA Newsletter is huge. These links bring you directly to the content:

March 2018 Newsletter Global Goodwill Ambassadors

New Global Goodwill Ambassadors in March 2018

Richard DiPilla honored Ambassador of Peace

Richard DiPilla Founders Letter March 2018

Global Board Announcement March 2018

Brigitte Bardot is Global Goodwill Ambassador from France

Jaya Kamlani Indias social conscience

Global Goodwill Ambassador Spiritual Veda about our strongest abilities

Poetry by Alaha Ahrar

My Life Isabel Costa

Ravi Kumar from India

Short story by Sharon Bingert

Global Goodwill Ambassador Zubair Ahmad Khugyani

Short story by Rosanna-Bonci

Joud Mushaweh about Syria

Global Goodwill Ambassador Prerana Sharma, India

Global Goodwill Ambassador Balwinder Singh

Global Goodwill Ambassador Sultana Daliri

Deborah Levine interviews Global Goodwill Ambassadors

Global Goodwill Ambassador Dr. Nadia-Cheaib interviewed

Global Goodwill Ambassador Abdul Asill Azizi interviewed

Global Goodwill Ambassador John Hood

Global Goodwill Ambassador Rosemary McKenzie Ferguson

GGA Dr. Swati Chakraborty about Holi

Global Goodwill Ambassador Luìza Palma

Farheen Lodhi about Afghanistan

Global Goodwill Ambassador Barbara Everett Heintz

Poet Sanja Arsenovic from Serbia

Jaimin Shah from India about his humanitarian work

Wonderful Initiative by Richard DiPilla Global Goodwill Ambassadors Newsletter 02 -2018

Global Goodwill Ambassadors Founders Letter Richard DiPilla

The Beginning of Global Goodwill Ambassadors

From its humble beginnings, four years ago, I sought to highlight the Goodwill work of a single LinkedIn Connection. The birth and growth of the Global Goodwill Ambassadors were born. Almost immediately, other connections were telling me their stories and the humanitarian work they did for the love of goodwill for all. We witnessed a chain of narrative voices.

I could hardly comprehend, that there was and still is a thirst for learning about global humanitarian efforts. A residual affect was an understanding that the mainstream news defined, countries, nations, regions, races, genders, and castes, of geo-political reporting. However, there was much more time with the coverage of a terrorist attacks, but no coverage of all the heroes in these countries, who were saving lives and doing selfless work to make the world a better places.

Global Goodwill Ambassadors Mission
Four years later the Global Goodwill Ambassadors has nearly 2000 designees and a structured board in many countries. Our simple mission has remained as pure. And that was on the first day! We recognize individuals who are engaged in humanitarian work without bias or commercialization.

The later is what keeps us pure as possible. No, we have no website. Websites can put many people in difficult regions at security risk.

We have a LINKEDIN company page and group page that can be found at: Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA). We also have a presence on many other social media; but our catalyst is the LinkedIn profile, the volunteer and humanitarian work individuals have listed.

By using the company page you can list your designation with our official logo. We have nomination guidelines with a committee, and a GGA Executive Board.

Our Executive Advisors are often names you will recognize as nominators of Ambassadors. We have Country Chairpersons and Directors, Nomination and Engagement Directors, and GGA Brand Ambassadors.

Each person does his/her part to grow our ambassador numbers. With each new designation we are extending the reach of goodwill.

In a recent article that I would like to tell my grandchildren, that rather than sit idly by, I did something to bring a sense of peace and harmony to the world. The truth is, every Global Goodwill Ambassador, can say the same thing.

The sum total of expense and profit in currency for this initiative is ZERO. Our only currency is Goodwill. I challenge all people who read this newsletter to do good deeds and give back to the world. We all share the same world. Dont just take, give back to make it a better place. As a GGA you will join together with people who are doing the same.
read more

Richard DiPilla

Founder Global Goodwill Ambassadors

Berkshire Hathaway BHMG INC.

Corporate Markets Development

Richard DiPilla is on LinkedIn. Please follow there his account.

How to become a LinkedIn Global Goodwill Ambassador?

To find out exactly you have to follow Richard DiPilla on LinkedIn first. Here some hints from his timeline.

Goodwill is spreading around the Globe – here some Global Goodwill Ambassadors – Richard DiPilla

Who can nominate you as a Global Goodwill Ambassador?

We recognize you are a Global Goodwill Ambassador!

Shaping Todays World For A Better Tomorrow – Richard DiPilla Founder Global Goodwill Ambassadors

Global Goodwill Ambassadors around the world for peace, justice and humanity!

Living in peace and creating a global stable society it starts in your family and then love and Goodwill is spreading around the Globe.

Richard DiPilla founder of Global Goodwill Ambassadors on being good to others and on all you need to know about his initiative Global Goodwill Ambassadors.

Vivere in pace e creare una società globale stabile inizia nella vostra famiglia e poi l amore e la buona volontà si sta diffondendo intorno al globo.

Richard DiPilla fondatore degli Global Goodwill Ambassadors parla del compito di rafforzare la bontà.

INTERVISTA CON Richard DiPilla Fondatore Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA) Long Term Economy

Hans-Jürgen John commented to a LinkedIn-Post of Vincent Coyle who founded Reconciliation Day:

„Hate and destruction can be aims of humans. These humans cannot follow opposing aims at the same time. Replace old aims by new: love and education = reconciliation“.

The trick is to let words change the world.

Hans-Jürgen John still feels like he woke up in a dream come true and have to realign himself first. He is overwhelmed and thanks you all for your kind words.

All those who supported him in the past but are not mentioned here: Thank you so much!!!

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Posted on Categories Anatoliy Karpov, Angelina Joli, Bea Ribaux, Claude Ribaux, Ethel Morgan Smith, Faraaz Kazi, Global Goodwill Ambassador, Global Goodwill Ambassadors, Global Goodwill Ambassadors founded by Richard DiPilla, Global Goodwill Ambassadors Mission - Richard DiPilla, Honored Global Goodwill Ambassador by Richard DiPilla, Jacky Chan, John P. Matthew, Joygopal Podder, Laura Lamarca, Lisa Jones MBA is President - CEO for Global Goodwill Ambassadors, Lisa-Marie Fischer, Living in peace and creating a global stable society - Richard DiPilla - founder of Global Goodwill Ambassadors, Marta Maciejewska, Martin Becker, Melissa Studdard, Mr. Kofi Annan is honored Global Goodwill Ambassador (GGA), Nominators Global Goodwill Ambassadors, Richard DiPilla, Ronaldo, Shaping Todays World For A Better Tomorrow - Richard DiPilla - Global Goodwill Ambassador, Thank you so much, The Beginning of Global Goodwill Ambassadors - Richard DiPilla, Vincent Coyle, Whats the news? The first worldwide newsletter of Global Goodwill Ambassadors is published with founder's letter of Richard DiPilla and more - see below, Wonderful Initiative by Richard DiPilla - Global Goodwill Ambassadors - Newsletter 02 -2018
Review of Arjun

Review of Arjun

Title : Arjun

Author : Dr. Shinde Sweety

Blurb : I knew there was nothing poetic about death.
I knew not that the most horrific battles are fought off the battlefield.
Arjun: The idealist in a non-ideal world; the warrior whose deadliest opponent was his conscience.
History forgot his voice, but misquoted his silence.

My self-esteem originates from me and ends in me.
Why does your honor depend on me? Find your own.

Draupadi: The untamed tigress, the fragrant flame, the unbridled spirit.

Power does not justify sin. Power is not virtue.
Virtue is that which lasts in spite of power.
Krishn : The enigma whose unique ideology churned the battlefield into a quest for Truth.

The Missile …The Trajectory … The Vision.
The trio that makes for the core of The Mahabharata.

This is their saga.
Insightful, visceral and candid.

Find ‘other’ famous Arjuns; compare Arjun vis-a-vis Achilles and Alexander; Explore Myths of Mahabharata.

All this and much more in ‘Arjun: Without A Doubt’.

My View :

After Shiva,Rama and endless inspiring and interesting stories of mythological heroes ,comes another mythological story in the list, and this time it is Arjun. What my concern before starting this story was I knew little about Arjuna, and I was wishing that authoress spare some time to Arjuns background,so that I could cover this journey easily,and so do other readers like me.All the worries escaped from my mind, when I got to know that its just Mahabharata being told from two different perspectives-Arjuns and Draupadis.

The hue that these two characters enamels on the epic story is a new experience.As the seasons unfold, and as both Arjun and Draupadi keep on covering the journey together,where their expressions and reactions walk side by side, this new twist to get in touch with the story all over again gives a fresh flavour to the story.Knowing all the known facts, and going through it all over again through a different angle plays the role of attention-seeker.

In the beginning, it was a bit of a task to switch the narration coming from two sides so often.But eventually one gets accustomed to the nature of authors presentation, and gets friendlier with the echoes of two narrators.As the narrating style of the authoress is captivating and is good enough to get through the story, her imaginations and her narrating style compliments each other very-well.

Theres always good amount of excitement involves when an offer comes to you to go through the story, you know in advance.What author would bring to the story? How he/she would make it sound different? And what little twists and turns they would bring to the story? All the questions would keep the interest alive in order to find out the answers.And the same happened while I was going through this book. Of course, there are some minor hindrances in the journey, but at the end when you sum up the time spent with the book, you would find the journey interesting and engaging.

Dealing with the characters who ruled readers mind from a good time is one of a hefty task.And while authoress has taken this chance,she has done justice with the characters apart from a few sections.

Rating : 4.2/5

Reviewer :Shweta Kesari

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Review of Love Story? Seriously!

Title : Love Story? Seriously!

Author : Shivi Pandey

Blurb : In Love Storythe sanguine sun is just preparing to slumber and the filtered glare from it striking the scene makes it even more alluring. The flock of birds are moving together in a v shaped structure and it looks as if they are returning to their home after a long tedious days hard work .The fact that they are all together in every aspect of life brings strength and calmness to my dilapidating heart. It is even more mesmerizing to find the three best people of my life beside me.
SAMAR: The epitome of the story, takes you on an amazing voyage of his life. He recalls his friends and all his unsuccessful love interests Sapna, Samriddhi and Surbhi.

What happens when you fall in love? What happens when you fall out of it? What happens when you are unwanted? What happens when you are cheated and still coined a cheater? Can there be a reason to not like someone? Can there always be a reason to like someone? Explore answers to all these questions along with Samar on his journey in search of true love.
It brings you, yet another unconventional love story of all times. The author intends to bring about the fact that can this also be a love story and leaves the readers to decide enquiring them Love Story? Seriously!

My View :  All the love stories are not meant to be complete, there are some which dies even before it starts.When you wait for the arrival of someone special  he/she might not be available at your doorstep, but what if someone looks forward for you and you are found missing in his/her doorstep.Protagonists encounters with girls at different stages of his life is what you will get to see in this book, and how his love life played with him.The story could be relatable to many real-life stories, but what it offers is a message to all the people who seek for true love in their life.

The story would work very-well for the newbies.When a novice goes through this book, he/she would find everything going at his/her own pace.The regular events which a novice could visualize easily, the fun and the friendly nature he has adopted to make it an easy go, would enthrall novice quite effectively.Even though being an avid reader, I found some of his punches humorous, adding some more hues to the story.

Use of punctuation marks would have make the journey more easy.Author tries to provide space to readers by getting friendlier with them, and at the same time he wishes that readers could get familiar with his narrating style, so as to provide a comfortable ride to readers.He tries to communicate with readers, as if a friend or a mate is narrating the story,which at some places feel good, but at others doesnt, because it was exceeding the limits.

He has a good plot and good message to deliver to readers, but somehow that message doesnt come out as loud as it should be.When you repeatedly play the scenes in your mind, then you would get to know what message he has for readers.Author has focused more on his teenage life and teenage crush, but more I would like to see his story when he got tied on the relationship of marriage.For me, that is where the story stands out, and thats why I wanted to have more of it.

Through his debut book, author has quite impressed me.What more I would like to see in his next projects are-  planned out events, as which part needs more focus, and how to link events without creating a huge gap when the events switch,and how to narrate story at a constant pace.

A light read with a nice message conveyed quite simply!

Rating : 3/5

Reviewer : Shweta Kesari

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Review of She Ekla Chalo Re

Title : She Ekla Chalo Re

Author : Dr Shayan Haq ,Santosh Avvannavar

Editor : Rajashree Ghosh

Blurb : Set in the backdrop of 1990 Calcutta, She Ekla Chalo Re is a story about finding one’s own identity in spite of all odds. The story spins around the life of Kusum, a brave heart whose identity is often untitled and blurred; it does not belong anywhere, definitely not under the ‘he’ or ‘she’ bracket, thanks to our social conditioning. Will she be successful in her mission?Read on to find out about Kusums undying passion for life,her love, and aspirations.

The motivation to write She Ekla Chalo Re came from TagoresEkla Chalo Re song, which urges the protagonist to continue despite the fear of abandonment from others.The song goes like this, Jodi Tor Dak Shune Keu Na Ase Tobe Ekla Chalo Re meaning if no one responds to your call,then go your own way alone.

My View : The concept is new in the market, and where many queues up to speak on the same concept, comes another set of writers.This is the second book, Im reading which discusses the same topic but in a way precise manner.It is like one such short story which one could complete in minutes.Santosh Avvannavars books are known for the thinnest one,which brings out a hot topic in the form of some humorous story.As with this story, I was not that much happy with the plot, as some more twists could make it a great read.

Authors bring out the story in a very approaching manner, the reader who likes simplicity would like his story-telling art very much.But usually, reader would like to dwell in the story, they would like to live the life of protagonists, and here authors are in so hurry to complete the story, that they doesnt take care of these things while penning the book.As the concept is new, and you could find very few books available in the market on the same concept,so the concept will definitely grab your attention.

Its true that most of the readers doesnt like to go through thick books, as before purchasing the book they see for the number of pages.But that doesnt speak that author should thin up the book to this extent.This thin and petite book would want to touch readers heart,but as far as story is involved, reader is required to feel every emotion in order to feel involved in the story.But with this very precise story, authors dont give enough time to readers to participate in the story.

As far as his previous books Ive gone through, they are also thin, and I enjoyed covering the short journeys.But there, the demand of the book was like that, if he could have down-poured the story with more content, it would bore readers,but in this story demand is of to get drained with the story, to get drenched with the protagonists emotion and to live a new life, which a short story like this fails to provide such ambiance.

If someone like very precise stories, he/she might find it a good read.

I wish to read authors full fledged novel, as the topics chosen by him entice me, and the simplicity he maintains touches me.

Rating :  2.5/5

Reviewer : Shweta Kesari

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Review of The Curse Of Surya

Title : The Curse Of Surya

Author : Dev Prasad

Blurb : Sangeeta Rao, a beautiful, feisty reporter at Channel 7 TV in Singapore, rushes to Agra on a special assignment after an early-morning phone call. At the Taj Mahal, she meets Alan Davies, a charming Welshman. But a terrorist attack on Mathura’s renowned Krishna temple turns them into fugitives from justice and the duo must decipher a series of complex cryptographs and unearth the illustrious Shyamantaka that belonged to Surya, the Sun God, to prove their innocence.

Joined in their quest by an elderly Frenchman, Anton Blanchard, the duo race against time in helicopters, motor boats and yachts. In hot pursuit are the brilliant and daring SP Nisha Sharma and the most ruthless terrorist organizations. Before she realizes it, Sangeeta is trapped in a world of betrayal, deceit and horror. Fast-paced and gripping, The Curse of Surya will keep you hooked and on the edge of your seat while you unravel one of the biggest mysteries in 5000 years.

My View : Mythological fiction-How strongly they play with readers mind and how easily they make their way to readers heart.With my new-found love for mythological fiction, how come I leave a book written by an award winning author.And then it was with me-The curse of Surya-a journey to find the lost gem, a journey of love, a journey to locate the evil mind.

Since reader would be introduced with so many characters in the beginning itself, to keep a mental note of all of them is a hefty task.But as you progresses ahead, you would realize that how beautifully author has done the characterization. Initially, it looks like there are so many characters involved in the story, but as the story starts to show its colour, it revolves around the few characters which are very-well described in the beginning.As was scared before, of falling into a messy story, not for a single moment confusion arrived at the doorstep.

The plot is so well-organized and so demanding that it demands you to give your complete attention and forces you to solve the mystery along with Sangeeta.An event comes and brief you about the scenario, and then the other comes and throws numerous questions at you, and the chain of events of goes on and on, and keeps on injecting your nerves with dose of thrill and excitement till you get to the bottom of the mystery.As you set your grip on the story, you would discern the momentum through which you are covering the journey.

I was all set to get myself surprised with the lined-up events, and then came the revelation of false identity of Davies which kept under the shadows for long driving me impatient to remove the curtain and to know his identity. At the back of my mind,I was trying my best to find who he could be,but my attempts went futile,as author has something to drive readers crazy with the mysteries he plunged to the story.He drops the events at such edge which makes one go impatient to encounter the events followed afterwards.

Along with a hooking story, readers would get a chance to experience a matured writing style.With his well-articulated sentences , and his finesse in portraying downpour of events plugged with humour and curlicued around thought-provoking episodes, this book sweeps you out to live a different life for some time.Even though when I was done with the story, the story marks its presence by toying with my mind, as I recall all the events I had encountered.

At the end,when Sangeeta was giving brief on tsunami ,I couldnt digest one thing ,at such situation how come one can talk about tsunami in detail.When you are about to get struck by the Tsunami, how can one think of pouring her knowledge on a subject, and others listening patiently to her.

The blend of history with the madness of finding Shyamantaka is a hell of a story.I liked the concept and love the way it has been implemented.As promised in the blurb,the story is fast-paced and gripping, The Curse of Surya will keep you hooked and on the edge of your seat while you unravel one of the biggest mysteries in 5000 years.Promises are hard to keep, when author does, then theres no way one could leave the chance to explore this Mythological fiction.

Mythological and thriller fans, this is a must read for you!Would like to read more such pieces by the author in the near future.

Rating: 4.5/5

Reviewer : Shweta Kesari

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Review of Power Play

Title : Power Play : Getting results your way!

Author : Mukta Mahajani

Blurb : If you are toiling away at the workplace, silently at friction with a headstrong manager, then it may be time to rethink your work strategies. 

Written as an engaging story, Power Play is about four young and aspiring project managers who struggle with authoritative, impatient and obstinate senior managers. It details their approaches to the challenges they face, one step at a time as they work to achieve their project as well as their career goals.

Power Play is a compelling read for professionals in any competitive area from start-ups to multinational establishments, and from boardroom meetings to on-site network.

From building bridges between your boss and you through excellent communication, to working on negotiation techniques for putting your perspectives across, the book teaches you how professional accomplishment is about making the right moves at the right time, irrespective of your designation.

Learn vital lessons on how to mend ways with your seniors, face stressful situations and deal with difficult colleagues.

My view :Power Play introduces you to some special tricks or ways to become a better project manager under severe circumstances.How a project manager can negotiate with their chiefs, and climb the steps of success at workplace.A book for project managers who are facing certain difficulties in their work areas or for one who are looking to become project manager in the upcoming days.This book is specially modeled for all the project managers citing all the problems one go through in their day-to-day life at workplace.

When author displays their tricks in simple words but doesnt quote an example , it becomes hard for the readers to implement the steps in the real life scenarios.In this case,what made the journey cakewalk for readers is solution to every problem is demonstrated by a story, as how the protagonist deals with the particular condition,what steps he/she takes,and that is where reader can find a place for himself.He could very easily track the incidents and can remember how to act , when to act and what to act.If author has just served reader with philosophical stuffs, it couldnt enter into readers mind with that ease.But with story, it does the trick with great ease.

The approach adopted by the author is what make this book different from others.Dealing with stuffs, project manager faces, she very-well propagates as how to deal in such states when one faces it.Excellence at work place is very-much require to excel in your professional world,but how to deal at crucial times this book would make you learn.Remembering stories are easy,and when time comes one could easily reconcile following the same steps mentioned in the book.So, this story-studded book has a way for you to become a great project manager.

Its nearly impossible to create a win-win situation for both the parties. To make your subordinate and your superior happy at the same time, and to impress them with your actions is where most of the employees fails.With the help of this book, it becomes an easy task for project managers to make the environment comfortable for everyone he works with.

A book worth read for project managers. It is one such book they are looking for, to build healthy relationship in their professional life.

Rating : 5/5

Reviewer : Shweta Kesari

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Review of Game of Destiny

Title : Game of Destiny

Author : Suraj Deo and Debjani

Blurb : Game of Destiny is the true story of a guy whose fierce devotion to his love is threatened by the cruel turn of fate. The story is mostly set in the steel city of Bokaro with occasional references to Dhanbad, a neighbouring coal town. The Protagonist is also taken to Hyderabad by Destiny for his coaching in FIITJEE and then to Pune, where his college life is described. The turning point happens to take place on his first visit to the National Capital, Delhi, which is a mysterious phone call from his childhood buddy. It changed his life forever. What was that call about? What happened on his first visit to Delhi???

My View : With a look on the cover,I was not sure of the story whether it would be worth my time.But as they say,Never judge a book by its cover,I started to give it a try.When I started reading the story,the same story of love and break-up followed,but what came as oomph was the letter written by Priya.I was sure that she would turn into prostitute (as what I thought at the back of my mind),but how author would shape the story was what I wanted to see.As soon as I was filled with zeal, the story gave me an attack while tracing the same paths of love and break-ups which I didnt expect after going through the letter. It left me completely disappointed from the content it has. It was like To make much a do about nothing.
It is only the letter which could turn reader on.To me, it was the backbone of the story, until I finished it. Because the way snap of the letter is presented, it was a sure shot hint of it becoming a thrill, but nothing happened like that.With this letter, authors could do a lot more, they could bring more suspense and thrill, but they choose a simple path and forgets to play with the letter in an efficient way.At many places, readers would be greeted with conversations in Hindi, it would be fine it it participates at a place or two, when required. But the use of Hindi words are more than required,even though authors have nice command on English,I didnt get why they chose to insert Hindi conversations.

I didnt get why they(Dev and Mili) broke-up when they both love each other?Author should have mentioned this facet of their life so that reader can sail the rest of the journey without burdening their shoulder with the bag of doubts.With the end of this love story,comes another one which has a meaningful life attached to it, but what influence does author wants to make from the first story which kept on thumping my head.It was the end which pulled me back towards the story.The destiny at which the end is written, I wish the same intensity was used to write the whole story.

The sudden twist of events is good, but how it came before readers is not that much entertaining.The choice of picking which incident to narrate and which to not becomes the major loophole of the book.They  could have chosen some interesting events to narrate which could make reader go hooked to it, but instead they have chosen some faded events which fails to mesmerize readers. Although they tried to catch readers attention in Game of Destiny by narrating intimate scenes, but that couldnt fall into every readers interest.

A better implementation would have done the trick.

Rating : 2/5

Reviewer :Shweta Kesari

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Review of No Turning Back

Title : No Turning Back


Authoress : Hemlatha Gnanasekar


About the book : In No Turning Back, Swaminathan is a victim of parent rivalry. Unable to bear his fathers harsh words, his mother leaves the house one day; only to end her life. On learning about this, his father is traumatized so much so that he too ends his life impulsively. Swaminathan moves to his aunts house where he gets all the love. Swaminathan is married to a girl who turns out to be of a nitpicking character. Unable to get along with her, he walks out of her life one fine day, without as much as a word to anyone. Ramanathan, a Philanthrophist, he is now bent on uniting the couple and tries to change Swaminathans mind ? Does Ramanathan succeed in his endeavour?

“No Turning Back”  is a short novel intended for those women out there who take their husbands for granted and  wish to boss over them. The book is a warning to these  nagging women; for the angry outbursts of their  henpecked husbands could get them nowhere.


My View :

External Elements The book inaugurates with a transparent preface which is enough to provide a succinct explanation about the story. The intriguing title strike many questions at once in my mind. The questions like Is it a path of life’s incidence or is it a ghastly way? All these questions were making me curious. Soon the shadowy effect at the cover of the book catches my attention to answer my questions; maybe there are ghosts in the story or maybe they are just human shadows depicting something. If the readers out there are landing up in the field of same questions then they need to complete the book in order to get the answers.

Internal Elements All the characters are portrayed in an effective manner. Shanthi’s rude behavior and her taunts seem realistic. Although the story is regular, but it is presented in an uncommon way. The story covers different facets of Swaminathan’s (protagonist) life; he loses to carry a healthy marriage relationship. After his several efforts he finds it impossible to change Shanthi’s attitude and at last he left. Then there comes a new character in the story Ramanathan who put his efforts to reunite the couple.


Plaudits Authoress has framed up the all the emotions (love, hatred and anger) equally in her book and its vibes can be felt easily while reading. The story doesn’t lack the originality and hence it perfectly ties up the phases around real life events.


Downfalls The whole story is a common household tale. Authoress has chosen a common theme which is pleasant to read only if there exist some exceptional elements. Authoress has maintained this effect in her book and thus making it an interesting read.


Writing style The writing style is simple. The way Hemalatha recites the story is commendable. The authoress knows very well how to capture a reader’s mind. The articulation of sentences is magnetic which will make you feel all  which the authoress mentioned in her book. At places she delineates the episodes with a calm effect drawing images of the events which are really nice and touchy.

Narration I like the narration style picked by the authoress; from the first page till the last page she connected all the episodes without any stumbling block. It was the second time I had read Hemalatha’s work, and I would say this time also she touches my heart with her words. The way she narrates about Swaninathan’s condition of distress, the way she expatiates about environmental surroundings i.e. the tress, the silent night and much more; all are magnificent.

Testimonial Wondrous Read!


Rating : 4/5


Reviewer : Megha Biloniya

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Review of Married Virgins

Title : Married Virgins

Author : Rituparna Deshmukh

Blurb: In Married Virgins Akira, deeply in love with Usain, dreams to create her beautiful world with him. Raghav, her colleague and best friend, loves her one sided unconditionally. Akira sees her dream world shattering when her parents refuse to give their permission to marry Usain who they think is a psychopath, tainted and useless. Akira tries to make them agree but all her attempts prove to be futile. Usains psychotic behaviour made the issue even worse.

When all hopes were lost, she decided to keep her failed love sacred and decided to remain a virgin throughout her life. But how would it be possible when she has to marry someone to keep her parents honour? How would her would-be-husband agree not to touch her when sex is an integral part of marriage?

She found the solution in Raghav who was her sole companion during all this misery. She proposed marriage to Raghav with a secret celibacy promise; they decided they wouldnt get intimate with each other after marriage.

The story goes on to explore whether Akira and Raghav manage to stay virgins after marriage without getting intimate.

How they respond to their family when it comes to having a child?

What happens when Akira herself wants to be a mother while keeping the promise intact? What happens when psycho Usain enters the scene once again knowing their secret?

My View :

Reading the blurb, it was quite hard to keep yourself at blocking mode,regulating yourself to not to go through this story, as it speaks of excitement to endure the journey with the traces authoress has shown in the  blurb.With the concept in mind, author doesnt only brings an interesting story for readers,but she let readers a chance to feel and enter into the protagonists lives to live this story.The story from the blurb might seemed like a common one, but the questions she throws at you,leave you with no option but to find them out while connecting the dots.

The way she narrated events felt like she is none other than Raghav itself,not letting herself open up to pour her thoughts.I felt little amount of hesitation in the narration where authoress wanted to tell so much, but something pulled her back.But as Raghav steadily tried to came out of his world and tried to build relationship with his colleagues, authoress too started to make a healthy relationship with the reader.Through her words she swiftly clutches readers hands and finishes the journey serving so much to the reader when he/she approaches towards the end.

Without a shadow of doubt, the story could be covered in a precise manner, merely taking some 250 pages or so.But after going through the story,I was not sure that if it wouldve taken a short-cut, it could be this healthy in nature.Also, she doesnt beat around the bush, and her words just roam around the story, it was not a burden for me to cover the far-stretched story.Instead, this far-stretched story,made me more comfortable with the happenings and a friendly relationship established while covering the journey.

The sudden turn of events she overtures in the book, hooks reader at its best.Once you get friendlier with her narration fashion and covers 150 pages, you would find yourself so engaged that your mind budge you to find answers no matter how far the journey is.While pouring out her thoughts in simplest possible manner, her words somehow manages to enter your heart and force you to accompany the protagonists.

There are some missing words at some places, and some grammatical errors here and there,apart from these hitches, the book will take you to a ride of emotional turmoils twisting the story at very possible angle.

An interesting and engaging read!

Rating : 4/5


Reviewer : Shweta Kesari

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Review of Love Forever @Rajpath

Title : Love Forever @Rajpath

Author : Kalpana Mishra

Blurb : True love can blossom anywhere, in a government set – up too, and can be as permanent as the job itself.
Shalini, a government employee, strongly feels that there is no point in getting married and joining the brigade of abused wives. Till she is swept off her feet by Kartik, a dynamic colleague from Bihar.

Just when her faith in the system of love and marriage is rekindled and at its peak, Kartik goes missing. Her search for him reveals some dark secrets about Zabaria Shaadi still existing in Bihar, where eligible boys are abducted or forced for marriage.

A love story at its core, Love Forever @ Rajpath highlights the predicaments of a girl on the verge of losing her most precious relationship. It also reflects the inner turmoil of a young boy sandwiched between age – old traditions and his own liberated opinions.

Will Shalini be able to save her relationship? Will Kartik acknowledge her efforts or will he abandon her for the sake of his family?

My View :

The story which kictstarts at Rajpath and ends in the lanes of Rajendra Nagar.The story of two government employee, who with delicate feelings in heart, tells a simple story to their readers in the most simplest manner.From running for the government exam,to finding chances to spend some time with each other, from persuading parents to give relation an approval,to falling for every false prey for love, the story is nothing less than a filmy drama,presented in a traditional way.

The prologue works as an innuendo suggesting the hitch that is to occur in a love story.While penning prologue, it is way necessary to point out that facet of the story, which could drive readers attention completely.In this case, prologue is short and it is one such facet of protagonists life which turns on the emotions in her at high pitch, and thats where starts the game, where readers slips into the journey following the traits authoress has left.

Three-fourth of the journey had been completed, and I was looking for the thread from which the prologue is tied.The story travels on such a known path, that I was ecstatic to know, how the end would be like.As the concept being very common,even after gauging the consequences from the sequence of events,it was hard for me to guess how prologue could be related to it,and that very strange thread land me to complete the story.

As the events being so simple in nature, the journey became a cakewalk.While painting the pictures of the events, while walking along with the protagonist hand in hand, while catching the emotions,while pouring authors words back to back in mind, it was a way easy and smooth sailing to authors imaginations.With the involvement of simplicity in her narrating style,she makes the reading task elementary for even novice.

The story remains grounded from the start to almost to the end,because as reader neared towards the end, he/she would be greeted with a new twist , and that is where the story brings in something different for reader, the spice reader looks for.The spice worked as a treat for me, where she beautifully displays the turmoil protagonists were in.As story has to end on a good note,everything comes to its place at the end,and adieus reader offering a warm smile to him/her.

Coming to hitches, the first and foremost thing is the plot, the simple story and the common pile of events,only at the end one could see the difference.And at many places, I felt like feelings could be expressed with more intensity,it was like I was entering into character and then coming back,again and again.

A light read and a nice tale!

Rating  : 3.2/5

Reviewer : Shweta Kesari

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Review of The Disguised Prince

Title : The Disguised prince

Author : Shankar MM

Blurb : You are neither a good warrior nor a good leader. These words haunt him.

Raksha, a young prince, decides to prove himself and seeks a path not knowing where it will lead him to. However, his destiny has other plans.

On the journey, his life evolves into an epic quest filled with magic and intrigue, which he never dreamt of.

Set in a fantasy land Riloriya, this water kingdom is not the same as it was five hundred years ago and its history is mystery now.

What will be his part in unfolding an ancient mystery?

What did he lose? What did he gain?

My view :

With the arrival of Disguised Prince in this world, comes a promising writer with his sword to showcase his art in the magical world of fantasy giving his thoughts a life in the literature world.The Disguised Prince is a story of a Prince,who with his heroic deeds, entertains reader at its best.The thrill of fantasy has its own magic over me,and when author promises to come with its sequel, there comes the excitement as a complimentary gift attached to it.

Initially,I was not comfortable with his writing style.The way he articulates sentence didnt make me satisfied to the core.But as soon as I covered one-third of the journey, there was no option of looking back and stopping for a moment.It suddenly became so engaging , that I found myself so engrossed in the story.The sudden rise in level of excitement and the new found zeal empowered me to complete the journey in a single sit.

The amount of humour poured in this book is sufficient enough to complete the journey without a hitch.As in the first half of the book, author was trying to create a base for the story, so the events that turned up shows normalcy in their moves, and to find out the enticing facets of the journey, one has to bear this part in order to advance  in the journey.First half covers the questions like how, when, why and what, while the second half lays the fun and oomph, one could feel while tracing the curves.

The node from where the story starts to the node where it ends, covers the journey of a Risen Hero,which as a concept, we had encountered and praised and loved, many times.Swaying his sword on the same concept, he pens an interesting story with his pen of wild imaginations.There is no way one could miss the thrill he has poured in this book.The balance he creates while narrating several incidents at the same times draws the images very clearly leaving no space for chagrin and disorientation.

To create curiosity back in the mind of readers, and to keep their interest alive in the journey, it is very necessary to serve them something fruitful after every regular interval.With this book, come some secrets,along with the fun and excitement to uncover them and the zeal to move ahead to come face-to-face with the events lined-up for the readers.As one gets comfortable with the writing fashion once, and reached to some 100 pages, theres no way one could back out.This book has something or the other to play with your mind all the time.

An entertaining read if you like fantasy fictions!

Eagerly waiting to get drenched in the pool of wild imaginations.Book 2 in the series of Raksha Duology is heartily welcome.Keep writing, keep thrilling readers with your sword.Hope your wild imagination stay alive for years!

Warning for author : I expect much more from you in the second series.

Rating : 4/5

Reviewer : Shweta Kesari

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Review of Rhyme With Me

Title : Rhyme With Me

Author : Mary Kunte

Blurb :Written in simple rhyme, the poems touch upon emotions, nature and imaginative situations.

Other styles of poetry also have a place in the book: Acrostic, Rictameter, Haiku and Onomatopoeia.

The first letter of each new line when put together forms a word/name. This is Acrostic; but the poet has also written the poem in rhyme.

In Rictameter style, the poem has a diamond shaped look, as it is written in a certain number of syllables per line, in ascending and descending orders.

Haiku poetry is a thought or a scene expressed in just three lines.

Onomatopoeia is a poem in which sounds are expressed in words.

The Songs section includes a patriotic poem, Jai Hind My India, and three childrens poems, Lullaby, A Childs Song and My Little Airplane.

This book of poems is sure to keep the reader enthralled.

My View :

With this book in my hand,I was pretty sure that one could easily gel with this book because of the way she has hired a welcoming hand and hospitality she has served to readers.Instead of creating maze in readers mind, she chooses to travel on a path where readers can face less troubles, and nothing could hinder the journey.In this wish of making the journey easier, she tries every possible way to take a step ahead to help reader in their new journey in the poetic world.

The blurb at the back states the types of poems you would confront in this poetic ride.What more accelerated my excitement than the blurb is the welcome note for readers where she invites to join the ride rhyming with her.Here I present it for you :

Dear Reader,

Come Rhyme With Me

In verse and song

Once you start to read

Youd go on and on.

Each poem is a different kind:

Nature, emotions and others youll find.

Different styles of poetry are here for you:

Acrostic, Rictameter, Onomatopoeia and Haiku.

In the beginning of the journey, poetess has given a brief note on the nature of poems, what the poem wants to convey, and thats how she makes the journey comfortable for readers. Where the newbie could be fidgeting with words and fails to comprehend the poems, poetess brings the availability of lightening readers mood by conveying her message in simple words.

For a beginner, this book is highly recommended, as it has all the ingredients a newbie seeks for while keeping his/her first foot :

Simple writing style : Although its not completely poetic in nature,most of the articulations are simple , as if narrating in a story.Briefs on poems: Keeps the ride balanced.Friendly topic : Topics she has chosen to compose poems on, are affable and one could grasp the meaning and relate to it with ease.

The main hitch I felt is that this book is surely designed for beginners, if an ardent poetry reader picks this book, he/she may left disappointed.But, from  a newbies point of view this book can kick-start their journey in the poetic world of literature.

Rating : 3/5


Reviewer : Shweta Kesari

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