Florida Hillbilly | Urban Homesteading (in southern Florida!) Hillbilly style. Exploring all aspects

Web Name: Florida Hillbilly | Urban Homesteading (in southern Florida!) Hillbilly style. Exploring all aspects

WebSite: http://floridahillbilly.com





Florida Hillbilly | Urban Homesteading (in southern Florida!) Hillbilly style. Exploring all aspects of self reliance, disaster preparedness, survival, and simply being ready for both good times and bad. Florida Hillbilly Urban Homesteading (in southern Florida!) Hillbilly style. Exploring all aspects of self reliance, disaster preparedness, survival, and simply being ready for both good times and bad.While my interests have changed very little, my life has lead me down paths unexpected a totally predictable thing to any wise man. Obviously, I was taken by surprise by these unexpected changes in my life, but I have adapted. I ve said before human nature drives us to our level of comfort we push for change in order to make our lives manageable and, hopefully, into what we would like for them to be. Frequently, we make concessions to our desires for a multitude of reasons, but always end up in a place of acceptable comfort, or we keep struggling to achieve an acceptable level of comfort, even if it wasn t what we expected. I ve spent over 25 years now living in Florida. At first, it was means to an end. Simply put, Florida offered jobs where West Virginia did not, and at a time when I really needed one. Not long after putting my feet in the sand here, I started longing for Share the post "Turning the Page" FacebookTwitterGoogle+PinterestLinkedInDiggStumbleUponE-mail Share the post FloridaHillbilly 25 Years Later Where is He now? FacebookTwitterGoogle+PinterestLinkedInDiggStumbleUponE-mailOk. I know it has only been a bit over a year but SO much can happen in the amount of time .it FEELS like its been 25 years. I was told by a good friend that if I didn t slow down, I would burn out. I [ ] Share the post Using Bulk Stored Goods Taco Seasoning and Corn Bread FacebookTwitterGoogle+PinterestLinkedInDiggStumbleUponE-mailRecently, I made it home from work before my wife did. Since she s such a trooper in dealing with all the things that make most folks look at me in a strange manner (at least living here in town), I thought it would [ ]E-mailOK, first off, when I heard about the chance to review the first book released by the author, LeAnn Edmondson, I asked almost begged, to have a reviewer s copy of Aftermath, A Story of Survival in order to review it. I have stalked the author from time [ ]E-mailThis is about a little adventure my wife and I had during our recent trip to West Virginia. I need to set the stage for this one. Stick with me long enough, and you ll understand the where and why of it all.The more I write, the [ ]E-mailAs a kid spending time at my grandparents house, much time was spent sitting on the front porch. It was where we would sit while shucking corn, shelling peas, and stringing beans. We would play tag, run, laugh, jump, climb, and cause general low-grade mayhem as kids. It was the [ ]E-mailI recently went back to my roots in West Virginia, visiting there for the first time since I started FloridaHillbilly.com. I stayed with friends from high school, folks that have consistently proven themselves to be worthy of that short list of folks that you know you can call [ ]E-mailMy father, Pops , was a welder by trade, as was his father. Both did far more than just weld, being from the same stock that built this country into the great powerhouse that it once was. Rare was the time either my dad or [ ] Share the post Product Review Paleo Meals to Go s Coconut Berry Breakfast FacebookTwitterGoogle+PinterestLinkedInDiggStumbleUponE-mailMy buddy, James from SurvivalPunk, runs a blog similar to mine, and lives a similar lifestyle. He and I both eat as close to 100% Paleo as we can.For those not in the know, Paleo , or the Paleolithic Diet , in a nutshell, consists of [ ]E-mailA while back, my family and I were at a cookout at a friends house. Also attending were several couples that I d never met before. After the festivities started to wind down, one of the new acquaintances mentioned my website, catching me off guard. I was well aware [ ]Sponsor a rabbit!Cute, aren't they? Want one of your own? We can arrange that, but for now, we need to cover website costs. Any amount is greatly appreciated! Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: Simone by mor10.com

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