Patrick Rothfuss Blog

Web Name: Patrick Rothfuss Blog






Published: July 19, 2020A Deeply Mediocre Blog with Truly Excellent ArtHeya Everybody,As I write this on Saturday night, our Geeks Doing Good sale has just crested up over $95,000.I feel pretty good about that. This is a hard time to do fundraising, and it s a hard time to do things that are lighthearted and fun. I ve done a bunch of streams with cool folks to help bump things around . by most metrics we re killing it.But at the same time, deep down, I know I haven t done a very good job about spreading the word to y all. Back in the day, I would have managed to post up a blog that talked in depth about all the awesome we have for sale up in there on the very first day of the fundraiser. Lots of details and effusive praise and good pictures that *really* show things off to good effect.I haven t managed that this year. And it s so galling to me because I know a lot of you would be really interested in this stuff if only I was better at bringing it to your attention.For example, Marc Simonetti is letting us use the art from some of the French editions of the books to make some nice high-quality art prints.Prints like this:And this:And this They re a super cheap introductory price over in the Indigogo, and on top of that, you can get all of them in a 3-pack for even less We ve got First Edition Hardcover copies of Jim Butcher s Peace Talks for sale there, with special bookplates designed by Nate Taylor:AND Satine Phoenix:(You get to pick which one you want.)Also four new t-shirts, including one like this:If you re feeling crafty, we have this:I could go on and on We ve got arted-in copies of Slow Regard, limited-edition board games, book upon books, fancy Tak sets There s just a for-real lot of stuff over there.Sorry I m not getting this blog up sooner. And sorry that it s not prettier, or more complete. Or funnier. But it s already almost 1 am, and I haven t had any dinner yet tonight, and I m worried if I don t post this now, it will end up getting added to the 200+ half-finished blogs I know I ll never finish.That s all I ve got except to remind y all that there s only two days left to grab some cool geeky swag and make the world a better place at the same time.If you haven t gone over to look yet, please check it out. Especially the Brand-New game bundle that s our new featured item. We only posted that up on Friday.And now, bed for me patPosted in a ganglion of irreconcilable antagonisms, cool things| By Pat86 ResponsesIn an effort to get back into blogging while also focusing the positive things in my life, I m trying something I think of as One Good Thing where I share a good thing out of my day.This is one of those things:*     *     *Today I was hanging out with my boys, and I said, utterly unironically, Jeepers Cripes. (I honestly don t know why. As a lot of you know, especially if you ve seen me in person or watched me livestream, I curse like a sailor with a broken leg an will happily shout Motherfucker! at the slightest provocation.That said, I do tend to use different language around the boys, so maybe this isn t that odd.)Okay. So. As I said, I was hanging out with my boys, and I said, Jeepers Cripes. Cutie: That would be funny if you said, Jeepers Crepes. Oot: Delicious.Cutie: That would be a curse word in the Candy Kingdom.Cutie preparing something for Experimental Sandwich Night using a tortilla,  peanut butter, raspberry jam, and what is known in our house as garbage cheese. It could be fairly said that this is about as close to a Jeepers Crepes as you are ever likely to see in this world.*     *     *Internet went out at my house last night, so I wasn t able to livestream, tweet, or write a blog to promote the fundraiser or talk about the new items we have going up.That said, things are going well. We ve raised over $80,000 so far, which I feel is pretty good given, well, covid and the general state of the world.That said, we have posted up a *bunch* of new things today, most of them limited in quantity, some of them purely digital (for those of you who live overseas and don t want to pay crazy shipping), many of them severely discounted So if you re interested in grabbing stuff, keep in mind that there s only 3 days left before it s over.Take care of each other,patPosted in Cutie Snoo, Experimental Sandwitch, One Good Thing, Oot| By Pat22 ResponsesPublished: July 16, 2020When the Hearthfire turns to blue .Hey there everybody,We made a video to help promote one of the new products we re featuring in our Geeks Doing Good fundraiser and it turned out way better than I d dared to hope, so I thought I d share it here:(Though whoever chose that paricular thumbnail should be fired.)If you re interested in checking out some of the cool things we re selling for charity, you should head over to check out the indigogo sooner rather than later. Not only are there only 4 days left, but a lot of the items are limited quantity, and when they re gone, they re gone.And if you *have* already checked it out maybe go have another look? We re adding new items every day to replace the ones that sell out. (The Jamdrian, for example, just went live yesterday.) We ve also had a few unexpected donations come through in the last few days. And I ve been digging through my personal trove of hoarded treasures to find stuff we can add to the mix I m also streaming every day starting at 12:00 Central standard time, and so far it s been weird. Fun but weird. If you re looking for some chill surrealism to help the quarantine pass more quickly, feel free to wander on over and join us in the chat.Later Space Cowboys,patPosted in Acts of Whimsy, cool things, dicking around| By Pat16 ResponsesA little while back, I was doing some livestreaming over on my twitch channel, and someone in the chat mentioned that they missed my blogs.Wait I just did the math and realized it s actually two or three months ago. It doesn t *feel* like 2-3 months. It either feels like two weeks or two years. My perception of time was never the best, and now with Covid it feels like I m living in a tesseract that s also an escape room designed by a sadist.Anyway. Back a billion years ago, I was streaming and someone asked me if I ever planned on writing more blogs. I mentioned that I d love to. I miss writing the blogs, too. Or rather, I miss the community that we had here where I would share stories and people would interact in the comments.Truth is, I ve made notes, taken pictures, set aside links for at least two dozen blogs just this year alone. A lot of them I ve actually started writing, too But there s a lot that gets in the way. Covid, of course. Regular life. Being a dad. Other work. Mood disorders. Chaos and charity .Also, when I think of writing a blog, all I can think of is the fact that I haven t written *anything* here in the last six months. Hell, I ve barely written much in the last 2-3 years.It s so different than it used to be back in the day: I used to post at least once or twice a week, telling y all little stories about what was going on with me. My adventures as a fledgling author. I enjoyed sharing little pieces of my life, and odds are, if something interesting or important happened, y all would hear about it here.But for a long while now, a lot of what s been going on with me talking about it just hasn t been appropriate. Most of the big events in my personal life are depressing, or not entirely mine to share.On the other hand there s my professional life. There have been big things there too, many of them centering around the development deal with Lionsgate, and the show I was working on with John Rodgers for Showtime. Those things have been a big part of my life for years, taking up a ton of time, energy, and headspace. (Hell, just negotiating the contract with Lionsgate took me nearly 18 months.)Was it interesting? Absolutely. New? Terrifyingly so. Were there stories to tell? Very yes. Once Flavor Flav stopped me in my hotel lobby and told me I really looked like an old friend of his. I actually worked with Sam Raimi. (He s really nice.) I got to be in a writer s room for the first time. In fact, I ve been in more than one.The problem is this: A lot of times I wasn t legally allowed to talk about some of those things. Like one of the writer s rooms I was in. Signed a big NDA. Just not allowed to say.Even when it wasn t illegal for me to talk about, a lot of times it would have been really unforgivably rude. Like when I met Raimi, we talked a couple times *long* before Lionsgate ever made the announcement that he was involved in the movie. So I couldn t just go on my blog and tell y all about how he was really nice and also he gave me a lemon.(Also, for those of you who haven t been following the news. Raimi isn t involved in the project any more. It just didn t work out.)So yeah. Through the last couple years, even when it wasn t illegal for me to share news, after a few mistakes I learned it was still really bad form to talk about a lot of things publicly. And so, because I wanted to be a good collaborator, I just didn t talk about things.So what does this have to do with me streaming a couple months back?Well, as I said, someone mentioned that they missed the blogs, I said I missed them too. But I ve gotten out of the habit. And the world is on fire. And I m constantly exhausted. And part of me feels like I m going to start sharing stories here again, I should try to catch people up on that last 4-5 years of my life. An odd, impossible urge So I mentioned a thought I d been rolling around in my head. That rather than worry about posting up something important or profound, I could just share one good thing out of my day on the blog. Just a little thing to remind me that not everything is covid. That there s still joy to be had in the world.People seemed to like the idea, so I decided to do it.And then a couple months went by .But here. Now, I m going to do it. Here s one good thing, a text a business associate sent me after we had a zoom meeting:As you can see, this is from a while ago. I ve been saving a bunch of little things like this with the intention of sharing them here more regularly.In other news, Worldbuilders just launched its Midseason Fundraiser. For the next week, we re selling a bunch of cool geekery so we can keep the lights on.It only lasts for a week, and some items are limited quantities. So if you re curious, you should head over and check it out.Also, in addition to my regular streaming and gaming and Q A and such that I do, today (Tuesday) I m going to be doing a livestream to talk with him about his new book that s releasing today: Peace Talks.This chat will be extra fun for us here at Worldbuilders, as we re we re also selling copies of Jim s Books with specially designed Worldbuilders-Exclusive  bookplates You can catch our Q A over on my twitch stream.You can see the cool bookplates designed by Satine Phoenix and Nate Taylor over here in our Indigogo or over here in the Worldbuilders store.As always, all proceeds go to making the world a better place.Stay tuned. I ll be doing a couple more blogs over the next couple days patPosted in a ganglion of irreconcilable antagonisms, One Good Thing| By Pat63 ResponsesPublished: December 18, 2019A beautiful board for a beautiful gameI am constantly blown away by the amazing things you kind folks make, and even more impressed that you donate those works of art to Worldbuilders.If you join me on Twitch you may have seen me share a lovely Tak board donated by Aaron Schmersal.If you haven t seen it you can get a good look here:I ll be giving this away as a prize for folks who donate to my page through the course of the fundraiser. Thanks to our super fun Afterparty you still have chances to donate and be entered into the drawing for all of the fun stretch goals!Take a look at this lovely thing. It truly is a work of art.Posted in Uncategorized| By Pat114 ResponsesPublished: December 18, 2019Ain t no party like a Worldbuilders Party cause a Worldbuilders party don t As I start typing this, It s around 10:30 on Dec 17th. It s the final day of the 11th annual Worldbuilders fundraiser.We are rapidly closing in on three-quarters of a million dollars.And that s excellent. I m over the moon. I want to talk about that. So much.But here s the thing: I have news And rather than work up to it slowly like I normally do, I m going to switch it up an little and jump straight to it. Imma gonna spring the news, then go back and tell you the why and the wherefore.You ready?(Bam!)Or, for those of you who prefer more info in your info-graphic:Simply said, tomorrow, December 18th, I m going to be streaming for 14 hours straight to celebrate the success of this year s fundraiser. We ll have guests stopping for discussions, I m going to play Minecraft with Oot, we re going to show off videos for the stretch goals we ve achieved, tell some old, beloved stories and talk about the amazing things Heifer does, like give away goats Here s the schedule:(All the times [except the multifarious midnights] are CST.)And, since we re doing all that, it only seems to make sense to leave the doors open for people to donate throughout the day.The reasons we re doing this are manifold, but here are the main two:1. Tradition.Those of you who have been following Worldbuilders for a while know that our end-of-year fundraiser used to look a lot different than it does now. For one thing, it used to be exclusively run off of my blog, and it used to run for an entire month.Except it didn t. For years and years, we ended up extending the fundraiser out past our initial ending date. Sometimes it was because we had a last minute sponsor we wanted to showcase. Sometimes it was because some chaos or catastrophe threw us off schedule. Once it was because we got offered some matching money and we couldn t bring ourselves to say no to that. Once things got so out of hand we extended *past* Christmas and the whole fundraiser spanned over seven weeks And some times we did it just for fun, or because we d gotten into the habit.This year, we re deciding to continue the tradition in a different way. We re taking one final day just to appreciate how lovely this community is. To put a bow on it. To show off some of the lovely things people have done. To relax and have fun and enjoy our success.And, of course 2. To give the latecomers one last chance.What usually happens the day after the fundraiser is that I go into a deep, healing Odinsleep. When I emerge, I peek on social media and I invariably see dozens of people saying, Oh no! Worldbuilders is over?!? Did I miss it? Can I still donate? And I get that. This is a busy time of year. Finals. Holiday planning. Family travel. Or maybe you re just like me and tend to put things off to the last minute and then kinda forget about them.But still, it breaks my heart to see those messages.So. One extra day. If you were meaning to donate. Now s your chance. If you were going to tell your friend about us, you ve got a few more hours. If you were going to spread the word on social media, now you can use this amazing gif to do just that.(Ooontz Ooontz Ooontz Ooontz Ooontz.)*      *     *So yeah. C mon over and take one last chance to win fabulous prizes while making the world a better place Every $10 you donate still gets you a chance to win all manner of coolness. And if you donate on my team page, you ll be eligible to win even more.Look forward to seeing many of you over on the stream tomorrow.But for now? I sleep patLater Edit: I meant to ask this last night, but forgot because I was tired.If any of you have stories about worldbuilders, I d love it if you shared them in the comments below. Here s an example from a previous year: I started a new job as a barista for an Independent cafe in Philadelphia this year. I saved up all the change that people tipped to me. I was so surprised at how much i had when I counted it up! Thanks for all that you do! It warms my heart to hear those stories, and I might share some of them on the stream.

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