گرامر انگلیسی به زبان ساده

Web Name: گرامر انگلیسی به زبان ساده

WebSite: http://amozeshzaban2010.blogfa.com





We can use 'could have'  to talk about something somebody was capable of doing but didn't do.I could have gone to Oxford University but I preferred Harvard. She could have married him but she didn't want to. They could have bought a house here 20 years ago but chose not to. Often, there is a sense of criticism.You could have phoned me to let me know. They could have helped me instead of just sitting there.  I could have done more to help you. Sorry. We can use 'couldn't have' to talk about something we were not capable of doing.I couldn't have managed without you. I couldn't have got the job. He was always going to appoint his nephew. I couldn't have enjoyed myself more. Thank you for a lovely day. We can use 'could have' to speculate about what has happened. (We can also use 'may have' or 'might have' in these situations.)They could have overheard what we said. We can also use 'can have' to speculate about what has happened but only in questions and negative sentences and with words such as 'hardly', 'never' and 'only'.He can't have seen us. They can hardly have thought that I was not interested in the job. We can also use 'could have' to speculate about something that didn't happen.You could have broken your neck, jumping out the window like that. He could have hurt somebody, throwing a bottle out of the window like that. I could have done well in my exam if I'd worked harder. You can also use 'could have' to talk about possible present situations that have not happened. I could have been earning a lot as an accountant but the work was just too boring. He could have been Prime Minister now but he got involved in a big financial scandal. They could have been the market leaders now if they had taken his adviceسلام دوستاناز کلیه علاقمندانی که می خواهند زبان انگلیسی رو یاد بگیرند دعوت میکنم به وبلاگ جدیدم بیان من می خوام از پاپه زبان رو شروع کنیم با کتابهای interchangeآدرسhttp://english-1020.blogfa.com/ +نوشته شده در سه شنبه بیست و دوم آذر ۱۳۹۰ساعت13:30  توسطMehdi | US Most Advanced Drone Captured By Iran Video: Iranian state TV broadcast video of what it said was the high-tech U.S. drone that it claims to have downed earlier this week. The footage showed Iranian military officials inspecting a cream-colored aircraft that appeared intact and undamaged.believe it. iranian people are able to do every things .this is only one of them.باور کنید آن را. مردم ایران قادر هستند هر کاری بکنند. این فقط یکی از آنها است  +نوشته شده در شنبه نوزدهم آذر ۱۳۹۰ساعت21:43  توسطMehdi | انگلیسی و ترجمه سوره قدر In the name of Allahبه نام خداوند رحمتگر مهربان1-Surely We revealed it on the grand night. ما [قرآن را] در شب قدر نازل كرديم‏2-And what will make you comprehend what the grand night و از شب قدر، چه آگاهت كرد 3-The grand night is better than a thousand months. شب قدر از هزار ماه ارجمندتر است‏ 4-The angels and Gibreel descend in it by the permission of their Lord for every affair, در آن [شب‏] فرشتگان‏، با روح‏، به فرمان پروردگارشان‏، براي هر كاري [كه مقرّر شده است‏] فرود آيند؛5-Peace! it is till the break of the morning.آن شب‏ تا دمِ صبح‏، صلح و سلام است‏  +نوشته شده در شنبه هجدهم دی ۱۳۸۹ساعت13:15  توسطMehdi | About me my name is Mehdi I'm 27 years old My email is mehdipurghasem@yahoo.com My gmail is robert.tct@gmail.com If you have suggestionMy instagram is @mehdi_looks


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