HIV Information & Education | Help Stop the Virus

Web Name: HIV Information & Education | Help Stop the Virus






Everyone's journey living with HIV is different.

Come here for information and resources to help you learn about HIV and treatment options, and support you throughout your treatment journey. Because a positive HIV diagnosis can happen to anyone, but it doesn't have to change the fact that you can live a longer and healthier life with treatment.

Model portrayal above

Want to learn more about HIV?

Dealing with an HIV diagnosis can be challenging. But it's still important to process your emotions and learn about HIV and the treatment options available—then prioritize treatment.

Learn about HIV Starting treatment

Looking to get started on an HIV treatment?

It's never too late to start treatment. And some can start treatment right away.

On treatment already?

Staying on treatment is the best way to live a healthier life with HIV. And it's easier to do that when you're on a treatment that works for you. Talk to a healthcare provider about which HIV treatment may be right for you.

Treatment considerations Treatment adherence

Sticking with treatment?

It's important to stick to your treatment. And that includes partnering with your support team.

Model portrayal below

Looking for support?

Everyone experiences ups and downs. Know that you are not alone in your journey. Learn more about the many HIV resources available to help you along the way.

Supportive resources

See how far we have come.

There were 50,000 new HIV infections every year since 2003. Until something extraordinary happened. Watch the video.

HIV: We've come so far

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