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Everything will be.

Louis Cole: Let It Happen.

Dead letters.

These technical matters — how mailservers are configured, the appeals process for blackholes, the nature of large companies anti-spam algorithms — are niggling, abstract and obscure. But when we talk about digital sharecropping — about the ways that creative workers are corralled into making money for giant companies, beholden to their ongoing largese — these are the mechanisms that allow that to happen.

Hanslmann Frühstückspension am Attersee.

Frühstückspension in Steinbach am Attersee mit eigenem Seezugang, weitläufigem Garten, Imbiss, Hofladen und hauseigener Alm.

Knots for Hammocks.

Hängemattenknoten and Siberian Hitch.

Veganer Leberkäse.

Kein Pflanz! Wir haben ihn – den Klassiker der österreichischen Küche, nur eben aus Pflanzen: Gustl – Der vegane Leverkas.

Jennifer Deutrom is an animator, rotoscoper and designer based in Austin, Texas.

Source: jdeutrom.com

Relevant: Pool paintings by Holly Fisher Sabiston.

Relevant 2: Susan Sabiston’s Meroscope.

All via flatblackfilms.com.

The Ultimate Guide to Improv: 101 Tips for Improv Success.

147 Logical Fallacies: A Master List With Examples.

Logical fallacies are irrational arguments made through faulty reasoning common enough to be named for its respective logical failure.

git-annex allows managing large files with git, without storing the file contents in git. It can sync, backup, and archive your data, offline and online.

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