Tatted Treasures

Web Name: Tatted Treasures

WebSite: http://www.tattedtreasures.com





Welcome Hi, I m not updating this blog anymore, but there s still lots of useful info here on how to tat. Enjoy! Video tutorial shows how to make the double stitch in shuttle tatting. It s not as hard as it seems!Continue reading I ve always been sensitive to light and had difficulty reading, writing, doing math, music, tatting, for my whole life. Now I know why, and how to make it better Continue reading Here s a question for experienced tatters: What does a beginning tatter need to learn to be successful? For beginning tatters: what do you struggle with, and what do you want to learn?Continue reading A straightforward shopping list of the essential tatting supplies you will need to begin shuttle tatting.Continue reading A detailed exploration of how, when and why to reverse work and turn work when tatting a project.Continue reading Would you like to tat some cute snowflake motifs but are intimidated by reading the patterns? Have no fear, here are 8 easy tatted snowflake patterns for beginners. Including one Christmas tree.Continue reading Video tutorial shows how to make the ring in shuttle tatting. This involves tatting with only one color, and describes a tip to check if all your double stitches transfer, or flip, correctly.Continue reading Continuing the last lesson on reading patterns, this tutorial adds chains, very small picots, rosettes and rounds with shuttle and ball thread and two shuttles.Continue reading This video tutorial shows how to make picots in shuttle tatting. Plus a photo seek-and-find game tests your ability to spot these tatted loops and joins.Continue reading As a teacher, I have always told my students that there is no such thing as a stupid question. I Continue reading Don t want to make a folded join? Here s how to join the last ring to the first WITHOUT using a folded join.Continue reading

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Hi, I&#8217;m not updating this blog anymore, but there&#8217;s still lots of useful info here on how to tat. Enjoy! &hellip;Continue reading &raquo;

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