Richard Stallman's Personal Page

Web Name: Richard Stallman's Personal Page






Richard Stallman's Personal Site I continue to be the Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project.
This is my long-term commitment and I plan to continue.
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RSS site feed for the most recent political notes and new material.

This is the personal web site of Richard Stallman.
The views expressed here are my personal views, not those of the Free Software Foundation or the GNU Project.
For the sake of separation, this site has always been hosted elsewhere and managed separately.

If you want to send me GPG-encrypted mail, do not trust key servers! Some of them have phony keys under my name and email address, made by someone else as a trick. See gpg.html for my real key.

Don't watch TV coverage of Covid-19!

Canadians: I suggest you seek election advice at a local chapter of agroup that pushes to curb global heating and has the courage to say,"Canada should stop exporting fossil fuel." It will at least use theright goals to suggest who to vote for in your area.

Join a Friday climate strike.

This page is made by scraping Fridays for Future so you can get theinformation without running any Javascript code. I would be very gladif they made the information on their own site accessiblefrom the Free World; then we could simply refer people to their siteand do without the scraping etc. I am looking for a few more volunteers to help install new political notes on the site. If you'd like to help me in this way, please write to rms at gnu period org. Is your bank pressuring you to use biometric ID? If so, please write to rms at gnu dot org. It could be useful if you document what is happening. Please join the Free Software Foundation to support its work for your freedom. "They" is plural for singular antecedents, use singular gender-neutral pronouns.

Link Policy

The largest part of the site is the political notes, and they are typically updated every day.

send me examples of how proprietary programs have been designed to be addictive. I'm looking for people to check a few sites for me regularly and show me any new articles that I would like to see or link to. If you would like to help me in this way, please write to rms at gnu dot o r g. send me examples of how proprietary programs have been designed to cause programmed obsolescence of products. write site-specific Firefox extensions or local scripts to operate specific web sites. help maintain and operate experiment to find good ways to attach fruits to a Grav-mass tree. help web sites put free licenses on their Javascript code.

Civil Liberties Minute:

graphic by Susan Henson
Americans, you may wish to copy this icon to your own page, as a way of showing what patriotism means to you. Upcoming talks

Richard Stallman will be giving a talk at 8dot8 conference on October 23.

More info

Richard Stallman will be giving a talk in Montpellier, France, on October 22.

More info

Urgent action items

Everyone: call on Walmart to raise its minimum wage to $15/hr.

US citizens: call on the EPA to take action against polluters that harm frontline communities.

Everyone: reject Amazon -- buy your gifts (and whatever else you buy) from local stores.

I follow that policy for all my purchases, all year round.

US citizens: call on Congress to provide more food to food banks.

US citizens: call on Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Intel, Target, Dell, Cisco, and Boston Scientific to stop donating to Anti-Voting Rights Members of Congress.

US citizens: call on senators to sponsor the Fossil-Free Finance Act.

If you call, please spread the word!

US citizens: call on Biden to cancel the memo with which the wrecker tried to block approval of the Equal Rights Amendment.

If you call, please spread the word!

US citizens: call on the House of Representatives to pass the Build Back Better act (relief and climate bill) now.

If you call, please spread the word!

US citizens: call on Biden to cancel a substantial part of student debt.

If you call, please spread the word!

US citizens: call on Congress to make the corrupter testify about his involvement in the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol.

This is presuming there is no hope of prosecuting him for this based on the testimony of others. Questioning him in Congress would require giving him immunity for prosecution, and that would be unfortunate if we could otherwise send him to prison.

If you call, please spread the word!

US citizens: call on your senators to pass the Build Back Better (relief) bill.

If you call, please spread the word!

Free Assange Rally on Monday, November 22 at 4pm in Boston. US citizens: call on Congress to pass the billionaires' tax

The Capitol Switchboard number is 202-224-3121.

If you call, please spread the word!.

US citizens: call on the Senate not to vote on the NDAA until we have passed Build Back Better.

If you call, please spread the word!

US citizens: call on Congress to Pass the Polluters Pay Climate Fund Act.

If you call, please spread the word!

US citizens: call on the Canadian government stop subsidizing the forest biomass industry in other words, paying to cut down forests and burn them.

If you call, please spread the word!

US citizens: call on Congress to remove insurrectionists, as the constitution requires.

If you call, please spread the word!

US citizens: call on the Senate to end the filibuster.

It is important to keep up the pressure on this point.

US citizens: call on ATT to stop funding the right-wing OAN network.

If you call, please spread the word!

US citizens: call on Merrick Garland to Stop Criminalization of Journalism US citizens: tell Kaiser Permanente to give its workers a raise,not a pay cut. That company is making big profits and can afford a raise. US citizens: call on the Senate to remove Senator Joe Manchin as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. US citizens: state your support for the Social Security 2100 Act(the link gives details). US citizens: call on the Senate to confirm Jessica Rosenworcel and Gigi Sohn in the FCC. US citizens: call on JPMorgan Chase and UBS to divest from Amazon oil and gas, to avoid the destruction of the Amazon rainforest.

Boycott Chevron, in the name of Steven Donziger.

Recording of Guantanamero Listen to the recording of Guantanamero, a protest song written in Spanish. The recording is in Ogg Vorbis format. To install an Ogg Vorbis player, see the FSF's Ogg Players page. There Ought to Be a Law It should be a crime to knowingly approach a person while maskless inside a building or vehicle. *The pandemic has taken surveillance of workers to the next level.*

The extreme of this is represented by the Amazon warehouse, where a worker's every move is controlled by the computer system. This is one of many reasons to refuse to buy from Amazon.

Unfortunately, surveillance of workers is not limited to Amazon. I think states should pass laws to limit surveillance of workers. It should cover independent contractors as well as employees.

The law should completely forbid demanding that workers run any specific software on their own computers (keep in mind that portable phones are computers); the employer who wants that must furnish the computer at no charge. A hundred years ago, having your face photo circulated as a suspect could direct persecution at you for instance, making it impossble to get a job.

Now it can cause you to be arrested randomly for walking down the street.

If stores use face recognition inside the store, they should not be allowed to use photos for matching against people in the store except for photos they have taken in that store, and photos of people convicted of theft and fraud. The corrupter has pardoned his former agent, Michael Flynn, who was convicted for lying to the FBI about what he did for the corrupter.

This is a corrupt practice. I think we need to limit the president's power to pardon so that presidents cannot do this in the future. More items where there ought to be a law. Quotes

Here are some quotations that I particularly like.

Most recent Political Notes and News Items (RSS Feed)

See the current pol-notes page for more.

(You may need to scroll down for more text if there is blank space in this column.)

The four factors of the apocalypse:
global heating, global hating,
global eating, global mating.

[More Cartoons]

Copy this button (courtesy of R.Siddharth) to express your rejection of Facebook.

Support the Green Party
Republican ElectionRigging Tactics
The Olympics
Why everyone has a reason to fear massive surveillance E-books

Non-oppressive CommercialE-books

Don't use Facebook

Facebook's facerecognition demonstrates a threat to everyone's privacy. Itherefore ask people not to put photos of me on Facebook; youcan do likewise.

Of course, Facebook is bad formany other reasons as well.Boycott Harry Potter Books, Movies, etc.
Internet Music EULAS
Business Supremacy Treaties

Countries to Stay Away From
No national identity cards

I'd like to make a list of countries that do not require a nationalidentity card, and have no plans to adopt one. If you live in or haveconfirmed knowledge of such a country, please send email to rms

Here's my list of countries with no national ID cardsand no plans for one: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK.Australia's previous government tried toinstitute national ID cards, but the Labor government droppedthe plan.

India has mostly finished imposing a national biometric ID numberin a grand act of oppression.

Switzerland has national ID cards which are optional,but they or some other government ID card are needed for some purposes.

Iceland doesn't have ID cards as such, but theyhave ID numbers that citizens are forced to use frequently.For example, the national ID number is often required torent a video or use a gym.

Denmark issues non-photo ID cards with a "person number", and manyservices use this card to identify people.

Norway will impose a nationalbiometricID card.

Ireland- national ID card by stealth.

ACLU: thefive dangers of national ID cards.

Wikipedia has a list of identity card policies by country.


Stay away from certain countries because of theirbadimmigration policies.

Flight connections

Avoid flight connections in these airports becauseof theirtreatment of passengers.

The Lifelong Activist

People often ask how I manage to continue devoting myself toprogressive activism (such as the free software movement) foryears without burning out. The best way I can answer is byrecommending a book, The Lifelong Activist by Hillary Rettig.

I disagree with the book on one theoretical point in the lastpart of the book: we shouldn't think of political activism asbeing marketing and sales, because those terms refer tobusiness, and politics is something much moreimportant than mere business. However, this doesn't diminishthe value of the book's practical advice about borrowingtechniques from marketing and sales.

Disclosure: I am friends with the author.

Bob ChassellWriting (mostly science fiction) by myfriend Bob Chassell who recently died.

Solidarity Economy and Free Software

Personal Declaration of Richard Stallman and Euclides Manceon Solidarity Economy and Free Software.

Falkvinge articles

I have reposted some of Rick Falkvinge's articles.As posted on his site, you can't see them in a browserwithout running some nonfree Javascript code which is apparentlynon-free. These versions show the same text, without the obstacle.

Long-term action items Political Articles

These are my political articles that are not related to the GNU operating system or free software. For GNU-related articles, see the GNU philosophy directory. You can also order copies of my book, Free Software, Free Society, 3rd edition', signed or not signed. Why we should get rid of corporate landlords, and an easy method (August 2021) Worker-owned internet services can still be dis-services (June 2021) Necessary Changes in Society (March 2021) On the Firing of Jeffrey Toobin (November 2020) The Broken Trust Model of Policing Police (October 2020) An Extinction Rebellion activist comments about the London police by Clark Killick (October 2020) What sort of laws would give us real privacy? (December 2019) My Talk at Microsoft (September 2019) Surveillance Ordinance (November 2018) How the Ramayana endorses caste bias (April 2018) Better Genderless Pronouns in English (April 2018) A radical proposal to keep your personal data safe. (April 2018) What Mary Had (May 2017) Anonymous internet payments using pay phones (Apr 2017) When people are conscripted by the DMCA into the War on Sharing. (Dec 2016) If you feel your organization needs a "presence" in Facebook. (Dec 2016) How Much Surveillance Can Democracy Withstand? Yes, You Have Something to Fear. (August 2016) A proposal for resolving the dispute over the South China Sea. (July 2016) Is partially enforcing the "celebrity threesome injunction"? (May 2016) Adapting the Marseillaise to the greatest threat to civilization. Proposing the Logo Sea Turtle for Whales (October 2015) Controlling When the Cameras Record (August 2015) A few words to Greece (June 2015) Fixing Too Big To Fail (Apr 2015) Enslaved Workers What I said about Hrant Dink in my talks in Turkey (Apr 2015) Earth under attack from planet Koch. Fine government contractors for hiring ex-officials (Feb 2015) Suggestion to the target of a witch hunt (Feb 2015) Nonexistence (Feb 2015) The Thermocene Epoch (Feb 2015) Digital Voting. (Jan 2015) My letter asking the judge not to sentence Jeremy Hammond to prison. (Jan 2015) It is a bad idea to have computers count the votes in public elections. Internet Voting: don't even think of it! The patent system is, at best, not worth keeping. (February 2014) Why We Need A State (November 2013) We can put an end to "too big to fail" with an innovative tax that also defeats corporate tax-dodging. (August 2013) Exxon and the Letter Exx. (April 1, 2013) Fixing too big to fail (February 2013) Why internet music "sale" is a bad deal. (January 2013) On-line education is using a flawed Creative Commons license (September 2012) French Translation Redistributable Scientific Publishing (April 2012) My Doctor's Office Asked me to Lie (August 2011) Responding to Beggars UK extreme pornography law. My criticism of the The Zeitgeist Movement. The Venus Project is more or less the same idea. The states need to form a union. Additional Political Articles are on a separate page Political notes

"Those who profess to favor freedom, yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." Frederick Douglass, American Abolitionist, Letter to an associate, 1849

Here are notes about various issues I care about, usually with links to more information. The current notes are here. For all previous notes, see this page.

See this page for information on efforts to maintain links in the political notes.

Political notes about the 2001 G8 summit in Genoa, Italy are being archived on their own page. Media/Press/Bios

Richard Stallman's bio and publicity photos, and other things of interest to the press, have been moved to a separate page.

Travel experiences

How it happened that I planned speeches at Israeli universities, then cancelled them. Richard Stallman's travel blog My visit to Machu Picchu Stories about visits to Tikal and Greece Photos about my travels

Photos of me working on my laptop at various places All of my photos, organized by location, from my trips. Photos people like best, among those I have taken and posted here. OSCON More Photos from OSCON myvisit to Switzerland in May 2003 (and the same photos at the original photographer's site.) Some pictures from Vaasa where I slipped on icy ground in the airport, broke my elbow, and gave my speech by telephone from the hospital bed my trips to Greece In Singapore in March 2001, a lovely parrot (50k jpeg) became enamored of me, while others enjoyed my recorder playing (91k jpeg) my visit to China in May/June 2000. I also visited Tibet unawares, because nobody told me that JiuZhaiGou was part of Tibetan territory annexed by China since the conquest my visit to Brazil: some from Rio de Janeiro and some from Porto Alegre where the Software Livre 2000 event was held. my trip to Slovenia A photo of me by Blake Livingston (may be used under CC-BY-SA). Scientific Links Homeopathy debunked, and thoroughly, as pseudoscience. Some humor

The berry torture.

The Free Software Song, by Richard M. Stallman. You can listen to a performance of the song: Free Software Song performed by Thor Here is a variant of this song called "The Free Firmware Song".

A song parody, Colors of the Lisp, by Jefferson Carpenter.

Earth under attack from planet Koch.

On doxing, and how to spell it.

Futon Physics

A Spanish cartoon: La Ruleta Espaola.

The Night before M-x-mas

Here I am wearing my "power tie".

Wine snobs get their comeuppance.

Here I am struggling to open a bottle of water.

My application to an join Marian Henley's ex-boyfriends list.

My funny poetry and song parodies.

My Cartoons

My Puns in English (Little Leaguer, August 2019).

My Puns in Spanish (New pun: Apostasía April 2019)

My Puns in French (New pun: Microsoft à l'école July 2019)

My Puns in Portuguese

My Puns in Italian (New pun: Quale pesce fa starnutire? New 10/2018)

My Puns in German (New 02/2016)

Linguistic Swifties (Now with: Wintu, Penutian, Cochiti, Taos, and Towa.)

--Saint IGNUcius-- The Church of Emacs will soon be officially listed by at least one person as his religion for census purposes.

There are no godfathers in the Church of Emacs, since there are no gods, but you can be someone's editorfather.

Stallman Does Dallas: "I have to warn you that Texans have been known to have an adverse reaction to my personality"

The Dalai Lama today announced the official release of Yellow Hat GNU/Linux.

Pre-Zen Studies.

I found a funny song about the Mickey Mouse Copyright Act (officially the Sonny Bono Copyright Act) which extended copyright retroactively by 20 years on works made as early as the 1920s.

If you are a geek and read Spanish, you will love Raulito el Friki, who said "Hello, world!" immediately after he was born. Here's an archive of this now-defunct comic strip.

Sleeping with Stallman at MIT.

Un malentendido gracioso.

ESR's favorite programming language: Objectivist C.

American Extremists

My Small Mouth

The huns and the writs.

No Kludges in Cluj (June 2014)

Hammer into Anvil Fiction

Made for You (December 2012) (local copy) Esperanto translation

A science fiction story: Jinnetic Engineering (in Portuguese, Farsi, Spanish, Armenian, Russian, French, and Italian).

The Right to Read Books

My book of essays about the philosophy of Software Freedom, is available from the GNU Press.

Stallman on Love

Love and Dance

My Childhood Sweetheart

Made for You

My Former Personal Ad Non-Political Articles

Am I Doctor Stallman?

Avec des chapeaux French song parody.

My radio program of Music from Georgia, originally broadcast on WUOG in Athens, Georgia on Oct 13, 2014.

Resolving the trolley problem

Quantum Theory and Abortion Rights

A proposal for gender neutrality in Spanish, suitable for both speech and writing.

Origin of the POSIX name.

On Hacking: In June 2000, while visiting Korea, I did a fun hack that clearly illustrates the original and true meaning of the word "hacker".

My Childhood Sweetheart

Love and Dance

Predicting the attack on Pearl Harbor

Certificate of confusion

Links Thanks

I would like to thank: Positive Internet for hosting this web site. Graziano Sorbaioli for improving the layout of the main page.

Please send comments on these web pages to rms at gnu period org.

Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Richard Stallman
Verbatim copying and redistribution of this entire page are permitted provided this notice is preserved.
Verbatim copying and redistribution of any of the photos in the photos subdirectory is permitted under the Creative Commons Noderivs license version 3.0 or later. You can copy and redistribute the photo of me playing music to the butterfly under the Creative Commons Noderivs Nocommercial license version 3.0 or later. Any other photos of me in this (the toplevel) directory may be copied and redistributed under the Creative Commons Noderivs license version 3.0

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