Home - NeighborWorks America

Web Name: Home - NeighborWorks America

WebSite: http://www.neighborworks.org





NeighborWorks America works through partnerships, public and private, to drive change at the local level for individuals, families and communities. Learn more about who we are and how we operate. Affordable housing and community development professionals nationwide do better work because they have taken NeighborWorks America training and benefited from our products, consulting and services. Learn why our help is so valuable. Having a safe, decent and affordable place to live allows people to put down roots and communities to grow strong. It also gives homeowners and renters alike the stability to keep their children in school, anticipate financial expenses and get to know their neighbors. Home is more than a house. It is the place you live and the people around you. Learn how we work to build strong communities nationwide. We offer expert sources, story ideas and research in the field of affordable housing and community development. See what topics we cover and sign up for our newsletters and blog.This past spring, our minds were sent reeling from the series of killings that added the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery to the maddening list of people never to be forgotten, victims of senseless and tragic deaths at the hands of the people that were sworn to protect and serve them.For months now, millions of people around the globe have marched peacefully in the streets, plead for justice on the airwaves and set ego aside to try and bridge the difficult gaps between cultures to help make our world a better place. Yet, here we are adding new names. This time, the victim s name is Jacob Blake.What was once unimaginable has become common place. The hatred, malice and divisiveness has seemingly driven an ever-widening gap in communities across the country.As an organization that declares in its mission that we are committed to creating opportunities for people to live in affordable homes, improve their lives and strengthen their communities, we have to take a critical look at what else we need to be doing to help improve the lives of the people in the communities where we work and serve. While we may not have boots on the ground, as a national organization we must continue to channel resources where they are needed most. We must expand our knowledge, skills and abilities to figure out new and better ways to help our network organizations navigate the waters of change and ensure that we are working to be part of the solution.As leaders in our profession, we must use our access and influence to call for the kind of systemic change that holds public servants accountable for tearing communities apart, builds capacity and cultural competency, so that community development organizations can focus on strengthening infrastructures and bringing communities together. We know that inadequate and unequal resources, a lack of diversity training and underfunding of community-based programs means failure and manifests in the kind of social unrest we see today. We have got to do all that we can to change this paradigm. We must do better. We must demand protection of all human life.As president and CEO of NeighborWorks America, I can say without hesitation that we are committed to remaining a voice calling for change, a resource for communities doing the hard work of building toward it and a supporter of those who grow weary waiting for it to happen.NeighborWorks America creates opportunities for people to live in affordable homes, improve their lives and strengthen their communities. NeighborWorksBlog The latest in housing and community development 999 North Capitol Street NE, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20002 202-760-4000

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