Music Theory Online

Web Name: Music Theory Online






Kyle Adams Gurminder K. Bhogal Ragnhild Br vig-Hanssen, Bjørnar E. Sandvik, and Jon Marius Aareskjold-Drecker Philip A. Ewell Jonathan Guez Kyle Hutchinson Noah Kahrs Ji Yeon Lee Joshua Banks Mailman Judith Ofcarcik Gilad Rabinovitch Brent Yorgason and Jeff Lyon MTO Editor: Ren Rusch (University of Michigan) MTO Associate Editor: Brad Osborn (The University of Kansas), Mitchell Ohriner (University of Denver), Jonathan Guez (The College of Wooster), and Trevor de Clercq (Middle Tennessee State University) (Interim) MTO Reviews Editors: David Heetderks (University of North Texas) and Bryan Parkhurst (Oberlin College) MTO Managing Editor: Brent Yorgason (Brigham Young University) MTO Editorial Board

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