Unbridle the caring spirit of humankind through the spirit of the equine . . . - Announcing Jellybea

Web Name: Unbridle the caring spirit of humankind through the spirit of the equine . . . - Announcing Jellybea

WebSite: http://www.mmandm.info





FromJellybean:Areyou a newbie horse owner or an owner of a new horse?Are you searching for the reasons you were drawn to horses more than anyother animal? By combining the power of will and desire with T.I.M.E.E. (time,insight, money, exhilarating, exhaustion) read and discover how to find thatspace within your self, as it is inthis space where you ll find answers to those reasons, become best friends withyour horse, and so much more.Haveyou ever given any thought as to why little girls like to wear the colorpink?Have you ever given anythought as to why young girls go through a horsey phase?I hadn t either until starting to write this book.This book not only contains a discussion of these whys, it s also aboutwhy our symbiotic relationship with horses is intended to awaken our spiritualenergy, our personal power, and our souls need for all of us to maintainbalance with Mother Earth.Justas with humans, a horse can t be spiritually healthy without being physicallyhealthy. Along with the spiritualtutorial in this book is a comprehensive primer for the newbie horse owner andowners of new horses on the cradle-to-grave care of the whole horse. Are thethree most important and most basic nutritional needs of horses being providedby owners? Do you know how to treat eye worms? Is the homeopathic remedy Ledum asuccessful alternative treatment for horses afflicted with headshaking syndrome?Is antioxidant therapy an alternative to joint supplement therapy for thetreatment of arthritis and other inflammatoryconditions?Readthe book and share your thoughts ideas because it is all about the horse. Namaste.AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK AND E-BOOK FORMATS AT BALBOA PRESS.COM, AMAZON.COM, BARNES NOBLE.COM AND ALL OTHER ON-LINE BOOK RETAILERS."SEARCH INSIDE" AND "LOOK INSIDE" FEATURESPush to Serve. . .The labor-saving device I use for carrying the hanging feed buckets, aspictured on pg. 219, is aseasyto assemble as 1-2-3.Contact for pricing info.A Burning Idea: Share your advice, expertise and suggestions to aid in final development of commercially-viable, environmentally friendly, petroleum-free,horse manure fire burning logs as discussed on pg. 198.Jellybean's First Book Release:Good Heavens! My Journey with Spirit Guides. Read about the white wiccan who gave me the "Jellybean" nickname. Read about the true story of the series of life-threatening, life-altering events which sparked positive changes and resulted in the introduction to my spirit guides, angels, and Master on The Other Side, as well as gaining the understanding of my soul's purpose for this earth life.http://www.jellybeanink.com

TAGS:spirit of humankind 

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Heal your horse, heal your self. A must-have resource on the care of the whole horse and a tutorial on the horses' role in the spiritual awakening to your personal power.

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