McMillan Running | The Worlds Best Running Calculator

Web Name: McMillan Running | The Worlds Best Running Calculator






By clicking "Calculate My Paces", I agree to the Terms of Use Below are your predicted race times at other distances based on your current racing level as well as your goal performance level. You ll find this helpful in planning your race pace and strategy. See my Coach s Notes for a more in-depth explanation of your predicted times. (Mobile app for iPhone available HERE.) Coach's Notes Simple Race ConditionsThe Calculator Race Time predictions assume similar race conditions as the race performance entered into the Calculator. In other words, the surface (road, track, cross country, trail, etc.), terrain (flat, hilly, rolling, etc.) and environmental conditions (cool, dry, hot, humid, etc.) are assumed to be the same for the predictions to be most accurate. The predictions will be less accurate if you, for example, use a flat, fast, cool road marathon performance to predict a hilly, trail 50K in hot conditions or use a 1600m track time to predict your 5K cross country times.Proper TrainingThe Calculator Race Times indicate what you could run for various distances if you are properly trained for that distance. In other words, a runner who is optimally trained for a 5K would have to perform proper marathon training in order to expect to run the predicted marathon time. And, the farther apart the distances, the less accurate the Race Times may be. That is to say that a half-marathon performance is a better predictor of your marathon time than is a mile performance.Sprints and UltrasAt the edges of the Race Time spectrum (short sprints of 100m-400m and ultra marathons of 50K-100 miles), genetics play as much of a role as does training so runners who are more speed-oriented will find the longer races predictions harder to meet and the same goes for endurance-oriented athletes. They will find the shorter race times harder to meet.Young RunnersYoung runners (high school runners) will often find that they under perform as the distance increases (i.e., 400m to 800m to 1600m to 3200m). This is usually due to a lack of aerobic training relative to inherent speed. As they build their aerobic fitness, they will find that their longer distances predictions are more attainable.Ultra TerrainUltra runners must adjust their performance expectations based on the terrain of the race, their experience level and appropriate training. Plus, there are many other factors that affect ultra marathon performances like equipment issues, nutritional issues and environmental conditions. All of these factors must be taken into account when comparing ultra marathon predicted race times.Every Runner Is UniqueThe McMillan Running Calculator is based on what we know from exercise science and real world running. But, every runner is unique so over time, you will learn how to best interpret and modify the Race Times and Optimal Training Paces to fit your particular strengths and weaknesses as well as your goals.You read that right. You can now try McMillan training plans for FREE!WARNING: This isn’t like any training system you’ve ever used. This isn’t a fad. There is no fluff – just scientifically-based and time-proven training and coaching that is working right now for runners just like you.And it’s easy to use.In less time than it takes to run a 4-minute mile, you will be set up with your very own individualized training plan plus all your core, strength and mobility routines. Below are your optimal pace ranges for each type of workout. Select Speedster or Endurance Monster, above, to display the paces that best match your abilities and you can choose minutes per mile or minutes per kilometer as well. These paces will push your fitness to a higher level as you train for your goal. Note that for short repeats, I list the pace as well as the split (in parentheses) for each repeat. (Mobile app for iPhone available HERE.) Coach's Notes Paces As RangesTraining Paces are presented as ranges to allow for day-to-day variation in how you feel as well as for starting slowly and gradually building toward your average training pace for a particular type of run.Speedster vs Endurance MonsterSpeed and Sprint Workout paces provide two options based on the type of runner you are. Use the Speedster paces if you match the Speedster description or the Endurance Monster paces if you match that description.Re-calculate Every 4-8 WeeksRunners should re-calculate their Race Times and Optimal Training Paces every 4-8 weeks based on racing and training improvements or whenever a new fitness level is achieved as indicated by faster racing.Every Runner Is UniqueThe McMillan Running Calculator is based on what we know from exercise science and real world running. But, every runner is unique so over time, you will learn how to best interpret and modify the Race Times and Optimal Training Paces to fit your particular strengths and weaknesses as well as your goals.You read that right. You can now try McMillan training plans for FREE!WARNING: This isn’t like any training system you’ve ever used. This isn’t a fad. There is no fluff – just scientifically-based and time-proven training and coaching that is working right now for runners just like you.And it’s easy to use.In less time than it takes to run a 4-minute mile, you will be set up with your very own individualized training plan plus all your core, strength and mobility routines.You read that right. You can now try McMillan training plans for FREE!For a limited time, I m offering a 14-day free trial of my training and coaching system called Run Team. Take a plan for a spin. Kick the tires as they say. If you like it, do nothing and your subscription will start. If you don t like it, just cancel and you owe nothing. It s a great way to experience training on what has been called, The best training system on the planet. Click to try it for FREE for 14 days and you get set up instantly.As soon as you sign up, you’ll get an automated receipt with a link to unlock your Run Team membership directly in your email.In less time than it takes to run a 4-minute mile, you will be set up with your very own individualized training plan plus all your core, strength and mobility routines.You can access it anywhere, immediately, without having to wait for one more second to start training on the McMillan system. (There’s even a free mobile app so if you aren’t near the computer, you always have your training right at hand.) Race Split Sheet Proper pacing is critical to getting the most from yourself on race day. I m providing the split for each mile and/or kilometer for your race. Commit these to memory (or print them out and write them on your arm or wristband) and you ll be sure to hit the best paces for your best race. Can You BQ? Qualifying for the Boston Marathon is the Holy Grail for many runners. Using the Can You BQ? feature allows you to see what race times you need to achieve at other distances to predict that you can run your Boston Qualifying Time. Simply enter the information below to calculate your BQ Race Times, see how much you need to improve and evaluate your chances to achieve the coveted BQ. You ll find two groups of race times. One is the prediction for the marathon time you can run right now based on your current fitness. The other shows the times you need to hit to be at BQ level. And, our handy slide chart shows you how much, if any, you need to improve to get your BQ and the likelihood you can do it within your current training cycle. I ve helped thousands of runners qualify for and run Boston so let me know if I can help you achieve the BQ dream. Long Shot Our research shows that runners who need over a 7% improvement can get a BQ but everything must be perfect on race day. It Could Happen... Runners who need 3-7% improvement have a good chance of a BQ as long as things go well on race day. See You in Boston! We frequently see McMillan-trained runners who need 3% or less improvement, hit the BQ in their upcoming marathon, usually with time to spare! Coach Greg Videos I like nothing more than helping runners achieve their best! With the McMillan PRO Runkit, you have access to my coaching and training videos so you can train smart, stay injury free and learn how I help runners of all abilities race faster. It’s like being part of a virtual training group with me as your coach. I’ll upload more and more videos over time and as a subscriber, you’ll have access to all of them. I look forward to helping you become the runner you know you can be.Subscribe for unlimited access to Coach Greg s videos plus all the McMillan PRO training tools and advanced calculators.SUBSCRIBE NOW!Already a PRO? Login Below are the workouts we recommend based on the goal race distance you entered into the Calculator. Insert one of these specialized workouts into your plan each week to prepare for your goal race.Choose Speedster or Endurance Monster, above, to display workouts specific to your type of runner.Run one (and only one) of the Recommended Workouts per week.Allow an easy day or two of running before and after each workout.Two sets of Recommended Workouts are provided (Group 1 and Group 2).Insert workouts from either Group into your training plan but remember to include only one recommended workout in each training week. Coach's Notes FrequencyI suggest you only run one of the Recommended workouts in a week. If this is your first time using the Recommended Workouts, then follow Workout Group 1.  When you do another training cycle, then use Workout Group 2. If you are used to doing two workouts in each week, then do one Recommended Workout and one Race Pace Workout (see Race Pace Workout feature). If you are used to doing one key workout per week, then do a Recommended Workout one week then a Race Pace Workout the next week.Warm-Up / Cool-DownAs always, include a proper warm-up and cool-down with your Recommended Workouts. See the Videos section of the site for details on warming up and cooling down. dicted race times.Paces As RangesTraining Paces are presented as ranges to allow for day-to-day variation in how you feel as well as for starting slowly and gradually building toward your average training pace for a particular type of run.Speedster vs Endurance MonsterUse the Speedster / Endurance Monster toggle to change the workout groups to better match your type. Use the Speedster paces if you match the Speedster description or the Endurance Monster paces if you match that description. See the Article section for how to know your runner type.Re-calculate Every 4-8 WeeksRunners should re-calculate their Race Times and Optimal Training Paces every 4-8 weeks based on racing and training improvements or whenever a new fitness level is achieved as indicated by faster racing. The new fitness level will then be incorporated into the Recommended Workouts paces.Full Training PlanThe Recommended Workouts are provided so you can insert them into your training but if you want a full training plan, then you can join the McMillan Run Team (see link above) and try a full training plan (and get coaching access). Race Pace Workouts To run your goal time, you need to practice your goal pace. Below are specialized pace workouts that we recommend based on the goal race distance and goal time you entered into the Calculator. Start with the first race pace workout (the easiest workout in the sequence) and then perform a few others over the course of your training plan. You’ll toe the line at your goal race feeling fit and ready to hit your time. Run one (and only one) of the Race Pace Workouts per week. Allow an easy day or two of running before and after each workout. Heart Rate Training Enter your resting heart rate into the calculator below. Using this information, your target heart rate zones are calculated for each workout. The McMillan Heart Rate Training Calculator uses eight proven formulae to estimate your maximum heart rate. Combined with gender (some research suggest there is a slight difference between males and females for heart rate maximum) and resting heart rate (best taken before getting out of bed in the morning), the Heart Rate Training Calculator provides training zones based on both percent maximum heart rate and the more recommended percent heart rate reserve (Karvonen method). Heart rate training is a great way to monitor your body’s response to exercise, however, heart rate training is less accurate in hot/humid conditions, when you are dehydrated or when you ingest large doses of caffeine. In these cases, the heart rate can be elevated irrespective of the exercise demand. Treadmill Workouts Whether you are escaping winter weather or the heat and humidity of summer, you’ll love these indoor workouts. Just follow the workout design – adjusting the speed and incline as instructed - to create fun and effective treadmill workouts. Don’t just run on the treadmill. TRAIN on the treadmill. All of the workouts below will fit into just about any training plan. Substitute your “outdoor” workout with any one of these fun treadmill workouts. Allow a day or two of easy running before and after any hard workout. Nutrition Calculator Do you know how many calories you should eat each day? Want to lose weight while maintaining your weekly mileage? Enter your information into our nutrition calculator to find out. The Runner’s Nutritional Calculator is a tool to be used by runners, coaches and nutritionists for maintaining a healthy diet for maximum performance. The Calculator is an estimate of the daily caloric needs using the Harris-Benedict Equation, lean body mass and activity level and does not replace consultation with a nutritionist or health professional regarding diet and exercise,especially for individuals who desire to lose weight. Running Form Videos Develop picture perfect running form and practice an optimal warm-up and cool-down routine using the McMillan Running Drills videos. With the McMillan PRO Runkit, you have access to these videos anywhere, anytime. You ll quickly see your form improve, which can lead to fewer injuries and faster racing.Subscribe for unlimited access to the Running Form videos plus all the McMillan PRO training tools and advanced calculators.SUBSCRIBE NOW!Already a PRO? LoginWe recommend using the Running Form videos as part of your McMillan training workouts, but you can also purchase these videos separately. Learn more. Core Training Routine Develop a strong runner’s core using the McMillan Core Training videos. With the McMillan PRO Runkit, you have access to these videos anywhere, anytime. You ll quickly feel your core stability improve, which can lead to fewer injuries and faster racing.Subscribe for unlimited access to the Core Training videos plus all the McMillan PRO training tools and advanced calculators.SUBSCRIBE NOW!Already a PRO member? LoginWe recommend using the Core Training videos as part of your McMillan training workouts, but you can also purchase these videos separately. Learn more. -Level 1 Novice – You're new to running. You’ve never run before (or it’s been a long, long time) and/or you haven’t finished a race. -Level 2 Novice/Intermediate – You’ve been focused on finishing races and now you want to finish faster. Run 3-5x/wk (avg ~30min/run, 45-60min long run) and can do 1 specialty or “hard” workout each week. -Level 3 Intermediate – You're an intermediate runner with some experience with performance training plans and specialty workouts (like long runs, tempo runs, speed workouts, etc.). Run 4-6x/wk (avg ~30-45min/run, 60-75min long run) and can do 1-2 specialty/hard workouts each week. -Level 4 Intermediate/Advanced – You're a seasoned trainer/racer who runs 4-7 days per week for around 50-60 minutes per run and at least 90 minutes for your long run. Level 4 plans often include 1-2 hard workouts per week. Close Combo Runners are fairly equal in ability in short distances and long distances. (When they put their times into the McMillan Running Calculator, their race times are pretty close to matching the predictions from the shorter races to the longer races – depending on experience at all distances of course.) Endurance Monsters runners really struggle with short races and fast, speed-oriented workouts. But, they excel in the longer races and longer training runs and workouts. When they put their times in the McMillan Running Calculator, their long distance races far exceed what they can run in short distance races. Some runners are more speed-oriented. As you would expect, Speedsters do really well in the short races but struggle with longer races (and the types of workouts/long runs that go with the training for those races). Close New members only, cancel owe nothing. Previous Member? Rejoin here. *If you love Run Team do nothing and your membership will continue at $34.95 / month thereafter. You may also select our annual subscription, billed annually, for $24.95 / month.Contact us to be converted to this plan option. Get set up on a proven plan PLUS all your prehab, core, and strength to meet your goals. Select your recommended McMillan training plan, for a goal race or year-round trainingBest for any runner seeking a scientifically based, proven plan using the McMillan training principles Access the full library of McMillan training plans PLUS direct access to Coach Greg and other McMillan coachesBest for any runner seeking a McMillan plan AND the benefits of coaching support Work with a dedicated McMillan Running coach who crafts a custom training plan and guides your improvementBest for the VIP runner who wants the best of the best Coach Greg McMillan blends his experience as a state and national champion runner with his background in exercise science to create scientifically-based, proven training plans and coaching individualized to your unique traits. Renowned by runners and coaches across the globe, his diverse coaching resume includes new runners, age group winners, Boston qualifiers, and Olympians.Learn More

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Running pace calculator, training plans, and coaching by renowned running coach, Greg McMillan.

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