Community/Home Rehab Therapy Specialists * Lifeweavers Therapy Co.

Web Name: Community/Home Rehab Therapy Specialists * Lifeweavers Therapy Co.






description:Lifeweavers is a community rehabilitation team. Our therapists see patients at their home, designing and providing gold standard therapy for individuals.
GOLD STANDARD HEALTHCARE IN THE COMMUNITYWe bring best practice rehab to your home. Learn more PREVENT FUNCTIONAL DECLINELive the life you love. We'll show you how QUALITY OF LIFE IS PRIORITYKeep well, live well. The secret of life is really that simple. The world is your oyster

Preventing fire is less exhaustive and more effective than fighting fires. Think about it.

- Lifeweavers, our motto. Tweet

Believe it or not, your home is one of the most effective tools for rehabilitation.

- Lifeweavers, on the advantage of home based therapy programs Tweet
Allied Health Team Multidisciplinary Person-centric Approach Bio-Psycho-Social Model All About Your Goals Allied Health Team

Lifeweavers is an allied health team with senior clinicians, all of whom are fully licensed by Ministry Of Healths Allied Health Professionals Council.


The team is highly experienced with backgrounds in primary to tertiary care, meaning they have seen action practicing in acute and community settings to understand all the nuances of most healthcare situations and our local cultures.


They are backed by equally experienced technicians and support staff to deliver a total healthcare experience that is personal and details orientated, solidifying the signature of our services.


Our team is made up of all the sub disciplines of allied health professionals, namely occupational therapists of most of the sub-specialisations, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, hand therapists, dieticians and massage therapists all working together collaboratively on a client, sharing knowledge and expertise, to achieve a common goal.

Person-centric Approach

A Person-centric approach care involves engaging the client as equal partners in promoting and maintaining their health and assessing their experiences throughout the health system, including communication, trust, respect, and preferences.


Bio-Psycho-Social Model

The bio-psycho-social model of healthcare is parallel to, and compliments, the medical practice model of doctors and nurses.


Allied health professionals study a persons lifestyle, routines, interests, social structure and environments everything that matters to achieve sustainable quality of life.


Afterall, life is about living, not just surviving, isnt it?

All About Your Goals

All these are eventually all about YOU and your GOALS.


Our therapy team will walk this journey with you.


Our job is to help guide and execute the plan we design together, safely and effectively, and provide the necessary expertise to achieve whatever you can dream of.


The skys the limit and the world is your oyster.

Having healthy, properly skilled and collaborative caregivers are paramount to a strong pillar of support for the client. Let us train them.

- Lifeweavers, on the importance of comprehensive caregivers training. Tweet
Lifeweavers gave me some useful strategies and tips to make my mother’s life more meaningful. Thank you. Mr. AkramSon of client Amazing informative and helpful session! With my dad having dementia and mum being the main caregiver, my wife and I attended the session to get more information on how to help and ease the stress on both parents. Despite having attended many sessions on dementia with various speakers, we left the session with many key takeaways. Elizabeth gave us very relatable experiences and scenarios that we can apply. Will encourage families facing the topic of dementia to attend! Mr. E. EeSon of client I want to take this opportunity to thank Lifeweavers for making a visit to my home to treat my left fractured wrist. The therapist's advice on the exercise regime is very handy and useful, enabling me to do my daily chores. She took effort to look at my x-ray results to understand the root cause of the problem and prescribed the right exercises to help rehab. Her great personality, patience and cexplanation on what needs to be done was crystal clear. I highly recommend them to anyone in need of home therapy. Ms. MoniqueClient with hands issues Elizabeth and her team were very helpful when my Mother was first diagnosed with dementia. Elizabeth and her team provided a welcoming reassurance and guidance for relatives and caregivers when first facing this unfamiliar and frightening situation. Ms. J. WongDaughter of client with dementia Lifeweavers has given valuable input in designing and implementing holistic services at our clinic. Working closely with our multidisciplinary team alongside physiotherapists, deep tissue massage therapist and sports trainer, Elizabeth has delivered successful interventions in the clinic and at clients' homes for a range of clientele with chronic and acute conditions including stroke, cerebral palsy and falls. V. AntonyPhysiotherapist My niece arranged for me to be attended to by an occupational therapist to help me with back pain. Liz very kindly made a house call. She thoroughly taught me to work smart covering all the areas of my home from the bathroom to the kitchen. Who knew that I could sway while chopping. My sways have since evolved to dances. Thank you Liz! Ms. M ChanClient with ergonomic issues Previous Next


To advocate is to be proactive on the issues. We want to see a more informed population about health and empower to take healthcare in our own hands.

- Lifeweavers, on changing mindsets. Tweet

Click on an article to read

Mallet Finger Injury Stroke Recovery: The Golden Window Is Therapy Really Necessary? Shoulder Pains? Or Simply Everyday Caregiving Mistakes? What is Social Prescribing? How To Choose The Right Disability Ramp We All Fall As We Age, Right? Guide on Occupational Deprivation during The Outbreak


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Lifeweavers is managed by LifeSolutions.Work

Dementia Care Home Therapy

Therapists can help enable people with dementia to retain their ability to function and engage in activities of daily living for as long as possible, as well as working with the person’s family and caregivers for an all-rounded strategy of care.

The Singapore Elderly WISE study, led by the Institute of Mental Health in 2015 indicates that 1 in 10 people over the age of 60 may have dementia. With increasing numbers being diagnosed, there is greater need for effective care and support for these individuals.

Research has demonstrated that occupational therapy can reduce the need for informal care. In addition, occupational therapy can save money by improving quality of life and health of the person with dementia and their caregivers, while decreasing the need for hospital admission. (AOTA 2015)

A comprehensive approach to address the needs of the person and their family is essential, therefore we offer a tailored dementia package to address functioning, quality of life and safety.


Additional details

Results of the Well-being of Singapore Elderly study (2015)

Occupational therapy: Cost effective solutions for a changing health system (AOTA 2015)

The Benefits of Continuous Therapy For PwD (People with Dementia)

Lien Foundation 2018 study: Home and Centre based Care Services Outstrips Nursing Homes as the Main Form of Long Term Care in Singapore

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Stroke / Parkinsons / Diabetes / Cardiac Failure / Kidney Failure / Cancer / Chronic Conditions Management Program

Research has shown that continuous therapy programs are highly beneficial for people with chronic conditions. This includes improving activities of daily living and social functioning for people with conditions such as COPD and Rheumatoid Arthritis. OT has also been found to benefit quality of life and health of people with chronic heart failure (Law McColl 2011).

Our occupational therapists can work with a range of conditions considering the unique impact on a person’s life, enabling you to manage barriers and problem solve ways to engage in the self care, work and leisure activities that you need and want to do.

Weve designed programs of different intensities and purposes to help people experiencing chronic conditions cope with a health condition that poses new challenges physically, functionally, socially and psychologically.

We can also work with people in their acute stages and that can help prevent them from further complications when we work with them in the early stages of their condition.


Law, M. McColl, M. A. (2011). Occupational therapy interventions for chronic diseases: A scoping review. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65(4):428-436.

Evidence: (Abraham et all 2018) “Burden, depression, decreased health and social support in caregivers can increase the likelihood that the care recipients will be moved to formal assisted living accommodation (Gaugler, Kane, Kane Newcomer, 2005).”

(RCOT 2017) “Finding ways to enable older people to continue to participate in daily life through problem solving, learning or relearning skills and making adaptations not only improves peoples’ lives but also makes more effective use of public money. When people’s needs are not met they come to rely on other services.”

(Law McColl 2011) Concludes that occupational therapy can improve outcomes for people with chronic diseases. Evidence of the benefit of community occupational therapy in improving activities of daily living and social functioning for people with COPD, Rheumatoid arthritis, improved participation in work for people with depression, improved health status and quality of life for people with chronic heart failure and COPD.

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Learning Impairment

Occupational Therapy is an intervention to support people with learning disability (PwLD) in the area of self-care, play skills, social skills, schoolwork and sensory processing difficulty. We also work with their families who experience challenges or difficulties in home or school settings with strategies and recommendations to better support their children.

Developmental Delay. Developmental delay means that a child takes longer to reach certain development milestones than other people of their age. This may include not reaching developmental milestones in walking, movement skills, learning new things and interacting with others socially and emotionally.

Fine Motor Skills. Fine motor skills are the coordination of using the eyes and the small muscles in our hand and wrists to make movements.

Gross Motor Skills (Movement, Strength Balance Development). The ability to coordinate and to control the larger muscles of the body for walking, running, jumping and balance. A child who is often seen as clumsy or uncoordinated in their movement may encounter challenges in sport, play activities and daily activities. For example, walking up and down a staircase, avoiding gross motor activities. For people with developmental delay or learning impairment, they may experience high or low muscle tone, muscle tension and resistance. This may further impact on their abilities to cross midline during play or school tasks, or even poor balancing when jumping or skipping.

Sensory Processing Difficulty. Issues with organizing and responding to information that comes through the senses e.g. smell, touch, vision.  These children may be overactive, underactive or both to sensory inputs. Sensory processing issues are not a learning disability, but it can have an impact on their learning and everyday life.

Play and Social Skills. Play skills are important for children with learning disabilities to make sense of their environment.  Play skills help children to figure out how to interact with one another, figure out how to problem solve and make decisions.  In addition, play helps to build up children self-confidence and develop social skills with other children.

Every person is different and each develops these skill sets at a different pace.

However, if you feel that your child is struggling with some of the skills mentioned above, you may want to contact us about our therapy programs and see how we can help.


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Falls Frailty Management Program

Around 1 in 3 Singaporeans over 50 suffer from falls every year. In 2006 injurious falls cost $6.8 billion in hospital admissions, this is not including the indirect costs such as out-patient appointments and families taking time off work. Falls have serious consequences such as hip fracture and can even be fatal.

Research has shown that occupational therapy interventions can reduce risk of falls and improve quality of life (Kim et al 2017), and that occupational therapy can significantly reduce mortality rate in seniors (AOTA 2015). The Singapore Health Promotion Board has identified that home modification interventions are more effective in reducing the rate of falls when they are delivered by occupational therapists when compared to other trained assessors’ or nurses.

Falls are a big issue for the older population, but though risk of falling as we age increases, falling is not inevitable. As occupational therapists we know that there are steps that can be taken to lower risks of falls as we enter old age.

Our knowledgeable and experienced therapists offer a comprehensive occupational therapy falls package tailored to you and your needs.


Additional Info

Article: We Fall As We Age, Right?

The effects of occupation-centered activity program on fall-related factors and quality of life in patients with dementia, Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Kim, Kim and Oh (2017). PDF Here: Korean study

Occupational therapy: Cost effective solutions for a changing health system (AOTA 2015)

Falls prevention among older adults living in the community, HPB-MOH Clinical practice guidelines, May 2015

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Linked to occupational therapy by allied health practice, physiotherapists focus on physical aspect of therapy within our multidisciplinary team.

There are several overlapping areas but at Lifeweavers, we let specialisation take centre stage. OTs work alongside PTs to provide more extensive interventions as a multi-disciplinary team. Our physiotherapists can work by themselves too, under the gold standard Lifeweavers promises.

Several areas our cross-discipline teams specialises in:

Cerebral Palsy

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Environmental Modification Package Caregivers Education

A primary focus of occupational therapy is to ensure the environment people live, work and socialise in fits their needs and maintains safety. A health condition can create environmental barriers to living a full and happy life. Occupational therapists are experts in identifying environmental risks and offer better advice and solutions before you plan for home modifications.

The Ministry of Health and Health Promotion Board (HPB) recommend occupational therapists as the key profession to address home modifications. The HPB (2015) have identified that home modification interventions delivered by an occupational therapist are more effective in reducing falls rate when compared to other trained assessors.

“Finding ways to enable older people to continue to participate in daily life through problem solving, learning or relearning skills and making adaptations…improves people’s lives. (RCOT 2017)

We see it as essential to consider home assessment and modification for our seniors or people contacting a new condition. Our team offers a tailored and comprehensive package to address needs and work to improve quality of life through these modifications, coupled with other interventions.


Falls prevention among older adults living in the community, HPB-MOH Clinical practice guidelines, May 2015

Living, not existing: putting prevention at the heart of care for older people, the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, UK 2017) PDF here:

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Rehab Equipment / Motorised Mobility Device Safety Training

Mobility scooters can be a lifesaver when it comes to maintaining your independence, but the reality of using one out in the community can be intimidating. We can provide you with essential training to ensure safe use of your motorised device, enabling you to go about your life in your community with confidence.

According to Townsend and Watson (2013), there are a number of prerequisite skills that are necessary in order to learn to use a motorised device in a range of environments including coordination, strength, balance, visual acuity, depth perception, reaction time, memory and concentration. Occupational therapists are identified as the profession with the best skills to provide comprehensive assessment examining a person’s prerequisite skills for motorised device use.

Occupational therapists at Lifeweavers are knowledgeable on the most suitable and effective equipment available, selected from a wide number of providers in the market. Our therapists are experienced and qualified in training individuals to use mobility devices safely with the best results to your functions.


Competent use of a mobility scooter assessment, training and ongoing monitoring: a vital role for occupational therapy practice, Australian occupational therapy journal, Townsend and Watson (2013)

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Professional Caregivers Respite

Caregiving has its ups and downs. It should not hinder the caregiver from their own lives either. This package is also designed in order to facilitate periods of respite for caregivers. Givens et al (2014) reports that 39% of caregivers experience depression, indicating that there can be a significant impact of caregiving on mental health.

Caregivers respite can provide opportunity for a much needed break from caregiving. This can reduce stress and allow the caregiver time to refresh and maintain their wellbeing so they can successfully continue their caregiver role. After all, they are a pivotal pillar of strength to the rehabilitation and healing of the person with a condition, why do we not need to take care of them too?

“Caregivers with higher levels of self-compassion report lower levels of burden” (Meurs 2018)

Lifeweavers promotes the need for caregivers to care for themselves, which in turn will benefit their loved ones. We can offer a variety of maintenance and respite packages to suit the needs of the client and family. Our respite service is also different because our technicians provide clinical observation and can provide insights towards our OT programs.

For individuals who are making progress, but require a longer term therapeutic option to maintain and develop their skills, our maintenance package can be the ideal next step. Our technicians work under the guidance of your allocated therapist to continue delivering high quality therapeutic interventions during a respite session.


Self-Compassion, Coping Strategies, and Caregiver Burden in Caregivers of People with Dementia, CLinical Gerontologist, Muers, Patterson and Marcak 2018 Abstract here

Depressive symptoms among caregivers: the role of mediating factors, American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Givens et al 2014

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TAGS:Rehab Home Community Therapy Co Lifeweavers Specialists 

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Lifeweavers is a community rehabilitation team. Our therapists see patients at their home, designing and providing gold standard therapy for individuals.

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