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Latest Resources sedApta Group Atomos Hyla, a company of sedApta Group.sedApta is an... Latest Resources Local, redundant, antifragile Focusing on long, efficient supply chains is no longer... Putting algorithms and processes together. The Smart Factory bets on the team Giorgia Pacino interviewed Delivery Unit Director... Who we are Atomos Hyla provides consulting expertise and expertise in the Supply Chain to support customers in the challenges of digitisation of systems S&OP, MOM & Industry 4.0, with solutions that orchestrate people, processes and technologies. Discover More Atomos Hyla covers a wide range of services thanks to the ability, developed over more than 20 years of work, to combine expertise in supply chain optimization, factory execution and integration with industrial automation.These skills enable more than 100 customers worldwide to benefit from various best practices to help them in their digital transformation. Manufacturing Operations Management Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM), is a methodology for managing and optimizing the processes occurring at the shop floor Sales & Operation Planning Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) helps companies reach their business goals by balancing the overall demand for products, planning the entire supply chain and optimizing the production plan Industry 4.0 Creating a Smart Factory means adopting an open and interconnected infrastructure that allows for the management and monitoring of all company process in real-time Resources By checking this box I authorize the use of my personal data for e-mail marketing purposes. ATOMOS HYLA S.p.A. Società unipersonale Società soggetta ad attività di coordinamento e di direzione di sedApta S.r.l. Sede legale: Via Ravasco, 10 - 16128 Genova | Tel: +39.010.3070911 | Fax: +39.010.3070900 Capitale sociale: Euro 441.200,00 i.v. Registro Imprese di Genova, Codice fiscale e Partita IVA 04146630969 - REA Genova 420235

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