Home - Groundwork

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WebSite: http://www.groundwork.org.uk





Groundwork Home About Groundwork Our history Our strategy Our impact Federation structure and governance Research and reports Our policy positions Careers Groundwork Stories Contact us Latest Updates Latest Events Resources Apply for a grant Available across the UK London Grants South of England Grants Cymraeg

Groundwork is a federation of charities mobilising practical community action on poverty and the environment across the UK. We’re passionate about creating a future where every neighbourhood is vibrant and green, every community is strong and able to shape its own destiny and no-one is held back by their background or circumstances.

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Changing places, changing lives

We help people gain confidence and skills, get into training and work, protect and improve green spaces, lead more active lives and overcome significant challenges such as poverty, isolation, low skills and poor health.

Watch Dan's Story

"I’m not going to stop, even if it gets hard. I know if I put my mind to it I can do whatever I want to.”

- Dan, trainee on Groundwork's Green Team employment project

Watch Tamanna's Story

“We only have one Earth. If we don’t look after it then who will?”

- Tamanna, Groundwork young ambassador

Watch Tom's Story

“They always ask me: when are you coming back, because we need you. It’s a positive to me that I’m a part of the team.”

- Tom, Groundwork volunteer

Local action, global impact

As the UK prepares to lead the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 26, in Glasgow this November, we are committed to shining a light on the incredible community climate action taking place in our towns and cities and to put local people at the heart of a global conversation.

Community Climate Action

Putting local people at the heart of a global conversation about the climate and nature emergency.

Community Grants

Long-term flexible funding sources are vital to communities becoming more resilient to global challenges like climate change.

Sustainable Communities

Action on climate change must benefit those who are least protected and have least power.

News updates
STATEMENT: Rise in energy prices coinciding with the £20 a week cut in Universal Credit payments will put more households at risk of serious hardship this winter

On Friday 1 October 2021 energy prices are set to rise as the energy price cap increases. This change coincides with the end of the furlough scheme and a Universal Credit payment cut of £20 per week which will reduce household incomes for those on the scheme.

NEWS: Only 1 in 5 young people believe they are listened to when it comes to decisions on climate change and the environment

The ‘Youth in a Changing Climate’ report has examined the perspectives of young people between the ages 16-25 years in the UK on climate change and discusses barriers which prevent young people from taking climate action.

NEWS: Research indicates Government is holding local areas back in quest for net zero

The report argues that the Levelling Up and climate change agendas should be working hand-in-hand with each other.  Local areas should be empowered to build economies that are both green and inclusive, according to their distinct needs and opportunities.

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Join in

Whether you're looking for a grant to turn your community project into a reality, want to partner with us to change lives or simply want to give a few hours a week to a cause that benefits your community, Groundwork can help you do something special.

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Our impact

We help people to carry out thousands of projects each year. Tackling climate change. Helping people out of fuel poverty. Bringing out the best in young people by helping them to improve their local area. Building stronger communities by improving green space. Getting people back into work and creating green jobs. Last year alone we:

£88 million
into communities
community organisations
hours of volunteering
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Sign up to hear more about what we're doing locally and nationally.

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The Federation of Groundwork Trusts. Suite B2, The Walker Building, 58 Oxford Street, Birmingham, B5 5NR Tel: 0121 236 8565. Email info@groundwork.org.uk

Copyright 2021 Groundwork. All Rights Reserved. Registered charity in England and Wales (No. 291558) Company reg 1900511

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