Remove Spyware Malware with SpyHunter

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SpyHunter's scanner is for malware detection. You have the choice of subscribing to SpyHunter on a semi-annual basis for immediate malware removal, including system guard protection, typically starting at $42 every six months. Free Remover allows you to run a scan and receive, subject to a 48 hour waiting period, one remediation and removal for the results found. Free Remover subject to promotional details and Special Discount Terms as well as certain functionality limitations such as inactive system guards. To understand our policies, please also review our EULA, Privacy Policy and Threat Assessment Criteria. If you wish to uninstall SpyHunter, learn how. SpyHunter's scanner is for malware detection. You have the choice of subscribing to SpyHunter on a semi-annual basis for immediate malware removal, typically starting at $42 every six months. Free Remover allows you to run a scan and receive, subject to a 48-hour waiting period, one remediation and removal for the results found. Free Remover subject to promotional details and Special Discount Terms as well as certain functionality limitations. To understand our policies, please also review our EULA, Privacy Policy and Threat Assessment Criteria. If you wish to uninstall SpyHunter, learn how. Cybercriminals Are Still Taking Advantage of COVID-19 with Increased Attacks Microsoft unveiled its Asia Pacific findings from its latest Security Endpoint Threat Report for 2019, which shared that cybercriminals are making 60,000 COVID-19 themed phishing attempts daily.... Cybercriminals Sticking to Coronavirus and Financial Themes for Phishing Scams Summer is at its peak, and the online scammers are still doing whatever they can to take advantage of the uncertainty caused by the pandemic. Cyber-attacks are targeting businesses and consumers in... Agencies Warn of Imminent Ransomware Cybercrime Threat to US Healthcare Sector Several agencies came out with a joint advisory on October 28 with stern warnings to the healthcare sector related to cybercrime. The advisory concerns an "imminent and increased cybercrime threat... WebDiscover Browser WebDiscover Browser is an adware threat developed by a Canada-based company named WebDiscover Media. Once installed on a PC, the malicious app makes a series of unwanted changes to all browsers installed on the computer, leading to a deteriorating online surfing experience. WebDiscover replaces the default home pages and search engines of affected Internet browsers with its own WebDiscover Homepage and WebDiscover Search, respectively. Furthermore, the malicious app modifies the “new tab” settings so that the corrupted browsers launch the malware's own search portal page when the user opens a new tab. Chrome users may not even recognize WebDiscover as an unwanted program and think they... Posted on July 3, 2015 in Browser Hijackers STOP Ransomware PC security researchers received reports of ransomware attacks involving a threat known as the STOP Ransomware on February 21, 2018. The STOP Ransomware is based on an open source ransomware platform and carries out a typical version of an encryption ransomware attack. The STOP Ransomware is distributed using spam email messages containing corrupted file attachments. These file attachments take the form of DOCX files with embedded macro scripts that download and install the STOP Ransomware onto the victim's computer. Learning how to recognize phishing emails and avoiding to download any unsolicited file attachments received is one of the ways to avoid these attacks. How to Recognize a... Posted on February 26, 2018 in Ransomware How to Fix Mac Error Code 43 When Copying Files Getting an OS system error message while working on a project can be quite an unpleasant surprise. Whether relating to MS Windows, or Mac OS, such a bug is always bound to disrupt your normal computer work. While some errors tend to be system-specific, others can affect both Windows and Mac-based systems, albeit designating totally different problems. The so-called Code 43 error message, for example, is primarily associated with device driver problems in Windows PCs, on the one hand, and file transfer issues on Mac machines, on the other. If you are using Windows and looking for a way to fix this specific error, click here for a guide with possible solutions. If you are a Mac user,... Posted on January 30, 2019 in Computer Security At first glance, the website appears to be a useful tool that would provide its visitors with the latest news. However, this is one of the countless bogus websites online that do not provide any content of value, and instead, seek to benefit from their visitors using various shady tricks. Spams Users with a Constant Flow of Advertisements Upon visiting the page, users will be asked to permit the site to display Web browser notifications. Keeping in mind that this fake page poses as a legitimate news website, many users may be tricked to allow browser notifications thinking that they will be alerted for the latest breaking news. However, this is not the case,... Posted on February 3, 2020 in Browser Hijackers APT Attack Spreads Malware Using Coronavirus Theme The APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) group was spotted sending out spear-phishing emails that allegedly have detailed information about COVID-19, a.k.a. Coronavirus, but instead, they infect the victims with a custom remote access Trojan (RAT). The group is using the coronavirus pandemic to infect unsuspecting victims with a previously unseen malware. The malware is dubbed 'Vicious Panda' by researchers, with the attackers using it in a campaign at the moment. Researchers managed to find two Rich Text Format (RTF) files that were targeting the Mongolian public sector during the outbreak. Once the files are open, a unique and custom-made remote access Trojan is executed. It develops a list... Posted on March 16, 2020 in Computer Security .HOW Ransomware .HOW Ransomware is a new file-encrypting Trojan, which appears to belong to the notorious Dharma Ransomware family. Data-lockers like the .HOW Ransomware are not built from scratch. Instead, their creators borrow the code of well-established threats like the Dharma Ransomware and create a new copy of it with a different name.  Propagation and Encryption To cause a significant amount of damage to the compromised host, the .HOW Ransomware is likely to go after a wide array of filetypes, such as .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .mp3, .midi, .mid, .aac, .wav, .mov, .webm, .mp4, .db, .zip, .rar, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg, .gif, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx and others. The .HOW Ransomware uses a complex... Posted on June 29, 2020 in Ransomware Google Redirect Virus The Google Redirect Virus has been around for quite some time and is known by many aliases, although, the primary behavior remains constant. Basically, the Google Redirect Virus plays tricks on the minds of PC users who desire Google web searches by randomly redirecting them to malicious web pages or search engines. The Google Redirect Virus Makes Online Searches Ineffective and Dangerous The Google Redirect Virus (GRV) has been frustrating Internet users for several years now, yet it looks like there is still no effective method for avoiding the infection. In fact, it has even become one of the most severe cybersecurity issues of our time due to the vast popularity of the Google search... Posted on May 14, 2009 in Viruses Search Marquis Search Marquis is a browser component that may disguise itself as a helpful tool that will enhance the browsing quality of popular browsers like Chrome and Safari. In fact, it is a shady browser extension that aims to alter the browser's setting without the user’s knowledge and consent. The main purpose of this Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) is to sneak stealthily into Mac computers and generate revenue for its operators. This happens through a number of intermediate redirects through various dubious domains before displaying results. This Week In Malware Episode 36 Part 2: Why Your Web Browser is Redirecting to Search Marquis & and How to Stop It! Once installed on a Mac... Posted on June 9, 2020 in Browser Hijackers, Mac Malware Adrozek Malware The Adrozek Malware is a new malware strain recently spotted by Microsoft's 365 Defender Research Team. First detected in May 2020, Adrozek infections quickly spread across the globe, peaking at an average high of 30,000 per day in August. To date, Adrozek’s victims may have already gone well above the one million mark. The malware aims to inject sponsored ads into search results and monetize on pay-per-click schemes. To do that, it may dump unwanted browser addons or modify specific DLL and other browser settings to lure unsuspecting users into clicking on those ads, ultimately bringing in revenue for Adrozek’s actors through affiliate advertising platforms. Adrozek Has A Global Scope Adrozek attacks four of the most popular web browsers out there — Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Yandex. While it has already... Posted on December 11, 2020 in Malware 'Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart' Error The Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart Error could mean several things as an issue with a Windows PC. The Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart Error could be alerted through a pop-up or blue screen similar to that of the Windows Blue Screen of Death. Either way, the Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart Error message is an indication of a Windows PC requiring a software fix or an actual reboot to re-load other software during the boot process. Computer users should take precaution with the Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart Error and not make hasty choices in removal of certain applications of other components. Additionally, it is best to eliminate any form of malware or unwanted apps to reduce the chances of such software causing the initial error. Posted on December 23, 2020 in Issue SUPERNOVA Backdoor SUPERNOVA Backdoor is a type of malware that may load in the code of the Orion network and associated applications as part of a web traffic monitoring platform. The SUPERNOVA Backdoor may load on a specific system and then perform various functions that turn out to be malicious that the system user may not know take place. Those who may encounter SUPERNOVA Backdoor are urged to utilize the necessary precautions to eliminate the threat and not allow SUPERNOVA Backdoor to perform its malicious activities, which can result in a system crash or collection of stored data on the system’s hard drive or other storage devices. Such precautions may involve use of an antimalware resource to safely detect and eliminate SUPERNOVA Backdoor. Posted on December 23, 2020 in Backdoors 'CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT' Error The ‘CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT’ Error is a message that may occur as a blue screen of death notification within Windows operating systems. The CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT Error can also be misleading in some ways as it is an indication of a delayed clock issue or processor misconfiguration. While there may be various reasons for the CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT Error message, computer users should take the necessary actions to fix the error and ensure their system is free from any malicious software or components that could have spawned such an error. Posted on December 23, 2020 in Issue Nowadays, there are websites of all kinds, some hosting useful and interesting content, others created to generate money for its handlers, no matter the lures they need to use. is a website that belongs to the second category. Its principal function is to pester its targets with countless advertisements, which may be displayed on your browser when visiting dubious websites or a Possibly Unwanted Program (PUP) or adware brought this browser hijacker to your computer. Sometimes, when you are researching a service or product, the advertisements that appear automatically can help you out. However, when you are not looking for it, and these advertisements keep being on your way, it becomes a nuisance. Also, there are corrupted advertisements that can lead to fake or compromised websites that will end up causing harm to your... Posted on December 23, 2020 in Browser Hijackers BlackMamba Ransomware Keeping safe the files on your computer has been more critical in the past few years due to the growing popularity of file-encryption malware. Threats like the BlackMamba Ransomware can destroy your documents, images, videos, archives, and other files in a matter of minutes. Unfortunately, recovering from such attacks may not always be an easy task, especially when dealing with threats like the BlackMamba Ransomware. This file-locker uses a file-locking mechanism, which is impossible to decipher for free. The only reliable way to restore your data is to recover it from a backup after ensuring the BlackMamba Ransomware's removal. However, not all users might have access to up-to-date data backups. The BlackMamba Ransomware is often spread via corrupted emails, fake downloads, torrent trackers and pirated games or software. It is... Posted on December 23, 2020 in Ransomware is a browser-based tactic through which threat actors deliver advertisements to target devices directly. This empty website reaches for a common questionable tactic to fulfill its purpose – it displays a fake message disguised as a CAPTCHA-verification test that is supposed to confirm the visitor is not a robot and ask users to click on the 'Allow' button. As you can imagine, clicking on the 'Allow' button has the only purpose of giving this website permission to deliver push notifications to users' computers. Pop-ups generated by promote online gambling sites, pages with adult content, fake software, and other potentially harmful products and services. However, they can be very annoying as well, as they show up all the time, even if no Internet browser is launched. Furthermore, many of these... Posted on December 23, 2020 in Browser Hijackers is one of the countless rogue websites that trick users into subscribing to browser notifications through misleading click-bait tactics. Its final goal is to run potentially harmful advertising campaigns by sending advertisements to users' computers or mobile phones directly. Like its related pages, accomplished its intentions through a social engineering trick – it shows to its visitors a black screen along with an alert which says: ' wants to Show notifications Click Allow to confirm that you are not a robot!' Unfortunately, since such pages continue to exists and new ones emerge daily, there are still enough people who fall into that trap and click on the 'Allow' button. Probably, naïve users believe the website would load some content. However, the only thing that happens after... Posted on December 23, 2020 in Browser Hijackers 'DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL' Fix Behind the cryptic message of the 'DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL' hides a severe Windows error that often causes a BDOS (Blue Screen of Death). The underlying cause for the emergence of this error is that the system is attempting to access a process IRQL that is too high. IRQL stands for an Interrupt Request Level, a hardware-independent functionality that helps Windows choose which interrupts coming from the system's processors to prioritize. Another possible cause for the 'DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL' error is faulty device drivers. Instead of looking for a specific fault in their computer system, users can try a catch-all solution by reverting to a previously saved stable state through System Restore. If such a stable system state is not available, users experiencing the 'DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL' error should check for faulty device drivers.... Posted on December 22, 2020 in Issue 'Managed by your organization' Chrome Fix The 'Managed by your organization' is a handy Google Chrome feature that allows organizations to manage certain settings and permissions on the browsers used by their employees. In practice, the administrators of the organization to manage the installation of extensions, block access to specific websites, set the homepage address, enable or disable Chrome's 'Print' functionality, etc. While the 'Managed by your organization' feature is quite convenient in the right circumstances, problems arise when hijacked by applications called browser hijackers to serve their agenda. Browser hijackers are created with the singular purpose of promoting a specific address, in most cases, a fake search engine. They are designed to take over certain browser settings such as the homepage address, new page tab and the default search engine. When an... Posted on December 22, 2020 in Issue is one of the countless similar websites that have been put on the Internet with the sole purpose of propagating a popular browser-based tactic. They all operate in a virtually identical way - by displaying various fake alert and error messages that have been designed to lure visitors into clicking the 'Allow' button. Doing so will subscribe the user to the push-notification services of the particular website giving it all the browser permissions to start delivering unwanted advertisements directly to the screen of the affected device. By far, the most popular manipulative social-engineering tactic employed by this type of tactic websites is to pretend that they are conducting a captcha check for bots., however, has resorted to another method. The website prominently tells its visitors that an... Posted on December 22, 2020 in Browser Hijackers Gac Ransomware The Gac Ransomware is a potent crypto locker threat that has been determined to belong to the infamous and extremely prolific Dharma Ransomware family. Gac shows little deviation from the standard Dharma variant. Its most distinguishing aspects are the email addresses used as a communication channel and the unique extension it appends to the names of encrypted files. The Gac Ransomware's encryption process is strong enough to leave its victims unable to access or use their files stored on the compromised computer system. Following the typical Dharma pattern, Gac also changes the names of the files it affects drastically. It adds a string of characters denoting the unique ID assigned for the particular victim, followed by an email address and finally '.gac' as a new extension. The email address is '' Again following... Posted on December 22, 2020 in Ransomware cuteRansomware Ransomware The cuteRansomware Ransomware is a malware threat that can effectively lock users out of accessing their files. The threat belongs to the ransomware type. As such, it leverages strong cryptographic algorithms to encrypt a large array of file types stored on any computer system that has been successfully breached. The hackers' goal for unleashing the cuteRansomware Ransomware is to then extort their victims for money in exchange for sending them the decryption key and software tool that could potentially restore the encrypted data. Any file affected by the cuteRansomware Ransomware will have its original name changed completely. The threat substitutes the names of the files it encrypts with an entirely random string of characters followed by '.jgy' as a new extension. As is typical for ransomware threats, the cuteRansomware Ransomware... Posted on December 22, 2020 in Ransomware is an adware program that displays corrupted advertisements and redirects users to the website. Adware has been created to deliver advertising content to users' computers directly. It usually sneaks into target devices unnoticed when people follow corrupted links on the Internet or install freeware. Pop-ups generated by can put user's safety at risk as they typically redirect to potentially corrupted websites or have malware threats delivered to the user's computer directly. Other typical symptoms that imply adware is present on your computer are a sudden change in the browser's homepage and/or default search engine. In that case,'s adware functions have been combined with the features of a browser hijacker. Both malware threats should be detected and removed... Posted on December 22, 2020 in Browser Hijackers is a potentially harmful tool that causes redirects to the website. It can be put into the adware category as it generates advertising pop-ups and banners displayed on users' computers directly. Usually, people get infected with adware and start receiving such unsolicited messages after visiting corrupted websites and subscribing to their browser notifications. Yet, some adware threats also install like unsafe browser extensions through a distribution method called 'bundling.' By displaying sponsored advertisements, adware programs try to generate advertising revenues for their operators by redirecting users to third-party products and services on the Internet. That alone cannot harm users' cybersecurity, though it becomes a problem when people click on any of that content. Any pop-ups generated... Posted on December 22, 2020 in Browser Hijackers VIAM Ransomware So far, the VIAM Ransomware has not been attributed to any preexisting malware family. Although this means that the threat is fairly unique, it still acts as a typical malware of the ransomware type. It aims to sneak itself onto users' computers, deploy an encryption routine that locks all of the victim's files effectively and renders them unusable, and then demands payment of a ransom for the potential restoration of the data. In the VIAM Ransomware's case, the feature that distinguishes it the most from the other similar threats is the unique extension it appends to the original name of every encrypted file - '.viamwasted.' Another aspect of VIAM that is not seen commonly is the fact that it creates a separate ransom note-carrying file for each file it has encrypted. The name of the text files is created by taking the modified name... Posted on December 21, 2020 in Ransomware Registered Office: 1 Castle Street, 3rd Floor, Dublin 2 D02XD82 Ireland. 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