JUL-AUG 2021 The Brooklyn Rail

Web Name: JUL-AUG 2021 The Brooklyn Rail

WebSite: http://www.brooklynrail.org





Lynn Hershman Leeson: Twisted at the New Museum is the first museum solo exhibition in New York of one of the most important American new media and feminist artists. Disturbing the View at the Whitney is an ongoing performance throughout the summer by New York-based artist Dave McKenzie. McKenzie activates the museum s many floor-to-ceiling windows by using window-washing instruments to repeatedly, and rhythmically, apply a chalky substance. This action indeed disturbs the view to the museum s many stunning vistas overlooking Lower Manhattan. I think that there are tools in abstraction that feel relevant right now. That there can be room for a kind of individuated projection to happen over time in a collective space. To be in that space right now with others, to me feels grounding. On the occasion of the exhibit Giuseppe Penone at Marian Goodman Gallery in New York, which ran from March 9 to April 17, 2021, Rail Editor-at-Large Francesca Pietropaolo and contributor Alexis Dahan held a conversation with Giuseppe Penone, discussing touch, color, the book as physical object, sculpture, poetry, animism, Man s relationship to Nature, and much more. It s 2021 and John Sims is ready for this moment. Sims has been making, remaking, unmaking, and deconstructing Confederate iconography since 2000; his work around re-imagined monuments, which included Time Sculpture NYC, has now evolved into Freedom Memorial at Gamble Plantation (2020), a reimagining of a former slave plantation in Ellenton, FL. Olivier Berggruen and Mebrak Tareke speak with Arazel Thalez about how they engage their audience with themes in the realms of the spiritual, the erotic, and the taboo caught in the tension between the sacred and the profane encouraging the viewers to frollick in the shadows of subconscious, for all the darkness is alive. There was a king with one eye. To replace the missing eye the king searched across the land and found a renowned magician whom he commissioned to craft him an artificial eye. When it was complete, no one in the whole kingdom could tell the difference. There has always been another image of Leonardo, one that associated him with hidden things, esoteric knowledge beyond common perceptions. Sign up for the Brooklyn Rail newsletter Get notified about upcoming live conversations with artists and when the next issue of the Rail drops.


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The Brooklyn Rail is a journal committed to providing an independent forum for visual arts, culture, and politics throughout New York City and beyond.

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