Home NYC Immigration Attorneys
Our skilled lawyers can assist you with your immigration issues

For generations, people from countries across the globe have dreamed of making a life in the United States. New York, especially has a rich history of welcoming immigrants from numerous backgrounds and being enriched as a whole by their diverse cultural heritages. Hence, as the world has become increasingly complex, so has immigration. A maze of paperwork and administrative requirements now hounds both aspiring immigrants and temporary visitors alike — so much so that many have been forced to enter the country without inspection and every day live under the fear of removal. With a substantial portion of our staff and attorneys being immigrants themselves, we at Bretz Coven, LLP understand what you and your family are going through. That is why our attorneys make every effort to take the guesswork out of immigration and give our clients peace of mind during the process.

Immigration Consequences of Criminal and Fraudulent Conduct

The immigration consequences of criminal or fraudulent conduct can be harsh and often illogical. Even a very minor offense could have a dramatic immigration consequence, including deportation, detention without bond, being denied naturalization, a visa or re-entry into the United States. Likewise, the use of fake or fraudulent documents, aliases, and other misrepresentations can have similar immigration consequences. Kerry Bretz and Bretz Coven have been counseling non-citizen criminal defendants, as well as their lawyers, for over 20 years.  Our immigration attorneys in NYC have a long history of strategizing deportation and removal defenses, as well as applications for waivers, in very complicated cases.

Removal and undocumented immigration

Those who enter the United States without documentation are often forced to live on the fringes of society. They may be denied access to employment and various government programs and face the constant threat of discovery and deportation. If you are living in the country as a non-citizen, an attorney can help you understand your options for gaining permanent legal residency or another adjustment of status, including deferred action if you entered the country as a child. If you have already been discovered by immigration authorities, we can provide zealous representation during removal proceedings and subsequent appeals.

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Our team at Bretz Coven, LLP has years of firsthand experience with the immigration process and assists clients across the United States. Contact our experienced immigration lawyers in New York City and New Jersey today at 877-206-0869 or online for creative solutions to your complex immigration problems.