
Web Name: bookartbookblog






The Salt, the Milk, the Oil, the Books is a show of small drawings about the rituals of capitalism. The project is part of a series of international commodity trades scheduled for Toronto, Buenos Aires, Amden, Switzerland and Berlin. Mr. Burns will also be showing a collection of his books and publications dating from 1993 to 2019 including:The Great Trading Project, (poster) Atelier Amden, Amden, Switzerland (2019)The Power 100 Book, Mark Pezinger Verlag, Vienna (2018)Hans Ulrich Obrist Hear Us, Black Dog Publishing, London and YYZ BOOKS, Toronto (2016)Amazing Curators and Museum Directors of the World, Big Pond, Toronto (2016)Dogs and Boat and Airplanes Told in the Form of Ivan the Terrible, Space Poetry, Copenhagen (2011)The Flora and Fauna Information Service, ICA, London (2008)Bird Radio/ Vogel Radio, KW ICA, Berlin and Walther Konig, Cologne (2007)Safety Gear for Small Animals (green edition), MOCA, Toronto and California State University Fullerton, Los Angeles (2005)The Songs of Bird Wearing Safety Gear, Plug-In Editions, Winnipeg, Canada (2000)The Footprints of Animals Wear Safety Gear, William English Editions, London (2002)Safety Gear for Small Animals (French fold red version), 303 Gallery, New York (1994)Analgesia, Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina and Editions Rochefort, Montreal (1993) Bill Burns' work about the relations between animals, art and advanced industrialism has been published and exhibited around the world. His walks with donkeys, goat milking events, and other projects have been shown at the ICA, London, the KW, Berlin and the Museum of Modern Art, New York."Jaipur, Delhi, and Agra -Travels Into Riso Print - is an exhibition that launches three Riso books, and features the original collaged postcard books which form the basis for the books.The books were printed at the London Centre for Book Arts, where I usually produce editions of collaged concertina books. These Riso books are the first that I have made. The texts of each book derives from texts cut from tourist guides and histories of each city. Each copy is stab bound and a sheet of glassine separates each page. The books are approximately three times the size of the original postcard books.I am grateful to the book artist George Cullen for his help, and technical support in the making of these books.exhibition of miniatures, a kind of diary record of a year in AyJay Trashy s congratulate celebrate make up artist, basketball player, film star, now author,As you may have heard new Morbid Book, Takeaway by Tommy Hazard, is released this week. be having a meet and greet at Bookartbookshop on Pitfield Street, London, from 7-8pm, followed by drinks at The Reliance on Old Street.Join us if you're around, and buy the book regardless, because it is, as Ben Myers says, "Vital. Hazard s visceral depiction of ambulance life at the NHS frontline recalls Hogarth and Dickens in its depth and colour. Here's an extract in Hotel magazine.Come and gape at the POTUS creature made by Sonia Tuttiett on a wall of stones knitted by Rachael Matthews in our window. I cannot wait to see this!The event will run from 6-8 in the evening, and the (strong) chances are that the fun will continue in the Prince Arthur at 49 Brunswick Place after that. There will be some delicious Five Points Brewing Company beer.The event is being run jointly with the excellent people from the London Institute of Pataphysics it s also a celebration of the Festival of the Invention of Pataphysics.Bookartbookshopis thrilled to invite you to the opening of an exhibition of Books Paintings:Chloe Fremantle's bookworks present her photos of landscapes alongside the paintings inspired by them. They appear to be visual translations varying from almost faithful to the original to those that spring boldly into her personal realm of marks, forms patterns.These translations become even more vivid energising when you see the paintings themselves. This is why we are so excited to have this opportunity to exhibit Chloe's paintings books together.The paintings are priced at 95 - 125 for thesmall gouaches alongside recent 5 x 5 acrylic canvases at 250.I hope to be be at the shop several times as well asonMarch 9th: Ritu Sood s prismaticstudies are anatomical examinations of emotion But in her choice of hues, Soodpoints us to our ancient interaction with nature. Haiku explores our instinctive need for beauty, nature and theconnecting of human experience. Sood s paintings are informed by a lifelongstudy of nature s colours and their emotional power. In Haiku Sood exhibitsher most recent explorations succinct, disciplined and firmly rooted innature. Leaves, form and colour resonate like notes to create beautifulharmonies.Sood will be launching a new edition of 20 artist s books of imageand word entitled Haiku . Come and witness poets Liz Lefroy and David Hadbawnik touch papers -- literally if they like -- in the friendly heart of London's intellectual avant garde, bookartbookshop, by kind permission of Tanya Peixoto.We're expecting fireworks, the explosive start of many interesting thoughts at the very least. David is celebrated for his muscular translation of Virgil's timeless study of masculinity and heroism. He brings an uncompromising contemporary aesthetic to this classic of the classical world.Liz, is a prize-winning poet who was recently invited to read with two Poets Laureate, Carol-Ann Duffy and Gillian Clarke. She has a voice which creates a rare and resonant space around itself and which bears powerfully on the mind, beyond its deceptively natural diction.The Doors openat 6pmreadingsfrom 7pm. Numbers strictly limited as this is an intimate venue. The gig is FREE but please RSVP as we will cap invitations as necessary."NEW NOW MAGIC: IN MEMORIAM ... A Bowie evening, let s drink, listen ,sing, dance this coming Tuesday 10 January 2017, the first anniversary of David Bowie s death ... An exquisite little tribute, published by exquisite little publisher, Piece of Paper Press run by writer Tony White, launched at the exquisite tiny Bookartbookshop, London s most beautiful bookshop. Part of the print run of the Piece of Paper Press edition of The Bowie Neurotransmitter will be distributed free at the launch, while stocks last..." Join us next week for our Teatime Thursday , 20th October 3- 8pm, for an exhibition of work and live water painting/readings by the one and only Robert Janz , straight from NYC!This will be a super rare chance to meet the man in the flesh and hear his readings.special afternoon , not to be missed!_________________________A collection of victorian family albums that have been altered by Yael David Cohen in a manner that could be described as irreverential. The books are unsettling and potent. The existing photos of family members have been at times defaced - graffitied over or else replaced with Yael's own characters etched or drawn. Her books question the nostalgia and sentimentality of that period, whilst also recycling it with titles like: "As Time Passes" and "Half the Picture".Yael's books are in a number of Artist Book Collections most recently bought by London College of the Arts, LCC at Elephant Castle.Augustine's True Confession, an illustratedhandwritten journal by Natalie d'Arbeloff, first published in 1989, jointly re-published by bookartbookshop and NdA Press, will be launched on 12thMay at bookartbookshop, Hoxton, as part of My Life Unfolds, an exhibition ofautobiographical artist's books and boxes by Natalie d'Arbeloff.Painter, printmaker,cartoonist, writer, multi-lingual world citizen born in Paris of French and Russian parents, Natalie lived in France, Paraguay, Brazil, the United States, Mexico and Italy before comingto London in the mid 1960s, eventually settling in Kentish Town. The work which gives theexhibition its title is a unique 2 metre long accordion book, My Life Unfolds. In 52 brightlycoloured panels it takes you on a wordless tour of episodes in Natalie's life in which art andlove affairs played equally important roles.Opening hours: Thurs. Fri. Sat. 12-6 pmWednesday by appointment only: tanyapeixoto@icloud.comThe exhibition ends on 2 June 2016bookartbookshopDimitri has been self publishing comix, poetry and art books in many forms since 2007. Founder member of alternative press, instigator of the south east london zine fair and collaborator of many artist's collectives and individuals. This collection of abstract drawings are an exploration of ideas, unaware meditations on modern eschatology and the inevitable end of civilisation and the beauty that will follow. Maybe. Printed with Hato Press using four colour Risograph technology. Original drawings will be exhibited and copies of the limited (100 copies ) first print run will be available for the first time. D/A/PIllustratedself.com__________________________________________________Andrea Hill has been making altered artists' books since 1989. Her work deals with memory loss, she uses found objects old photographs, text is torn or cut from found hardback books by obscure authors. Silk, scrim, plaster wax to seal old letters. Andrea exhibits her books at various artists book fairs, galleries libraries in the UK abroad. Her work is also found in artists books collections in the UK and Italy.From "In Praise of beautiful books"Compiled by Caroline Mornement.__________________________________________________Mylène has collaborated with many poets and artists, including Michel Butor and Fernando Arrabal. Many of her books are handmade, experimental and explore a wide range of intimate themes.The private view on Friday 19 February from 6-8.30pm is a great opportunity to meet Mylène and find out more about her work.We really hope you will join us.Following on from Tis Pity She s a Hoarder (June 2014), I d like to present my new exhibition TIS PITY SHE S A HOARDER 2, featuring drawings from my hoard of books.I am a magpie - I ve been collecting and drawing things that catch my eye for years. Most of these items have little intrinsic value but are hugely prized by me for their (subjective) beauty.I think you probably can judge a book by its cover, thus TIS PITY SHE S A HOARDER 2 focusses on the books I have picked up over the years, solely for the pleasure of looking at their wonderful cover illustrations and their often bizarre titles.For this exhibition each drawing features two book covers together, chosen so that the titles form a secondary story in themselves. For example, by placing A Promise is Forever with Pretence , a rather more cynical narrative is produced.My intentions are to share the affection I have for these book covers and the pride I feel at having winkled out these fantastic titles from the huge amount of pre-loved stuff that exists, waiting to be re-loved in numerous car boot sales, charity shops, junk shops and markets. Wives Of Aliens - a headline from a stack of World War 2 newspapers found on Deptford Market inspired the title for this series of collages.Aliens and Brides began then to appear in secondhand books, supermarket magazines, photo albums and photos found in the bottom of cardboard boxes on street markets. It seemed they were all I found, so anxious were they to meet one another. I simply acted as Match Maker - my role - to marry them on the page. It was clear that for some the attraction was immediate and mutual, others required a lengthier period of courtship to accept their differences, or to find another partner. Words and phrases cut out from sci-fi books, those on space travel, and the planets formed the basis for the collages with texts.British Wives Of Aliens follows Lehan s exhibition of collages - Animallages - a joint show with Jude Cowan Montague at The Poetry Society Cafe earlier this year.His visual texts have been published in Ditch, *82 Review, The Delinquent, Experiential / Experimental, Kumquat, Poetry Paint, Foame:, Diagram, Postcard Shorts, Ink Sweat and Tears, Shuf, Small Po(r)tions, M58, Indefinite Space, The Stardust Gazette and SPUR. His 'Book Pages Destroyed By Typewriter' are included in The New Concrete, published by Hayward Publishing, London 2015, and a book of drawings - Cahier de Catéchèse - is published by Dark Windows Press.From June 2014 to July 2015 Lehan curated the Kitchen Window Gallery - a gallery in his kitchen window in South London. The gallery exhibiting work by London based and International artists and writers.__________________________________________________ "anthologies" is an overview of Randy Klein's artist books, with previously unseen unique and one off books, as well as loose pages and sculptures fallen from books.It will also mark the launch of Roadbook, a NEW artist's book!Find out more here.__________________________________________________ SALT+SHAW find they have now made 57 artists' book titles.This will be celebrated with an exhibition at bookartbookshop, launching 3 new books,including no. 60: 'Whalebone'. Their practice is frequently linked to location, to finding objects, discovering stories and creating narratives in response to a particular place, whether man made or natural. Ideas become concepts through negotiation, which inform the construction of their book works, making inextricable the links between all the elements only made possible by their partnership. We began making books together via a long route through painting, drawing, writing, installation, land art, sculpture and photography. As SALT+SHAW, working on location underpins our practice, either by responding to or identifying an environment to explore. We have a history of travelling to cities and wild places, rummaging around in junk shops and museums, searching shorelines and following routes or rivers. This has resulted in a reflex action to collect objects and information, gather ideas, create journals, take photographs and make images. These raw materials gradually reveal their content, narrative and structure.The book is an ideal format for our work, enabling us to combine individual interests and ways of working. We have developed a joined-up approach to making books together, either led by one of us and underpinned by mutual support, or co-produced as a joint piece through a process of negotiation, discussion and sheer bloody mindedness.The process of construction is vital; uniting the physicality of making with the creative development of the structure and its inextricably linked contents. Experimentation is essential throughout. Our work is tactile and intimate, revealing and enclosing its stories through words, pictures, found objects, collage, drawing and print. We produce artefact books in small editions, which ask the viewer to engage, discover, make connections and take up challenges. Our books combine a sensory and conceptual exploration - the narrative of words, images and found objects; the sound of a cover opening, the creak of metal hinges and the crispness of pages turning; the smell of polished wood, brass and leather; the discovery of hidden text.Artists books combining text and image have been exhibited internationally and can be found in collections including The British Library, Tate Britain Library, Winchester School of Art, Glasgow School of Art, University of the West of England, Manchester Metropolitan University and London College of Communication.Piece of Paper Press and Joanna Walsh are delighted to invite you to the bookartbookshop to celebrate publication of Shklovsky s Zoo by Joanna Walsh, the 29th title from Piece of Paper Press. Shklovsky s Zoo is published in a limited, numbered edition of 150 copies, and numbers 51-150 will be given away at the launch event.Written on a residency during which the author was unable to find and read a copy of Zoo by Viktor Shklovsky a novel based on real-life letters sent between the Russian critic and the unwilling object of his desire, Elsa Triolet Shklovsky s Zoo plays with the line between autobiography and fiction. What is the purpose of a letter? Is it a story, or an honest account (or both)? Does it depend on who is sending, who is receiving it? What happens when letters are made into books? Is there any truth in Shklovsky s Zoo , or Shklovsky s Zoo at all?Find out more about Piece of Paper Press here__________________________________________________ In Sophie Herxheimer's new artists' book she abandons her familiar London streets and takes to a hut in the middle of nowhere. From this intriguing spot she opens a new set of questions and dialogues: with local people, Nature, and of course, herself."The Listening Forest" is a record of some of these exchanges, arranged in sections, with its own undergrowth, clearing, path, canopy, floor and shrub layer. Whilst in residence for rural arts organisation Fermynwoods Contemporary Art in Northamptonshire, (August 2014 - February 2015) Sophie collected hundreds of stories, drew prolifically and wrote a small grove of six poems which are planted at the heart of the book.Come and get lost in the resulting limited edition 30 metre long book, made in collaboration with Henningham Familty Press, the original drawings, a new series of screen prints and a small facsimile book - all coppiced and ready to fuel the imagination, fresh from the forest!AyJay Trashy "Makes things out of used and found objects. Found inside and out on the streets. Find that I am shy, my Art helps me speak." met AyJay at a Secret Postcard Sale organised by Julia Hines for Age UK Barnet. He had collaged one of his miniature paintings onto a postcard. I chose to buy his postcard and was fortunate enough to meet him as he was at the sale too. He carries his work in sketchbooks and paints brushes in a decorated briefcase. I was very taken by the intensity of his work and invited him to exhibit at bookartbookshop. Almost two years later, the exhibition, a tea party will open on his birthday."Pharmapoetica: a dispensary of poetry" is a collaboration between poet Chris McCabe and artist and medical herbalist Maria Vlotides. It was shortlisted for Ted Hughes Award in 2014. The limited edition book is based on a cabinet of poems that has been briefly displayed at The Royal College of Physicians but has not yet been publicly exhibited: the cabinet's two-week residency at bookartbookshop offers a rare chance to view the work.Join us on Thursday 2 April as a belated celebration of the Spring Equinox and in the approach to Easter for herb-infused poetry inspired by nature.Wine and a short reading, with an informal discussion between the collaborators, will be served alongside the work.A solo exhibition of collectable BookArtworks by multidisciplinary artist and curator Christina Mitrentse, emerging from her ongoing Add To My Library #ATML project.A selection of WOUNDED BOOK books that have been shot with Winchester 4.8 Caliber Rifle. Selected penguin Publications on the subjects of Political Ideologies, the history of the labour movement, Art catalogues, i.e. John Latham and Ai Wei-Wei, and history logs from Wiener Library Archive. The injured paper hard backs have the solemn air of bibliographic relics, codexes that have been laid to rest and fossilised. Here a bullet hole is as telling as an ISBN or shelfmark. Their deaths also indicate that the book be it fact or fiction, is a foot soldier in the never ending war of ideas, by means of which humanity evolves.A window display of Mitrentse s popular BIBLIOPHILE mushroom sculptures along with a series of Limited edition screen-prints and a new exclusive print release for BookArtBookShop collectors, the WAR PEACE wounded book cover will be available for sale.Christina Mitrentse is an multidisciplinary artist established in London, a freelance curator and educator. She is known for constructing provocative narratives and poetic ensembles of idiosyncratic institutions through manifold processes of vintage book-sculpture, drawing/collage, screen-printing, and productions of site-specific installations i.e Add To My Library METALIBRARY a major on-going international project and traveling exhibition in Europe and UK.She has exhibited extensively in solo and group shows in galleries, museums and public spaces including Liverpool Biennial UK, XV Biennale de Mediterranean Thess/niki-Rome, ICA London, NDSM-werf Amsterdam, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, State Museum of Contemporary Art CACT Greece, Nadine Feront Gallery Brussels, London Art Fair, Royal Academy, The Stephen Lawrence Gallery, Mitte Barcelona, The Centre for the Book Arts NY and Brussels Art Fair. Mitrentse artworks have been acquired by private public collections including Fine Art Society London, The Swedenborg Society, Greenwich Council, The Women s Arts Library Special Collections, Bank Street Arts Centre, Sill Library Bath, Mol s collection Holland, Tate Archive, Penguin Collectors Society, Zabludowicz collection, Griechische Kultustiftung Berlin, Marriot Hotels USA, M. Altenman NY, National Library Bagdad, Benaki Museum and E.Venizelos Airport Athens, and Karathodoros collection.Ann Noël has been involved in making artists' books since she was a student at Bath Academy of Art in 1967-68 under Hansjoerg Mayer. There she first discovered the books that he was publishing in Stuttgart and London with Richard Hamilton, Dieter Roth, Emmett Williams, Robert Filliou, Andre Thomkins and many more in the world of concrete and visual poetry.Hansjoerg Mayer introduced her to Dick Higgins of the Something Else Press who invited her to become his assistant in New York. Emmett Williams was Editor-in-Chief at the press and they were married a year and a half later. They were together until he died in 2007.Though initially overwhelming to be in the company of such innovative and well-known (Fluxus) performers and poets, composers and artist, Ann started publishing her own books in Berlin, then West Germany, in 1982. She collaborated with Rainer Pretzell of the Rainer Verlag on 5 books over 5 years before the Berlin Wall fell and he could no longer afford to pay the rent for his loft space. In this show you can see a couple of these books, as well as what Ann has been doing since then in "Edition Noel."There is currently an exhibition of print works and drawings in Berlin at the Emerson Gallery, which runs until the end of January.For one week only the work of the reclusive artist, Eggar Tist, will be exhibited at his art is not for sale, a wide range of specially commissioned merchandise by Sally Child and a full colour limited edition catalogue published by bookartbookshop will be available to purchase. In the Gutter is a series of conneted pieces inspired by the physical boundary between panels in the comic book: this space, referred to as the gutter, is the device through which creators construct time and space. Intrigued by the idea of this blank strip of paper as the receptacle for the reader's potentially infinite projections, artist Rosie Sherwood creates skeletons of the comic, asking if this projection is still possible without content. I have been working on children's drawings which I have either found or been given. Little by little I have tried to adapt my own practice to find a new way of transcending the act of Seeing thanks to these works by children, these "echoes of pearls".This approach was motivated by a desire to uncover alternative forms of expression, free from being kept under lock and key by ways of looking at things that can readily be understood as being bogged down in something all too often nailed to a cross, or revisiting familiar tropes.My goal instead was to capture the original substrate and by extending and expanding it to feel the "echo of the pearl", to open up a dialogue and to let reactions fly freely, in order to demonstrate a possible connection with this layer of Seeing which time has obscured.Preface by Gaston Bachelard to Juliette Boutonnier's book, Les dessins des enfants (1959):"A child's drawing, in all its bursting into being, is clear evidence of a freedom to draw inscribed in the very nature of the human hand. Adults have disowned this freedom, and renounced all the hand's glory. They have tightened their own censoring which stops this inherent ability. Art critics - so informed in abstract ways, so dogmatic, always systematically harsh and mocking - dissuade us from returning to "our box of colours". Would we not find our voices liberated by trying, amidst the flashes of youth luckily still lighting up our adulthood, to sit down again and make some "children's drawings"?Translated with help from Chris AllenThe Juggler serves lovely food and drink and is an airy big space, so plenty more room to listen to our fantastic line up of poets!The whole series of 26 POW broadsides, created as collaborations between invited poets and Brazilian poet/artist Antonio Carvalho, and published by unit4art between 2012 and 2014, will be on view and for sale at the Bookartbookshop.Carvalho was inspired by the futura series published by edition Hansjorg Mayer in the 1960s.It is time to admit that I m a bit of a hoarder; I ve been collecting things that catch my eye for years - knitting patterns, ceramics, kitsch packaging, jelly moulds, postcards, tins. Most of these items have little intrinsic value but are hugely prized by me and like a favourite film or book, I enjoy looking at them again and again. Like all good hoarders, every time I say there s no room for anything else I chance upon a little something that is so beautiful (subjectively) that it has to be shoe-horned onto my kitchen dresser.Much of my collection has been bought, cheaply, at boot fairs and charity shops and like the hoarding huntress I am, I can recall where I bagged most of this domestic ephemera thus even the most humble scrap is imbued with a pleasurable memory. Other pieces have been in the family for decades and still more have been given to me by friends and family who know what I m like and do nothing to discourage it!In my earliest art school days, I often made drawings of my (tiny-compared-to-now) hoard and in Tis Pity She s a Hoarder I m revisiting this subject matter. I have also returned to using coloured crayons which were a favourite medium back then. My intention with these drawings is two-fold firstly to share the huge affection I have for my collection and secondly to express the pride I feel for having winkled these particular things out of the vast amount of stuff that exists. Star is Kitty Finer s debut EP which is being released on a limited run of 500 vinyls. She will be playing one of these 500 records and singing along to both sides as well as telling stories that revolve around the record. I first saw Kitty perform "Lobby Star A side/B side" at the Horse Hospital and loved it, she's so warm and talented. We're very lucky to have her!So in addition, for those that can't make Thursday eve, on Friday 16th May between 1-6pm Kitty Finer will be in the bookshop singing along on demand. is a filmmaker working with animation, experimental film, documentary and sound to explore the ways in which we perceive, remember, articulate and preserve personal and collective histories and place through the filter of memory and the imagination. Her work has included collaborations with performance artists, composers, musicians and writers, and has been shown in a number of venues including national and international film festivals, galleries and site specific events. work is informed greatly by an attentive and dedicated observation of the real, the process of looking being at the core of her process. this exhibition at Bookartbookshop Chiara will be showing an extensive selection of her works on paper- drawings, watercolours, collages, photographs, puppets and everything that is often the invisible scaffolding to her work on film.This will also be the official launch of "The Girl With The Sea For A Dress and other tales" a very limited edition book of fairytales written by Bird Radio and illustrated by Chiara. Chiara is also the founder and curator of The Light Shadow Salon, a monthly film night at The Horse Hospital in Bloomsbury. are assembled into books and books are assembled into libraries and libraries are assembled into the Internet. Even the most eager reader is aware that they will only ever read or encounter some small part of what is out there. Only when we take hold of what is there, can we transform it and be transformed by it. Confronted by a vast library, we see a fact which precedes the individual. This fact will present itself to the outsider, the savage , the illiterate, the dyslexic, the child as inaccessible to them. They cannot begin to assimilate this stock of books. Written language may appear to such individuals only as marks. They may understand that these marks are a code which has meaning for others but they are humiliated by their own lack of comprehension. In his book Humiliation Wayne Koestenbaum writes of the painter Basquiat; he treats words as visual objects, and he converts a painting into a poetic text, reverberating with unparaphrasable significance. Basquiat seems to be humiliating the system of language... Language is a system that has punished me; and so I as reciprocation, will punish language. To cancel, to cut up or to otherwise rework is to actively take possession of the books and of the cultural material within those books. It is a concrete way of creatingnew meaning.In this collaborative display for the window of bookartbookshop, Ash Fitzgerald will show a group of related books. Using collaged notebooks and other material he subjects these works to a series of material transformations which compromise their legibility and threaten their integrity.Bol Marjoram s books follow a design he has developed which allow him to add and subtract pages without rebinding the whole thing. For this display he will show books with photographs, taken on the day that demolition began on the Tricorn Shopping Centre in Portsmouth.An iconic brutalist structure, it was attacked for its uncompromising 1960s aesthetic and by the time of its demolition had been subjected to years of neglect and vandalism.Ash Fitzgerald is included in a pan-European exhibition of artists books which is currently touring Croatia and his work is in a number of private collections in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.Bol Marjoram has previously shown work from his series, The Price of Admission at bookartbookshop. Another book from the same series was subsequently exhibited at The Tel Aviv Museum of Art in an international survey of artists who use collage. His book works are included in many museum and library collections, these include The National Art Library at the Victoria Albert Museum and the Library of Tate Britain, as well as Museum and Library collections in The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Norway and the USA.please join us tomorrow, Friday 7th, 6pm-8pm, for our first private view of the year, the opening of Nicholas McArthur's exhibition of new drawings.As always you will have the chance to have a glass of wine with us and meet the artist in person, as well as explore our wonderful collection of artist books.OPENING HOURS:Thursday to Saturday12- 6pmWelcome to the official blog of the Bookartbookshop, home to the aesthetically and bibliographically curious. Check back here to see what's new to our shelves. We sell artists' books and small press publications and can be found in Hoxton, London. For more information about us please visit our main site. For Blog related queries:Chiara Ambrosio at chiaraambrosio@gmail.comFor any other queries:Tanya Peixoto at t.pei@btinternet.comBookartbookshop 2012. Picture Window theme. Powered by Blogger.


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