Basic Knowledge 101

Web Name: Basic Knowledge 101






The more you learn about life the more incredible life becomes. The Pursuit of Knowledge is a Life Changer. This website provides most of the knowledge and information that is vital for a person to accurately understand themselves and understand the world around them. BK101 is a condensed version of Human Life. A Life Digest Life's Encyclopedia and a Life's Dictionary that fits in your pocket. The good stuff, the sweet stuff, the cream of the crop, the best of the best, the best of the bunch, the best of the lot, the pick of the litter, the salt of the earth, the flower of the flock, the most excellent parts. Everything that you need to know about life is here in this website, well almost everything. All the pieces of the puzzle are here, well almost all of the pieces, but at least you will be able to see the whole picture and know where the missing pieces are located. Everything that you need to know about intelligence and how to become intelligent is here, because that information can't be found anywhere else in the world, well at least not in the same way that intelligence is presented here. I'm not saying that I have all the answers, just a lot of good ones. This website will definitely give you a New Outlook on Life and offer a little sensemaking. Learning is an incredible journey, just like life is an incredible journey. And as long as you never stop learning, you will experience an epiphany almost every single day. The connections that you will discover throughout these documents will blow your mind. Do you want a better understanding of yourself and the world around you? Do you want things in life to improve and get better? Do you want to be able solve any problem that comes your way? Do you want to learn something valuable everyday? Then keep reading BK101. This website is a summary of millions of years of human development. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. Just like the universe, knowledge seems to have no end. And you will find yourself reading things more than once because a lot of things are seldom understood the first time that you read them. Every Problem can be Solved, you just have to learn how to solve it. And in order to solve a problem, you have to take that first step. You have to ask all right questions that will allow you to take all the other necessary actions needed there after, and eventually you will solve that problem. Every incredible journey starts with that first step forward. Read the Instructions Page First - Mission Statement - About the ResearchExpand Your Mind and become the most intelligent person you can be with unlimited potential and abilities. Learn your way into a better world. Knowledge is the Key to the Universe. When you know better you do better. The more you know the better you go. This is your head start in the right direction. Learners Dictionary.The more you learn about Life, the more incredible life gets. Learning is a journey of nonstop amazement and the path to true happiness. Why would you ever stop learning? You should never stop learning because the benefits are endless. But learning must be done in perfectly planned stages with almost every bit of information and knowledge that is learned, is learned in the right order and learned at the right time. And almost all subjects should be learned simultaneously, especially when subjects share common knowledge and common goals. This not only speeds up learning, it also makes learning more effective and more efficient. What is the Lesson for Today? If you don't have a lesson that was learned today, and if you are not learning anything new or important today, then you are not progressing or developing. The lesson for today is to never stop learning. What if you knew of something that would definitely make your life better? Something that would help reduce the number of mistakes that you make, reduce the time wasted, reduce struggle and pain, reduce your vulnerabilities, and at the same time, increase your enjoyment, increase your productivity, and help you to become more effective and more efficient, and help to increase your understanding of yourself and the world around you, and give you endless possibilities and potential. This is what acquiring valuable knowledge does, but you have to learn, which is an ability that you were born with. The time and effort that you spend learning is definitely worth the investment. But you have to invest in the knowledge and skills that will give you the best return for your time and effort. The unlimited amount of shares of common BK101 stock are yours, but you have to invest the time and effort, after all, nothing in life is free, and everything is cause and effect.Reading this website everyday is one of the Best Brain Exercises that you can do. And it's also one of the Best Cognitive Brain Training Programs that will help you to stay Mentally Fit and also keep your Brain Sharp. Learning new things is extremely important, especially things that will help you to increase your knowledge of yourself and increase your knowledge of the world around you. Brain games, crossword puzzles or brain teasers are not effective if you are not increasing your knowledge while you play. You have to be learning new knowledge and remembering things. You have to be processing new information and reprocessing old information. You have to be making new connections in your brain and strengthening old connections in your brain and deleting connections in your brain that are no longer relevant or being used, like bad habits or inaccurate facts. This makes BK101 one of the best Mental Fitness Programs that you can do.You no longer need to Live in the Dark. Knowledge brings Light to Everything.BK101 will soon be the most informative school textbook in the world. A world class collection of knowledge and information that includes almost everything that you should know about life. With over 50,000 of the most powerful words in the English language, a vocabulary for intelligence. It's time to explore the enormous potential of the human mind. BK101 in my Magnum Opus. “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” Toni Morrison (wiki).Did you ever get that feeling that something was missing in your life? Well here it is. Everyone is missing valuable Knowledge and information, some more then others. But with a little effort and a little time, you can have that something that you have always been missing. It's time to Fill the void. Be a consumer of valuable knowledge and information. Be a BK101 Reader. Every Problem can be Solved, you just have to Learn how to solve it. If every person on the planet started to educate themselves today, then in ten years, almost every problem in the world would be solved. And the problems that have not yet been solved in ten years, would be solved eventually because millions of educated people would be working on solving those problems. And if you are unaware of all the problems that are now facing the world today, then the first problem that you will need to solve is how to start educating yourself today so that you are more aware of yourself and the world around you. This is your responsibility. An Education Revolution starts with you.Why is Knowledge and Information so Important? Having necessary and sufficient knowledge and information is extremely beneficial to your quality of life. Everything that you do, and every thought that you have, is an expression of knowledge and information. There would be no life without knowledge and information. You need knowledge and information in order to live. Even every cell in your body depends on good information. So it makes perfect sense that you understand what knowledge and information is. The more you know, the better your chances will be in having a good life. And that is what we call a fact of life. Use it or Lose it. Everyone has a brain. And everyone needs to feed the brain with the highest quality knowledge and information that is available. This will ensure that you will have all the necessary abilities and skills. But a person must still deliberately use the brain. Though the brain has automatic features, the brain still requires an operator. And the operator must be intelligent as humanly possible in order to use the brain effectively and efficiently as possible. If you don't use it, you lose it. And you will not only lose the enormous potential of the human brain, but you can also lose your health, your happiness, your freedom, your rights, your control, and your life. So it just makes sense to use your brain, and maintain the brain. The world is in your hands.Welcome to the Worlds Learning Zone. One of the greatest collections of knowledge and information on the planet. How much we know now is incredibly amazing. This is what the internet is supposed to be like. This is what learning is supposed to be like. This is what schools are supposed to be like. BK101 is not all just basic knowledge, there is also some advanced knowledge here so you can have an idea where basic knowledge will lead you.You can Download the entire website or just copy and paste what you need. When Reading BK101, don't get distracted by any of the bad words or opinions that you don't agree with. Keep reading and focus on the important information. Eventually you will realize whether certain words or opinions are relevant or not relevant, which is one of the most important skills to have. Instructions on how to use this website. The more you know, the more you understand. The more you understand, the more control you have. The more control you have, the more power you have. The more power you have, the more freedom you have. The more freedom you have, the more potential you have. The more potential you have, the more possibilities you have. The more possibilities you have, the greater your life can be. This is a revolution of the mind. A revolutionary way of thinking. Life is about to get an upgrade. It's time to Unleash the Power of Learning. The future is now. Start your journey to super intelligence. Don't miss out. Start Binge Learning Today. Knowledge is the Key to the Universe. Knowledge is the Key that Opens Doors to Possibilities. Knowledge is the Key that Unlocks the Mysteries of our World. Knowledge is the Key that Reveals an Endless Sea of Discoveries. Knowledge is Key, it's time to unlock your potential. Key is something that serves as an essential component. Something crucial for explaining. A list of words or phrases that explain symbols or abbreviations. A generic term for any device whose possession entitles the holder to a means of access. A list of answers to a test. The central building block at the top of an arch or vault. Harmonize with or adjust to. The Value of Knowledge and Information is estimated to be in between $30 trillion and $195 quadrillion dollars. Knowledge is everything, without knowledge there is no life. The Value of Earth is worth at least ( $240 million / 8 people ) × 6.5 billion people on Earth = $195 quadrillion (that is, $1.95 × 1017). Assuming the total value of the gross world product is $30 Trillion. How would you define the value of the world without knowledge? Do you know what all our knowledge is worth? Knowledge is Power - given that power is a value in its own right. The worth and value of knowledge is in proportion to the worth and value of its object, which would be life. If citizens could increase their IQ by only 50 points, then the Countries GDP would increase by billions of dollars. My Work is Public Knowledge but public knowledge doesn't always work. This is because knowledge that is made public is not always understood clearly enough.Knowledge alone does not always change behavior. Change is a process of Learning and Adapting, and change also takes time and experience, and instructions and guidance are just as valuable as the knowledge and information itself. Collecting and Organizing the Worlds most Valuable Knowledge and Information since 2008 Basic Knowledge 101 Education Project: Goals, Objectives and Purposes. Mission: Help people become more educated and help people to become more knowledgeable about themselves and the world around them. That is the simple explanation of BK101 and what I'll be doing for the rest of my life. Of course I do much more than that and I do many other things. But trying to explain everything that I do is almost impossible. The only way for a person to understand what I do is to read the entire website BK101. One of the main goals is to create and design a Complete High Quality Education Curriculum from K through College, with easy to follow lessons, which will include interactive lessons, text books, videos, images, documents, encyclopedias, worksheets, tests, games, puzzles, etc.. These digitized courses will be developed into software that can be installed into small portable flash-drives that can run on any PC, smartphone, tablet or laptop computer. The goal is to give more people access to a high quality education so that we can unleash the full potential of every person on the planet by giving every person the necessary skills, knowledge and information to solve any problem, to choose any career and to pursue any dream they wish. Learn to Read and get paid to learn.Today we have the answers to almost every question. But how do we make sure that these answers are available to everyone? And not just the answers, but explanations, the directions, the research and the expert advice to go along with these answers. No one should have to walk around with unanswered questions. When we don't have the answers to our questions, we are more prone to mistakes, we are more vulnerable to manipulation, exploitation and abuse. We also waste time and resources. When a person lacks knowledge, it creates insecurities and confusion. Lack of knowledge also lowers a persons potential, and decreases a persons ability to solve problems. Do you know which questions to ask? And do you know how to accurately analyze the answers to these questions? What is the main purpose of Education?Remember, this is just the beginning. This is mostly raw data in the early stages of development. Advancing Education for the 21st CenturyThere is something that would solve all your problems and improve your life. And it's something that you have been doing most of your life, it's called learning. But in order for learning to be effective, you have to learn the right things at the right time. Everything that you are, and everything that you'll ever be, is directly related to what you know. And your life is also directly effected by what other people know. So knowing is extremely important when it comes to improving the quality of life. But the process of knowing is not totally defined. So the goal of this education project is to define the process of knowing, and to define what would be the most valuable knowledge and information that is currently available. And then determine at which time this knowledge would be best learned. This way, anyone who completes this education, will have the highest degree of intelligence that is currently obtainable, as well as the potential, the abilities, and the skills to pursue any career, and to live any quality of life that they wish to have. Testing will only be used to assist each student in measuring their personal progress, and their personal performance, and also to determine the level intelligence that they have reached at a particular time. There will be no grades, you either pass or you don't pass. If you pass, then you move on to the next level, if you don't pass, then you keep trying until you reached the next level. And if a person needs extra help or guidance, then the student must seek out and use the resources available. There is no time limits, so you can go as fast as you want, or go as slow as you want. Intelligence is not a race. Intelligence is a process. Some will take more time, and some will take less time, but everyone will eventually pass, whether you're gifted or not so gifted. Each person will eventually have a greater understanding of themselves and the world around them, and, be able live their life to the fullest potential possible.Schools today are just a primer. You don't finish school, because school is just an introduction. 80% of the worlds most important knowledge and information is outside the classroom. So the real learning comes after school. But that's only if you have access to the worlds most valuable knowledge and information, and, that's if you have a firm understanding about what you should be learning, and when.Knowing what to do with your life comes from learning to understand what life is. Knowing comes from learning. So please, don't keep life waiting, life needs you, for everyone is important. The Human Operators Manual.

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