Daily Devotionals l shortdailydevotions.com

Web Name: Daily Devotionals l shortdailydevotions.com

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In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.Matthew 5:16 ESVWith almost everything in life, there needs to exist a healthy balance.You can work out all you want, for instance, but if you don t balance that effort with a healthy diet it won t do you much good.You can work all the hours in a day to buy anything you want but, if you don t create balance with time off, you can t actually enjoy your toys!Churches can fall into this trap, too. They mayRead moreGood Works And EvangelismPsalm 139:23 NIVIn Psalm 139:23, the psalmist invites God to do a full search of his heart. He longs for God s searching eye to be on him.Do we long for God to search me and know me ? Or would we prefer to be overlooked and stay hidden?Radical honesty to this question can change our lives.How? By leading us to repentance! Search Me and Know Me as a Prayer of RepentanceMartin Luther wrote: When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said Repent, he intended that the entire life of believers should be repentance. When God searches us, finds our anxieties and sins, we have the chance to turn FROM them, and TO him.By inviting God s gaze, we will experience his grace, because it s his kindness that leads us to repentance. Click To TweetToday s Psalm gives us an incredible chance to pray this with our children. Because one of the best things we can teach our kids to do is repent. And if you’re like me, GOOD NEWS!!! You’ll get A LOT of opportunities to teach them.One of the simplest ways to do this (other than modeling it to them with our lives) is in prayer (like in Psalm 139:23).Here s how we can get more consistent with this.At nighttime prayer, we can help them confess sin and repent. Teach them to have soft hearts toward God by allowing our own hearts to be the softest.So, instead of just asking for stuff (health, good dreams, etc), we can lay out our sin together before the Lord, turn, and run the other way.Here are some questions we can ask in prayer alone, or with our kids:God, I invite you to see every part of me. Will you please show me where I am running away from you?Lord, what am I worried about (or scared of) because I m not trusting you?Father, where did I choose not to follow you today? and then hopefully have a night free from bad dreams about hyenas from the Lion King or the lava monster from Moanna That’d be just swell

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