- Low-tech, high-effect training solutions for beast mode aficionados and fitness e

Web Name: - Low-tech, high-effect training solutions for beast mode aficionados and fitness e






RossTraining.comLow-tech, high-effect training solutions for beast mode aficionados and fitness enthusiasts Long time readers of the site know that I m a fan of the sledgehammer, both for power development and conditioning. World champion fighters were swinging sledgehammers before any of us were born (ex. Jack Dempsey), and they continue to do so today. As a result, it s no surprise that I ve demonstrated sledgehammer swings many times. [ ] As mentioned recently, if you re stuck in quarantine and unsure of how to train, it s useful to study those who thrived in minimalist environments. In other words, learn from those who walked the walk. And some of the best examples you ll find come from old school fighters. It was their life, not just something they [ ]Following a recent entry about resistance band training, I received numerous questions about the handles demoed throughout the video. With that in mind, I ll use this entry to provide a few answers and instructions. Resistance bands can obviously be used on their own, but there are times when I enjoy adding a handle or modifying [ ]I recently shared an image of handstand pushups from my homemade PVC parallettes. Shortly after posting the picture, questions began trickling into my inbox about how to make the parallettes and whether or not they were durable. With that in mind, I ll use this short entry to address those questions as I ve had the parallettes [ ]Earlier this week, I shared videos of two old school legends to highlight the potential of low-tech training. It s one thing for me to tell you what can be done in a rudimentary environment, but it s even more useful to share examples from legends of the past. The first video featured 1972 Olympic gold medalist [ ]

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Low-tech, high-effect training solutions for beast mode aficionados and fitness enthusiasts

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