
Web Name: Marcellus-CURE







Communities United for Rights and Environment

Art. I, sec. 27 of the PA Constitution: The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and aesthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania's public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people.

PagesHomeContact UsAbout UsResourcesGet Involved! Tuesday, June 7, 2011 Marcellus - CURE Leads March, Rally, and Sit-In at Gov. Corbett's Office!
We did it!Residents from around Pennsylvania joined us tostir up trouble at the Governor's office today in Harrisburg. Here is a round-up of the action. Thank you for everyone who attended our impromptu sit-in to demand a meeting with the Governor. He wouldn't meet with a delegation of four of us to demand a ban on Marcellus Shale drilling and tell our stories of water contamination. A decision was reached by the protesters to return on July 20 for the Governor's sham Marcellus Advisory Commission meeting. Also, with our spare time, we got to make lots of new friends and hear Josh read us the first chapter of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson.

At the Governor's door:

Rotunda Rally:

From Sustainability Now Radio:

Fracktivism reaches new pitch at state Capitol Capitol lobbying day in Harrisburg culminated for many in an anti-drilling protest.
Groups such as Clean Water Action, Sierra Club, Gas Truth, and Marcellus Protest convened on the steps of the rotunda with several hundred protesters to speak out against shale gas drilling in Pennsylvania. [Picture courtesy of PennLive.]

Many of those attending lobbying day met with their legislators to discuss budget issues. Members of public sector unions came out to lobby for their slice of the pie. But by far, the biggest spectacle came when citizens and activist organizations started up just before noon.

Nathan Sooy of Clean Water Action and Gas Truth pitched up the crowd with chants. By noon the rotunda steps were lined with citizens. Unlike many of the talking points circulated by some groups and moderates, many of those who spoke today oppose drilling all together. For them, a moratorium is only the beginning.

As Craig Sautner of Dimock, PA said to the crowd, "[Gas companies] should be banned from the state of Pennsylvania for good. He received loud applause. They hope to move the conversation from a severance tax or drilling fee as some legislators have proposed, to a ban.

Some speakers, including Crystal Stroud whose drinking water contains dangerous levels chemicals like gross-alpha, strontium, and others, cited the Pennsylvania Constitution:
"The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania's public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people."

Article 1 Section 27 of the Pennsylvania Constitution
After the rally, citizens were joined by Gasland director Josh Fox who joined other citizens in a sit-in outside of the governor's office. They were unable to meet with the governor.

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1 comment: Ban? Moratorium? Tax? What's the Difference?Marcellus -Communities United for Rights and Environment (CURE) supports a BAN on Marcellus Shale drilling and
NO COMPROMISE. We are the Ban Wagon. We are working people who have come together to take justice into our own hands if no one else will do it. Many other groups working on this issue have decided to support a moratorium, or momentary pause, in drilling. Others feel that drilling should move forward as long as there is a tax on it. Others are toobogged down in bureaucracy to authorize actions. We ask: If not us, who?
Read more 1 comment: Monday, June 6, 2011 Marcellus-CURE Delivers Memo To PA Gov. Corbett: BAN FRACKINGKen Weir, spokesman for Communities United for Rights and Environment, speaks to about 40 protesters gathered Thursday 11/4/2010outside of Clairton Municipal Water Authority's front entrance to oppose the dumping of untreated wastewater from Marcellus shale drilling into the Monongahela River.
Photo Credit: James Knox | Tribune Review

Contact: Alex Lotorto 570-269-9589alotorto@gmail.comMEDIA ADVISORY
Marcellus Communities United for Rights and Environment (CURE) Delivers Memo to PA Gov. Corbett: BAN FRACKING
Harrisburg Pa. - Marcellus Communities United for Rights and Environment (CURE) will deliver a memo to Governor TomCorbett outlining the impossibility of properemergency and riskmanagement procedures and recommendinga ban on deep shale hydraulic fracturing in Pennsylvania following a noon rally in the Capitol rotunda.
The report, authored by Alex Lotorto, includes an exhaustivelist of recommendations for Governor Corbett to consider regarding response to fracking chemical fires, mass evacuation plans within a one-mile radius of shale gas wells, contamination of aquifers, on-site explosions, large traffic accidents on rural roads, chemical train car derailments, chemical manufacturing disasters, large spills in drinking water supplies, recall of contaminated agricultural products,sportsmen alerts, and many other potential hazards.
The memo also includes asampledossierof documented accidents, injuries, illnesses, and deaths that have resulted from deep shale gas drilling using hydraulic fracturing.
Lotorto said,"I believe that only a portion of this risk analysis should be necessary for a sane, rational human being to support an end to the practice of horizontal, slick water, high-volume,hydraulic fracturing for shale gas, a new process only developed in the last decade. From school buses getting hit by frack trucks to the mile wide evacuation that occurred one year ago today near Moundsville, West Virginia after an Atlas Energy well blew up injuring seven workers. This has to stop. It must be banned completely. There is no way this can be deemed safe, with or without a moratorium."
An excerpt:
The New York Times reported that an industry-funded study of blowout preventer tests found that equipment failed 62 times out of every 90,000 tests.
If this is true, as a conservative estimate, and the number of wells predicted in Pennsylvania will be 60,000 wells, hydraulically fractured an average of 10 stages each, that would result in 600,000 instances of high pressure stress that could cause a blowout from the well head and require the use of a blowout preventer. Using the 62/90,000 ratio, there is a significant chance that dozens more blowouts will occur, endangering the lives of workers, surrounding residents, and habitat.The report's current version is available on
A final version will be published on 6/8/2011 at noon. Advanced copies can be faxed upon request.
Marcellus Communities United for Rights and Environment was founded in Pittsburgh, November 2010 as part of a larger effort to pass a ban on hydraulic fracturing in Pittsburgh city limits. An action was organized to picket the dumping of Marcellus shale wastewater at the Clairton Municipal Authority on 11/4/10.If the viewer below is not working, follow this link:

ATTACHED DOSSIERMarcellus driller fined record $1.1MMay 17, 2011|By Andrew Maykuth, INQUIRER STAFF WRITERThe Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection on Tuesday fined Chesapeake Energy Corp. $1.1 million for violations related to natural gas drilling activities, the largest penalty ever against a Marcellus Shale operator.

Under a consent order, Chesapeake will pay $900,000 for contaminating private water supplies in Bradford County. Under a second agreement, Chesapeake will pay $188,000 for a Feb. 23 tank fire at its drilling site in Avella, Washington County.

Chesapeake is the largest operator working in Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale, a gas-rich formation that has triggered a bonanza of drilling activity in the last three years.

Methane May Burn for DaysJune 8, 2010 By KEF O. HOWARD Staff Writer LIMESTONE - The fire is contained to the drilling site, but it may be several days before the cause of a Marshall County gas explosion is determined. Flames continued to light the sky late Monday at a natural gas drilling site on Beam's Lane, about 3.5 miles east of Moundsville off U.S. 250 where seven workers were injured Monday. A section of U.S. 250 had to be shut down after the explosion sent fire about 75 feet into the air.

EOG Well in Pennsylvania Had Blowout, State Says

By David Wethe June 07, 2010, 12:35 PM EDT
June 4 (Bloomberg) -- A Pennsylvania natural-gas well operated by EOG Resources Inc. had a blowout last night, sending natural gas and drilling fluids onto the ground and 75 feet (23 meters) into the air, the states Department of Environmental Protection said.
ATLAS ENERGY RESOURCES-FRAC PIT FIREMarch 31, 2010 near West Middletown, Pa
Hopewell Township - Washington County
Shortly after 8:00am on a Wednesday morning in March 2010, a frac pit fire erupted at an Atlas Energy Resources Marcellus gas well location, shooting flames 300 to 400 feet into the air. A witness compared the sound of the ignition to throwing a match on a pile of wood saturated with gasoline

Cause of well site fire not knownThree Marcellus Shale workers remain hospitalizedFriday, February 25, 2011By David Templeton and Sean D. Hamill, Pittsburgh Post-GazetteA day after a flash fire sent flames skyrocketing into the evening sky over a Marcellus Shale drill site in Washington County, investigators still are unsure what caused it to erupt.
Three workers, all working at a Chesapeake Energy Corp. drill site off Meadowcroft Road, just west of the village of Avella, suffered injuries not believed to be life-threatening.

Tanks at Washington County Marcellus site catch fireTuesday, March 01, 2011By Jonathan D. Silver, Pittsburgh Post-GazetteOne of three tanks at a MarkWest Liberty Midstream Resources LLC compressor station near Marcellus Shale wellheads in Mount Pleasant, Washington County, caught fire around 5:15 a.m. today because of a malfunctioning heater, causing the hatch of a second tank to blow off, according to preliminary information from the state Department of Environmental Protection.
Crews Feared Worst In Leetsdale Chemical ExplosionLEETSDALE, Pa. -- Cleanup has begun at an at the Leetsdale Industrial Park, where a vapor cloud was released while a worker was mixing a powdered chemical on Thursday. Weatherford Artificial Lift Systems Inc. was evacuated when an explosion occurred while a worker was blending 1,500 pounds of ammonium persulfate in a machine....Weatherford is a Swiss-based corporation that makes products used by gas and oil drillers.Down Under the Farm: Concerns grow about Marcellus Shale gas drilling near food production

Pittsburgh City Paper - 6/11
By Lauren Daley, Michael Macagnone
You can no longer see the 15-story drill rig that once stuck out from the rolling hills of Trax Farms. For the moment, Chesapeake Appalachia is between stages of drilling in the Marcellus Shale below the 300-acre family farm in Finleyville, Washington County. But in the next few months will come hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," in which millions of gallons of water and chemicals are pumped underground, shattering rock and freeing the natural gas inside.

Tioga County cows quarantined after frack water leakJuly 2, 2010By CHERYL R. CLARKE

WELLSBORO - Twenty-eight cows have been quarantined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture after officials say the animals may have consumed wastewater that leaked from a holding pond for a natural gas well on the property.

DEP IDs Spill Substance

WNEP Scranton Wilkes-Barre3:45 p.m. EDT, June 6, 2011DEP now knows what spilled on a road in Lycoming County over the weekend, forcing PennDOT to close the road. The substance has been identified as friction reducer which is used in natural gas exploration.

State charges local company for dumping wastewater and sludgeFriday, March 18, 2011By Jonathan D. Silver, Pittsburgh Post-GazetteState prosecutors charged a Greene County man Thursday with illegally dumping millions of gallons of Marcellus Shale wastewater, sewer sludge and greasy restaurant slop in holes, mine shafts and waterways in a six-county region from 2003 to 2009.
"He was pouring the stuff in any hole he could find," said Nils Frederiksen, spokesman for the attorney general's office.

Bromide: A concern in drilling wastewaterSunday, March 13, 2011By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-GazetteDALLAS - An Ohio County School bus carrying three students home from school was forced to take evasive action when a large truck from Badger Corporation of Pittsburgh went left of center on Dallas Pike Road shortly after 3 p.m. Tuesday.

Drilling can dig into land value9:25 AM CDT on Saturday, September 18, 2010
By Peggy Heinkel-Wolfe / Staff Writer
Ballooning bromide concentrations in the region's rivers, occurring as Marcellus Shale wastewater discharges increase, is a much bigger worry than the risk of high radiation levels, public water suppliers say. Pa.: Marcellus wastewater shouldn't go to treatment plantsBecause of high levels of dissolved solids and bromide in rivers and streams used for public drinking water sources, the state Department of Environmental Protection has asked all Marcellus Shale operations to voluntarily stop disposal of drilling wastewater at 15 municipal sewage treatment plants.Woman who lived near Rifle gas fields diesBy John Colson
Post Independent Staff Posted:11/17/2010 A woman who grew gravely ill after living near gas drilling activities in the Rifle area has died in Grand Junction, to where she and her husband moved to get away from the rigs.

Elizabeth "Chris" Mobaldi, 63, died on Nov. 14, at 4:40 a.m., after a lengthy battle with a rare and persistent tumor of the pituitary gland, according to her husband, Steve.

Breathing Room: Will increased Marcellus Shale drilling mean more air pollution?BY BILL O'DRISCOLL
May 26, 2011 - Pittsburgh City Paper

Rural Sublette County, Wyo., is home to about 9,000 people, fewer than two per square mile. But as recently as three months ago, the smog in Sublette was worse than in Los Angeles on its worst day last year. One day in March, the ozone level was 124 parts per billion, or some 66 percent above what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considers healthy. According to the Associated Press, residents complained of shortness of breath, bloody noses and watery eyes. A day-care center canceled outdoor recess.

BEA bus drivers report close calls with Marcellus Shale trucksSNOW SHOE TOWNSHIP Donna Cramer drives a school bus for Bald Eagle Area School District on state Route 144 in Moshannon last week. Cramer says the increased truck traffic from the natural gas drilling industry on already treacherous roads has led to close calls for her and her passengers. The bus is equipped with a video camera to capture incidents on the roadway.

Lately, shes had more company on the road and more near misses.

About one month into the school year, she said two trucks speeding downhill came close to hitting her bus, braking so hard they left groove marks on the pavement.

School Bus Hit: Gas Drilling Truck Cited in AccidentMay 4, 2011Compiled by Staff , The Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register

DALLAS - An Ohio County School bus carrying three students home from school was forced to take evasive action when a large truck from Badger Corporation of Pittsburgh went left of center on Dallas Pike Road shortly after 3 p.m. Tuesday.
None of the students or drivers were injured in the accident, officials said.
Saturday, September 18, 2010

By Peggy Heinkel-Wolfe / Staff Writer

DECATUR One year to the day after a company set up its drilling rigs on their land in eastern Wise County, Tim and Christine Ruggiero confirmed the depth of their loss.
Originally on the 2010 tax rolls for $257,330, their home and 10-acre horse property are now worth $75,240.

Houses for shale
Pike County CourierBy Linda Fields

NORTHEAST Pa Property owners may make money from leasing to Marcellus Shale gas drillers, and they may also find their property cant be financed for a new mortgage.If gas is extracted and sold, the royalties can be lucrative; but what they may not know is that as long as a lease is intact, they may not be able to mortgage their property.
Startling roar in Dimock part of planned pipeline workBy Laura Legere (Staff Writer)Published: February 9, 2011A scheduled release of pressurized gas from a pipeline in Dimock Twp. on Monday startled residents unprepared for the roar that erupted for more than an hour.

Cabot Oil and Gas Corp. spokesman George Stark said property owners along the pipeline right of way were told in advance of the controlled release, which he said was necessary to perform scheduled work on a pipeline that services the company's natural gas wells in the township.
Drilling can dig into land valueThe 10 Worst Jobs of 2011By Andrew Strieber -

From bad to worse: thanks to upheaval in the oil industry, Roustabout ranks as the Worst Job of 2011 its second straight year in last place.
Twelve-hour shifts, exposure to the elements in hostile environments, low pay, high risk of injury and isolation from loved ones for weeks at a time are just some of the factors that combine to make Roustabout the worst job of 2011.
Cabot gas rig worker dies after being hit in head by pipe
DIMOCK, Pa. -- An accident at a natural gas rig in Dimock has claimed the life of a worker from a Colorado company.
Gregory Walker, 41, a worker with Caliber Casing Oil Field Service, was taken to a hospital in Montrose after getting hit on the head with a pipe Monday morning while working at a site in the natural gas field about 20 miles south of Binghamton. He was flown by helicopter to Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center in Wilkes-Barre, where he died Monday afternoon.
One killed, one injured in Armstrong County explosionFriday, December 10, 2010Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

One man was killed and another injured in an explosion Thursday morning at West Penn Energy Services Co. in Plumcreek.
Authorities identified the victims as Gregory Bish, 26, of Ford City, who was killed, and Jeffrey Riggle, who was transported to a local hospital. Both men were employees of West Penn Energy Services.
State police in Kittanning said the explosion occurred at 8:35 a.m. and is being investigated by police and representatives of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Mr. Bish and
Mr. Riggle were attempting to unfreeze a pipe fitting at the rear of a water truck. Using a propane torch both Mr. Bish and the co-worker were applying heat to the pipe fitting when an explosion occured. Bish was struck with a plate as it tore away from the tank, causing Bish to become airborne over a 7-foot fence for a distance of 62 feet.

Dimock water settlement leaves town dividedGas firm to pay $4.1M in contamination disputeWhen the battle over a planned water pipeline to run between a pair of Susquehanna County, Pa., communities took an unexpected turn, no one was more surprised than Jean Carter and Julie Sautner.

The Dimock Township residents -- whose water wells were ruined by nearby natural gas drilling operations, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection -- hopped on a conference call Wednesday evening with DEP Secretary John Hanger. They were expecting to hear an update on the project before Hanger is likely relieved of his position by year's end.

Methane contamination of drinking wateraccompanying gas-well drilling andhydraulic fracturing

DUKE UNIVERSITY PEER REVIEWED STUDYDirectional drilling and hydraulic-fracturing technologies are dramaticallyincreasing natural-gas extraction. In aquifers overlyingthe Marcellus and Utica shale formations of northeastern Pennsylvaniaand upstate New York, we document systematic evidence formethane contamination of drinking water associated with shalegasextraction.

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