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Thursday, April 30, 2009 Questions from page 821Questions for Responsive Reading and Writing
The Game Judith Ortiz Cofer

1.Who is the speaker? Is it possible to determine the speakers age, sex, sensibilities, level of awareness, and values?
The speaker is a young woman that views the struggles of her younger sister. I would say that the speaker is 10 to 12 years old and cares very much about the situation that her sister is in.
2.Is the speaker addressing anyone in particular?
Yes the speaker addresss her younger sister that is humpbacked and treated differently because of this.
3.How do you respond to the speaker? Favorably? Negatively? What is the situation? Are there any special circumstances that inform what the speaker says?
I found the speaker to be very kind and caring. She was very favorable and you get the sense that she really cares about he younger sisters condition of being humpbacked.
4.Is there a specific setting of time and place?
The specific time is when the author is of school age and most of the poem takes place in the setting of their home.
5.Does reading the poem aloud help you to understand it?
Reading it aloud makes me realize how much she cares for her sister and wishes that she was not in this situation. She tries to make her sister feel normal even tough she is not treated normal by other people.
6.Does a paraphrase reveal the basic purpose of the poem?
The second stanza reveals to us that the child has been like this since birth and she has had to battle with being treated differently. This stanza tells us that the young girl is looked upon almost as a curse.
7.What does the title emphasize?
The title tells us that the young girl is just a pawn that is moved through life as everyone else wants her to be. She does not have a chance to make her own moves and decide her destiny.
8.Is the theme presented directly or indirectly?
The theme is present from the very beginning. In this poem you dont have to speculate what the poem is about. From the very beginning we know exactly what the author is trying to portray.
9.Do any allusions enrich the poems meaning?
No there are no allusions that are present in this poem.
10.How does the diction reveal meaning? Are any words repeated? Do any carry evocative connotative meanings? Are there any puns or other forms of verbal wit?
This poem contains an informal dictation meaning that it contains everyday language that is easy to understand. There are really no verbal wit due to the fact that the author is portraying a sincere tone.
11.Are figures of speech used? How does the figurative language contribute to the poems vividness and meaning?
No there are not really figures of speech but rather comparison to describe the girls situation. The comparison that stood out to me the most was on first seeing the child curled into a question mark. This gives us a good visual.
12.Do any objects, persons, places, events, or actions have allegorical or symbolic meaning? What other details in the poem support your interpretation?
This poem contains characters that have allegorical meaning. This is because the main idea of this poem revolves around the young that is humpback. It is supported because throughout the whole poem it tells the girls life of being humpback.
13.Is irony used? Are there any examples of situational irony, verbal irony, or dramatic irony? Is understatement or paradox used?
Irony is not really used in this poem because from the beginning we know the girls situation. If there was any irony it would be about the older sister playing with the young girl.
14.What is the tone of the poem? Is the tone consistent?
The tone throughout the whole poem is constant and has a mellow caring tone.
15.Does the poem use onomatopoeia, assonance, consonance, or alliteration? How do these sounds affect you?
This poem contains an onomatopoeia sound because it uses words that resembles the sound it denotes. This gives the poem a smooth flow.
16.What sounds are repeated? If there are rhymes, what is there effect? Do they seem forced or natural? Is there a rhyme scheme? Do the rhymes contribute to the poems meaning?
Throughout this poem there is a natural rhythm that appears to be fast and smooth. This helps the poem to guide easily from one word to the next. The easy flow of the poem gives the poem a peaceful feeling.
17.Do the lines have a regular meter? What is the predominate meter? Are there significant variations? Does the rhythm seem appropriate for the poems tone?
The lines in this poem contain a regular meter. There is a presence of a falling meter but towards the end it becomes a rising meter. The rhythm and tone flow well together.
18.Does the poems form its overall structure- follow an established pattern? Do you think the form is a suitable vehicle for the poems meaning and effects?
There is not really a definite pattern in this poem because it is more of a story telling poem rather than a structural poem. This fits the meaning that the author is trying to get across with this poem.
19.Is the language of the poem intense and concentrated? Do you think it warrants more than one or two close readings?
The language is not intense and concentrated but rather freeing and enlightening. This poem deserves more than one reading but it doesnt require more than one reading to understand what the author is portraying.
20.Did you enjoy the poem? What, specifically, pleased or displeased you about what was expressed and how it was expressed?
I loved this poem. I felt very connected to this poem because I think of myself as a kind caring person that loves to help people out. One thing that pleased me in this poem took place at the end when the author tells us how she plays house with her sister to help her feel normal. This expresses that the author is a very caring person that thinks very carefully about her actions.
21.Is there a particular critical approach that seems especially appropriate for the poem?
The critical approach that is present in this poem is the biographical criticism because the authors experiences play an important role in the writing of this poem.
22.How might biographical information about the author help to determine the poems central concerns?
I think that this poem gives us enough information about the author to help us realize the central concern. One thing that might add to the poem is if we know exactly how old the author is so we get a better understanding of the authors maturity.
23.How might historical information about the poem provide a useful context for interpretation?
The only information that could help the story have a deeper meaning would be to give a better time period so we know how the public views her sisters disability.
24.To what extent do your own experiences, values, beliefs, and assumptions inform your interpretation?
I feel that I have a heart that goes out at the first sight that another person needs help so I feel that I interpret this situation the way that I would act in this situation.
25.What kind of evidence from the poem are you focusing on to support your interpretation? Does your interpretation leave out any important elements that might undercut or qualify your interpretation?
The element that stands out to me the most is the sincerity of the poem and how much the girl cares about her younger sister. I think my interpretation grasps the whole meaning of what the author is portraying.
26.Given that there are a variety of ways to interpret the poem, which one seems the most useful to you?
The most useful way for me to interpret the poem is to break it down in sections and find the meaning of each individual section.No comments: Friday, March 27, 2009 NRJ #1:DeathAfter I finished the story I wasn't quite sure what to think. This was a depressing story. Throughout the whole story death is the main theme. From the beginning Marlow is sent on a mission to find a man that is missing. His name is Mr. Kurtz. They are not sure if he is alive or dead. They start there mission and find themselves in the middle of a combat. When the battle is over Marlow has this to say " shoes were full; a pool of blood lay very still, gleaming dark-red under the wheel;his eyes shone with an amazing luster." (Conrad 42) This is Marlows first real experience with death. As the journey progresses and they reach Kurtz's camp they are confronted with a group of natives that are ready to attack because they don't want Kurtz to leave with the expedition. When they finally convince Kurtz to go with them he ironically dies on the voyage home. Marlow says "and they very nearly buried me." (Conrad 64) Marlow had to take the blame for Kurtz's death which eternally haunted him. When it came time to talk to Kurtz's wife he told her what she needed to her to put her at so she didn't have to suffer like Marlow. I think that the author is showing us how death effects peoples lives and it never goes away. I think he is also showing us when that chance comes to eaise someones grief you should sieze it.5 comments: Friday, March 20, 2009 DRJ #4 Act IV-VMy first impression of these acts was that Claudius is a coward. He does whatever he can to find someone else to kill Hamlet. This makes me think that he is suffering a great amount of quilt from killing the king that he can not kill again. During these acts Hamlet fights till the very end to make sure that Claudius is killed while committing a sin. Hamlet ultimately succeeds in his plan but ends up dieing from the poisonous sword he was hit with.

The character that stood out to me the most during these acts was Claudius. I believe that he was very conniving. First of all he had Gertrude convinced that he was a good person even though he killed her husband. Second of all he had everyone convinced that it was Hamlet that needed to die even though he was the villain. Everyone thought that Hamlet was mad but really he was the only one that believed in the truth. Claudius was also very fast to pass of the task of killing Hamlet to anyone who would take it. He can not carry out the task on his own maybe because of the quilt he still has after killing the king.

The literary element that stood out to me the most was the climax. These acts were definitely the climax where Hamlet and Claudiuss finally settle there debt. Throughout these acts we finally see how Hamlet and Claudius are going to deal with each other. Claudius is trying to get everyone to kill Hamlet. He then comes up with the plan to have a duel. He is sure Hamlet will die then because he has the poisonous sword that will kill him if he is hit by it and he has the cup full of poison for him to drink if he wins. Claudius does not intend that Gertrude will drink the poison and die. Hamlet sees this and kills Claudius. He dies shortly after from a cut he received from the poisonous sword.

My only question is why cant Claudius kill Hamlet his self? Is it because of guilt he has from killing the King or can he not do it because it is his step son or any other reason?6 comments: Friday, March 13, 2009 DRJ #3Act III

My initial reaction to this act was that Hamlet has true feelings for Ophelia and he is covering them up. I think that Hamlet is hiding his true feeling for Ophelia because he doesnt want her to get sucked into his plot of revenge and get hurt. I was also taken back by the way Gertrude treated her son. She takes the side of her new husband over her own son. I thought that a mother was suppose to love and care for her child, but Gertrude just pushes Hamlet away.

The character that stood out to me the most in act 3 was Ophelia. She stood out to me because first of all Hamlet is playing games with her because she thinks that he has given her the gift of love but he tells her otherwise. I think that Ophelia is also playing a game with Hamlet because she is returning his gift of love even though she does love him. Ophelia returns Hamlets love because Polonius her father asks her to do it to get a rise out of Hamlet. This shows me that Ophelia is easily persuaded even if its not what she wanted.

The literary element that stood out to me the most during this act was the tone portrayed. When Hamlet visits Ophelia and she tries to return his love, the tone that is portrayed is of anger. It is almost a fed up anger. That he is just tired of dealing with the consequences of his fathers death. It gives you the feeling that Hamlet is facing a lot of different emotions at one time and the only way he knows how to express them is in anger. Ophelias tone gives us the idea that she does have felling for Hamlet even though she is trying to tell him she doesnt. The tone that is portrayed gives a good idea of the emotions the characters are felling.

The question that comes to mind after reading this act is, does Ophelia tell Hamlet that she is returning his love because Polonius asks her to or does she have other motives?5 comments: Friday, March 6, 2009 DRJ #2 Act IIMy first reaction to this act was that no one trusts each other. It seems that throughout the two scenes that people are either spying on someone or running off to tell everyone what other people are doing. Throughout this act it also seems like there are a lot of emotions. Hamlet is clearly distrait at the beginning. Ophelia is also worried about Hamlet. Throughout this act there appears to be a lot of emotions and trust issues.

The character that stood out to me the most during this act was Hamlet. Throughout the story Hamlet is the main character with the spot light focused on him. Hamlet is a genuine person trying to get revenge for his fathers death. When the troop of traveling players arrives at the castle Hamlet gets them to help him mirror his fathers death in the performance to see Claudiuss reaction. Hamlets plain works and he knows that Claudiuss has killed his father. Hamlet does what ever he can to seek revenge. I think that Hamlet fits Aristotles concept of a classical tragic hero because in seeking revenge against his fathers death he looses the love of his life and ultimately looses his life.

The element that stood out to me the most was that Polonius was a foil to Hamlet. A foil is a minor character whose role sharpens our understanding of the major character by providing contrast. I think that Polonius does this by trying to counter act all of Hamlets actions. Polonius does this by telling the king everything that Hamlet is doing. This is done in line 100 when Polonius says Come, go with me: I will go seek the king. With all of this going on it makes me wonder why is Polonius trying to work so hard against Hamlets efforts?3 comments: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Hemingway Extra CreditI have never had an experience where I have had to leave my family and friends for a long period of time so it is hard for me to relate to how Kreb feels. I think that the community changed so much while Kreb was gone for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that he came back from the war so late. The other military individuals had been home for a long time before Kreb. By the time he returned home everyone had all ready celebrated the troops return and moved on with the next chapter of there life. This experience of alienation makes me understand while Kreb is so withdrawn from his family and the community. I understand why he has all this built up anger towards people. It is due to the fact that no one has acknowledged him since his return and he only did what his country wanted him to do. After I read this story I felt sorry for Kreb. He went to war fought for his country and no one can even say thank you to him. He went over there to protect his community and no one cares.No comments: Saturday, February 7, 2009 Walker Extra CreditAs I stare down the isle into my future. I feel a rush of emotions. My stomach is rolling with uncertainty wondering if I will make a good stepfather. My head is throbbing with pressure to make sure I can take care of Roselily and her children. What will happen if I cant do this? Will she leave me? I cant let that happen. I have to do whatever it takes. She is the love of my life and I will not let her go.No comments: Friday, February 6, 2009 SSRJ #3 Daly Walker I am the GrassFor this weeks journal I chose to write on the story written by Daly Walker titled I am the Grass. This was an enlightening story for me. This story describes a mans horrific story of the Vietnam War. All of these experiences where encounters with native individuals that he cause harm to. These encounters have continuously haunted this man for the last 20 years. He becomes a doctor and volunteered to return to Vietnam to do surgery on children. On his journey he encountered a native doctor that had also served in the war and forms a bond with him.

My initial reaction after reading the first paragraph was that I was either going to hate this man or feel really sorry for him. As the story progressed I began to realize that there are probably hundreds of men out there today that feel this same exact way. My grandfather was in the Vietnam War and still to this day will not talk about his experience. The element that stood out the most to me was the graphic details that were used throughout the story. Some of the language was a little shocking but it made you feel like you where there.

I think that throughout this story the literary element that stood out the most to me was the setting. It plays a key part in helping you to understand the story. It all starts when he is flying into Vietnam and is looking out the window for any remnant left over from the war. As you travel with him throughout the country side the surrounding environment is described in great detail. Every aspect of the country side triggers a memory of his time there during the war. When the doctor goes to dinner with Dinh the restaurant is described in vivid detail, setting the mood for there dinner. A line that describes the setting and gives you the feeling of serenity: I gaze out at Long Binhs grass. It ripples in hot wind like folds of silk.

The setting throughout the story gives the story more depth. If the story was told from his living room I dont think that it would be as intriguing. It draws your attention because he is back where his night mares started. This leads me to wonder why did he volunteer to go to Vietnam if it causes such bad memories?5 comments: Saturday, January 31, 2009 SSRJ #2 Three Girls by Joyce Carol OatesFor my journal this week I chose the story that I liked the best and that was Three Girls by Joyce Carol Oates. I felt that throughout this piece I was constantly on edge waiting for something to happen. It was a very suspenseful story. This is what stood out to me the most. I was so into the story that nothing could pull me attention away. It reminded me of when you are scared in the dark waiting for something to pop out at you.

Throughout the story the literary element that stood out the most to me was symbolism. I believe that throughout the story Marilyn Monroe was a symbol of the two girls relationship. During the beginning Marilyn enters the story all covered up and hiding her true identity. This is the girls initial reaction to each other I believe that they were hiding who they really were. As the story progresses Marilyn begins to slowly reveal herself to the girls. This is the progression of there relationship. The longer that they are around each other the more there feelings for each other progress and they slowly begin to let down there wall of defense. By the end of the story the girls have interacted with Marilyn and have showed that they are ready to come out and be there selves and show there true feelings.

I think that the author is trying to make a statement that you need to be yourself and not worry about what other people say or think of you. Other peoples opinions should not dictate how you live your life. You must live it or you and only you. This leaves me with the question if this was there first relationship?5 comments: Thursday, January 22, 2009 SSRJ: A Sorrowful Woman by Gail GodwinThe short story that I chose to write on was A Sorrowful Women written by Gail Godwin. When I started reading this piece it made me sad to think that there could ever be a mother that could just push there child away and not love them. The element that stood out to me the most was the fact that the mother could not stand her child at all. I think this stood out because I have an extremely close family and we love each other unconditionally. We could never push each other away for any reason. I think this is why it is hard for me to understand how a mother could not care about her child.
Throughout this piece the tone that the author portrays creates the mood and feeling. I feel that the tone the author gives the wife/mother is a feeling of anger, disappointment, and sorrow. All of her phrases are short and straight to the point. This makes her seem like a harsh person with no feelings for others. The husbands tone is portrayed as sweet and innocent. His phrases are apologetic and censer. Throughout the story the husband is doing whatever he needs to do to make the house continue on as normal. The child has a tone throughout the story of innocents. You get the feeling he is starved for attention. As the story progresses the wife/mothers sorrow gets greater and greater. Then when she starts to slowly come out of it and starts to cook again you think that she might change. Then the dramatic twist comes at the end when the husband finds her dead in her room. At the end the husband is so upset with sorrow you feel bad for him because he did everything possible to make his wife happy and it wasnt enough. The story is also sad because the young boy is excited for what his mother has done for them, he doesnt understand what has happened to his mother. I think that the tone throughout the piece helps to tells the whole story.5 comments: Older PostsHomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)FollowersBlog Archive 2009(11) April(1)Questions from page 821 March(4) February(3) January(3)About MeKristy ArnoldView my complete profile

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