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Dan Lyke comments (0) Whoopsie: California bars police from using LAPD records in gang database as scandal widensBut, earlier this year, an internal investigation prompted by a complaint uncovered false entries in the system. Last week, three LAPD officers were charged with adding false records. The department announced last month it would suspend the use of CalGang, citing questions about its accuracy and the desire to avoid any adverse impact on individuals, particularly in communities of color. Dan Lyke comments (0) Not something we want to hear, but it gives me confidence to hear the CDC director stating the obviousThe CDC Director Just Said the Words No American Wants to Hear Right NowIt's no secret that the current coronavirus situation in the U.S. is not looking good. The country just saw an increase in deaths due to COVID nationwide for the first time since April and the outbreak is spiking in nearly 40 of the country's 50 states. But unfortunately, things could be getting much worse, according to Robert Redfield, MD, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Duringa live-streamed chat with the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on July 14, he said: "I do think the fall and the winter of 2020 and 2021 are going to be the probably one of the most difficult times that we experienced in American public health." Dan Lyke comments (0) "Enrichment activities" interfere with more productive learning and socialization opportunities. Should Children Do More Enrichment Activities? Leveraging Bunching to Correct for EndogeneityWe study the effects of enrichment activities such as reading, homework, and extracurricular lessons on children's cognitive and non-cognitive skills. We take into consideration that children forgo alternative activities, such as play and socializing, in order to spend time on enrichment. Our study controls for selection on unobservables using a novel approach which leverages the fact that many children spend zero hours per week on enrichment activities. At zero enrichment, confounders vary but enrichment does not, which gives us direct information about the effect of confounders on skills. Using time diary data available in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), we find that the net effect of enrichment is zero for cognitive skills and negative for non-cognitive skills, which suggests that enrichment may be crowding out more productive activities on the margin. The negative effects on non-cognitive skills are concentrated in higher-income students in high school, consistent with elevated academic competition related to college admissions. Dan Lyke comments (0) The local hospital, the one where the nurses were begging for PPE two or three days after the COVID-19 restrictions started because buffer inventory of basic protective gear was so lax, just sent around a big glossy flyer begging for cash donations. So given that we know that their administrators have squeezed every last ounce of resilience out of the local healthcare system, I just want to put this here. From 2017:Patrick Fry, CEO of Sutter Health, earned the most [per patient], at $6.88 per patient day. With more than 923,000 patient days at the system, that translated into a salary of roughly $6.35 million. Dan Lyke comments (0) Native America: A History Confronting Colonialism and Genocide in Father Serra s TownThree of the four middle schools in the Ventura Unified School District Balboa, DeAnza, and Cabrillo are named after Spanish explorers of the Pacific. The Serra Cross stands above the city in a small park that still bears the scars of the horrifying fires of late 2018. An inscription reads that the cross was restored September 9, 1912, by the Alice Bartlett Club of San Buenaventura . . . to take the place of the mission cross erected on this spot by Franciscan Missionary Padre Junipero Serra, 1782. Another plaque, placed on the same spot in 1982, commemorates the life of Serra who closed the labor of his useful life with the founding of the Mission two hundred years before. That mission still stands below the cross, down a winding and twisted road. Harriet Porber And The Bad Boy Parasaurolophus Dan Lyke comments (0) So there's this pseudonymous extremely prolific author Chuck Tingle who became known for niche gay dinosaur erotica like "Space Raptor Butt Invasion". I aware of his work because it was the punchline to all sorts of Rule 34 internet culture jokes, but a few years ago there was an effort to disrupt the Hugo Awards by nominating one of his works. He promptly announced that he'd be honored if he won, and Zoe Quinn, one of the people most targeted by those who wanted to disrupt the award, would accept for him. And a bunch of us started taking the author of "My Billionaire Triceratops Craves Gay Ass" a little more seriously, and his commentary on various modern culture issues has kinda made him feel like Mr Rogers for grownups.Anyway, I had never experienced a Tingler (as his books are known), but when he weighed in recently on the whole J.K. Rowling kerfluffle, I figured that the ebook of "Trans Wizard Harriet Porber And The Bad Boy Parasaurolophus: An Adult Romance Novel" would, at worst, be a few bucks tossed towards someone making the world a better place.I am amused and entertained by the surrealism of anthropomorphic motorcycles and talking dinosaurs and self-aware passages like the following exchange: I m sorry, he suddenly blurts, noticing my appalled expression. I m just written this way. What? I question, confused. It s a trope in romance, the dinosaur continues to explain. The more of an asshole I am in this part of the book, the better the payoff is when you change me later on. I have no idea what you re talking about, I reply, shaking my head from side to side. It s okay, the parasaurolophus continues. Just as long as it s clear this is fiction. In the real world you should probably just break up with someone who acts like this, or even quit their class. Dan Lyke comments (0) RT Wajahat "Wears a Mask Because of a Pandemic" Ali @WajahatAliHow Cancel Culture really works: During my year at CNN, which was a great experience, I was "warned" a total of 3.5 times. Each warning was because some Republicans, who defended Trump's cruelty abuses, complained about the most innocuous statements. Here's the official list: Dan Lyke comments (2) Just putting this here so I can refer back to it later: Portland Place couple who confronted protesters have a long history of not backing downThe McCloskeys have filed at least two quiet title suits asserting squatter s rights on land they ve occupied openly and hostilely their terms and claimed as their own. In an ongoing suit against Portland Place trustees in 2017, the McCloskeys say they are entitled to a 1,143-square-foot triangle of lawn in front of property that is set aside as common ground in the neighborhood s indenture. Dan Lyke comments (0) Congratulations, US taxpayers are paying for sexual abuse cover-up settlements: U.S. Roman Catholic Church used special exemption from federal rules to gain at least $1.4 billion in taxpayer-backed coronavirus aid, AP analysis shows.The church s haul may have reached or even exceeded $3.5 billion, making a global religious institution with more than a billion followers among the biggest winners in the U.S. government s pandemic relief efforts, an Associated Press analysis of federal data released this week found. Dan Lyke comments (1) Really good read: What the police really believe Inside the distinctive, largely unknown ideology of American policing and how it justifies racist violence.Psychological research suggests that white officers are disproportionately likely to demonstrate a personality trait called social dominance orientation. Individuals with high levels of this trait tend to believe that existing social hierarchies are not only necessary, but morally justified that inequalities reflect the way that things actually should be. The concept was originally formulated in the 1990s as a way of explaining why some people are more likely to accept what a group of researchers termed ideologies that promote or maintain group inequality, including the ideology of anti-Black racism. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. Dan Lyke comments (0) A good little thread on tolerance and keeping your establishment from becoming a Nazi bar: RT iamragesparkle@IamRageSparkle, Replying to @birdpoemsI was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out." Dan Lyke comments (1) Fascinating: What happened in Bethel OhioIn his sermon, Eblin said he d seen one of Lonnie s videos and heard people saying that there wasn t anything wrong with Bethel that everyone loves everyone. But then he recalled his own research as he talked to people before moving to the town. It was confirmed by people, even in this church, that Bethel is known for its churches, he said, but also for being a racist town. Is that an unfair statement about this town? he asked his congregation. Well, that s its reputation. And if it s unfounded, then what better way of trying to correct it than saying it s not who we are? If someone s trying to go through peacefully and say Black lives matter [...] then say yeah, Black lives matter. And I hope I matter to you. Because we all matter to the Lord. Dan Lyke comments (0) New York Department of Financial Services: Superintendent Lacewell announces DFS imposes $150 Million penalty on Deutsche Bank in connection with Bank's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and correspondent relationships with Danske Estonia and FBME bank.I mean, kinda, yeah, whatever, rich guys gonna throw around a lot of cash to Russian models, but the Consent order (PDF) makes his attorney look like something of a bumbling idiot:In May 2014, ATTORNEY-1 inquired into how often he could withdraw cash on behalf of Mr. Epstein withouttriggering an alert. The record is unclear as to whether anyone from the Bank ever responded to ATTORNEY-1 s inquiry. RELATIONSHIP COORDINATOR-1 sent an email to the branch manager stating that ATTORNEY-1 asked how often they could come in to withdraw cash without creating some sort of alert, and asking Is it once a week? Twice a week? Once every other week? The Bank has represented that it has no record of any response.RELATIONSHIP COORDINATOR-1 has since represented that she understood ATTORNEY-1 s inquiry related to ATTORNEY-1 s desire to withdraw more than the $7,500 limit for third-party withdrawals, and not to CTR filing requirements.I'm not convinced that we should have the whole FinCen reporting requirements, but this "So, like, just how shady can I be without being super shady?" thing is an indicator...Also in the news today: Google and Deutsche Bank agree to a 10 year alliance on cloud services, and back in 2011, Ghislaine Maxwell attended a Kleiner Perkins VC party. Dan Lyke comments (0) Projectile Trajectory of Penguin s Faeces and Rectal Pressure RevisitedWe discuss a trajectory of penguins faeces after the powerful shooting due to their strong rectal pressure. Practically, it is important to see how far faeces reach when penguins expel them from higher places. Such information is useful for keepers to avoid the direct hitting of faeces. We estimate the upper bound for the maximum flight distance by solving the Newton s equation of motion. Our results indicate that the safety zone should be 1.34 meters away from a penguin trying to poop in typical environments. In the presence of the viscous resistance, the grounding time and the flying distance of faeces can be expressed in terms of Lambert W function. Furthermore, we address the penguin s rectal pressure within the hydrodynamical approximation combining Bernoulli s theorem and Hagen-Poiseuille equation for viscosity corrections. We found that the calculated rectal pressure is larger than the estimation in the previous work. George Floyd and Derek Chauvin knew each other3 Boogaloo instigator2 Links toParticipants (update your User Account Info to show up here)


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