WHEN in the course of human Events, it becomes necessary.

Web Name: WHEN in the course of human Events, it becomes necessary.

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Long ago when the Web was the Net and Social Media was Usenet, I spent some years at a watering hole called The Well. From my own personal collection of lists made in those years, I came across this small selection of Sixties slang terms in context it was used that I think I made around 1989.Additions and corrections gratefully accepted.ACED: We aced him out! AX: He blows a bad ax. BAAAD: Hey, I checked out yer old lady today.She s baaad,man. BARF: You barf after the peyote milkshakes, bro, but, hey, it s beautiful. BALLSY: She is one ballsy chick. BALLING: So we smoked some righteous reefer and spent the afternoon balling our brains out. BLOW YOUR COOL: What ever you do, don t blow your cool. BLEW HIM AWAY: The pigs just blew him away with their shotguns. BOONDOCKS: Let s make it to this pad I scammed out in the boondocks. BREAD: Dope will get you through times without bread better than bread will get you through times without dope. BRING DOWN: “No, oh no!, don’t bring me down. No, no, no, no, no…”BUMMER: Bummmmmmmmmer! BUBBLEGUM MUSIC: Scott McKenzie, my ass! He s the king of teenyboppers and bubblegum music. CATCH SOME RAYS: You ve caught enuf zzz s, let s hit the beach and catch some rays. CLICK: That town s about 50 clicks back in the boondocks. COPE: I ve got no dope and cannot cope. CRASH: I just wanna flash before I crash. CRASH PAD: Flash runs a shooting parlor and crash pad for teenyboppers in the Haight. DINKS: When I was in Nam we used to waste dinks just to pass the time. DING A LING: He s a star-class ding-a-ling. DO YOUR THING: I do my thing and you do your thing and if by chance they meet, hey, it s yabyum. [continue reading ]Antifa is showing veterans what we are up against. They are ready for war.pic.twitter.com/RxwocGC5PX— Code of Vets ™ (@codeofvets) October 1, 2020Funny enough but, as The Biden would say, Look. Here s the thing. These creatures would not be the ones who would or could defeat you in a fight or a battle or even a years-long game of Patty Cake in the Pink Mist made by Snipers.No. These are the ones on the left that come out of slime if and when you have been captured and disarmed.These are the torturers and the psychopathic killers that do their business at night in basement rooms with a drain on the floor and driving the dump trucks to the mass grave. After every successful Communist/Socialist revolution these are the sadists and perverts that come scuttling and chittering out of their soy soaked nest like gravid cockroaches. Only not as clean.They have hammers tucked into their leather aprons and thirst to use them. Afraid? Not if you are helpless. They are salivating for the opportunity. In Stalinist Russia, they are the ones who signed up for wet work. There was no shortage of volunteers when it came to erasing threats to the Revolution. Indeed many of the erasers with thousands of corpses notched into their hammers were in time themselves erased.If things get spicy and we prevail they are part of the necessary Clean Up in Aisle Antifa! [continue reading ]In the account books of friendship, a balance can never be struck. Favors are always owing. True, there s some sort of record and you can, if you really push it, get overdrawn, but the Bank of the Friend is very forgiving of minor transgressions and small inconveniences. You can be lounging about on a weekend morning with no intention of dressing and driving out into the cold, but the call comes in and you saddle up.Ringtone: Hello. I need help with the equipment I used in the sermon. I thought that was just going to be one telephone. It got more elaborate. ( Elaborate is a word he uses when he let his imagination get the better of his judgment. In general, he believes in simple things: zen gardens, books of quotations or jokes, a single perfect leaf next to a perfect rock, wood floors instead of shag rugs. Over the years his friends have learned to fear elaborate. ) More elaborate huh? Well, I wanted it to be a memorable sermon. (This was in response to an invitation to give a speech at a certain Seattle church s 50th Anniversary.) And? It started when I decided to give the sermon in the chicken suit. [continue reading ] I believe if you just go by the nightly newsYour faith in all mankind would be the first thing you lose Excerpted from Good by Sean of the SouthMURRAY, Utah.—John works at a Nissan dealership in the service department. A customer called and said they had a big problem.John explains, “I took a call from a very distraught lady this morning, stating their new kitten had gotten stuck behind the dash in their car.”So, drawing upon his years of automotive customer service insight, John suggested that the woman “Bring it in.”In the garage, three technicians began disassembling her dashboard with tools and flashlights. Which is not an easy job. They removed the stereo, the glovebox, and components of the AC unit. Finally, after a lot of work, one of the guys announced, “We have a tail!”Applause.Technicians shined lights into the deep crevices of the vehicle until one man rolled his sleeves up and said, “Okay. I’m going in.”And anyone who has ever retrieved a sharp-clawed domesticated creature from a tight space such as, say, a set of box springs at your in-laws’ house, knows what an ordeal it is.Imagine, several burly auto mechanics who often eat undercooked red meat for supper and wash it down with Anheuser Busch products, trying to coax a kitty out of hiding. The men used very high-pitched baby voices and said things like, “Come here, cutie wootie. C’mon, you can do it. Come on, cutie wootie.”Finally, a gray kitten emerged and an entire auto garage cheered. One of the mechanics even held the cat to his face and kissed her, saying, quote:“She’s such a cutie wootie. Yes she is. Yes she is.”While I write this, the news is blaring in the other room. There are reports of murders, destruction, and illness galore. It is enough to make a grown man weep.But this world is more than the horror you see in the headlines. Sure, it’s a mess. But it’s more than death, hatred, riots, fires, hurricanes, diseases, and angry people in three-piece suits.People are good. I don’t care what you’ve heard. Our a planet full of exceptional people. Those who, even though they’re dog tired and overworked, will gladly give up precious hours to rescue a kitten from a peril. If for no other reason than because she is a cutie wootie.Yes she is. The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. H.L. Mencken [Well, H.L. not all hobgoblins are imaginary all the time.]The Trump debate decoded: He won, and he won big   In this bizarre election year, Trump did something different: He wants to get 100% of his base to show up. He’s helped by knowing that there are secret Trump supporters amongst both the independents and the Democrats, people who have learned to ignore his bombast and focus on his extraordinary economic and foreign policy accomplishments. He made it clear that he’ll govern in his second term as he did in first, only better. Meanwhile, Trump forced Biden to declare himself (although Biden managed to avoid stating explicitly that he’ll pack the Supreme Court, ending the American experiment). This is what Trump got Biden to say: “The party is me. Right now, I am the Democratic party.” The Democrat party is a doddering old man who everyone knows was hopped up on Adderall to handle the debate.https://t.co/ZjGRKGRMTiSan Francisco celebrates a return to normality pic.twitter.com/d6ukf9qsHm HappyAcres (@HappyHectares) September 30, 2020 If you find yourself upset about the state of political discourse in this country just remember that 2-years ago at this time people were discussing whether President Trump s penis was shaped like a mushroom or not seriously! A lesson in failed leadership: Leaders have to lead. Leaders have to face down challenges to their authority. Leaders who back down and submit to the demands of their followers also give up their leadership. Once a leader abdicates his position, especially if he does so under duress or out of cowardice, he is very unlikely to ever get it back, even if his leadership is in everyone s best interest.call me an idealist, but i think it’s possible for society to draw a line between destigmatizing tattoos in the workplace and recognizing if you look like something straight out of pan’s labyrinth you’re going to make the five year olds cry https://t.co/eicUyy4UkX— MJ (@morganisawizard) September 28, 2020Hello, I’d like to report a law-breaker. https://t.co/CNNBFznV4H pic.twitter.com/PFEpDZOZXP— Karol Markowicz (@karol) September 29, 2020 [continue reading ]A pole and a ponytail and thighs that could crush a bull. What s not to like? Although it is early days as a fan for me, I m still thinking of throwing my support to the Italians. Change my mind. [continue reading ]American Digest has been on a wild ride today. The stalwart folks at Hosting Matters are currently migrating all sites on the now doomed Death-Star named Ares to new homes in the uplands of continuous connectivity. There may be a few more glitches as the migration moves forward but we live in hope.Once I am done with my current 50 State tour ,I’m getting my car detailed, tuned up, news wheels and checked out then I’m going to give it to a family in need of a car to get to A B .It Currently has 333,327 miles on it but still runs great .Pay it forward !Thank you @Ford pic.twitter.com/ItStr9COiO— Rodney Smith Jr (@iamrodneysmith) September 29, 2020Don Surber comments:He goes around the country mowing lawns for old people and others who cannot mow their lawn. He has challenged young people to do so as well.With summer over, he returned home.Lost for words . Wow . @Ford came out to my lawn in MI. After mowing my lawn, they surprised me with a a brand new 2020 Ford Edge. Wow . Thank you so much @Ford . pic.twitter.com/3aafoo6yT4— Rodney Smith Jr (@iamrodneysmith) September 29, 2020What s next? President Trump to Chris Wallace: First of all, I guess I’m debating you, not him. But that s okay. I m not surprised. pic.twitter.com/MgZZtkWJlT— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 30, 2020Neo sums this one (and all future ones) with Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. Signifying nothing. – The New NeoThat is what I think of presidential debates. I have never understood why we hold them or pay attention to them. They are a form of strange theater, having little to nothing to do with the business of being a president, and controlled by the MSM which has way too much power and way too much bias.I sensed this one was going to be even more so. And apparently it was, as I’ve learned from reading comments here and there and around the blogosphere. A slugfest, loaded with lying and interruptions, with the moderator showing even more bias against Trump than Candy Crowley did against Romney back in 2012.I have no idea whether this debate will matter or change a single mind. But I think debates have become a low charade, and I no longer can watch them. Support AD: Now In Year 18My Back Pages Van der Leun: The Normblog Bio of Your Host From a student radical/hippie/leftist of the Free Speech Movement/Vietnam Day Commitee era and a full-on Democratic Liberal in the decades after, I think I’ve evolved a politics that is neither right nor left but is, in its elemental nature, draconian. In the last 20 years, I’ve taken apart my beliefs with a sledgehammer. Now I’ve got to put the surviving parts back together with tweezers and other ‘shabby equipment, always deteriorating’. Fire Sale I shall go back again to the bleak shore I shall go back again to the bleak shoreAnd build a little shanty on the sand,In such a way that the extremest bandOf brittle seaweed will escape my doorBut by a yard or two; and nevermoreShall I return to take you by the hand;I shall be gone to what I understand,And happier than I ever was before.The love that stood a moment in your eyes,The words that lay a moment on your tongue,Are one with all that in a moment dies,A little under-said and over-sung.But I shall find the sullen rocks and skiesUnchanged from what they were when I was young. BY EDNA ST. VINCENT MILLAY Your SayDr. Mabuse on The Uses of Sixties SlangChris on Taking the First Step and Admitting..,.Armchair Sinner on The Uses of Sixties SlangJohn Venlet on 2020: And the hits just keep on coming Stargazer on Taking the First Step and Admitting..,.Roy Lofquist on 2020: And the hits just keep on coming JoeDaddy on The Uses of Sixties SlangKevin in PA on Taking the First Step and Admitting..,.jwm on The Uses of Sixties SlangJoe Redfield on The Uses of Sixties SlangVanderleun on The Uses of Sixties SlangOld Surfer on Hammer Time?TrangBang68 on The Uses of Sixties SlangH on The Uses of Sixties SlangTom Hyland on 2020: And the hits just keep on coming Snakepit Kansas on The Uses of Sixties Slangjwm on The Uses of Sixties SlangMIKE GUENTHER on The Uses of Sixties SlangAuntie Analogue on The Uses of Sixties SlangPA Cat on The Uses of Sixties Slang Support AD: Now In Year 18 My Back Pages Because the Holy Ghost over the bent World broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings. Support AD: Now In Year 18Real World Address for Donations, Mash Notes and Hate MailGerard Van der Leun1380 East Avenue Suite 124-257Chico, Ca 95926Black Burgers Matter Just found out about this amazing new restaurant called “Amplifying Black Voices” where you can buy non-racist hamburgers and anti-fascist milkshakes. pic.twitter.com/0JA1mELnYg Titania McGrath (@TitaniaMcGrath) July 1, 2020

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