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description:The Resource Innovation Group and the Climate Leadership Initiative
Home About Us Overview Board of Directors Senior Fellows Contact Us Current Programs Transformational Resilience Past Programs Climate Access Climate Education Climate Economics Climate Ethics Campaign Climate Preparedness Resiliency Community Energy Dharma Teachers Intl Collaborative on Climate National Partnership for Climate Solutions Social Capital Project Sustainable Thinking, Culture, and Change Publications Presentations Bob Doppelts Award-Winning Books Presentations Sustainable Thinking, Culture, Change Publications Climate Preparedness Publications Climate Education Publications Climate Economics Publications Bob Doppelts Newspaper Column Social Capital Project Publications Search California 2018 Conference Slides Pacific Northwest 2017 Conference Slides Examples of West Coast Resilience Programs Preparing People on the West Coast for CC Report ITRC 2021 Training Program Resources
Home About Us Overview Board of Directors Senior Fellows Contact Us Current Programs Transformational Resilience Past Programs Climate Access Climate Education Climate Economics Climate Ethics Campaign Climate Preparedness Resiliency Community Energy Dharma Teachers Intl Collaborative on Climate National Partnership for Climate Solutions Social Capital Project Sustainable Thinking, Culture, and Change Publications Presentations Bob Doppelts Award-Winning Books Presentations Sustainable Thinking, Culture, Change Publications Climate Preparedness Publications Climate Education Publications Climate Economics Publications Bob Doppelts Newspaper Column Social Capital Project Publications Search California 2018 Conference Slides Pacific Northwest 2017 Conference Slides Examples of West Coast Resilience Programs Preparing People on the West Coast for CC Report ITRC 2021 Training Program Resources
Top Home About Us Overview Board of Directors Senior Fellows Contact Us Current Programs Transformational Resilience Past Programs Climate Access Climate Education Climate Economics Climate Ethics Campaign Climate Preparedness Resiliency Community Energy Dharma Teachers Intl Collaborative on Climate National Partnership for Climate Solutions Social Capital Project Sustainable Thinking, Culture, and Change Publications Presentations Bob Doppelts Award-Winning Books Presentations Sustainable Thinking, Culture, Change Publications Climate Preparedness Publications Climate Education Publications Climate Economics Publications Bob Doppelts Newspaper Column Social Capital Project Publications Search California 2018 Conference Slides Pacific Northwest 2017 Conference Slides Examples of West Coast Resilience Programs Preparing People on the West Coast for CC Report ITRC 2021 Training Program Resources

Recent Publications

How building human resilience to climate cisruption can safeguard society and increase wellbeing

An assessment of the growing moral movement on climate disruption

Bob Doppelt's new book on the transformational commitments required to rescue the planet, your organization, and your life

New research on climate change public opinion trends

How to prepare for a changing climate in the Lower Willamette Valley

Publications Publications Home Bob Doppelts award winning books presentations Bob Doppelts Column Climate Preparedness Publications Climate Education Publications Sustainable Thinking, Culture, Change Publications Social Capital Project Publications CES Publications TRIG in the News Recent Activities • Klamath River Climate Study • NY Times Blog features TRIG • Grist: Time to Prepare for Impacts • Yale Forum on Climate Change • Survey of 65 Climate Leaders Rogue Artist Project ITRC Supports Black Lives Matter

Calls for Police to Stop Killing Black People and All People of Color and for White People to Grasp How Their Thinking, Practices, and Policies Promote Dominance, Injustice, and Inequality

_________________________________________________________________News Release

October 21, 2021

Over 80 Orgs. Call on Congress to Engage Whole Communities in Trauma Prevention and Healing by Introducting and Enacting the"Resilience for All Act of 2021"More that 240 individual professional also sign letter to Congress

Click here to read the media release and letter to Congress and see the list of signers.

ITRC Releases "Resilience for All Act of 2021"

Click here to read the legislative language of the "Resilience for All Act of 2021"

Click here to read the detailed description of the "Resilience for All Act of 2021"

Click here to read the "Model Policy" for Use by Cities, States, and Other Nations

Why the Need for the "Resilience for All Act of 2021"?

A public health and prevention science approach is urgently needed to buildand sustain mental wellness and resilience within the entire population for the accelerating human-caused and environmentally-generated emergencies, disasters, and toxic stresses people experience today. The global climate emergency will add to these adversities because global temperatures will, in the not too distant future, rise above the 2.7 F (1.5C) temperature threshold scientists say will greatly accelerate very harmful and likely irreversible impacts.

Left unaddressed, the cascading disruptions to the ecological, social, and economic systems people rely on for food, water, shelter, jobs, incomes, health, safety, and other basic needs will be intermixed with more frequent, extreme, and prolonged disasters and produce mental health and psychosocial problems far beyond anything modern society has ever experienced.

The harmful psychological, emotional, and behavioral reactions will profoundly affect daily functioning, and threaten everyone's health, safety, and wellbeing. They are also likely to cause people to withdraw into a self-protective survival mode that makes it very difficult to do what is needed to cut emissions and reduce the climate emergency to manageable levels.

Individually-focused mental health therapy, direct human service, and disaster mental health programs will remain important. However, they assist people only after they experience symptoms of pathology. Further, they do not build the skills, strengths, resources, hope, and other protective factors that are vital to help the entire population prevent and heal mental health and psychosocial problems. This means they cannot help millions of people prevent or heal from the coming tsunami of mental health and psychosocial problems. A new vision and new approach are urgently needed to "future-proof" psychological and emotional wellbeing.

Elements of the "Resilience for All Act of 2021."

The "Resilience for All Act of 2021" makes the prevention and healing of mental health and psychosocial problems through whole-community approaches a national priority. It establishes an Office of Mental Wellness and Resilience in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to oversee and support this approach. It also establishes a grant program operated by the new CDC office to fund community-based, age and culturally-appropriate initiatives that enhance the capacity for mental wellness and resilience for a wide range of psychological and emotional distresses and traumas within the entire population.

The enabling social infrastructure of the approach is the formation of a Resilience Coordinating Council (RCC) in every community (or region in rural areas) of the nation. Its purpose is to bring together a broad and diverse set of uncommon partners to co-create, implement, and continually improve innovative age and culturally-appropriate actions that:

a) Teach everyone--all adults and youth--mental wellness and resilience information and skills and help them discover and build personal and collective skills, strengths, resources, hope, and other vital protective factors;

b) Establish and connect strong social support networks across boundaries in the community (or region);

c) Empower residents to take responsibility for mental wellness and resilience in their neighborhood;

d) Develop economic, physical/built, and natural environments in the communities that support mental wellness and resilience;

e) Establish healing circles, arts and dance programs, and other venues that allow resildents to share their trauma stories in safe and supportive environments and heal their distress;

f) Engage local organizations of all types in the adoption of principles and practices that enhance the capacity for mental wellness and resilience among their employees, customers, clients, and stakeholders;

g) Build collective efficacy by altering unsafe, unhealthy, and unjust social norms and creating a local culture that enables people to safely overcome distressing event and find meaning, purpose, and hope in the midst of ongoing adversities;

h) Identify and refer people to mental health clinicians who, after participating in community-based mental wellness and resilience building activities still cannot function or are at risk of harming themselves or others.

The approach authorized by the "Resilience for All Act of 2021" (RFA) was developed after two years of intensive research into initiatives throughout the U.S. and worldwide that built mental wellness and resilience for ongoing, cumultative adversities. The RFA will therefore help prevent and heal many types of mental health and psycho-social-spiritual problems including those generated by human-caused disasters such as school shootings, community violence, and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), as well as environmentally-generated disasters like the COVID-19 Pandemic, wiildfires, heat waves, floods, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, and more.

Go to the links above to read the "Resilience for All Act of 2021".


Psychiatric News Publishes Article Calling for Expansion of Mental Health System to Build Population-Level Mental Wellness and Resilience

Click here to read the article.

Undark Magazine Publishes ITRC Article on Need to Address Collective Climate Traumas

The articlecan be found here:

Voice of AmericaResiliency WithinShow with Elaine Miller-Karas interviews ITRC Coordinator Bob DoppeltClick here to hear the full interviewThe Hill Magazine Publishes ITRC OPED Calling on Congress and Biden Administration to Address the Mental Health Impacts of the Climate Emergency

Click here to read "Pandemic and Climate Solutions Will Fail Without A Major Focus on Mental Health"

Slides from Spring 2020 Free ITRC Webinars on Building Transformational Resilience for Climate Traumas, Toxic Stresses

Click Here for Slides From: Introduction to Transfomtional Resilience for Climate Traumas, Toxic Stresses and other Emergencies

Here for Slides From: The Resilient GrowthModelTM for Building Transformational Resilience for Climate Traumas, Toxic Stresses, and Other Emergencies

Click Here for Slides From: Building a Culture of Transformational Resilience Within Communities forClimate Traumas, Toxic Stresses, and Other Emergencies

ITRC Issues Recommendations for Preventing and Healing Pandemic-Generated Mental Health and Psychosocial Problems

The recomendations begin with utilizing established networks, or organizing a new "Resilience Coordinating Council" (RCC), in every community/region to collaboratively plan and implement interventions to prevent and heal pandemic-generated mental health and psychosocial problems.

The goals of the RCC include:

o Develop ongoing communications and decision-making among multiple organizational and individual stakeholders focused on building psychological wellness and resilience.

o Continually assess mental health and psychosocial conditions, develop needs assessments, and identify gaps in support services.

o Use the analysis to develop an action plan that closes the gaps and builds population-wide psychological wellness and resilience, with a special emphasis on high-risk groups.

o Establish protocols to ensure fairness and social equity and community-owned and managed engagement in all interventions.

o Implement interventions including disseminating both Presencing and Purposing information to the public, psychological wellness and resilience skill-training for first-responders local leaders, neighborhood and block-level social networking, and more.

o Regularly evaluate progress, improve interventions, and advocate for local needs.

After the pandemic ends, integrate the approach into local culture, programs, and policies.

Click here to see the complete recommendations.

ITRC Says Global Warming is a Mental Health and Psycho-Social-Spiritual Emergency

Issues Call to Action for all mental health, public health, education, social justice, climate, faith and other leaders to rapidly build psychological and psycho-social-spiritual--or transformational--resilience.

To read the 1 page summary of theCall to Action click here

To read the complete Call to Action click here


In response to the personal and collective traumas caused by Hurricane Dorian, and as a follow up to the U.S. Call to Action in Climate, Health, and Equity priority 9 to build resilient communities, the International Transformational Resilience Coalition (ITRC)* today called on mental health, public health, ACEs, education, social justice, climate, emergency response, faith and other leaders to rapidly build psychological and psycho-social-spiritual--or Transformational Resilience--to prevent climate traumas.

The ITRC said that swiftly slashing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to a clean renewable energy economy, protecting and restoring forests and other ecosystems that sequester carbon, adapting physical infrastructure, and strengthening disaster mental health programs must be top priorities.

With the disasters and toxic stresses generating by the climate crisis accelerating, however, it is equally important and urgent now to help all individuals, groups, and communities learn Transformational Resilience information and skills to build their capacity to constructively cope with climate adversities and use them as powerful catalysts to increase personal, social, and ecological wellbeing.

"The horrific destruction caused by Hurricane Dorian is yet another example of how climate disasters are producing widespread childhood, adult, cultural, and intergenerational traumas," said Bob Doppelt, ITRC Coordinator. "Even if emissions are rapidly reduced, the number of individuals and groups traumatized by climate disasters and toxic stresses will accelerate for decades to come.

"Prevention is the only viable solution given the scope and intensity of the mental health and psycho-social-spiritual impacts that lie ahead. We must quickly make preventative Transformational Resilience education and skills-training available to all adults and youth.

"We ask individuals and organizations to endorse our Call to Action, get informed, and become involved in building universal capacity for Transformational Resilience," concluded Doppelt.

Webinar on Integrating Climate Trauma into ACEs Prevention

On November 9, 2019, ITRC coordinator Bob Doppelt ran a webinar for the ACEs Connection Network on how to integrate Transformational Resilience into efforts to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

Click here to see and listen to the webinar.

ITRC Releases Major Report Calling for Transformational Resilience Education Skills Training to Become Universal by 2025

Coalition Report Says People on the West Coast MustBe Prepared for the Rising Psychological and Psycho-Social-Spiritual Impacts of Climate Change

Click here to see the January 8, 2019 media release for the report with quotes from ITRC members

Click here to see the Executive Summary and full report

Click here to see examples of human resilience building programs underway on the west coast

ITRC Completes Inventory of Human Resilience Programs in California and the Pacific NorthwestDuring the summer of 2018 the ITRC inventoried human resilience building initiates underway throughout the west coast. The goal was to identify the goals of the programs, their locations, populations they serve, resilience information and skills they focused on, and other information.Click here to see a sample of the survey.The ITRC will release a major report in January 2019 summarizing the findings and offering recommendations for ensuring that by 2025 every adult and child residing on the west coast has the opportunity to learn Transformational Resilience information and skills for climate change enhanced traumas and toxic stresses--and many other adversities people experience.

ITRC Coordinator Bob Doppelt Interviewed by Awakening Joy Founder James Baraz

James Baraz has taught mindfulness meditation since 1978 and is co-founder of the world-reknowned Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California. He is co-author of two booksAwakening Joy: 10 Steps to Happiness andAwakening Joyfor Kids. James has taught theAwakening Joycourse to over 15,000 people. James and Bob Doppelt have known each other for over 30 years and lead retreats together at Spirit Rock. James Interviewed Bob as part of his "Conversations with the Wise" series. The interview can be found here:

Slides Available from ITRC January 24-25 2018 Conference on Preparing People for Climate Change in California

The slides used by speakers and panelists at the ITRC January 24-25 conference in Oakland are now available at:

Slides Available from ITRC November 15-16, 2017 Conference on Preparing People for Climate Change in the PNW.

The slidesused by speakers and panelists at the November 15-16, 2017 ITRC conference on Preparing People for Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest are now available at:

Slides Available from ITRC Nov 3-4 2016 International Conference on Building Human Resilience for Climate ChangeTransformational Resilience Book Available

Bob Doppelt's book, Transformational Resilience: How Building Human Resilience to Climate Disruption Can Safeguard Society and Increase Wellbeing is available from many booksellers.The book has receivedpraise from dozens of climate, mental health, spiritual and other leaders.

Read the accolades just 2 weeks after its release!

The book describes the adverse personal mental health and psychosocial impacts of climate disruption. It clarifies that unless major preventative efforts are quickly launched in the U.S. and globally, the negative human impacts will undermine the safety, health, and wellbeing of individuals, families, organizations, communities, and entire societies. It also outlines how individuals and groups of all types can use theResilient GrowthTMmodel to avoid or minimize maladaptive responses and use climate adversities as catalysts to learn, grow, and thrive.

CRS World Congress Honors TRIG Director Bob Doppelt as one of the World's "50 Most Talented Social Innovators"

Dr. Limaye accepted the award for BobTRIG Executive Director Bob Doppelt was honored by the World CSR Congress as one of the 50 Most Talented Social Innovators at World CSR Day in February 2015 in Mumbia, India. Bobs acceptance speech included, For over thirty years I have been working to promote economic, social, and environmental equity and sustainability. For the past 10 years I have devoted much of my time to climate change. This is the greatest threat to the health and wellbeing of humanity today. Individuals, families, and organizations of all types need resilience building tools and skills to help them cope with the adversities created by climate change in ways that actually increase their wellbeing.

Participants Say: Transformational Resilience Workshops Provide Valuable Skills

Surveys given to participants in five Transformational Resilience (TR) Program workshops in 2014 show an extremely positive response from participants especially in terms of how much they learned and the usefulness of this information from the workshop. TRIGs Research Director, Dr. Jean Stockard, analyzed surveys taken by attendees at the beginning and end of the five TR Leaders Self-Care Workshops (now called Building Your Personal ResilienceTM); note that a total of 108 people filled out the pre-workshop survey and 87 the post-workshop survey with 80 completing both.

American Psychological Association ACEs Too High Cover ITRC

TRIG was instrumental in launching the International Transformational Resilience Coalition (ITRC) in early 2014 and currently coordinates the Coalition including more than 160 mental health, mindfulness and resilience building professionals. ITRC Coordinator and TRIG Executive Director, Bob Doppelt are the focus of a January 2015 article in the American Psychological Association's Monitor on Psychology entitled: "Adapting to a warmer world: Psychologists can help people and communities prepare for the psychosocial effects of climate change." In July 2014, ACEs Too High News published "What's missing in climate change discussion? The certainty of trauma...and building resilience." ACEs Too High is a news site reporting on research about ACEs, or adverse childhood experiences, and sees the work of the ITRC in raising broader awareness about the mental health effects of global warming and building resilience as having potential to reduce ACEs.

TRIG E.D. Bob Doppelt Awarded Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Fellowship

In 2014 Executive Director Bob Doppelt was awarded a prestigious Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Residential Fellowship. The Fellowship provide time for Bob to complete his new book Transformational Resilience. We thank The Rockefeller Foundation for this unique opportunity.

Can Buddhists Come Together on Climate Change?

In the Summer 2014 edition of Buddhadharmamagazine, TRIG Executive Director Bob Doppelt discusses the involvement of the Buddhist community in the issue of climate change.

Climate change, however, is unquestionably a dharma issue. The roots of the problem are ignorance and delusion: ignorance about how it is that life exists on our planet, and the delusion that we can continue unbridled fossil fuel and material consumption without grave consequences. Since we strive as Buddhists to cut through ignorance and follow a path that can relieve suffering, the path by which climate change can be skillfully confronted is, by definition, an expression of dharma practice. Read the full article

TRIG Takes NewDirection

After a year of planning, in December of 2013 the TRIG Board of Directors decided to refocus TRIGs work on two core areas:1) Proactively building the capacity of individuals and groups to cope with and use climate change-related adversities as catalysis for growth and renewal; and2) Promoting unified climate solutions. Find out more.

Thinking as if Climate Matters

TRIG Executive Director Bob Doppelt talks about the shift From Me to We in Organic Gardening Magazine. Read the article.

Buddhists Respond to Climate Change

TRIG Executive Director Bob Doppelt is working with Buddhist dharma teachers on climate change. The Oct 2, 2013 article in the Huffington Post "Green" section describes how the teachers have responded by engaging in Earth Care Week.

Contact us: P.O. Box 51182, Eugene, OR 97405. 541-915-4982 The Resource Innovation Group (TRIG) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization affiliated with the Center for Sustainable Communities at Willamette University. | | Twitter | Facebook | DONATE


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