The Recorders of Uttlesford History

Web Name: The Recorders of Uttlesford History






WELCOME TO THE WEBSITE OF THE RECORDERS OF UTTLESFORD HISTORY ! The Recorders of Uttlesford History (RUH) are an independent federation of local historians and local history societies throughout the District of Uttlesford in north-west Essex. The RUH was set up in 1998 by the Essex Local History Recorders Scheme and in 2003 became an autonomous, fully-constituted organisation. The object of Recorders is to record the present, and to ensure that valuable archives and artefacts of the past are conserved. Most of the 57 parishes in Uttlesford are represented by a Recorder appointed by the RUH organising committee. They carry out a wide range of activities, often in conjunction with a local history society. Further information is given on the RUH website under About Us and Recorders annual reports can be found under the individual parish sections. The RUH committee supports Recorders by offering workshops, lectures and other activities, the use of a database and website, loan of equipment, regular news bulletins, advice and other resources. The RUH has strong links to Saffron Walden Museum, Saffron Walden Town Library and Essex Record Office, and Recorders are encouraged to work closely with their local parish councils and local societies. There are a number of vacancies in some Uttlesford parishes, and we welcome enquiries from potential Recorders in those parishes not listed on this website. Further information is obtainable by email: Latest News: New material is constantly being added to the individual village pages of this website - click on icon top left for additions. The Recorders now have a Facebook page which is open to all those with an interest in the history of this beautiful district. Publication: Chepyng Walden - A Late Medieval Small Town: Saffron Walden 1438 - 1490, by Elizabeth Allen. On sale from the TIC. Click here for details. Publication. The Recorders of Uttlesford History are pleased to announce the publication of their new book LEST WE FORGET' - The World War One Memorials of Uttlesford District. Priced at 8, it has over 200 colour illustrations and is on sale at the Tourist Information Office in Saffron Walden or by email enquiry to Click here for details. We are again privileged to put online some of Mia Polley's beautiful woodcuts of scenes through the seasons in Margaret Roding. Click here. Publication. History Walks in Walden, is now availble. Click here War memorial information has been added to the following village sites: Berden, Clavering, Debden, Felsted, Great Chesterford, Great Dunmow, Little Dunmow, Newport, Saffron Walden, Tilty, Takeley, Publication - Sir Thomas Smith of Saffron Walden. Click here for more details. Publication, Clavering at War, is now available Click here for more details New photographs - Images of the Past. Click here Publication - Circular Walks Along The Uttlesford Way. Click here for more information. RUH visit to the Saffron Walden Youth Hostel. Click here for more information. A gazetteer of handpumps and wells in Uttlesford is now available. Click here for to see more. Edited By Fiona Bengtsen Published by Recorders of Uttlesford History This beautifully presented book is dedicated to the men and women from the villages and towns of Uttlesford who served in the First World War. The objective was to record the many memorials erected in memory of the fallen together with the many individual gravestones in the churchyards. Additional information was gathered on the individuals and where possible stories about the impact of the conflict on the civilian population are included. Gathering the information for nearly 60 locations and distilling it into a coherent format with a large number of colour illustrations was a formidable challenge. The editorial team have done a magnificent job in presenting the findings organised on a settlement basis. The quality of production is consistently high with an outstanding cover picture which commands attention. This volume is unique in terms of its coverage of a large region. The overview is that around one thousand of the fallen came from Uttlesford, an awful measure of the scale of casualties. The impact on communities can barely be imagined. This book makes no claim to be definitive due to the number of omissions, deliberate or otherwise, and duplication of names etc. on memorials. However, its scope is such that many local historians and families will make it a permanent reference work. This book will grace any bookshelf and with a cover price of only 8 (less than most paperbacks) is highly recommended. For further information please contact David Evans.

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