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Do you know what goes on in the buyer’s mind?

Do you know what their agendas are? Do you know how to engage with them? Do you know how to contact them successfully?

It is harder than it has ever been to start a dialogue with prospects and buyers. And its harder still to convert these people into customers. So heres a unique resource for the printing industry that will help you connect with potential customers better.

Find out more How to sell print with social media Download your free guide

Receive essential advice for using social media to successfully sell printing services: download this 32 page e-guide (worth £19/$29) absolutely free

Click to download Why selling print will be the death of printing companies

Print companies that keep selling print and nothing else will fail to form good customer partnerships. They will simply be regarded as commodity printers. They will have little control over their profit margins. And they will struggle to make the right results or even to stay in business.

Click to read the blog post Get free access to your 10 Common Print Selling Errors And What To Do About Them (worth £19/$29) here!

Click for more details

You’ll also be signed up to the “Views from the buyer” newsletter where I share tips, stories and resources to do with selling print and related services

“One of our team used the techniques learnt to win an order at a much higher margin”

Pete Lucas – Commercial Director, ESP Colour

As featured by This is now we can help you! Download your free social media guide

Receive essential advice for using social media to successfully sell printing services: download this free 32 page e-guide (worth £19/$29) absolutely free

Download your free copy now Find out more about Matthew

My name is Matthew Parker and I am the founding director of Proftable Print Relationships. I actually trained in archaeology. After this, moving to the print industry seemed a natural step!

More information Learn about our training courses

We offer print-specific sales training. We deliver training specifically for the printing industry.  Our trainers have all worked in the printing industry.  We know your market and what it’s like.

Find out more Purchase the e-book How
To Stop Print Buyers
Choosing On Price

What do you do when buyers tell you they have a lower price? Learn how to make prospects want to choose YOU, even if you charge more

Get your copy here I am getting more quotes so something must have worked…

Laura Wilkinson – Sales Executive, Whitesprint,

There has been a noticeable improvement in engagement from prospects

David Bell, Director, GPS Colour Grahics Ltd

If you want to get out of commodity type, price driven print sales, this is the road map for getting there!

Martin Pugh – Director of Development, Sales Marketing , Houchen Bindery Ltd.

This activity has been much more successful than our direct mail promotion. Lower cost, less time to execute and 6 x the response

Peter Croft, PC Printing Mailing Services Limited

I was able to increase touch-backs from prospects, as well as engagement with active clients

John Prothero, Precision Services Group

I’m Matthew Parker: the Champion of Print at Profitable Print Relationships

I work with a large variety of printing companies. Typically, I find many of my clients are:
frustrated that so many conversations revolve around price
struggling to stand out from the competition
fed up that it seems so hard to win new clients

I work with printing companies like this to help them create profitable new business.

So what makes me different?

I have spent most of my life buying print. Over my career I have received sales approaches from over 1,400 printing companies. So I know what works and what doesn’t. Everything I teaches comes from my unique view as a commercial buyer of print. I tell you what it’s like to be on the other side of your sales and marketing approaches.

Over the years I have worked with hundreds of printing companies. I have also worked with a number of leading print industry associations including Dscoop, FESPA, BPIF and IPIA as well as companies such as Xerox, Canon and Konica Minolta. I have been featured in a wide variety of printing magazines including Printing Impressions and PrintWeek and has spoken at a wide range of industry gatherings all over the world.

Make contact with me now and find out how I can help you!

To your success!

Tel: 0845 652 1572

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Profitable Print Relationships is run by Print and Procurement Ltd, PO Box 3293, Corsham, SN13 8WQ, UK
Company no. 6319594. Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved

Download your free copy of 10 Common Print Selling Errors And What To Do About Them (worth £19/$29) right now

Claim your free download here

Get free access to your 10 Common Print Selling Errors And What To Do About Them (worth £19/$29) here!

You’ll also be signed up to the “Views from the buyer” newsletter where I share tips, stories and resources to do with selling print and related services

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Download here!

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