Web Name: PaDIL






PaDIL – High quality images and Information tools designed forBiosecurity and Biodiversity. This site is currently undergoing an upgrade and may be intermittently unavailable. Plant Health Australia is currently in the process of scoping out and coordinating larger upgrades to the Pest and Disease Image Library (PaDIL). During this period, please email for all PaDIL related enquiries. The Pest and Disease Image Library is a repository of high quality images and information tools designed to assist biosecurity and biodiversity stakeholders. Pollinators helps to understand the Australian native bee Biodiversity and their interaction with the native and exotic flora. The Barrow Island PaDIL website is unique in that it presents an entire island’s known invertebrate fauna. This resource is used to assist with active Quarantine Incursion Management (QIM) on Barrow Island. The New Zealand Biosecurity image library is a collaborative effort between the Ministry for Primary Industries and Landcare Research New Zealand. The purpose of this library is to detect pests and diseases found on fresh produce imports from around the world at New Zealand Borders. The Smut Fungi of Australia is an interactive guide for the 300 species of plant pathogenic smut fungi (Ustilaginomycetes) known from Australia. The Plant Biosecurity Toolbox (PBT) provides detailed, web-based diagnostic protocols and information sheets to assist with the rapid identification of exotic plant pests and diseases and management in the event of an incursion. The Contingency Plans (CP) provide web-based diagnostic information to assist with the rapid identification of exotic plant pests and diseases, but differ from the PBT in that in the management advice offered for the initial period just after an incursion has been verified. Go to Contingency Plans Remote Microscope Diagnostics or RMD facilitates pest identification by connecting microscopes with computers over the internet - users share live images with experts in real time around the world. Go to Remote Microscope Diagnostics Search-lite. Search-lite is the simplest and fastestway to find something in PaDIL.


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